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13 #include "Math/GenVector/VectorUtil.h"
14 #include "TFile.h"
15 #include "TH2F.h"
16 #include "TROOT.h"
17 #include "TMath.h"
21 #include <stdexcept>
22 #include <string>
23 #include <sstream>
24 #include <cmath>
26 using namespace std;
27 namespace MK = reco::MustacheKernel;
29 namespace {
30  typedef edm::View<reco::PFCluster> PFClusterView;
31  typedef edm::Ptr<reco::PFCluster> PFClusterPtr;
32  typedef edm::PtrVector<reco::PFCluster> PFClusterPtrVector;
33  typedef PFECALSuperClusterAlgo::CalibratedClusterPtr CalibClusterPtr;
34  typedef PFECALSuperClusterAlgo::CalibratedClusterPtrVector CalibClusterPtrVector;
35  typedef std::pair<reco::CaloClusterPtr::key_type,reco::CaloClusterPtr> EEPSPair;
36  typedef std::binary_function<const CalibClusterPtr&,
37  const CalibClusterPtr&,
38  bool> ClusBinaryFunction;
40  typedef std::unary_function<const CalibClusterPtr&,
41  bool> ClusUnaryFunction;
43  bool sortByKey(const EEPSPair& a, const EEPSPair& b) {
44  return a.first < b.first;
45  }
47  inline double getPFClusterEnergy(const PFClusterPtr& p) {
48  return p->energy();
49  }
51  inline double ptFast( const double energy,
52  const math::XYZPoint& position,
53  const math::XYZPoint& origin ) {
54  const auto v = position - origin;
55  return energy*std::sqrt(v.perp2()/v.mag2());
56  }
58  struct SumPSEnergy : public std::binary_function<double,
59  const PFClusterPtr&,
60  double> {
61  PFLayer::Layer _thelayer;
62  SumPSEnergy(PFLayer::Layer layer) : _thelayer(layer) {}
63  double operator()(double a,
64  const PFClusterPtr& b) {
65  return a + (_thelayer == b->layer())*b->energy();
66  }
67  };
69  struct GreaterByE : public ClusBinaryFunction {
70  bool operator()(const CalibClusterPtr& x,
71  const CalibClusterPtr& y) {
72  return x->energy() > y->energy() ;
73  }
74  };
76  struct GreaterByEt : public ClusBinaryFunction {
77  bool operator()(const CalibClusterPtr& x,
78  const CalibClusterPtr& y) {
79  const math::XYZPoint zero(0,0,0);
80  const double xpt = ptFast(x->energy(),x->the_ptr()->position(),zero);
81  const double ypt = ptFast(y->energy(),y->the_ptr()->position(),zero);
82  return xpt > ypt;
83  }
84  };
86  struct IsASeed : public ClusUnaryFunction {
87  const double threshold;
88  const bool cutET;
89  IsASeed(double thresh, bool useETcut = false) :
90  threshold(thresh), cutET(useETcut) {}
91  bool operator()(const CalibClusterPtr& x) {
92  const math::XYZPoint zero(0,0,0);
93  double e_or_et = x->energy();
94  if( cutET ) e_or_et = ptFast(e_or_et,x->the_ptr()->position(),zero);
95  return e_or_et > threshold;
96  }
97  };
99  struct IsLinkedByRecHit : public ClusUnaryFunction {
100  const CalibClusterPtr the_seed;
101  const double _threshold, _majority;
102  const double _maxSatelliteDEta, _maxSatelliteDPhi;
103  double x_rechits_tot=0;
104  double x_rechits_match=0;
105  IsLinkedByRecHit(const CalibClusterPtr& s, const double threshold,
106  const double majority, const double maxDEta,
107  const double maxDPhi) :
108  the_seed(s),_threshold(threshold),_majority(majority),
109  _maxSatelliteDEta(maxDEta), _maxSatelliteDPhi(maxDPhi) {}
110  bool operator()(const CalibClusterPtr& x) {
111  if( the_seed->energy_nocalib() < _threshold ) return false;
112  const double dEta = std::abs(the_seed->eta()-x->eta());
113  const double dPhi =
114  std::abs(TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(the_seed->phi() - x->phi()));
115  if( _maxSatelliteDEta < dEta || _maxSatelliteDPhi < dPhi) return false;
116  // now see if the clusters overlap in rechits
117  const auto& seedHitsAndFractions =
118  the_seed->the_ptr()->hitsAndFractions();
119  const auto& xHitsAndFractions =
120  x->the_ptr()->hitsAndFractions();
121  x_rechits_tot = xHitsAndFractions.size();
122  x_rechits_match = 0.0;
123  for( const std::pair<DetId, float>& seedHit : seedHitsAndFractions ) {
124  for( const std::pair<DetId, float>& xHit : xHitsAndFractions ) {
125  if( seedHit.first == xHit.first ) {
126  x_rechits_match += 1.0;
127  }
128  }
129  }
130  return x_rechits_match/x_rechits_tot > _majority;
131  }
132  };
134  struct IsClustered : public ClusUnaryFunction {
135  const CalibClusterPtr the_seed;
137  bool dynamic_dphi;
138  double etawidthSuperCluster_ = .0 , phiwidthSuperCluster_ = .0;
139  IsClustered(const CalibClusterPtr s,
141  const bool dyn_dphi) :
142  the_seed(s), _type(ct), dynamic_dphi(dyn_dphi) {}
143  bool operator()(const CalibClusterPtr& x) {
144  const double dphi =
145  std::abs(TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(the_seed->phi() - x->phi()));
146  const bool passes_dphi =
147  ( (!dynamic_dphi && dphi < phiwidthSuperCluster_ ) ||
148  (dynamic_dphi && MK::inDynamicDPhiWindow(the_seed->eta(),
149  the_seed->phi(),
150  x->energy_nocalib(),
151  x->eta(),
152  x->phi()) ) );
154  switch( _type ) {
156  return ( std::abs(the_seed->eta()-x->eta())<etawidthSuperCluster_ &&
157  passes_dphi );
158  break;
160  return ( passes_dphi &&
161  MK::inMustache(the_seed->eta(),
162  the_seed->phi(),
163  x->energy_nocalib(),
164  x->eta(),
165  x->phi() ));
166  break;
167  default:
168  return false;
169  }
170  return false;
171  }
172  };
173 }
178 setPFClusterCalibration(const std::shared_ptr<PFEnergyCalibration>& calib) {
180 }
185  cc.consumes<edm::View<reco::PFCluster> >(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("PFClusters"));
187  cc.consumes<reco::PFCluster::EEtoPSAssociation>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ESAssociation"));
189  cc.consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("BeamSpot"));
191  if (useRegression_) {
192  const edm::ParameterSet &regconf = iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("regressionConfig");
194  regr_.reset(new SCEnergyCorrectorSemiParm());
195  regr_->setTokens(regconf, cc);
196  }
198 }
202  if (useRegression_) {
203  regr_->setEventSetup(setup);
204  }
206  edm::ESHandle<ESEEIntercalibConstants> esEEInterCalibHandle_;
207  setup.get<ESEEIntercalibConstantsRcd>().get(esEEInterCalibHandle_);
208  _pfEnergyCalibration->initAlphaGamma_ESplanes_fromDB(esEEInterCalibHandle_.product());
210  edm::ESHandle<ESChannelStatus> esChannelStatusHandle_;
211  setup.get<ESChannelStatusRcd>().get(esChannelStatusHandle_);
212  channelStatus_ = esChannelStatusHandle_.product();
214 }
221  //load input collections
222  //Load the pfcluster collections
223  edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::PFCluster> > pfclustersHandle;
224  iEvent.getByToken( inputTagPFClusters_, pfclustersHandle );
227  iEvent.getByToken( inputTagPFClustersES_, psAssociationHandle);
229  const PFClusterView& clusters = *pfclustersHandle.product();
230  const reco::PFCluster::EEtoPSAssociation& psclusters = *psAssociationHandle.product();
232  //load BeamSpot
234  iEvent.getByToken( inputTagBeamSpot_, bsHandle);
235  beamSpot_ = bsHandle.product();
237  //initialize regression for this event
238  if (useRegression_) {
239  regr_->setEvent(iEvent);
240  }
242  // reset the system for running
244  _clustersEB.clear();
246  _clustersEE.clear();
247  EEtoPS_ = &psclusters;
249  //Select PF clusters available for the clustering
250  for ( size_t i = 0; i < clusters.size(); ++i ){
251  auto cluster = clusters.ptrAt(i);
252  LogDebug("PFClustering")
253  << "Loading PFCluster i="<<cluster.key()
254  <<" energy="<<cluster->energy()<<std::endl;
256  CalibratedClusterPtr calib_cluster(new CalibratedPFCluster(cluster));
257  switch( cluster->layer() ) {
259  if( calib_cluster->energy() > threshPFClusterBarrel_ ) {
260  _clustersEB.push_back(calib_cluster);
261  }
262  break;
264  if( calib_cluster->energy() > threshPFClusterEndcap_ ) {
265  _clustersEE.push_back(calib_cluster);
266  }
267  break;
268  default:
269  break;
270  }
271  }
272  // sort full cluster collections by their calibrated energy
273  // this will put all the seeds first by construction
274  GreaterByEt greater;
275  std::sort(_clustersEB.begin(), _clustersEB.end(), greater);
276  std::sort(_clustersEE.begin(), _clustersEE.end(), greater);
278 }
281  // clusterize the EB
283  // clusterize the EE
285 }
288 buildAllSuperClusters(CalibClusterPtrVector& clusters,
289  double seedthresh) {
290  IsASeed seedable(seedthresh,threshIsET_);
291  // make sure only seeds appear at the front of the list of clusters
292  std::stable_partition(clusters.begin(),clusters.end(),seedable);
293  // in each iteration we are working on a list that is already sorted
294  // in the cluster energy and remains so through each iteration
295  // NB: since clusters is sorted in loadClusters any_of has O(1)
296  // timing until you run out of seeds!
297  while( std::any_of(clusters.cbegin(), clusters.cend(), seedable) ) {
298  buildSuperCluster(clusters.front(),clusters);
299  }
300 }
303 buildSuperCluster(CalibClusterPtr& seed,
304  CalibClusterPtrVector& clusters) {
305  IsClustered IsClusteredWithSeed(seed,_clustype,_useDynamicDPhi);
306  IsLinkedByRecHit MatchesSeedByRecHit(seed,satelliteThreshold_,
307  fractionForMajority_,0.1,0.2);
308  bool isEE = false;
309  SumPSEnergy sumps1(PFLayer::PS1), sumps2(PFLayer::PS2);
310  switch( seed->the_ptr()->layer() ) {
312  IsClusteredWithSeed.phiwidthSuperCluster_ = phiwidthSuperClusterBarrel_;
313  IsClusteredWithSeed.etawidthSuperCluster_ = etawidthSuperClusterBarrel_;
314  edm::LogInfo("PFClustering") << "Building SC number "
315  << superClustersEB_->size() + 1
316  << " in the ECAL barrel!";
317  break;
318  case PFLayer::ECAL_ENDCAP:
319  IsClusteredWithSeed.phiwidthSuperCluster_ = phiwidthSuperClusterEndcap_;
320  IsClusteredWithSeed.etawidthSuperCluster_ = etawidthSuperClusterEndcap_;
321  edm::LogInfo("PFClustering") << "Building SC number "
322  << superClustersEE_->size() + 1
323  << " in the ECAL endcap!" << std::endl;
324  isEE = true;
325  break;
326  default:
327  break;
328  }
330  // this function shuffles the list of clusters into a list
331  // where all clustered sub-clusters are at the front
332  // and returns a pointer to the first unclustered cluster.
333  // The relative ordering of clusters is preserved
334  // (i.e. both resulting sub-lists are sorted by energy).
335  auto not_clustered = std::stable_partition(clusters.begin(),clusters.end(),
336  IsClusteredWithSeed);
337  // satellite cluster merging
338  // it was found that large clusters can split!
339  if( doSatelliteClusterMerge_ ) {
340  not_clustered = std::stable_partition(not_clustered,clusters.end(),
341  MatchesSeedByRecHit);
342  }
344  if(verbose_) {
345  edm::LogInfo("PFClustering") << "Dumping cluster detail";
346  edm::LogVerbatim("PFClustering")
347  << "\tPassed seed: e = " << seed->energy_nocalib()
348  << " eta = " << seed->eta() << " phi = " << seed->phi()
349  << std::endl;
350  for( auto clus = clusters.cbegin(); clus != not_clustered; ++clus ) {
351  edm::LogVerbatim("PFClustering")
352  << "\t\tClustered cluster: e = " << (*clus)->energy_nocalib()
353  << " eta = " << (*clus)->eta() << " phi = " << (*clus)->phi()
354  << std::endl;
355  }
356  for( auto clus = not_clustered; clus != clusters.end(); ++clus ) {
357  edm::LogVerbatim("PFClustering")
358  << "\tNon-Clustered cluster: e = " << (*clus)->energy_nocalib()
359  << " eta = " << (*clus)->eta() << " phi = " << (*clus)->phi()
360  << std::endl;
361  }
362  }
363  // move the clustered clusters out of available cluster list
364  // and into a temporary vector for building the SC
365  CalibratedClusterPtrVector clustered(clusters.begin(),not_clustered);
366  clusters.erase(clusters.begin(),not_clustered);
367  // need the vector of raw pointers for a PF width class
368  std::vector<const reco::PFCluster*> bare_ptrs;
369  // calculate necessary parameters and build the SC
370  double posX(0), posY(0), posZ(0),
371  corrSCEnergy(0), corrPS1Energy(0), corrPS2Energy(0),
372  ePS1(0), ePS2(0), energyweight(0), energyweighttot(0);
373  std::vector<double> ps1_energies, ps2_energies;
374  int condP1(1), condP2(1);
375  for( auto& clus : clustered ) {
376  ePS1 = ePS2 = 0;
377  energyweight = clus->energy_nocalib();
378  bare_ptrs.push_back(clus->the_ptr().get());
379  // update EE calibrated super cluster energies
380  if( isEE ) {
381  ePS1 = ePS2 = 0;
382  condP1 = condP2 = 1;
383  ps1_energies.clear();
384  ps2_energies.clear();
385  auto ee_key_val =
386  std::make_pair(clus->the_ptr().key(),edm::Ptr<reco::PFCluster>());
387  const auto clustops = std::equal_range(EEtoPS_->begin(),
388  EEtoPS_->end(),
389  ee_key_val,
390  sortByKey);
391  for( auto i_ps = clustops.first; i_ps != clustops.second; ++i_ps) {
392  edm::Ptr<reco::PFCluster> psclus(i_ps->second);
394  auto const& recH_Frac = psclus->recHitFractions();
396  switch( psclus->layer() ) {
397  case PFLayer::PS1:
398  ps1_energies.push_back(psclus->energy());
399  for (auto const& recH : recH_Frac){
400  ESDetId strip1 = recH.recHitRef()->detId();
401  if(strip1 != ESDetId(0)){
403  // getStatusCode() == 1 => dead channel
404  //apply correction if all recHits in dead region
405  if(status_p1->getStatusCode() == 0) condP1 = 0; //active
406  }
407  }
408  break;
409  case PFLayer::PS2:
410  ps2_energies.push_back(psclus->energy());
411  for (auto const& recH : recH_Frac){
412  ESDetId strip2 = recH.recHitRef()->detId();
413  if(strip2 != ESDetId(0)) {
415  if(status_p2->getStatusCode() == 0) condP2 = 0;
416  }
417  }
418  break;
419  default:
420  break;
421  }
422  }
423  if(condP1 == 1) ePS1 = -1.;
424  if(condP2 == 1) ePS2 = -1.;
425  _pfEnergyCalibration->energyEm(*(clus->the_ptr()),
426  ps1_energies,ps2_energies,
427  ePS1,ePS2,
429  }
431  if(ePS1 == -1.) ePS1 = 0;
432  if(ePS2 == -1.) ePS2 = 0;
434  switch( _eweight ) {
435  case kRaw: // energyweight is initialized to raw cluster energy
436  break;
437  case kCalibratedNoPS:
438  energyweight = clus->energy() - ePS1 - ePS2;
439  break;
440  case kCalibratedTotal:
441  energyweight = clus->energy();
442  break;
443  default:
444  break;
445  }
446  const math::XYZPoint& cluspos = clus->the_ptr()->position();
447  posX += energyweight * cluspos.X();
448  posY += energyweight * cluspos.Y();
449  posZ += energyweight * cluspos.Z();
451  energyweighttot += energyweight;
452  corrSCEnergy += clus->energy();
453  corrPS1Energy += ePS1;
454  corrPS2Energy += ePS2;
455  }
456  posX /= energyweighttot;
457  posY /= energyweighttot;
458  posZ /= energyweighttot;
460  // now build the supercluster
461  reco::SuperCluster new_sc(corrSCEnergy,math::XYZPoint(posX,posY,posZ));
462  new_sc.setCorrectedEnergy(corrSCEnergy);
463  new_sc.setSeed(clustered.front()->the_ptr());
464  new_sc.setPreshowerEnergy(corrPS1Energy+corrPS2Energy);
465  new_sc.setPreshowerEnergyPlane1(corrPS1Energy);
466  new_sc.setPreshowerEnergyPlane2(corrPS2Energy);
467  for( const auto& clus : clustered ) {
468  new_sc.addCluster(clus->the_ptr());
470  auto& hits_and_fractions = clus->the_ptr()->hitsAndFractions();
471  for( auto& hit_and_fraction : hits_and_fractions ) {
472  new_sc.addHitAndFraction(hit_and_fraction.first,hit_and_fraction.second);
473  }
474  if( isEE ) {
475  auto ee_key_val =
476  std::make_pair(clus->the_ptr().key(),edm::Ptr<reco::PFCluster>());
477  const auto clustops = std::equal_range(EEtoPS_->begin(),
478  EEtoPS_->end(),
479  ee_key_val,
480  sortByKey);
481  // EE rechits should be uniquely matched to sets of pre-shower
482  // clusters at this point, so we throw an exception if otherwise
483  // now wrapped in EDM debug flags
484  for( auto i_ps = clustops.first; i_ps != clustops.second; ++i_ps) {
485  edm::Ptr<reco::PFCluster> psclus(i_ps->second);
486 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
487  auto found_pscluster = std::find(new_sc.preshowerClustersBegin(),
488  new_sc.preshowerClustersEnd(),
489  i_ps->second);
490  if( found_pscluster == new_sc.preshowerClustersEnd() ) {
491 #endif
492  new_sc.addPreshowerCluster(psclus);
493 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
494  } else {
495  throw cms::Exception("PFECALSuperClusterAlgo::buildSuperCluster")
496  << "Found a PS cluster matched to more than one EE cluster!"
497  << std::endl << std::hex << psclus.get() << " == "
498  << found_pscluster->get() << std::dec << std::endl;
499  }
500 #endif
501  }
502  }
503  }
505  // calculate linearly weighted cluster widths
506  PFClusterWidthAlgo pfwidth(bare_ptrs);
507  new_sc.setEtaWidth(pfwidth.pflowEtaWidth());
508  new_sc.setPhiWidth(pfwidth.pflowPhiWidth());
510  // cache the value of the raw energy
511  new_sc.rawEnergy();
513  //apply regression energy corrections
514  if( useRegression_ ) {
515  regr_->modifyObject(new_sc);
516  }
518  // save the super cluster to the appropriate list (if it passes the final
519  // Et threshold)
520  //Note that Et is computed here with respect to the beamspot position
521  //in order to be consistent with the cut applied in the
522  //ElectronSeedProducer
523  double scEtBS =
524  ptFast(new_sc.energy(),new_sc.position(),beamSpot_->position());
526  if ( scEtBS > threshSuperClusterEt_ ) {
527  switch( seed->the_ptr()->layer() ) {
529  superClustersEB_->push_back(new_sc);
530  break;
531  case PFLayer::ECAL_ENDCAP:
532  superClustersEE_->push_back(new_sc);
533  break;
534  default:
535  break;
536  }
537  }
538 }
#define LogDebug(id)
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
const math::XYZPoint & position() const
cluster centroid position
Definition: CaloCluster.h:126
CaloCluster_iterator preshowerClustersBegin() const
fist iterator over PreshowerCluster constituents
Definition: SuperCluster.h:81
std::auto_ptr< reco::SuperClusterCollection > superClustersEB_
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
const ESChannelStatus * channelStatus_
void addHitAndFraction(DetId id, float fraction)
Definition: CaloCluster.h:185
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::PFCluster > > inputTagPFClusters_
std::unique_ptr< SCEnergyCorrectorSemiParm > regr_
bool inDynamicDPhiWindow(const float seedEta, const float seedPhi, const float ClustE, const float ClusEta, const float clusPhi)
Definition: Mustache.cc:73
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:462
void setPreshowerEnergyPlane2(double preshowerEnergy2)
Definition: SuperCluster.h:61
const self & getMap() const
T const * get() const
Returns C++ pointer to the item.
Definition: Ptr.h:160
double pflowPhiWidth() const
const reco::BeamSpot * beamSpot_
const reco::PFCluster::EEtoPSAssociation * EEtoPS_
double Phi_mpi_pi(double x)
Definition: JetUtil.h:24
void setSeed(const CaloClusterPtr &r)
list of used xtals by DetId // now inherited by CaloCluster
Definition: SuperCluster.h:96
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
Definition: FindCaloHit.cc:7
void setPhiWidth(double pw)
Definition: SuperCluster.h:62
double pflowEtaWidth() const
double ptFast(const double energy, const math::XYZPoint &position, const math::XYZPoint &origin)
void loadAndSortPFClusters(const edm::Event &evt)
void update(const edm::EventSetup &)
void setEtaWidth(double ew)
Definition: SuperCluster.h:63
std::vector< CalibratedClusterPtr > CalibratedClusterPtrVector
std::shared_ptr< CalibratedPFCluster > CalibratedClusterPtr
MVATrainerComputer * calib
Definition: MVATrainer.cc:64
int iEvent
Definition: GenABIO.cc:230
void buildAllSuperClusters(CalibratedClusterPtrVector &, double seedthresh)
std::shared_ptr< PFEnergyCalibration > _pfEnergyCalibration
void setTokens(const edm::ParameterSet &, edm::ConsumesCollector &&)
double dPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
Definition: JetUtil.h:30
std::vector< SuperCluster > SuperClusterCollection
collection of SuperCluser objectr
void setCorrectedEnergy(double cenergy)
Definition: CaloCluster.h:109
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
const_iterator find(uint32_t rawId) const
std::vector< std::pair< CaloClusterPtr::key_type, edm::Ptr< PFCluster > > > EEtoPSAssociation
Definition: PFCluster.h:50
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
CalibratedClusterPtrVector _clustersEE
double energy() const
cluster energy
Definition: CaloCluster.h:121
layer definition
Definition: PFLayer.h:31
double rawEnergy() const
raw uncorrected energy (sum of energies of component BasicClusters)
Definition: SuperCluster.h:47
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::PFCluster::EEtoPSAssociation > inputTagPFClustersES_
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:81
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > inputTagBeamSpot_
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Point3D.h:12
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:56
void addPreshowerCluster(const CaloClusterPtr &r)
add reference to constituent BasicCluster
Definition: SuperCluster.h:117
std::auto_ptr< reco::SuperClusterCollection > superClustersEE_
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
void buildSuperCluster(CalibratedClusterPtr &, CalibratedClusterPtrVector &)
std::vector< Item >::const_iterator const_iterator
bool GreaterByE(const T &a1, const T &a2)
void addCluster(const CaloClusterPtr &r)
add reference to constituent BasicCluster
Definition: SuperCluster.h:111
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
static int position[264][3]
Definition: ReadPGInfo.cc:509
const Point & position() const
Definition: BeamSpot.h:62
void setPreshowerEnergyPlane1(double preshowerEnergy1)
Definition: SuperCluster.h:60
void setPFClusterCalibration(const std::shared_ptr< PFEnergyCalibration > &)
CalibratedClusterPtrVector _clustersEB
bool inMustache(const float maxEta, const float maxPhi, const float ClustE, const float ClusEta, const float ClusPhi)
Definition: Mustache.cc:9
CaloCluster_iterator preshowerClustersEnd() const
last iterator over PreshowerCluster constituents
Definition: SuperCluster.h:84
void setPreshowerEnergy(double preshowerEnergy)
Definition: SuperCluster.h:59