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1 // Header file for this //
7 // Collaborating Class Header //
15 //#include "DataFormats/EgammaCandidates/interface/PhotonFwd.h"
16 //#include "DataFormats/EgammaCandidates/interface/Photon.h"
19 //#include "SimDataFormats/HepMCProduct/interface/HepMCProduct.h"
27 //#include "PhysicsTools/UtilAlgos/interface/TFileService.h"
33 #include <boost/format.hpp>
35 // Root include files //
37 #include "TFile.h"
38 #include "TDirectory.h"
39 #include "TH1F.h"
40 #include <iostream>
41 #include <string>
42 #include <Math/VectorUtil.h>
43 using namespace ROOT::Math::VectorUtil ;
45 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
46 // class EmDQMReco::FourVectorMonitorElements
47 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
49  DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker,
50  const std::string &histogramNameTemplate,
51  const std::string &histogramTitleTemplate
52  ) :
53  parent(_parent)
54 {
55  // introducing variables for better code readability later on
56  std::string histName;
57  std::string histTitle;
59  // et
60  histName = boost::str(boost::format(histogramNameTemplate) % "et");
61  histTitle = boost::str(boost::format(histogramTitleTemplate) % "E_{T}");
62  etMonitorElement = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),
63  histTitle.c_str(),
66  parent->plotPtMax);
68  // eta
69  histName = boost::str(boost::format(histogramNameTemplate) % "eta");
70  histTitle= boost::str(boost::format(histogramTitleTemplate) % "#eta");
71  etaMonitorElement = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),
72  histTitle.c_str(),
74  - parent->plotEtaMax,
77  // phi
78  histName = boost::str(boost::format(histogramNameTemplate) % "phi");
79  histTitle= boost::str(boost::format(histogramTitleTemplate) % "#phi");
80  phiMonitorElement = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),
81  histTitle.c_str(),
83  - parent->plotPhiMax,
85 }
87 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
89 void
91 {
92  etMonitorElement->Fill(momentum.Et());
93  etaMonitorElement->Fill(momentum.eta() );
94  phiMonitorElement->Fill(momentum.phi() );
95 }
97 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
100 // Constructor //
103 {
105  // Read from configuration file //
107  dirname_="HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/"+pset.getParameter<std::string>("@module_label");
109  // parameters for generator study
110  reqNum = pset.getParameter<unsigned int>("reqNum");
111  pdgGen = pset.getParameter<int>("pdgGen");
112  recoEtaAcc = pset.getParameter<double>("genEtaAcc");
113  recoEtAcc = pset.getParameter<double>("genEtAcc");
114  // plotting parameters (untracked because they don't affect the physics)
115  plotPtMin = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtMin",0.);
116  plotPtMax = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PtMax",1000.);
117  plotEtaMax = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("EtaMax", 2.7);
118  plotPhiMax = pset.getUntrackedParameter<double>("PhiMax", 3.15);
119  plotBins = pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("Nbins",50);
120  useHumanReadableHistTitles = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("useHumanReadableHistTitles", false);
122  triggerNameRecoMonPath = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("triggerNameRecoMonPath","HLT_MinBias");
123  processNameRecoMonPath = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("processNameRecoMonPath","HLT");
125  recoElectronsInput = consumes<reco::GsfElectronCollection>(pset.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("recoElectrons",edm::InputTag("gsfElectrons")));
126  recoObjectsEBT = consumes<std::vector<reco::SuperCluster>>(edm::InputTag("correctedHybridSuperClusters"));
127  recoObjectsEET = consumes<std::vector<reco::SuperCluster>>(edm::InputTag("correctedMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshower"));
128  hltResultsT = consumes<edm::TriggerResults>(edm::InputTag("TriggerResults","",processNameRecoMonPath));
129  triggerObjT = consumes<trigger::TriggerEventWithRefs>(edm::InputTag("hltTriggerSummaryRAW"));
131  // preselction cuts
132  // recocutCollection_= pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("cutcollection");
133  recocut_ = pset.getParameter<int>("cutnum");
135  // prescale = 10;
136  eventnum = 0;
138  // just init
139  isHltConfigInitialized_ = false;
142  // Read in the Vector of Parameter Sets. //
143  // Information for each filter-step //
145  std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> filters =
146  pset.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("filters");
148  int i = 0;
149  for(std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>::iterator filterconf = filters.begin() ; filterconf != filters.end() ; filterconf++)
150  {
152  theHLTCollectionLabels.push_back(filterconf->getParameter<edm::InputTag>("HLTCollectionLabels"));
153  theHLTOutputTypes.push_back(filterconf->getParameter<int>("theHLTOutputTypes"));
154  // Grab the human-readable name, if it is not specified, use the Collection Label
155  theHLTCollectionHumanNames.push_back(filterconf->getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("HLTCollectionHumanName",theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()));
157  std::vector<double> bounds = filterconf->getParameter<std::vector<double> >("PlotBounds");
158  // If the size of plot "bounds" vector != 2, abort
159  assert(bounds.size() == 2);
160  plotBounds.push_back(std::pair<double,double>(bounds[0],bounds[1]));
161  isoNames.push_back(filterconf->getParameter<std::vector<edm::InputTag> >("IsoCollections"));
163  for (unsigned int i=0; i<isoNames.back().size(); i++) {
164  switch(theHLTOutputTypes.back()) {
167  break;
168  case trigger::TriggerL1IsoEG: // Isolated Level 1
170  break;
171  case trigger::TriggerPhoton: // Photon
173  break;
174  case trigger::TriggerElectron: // Electron
176  break;
177  case trigger::TriggerCluster: // TriggerCluster
179  break;
180  default:
181  throw(cms::Exception("Release Validation Error") << "HLT output type not implemented: theHLTOutputTypes[n]" );
182  }
183  }
185  // If the size of the isoNames vector is not greater than zero, abort
186  assert(isoNames.back().size()>0);
187  if (isoNames.back().at(0).label()=="none") {
188  plotiso.push_back(false);
189  } else {
190  plotiso.push_back(true);
191  }
192  i++;
193  } // END of loop over parameter sets
195  // Record number of HLTCollectionLabels
198 }
203 void EmDQMReco::dqmBeginRun(const edm::Run& iRun, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup ) {
205  bool isHltConfigChanged = false; // change of cfg at run boundaries?
206  isHltConfigInitialized_ = hltConfig_.init( iRun, iSetup, "HLT", isHltConfigChanged );
208 }
211 // book DQM histograms //
213 void
215 {
216  //edm::Service<TFileService> fs;
217  iBooker.setCurrentFolder(dirname_);
220  // Set up Histogram of Effiency vs Step. //
221  // theHLTCollectionLabels is a vector of InputTags //
222  // from the configuration file. //
225  std::string histName="total_eff";
226  std::string histTitle = "total events passing";
227  // This plot will have bins equal to 2+(number of
228  // HLTCollectionLabels in the config file)
229  totalreco = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2,0,numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2);
232  for (unsigned int u=0; u<numOfHLTCollectionLabels; u++){totalreco->setBinLabel(u+1,theHLTCollectionLabels[u].label().c_str());}
234  histName="total_eff_RECO_matched";
235  histTitle="total events passing (Reco matched)";
236  totalmatchreco = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2,0,numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2);
237  totalmatchreco->setBinLabel(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+1,"Total");
238  totalmatchreco->setBinLabel(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+2,"Reco");
239  for (unsigned int u=0; u<numOfHLTCollectionLabels; u++){totalmatchreco->setBinLabel(u+1,theHLTCollectionLabels[u].label().c_str());}
241  // MonitorElement* tmphisto;
242  MonitorElement* tmpiso;
245  // Set up generator-level histograms //
247  std::string pdgIdString;
248  switch(pdgGen) {
249  case 11:
250  pdgIdString="Electron";break;
251  case 22:
252  pdgIdString="Photon";break;
253  default:
254  pdgIdString="Particle";
255  }
257  //--------------------
259  // reco
260  // (note that reset(..) must be used to set the value of the scoped_ptr...)
261  histReco.reset(
262  new FourVectorMonitorElements(this, iBooker,
263  "reco_%s", // pattern for histogram name
264  "%s of " + pdgIdString + "s"
265  ));
267  //--------------------
269  // monpath
270  histRecoMonpath.reset(
271  new FourVectorMonitorElements(this, iBooker,
272  "reco_%s_monpath", // pattern for histogram name
273  "%s of " + pdgIdString + "s monpath"
274  )
275  );
277  //--------------------
280  // final X monpath
281  histMonpath.reset(
282  new FourVectorMonitorElements(this, iBooker,
283  "final_%s_monpath", // pattern for histogram name
284  "Final %s Monpath"
285  )
286  );
288  //--------------------
291  // Set up histograms of HLT objects //
294  // Determine what strings to use for histogram titles
295  std::vector<std::string> HltHistTitle;
296  if ( theHLTCollectionHumanNames.size() == numOfHLTCollectionLabels && useHumanReadableHistTitles ) {
297  HltHistTitle = theHLTCollectionHumanNames;
298  } else {
299  for (unsigned int i =0; i < numOfHLTCollectionLabels; i++) {
300  HltHistTitle.push_back(theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label());
301  }
302  }
304  for(unsigned int i = 0; i< numOfHLTCollectionLabels ; i++){
305  //--------------------
306  // distributions of HLT objects passing filter i
307  //--------------------
309 // // Et
310 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_all";
311 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" Et (ALL)";
312 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax);
313 // ethist.push_back(tmphisto);
314 //
315 // // Eta
316 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_all";
317 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" #eta (ALL)";
318 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax);
319 // etahist.push_back(tmphisto);
320 //
321 // // phi
322 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_all";
323 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" #phi (ALL)";
324 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax);
325 // phiHist.push_back(tmphisto);
327  standardHist.push_back(new FourVectorMonitorElements(this, iBooker,
328  theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"%s_all", // histogram name
329  HltHistTitle[i]+" %s (ALL)" // histogram title
330  ));
332  //--------------------
333  // distributions of reco object matching HLT object passing filter i
334  //--------------------
336  // Et
337 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_RECO_matched";
338 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" Et (RECO matched)";
339 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax);
340 // ethistmatchreco.push_back(tmphisto);
342 // // Eta
343 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_RECO_matched";
344 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" #eta (RECO matched)";
345 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax);
346 // etahistmatchreco.push_back(tmphisto);
347 //
348 // // phi
349 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_RECO_matched";
350 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" #phi (RECO matched)";
351 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax);
352 // phiHistMatchReco.push_back(tmphisto);
353  histMatchReco.push_back(new FourVectorMonitorElements(this, iBooker,
354  theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"%s_RECO_matched", // histogram name
355  HltHistTitle[i]+" %s (RECO matched)" // histogram title
356  ));
358  //--------------------
359  // distributions of reco object matching HLT object passing filter i
360  //--------------------
362 // // Et
363 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_RECO_matched_monpath";
364 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" Et (RECO matched, monpath)";
365 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax);
366 // ethistmatchrecomonpath.push_back(tmphisto);
367 //
368 // // Eta
369 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_RECO_matched_monpath";
370 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" #eta (RECO matched, monpath)";
371 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax);
372 // etahistmatchrecomonpath.push_back(tmphisto);
373 //
374 // // phi
375 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_RECO_matched_monpath";
376 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" #phi (RECO matched, monpath)";
377 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax);
378 // phiHistMatchRecoMonPath.push_back(tmphisto);
380  histMatchRecoMonPath.push_back(new FourVectorMonitorElements(this, iBooker,
381  theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"%s_RECO_matched_monpath", // histogram name
382  HltHistTitle[i]+" %s (RECO matched, monpath)" // histogram title
383  ));
384  //--------------------
385  // distributions of HLT object that is closest delta-R match to sorted reco particle(s)
386  //--------------------
388  // Et
389 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_reco";
390 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" Et (reco)";
391 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax);
392 // histEtOfHltObjMatchToReco.push_back(tmphisto);
393 //
394 // // eta
395 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_reco";
396 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" eta (reco)";
397 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax);
398 // histEtaOfHltObjMatchToReco.push_back(tmphisto);
399 //
400 // // phi
401 // histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_reco";
402 // histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" phi (reco)";
403 // tmphisto = iBooker.book1D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax);
404 // histPhiOfHltObjMatchToReco.push_back(tmphisto);
406  histHltObjMatchToReco.push_back(new FourVectorMonitorElements(this, iBooker,
407  theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"%s_reco", // histogram name
408  HltHistTitle[i]+" %s (reco)" // histogram title
409  ));
411  //--------------------
413  if (!plotiso[i]) {
414  tmpiso = NULL;
415  etahistiso.push_back(tmpiso);
416  ethistiso.push_back(tmpiso);
417  phiHistIso.push_back(tmpiso);
419  etahistisomatchreco.push_back(tmpiso);
420  ethistisomatchreco.push_back(tmpiso);
421  phiHistIsoMatchReco.push_back(tmpiso);
423  histEtaIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco.push_back(tmpiso);
424  histEtIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco.push_back(tmpiso);
425  histPhiIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco.push_back(tmpiso);
427  } else {
429  //--------------------
430  // 2D plot: Isolation values vs X for all objects
431  //--------------------
433  // X = eta
434  histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_isolation_all";
435  histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #eta (all)";
436  tmpiso = iBooker.book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
437  etahistiso.push_back(tmpiso);
439  // X = et
440  histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_isolation_all";
441  histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs Et (all)";
442  tmpiso = iBooker.book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
443  ethistiso.push_back(tmpiso);
445  // X = phi
446  histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_isolation_all";
447  histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #phi (all)";
448  tmpiso = iBooker.book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
449  phiHistIso.push_back(tmpiso);
451  //--------------------
452  // 2D plot: Isolation values vs X for reco matched objects
453  //--------------------
455  // X = eta
456  histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_isolation_RECO_matched";
457  histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #eta (reco matched)";
458  tmpiso = iBooker.book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
459  etahistisomatchreco.push_back(tmpiso);
461  // X = et
462  histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_isolation_RECO_matched";
463  histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs Et (reco matched)";
464  tmpiso = iBooker.book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
465  ethistisomatchreco.push_back(tmpiso);
467  // X = eta
468  histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_isolation_RECO_matched";
469  histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #phi (reco matched)";
470  tmpiso = iBooker.book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
471  phiHistIsoMatchReco.push_back(tmpiso);
473  //--------------------
474  // 2D plot: Isolation values vs X for HLT object that
475  // is closest delta-R match to sorted reco particle(s)
476  //--------------------
478  // X = eta
479  histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"eta_isolation_reco";
480  histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #eta (reco)";
481  tmpiso = iBooker.book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotEtaMax,plotEtaMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
482  histEtaIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco.push_back(tmpiso);
484  // X = et
485  histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"et_isolation_reco";
486  histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs Et (reco)";
487  tmpiso = iBooker.book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,plotPtMin,plotPtMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
488  histEtIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco.push_back(tmpiso);
490  // X = phi
491  histName = theHLTCollectionLabels[i].label()+"phi_isolation_reco";
492  histTitle = HltHistTitle[i]+" isolation vs #phi (reco)";
493  tmpiso = iBooker.book2D(histName.c_str(),histTitle.c_str(),plotBins,-plotPhiMax,plotPhiMax,plotBins,plotBounds[i].first,plotBounds[i].second);
494  histPhiIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco.push_back(tmpiso);
495  //--------------------
497  } // END of HLT histograms
498  }
499 }
503 // Destructor //
506 }
510 // method called to for each event //
512 void
514 {
516  // protect from hlt config failure
517  if( !isHltConfigInitialized_ ) return;
519  eventnum++;
520  bool plotMonpath = false;
521  bool plotReco = true;
527  if (pdgGen == 11) {
529  event.getByToken(recoElectronsInput, recoObjects);
531  if (recoObjects->size() < (unsigned int)recocut_) {
532  // edm::LogWarning("EmDQMReco") << "Less than "<< recocut_ <<" Reco particles with pdgId=" << pdgGen << ". Only " << cutRecoCounter->size() << " particles.";
533  return;
534  }
535  } else if (pdgGen == 22) {
537  event.getByToken(recoObjectsEBT, recoObjectsEB);
538  event.getByToken(recoObjectsEET, recoObjectsEE);
540  if (recoObjectsEB->size() + recoObjectsEE->size() < (unsigned int)recocut_) {
541  // edm::LogWarning("EmDQMReco") << "Less than "<< recocut_ <<" Reco particles with pdgId=" << pdgGen << ". Only " << cutRecoCounter.size() << " particles.";
542  return;
543  }
544  }
547  event.getByToken(hltResultsT, HLTR);
554  /* if (theHLTCollectionHumanNames[0] == "hltL1sRelaxedSingleEgammaEt8"){
555  triggerIndex = hltConfig.triggerIndex("HLT_L1SingleEG8");
556  } else if (theHLTCollectionHumanNames[0] == "hltL1sRelaxedSingleEgammaEt5") {
557  triggerIndex = hltConfig.triggerIndex("HLT_L1SingleEG5");
558  } else if (theHLTCollectionHumanNames[0] == "hltL1sRelaxedDoubleEgammaEt5") {
559  triggerIndex = hltConfig.triggerIndex("HLT_L1DoubleEG5");
560  } else {
561  triggerIndex = hltConfig.triggerIndex("");
562  } */
564  unsigned int triggerIndex;
567  //triggerIndex must be less than the size of HLTR or you get a CMSException
568  bool isFired = false;
569  if (triggerIndex < HLTR->size()){
570  isFired = HLTR->accept(triggerIndex);
571  }
573  // fill L1 and HLT info
574  // get objects possed by each filter
576  event.getByToken(triggerObjT, triggerObj);
578  if(!triggerObj.isValid()) {
579  edm::LogWarning("EmDQMReco") << "RAW-type HLT results not found, skipping event";
580  return;
581  }
584  // Fill the bin labeled "Total" //
585  // This will be the number of events looked at. //
591  // Fill the bin labeled "Total" //
592  // This will be the number of events looked at. //
594  //total->Fill(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+0.5);
595  //totalmatch->Fill(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+0.5);
599  // Fill reconstruction info //
601  // the recocut_ highest Et generator objects of the preselected type are our matches
603  std::vector<reco::Particle> sortedReco;
604  if (plotReco == true) {
605  if (pdgGen == 11) {
606  for(edm::View<reco::Candidate>::const_iterator recopart = recoObjects->begin(); recopart != recoObjects->end();recopart++){
607  reco::Particle tmpcand( recopart->charge(), recopart->p4(), recopart->vertex(),recopart->pdgId(),recopart->status() );
608  sortedReco.push_back(tmpcand);
609  }
610  }
611  else if (pdgGen == 22) {
612  for(std::vector<reco::SuperCluster>::const_iterator recopart2 = recoObjectsEB->begin(); recopart2 != recoObjectsEB->end();recopart2++){
613  float en = recopart2->energy();
614  float er = sqrt(pow(recopart2->x(),2) + pow(recopart2->y(),2) + pow(recopart2->z(),2) );
615  float px = recopart2->energy()*recopart2->x()/er;
616  float py = recopart2->energy()*recopart2->y()/er;
617  float pz = recopart2->energy()*recopart2->z()/er;
618  reco::Candidate::LorentzVector thisLV(px,py,pz,en);
619  reco::Particle tmpcand( 0, thisLV, math::XYZPoint(0.,0.,0.), 22, 1 );
620  sortedReco.push_back(tmpcand);
621  }
622  for(std::vector<reco::SuperCluster>::const_iterator recopart2 = recoObjectsEE->begin(); recopart2 != recoObjectsEE->end();recopart2++){
623  float en = recopart2->energy();
624  float er = sqrt(pow(recopart2->x(),2) + pow(recopart2->y(),2) + pow(recopart2->z(),2) );
625  float px = recopart2->energy()*recopart2->x()/er;
626  float py = recopart2->energy()*recopart2->y()/er;
627  float pz = recopart2->energy()*recopart2->z()/er;
628  reco::Candidate::LorentzVector thisLV(px,py,pz,en);
629  reco::Particle tmpcand( 0, thisLV, math::XYZPoint(0.,0.,0.), 22, 1 );
630  sortedReco.push_back(tmpcand);
631  }
632  }
634  std::sort(sortedReco.begin(),sortedReco.end(),pTComparator_ );
636  // Now the collection of gen particles is sorted by pt.
637  // So, remove all particles from the collection so that we
638  // only have the top "1 thru recocut_" particles in it
640  sortedReco.erase(sortedReco.begin()+recocut_,sortedReco.end());
642  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < recocut_ ; i++ ) {
643  //validity has been implicitily checked by the cut on recocut_ above
644  histReco->fill(sortedReco[i].p4());
646 // etreco ->Fill( sortedReco[i].et() );
647 // etareco->Fill( sortedReco[i].eta() );
648 // phiReco->Fill( sortedReco[i].phi() );
650  if (isFired) {
651  histRecoMonpath->fill(sortedReco[i].p4());
652  plotMonpath = true;
653  }
655  } // END of loop over Reconstructed particles
657  if (recocut_ >= reqNum) totalreco->Fill(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+1.5); // this isn't really needed anymore keep for backward comp.
658  if (recocut_ >= reqNum) totalmatchreco->Fill(numOfHLTCollectionLabels+1.5); // this isn't really needed anymore keep for backward comp.
660  }
666  // Loop over filter modules //
668  for(unsigned int n=0; n < numOfHLTCollectionLabels ; n++) {
669  // These numbers are from the Parameter Set, such as:
670  // theHLTOutputTypes = cms.uint32(100)
671  switch(theHLTOutputTypes[n])
672  {
673  case trigger::TriggerL1NoIsoEG: // Non-isolated Level 1
674  histoFillerL1NonIso->fillHistos(triggerObj,event,n, sortedReco, plotReco, plotMonpath);
675  break;
676  case trigger::TriggerL1IsoEG: // Isolated Level 1
677  histoFillerL1Iso->fillHistos(triggerObj,event,n, sortedReco, plotReco, plotMonpath);
678  break;
679  case trigger::TriggerPhoton: // Photon
680  histoFillerPho->fillHistos(triggerObj,event,n, sortedReco, plotReco, plotMonpath);
681  break;
682  case trigger::TriggerElectron: // Electron
683  histoFillerEle->fillHistos(triggerObj,event,n, sortedReco, plotReco, plotMonpath);
684  break;
685  case trigger::TriggerCluster: // TriggerCluster
686  histoFillerClu->fillHistos(triggerObj,event,n, sortedReco, plotReco, plotMonpath);
687  break;
688  default:
689  throw(cms::Exception("Release Validation Error") << "HLT output type not implemented: theHLTOutputTypes[n]" );
690  }
691  } // END of loop over filter modules
692 }
696 // fillHistos //
697 // Called by analyze method. //
699 template <class T> void HistoFillerReco<T>::fillHistos(edm::Handle<trigger::TriggerEventWithRefs>& triggerObj,const edm::Event& iEvent ,unsigned int n, std::vector<reco::Particle>& sortedReco, bool plotReco, bool plotMonpath)
700 {
701  std::vector<edm::Ref<T> > recoecalcands;
702  if ( ( triggerObj->filterIndex(dqm->theHLTCollectionLabels[n])>=triggerObj->size() )){ // only process if available
703  return;
704  }
707  // Retrieve saved filter objects //
709  triggerObj->getObjects(triggerObj->filterIndex(dqm->theHLTCollectionLabels[n]),dqm->theHLTOutputTypes[n],recoecalcands);
710  //Danger: special case, L1 non-isolated
711  // needs to be merged with L1 iso
713  std::vector<edm::Ref<T> > isocands;
714  triggerObj->getObjects(triggerObj->filterIndex(dqm->theHLTCollectionLabels[n]),trigger::TriggerL1IsoEG,isocands);
715  if (isocands.size()>0)
716  {
717  for (unsigned int i=0; i < isocands.size(); i++)
718  recoecalcands.push_back(isocands[i]);
719  }
720  } // END of if theHLTOutputTypes == 82
723  if (recoecalcands.size() < 1){ // stop if no object passed the previous filter
724  return;
725  }
728  if (recoecalcands.size() >= dqm->reqNum )
729  dqm->totalreco->Fill(n+0.5);
733  // check for validity //
734  // prevents crash in CMSSW_3_1_0_pre6 //
736  for (unsigned int j=0; j<recoecalcands.size(); j++){
737  if(!( recoecalcands.at(j).isAvailable())){
738  edm::LogError("EmDQMReco") << "Event content inconsistent: TriggerEventWithRefs contains invalid Refs" << std::endl << "invalid refs for: " << dqm->theHLTCollectionLabels[n].label();
739  return;
740  }
741  }
744  // Loop over all HLT objects in this filter step, and //
745  // fill histograms. //
747  // bool foundAllMatches = false;
748  // unsigned int numOfHLTobjectsMatched = 0;
749  for (unsigned int i=0; i<recoecalcands.size(); i++) {
751  dqm->standardHist[n].fill(recoecalcands[i]->p4());
754  // Plot isolation variables (show the not-yet-cut //
755  // isolation, i.e. associated to next filter) //
757  if ( n+1 < dqm->numOfHLTCollectionLabels ) { // can't plot beyond last
758  if (dqm->plotiso[n+1]) {
759  for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < isoNameTokens_.size() ;j++ ){
761  iEvent.getByToken(isoNameTokens_.at(j),depMap);
762  if (depMap.isValid()){ //Map may not exist if only one candidate passes a double filter
763  typename edm::AssociationMap<edm::OneToValue< T , float > >::const_iterator mapi = depMap->find(recoecalcands[i]);
764  if (mapi!=depMap->end()){ // found candidate in isolation map!
765  dqm->etahistiso[n+1]->Fill(recoecalcands[i]->eta(),mapi->val);
766  dqm->ethistiso[n+1]->Fill(recoecalcands[i]->et() ,mapi->val);
767  dqm->phiHistIso[n+1]->Fill(recoecalcands[i]->phi(),mapi->val);
768  }
769  }
770  }
771  }
772  } // END of if n+1 < then the number of hlt collections
773  }
776  // Loop over the Reconstructed Particles, and find the //
777  // closest HLT object match. //
779  if (plotReco == true) {
780  for (unsigned int i=0; i < dqm->recocut_; i++) {
781  math::XYZVector currentRecoParticleMomentum = sortedReco[i].momentum();
783  // float closestRecoDeltaR = 0.5;
784  float closestRecoDeltaR = 1000.;
785  int closestRecoEcalCandIndex = -1;
786  for (unsigned int j=0; j<recoecalcands.size(); j++) {
787  float deltaR = DeltaR(recoecalcands[j]->momentum(),currentRecoParticleMomentum);
789  if (deltaR < closestRecoDeltaR) {
790  closestRecoDeltaR = deltaR;
791  closestRecoEcalCandIndex = j;
792  }
793  }
795  // If an HLT object was found within some delta-R
796  // of this reco particle, store it in a histogram
797  if ( closestRecoEcalCandIndex >= 0 ) {
798 // histEtOfHltObjMatchToReco[n] ->Fill( recoecalcands[closestRecoEcalCandIndex]->et() );
799 // histEtaOfHltObjMatchToReco[n]->Fill( recoecalcands[closestRecoEcalCandIndex]->eta() );
800 // histPhiOfHltObjMatchToReco[n]->Fill( recoecalcands[closestRecoEcalCandIndex]->phi() );
802  dqm->histHltObjMatchToReco[n].fill(recoecalcands[closestRecoEcalCandIndex]->p4());
804  // Also store isolation info
805  if (n+1 < dqm->numOfHLTCollectionLabels){ // can't plot beyond last
806  if (dqm->plotiso[n+1] ){ // only plot if requested in config
807  for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < isoNameTokens_.size() ;j++ ){
809  iEvent.getByToken(isoNameTokens_.at(j),depMap);
810  if (depMap.isValid()){ //Map may not exist if only one candidate passes a double filter
811  typename edm::AssociationMap<edm::OneToValue< T , float > >::const_iterator mapi = depMap->find(recoecalcands[closestRecoEcalCandIndex]);
812  if (mapi!=depMap->end()) { // found candidate in isolation map!
813  dqm->histEtaIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco[n+1]->Fill( recoecalcands[closestRecoEcalCandIndex]->eta(),mapi->val);
814  dqm->histEtIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco[n+1] ->Fill( recoecalcands[closestRecoEcalCandIndex]->et(), mapi->val);
815  dqm->histPhiIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco[n+1] ->Fill( recoecalcands[closestRecoEcalCandIndex]->phi(), mapi->val);
816  }
817  }
818  }
819  }
820  }
821  } // END of if closestEcalCandIndex >= 0
822  }
825  // Fill reco matched objects into histograms //
827  unsigned int mtachedRecoParts = 0;
828  float minrecodist=0.3;
829  if(n==0) minrecodist=0.5; //low L1-resolution => allow wider matching
830  for(unsigned int i =0; i < dqm->recocut_; i++){
831  //match generator candidate
832  bool matchThis= false;
833  math::XYZVector candDir=sortedReco[i].momentum();
834  unsigned int closest = 0;
835  double closestDr = 1000.;
836  for(unsigned int trigOb = 0 ; trigOb < recoecalcands.size(); trigOb++){
837  double dr = DeltaR(recoecalcands[trigOb]->momentum(),candDir);
838  if (dr < closestDr) {
839  closestDr = dr;
840  closest = trigOb;
841  }
842  if (closestDr > minrecodist) { // it's not really a "match" if it's that far away
843  closest = -1;
844  } else {
845  mtachedRecoParts++;
846  matchThis = true;
847  }
848  }
849  if ( !matchThis ) continue; // only plot matched candidates
850  // fill coordinates of mc particle matching trigger object
851 // ethistmatchreco[n] ->Fill( sortedReco[i].et() );
852 // etahistmatchreco[n]->Fill( sortedReco[i].eta() );
853 // phiHistMatchReco[n]->Fill( sortedReco[i].phi() );
854  dqm->histMatchReco[n].fill(sortedReco[i].p4());
856  if (plotMonpath) {
857 // ethistmatchrecomonpath[n]->Fill( sortedReco[i].et() );
858 // etahistmatchrecomonpath[n]->Fill( sortedReco[i].eta() );
859 // phiHistMatchRecoMonPath[n]->Fill( sortedReco[i].phi() );
860  dqm->histMatchRecoMonPath[n].fill(sortedReco[i].p4());
862  }
864  // Plot isolation variables (show the not-yet-cut //
865  // isolation, i.e. associated to next filter) //
867  if (n+1 < dqm->numOfHLTCollectionLabels){ // can't plot beyond last
868  if (dqm->plotiso[n+1] ){ // only plot if requested in config
869  for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < isoNameTokens_.size() ;j++ ){
871  iEvent.getByToken(isoNameTokens_.at(j),depMapReco);
872  if (depMapReco.isValid()){ //Map may not exist if only one candidate passes a double filter
873  typename edm::AssociationMap<edm::OneToValue< T , float > >::const_iterator mapi = depMapReco->find(recoecalcands[closest]);
874  if (mapi!=depMapReco->end()){ // found candidate in isolation map!
875  dqm->etahistisomatchreco[n+1]->Fill(sortedReco[i].eta(),mapi->val);
876  dqm->ethistisomatchreco[n+1]->Fill(sortedReco[i].et(),mapi->val);
877  dqm->phiHistIsoMatchReco[n+1]->Fill(sortedReco[i].eta(),mapi->val);
878  }
879  }
880  }
881  }
882  } // END of if n+1 < then the number of hlt collections
883  }
884  // fill total reco matched efficiency
885  if (mtachedRecoParts >= dqm->reqNum )
886  dqm-> totalmatchreco->Fill(n+0.5);
887  }
889 }
893 // method called once each job just after ending the event loop //
897 }
int pdgGen
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:124
void fill(const math::XYZTLorentzVector &momentum)
Definition: EmDQMReco.cc:90
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
boost::ptr_vector< FourVectorMonitorElements > standardHist
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:167
std::vector< std::vector< edm::InputTag > > isoNames
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:113
double energy() const
Definition: Particle.h:83
void analyze(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &)
Definition: EmDQMReco.cc:513
HistoFillerReco< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > * histoFillerPho
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:234
HistoFillerReco< reco::ElectronCollection > * histoFillerEle
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:231
std::string dirname_
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:229
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:462
boost::ptr_vector< FourVectorMonitorElements > histMatchReco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:172
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:17
int eventnum
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:225
void endJob()
Definition: EmDQMReco.cc:895
std::vector< MonitorElement * > histEtIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:197
void setBinLabel(int bin, const std::string &label, int axis=1)
set bin label for x, y or z axis (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)
EmDQMReco(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
Definition: EmDQMReco.cc:102
#define NULL
Definition: scimark2.h:8
std::vector< int > theHLTOutputTypes
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:111
void fillHistos(edm::Handle< trigger::TriggerEventWithRefs > &triggerObj, const edm::Event &iEvent, unsigned int n, std::vector< reco::Particle > &sortedReco, bool plotReco, bool plotMonpath)
Definition: EmDQMReco.cc:699
string format
Some error handling for the usage.
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< reco::SuperCluster > > recoObjectsEET
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:154
std::vector< MonitorElement * > phiHistIso
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:191
unsigned int plotBins
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:134
std::vector< MonitorElement * > histEtaIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:198
std::vector< TPRegexp > filters
Definition: eve_filter.cc:22
bool isHltConfigInitialized_
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:117
double recoEtaAcc
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:125
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes(edm::InputTag const &tag)
void Fill(long long x)
HLTConfigProvider hltConfig_
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:116
FourVectorMonitorElements(EmDQMReco *_parent, DQMStore::IBooker &iBooker, const std::string &histogramNameTemplate, const std::string &histogramTitleTemplate)
Definition: EmDQMReco.cc:48
unsigned int triggerIndex(const std::string &triggerName) const
slot position of trigger path in trigger table (0 to size-1)
XYZTLorentzVectorD XYZTLorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
Definition: LorentzVector.h:29
boost::ptr_vector< FourVectorMonitorElements > histMatchRecoMonPath
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:177
double recoEtAcc
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:126
GreaterByPt< reco::Particle > pTComparator_
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:238
int iEvent
Definition: GenABIO.cc:230
std::vector< std::string > theHLTCollectionHumanNames
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:109
unsigned int numOfHLTCollectionLabels
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:106
HistoFillerReco< l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection > * histoFillerL1Iso
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:235
Definition: EmDQMReco.cc:505
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
MonitorElement * totalreco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:204
EmDQMReco * dqm
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:41
MonitorElement * etaMonitorElement
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:74
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< reco::SuperCluster > > recoObjectsEBT
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:153
MonitorElement * book1D(Args &&...args)
Definition: DQMStore.h:115
int j
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
MonitorElement * totalmatchreco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:205
unsigned int recocut_
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:138
std::vector< MonitorElement * > ethistisomatchreco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:194
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:75
std::string triggerNameRecoMonPath
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:142
std::vector< bool > plotiso
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:112
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::GsfElectronCollection > recoElectronsInput
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:152
bool useHumanReadableHistTitles
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:108
double plotPhiMax
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:131
edm::EDGetTokenT< trigger::TriggerEventWithRefs > triggerObjT
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:156
double deltaR(double eta1, double eta2, double phi1, double phi2)
Definition: TreeUtility.cc:17
HistoFillerReco< l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection > * histoFillerL1NonIso
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:233
MonitorElement * phiMonitorElement
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:75
unsigned int reqNum
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:123
boost::scoped_ptr< FourVectorMonitorElements > histRecoMonpath
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:217
std::vector< MonitorElement * > etahistiso
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:189
boost::scoped_ptr< FourVectorMonitorElements > histMonpath
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:222
void setCurrentFolder(const std::string &fullpath)
Definition: DQMStore.cc:276
MonitorElement * book2D(Args &&...args)
Definition: DQMStore.h:133
void dqmBeginRun(const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &)
Definition: EmDQMReco.cc:203
XYZVectorD XYZVector
spatial vector with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Vector3D.h:30
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Point3D.h:12
std::vector< MonitorElement * > etahistisomatchreco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:193
bool init(const edm::Run &iRun, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const std::string &processName, bool &changed)
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > plotBounds
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:114
std::vector< edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::AssociationMap< edm::OneToValue< T, float > > > > isoNameTokens_
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:38
std::vector< edm::InputTag > theHLTCollectionLabels
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:104
math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
Lorentz vector.
Definition: Candidate.h:37
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::TriggerResults > hltResultsT
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:155
boost::indirect_iterator< typename seq_t::const_iterator > const_iterator
Definition: View.h:81
double plotPtMin
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:129
double plotPtMax
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:130
boost::ptr_vector< FourVectorMonitorElements > histHltObjMatchToReco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:183
double plotEtaMax
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:128
std::vector< MonitorElement * > ethistiso
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:190
std::string processNameRecoMonPath
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:147
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
Definition: EmDQMReco.cc:214
boost::scoped_ptr< FourVectorMonitorElements > histReco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:212
tuple size
Write out results.
std::vector< MonitorElement * > phiHistIsoMatchReco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:195
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:40
Definition: Run.h:43
std::vector< MonitorElement * > histPhiIsoOfHltObjMatchToReco
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:199
HistoFillerReco< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > * histoFillerClu
Definition: EmDQMReco.h:232