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1 #include <iostream>
2 //
5 //
8 //
12 //
18 //
22 //
29 //
33 //
36 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h"
38 //
49 //
73 //
84 //
85 //
86 #include "TFile.h"
87 #include "TH1.h"
88 #include "TH2.h"
89 #include "TTree.h"
90 #include "TVector3.h"
91 #include "TProfile.h"
92 //
101 using namespace std;
105  {
107  fName_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("Name");
108  verbosity_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("Verbosity");
109  parameters_ = pset;
111  photonCollectionProducer_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("phoProducer");
112  photonCollection_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("photonCollection");
113  photonCollectionPr_Token_ = consumes<reco::PhotonCollection> (
114  edm::InputTag(photonCollectionProducer_,
115  photonCollection_));
117  conversionCollectionProducer_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("convProducer");
118  conversionCollection_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("conversionCollection");
119  conversionCollectionPr_Token_ = consumes<reco::ConversionCollection> (
120  edm::InputTag(conversionCollectionProducer_,
121  conversionCollection_));
123  // conversionTrackProducer_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("trackProducer");
124  dqmpath_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("dqmpath");
125  minPhoEtCut_ = pset.getParameter<double>("minPhoEtCut");
126  generalTracksOnly_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("generalTracksOnly");
127  arbitratedMerged_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("arbitratedMerged");
128  arbitratedEcalSeeded_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("arbitratedEcalSeeded");
129  ecalalgotracks_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("ecalalgotracks");
130  highPurity_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("highPurity");
131  minProb_ = pset.getParameter<double>("minProb");
132  maxHitsBeforeVtx_ = pset.getParameter<uint>("maxHitsBeforeVtx");
133  minLxy_ = pset.getParameter<double>("minLxy");
134  isRunCentrally_= pset.getParameter<bool>("isRunCentrally");
136  offline_pvToken_ = consumes<reco::VertexCollection>(
137  pset.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag> ("offlinePV",
138  edm::InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices")));
139  beamspotToken_ = consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(
140  pset.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag> ("beamspot",
141  edm::InputTag("offlineBeamSpot")));
142  g4_simTk_Token_ = consumes<edm::SimTrackContainer>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("simTracks"));
143  g4_simVtx_Token_ = consumes<edm::SimVertexContainer>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("simTracks"));
145  tpSelForEff_Token_ = consumes<TrackingParticleRefVector> (
146  edm::InputTag("tpSelecForEfficiency"));
147  tpSelForFake_Token_ = consumes<TrackingParticleRefVector> (
148  edm::InputTag("tpSelecForFakeRate"));
149  hepMC_Token_ = consumes<edm::HepMCProduct>(edm::InputTag("generatorSmeared"));
150  genjets_Token_ = consumes<reco::GenJetCollection>(
151  edm::InputTag("ak4GenJets"));
153  trackAssociator_Token_ = consumes<reco::TrackToTrackingParticleAssociator>(edm::InputTag("trackAssociatorByHitsForConversionValidation"));
154  }
165  nEvt_=0;
166  nEntry_=0;
167  nRecConv_=0;
168  nRecConvAss_=0;
169  nRecConvAssWithEcal_=0;
171  nInvalidPCA_=0;
173  dbe_ = 0;
177  double etMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("etMin");
178  double etMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("etMax");
179  int etBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("etBin");
182  double resMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("resMin");
183  double resMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("resMax");
184  int resBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("resBin");
186  double etaMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("etaMin");
187  double etaMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("etaMax");
188  int etaBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("etaBin");
189  int etaBin2 = parameters_.getParameter<int>("etaBin2");
192  double phiMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("phiMin");
193  double phiMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("phiMax");
194  int phiBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("phiBin");
197  double rMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("rMin");
198  double rMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("rMax");
199  int rBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("rBin");
201  double zMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("zMin");
202  double zMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("zMax");
203  int zBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("zBin");
205  double dPhiTracksMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dPhiTracksMin");
206  double dPhiTracksMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dPhiTracksMax");
207  int dPhiTracksBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("dPhiTracksBin");
209  double eoverpMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("eoverpMin");
210  double eoverpMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("eoverpMax");
211  int eoverpBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("eoverpBin");
214  // double dEtaTracksMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dEtaTracksMin"); // unused
215  // double dEtaTracksMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dEtaTracksMax"); // unused
216  // int dEtaTracksBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("dEtaTracksBin"); // unused
218  double dCotTracksMin = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dCotTracksMin");
219  double dCotTracksMax = parameters_.getParameter<double>("dCotTracksMax");
220  int dCotTracksBin = parameters_.getParameter<int>("dCotTracksBin");
223  double chi2Min = parameters_.getParameter<double>("chi2Min");
224  double chi2Max = parameters_.getParameter<double>("chi2Max");
227  double rMinForXray = parameters_.getParameter<double>("rMinForXray");
228  double rMaxForXray = parameters_.getParameter<double>("rMaxForXray");
229  int rBinForXray = parameters_.getParameter<int>("rBinForXray");
230  double zMinForXray = parameters_.getParameter<double>("zMinForXray");
231  double zMaxForXray = parameters_.getParameter<double>("zMaxForXray");
232  int zBinForXray = parameters_.getParameter<int>("zBinForXray");
233  int zBin2ForXray = parameters_.getParameter<int>("zBin2ForXray");
235  minPhoPtForEffic = parameters_.getParameter<double>("minPhoPtForEffic");
236  maxPhoEtaForEffic = parameters_.getParameter<double>("maxPhoEtaForEffic");
237  maxPhoZForEffic = parameters_.getParameter<double>("maxPhoZForEffic");
238  maxPhoRForEffic = parameters_.getParameter<double>("maxPhoRForEffic");
239  minPhoPtForPurity = parameters_.getParameter<double>("minPhoPtForPurity");
240  maxPhoEtaForPurity = parameters_.getParameter<double>("maxPhoEtaForPurity");
241  maxPhoZForPurity = parameters_.getParameter<double>("maxPhoZForPurity");
242  maxPhoRForPurity = parameters_.getParameter<double>("maxPhoRForPurity");
245  if (dbe_) {
248  // SC from reco photons
250  //TString simfolder = TString(
251  std::string simpath = dqmpath_ + "SimulationInfo";
252  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(simpath);
253  //
254  // simulation information about conversions
256  std::string histname = "nOfSimConversions";
257  h_nSimConv_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname,"# of Sim conversions per event ",20,-0.5,19.5);
259  histname = "h_AllSimConvEta";
260  h_AllSimConv_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All conversions: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin,etaMax);
261  histname = "h_AllSimConvPhi";
262  h_AllSimConv_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All conversions: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax);
263  histname = "h_AllSimConvR";
264  h_AllSimConv_[2] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All conversions: simulated R",rBin,rMin,rMax);
265  histname = "h_AllSimConvZ";
266  h_AllSimConv_[3] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All conversions: simulated Z",zBin,zMin,zMax);
267  histname = "h_AllSimConvEt";
268  h_AllSimConv_[4] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All conversions: simulated Et",etBin,etMin,etMax);
269  //
270  histname = "nOfVisSimConversions";
271  h_nSimConv_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname,"# of Sim conversions per event ",20,-0.5,19.5);
272  histname = "h_VisSimConvEta";
273  h_VisSimConv_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax);
274  histname = "h_VisSimConvPhi";
275  h_VisSimConv_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax);
276  histname = "h_VisSimConvR";
277  h_VisSimConv_[2] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions: simulated R",rBin,rMin,rMax);
278  histname = "h_VisSimConvZ";
279  h_VisSimConv_[3] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax);
280  histname = "h_VisSimConvEt";
281  h_VisSimConv_[4] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax);
283  //
284  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEta";
285  h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax);
286  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksPhi";
287  h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax);
288  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksR";
289  h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[2] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax);
290  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksZ";
291  h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[3] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax);
292  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEt";
293  h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[4] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax);
294  //
295  histname = "h_SimConvTwoTracksEta";
296  h_SimConvTwoTracks_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax);
297  histname = "h_SimConvTwoTracksPhi";
298  h_SimConvTwoTracks_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax);
299  histname = "h_SimConvTwoTracksR";
300  h_SimConvTwoTracks_[2] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax);
301  histname = "h_SimConvTwoTracksZ";
302  h_SimConvTwoTracks_[3] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax);
303  histname = "h_SimConvTwoTracksEt";
304  h_SimConvTwoTracks_[4] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco tracks: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax);
305  //
306  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEtaAndVtxPGT0";
307  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax);
308  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksPhiAndVtxPGT0";
309  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax);
310  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksRAndVtxPGT0";
311  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[2] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax);
312  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksZAndVtxPGT0";
313  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[3] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax);
314  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEtAndVtxPGT0";
315  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[4] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax);
317  //
318  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEtaAndVtxPGT0005";
319  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax);
320  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksPhiAndVtxPGT0005";
321  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax);
322  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksRAndVtxPGT0005";
323  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[2] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax);
324  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksZAndVtxPGT0005";
325  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[3] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax);
326  histname = "h_SimConvTwoMTracksEtAndVtxPGT0005";
327  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[4] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks + vertex: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax);
329  histname = "h_SimRecConvTwoMTracksEta";
330  h_SimRecConvTwoMTracks_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax);
331  histname = "h_SimRecConvTwoMTracksPhi";
332  h_SimRecConvTwoMTracks_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated #phi",phiBin,phiMin, phiMax);
333  histname = "h_SimRecConvTwoMTracksR";
334  h_SimRecConvTwoMTracks_[2] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated R",rBin,rMin, rMax);
335  histname = "h_SimRecConvTwoMTracksZ";
336  h_SimRecConvTwoMTracks_[3] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated Z",zBin,zMin, zMax);
337  histname = "h_SimRecConvTwoMTracksEt";
338  h_SimRecConvTwoMTracks_[4] = iBooker.book1D(histname," All vis conversions with 2 reco-matching tracks: simulated Et",etBin,etMin, etMax);
339  //
342  h_SimConvEtaPix_[0] = iBooker.book1D("simConvEtaPix"," sim converted Photon Eta: Pix ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ;
343  h_simTkPt_ = iBooker.book1D("simTkPt","Sim conversion tracks pt ",etBin*3,0.,etMax);
344  h_simTkEta_ = iBooker.book1D("simTkEta","Sim conversion tracks eta ",etaBin,etaMin,etaMax);
346  h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[0] = iBooker.book2D("simConvVtxRvsZAll"," Photon Sim conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray);
347  h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[1] = iBooker.book2D("simConvVtxRvsZBarrel"," Photon Sim conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray);
348  h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[2] = iBooker.book2D("simConvVtxRvsZEndcap"," Photon Sim conversion vtx position",zBin2ForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray);
349  h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[3] = iBooker.book2D("simConvVtxRvsZBarrel2"," Photon Sim conversion vtx position when reco R<4cm",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray);
350  h_simConvVtxYvsX_ = iBooker.book2D("simConvVtxYvsXTrkBarrel"," Photon Sim conversion vtx position, (x,y) eta<1 ",100, -80., 80., 100, -80., 80.);
352  std::string convpath = dqmpath_ + "ConversionInfo";
353  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(convpath);
355  histname="nConv";
356  h_nConv_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","Number Of Conversions per isolated candidates per events: All Ecal ",10,-0.5, 9.5);
357  h_nConv_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","Number Of Conversions per isolated candidates per events: Ecal Barrel ",10,-0.5, 9.5);
358  h_nConv_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","Number Of Conversions per isolated candidates per events: Ecal Endcap ",10,-0.5, 9.5);
359  h_nConv_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","Number Of associated Conversions per isolated candidates per events: All Ecal ",10,-0.5, 9.5);
361  h_convEta_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D("convEta"," converted Photon Eta ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ;
362  h_convEtaMatchSC_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D("convEtaMatchSC"," converted Photon Eta when SC is matched ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ;
363  h_convEta2_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D("convEta2"," converted Photon Eta ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax) ;
364  h_convPhi_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D("convPhi"," converted Photon Phi ",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax) ;
365  h_convR_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D("convR"," converted photon R",rBin,rMin, rMax);
366  h_convZ_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D("convZ"," converted photon Z",zBin,zMin, zMax);
367  h_convPt_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D("convPt"," conversions Transverse Energy: all eta ", etBin,etMin, etMax);
369  h_convEta_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D("convEtaAss2"," Matched converted Photon Eta ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax) ;
370  h_convEta_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D("convEtaAss"," Matched converted Photon Eta ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ;
371  h_convEtaMatchSC_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D("convEtaMatchSCAss"," converted Photon Eta when SC is matched ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ;
372  h_convPhi_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D("convPhiAss"," Matched converted Photon Phi ",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax) ;
373  h_convR_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D("convRAss"," Matched converted photon R",rBin,rMin, rMax);
374  h_convZ_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D("convZAss"," Matched converted photon Z",zBin,zMin, zMax);
375  h_convPt_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D("convPtAss","Matched conversions Transverse Energy: all eta ", etBin,etMin, etMax);
377  h_convEta_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D("convEtaFake2"," Fake converted Photon Eta ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax) ;
378  h_convEta_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D("convEtaFake"," Fake converted Photon Eta ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ;
379  h_convEtaMatchSC_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D("convEtaMatchSCFake"," converted Photon Eta when SC is matched ",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax) ;
380  h_convPhi_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D("convPhiFake"," Fake converted Photon Phi ",phiBin,phiMin,phiMax) ;
381  h_convR_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D("convRFake"," Fake converted photon R",rBin,rMin, rMax);
382  h_convZ_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D("convZFake"," Fake converted photon Z",zBin,zMin, zMax);
383  h_convPt_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D("convPtFake","Fake conversions Transverse Energy: all eta ", etBin,etMin, etMax);
385  h_convRplot_ = iBooker.book1D("convRplot"," converted photon R",600, 0.,120.);
386  h_convZplot_ = iBooker.book1D("convZplot"," converted photon Z",320,-160.,160.);
388  histname = "convSCdPhi";
389  h_convSCdPhi_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","dPhi between SC and conversion",100, -0.1,0.1);
390  h_convSCdPhi_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel"," dPhi between SC and conversion: Barrel",100, -0.1,0.1);
391  h_convSCdPhi_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap"," dPhi between SC and conversion: Endcap",100, -0.1,0.1);
392  h_convSCdPhi_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","dPhi between SC and conversion",100, -0.1,0.1);
393  h_convSCdPhi_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass"," dPhi between SC and conversion: Barrel",100, -0.1,0.1);
394  h_convSCdPhi_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass"," dPhi between SC and conversion: Endcap",100, -0.1,0.1);
395  h_convSCdPhi_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","dPhi between SC and conversion",100, -0.1,0.1);
396  h_convSCdPhi_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes"," dPhi between SC and conversion: Barrel",100, -0.1,0.1);
397  h_convSCdPhi_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes"," dPhi between SC and conversion: Endcap",100, -0.1,0.1);
398  histname = "convSCdEta";
399  h_convSCdEta_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All"," dEta between SC and conversion",100, -0.1,0.1);
400  h_convSCdEta_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel"," dEta between SC and conversion: Barrel",100, -0.1,0.1);
401  h_convSCdEta_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap"," dEta between SC and conversion: Endcap",100, -0.1,0.1);
402  h_convSCdEta_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass"," dEta between SC and conversion",100, -0.1,0.1);
403  h_convSCdEta_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass"," dEta between SC and conversion: Barrel",100, -0.1,0.1);
404  h_convSCdEta_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass"," dEta between SC and conversion: Endcap",100, -0.1,0.1);
405  h_convSCdEta_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes"," dEta between SC and conversion",100, -0.1,0.1);
406  h_convSCdEta_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes"," dEta between SC and conversion: Barrel",100, -0.1,0.1);
407  h_convSCdEta_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes"," dEta between SC and conversion: Endcap",100, -0.1,0.1);
409  histname = "convPtRes";
410  h_convPtRes_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All"," Conversion Pt rec/true : All ecal ", resBin,resMin, resMax);
411  h_convPtRes_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Conversion Pt rec/true : Barrel ",resBin,resMin, resMax);
412  h_convPtRes_[2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Conversion Pt rec/true : Endcap ",resBin,resMin, resMax);
415  histname="hInvMass";
416  h_invMass_[0][0]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_AllTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: all Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5);
417  h_invMass_[0][1]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_AllTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: Barrel Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5);
418  h_invMass_[0][2]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_AllTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: Endcap Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5);
419  //
420  h_invMass_[1][0]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_AssTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: all Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5);
421  h_invMass_[1][1]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_AssTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: Barrel Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5);
422  h_invMass_[1][2]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_AssTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: Endcap Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5);
423  //
424  h_invMass_[2][0]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_FakeTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: all Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5);
425  h_invMass_[2][1]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_FakeTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: Barrel Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5);
426  h_invMass_[2][2]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_FaleTracks"," Photons:Tracks from conversion: Pair invariant mass: Endcap Ecal ",100, 0., 1.5);
430  histname="hDPhiTracksAtVtx";
431  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[0][0] =iBooker.book1D(histname+"All", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: all Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax);
432  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[0][1] =iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: Barrel Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax);
433  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[0][2] =iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: Endcap Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax);
434  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[1][0] =iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: all Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax);
435  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[1][1] =iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: Barrel Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax);
436  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[1][2] =iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: Endcap Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax);
437  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[2][0] =iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: all Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax);
438  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[2][1] =iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: Barrel Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax);
439  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[2][2] =iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes", " Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex: Endcap Ecal",dPhiTracksBin,dPhiTracksMin,dPhiTracksMax);
443  histname="hDPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta";
444  h2_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta_ = iBooker.book2D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex vs #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, -0.5, 0.5);
445  histname="pDPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta";
446  p_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta_ = iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex vs #eta ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, -0.5, 0.5,"");
448  histname="hDPhiTracksAtVtxVsR";
449  h2_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsR_ = iBooker.book2D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex vs R",rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -0.5, 0.5);
450  histname="pDPhiTracksAtVtxVsR";
451  p_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsR_ = iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta#phi Tracks at vertex vs R ",rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -0.5, 0.5,"");
454  histname="hDCotTracks";
455  h_DCotTracks_[0][0]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: all Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax);
456  h_DCotTracks_[0][1]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: Barrel Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax);
457  h_DCotTracks_[0][2]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: Endcap Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax);
458  h_DCotTracks_[1][0]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: all Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax);
459  h_DCotTracks_[1][1]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: Barrel Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax);
460  h_DCotTracks_[1][2]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: Endcap Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax);
461  h_DCotTracks_[2][0]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: all Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax);
462  h_DCotTracks_[2][1]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: Barrel Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax);
463  h_DCotTracks_[2][2]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes"," Photons:Tracks from conversions #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks: Endcap Ecal ",dCotTracksBin,dCotTracksMin,dCotTracksMax);
466  histname="hDCotTracksVsEta";
467  h2_DCotTracksVsEta_ = iBooker.book2D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks vs #eta",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, -0.2, 0.2);
468  histname="pDCotTracksVsEta";
469  p_DCotTracksVsEta_ = iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks vs #eta ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, -0.2, 0.2,"");
471  histname="hDCotTracksVsR";
472  h2_DCotTracksVsR_ = iBooker.book2D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks at vertex vs R",rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -0.2, 0.2);
473  histname="pDCotTracksVsR";
474  p_DCotTracksVsR_ = iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions: #delta cotg(#Theta) Tracks at vertex vs R ",rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -0.2, 0.2,"");
477  histname="hDistMinAppTracks";
478  h_distMinAppTracks_[0][0]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"All"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: all Ecal ",120, -0.5, 1.0);
479  h_distMinAppTracks_[0][1]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: Barrel Ecal ",120, -0.5, 1.0);
480  h_distMinAppTracks_[0][2]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: Endcap Ecal ",120, -0.5, 1.0);
481  h_distMinAppTracks_[1][0]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: all Ecal ",120, -0.5, 1.0);
482  h_distMinAppTracks_[1][1]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: Barrel Ecal ",120, -0.5, 1.0);
483  h_distMinAppTracks_[1][2]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: Endcap Ecal ",120, -0.5, 1.0);
484  h_distMinAppTracks_[2][0]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: all Ecal ",120, -0.5, 1.0);
485  h_distMinAppTracks_[2][1]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: Barrel Ecal ",120, -0.5, 1.0);
486  h_distMinAppTracks_[2][2]= iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes"," Photons:Tracks from conversions Min Approach Dist Tracks: Endcap Ecal ",120, -0.5, 1.0);
489  h_convVtxRvsZ_[0] = iBooker.book2D("convVtxRvsZAll"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray);
490  h_convVtxRvsZ_[1] = iBooker.book2D("convVtxRvsZBarrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray);
491  h_convVtxRvsZ_[2] = iBooker.book2D("convVtxRvsZEndcap"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBin2ForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, rMinForXray, rMaxForXray);
492  h_convVtxYvsX_ = iBooker.book2D("convVtxYvsXTrkBarrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position, (x,y) eta<1 ", 1000, -60., 60., 1000, -60., 60.);
494  h_convVtxRvsZ_zoom_[0] = iBooker.book2D("convVtxRvsZBarrelZoom1"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, -10., 40.);
495  h_convVtxRvsZ_zoom_[1] = iBooker.book2D("convVtxRvsZBarrelZoom2"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position",zBinForXray, zMinForXray, zMaxForXray, rBinForXray, -10., 20.);
496  h_convVtxYvsX_zoom_[0] = iBooker.book2D("convVtxYvsXTrkBarrelZoom1"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position, (x,y) eta<1 ",100, -40., 40., 100, -40., 40.);
497  h_convVtxYvsX_zoom_[1] = iBooker.book2D("convVtxYvsXTrkBarrelZoom2"," Photon Reco conversion vtx position, (x,y) eta<1 ",100, -20., 20., 100, -20., 20.);
499  h_convVtxdR_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdR"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dR",100, -10.,10.);
500  h_convVtxdX_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdX"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dX",100, -10.,10.);
501  h_convVtxdY_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdY"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dY",100, -10.,10.);
502  h_convVtxdZ_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdZ"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dZ",100, -20.,20.);
504  h_convVtxdPhi_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdPhi"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dPhi",100, -0.01,0.01);
505  h_convVtxdEta_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdEta"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dEta",100, -0.5,0.5);
507  h_convVtxdR_barrel_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdR_barrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dR, |eta|<=1.2",100, -10.,10.);
508  h_convVtxdX_barrel_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdX_barrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dX, |eta|<=1.2",100, -10.,10.);
509  h_convVtxdY_barrel_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdY_barrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dY, |eta|<=1.2 ",100, -10.,10.);
510  h_convVtxdZ_barrel_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdZ_barrel"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dZ, |eta|<=1.2,",100, -20.,20.);
512  h_convVtxdR_endcap_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdR_endcap"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dR, |eta|>1.2 ",100, -10.,10.);
513  h_convVtxdX_endcap_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdX_endcap"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dX, |eta|>1.2",100, -10.,10.);
514  h_convVtxdY_endcap_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdY_endcap"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dY, |eta|>1.2",100, -10.,10.);
515  h_convVtxdZ_endcap_ = iBooker.book1D("convVtxdZ_endcap"," Photon Reco conversion vtx dZ, |eta|>1.2",100, -20.,20.);
519  h2_convVtxdRVsR_ = iBooker.book2D("h2ConvVtxdRVsR"," Conversion vtx dR vsR" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -20.,20.);
520  h2_convVtxdRVsEta_ = iBooker.book2D("h2ConvVtxdRVsEta","Conversion vtx dR vs Eta" ,etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, -20.,20.);
522  p_convVtxdRVsR_ = iBooker.bookProfile("pConvVtxdRVsR"," Conversion vtx dR vsR" ,rBin,rMin, rMax ,100, -20.,20., "");
523  p_convVtxdRVsEta_ = iBooker.bookProfile("pConvVtxdRVsEta","Conversion vtx dR vs Eta" ,etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, -20.,20., "");
524  p_convVtxdXVsX_ = iBooker.bookProfile("pConvVtxdXVsX","Conversion vtx dX vs X" ,120,-60, 60 ,100, -20.,20., "");
525  p_convVtxdYVsY_ = iBooker.bookProfile("pConvVtxdYVsY","Conversion vtx dY vs Y" ,120,-60, 60 ,100, -20.,20., "");
526  p_convVtxdZVsZ_ = iBooker.bookProfile("pConvVtxdZVsZ","Conversion vtx dZ vs Z" ,zBin,zMin,zMax ,100, -20.,20., "");
528  p_convVtxdZVsR_ = iBooker.bookProfile("pConvVtxdZVsR","Conversion vtx dZ vs R" ,rBin,rMin,rMax ,100, -20.,20., "");
529  p2_convVtxdRVsRZ_ = iBooker.bookProfile2D("p2ConvVtxdRVsRZ","Conversion vtx dR vs RZ" ,zBin,zMin, zMax,rBin,rMin,rMax,100, 0.,20.,"s");
530  p2_convVtxdZVsRZ_ = iBooker.bookProfile2D("p2ConvVtxdZVsRZ","Conversion vtx dZ vs RZ" ,zBin,zMin, zMax,rBin,rMin,rMax,100, 0.,20.,"s");
533  histname="EoverPtracks";
534  h_EoverPTracks_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All"," photons conversion E/p: all Ecal ", eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax );
535  h_EoverPTracks_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel"," photons conversion E/p: Barrel Ecal", eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax);
536  h_EoverPTracks_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap"," photons conversion E/p: Endcap Ecal ", eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax);
537  h_EoverPTracks_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass"," photons conversion E/p: all Ecal ", eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax);
538  h_EoverPTracks_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass"," photons conversion E/p: Barrel Ecal", eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax);
539  h_EoverPTracks_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass"," photons conversion E/p: Endcap Ecal ", eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax);
540  h_EoverPTracks_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes"," photons conversion E/p: all Ecal ", eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax);
541  h_EoverPTracks_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes"," photons conversion E/p: Barrel Ecal", eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax);
542  h_EoverPTracks_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes"," photons conversion E/p: Endcap Ecal ", eoverpBin, eoverpMin, eoverpMax);
545  h2_convVtxRrecVsTrue_ = iBooker.book2D("h2ConvVtxRrecVsTrue","Photon Reco conversion vtx R rec vs true" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,rBin,rMin, rMax);
547  histname="vtxChi2Prob";
548  h_vtxChi2Prob_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, 0., 1.);
549  h_vtxChi2Prob_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, 0., 1.);
550  h_vtxChi2Prob_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, 0., 1.);
551  h_vtxChi2Prob_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, 0., 1.);
552  h_vtxChi2Prob_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, 0., 1.);
553  h_vtxChi2Prob_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, 0., 1.);
554  h_vtxChi2Prob_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, 0., 1.);
555  h_vtxChi2Prob_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, 0., 1.);
556  h_vtxChi2Prob_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, 0., 1.);
559  h_zPVFromTracks_[1] = iBooker.book1D("zPVFromTracks"," Photons: PV z from conversion tracks",100, -25., 25.);
560  h_dzPVFromTracks_[1] = iBooker.book1D("dzPVFromTracks"," Photons: PV Z_rec - Z_true from conversion tracks",100, -5., 5.);
561  h2_dzPVVsR_ = iBooker.book2D("h2dzPVVsR","Photon Reco conversions: dz(PV) vs R" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,100, -3.,3.);
562  p_dzPVVsR_ = iBooker.bookProfile("pdzPVVsR","Photon Reco conversions: dz(PV) vs R" ,rBin,rMin, rMax, 100, -3.,3.,"");
565  histname="lxybs";
566  h_lxybs_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 200, -100., 100.);
567  h_lxybs_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 200, -100., 100.);
568  h_lxybs_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 200, -100., 100.);
569  h_lxybs_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 200, -100., 100.);
570  h_lxybs_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 200, -100., 100.);
571  h_lxybs_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 200, -100., 100.);
572  h_lxybs_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 200, -100., 100.);
573  h_lxybs_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 200, -100., 100.);
574  h_lxybs_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 200, -100., 100.);
576  histname="maxNHitsBeforeVtx";
577  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
578  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
579  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
580  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
581  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
582  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
583  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
584  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
585  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
587  histname="leadNHitsBeforeVtx";
588  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
589  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
590  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
591  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
592  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
593  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
594  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
595  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
596  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
598  histname="trailNHitsBeforeVtx";
599  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
600  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
601  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
602  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
603  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
604  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
605  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
606  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
607  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
609  histname="sumNHitsBeforeVtx";
610  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
611  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
612  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
613  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
614  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
615  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
616  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
617  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
618  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
620  histname="maxDlClosestHitToVtx";
621  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, -10., 10.);
622  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, -10., 10.);
623  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, -10., 10.);
624  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, -10., 10.);
625  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, -10., 10.);
626  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, -10., 10.);
627  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, -10., 10.);
628  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, -10., 10.);
629  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, -10., 10.);
631  histname="maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig";
632  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, -8., 8.);
633  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, -8., 8.);
634  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, -8., 8.);
635  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, -8., 8.);
636  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, -8., 8.);
637  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, -8., 8.);
638  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 100, -8., 8.);
639  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 100, -8., 8.);
640  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 100, -8., 8.);
642  histname="deltaExpectedHitsInner";
643  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 31, -15.5, 15.5);
644  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 31, -15.5, 15.5);
645  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 31, -15.5, 15.5);
646  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 31, -15.5, 15.5);
647  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 31, -15.5, 15.5);
648  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 31, -15.5, 15.5);
649  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 31, -15.5, 15.5);
650  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 31, -15.5, 15.5);
651  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 31, -15.5, 15.5);
653  histname="leadExpectedHitsInner";
654  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
655  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
656  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
657  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
658  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
659  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
660  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
661  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
662  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
664  histname="nSharedHits";
665  h_nSharedHits_[0][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
666  h_nSharedHits_[0][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
667  h_nSharedHits_[0][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
668  h_nSharedHits_[1][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
669  h_nSharedHits_[1][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
670  h_nSharedHits_[1][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Ass","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
671  h_nSharedHits_[2][0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} all", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
672  h_nSharedHits_[2][1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} barrel", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
673  h_nSharedHits_[2][2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap_Fakes","vertex #chi^{2} endcap", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
676  histname="nHits";
677  nHits_[0] = iBooker.book2D(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits all tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax,30,0., 30.);
678  nHits_[1] = iBooker.book2D(histname+"AllTracks_Ass","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits all tracks ass",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax,30,0., 30.);
679  nHits_[2] = iBooker.book2D(histname+"AllTracks_Fakes","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits all tracks fakes",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax,30,0., 30.);
682  histname="nHitsVsEta";
683  nHitsVsEta_[0] = iBooker.book2D(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs #eta all tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax,30,0., 30.);
684  nHitsVsEta_[1] = iBooker.book2D(histname+"AllTracks_Ass","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs #eta all tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax,30,0., 30.);
685  nHitsVsEta_[2] = iBooker.book2D(histname+"AllTracks_Fakes","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs #eta all tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax,30,0., 30.);
686  histname="h_nHitsVsEta";
687  p_nHitsVsEta_[0] = iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs #eta all tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax, 30,-0.5, 29.5,"");
688  p_nHitsVsEta_[1] = iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"AllTracks_Ass","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs #eta all tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax, 30,-0.5, 29.5,"");
689  p_nHitsVsEta_[2] = iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"AllTracks_Fakes","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs #eta all tracks",etaBin,etaMin, etaMax, 30,-0.5, 29.5,"");
692  histname="nHitsVsR";
693  nHitsVsR_[0] = iBooker.book2D(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs radius all tracks" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,30,0., 30.);
694  nHitsVsR_[1] = iBooker.book2D(histname+"AllTracks_Ass","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs radius all tracks" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,30,0., 30.);
695  nHitsVsR_[2] = iBooker.book2D(histname+"AllTracks_Fakes","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs radius all tracks" ,rBin,rMin, rMax,30,0., 30.);
697  histname="h_nHitsVsR";
698  p_nHitsVsR_[0] = iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs radius all tracks",rBin,rMin, rMax, 30,-0.5, 29.5,"");
699  p_nHitsVsR_[1] = iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"AllTracks_Ass","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs radius all tracks",rBin,rMin, rMax, 30,-0.5, 29.5,"");
700  p_nHitsVsR_[2] = iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"AllTracks_Fakes","Photons:Tracks from conversions: # of hits vs radius all tracks",rBin,rMin, rMax, 30,-0.5, 29.5,"");
702  histname="tkChi2";
703  h_tkChi2_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: #chi^{2} of all tracks", 100, chi2Min, chi2Max);
704  h_tkChi2_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"AllTracks_Ass","Photons:Tracks from conversions: #chi^{2} of all tracks", 100, chi2Min, chi2Max);
705  h_tkChi2_[2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"AllTracks_Fakes","Photons:Tracks from conversions: #chi^{2} of all tracks", 100, chi2Min, chi2Max);
707  histname="tkChi2Large";
708  h_tkChi2Large_[0] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"AllTracks","Photons:Tracks from conversions: #chi^{2} of all tracks", 1000, 0., 5000.0);
709  h_tkChi2Large_[1] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"AllTracks_Ass","Photons:Tracks from conversions: #chi^{2} of all tracks", 1000, 0., 5000.0);
710  h_tkChi2Large_[2] = iBooker.book1D(histname+"AllTracks_Fakes","Photons:Tracks from conversions: #chi^{2} of all tracks", 1000, 0., 5000.0);
713  histname="h2Chi2VsEta";
714  h2_Chi2VsEta_[0]=iBooker.book2D(histname+"All"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs #eta: All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, chi2Min, chi2Max);
715  h2_Chi2VsEta_[1]=iBooker.book2D(histname+"All_Ass"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs #eta: All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, chi2Min, chi2Max);
716  h2_Chi2VsEta_[2]=iBooker.book2D(histname+"All_Fakes"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs #eta: All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, chi2Min, chi2Max);
717  histname="pChi2VsEta";
718  p_Chi2VsEta_[0]=iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs #eta : All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, chi2Min, chi2Max,"");
719  p_Chi2VsEta_[1]=iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All_Ass"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs #eta : All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, chi2Min, chi2Max,"");
720  p_Chi2VsEta_[2]=iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All_Fakes"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs #eta : All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, chi2Min, chi2Max,"");
722  histname="h2Chi2VsR";
723  h2_Chi2VsR_[0]=iBooker.book2D(histname+"All"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs R: All ",rBin,rMin, rMax,100,chi2Min, chi2Max);
724  h2_Chi2VsR_[1]=iBooker.book2D(histname+"All_Ass"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs R: All ",rBin,rMin, rMax,100,chi2Min, chi2Max);
725  h2_Chi2VsR_[2]=iBooker.book2D(histname+"All_Fakes"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vs R: All ",rBin,rMin, rMax,100,chi2Min, chi2Max);
726  histname="pChi2VsR";
727  p_Chi2VsR_[0]=iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vas R : All ",rBin,rMin,rMax, 100,chi2Min, chi2Max,"");
728  p_Chi2VsR_[1]=iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All_Ass"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vas R : All ",rBin,rMin,rMax, 100,chi2Min, chi2Max,"");
729  p_Chi2VsR_[2]=iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All_Fakes"," Reco Track #chi^{2} vas R : All ",rBin,rMin,rMax, 100,chi2Min, chi2Max,"");
731  histname="hTkD0";
732  h_TkD0_[0]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"All"," Reco Track D0*q: All ",200,-0.1,60);
733  h_TkD0_[1]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Ass"," Reco Track D0*q: Barrel ",200,-0.1,60);
734  h_TkD0_[2]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"All_Fakes"," Reco Track D0*q: Endcap ",200,-0.1,60);
738  histname="hTkPtPull";
739  h_TkPtPull_[0]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"All"," Reco Track Pt pull: All ",100, -20., 10.);
740  histname="hTkPtPull";
741  h_TkPtPull_[1]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel"," Reco Track Pt pull: Barrel ",100, -20., 10.);
742  histname="hTkPtPull";
743  h_TkPtPull_[2]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap"," Reco Track Pt pull: Endcap ",100, -20., 10.);
745  histname="h2TkPtPullEta";
746  h2_TkPtPull_[0]=iBooker.book2D(histname+"All"," Reco Track Pt pull: All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax,100, -20., 10.);
747  histname="pTkPtPullEta";
748  p_TkPtPull_[0]=iBooker.bookProfile(histname+"All"," Reco Track Pt pull: All ",etaBin2,etaMin, etaMax, 100, -20., 10., " ");
751  histname="PtRecVsPtSim";
752  h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[0]=iBooker.book2D(histname+"All", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: All ", etBin,etMin,etMax,etBin,etMin, etMax);
753  h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[1]=iBooker.book2D(histname+"Barrel", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: Barrel ", etBin,etMin,etMax,etBin,etMin, etMax);
754  h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[2]=iBooker.book2D(histname+"Endcap", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: Endcap ", etBin,etMin,etMax,etBin,etMin, etMax);
756  histname="photonPtRecVsPtSim";
757  h2_photonPtRecVsPtSim_=iBooker.book2D(histname+"All", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: All ", etBin,etMin,etMax,etBin,etMin, etMax);
759  histname="nHitsBeforeVtx";
760  h_nHitsBeforeVtx_[0]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"All", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: All ", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
761  h_nHitsBeforeVtx_[1]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: Barrel ", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
762  h_nHitsBeforeVtx_[2]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: Endcap ", 16, -0.5, 15.5);
764  histname="dlClosestHitToVtx";
765  h_dlClosestHitToVtx_[0]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"All", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: All ", 100, -10., 10.);
766  h_dlClosestHitToVtx_[1]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: Barrel ", 100, -10., 10.);
767  h_dlClosestHitToVtx_[2]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: Endcap ", 100, -10., 10.);
769  histname="dlClosestHitToVtxSig";
770  h_dlClosestHitToVtxSig_[0]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"All", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: All ", 100, -8., 8.);
771  h_dlClosestHitToVtxSig_[1]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"Barrel", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: Barrel ", 100, -8., 8.);
772  h_dlClosestHitToVtxSig_[2]=iBooker.book1D(histname+"Endcap", "Pt Rec vs Pt sim: Endcap ", 100, -8., 8.);
774  h_match_= iBooker.book1D("h_match"," ", 3, -0.5,2.5);
777  } // if DQM
781 }
785  void TkConvValidator::dqmBeginRun (edm::Run const & r, edm::EventSetup const & theEventSetup) {
787  //get magnetic field
788  edm::LogInfo("ConvertedPhotonProducer") << " get magnetic field" << "\n";
789  theEventSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(theMF_);
791  thePhotonMCTruthFinder_ = new PhotonMCTruthFinder();
793 }
795 void TkConvValidator::endRun (edm::Run& r, edm::EventSetup const & theEventSetup) {
797  delete thePhotonMCTruthFinder_;
799 }
804  thePhotonMCTruthFinder_->clear();
805  using namespace edm;
806  // const float etaPhiDistance=0.01;
807  // Fiducial region
808  // const float TRK_BARL =0.9;
809  const float BARL = 1.4442; // DAQ TDR p.290
810  // const float END_LO = 1.566; // unused
811  const float END_HI = 2.5;
812  // Electron mass
813  // const Float_t mElec= 0.000511; // unused
816  e.getByToken(trackAssociator_Token_,theTrackAssociator);
819  nEvt_++;
820  LogInfo("TkConvValidator") << "TkConvValidator Analyzing event number: " << e.id() << " Global Counter " << nEvt_ <<"\n";
821  // std::cout << "TkConvValidator Analyzing event number: " << e.id() << " Global Counter " << nEvt_ <<"\n";
824  // get the geometry from the event setup:
825  esup.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(theCaloGeom_);
828  // Transform Track into TransientTrack (needed by the Vertex fitter)
830  esup.get<TransientTrackRecord>().get("TransientTrackBuilder",theTTB);
835  e.getByToken(conversionCollectionPr_Token_, convHandle);
836  const reco::ConversionCollection convCollection = *(convHandle.product());
837  if (!convHandle.isValid()) {
838  edm::LogError("ConversionsProducer") << "Error! Can't get the collection "<< std::endl;
839  return;
840  }
843  Handle<reco::PhotonCollection> photonHandle;
844  e.getByToken(photonCollectionPr_Token_, photonHandle);
845  const reco::PhotonCollection photonCollection = *(photonHandle.product());
846  if (!photonHandle.isValid()) {
847  edm::LogError("PhotonProducer") << "Error! Can't get the Photon collection "<< std::endl;
848  return;
849  }
852  // offline Primary vertex
855  e.getByToken(offline_pvToken_, vertexHandle);
856  if (!vertexHandle.isValid()) {
857  edm::LogError("TrackerOnlyConversionProducer") << "Error! Can't get the product primary Vertex Collection "<< "\n";
858  } else {
859  vertexCollection = *(vertexHandle.product());
860  }
861  reco::Vertex the_pvtx;
862  bool valid_pvtx = false;
863  if (!vertexCollection.empty()){
864  the_pvtx = *(vertexCollection.begin());
865  //asking for one good vertex
866  if (the_pvtx.isValid() && fabs(the_pvtx.position().z())<=15 && the_pvtx.position().Rho()<=2){
867  valid_pvtx = true;
868  }
869  }
872  e.getByToken(beamspotToken_, bsHandle);
873  if (!bsHandle.isValid()) {
874  edm::LogError("TrackerOnlyConversionProducer")
875  << "Error! Can't get the product primary Vertex Collection "<< "\n";
876  return;
877  }
878  const reco::BeamSpot &thebs = *bsHandle.product();
880  //get tracker geometry for hits positions
883  const TrackerGeometry* trackerGeom = tracker.product();
888  //get simtrack info
889  std::vector<SimTrack> theSimTracks;
890  std::vector<SimVertex> theSimVertices;
894  e.getByToken(g4_simTk_Token_, SimTk);
895  e.getByToken(g4_simVtx_Token_, SimVtx);
897  bool useTP = parameters_.getParameter<bool>("useTP");
898  TrackingParticleRefVector tpForEfficiency;
899  TrackingParticleRefVector tpForFakeRate;
901  edm::Handle<TrackingParticleRefVector> TPHandleForFakeRate;
902  if (useTP) {
903  e.getByToken(tpSelForEff_Token_, TPHandleForEff);
904  tpForEfficiency = *(TPHandleForEff.product());
905  e.getByToken(tpSelForFake_Token_, TPHandleForFakeRate);
906  tpForFakeRate = *(TPHandleForFakeRate.product());
907  }
911  theSimTracks.insert(theSimTracks.end(),SimTk->begin(),SimTk->end());
912  theSimVertices.insert(theSimVertices.end(),SimVtx->begin(),SimVtx->end());
913  std::vector<PhotonMCTruth> mcPhotons=thePhotonMCTruthFinder_->find (theSimTracks, theSimVertices);
916  e.getByToken(hepMC_Token_, hepMC);
917  // const HepMC::GenEvent *myGenEvent = hepMC->GetEvent(); // unused
920  // get generated jets
922  e.getByToken(genjets_Token_, GenJetsHandle);
923  reco::GenJetCollection genJetCollection = *(GenJetsHandle.product());
925  ConversionHitChecker hitChecker;
927  // ################ SIM to RECO ######################### //
928  std::map<const reco::Track*,TrackingParticleRef> myAss;
929  std::map<const reco::Track*,TrackingParticleRef>::const_iterator itAss;
931  for ( std::vector<PhotonMCTruth>::const_iterator mcPho=mcPhotons.begin(); mcPho !=mcPhotons.end(); mcPho++) {
933  mcConvPt_= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et();
934  float mcPhi= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().phi();
935  mcPhi_= phiNormalization(mcPhi);
936  mcEta_= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().pseudoRapidity();
937  mcEta_ = etaTransformation(mcEta_, (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() );
938  mcConvR_= (*mcPho).vertex().perp();
939  mcConvX_= (*mcPho).vertex().x();
940  mcConvY_= (*mcPho).vertex().y();
941  mcConvZ_= (*mcPho).vertex().z();
942  mcConvEta_= (*mcPho).vertex().eta();
943  mcConvPhi_= (*mcPho).vertex().phi();
945  if ( fabs(mcEta_) > END_HI ) continue;
947  if (mcConvPt_<minPhoPtForEffic) continue;
948  if (fabs(mcEta_)>maxPhoEtaForEffic) continue;
949  if (fabs(mcConvZ_)>maxPhoZForEffic) continue;
950  if (mcConvR_>maxPhoRForEffic) continue;
953  bool goodSimConversion=false;
954  bool visibleConversion=false;
955  bool visibleConversionsWithTwoSimTracks=false;
956  if ( (*mcPho).isAConversion() == 1 ) {
957  nSimConv_[0]++;
958  h_AllSimConv_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ;
959  h_AllSimConv_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ );
960  h_AllSimConv_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ );
961  h_AllSimConv_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ );
962  h_AllSimConv_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et());
964  if ( mcConvR_ <15) h_SimConvEtaPix_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ;
966  if ( ( fabs(mcEta_) <= BARL && mcConvR_ <85 ) ||
967  ( fabs(mcEta_) > BARL && fabs(mcEta_) <=END_HI && fabs( (*mcPho).vertex().z() ) < 210 ) ) visibleConversion=true;
969  theConvTP_.clear();
970  // std::cout << " TkConvValidator TrackingParticles TrackingParticleCollection size "<< trackingParticles.size() << "\n";
971  //duplicated TP collections for two associations
972  for(TrackingParticleRef tp: tpForEfficiency) {
973  if ( fabs( tp->vx() - (*mcPho).vertex().x() ) < 0.0001 &&
974  fabs( tp->vy() - (*mcPho).vertex().y() ) < 0.0001 &&
975  fabs( tp->vz() - (*mcPho).vertex().z() ) < 0.0001) {
976  theConvTP_.push_back( tp );
977  }
978  }
979  //std::cout << " TkConvValidator theConvTP_ size " << theConvTP_.size() << std::endl;
981  if ( theConvTP_.size() == 2 ) visibleConversionsWithTwoSimTracks=true;
982  goodSimConversion=false;
984  if ( visibleConversion && visibleConversionsWithTwoSimTracks ) goodSimConversion=true;
985  if ( goodSimConversion ) {
986  nSimConv_[1]++;
987  h_VisSimConv_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ;
988  h_VisSimConv_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ );
989  h_VisSimConv_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ );
990  h_VisSimConv_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ );
991  h_VisSimConv_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et());
993  }
995  for ( edm::RefVector<TrackingParticleCollection>::iterator iTrk=theConvTP_.begin(); iTrk!=theConvTP_.end(); ++iTrk) {
996  h_simTkPt_ -> Fill ( (*iTrk)->pt() );
997  h_simTkEta_ -> Fill ( (*iTrk)->eta() );
998  }
1001  }
1003  if ( ! (visibleConversion && visibleConversionsWithTwoSimTracks ) ) continue;
1005  h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[0] ->Fill ( fabs (mcConvZ_), mcConvR_ ) ;
1006  if ( fabs(mcEta_) <=1.) {
1007  h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[1] ->Fill ( fabs (mcConvZ_), mcConvR_ ) ;
1008  h_simConvVtxYvsX_ ->Fill ( mcConvX_, mcConvY_ ) ;
1009  }
1010  else
1011  h_simConvVtxRvsZ_[2] ->Fill ( fabs (mcConvZ_), mcConvR_ ) ;
1013  //std::cout << " TkConvValidator theConvTP_ size " << theConvTP_.size() << std::endl;
1014  for ( edm::RefVector<TrackingParticleCollection>::iterator iTP= theConvTP_.begin(); iTP!=theConvTP_.end(); iTP++)
1015  {
1016  // std::cout << " SIM to RECO TP vertex " << (*iTP)->vx() << " " << (*iTP)->vy() << " " << (*iTP)->vz() << " pt " << (*iTP)->pt() << std::endl;
1017  }
1019  bool recomatch = false;
1020  float chi2Prob = 0.;
1022  // cout << " size of conversions " << convHandle->size() << endl;
1023  for (reco::ConversionCollection::const_iterator conv = convHandle->begin();conv!=convHandle->end();++conv) {
1025  const reco::Conversion aConv = (*conv);
1026  if ( arbitratedMerged_ && !aConv.quality(reco::Conversion::arbitratedMerged) ) continue;
1027  if ( generalTracksOnly_ && !aConv.quality(reco::Conversion::generalTracksOnly) ) continue;
1028  if ( arbitratedEcalSeeded_ && !aConv.quality(reco::Conversion::arbitratedEcalSeeded) ) continue;
1031  if ( highPurity_ && !aConv.quality(reco::Conversion::highPurity) ) continue;
1033  //problematic?
1034  std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > tracks = aConv.tracks();
1037  const reco::Vertex& vtx = aConv.conversionVertex();
1038  //requires two tracks and a valid vertex
1039  if (tracks.size() !=2 || !(vtx.isValid())) continue;
1042  if (ChiSquaredProbability( aConv.conversionVertex().chi2(), aConv.conversionVertex().ndof() ) <= minProb_) continue;
1043  if (aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().size()>1 && max(aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(0),aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(1)) > maxHitsBeforeVtx_ ) continue;
1046  //compute transverse decay length with respect to beamspot
1047  math::XYZVectorF themom = aConv.refittedPairMomentum();
1048  double dbsx = aConv.conversionVertex().x() - thebs.x0();
1049  double dbsy = aConv.conversionVertex().y() - thebs.y0();
1050  double lxy = (themom.x()*dbsx + themom.y()*dbsy)/themom.rho();
1052  if (lxy<minLxy_) continue;
1054  // bool phoIsInBarrel=false; // unused
1055  // bool phoIsInEndcap=false; // unused
1056  RefToBase<reco::Track> tfrb1 = aConv.tracks().front();
1057  RefToBase<reco::Track> tfrb2 = aConv.tracks().back();
1059  if ( ecalalgotracks_ && ( !(tfrb1->algo()==reco::TrackBase::outInEcalSeededConv || tfrb1->algo()==reco::TrackBase::inOutEcalSeededConv) || !(tfrb2->algo()==reco::TrackBase::outInEcalSeededConv || tfrb2->algo()==reco::TrackBase::inOutEcalSeededConv) ) ) continue;
1062  //reco::TrackRef tk1 = aConv.tracks().front();
1063  //reco::TrackRef tk2 = aConv.tracks().back();
1064  //std::cout << "SIM to RECO conversion track pt " << tk1->pt() << " " << tk2->pt() << endl;
1065  //
1066  //Use two RefToBaseVector and do two association actions to avoid that if two tracks from different collection
1068  tc1.push_back(tfrb1);
1069  tc2.push_back(tfrb2);
1070  bool isAssociated = false;
1071  reco::SimToRecoCollection q1 = theTrackAssociator->associateSimToReco(tc1,theConvTP_);
1072  reco::SimToRecoCollection q2 = theTrackAssociator->associateSimToReco(tc2,theConvTP_);
1073  //try {
1074  std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> > trackV1, trackV2;
1076  int tp_1 = 0, tp_2 = 1;//the index of associated tp in theConvTP_ for two tracks
1077  if (q1.find(theConvTP_[0])!=q1.end()){
1078  trackV1 = (std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) q1[theConvTP_[0]];
1079  } else if (q1.find(theConvTP_[1])!=q1.end()){
1080  trackV1 = (std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) q1[theConvTP_[1]];
1081  tp_1 = 1;
1082  }
1083  if (q2.find(theConvTP_[1])!=q2.end()){
1084  trackV2 = (std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) q2[theConvTP_[1]];
1085  } else if (q2.find(theConvTP_[0])!=q2.end()){
1086  trackV2 = (std::vector<std::pair<RefToBase<reco::Track>, double> >) q2[theConvTP_[0]];
1087  tp_2 = 0;
1088  }
1089  if (!(trackV1.size()&&trackV2.size()))
1090  continue;
1091  if (tp_1 == tp_2) continue;
1093  edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> tr1 = trackV1.front().first;
1094  edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> tr2 = trackV2.front().first;
1095  //std::cout << "associated tp1 " <<theConvTP_[0]->pt() << " to track with pT=" << tr1->pt() << " " << (tr1.get())->pt() << endl;
1096  //std::cout << "associated tp2 " <<theConvTP_[1]->pt() << " to track with pT=" << tr2->pt() << " " << (tr2.get())->pt() << endl;
1097  myAss.insert( std::make_pair (tr1.get(),theConvTP_[tp_1] ) );
1098  myAss.insert( std::make_pair (tr2.get(),theConvTP_[tp_2]) );
1100  //} catch (Exception event) {
1101  //cout << "continue: " << event.what() << endl;
1102  // continue;
1103  //}
1106  isAssociated = true;
1107  recomatch = true;
1108  chi2Prob = ChiSquaredProbability( aConv.conversionVertex().chi2(), aConv.conversionVertex().ndof() );
1110  if (isAssociated) {
1111  h_SimRecConvTwoMTracks_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ;
1112  h_SimRecConvTwoMTracks_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ );
1113  h_SimRecConvTwoMTracks_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ );
1114  h_SimRecConvTwoMTracks_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ );
1115  h_SimRecConvTwoMTracks_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et());
1116  }
1118  // break;
1119  } // loop over reco conversions
1120  if (recomatch) {
1122  h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ;
1123  h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ );
1124  h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ );
1125  h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ );
1126  h_SimConvTwoMTracks_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et());
1129  if ( chi2Prob > 0) {
1130  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ;
1131  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ );
1132  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ );
1133  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ );
1134  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et());
1135  }
1136  if ( chi2Prob > 0.0005) {
1137  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[0]->Fill( mcEta_ ) ;
1138  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[1]->Fill( mcPhi_ );
1139  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[2]->Fill( mcConvR_ );
1140  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[3]->Fill( mcConvZ_ );
1141  h_SimConvTwoMTracksAndVtxPGT0005_[4]->Fill( (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et());
1143  }
1144  }
1146  } //End loop over simulated conversions
1149  // ########################### RECO to SIM ############################## //
1151  for (reco::ConversionCollection::const_iterator conv = convHandle->begin();conv!=convHandle->end();++conv) {
1152  const reco::Conversion aConv = (*conv);
1153  if ( arbitratedMerged_ && !aConv.quality(reco::Conversion::arbitratedMerged) ) continue;
1154  if ( generalTracksOnly_ && !aConv.quality(reco::Conversion::generalTracksOnly) ) continue;
1155  if ( arbitratedEcalSeeded_ && !aConv.quality(reco::Conversion::arbitratedEcalSeeded) ) continue;
1158  if ( highPurity_ && !aConv.quality(reco::Conversion::highPurity) ) continue;
1160  //problematic?
1161  std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> > tracks = aConv.tracks();
1163  const reco::Vertex& vtx = aConv.conversionVertex();
1164  //requires two tracks and a valid vertex
1165  if (tracks.size() !=2 || !(vtx.isValid())) continue;
1166  //if (tracks.size() !=2) continue;
1169  if (ChiSquaredProbability( aConv.conversionVertex().chi2(), aConv.conversionVertex().ndof() ) <= minProb_) continue;
1170  if (aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().size()>1 && max(aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(0),aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(1)) > maxHitsBeforeVtx_ ) continue;
1172  //compute transverse decay length with respect to beamspot
1173  math::XYZVectorF themom = aConv.refittedPairMomentum();
1174  double dbsx = aConv.conversionVertex().x() - thebs.x0();
1175  double dbsy = aConv.conversionVertex().y() - thebs.y0();
1176  double lxy = (themom.x()*dbsx + themom.y()*dbsy)/themom.rho();
1178  if (lxy<minLxy_) continue;
1180  bool phoIsInBarrel=false;
1181  bool phoIsInEndcap=false;
1182  RefToBase<reco::Track> tk1 = aConv.tracks().front();
1183  RefToBase<reco::Track> tk2 = aConv.tracks().back();
1185  tc1.push_back(tk1);
1186  tc2.push_back(tk2);
1191  //std::cout << " RECO to SIM conversion track pt " << tk1->pt() << " " << tk2->pt() << endl;
1192  const reco::Track refTk1 = aConv.conversionVertex().refittedTracks().front();
1193  const reco::Track refTk2 = aConv.conversionVertex().refittedTracks().back();
1195  //TODO replace it with phi at vertex
1196  float dPhiTracksAtVtx = aConv.dPhiTracksAtVtx();
1197  // override with the phi calculated at the vertex
1198  math::XYZVector p1AtVtx= recalculateMomentumAtFittedVertex ( (*theMF_), *trackerGeom, tk1, aConv.conversionVertex() );
1199  math::XYZVector p2AtVtx= recalculateMomentumAtFittedVertex ( (*theMF_), *trackerGeom, tk2, aConv.conversionVertex() );
1200  if ( sqrt(p1AtVtx.perp2()) > sqrt(p2AtVtx.perp2()) )
1201  dPhiTracksAtVtx = p1AtVtx.phi() - p2AtVtx.phi();
1202  else
1203  dPhiTracksAtVtx = p2AtVtx.phi() - p1AtVtx.phi();
1206  math::XYZVectorF refittedMom = aConv.refittedPairMomentum();
1209  if (fabs(refittedMom.eta())< 1.479 ) {
1210  phoIsInBarrel=true;
1211  } else {
1212  phoIsInEndcap=true;
1213  }
1215  nRecConv_++;
1217  // check matching with reco photon
1218  double Mindeltaeta = 999999;
1219  double Mindeltaphi = 999999;
1220  bool matchConvSC=false;
1221  reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator iMatchingSC;
1222  for( reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator iPho = photonCollection.begin(); iPho != photonCollection.end(); iPho++) {
1223  reco::Photon aPho = reco::Photon(*iPho);
1224  const double deltaphi= reco::deltaPhi( aConv.refittedPairMomentum().phi(), aPho.superCluster()->position().phi());
1225  double ConvEta = etaTransformation(aConv.refittedPairMomentum().eta(),aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks());
1226  double deltaeta = abs( aPho.superCluster()->position().eta() -ConvEta);
1227  if (abs(deltaeta)<abs(Mindeltaeta) && abs(deltaphi)<abs(Mindeltaphi)) {
1228  Mindeltaphi=abs(deltaphi);
1229  Mindeltaeta=abs(deltaeta);
1230  iMatchingSC = iPho ;
1231  }
1232  }
1233  if (abs(Mindeltaeta)<0.1 && abs(Mindeltaphi)<0.1) {
1234  matchConvSC=true;
1235  }
1239  int match =0;
1240  float invM=aConv.pairInvariantMass();
1241  float chi2Prob = ChiSquaredProbability( aConv.conversionVertex().chi2(), aConv.conversionVertex().ndof() );
1242  uint maxNHitsBeforeVtx = aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().size()>1 ? max(aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(0),aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(1)) : 0;
1243  uint sumNHitsBeforeVtx = aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().size()>1 ? aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(0) + aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(1) : 0;
1244  float maxDlClosestHitToVtx = aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().size()>1 ? max(aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(0).value(),aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(1).value()) : 0;
1245  float maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig = aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().size()>1 ? max(aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(0).value()/aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(0).error(),aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(1).value()/aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(1).error()) : 0;
1247  int ilead = 0, itrail = 1;
1248  if (tk2->pt() > tk1->pt()) {
1249  ilead = 1;
1250  itrail = 0;
1251  }
1252  RefToBase<reco::Track> tklead = aConv.tracks().at(ilead);
1253  RefToBase<reco::Track> tktrail = aConv.tracks().at(itrail);
1255  int deltaExpectedHitsInner = tklead->hitPattern().numberOfHits(reco::HitPattern::MISSING_INNER_HITS)
1257  int leadExpectedHitsInner = tklead->hitPattern().numberOfHits(reco::HitPattern::MISSING_INNER_HITS);
1258  uint leadNHitsBeforeVtx = aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().size()>1 ? aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(ilead) : 0;
1259  uint trailNHitsBeforeVtx = aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().size()>1 ? aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(itrail) : 0;
1262  h_convEta_[match][0]->Fill( refittedMom.eta() );
1263  h_convEta2_[match][0]->Fill( refittedMom.eta() );
1265  h_convPhi_[match][0]->Fill( refittedMom.phi() );
1266  h_convR_[match][0]->Fill( sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) );
1267  h_convRplot_->Fill( sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) );
1268  h_convZ_[match][0]->Fill( aConv.conversionVertex().position().z() );
1269  h_convZplot_->Fill( aConv.conversionVertex().position().z() );
1270  h_convPt_[match][0]->Fill( sqrt(refittedMom.perp2()) );
1271  h_invMass_[match][0] ->Fill( invM);
1272  h_vtxChi2Prob_[match][0] ->Fill (chi2Prob);
1273  h_lxybs_[match][0] ->Fill (lxy);
1274  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][0] ->Fill (maxNHitsBeforeVtx);
1275  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][0] ->Fill (leadNHitsBeforeVtx);
1276  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][0] ->Fill (trailNHitsBeforeVtx);
1277  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][0] ->Fill (sumNHitsBeforeVtx);
1278  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[match][0] ->Fill (deltaExpectedHitsInner);
1279  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[match][0] ->Fill (leadExpectedHitsInner);
1280  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[match][0] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtx);
1281  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[match][0] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig);
1282  h_nSharedHits_[match][0] ->Fill (aConv.nSharedHits());
1285  if ( matchConvSC ) {
1286  h_convEtaMatchSC_[match][0]->Fill( refittedMom.eta() );
1287  h_EoverPTracks_[match][0] ->Fill (iMatchingSC->superCluster()->energy()/sqrt(refittedMom.mag2()));
1288  h_convSCdPhi_[match][0]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().phi() - refittedMom.phi() );
1289  double ConvEta = etaTransformation(aConv.refittedPairMomentum().eta(),aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks());
1290  h_convSCdEta_[match][0]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().eta() - ConvEta );
1291  }
1293  h_distMinAppTracks_[match][0] ->Fill (aConv.distOfMinimumApproach());
1294  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[match][0]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx);
1295  h2_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta_->Fill( mcEta_, dPhiTracksAtVtx);
1296  h2_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsR_->Fill( mcConvR_, dPhiTracksAtVtx);
1297  p_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsEta_->Fill( mcEta_, dPhiTracksAtVtx);
1298  p_DPhiTracksAtVtxVsR_->Fill( mcConvR_, dPhiTracksAtVtx);
1300  h_DCotTracks_[match][0] ->Fill ( aConv.pairCotThetaSeparation() );
1301  h2_DCotTracksVsEta_->Fill( mcEta_, aConv.pairCotThetaSeparation() );
1302  h2_DCotTracksVsR_->Fill( mcConvR_, aConv.pairCotThetaSeparation() );
1303  p_DCotTracksVsEta_->Fill( mcEta_, aConv.pairCotThetaSeparation() );
1304  p_DCotTracksVsR_->Fill( mcConvR_, aConv.pairCotThetaSeparation() );
1306  if ( phoIsInBarrel ) {
1307  h_invMass_[match][1] ->Fill(invM);
1308  h_vtxChi2Prob_[match][1] ->Fill (chi2Prob);
1309  h_distMinAppTracks_[match][1] ->Fill (aConv.distOfMinimumApproach());
1310  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[match][1]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx);
1311  h_DCotTracks_[match][1] ->Fill ( aConv.pairCotThetaSeparation() );
1312  h_lxybs_[match][1] ->Fill (lxy);
1313  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][1] ->Fill (maxNHitsBeforeVtx);
1314  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][1] ->Fill (leadNHitsBeforeVtx);
1315  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][1] ->Fill (trailNHitsBeforeVtx);
1316  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][1] ->Fill (sumNHitsBeforeVtx);
1317  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[match][1] ->Fill (deltaExpectedHitsInner);
1318  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[match][1] ->Fill (leadExpectedHitsInner);
1319  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[match][1] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtx);
1320  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[match][1] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig);
1321  h_nSharedHits_[match][1] ->Fill (aConv.nSharedHits());
1323  /*
1324  if ( aConv.caloCluster().size() ) {
1325  h_convSCdPhi_[match][1]->Fill( aConv.caloCluster()[0]->phi() - refittedMom.phi() );
1326  double ConvEta = etaTransformation(aConv.refittedPairMomentum().eta(),aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks());
1327  h_convSCdEta_[match][1]->Fill( aConv.caloCluster()[0]->eta() - ConvEta );
1328  }
1329  */
1331  if ( matchConvSC ) {
1332  h_EoverPTracks_[match][1] -> Fill(iMatchingSC->superCluster()->energy()/sqrt(refittedMom.mag2()));
1333  h_convSCdPhi_[match][1]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().phi() - refittedMom.phi() );
1334  double ConvEta = etaTransformation(aConv.refittedPairMomentum().eta(),aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks());
1335  h_convSCdEta_[match][1]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().eta() - ConvEta );
1336  }
1337  }
1340  if ( phoIsInEndcap ) {
1341  h_invMass_[match][2] ->Fill(invM);
1342  h_vtxChi2Prob_[match][2] ->Fill (chi2Prob);
1343  h_distMinAppTracks_[match][2] ->Fill (aConv.distOfMinimumApproach());
1344  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[match][2]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx);
1345  h_DCotTracks_[match][2] ->Fill ( aConv.pairCotThetaSeparation() );
1346  h_lxybs_[match][2] ->Fill (lxy);
1347  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][2] ->Fill (maxNHitsBeforeVtx);
1348  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][2] ->Fill (leadNHitsBeforeVtx);
1349  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][2] ->Fill (trailNHitsBeforeVtx);
1350  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][2] ->Fill (sumNHitsBeforeVtx);
1351  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[match][2] ->Fill (deltaExpectedHitsInner);
1352  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[match][2] ->Fill (leadExpectedHitsInner);
1353  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[match][2] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtx);
1354  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[match][2] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig);
1355  h_nSharedHits_[match][2] ->Fill (aConv.nSharedHits());
1356  if ( matchConvSC ) {
1357  h_EoverPTracks_[match][2] ->Fill (iMatchingSC->superCluster()->energy()/sqrt(refittedMom.mag2()));
1358  h_convSCdPhi_[match][2]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().phi() - refittedMom.phi() );
1359  double ConvEta = etaTransformation(aConv.refittedPairMomentum().eta(),aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks());
1360  h_convSCdEta_[match][2]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().eta() - ConvEta );
1362  }
1363  }
1365  h_convVtxRvsZ_[0] ->Fill ( fabs (aConv.conversionVertex().position().z() ), sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) ) ;
1366  h_convVtxYvsX_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().x(), aConv.conversionVertex().position().y() );
1367  h_convVtxYvsX_zoom_[0] ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().x(), aConv.conversionVertex().position().y() );
1368  h_convVtxYvsX_zoom_[1] ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().x(), aConv.conversionVertex().position().y() );
1371  // quantities per track: all conversions
1372  for (unsigned int i=0; i<tracks.size(); i++) {
1373  double d0;
1374  if (valid_pvtx){
1375  d0 = - tracks[i]->dxy(the_pvtx.position());
1376  } else {
1377  d0 = tracks[i]->d0();
1378  }
1379  h_TkD0_[match]->Fill ( d0* tracks[i]->charge() );
1380  h_nHitsBeforeVtx_[match]->Fill ( aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().size()>1 ? aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(i) : 0 );
1381  h_dlClosestHitToVtx_[match]->Fill ( aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().size()>1 ? aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(i).value() : 0 );
1382  h_dlClosestHitToVtxSig_[match]->Fill ( aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().size()>1 ? aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(i).value()/aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(i).error() : 0 );
1384  nHitsVsEta_[match] ->Fill (mcEta_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) );
1385  nHitsVsR_[match] ->Fill (mcConvR_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) );
1386  p_nHitsVsEta_[match] ->Fill (mcEta_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) -0.0001);
1387  p_nHitsVsR_[match] ->Fill (mcConvR_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) -0.0001);
1388  h_tkChi2_[match] ->Fill (tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1389  h_tkChi2Large_[match] ->Fill (tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1390  h2_Chi2VsEta_[match] ->Fill( mcEta_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1391  h2_Chi2VsR_[match] ->Fill( mcConvR_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1392  p_Chi2VsEta_[match] ->Fill( mcEta_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1393  p_Chi2VsR_[match] ->Fill( mcConvR_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1395  }
1397  bool associated = false;
1398  float mcConvPt_= -99999999;
1399  // float mcPhi= 0; // unused
1400  float simPV_Z=0;
1401  for ( std::vector<PhotonMCTruth>::const_iterator mcPho=mcPhotons.begin(); mcPho !=mcPhotons.end(); mcPho++) {
1402  mcConvPt_= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et();
1403  float mcPhi= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().phi();
1404  simPV_Z = (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z();
1405  mcPhi_= phiNormalization(mcPhi);
1406  mcEta_= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().pseudoRapidity();
1407  mcEta_ = etaTransformation(mcEta_, (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() );
1408  mcConvR_= (*mcPho).vertex().perp();
1409  mcConvX_= (*mcPho).vertex().x();
1410  mcConvY_= (*mcPho).vertex().y();
1411  mcConvZ_= (*mcPho).vertex().z();
1412  mcConvEta_= (*mcPho).vertex().eta();
1413  mcConvPhi_= (*mcPho).vertex().phi();
1414  if ( fabs(mcEta_) > END_HI ) continue;
1415  if (mcConvPt_<minPhoPtForPurity) continue;
1416  if (fabs(mcEta_)>maxPhoEtaForPurity) continue;
1417  if (fabs(mcConvZ_)>maxPhoZForPurity) continue;
1418  if (mcConvR_>maxPhoRForEffic) continue;
1420  if ( (*mcPho).isAConversion() != 1 ) continue;
1421  if (!( ( fabs(mcEta_) <= BARL && mcConvR_ <85 ) ||
1422  ( fabs(mcEta_) > BARL && fabs(mcEta_) <=END_HI && fabs( (*mcPho).vertex().z() ) < 210 ) ) )
1423  continue;
1426  theConvTP_.clear();
1427  for(TrackingParticleRef tp: tpForFakeRate) {
1428  if ( fabs( tp->vx() - (*mcPho).vertex().x() ) < 0.0001 &&
1429  fabs( tp->vy() - (*mcPho).vertex().y() ) < 0.0001 &&
1430  fabs( tp->vz() - (*mcPho).vertex().z() ) < 0.0001) {
1431  theConvTP_.push_back( tp );
1434  }
1435  }
1437  if ( theConvTP_.size() < 2 ) continue;
1439  //associated = false;
1440  reco::RecoToSimCollection p1 = theTrackAssociator->associateRecoToSim(tc1,theConvTP_);
1441  reco::RecoToSimCollection p2 = theTrackAssociator->associateRecoToSim(tc2,theConvTP_);
1442  try{
1443  std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp1 = p1[tk1];
1444  std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp2 = p2[tk2];
1445  if (!(tp1.size()&&tp2.size())){
1446  tp1 = p1[tk2];
1447  tp2 = p2[tk1];
1448  }
1449  if (tp1.size()&&tp2.size()) {
1450  TrackingParticleRef tpr1 = tp1.front().first;
1451  TrackingParticleRef tpr2 = tp2.front().first;
1452  if (abs(tpr1->pdgId())==11&&abs(tpr2->pdgId())==11&& tpr1->pdgId()*tpr2->pdgId()<0) {
1453  if ( (tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_end()-tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin()==1) &&
1454  (tpr2->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_end()-tpr2->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin()==1)) {
1455  if (tpr1->parentVertex().key()==tpr2->parentVertex().key() && ((*tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin())->pdgId()==22)) {
1456  mcConvR_ = sqrt(tpr1->parentVertex()->position().Perp2());
1457  mcConvZ_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().z();
1458  mcConvX_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().x();
1459  mcConvY_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().y();
1460  mcConvEta_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().eta();
1461  mcConvPhi_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().phi();
1462  mcConvPt_ = sqrt((*tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin())->momentum().Perp2());
1463  //std::cout << " Reco to Sim mcconvpt " << mcConvPt_ << std::endl;
1464  //cout << "associated track1 to " << tpr1->pdgId() << " with p=" << tpr1->p4() << " with pT=" << tpr1->pt() << endl;
1465  //cout << "associated track2 to " << tpr2->pdgId() << " with p=" << tpr2->p4() << " with pT=" << tpr2->pt() << endl;
1466  associated = true;
1467  break;
1468  }
1469  }
1470  }
1471  }
1472  } catch (Exception event) {
1473  //cout << "do not continue: " << event.what() << endl;
1474  //continue;
1475  }
1477  }// end loop on sim photons
1480  if (0) {
1481  theConvTP_.clear();
1482  theConvTP_ = tpForFakeRate;
1483  reco::RecoToSimCollection p1incl = theTrackAssociator->associateRecoToSim(tc1,theConvTP_);
1484  reco::RecoToSimCollection p2incl = theTrackAssociator->associateRecoToSim(tc2,theConvTP_);
1487  for ( std::vector<PhotonMCTruth>::const_iterator mcPho=mcPhotons.begin(); mcPho !=mcPhotons.end(); mcPho++) {
1488  mcConvPt_= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().et();
1489  float mcPhi= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().phi();
1490  simPV_Z = (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z();
1491  mcPhi_= phiNormalization(mcPhi);
1492  mcEta_= (*mcPho).fourMomentum().pseudoRapidity();
1493  mcEta_ = etaTransformation(mcEta_, (*mcPho).primaryVertex().z() );
1494  mcConvR_= (*mcPho).vertex().perp();
1495  mcConvX_= (*mcPho).vertex().x();
1496  mcConvY_= (*mcPho).vertex().y();
1497  mcConvZ_= (*mcPho).vertex().z();
1498  mcConvEta_= (*mcPho).vertex().eta();
1499  mcConvPhi_= (*mcPho).vertex().phi();
1500  if ( fabs(mcEta_) > END_HI ) continue;
1501  if (mcConvPt_<minPhoPtForPurity) continue;
1502  if (fabs(mcEta_)>maxPhoEtaForPurity) continue;
1503  if (fabs(mcConvZ_)>maxPhoZForPurity) continue;
1504  if (mcConvR_>maxPhoRForEffic) continue;
1506  if ( (*mcPho).isAConversion() != 1 ) continue;
1507  if (!( ( fabs(mcEta_) <= BARL && mcConvR_ <85 ) ||
1508  ( fabs(mcEta_) > BARL && fabs(mcEta_) <=END_HI && fabs( (*mcPho).vertex().z() ) < 210 ) ) )
1509  continue;
1512  theConvTP_.clear();
1513  for(TrackingParticleRef tp: tpForFakeRate) {
1514  if ( fabs( tp->vx() - (*mcPho).vertex().x() ) < 0.0001 &&
1515  fabs( tp->vy() - (*mcPho).vertex().y() ) < 0.0001 &&
1516  fabs( tp->vz() - (*mcPho).vertex().z() ) < 0.0001) {
1517  theConvTP_.push_back( tp );
1520  }
1521  }
1523  if ( theConvTP_.size() < 2 ) continue;
1525  //associated = false;
1526  reco::RecoToSimCollection p1 = theTrackAssociator->associateRecoToSim(tc1,theConvTP_);
1527  reco::RecoToSimCollection p2 = theTrackAssociator->associateRecoToSim(tc2,theConvTP_);
1533  if ( (p1incl.size() && p2incl.size()) && (p1.size() || p2.size()) ) { // associated = true;
1534  try{
1535  std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp1 = p1incl[tk1];
1536  std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp2 = p2incl[tk2];
1537  if (!(tp1.size()&&tp2.size())){
1538  tp1 = p1[tk2];
1539  tp2 = p2[tk1];
1540  }
1541  if (tp1.size()&&tp2.size()) {
1542  TrackingParticleRef tpr1 = tp1.front().first;
1543  TrackingParticleRef tpr2 = tp2.front().first;
1544  if (abs(tpr1->pdgId())==11&&abs(tpr2->pdgId())==11 && tpr1->pdgId()*tpr2->pdgId()<0) {
1545  if ( ((tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_end()-tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin()>=1) && (*tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin())->pdgId()==22) &&
1546  ((tpr2->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_end()-tpr2->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin()>=1) && (*tpr2->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin())->pdgId()==22) ) {
1548  // if ( fabs(tpr1->vx() - tpr2->vx()) < 0.1 && fabs(tpr1->vy() - tpr2->vy()) < 0.1 && fabs(tpr1->vz() - tpr2->vz()) < 0.1) {
1549  //if (((*tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin())->pdgId()==22) || ((*tpr2->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin())->pdgId()==22)) {
1550 // mcConvR_ = sqrt(tpr1->parentVertex()->position().Perp2());
1551 // mcConvZ_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().z();
1552 // mcConvX_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().x();
1553 // mcConvY_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().y();
1554 // mcConvEta_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().eta();
1555 // mcConvPhi_ = tpr1->parentVertex()->position().phi();
1556 // mcConvPt_ = sqrt((*tpr1->parentVertex()->sourceTracks_begin())->momentum().Perp2());
1557  //std::cout << " Reco to Sim mcconvpt " << mcConvPt_ << std::endl;
1558  //cout << "associated track1 to " << tpr1->pdgId() << " with p=" << tpr1->p4() << " with pT=" << tpr1->pt() << endl;
1559  //cout << "associated track2 to " << tpr2->pdgId() << " with p=" << tpr2->p4() << " with pT=" << tpr2->pt() << endl;
1560  associated = true;
1561  break;
1562  //}
1563  //}
1564  }
1565  }
1566  }
1567  } catch (Exception event) {
1568  //cout << "do not continue: " << event.what() << endl;
1569  //continue;
1570  }
1572  }
1574  }
1575  }
1577  if ( associated ) match=1;
1578  else
1579  match=2;
1581  h_match_->Fill(float(match));
1583  if ( match == 1) nRecConvAss_++;
1584  h_convEta_[match][0]->Fill( refittedMom.eta() );
1585  h_convEta_[match][1]->Fill( refittedMom.eta() );
1586  if (matchConvSC) h_convEtaMatchSC_[match][0]->Fill( refittedMom.eta() );
1587  h_convPhi_[match][0]->Fill( refittedMom.phi() );
1588  h_convR_[match][0]->Fill( sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) );
1589  h_convZ_[match][0]->Fill( aConv.conversionVertex().position().z() );
1590  h_convPt_[match][0]->Fill( sqrt(refittedMom.perp2()) );
1591  h_invMass_[match][0] ->Fill( invM);
1592  h_vtxChi2Prob_[match][0] ->Fill (chi2Prob);
1593  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[match][0]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx);
1594  h_DCotTracks_[match][0] ->Fill ( aConv.pairCotThetaSeparation() );
1595  h_distMinAppTracks_[match][0] ->Fill (aConv.distOfMinimumApproach());
1596  h_lxybs_[match][0] ->Fill (lxy);
1597  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][0] ->Fill (maxNHitsBeforeVtx);
1598  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][0] ->Fill (leadNHitsBeforeVtx);
1599  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][0] ->Fill (trailNHitsBeforeVtx);
1600  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][0] ->Fill (sumNHitsBeforeVtx);
1601  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[match][0] ->Fill (deltaExpectedHitsInner);
1602  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[match][0] ->Fill (leadExpectedHitsInner);
1603  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[match][0] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtx);
1604  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[match][0] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig);
1605  h_nSharedHits_[match][0] ->Fill (aConv.nSharedHits());
1606  if ( matchConvSC ) {
1607  //h_EoverPTracks_[match][0] ->Fill (aConv.EoverPrefittedTracks());
1608  h_EoverPTracks_[match][0] ->Fill (iMatchingSC->superCluster()->energy()/sqrt(refittedMom.mag2()));
1609  h_convSCdPhi_[match][0]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().phi() - refittedMom.phi() );
1610  double ConvEta = etaTransformation(aConv.refittedPairMomentum().eta(),aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks());
1611  h_convSCdEta_[match][0]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().eta() - ConvEta );
1613  }
1614  if ( match==1) {
1615  h2_photonPtRecVsPtSim_->Fill ( mcConvPt_, sqrt(refittedMom.perp2()) );
1616  h_convPtRes_[0]->Fill ( sqrt(refittedMom.perp2())/mcConvPt_);
1617  }
1619  if ( phoIsInBarrel ) {
1620  h_invMass_[match][1] ->Fill(invM);
1621  h_vtxChi2Prob_[match][1] ->Fill (chi2Prob);
1622  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[match][1]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx);
1623  h_DCotTracks_[match][1] ->Fill ( aConv.pairCotThetaSeparation() );
1624  h_distMinAppTracks_[match][1] ->Fill (aConv.distOfMinimumApproach());
1625  h_lxybs_[match][1] ->Fill (lxy);
1626  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][1] ->Fill (maxNHitsBeforeVtx);
1627  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][1] ->Fill (leadNHitsBeforeVtx);
1628  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][1] ->Fill (trailNHitsBeforeVtx);
1629  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][1] ->Fill (sumNHitsBeforeVtx);
1630  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[match][1] ->Fill (deltaExpectedHitsInner);
1631  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[match][1] ->Fill (leadExpectedHitsInner);
1632  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[match][1] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtx);
1633  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[match][1] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig);
1634  h_nSharedHits_[match][1] ->Fill (aConv.nSharedHits());
1635  if ( matchConvSC ) {
1636  // h_EoverPTracks_[match][1] ->Fill (aConv.EoverPrefittedTracks());
1637  h_EoverPTracks_[match][1] ->Fill (iMatchingSC->superCluster()->energy()/sqrt(refittedMom.mag2()));
1638  h_convSCdPhi_[match][1]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().phi() - refittedMom.phi() );
1639  double ConvEta = etaTransformation(aConv.refittedPairMomentum().eta(),aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks());
1640  h_convSCdEta_[match][1]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().eta() - ConvEta );
1642  }
1643  if ( match==1) h_convPtRes_[1]->Fill ( sqrt(refittedMom.perp2())/mcConvPt_);
1644  }
1647  if ( phoIsInEndcap ) {
1648  h_invMass_[match][2] ->Fill(invM);
1649  h_vtxChi2Prob_[match][2] ->Fill (chi2Prob);
1650  h_DPhiTracksAtVtx_[match][2]->Fill( dPhiTracksAtVtx);
1651  h_DCotTracks_[match][2] ->Fill ( aConv.pairCotThetaSeparation() );
1652  h_distMinAppTracks_[match][2] ->Fill (aConv.distOfMinimumApproach());
1653  h_lxybs_[match][2] ->Fill (lxy);
1654  h_maxNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][2] ->Fill (maxNHitsBeforeVtx);
1655  h_leadNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][2] ->Fill (leadNHitsBeforeVtx);
1656  h_trailNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][2] ->Fill (trailNHitsBeforeVtx);
1657  h_sumNHitsBeforeVtx_[match][2] ->Fill (sumNHitsBeforeVtx);
1658  h_deltaExpectedHitsInner_[match][2] ->Fill (deltaExpectedHitsInner);
1659  h_leadExpectedHitsInner_[match][2] ->Fill (leadExpectedHitsInner);
1660  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtx_[match][2] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtx);
1661  h_maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig_[match][2] ->Fill (maxDlClosestHitToVtxSig);
1662  h_nSharedHits_[match][2] ->Fill (aConv.nSharedHits());
1663  if ( matchConvSC ) {
1664  // h_EoverPTracks_[match][2] ->Fill (aConv.EoverPrefittedTracks());
1665  h_EoverPTracks_[match][2] ->Fill (iMatchingSC->superCluster()->energy()/sqrt(refittedMom.mag2()));
1666  h_convSCdPhi_[match][2]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().phi() - refittedMom.phi() );
1667  double ConvEta = etaTransformation(aConv.refittedPairMomentum().eta(),aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks());
1668  h_convSCdEta_[match][2]->Fill( iMatchingSC->superCluster()->position().eta() - ConvEta );
1669  }
1670  if ( match==1) h_convPtRes_[2]->Fill ( sqrt(refittedMom.perp2())/mcConvPt_);
1671  }
1674  if ( match == 1 ) {
1675  h_convVtxdX_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().x() - mcConvX_);
1676  h_convVtxdY_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().y() - mcConvY_);
1677  h_convVtxdZ_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().z() - mcConvZ_);
1678  h_convVtxdR_ ->Fill ( sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_);
1679  h_convVtxdPhi_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().phi() - mcConvPhi_);
1680  h_convVtxdEta_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().eta() - mcConvEta_);
1681  h2_convVtxdRVsR_ ->Fill (mcConvR_, sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_ );
1682  h2_convVtxdRVsEta_ ->Fill (mcEta_, sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_ );
1683  p_convVtxdRVsR_ ->Fill (mcConvR_, sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_ );
1684  p_convVtxdRVsEta_ ->Fill (mcEta_, sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_ );
1685  p_convVtxdXVsX_ ->Fill (mcConvX_, aConv.conversionVertex().position().x() - mcConvX_ );
1686  p_convVtxdYVsY_ ->Fill (mcConvY_, aConv.conversionVertex().position().y() - mcConvY_ );
1687  p_convVtxdZVsZ_ ->Fill (mcConvZ_, aConv.conversionVertex().position().z() - mcConvZ_ );
1688  p_convVtxdZVsR_ ->Fill (mcConvR_, aConv.conversionVertex().position().z() - mcConvZ_ );
1690  float dR=sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_;
1691  float dZ=aConv.conversionVertex().position().z() - mcConvZ_;
1692  p2_convVtxdRVsRZ_ ->Fill (mcConvZ_,mcConvR_, dR );
1693  p2_convVtxdZVsRZ_ ->Fill (mcConvZ_,mcConvR_, dZ );
1698  h2_convVtxRrecVsTrue_ -> Fill (mcConvR_, sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) );
1701  h_zPVFromTracks_[match]->Fill ( aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks() );
1702  h_dzPVFromTracks_[match]->Fill ( aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks() - simPV_Z );
1703  h2_dzPVVsR_ ->Fill(mcConvR_, aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks() - simPV_Z );
1704  p_dzPVVsR_ ->Fill(mcConvR_, aConv.zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks() - simPV_Z );
1706  if ( phoIsInBarrel ) {
1707  h_convVtxdX_barrel_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().x() - mcConvX_);
1708  h_convVtxdY_barrel_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().y() - mcConvY_);
1709  h_convVtxdZ_barrel_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().z() - mcConvZ_);
1710  h_convVtxdR_barrel_ ->Fill ( sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_);
1712  }
1713  if ( phoIsInEndcap ) {
1714  h_convVtxdX_endcap_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().x() - mcConvX_);
1715  h_convVtxdY_endcap_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().y() - mcConvY_);
1716  h_convVtxdZ_endcap_ ->Fill ( aConv.conversionVertex().position().z() - mcConvZ_);
1717  h_convVtxdR_endcap_ ->Fill ( sqrt(aConv.conversionVertex().position().perp2()) - mcConvR_);
1719  }
1722  }
1725  for (unsigned int i=0; i<tracks.size(); i++) {
1726  //std::cout << " Loop over tracks pt " << tracks[i]->pt() << std::endl;
1727  RefToBase<reco::Track> tfrb(aConv.tracks()[i] );
1728  itAss= myAss.find( tfrb.get() );
1730  nHitsVsEta_[match] ->Fill (mcEta_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) );
1731  nHitsVsR_[match] ->Fill (mcConvR_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) );
1732  p_nHitsVsEta_[match] ->Fill (mcEta_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) -0.0001);
1733  p_nHitsVsR_[match] ->Fill (mcConvR_, float(tracks[i]->numberOfValidHits()) -0.0001);
1734  h_tkChi2_[match] ->Fill (tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1735  h_tkChi2Large_[match] ->Fill (tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1736  h2_Chi2VsEta_[match] ->Fill( mcEta_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1737  h2_Chi2VsR_[match] ->Fill( mcConvR_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1738  p_Chi2VsEta_[match] ->Fill( mcEta_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1739  p_Chi2VsR_[match] ->Fill( mcConvR_, tracks[i]->normalizedChi2() );
1740  double d0;
1741  if (valid_pvtx){
1742  d0 = - tracks[i]->dxy(the_pvtx.position());
1743  } else {
1744  d0 = tracks[i]->d0();
1745  }
1746  h_TkD0_[match]->Fill (d0* tracks[i]->charge() );
1747  h_nHitsBeforeVtx_[match]->Fill ( aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().size()>1 ? aConv.nHitsBeforeVtx().at(i) : 0 );
1748  h_dlClosestHitToVtx_[match]->Fill ( aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().size()>1 ? aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(i).value() : 0 );
1749  h_dlClosestHitToVtxSig_[match]->Fill ( aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().size()>1 ? aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(i).value()/aConv.dlClosestHitToVtx().at(i).error() : 0 );
1752  if ( itAss == myAss.end() ) continue;
1753  reco::Track refTrack= aConv.conversionVertex().refittedTracks()[i];
1755  float simPt = sqrt( ((*itAss).second)->momentum().perp2() );
1756  float recPt = refTrack.pt();
1757  float ptres= recPt - simPt ;
1758  //float pterror = aConv.tracks()[i]->ptError();
1759  float pterror = aConv.conversionVertex().refittedTracks()[i].ptError();
1760  h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[0]->Fill ( simPt, recPt);
1761  h_TkPtPull_[0] ->Fill(ptres/pterror);
1762  h2_TkPtPull_[0] ->Fill(mcEta_, ptres/pterror);
1764  if ( phoIsInBarrel ) {
1765  h_TkPtPull_[1] ->Fill(ptres/pterror);
1766  h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[1]->Fill ( simPt, recPt);
1767  }
1768  if ( phoIsInEndcap ) {
1769  h_TkPtPull_[2] ->Fill(ptres/pterror);
1770  h2_PtRecVsPtSim_[2]->Fill ( simPt, recPt);
1771  }
1772  } // end loop over track
1776  } // loop over reco conversions
1779  h_nConv_[0][0]->Fill (float(nRecConv_));
1780  h_nConv_[1][0]->Fill (float(nRecConvAss_));
1784 }
1793  std::string outputFileName = parameters_.getParameter<std::string>("OutputFileName");
1794  if ( ! isRunCentrally_ ) {
1795  dbe_->save(outputFileName);
1796  }
1798  edm::LogInfo("TkConvValidator") << "Analyzed " << nEvt_ << "\n";
1799  // std::cout << "::endJob Analyzed " << nEvt_ << " events " << " with total " << nPho_ << " Photons " << "\n";
1800  // std::cout << "TkConvValidator::endJob Analyzed " << nEvt_ << " events " << "\n";
1802  return ;
1803 }
1810  auto scp = new SimpleCylinderBounds( sqrt(vtx.position().perp2())-0.001f,
1811  sqrt(vtx.position().perp2())+0.001f,
1812  -fabs(vtx.position().z()),
1813  fabs(vtx.position().z())
1814  );
1817  ReferenceCountingPointer<Disk> theDisk_(new Disk( Surface::PositionType( 0, 0, vtx.position().z()), rot,
1818  new SimpleDiskBounds( 0, sqrt(vtx.position().perp2()), -0.001, 0.001) )
1819  );
1822  const TrajectoryStateOnSurface myTSOS = trajectoryStateTransform::innerStateOnSurface(*tk, trackerGeom, &mf);
1823  PropagatorWithMaterial propag( anyDirection, 0.000511, &mf );
1824  TrajectoryStateOnSurface stateAtVtx;
1825  stateAtVtx = propag.propagate(myTSOS, *theBarrel_);
1826  if (!stateAtVtx.isValid() ) {
1827  stateAtVtx = propag.propagate(myTSOS, *theDisk_);
1828  }
1829  if (stateAtVtx.isValid()){
1830  return math::XYZVector ( double(stateAtVtx.globalMomentum().x()), double(stateAtVtx.globalMomentum().y()), double(stateAtVtx.globalMomentum().z()));
1831  } else {
1832  return math::XYZVector(0.,0.,0.);
1833  }
1837 }
1841 {
1842  //---Definitions
1843  const float PI = 3.1415927;
1844  const float TWOPI = 2.0*PI;
1847  if(phi > PI) {phi = phi - TWOPI;}
1848  if(phi < -PI) {phi = phi + TWOPI;}
1850  // cout << " Float_t PHInormalization out " << PHI << endl;
1851  return phi;
1853 }
1856 float TkConvValidator::etaTransformation( float EtaParticle , float Zvertex) {
1858  //---Definitions
1859  const float PI = 3.1415927;
1861  //---Definitions for ECAL
1862  const float R_ECAL = 136.5;
1863  const float Z_Endcap = 328.0;
1864  const float etaBarrelEndcap = 1.479;
1866  //---ETA correction
1868  float Theta = 0.0 ;
1869  float ZEcal = R_ECAL*sinh(EtaParticle)+Zvertex;
1871  if(ZEcal != 0.0) Theta = atan(R_ECAL/ZEcal);
1872  if(Theta<0.0) Theta = Theta+PI ;
1873  float ETA = - log(tan(0.5*Theta));
1875  if( fabs(ETA) > etaBarrelEndcap )
1876  {
1877  float Zend = Z_Endcap ;
1878  if(EtaParticle<0.0 ) Zend = -Zend ;
1879  float Zlen = Zend - Zvertex ;
1880  float RR = Zlen/sinh(EtaParticle);
1881  Theta = atan(RR/Zend);
1882  if(Theta<0.0) Theta = Theta+PI ;
1883  ETA = - log(tan(0.5*Theta));
1884  }
1885  //---Return the result
1886  return ETA;
1887  //---end
1888 }
const reco::Vertex & conversionVertex() const
returns the reco conversion vertex
Definition: Conversion.h:97
value_type const * get() const
Definition: RefToBase.h:234
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
virtual void endRun(edm::Run &r, edm::EventSetup const &es)
reco::SuperClusterRef superCluster() const
Ref to SuperCluster.
#define PI
const_iterator end() const
last iterator over the map (read only)
MonitorElement * bookProfile(Args &&...args)
Definition: DQMStore.h:157
static HepMC::IO_HEPEVT conv
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:462
bool quality(ConversionQuality q) const
Definition: Conversion.h:181
double y() const
y coordinate
Definition: Vertex.h:103
math::XYZVector recalculateMomentumAtFittedVertex(const MagneticField &mf, const TrackerGeometry &trackerGeom, const edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > &tk, const reco::Vertex &vtx)
bool isValid() const
Tells whether the vertex is valid.
Definition: Vertex.h:60
std::vector< GenJet > GenJetCollection
collection of GenJet objects
const std::vector< Measurement1DFloat > & dlClosestHitToVtx() const
Vector of signed decay length with uncertainty from nearest hit on track to the conversion vtx positi...
Definition: Conversion.h:163
const_iterator find(const key_type &k) const
find element with specified reference key
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
virtual void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
double zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks(const math::XYZPoint &myBeamSpot=math::XYZPoint()) const
Definition: Conversion.h:145
double distOfMinimumApproach() const
Definition: Conversion.h:125
double pairCotThetaSeparation() const
Delta cot(Theta) where Theta is the angle in the (y,z) plane between the two tracks. Original tracks are used.
Definition: Conversion.cc:209
std::vector< Vertex > VertexCollection
collection of Vertex objects
Definition: VertexFwd.h:9
key_type key() const
Accessor for product key.
Definition: Ref.h:264
const std::vector< Track > & refittedTracks() const
Returns the container of refitted tracks.
Definition: Vertex.h:142
double pairInvariantMass() const
if nTracks=2 returns the pair invariant mass. Original tracks are used here
Definition: Conversion.cc:190
const Point & position() const
Definition: Vertex.h:99
tuple vertexCollection
math::XYZVectorF refittedPairMomentum() const
Conversion tracks momentum from the tracks refitted with vertex constraint.
Definition: Conversion.cc:248
double q2[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:88
std::vector< Conversion > ConversionCollection
collectin of Conversion objects
Definition: ConversionFwd.h:9
tuple result
Definition: mps_fire.py:83
virtual ~TkConvValidator()
TrackAlgorithm algo() const
Definition: TrackBase.h:492
Definition: BoundDisk.h:19
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
#define ETA
float etaTransformation(float a, float b)
float phiNormalization(float &a)
MonitorElement * bookProfile2D(Args &&...args)
Definition: DQMStore.h:163
void Fill(HcalDetId &id, double val, std::vector< TH2F > &depth)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
double pt() const
track transverse momentum
Definition: TrackBase.h:616
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:64
TkConvValidator(const edm::ParameterSet &)
MonitorElement * book1D(Args &&...args)
Definition: DQMStore.h:115
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
Definition: Tan.h:22
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
double chi2() const
Definition: Vertex.h:88
#define TWOPI
Definition: DQMSourcePi0.cc:40
double f[11][100]
float ChiSquaredProbability(double chiSquared, double nrDOF)
ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< float > > XYZVectorF
spatial vector with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Vector3D.h:17
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
double p2[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:90
virtual void dqmBeginRun(edm::Run const &r, edm::EventSetup const &theEventSetup)
DQMStore * dbe_
double ndof() const
Definition: Vertex.h:95
double deltaPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
Definition: deltaPhi.h:22
double x() const
x coordinate
Definition: Vertex.h:101
uint8_t nSharedHits() const
number of shared hits btw the two track
Definition: Conversion.h:165
void setCurrentFolder(const std::string &fullpath)
Definition: DQMStore.cc:276
size_type size() const
map size
MonitorElement * book2D(Args &&...args)
Definition: DQMStore.h:133
const HitPattern & hitPattern() const
Access the hit pattern, indicating in which Tracker layers the track has hits.
Definition: TrackBase.h:445
double q1[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:87
tuple tracks
Definition: testEve_cfg.py:39
XYZVectorD XYZVector
spatial vector with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Vector3D.h:30
std::vector< Photon > PhotonCollection
collectin of Photon objects
Definition: PhotonFwd.h:9
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:56
virtual void endJob()
TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate(STA const &state, SUR const &surface) const
Definition: Propagator.h:53
static const float etaBarrelEndcap
static const float Z_Endcap
return(e1-e2)*(e1-e2)+dp *dp
edm::EventID id() const
Definition: EventBase.h:59
double p1[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:89
GlobalVector globalMomentum() const
static float computeRadius(Bounds const &bounds)
Definition: Cylinder.h:30
void push_back(const RefToBase< T > &)
const std::vector< uint8_t > & nHitsBeforeVtx() const
Vector of the number of hits before the vertex along each track trajector.
Definition: Conversion.h:161
static const float R_ECAL
double recPt
std::pair< typename Association::data_type::first_type, double > match(Reference key, Association association, bool bestMatchByMaxValue)
Generic matching function.
Definition: Utils.h:10
double dxy() const
dxy parameter. (This is the transverse impact parameter w.r.t. to (0,0,0) ONLY if refPoint is close t...
Definition: TrackBase.h:586
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
double dPhiTracksAtVtx() const
Definition: Conversion.cc:313
std::vector< edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > > const & tracks() const
vector of track to base references
Definition: Conversion.cc:176
Definition: Run.h:43
int numberOfHits(HitCategory category) const
Definition: HitPattern.h:807
TrajectoryStateOnSurface innerStateOnSurface(const reco::Track &tk, const TrackingGeometry &geom, const MagneticField *field, bool withErr=true)