1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
31 labels = getattr(process.ttFullHadEvent,
32 for obj
in range(len(names)):
35 label =
"ttFullHadHyp" + names[obj][1:]
38 process.ttFullHadEvent.hypotheses = labels
56 process.ttFullHadEvent.hypotheses.remove(
62 modules = [
63 "ttFullHadHypGenMatch",
64 "kinFitTtFullHadEventHypothesis",
66 for obj
in range(len(modules)):
67 object = getattr(process, modules[obj])
68 if hasattr(object, attribute):
69 setattr(object, attribute, value)
def setForAllTtFullHadHypotheses
set a specific attribute for all hypotheses to a given value -> this works for "jets", "maxNJets", "jetCorrectionLevel"
std sequence to produce the ttFullHadEventHypotheses
def addTtFullHadHypotheses
make ttFullHadEvent makeTtFullHadEvent = cms.Sequence(makeTtFullHadHypotheses * ttFullHadEvent ) ...
configure ttFullHadEventBuilder
def removeTtFullHadHypGenMatch
remove genMatch hypothesis from the process