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1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // Package: FwkIO
4 // Class : DQMRootOutputModule
5 //
6 // Implementation:
7 // [Notes on implementation]
8 //
9 // Original Author: Chris Jones
10 // Created: Fri Apr 29 13:26:29 CDT 2011
11 //
13 // system include files
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <iostream>
16 #include <string>
17 #include <map>
18 #include <memory>
19 #include <vector>
20 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
21 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
22 #include "TFile.h"
23 #include "TTree.h"
24 #include "TString.h"
25 #include "TH1.h"
26 #include "TH2.h"
27 #include "TProfile.h"
29 // user include files
46 #include "format.h"
48 namespace {
49  class TreeHelperBase {
50  public:
51  TreeHelperBase(): m_wasFilled(false), m_firstIndex(0),m_lastIndex(0) {}
52  virtual ~TreeHelperBase(){}
53  void fill(MonitorElement* iElement) {
54  doFill(iElement);
55  if(m_wasFilled) {++m_lastIndex;}
56  m_wasFilled = true; }
57  bool wasFilled() const { return m_wasFilled;}
58  void getRangeAndReset(ULong64_t& iFirstIndex, ULong64_t& iLastIndex) {
59  iFirstIndex = m_firstIndex;
60  iLastIndex = m_lastIndex;
61  m_wasFilled = false;
62  m_firstIndex = m_lastIndex +1;
63  m_lastIndex = m_firstIndex;
64  }
65  private:
66  virtual void doFill(MonitorElement*) = 0;
67  bool m_wasFilled;
68  ULong64_t m_firstIndex;
69  ULong64_t m_lastIndex;
70  };
72  template<class T>
73  class TreeHelper : public TreeHelperBase {
74  public:
75  TreeHelper(TTree* iTree, std::string* iFullNameBufferPtr ):
76  m_tree(iTree), m_flagBuffer(0),m_fullNameBufferPtr(iFullNameBufferPtr){ setup();}
77  virtual void doFill(MonitorElement* iElement) {
78  *m_fullNameBufferPtr = iElement->getFullname();
79  m_flagBuffer = iElement->getTag();
80  m_bufferPtr = dynamic_cast<T*>(iElement->getRootObject());
81  assert(0!=m_bufferPtr);
82  //std::cout <<"#entries: "<<m_bufferPtr->GetEntries()<<std::endl;
83  m_tree->Fill();
84  }
87  private:
88  void setup() {
89  m_tree->Branch(kFullNameBranch,&m_fullNameBufferPtr);
90  m_tree->Branch(kFlagBranch,&m_flagBuffer);
92  m_bufferPtr = 0;
93  m_tree->Branch(kValueBranch,&m_bufferPtr,128*1024,0);
94  }
95  TTree* m_tree;
96  uint32_t m_flagBuffer;
97  std::string* m_fullNameBufferPtr;
98  T* m_bufferPtr;
99  };
101  class IntTreeHelper: public TreeHelperBase {
102  public:
103  IntTreeHelper(TTree* iTree, std::string* iFullNameBufferPtr):
104  m_tree(iTree), m_flagBuffer(0),m_fullNameBufferPtr(iFullNameBufferPtr)
105  {setup();}
107  virtual void doFill(MonitorElement* iElement) {
108  *m_fullNameBufferPtr = iElement->getFullname();
109  m_flagBuffer = iElement->getTag();
110  m_buffer = iElement->getIntValue();
111  m_tree->Fill();
112  }
114  private:
115  void setup() {
116  m_tree->Branch(kFullNameBranch,&m_fullNameBufferPtr);
117  m_tree->Branch(kFlagBranch,&m_flagBuffer);
118  m_tree->Branch(kValueBranch,&m_buffer);
119  }
120  TTree* m_tree;
121  uint32_t m_flagBuffer;
122  std::string* m_fullNameBufferPtr;
123  Long64_t m_buffer;
124  };
126  class FloatTreeHelper: public TreeHelperBase {
127  public:
128  FloatTreeHelper(TTree* iTree, std::string* iFullNameBufferPtr):
129  m_tree(iTree), m_flagBuffer(0),m_fullNameBufferPtr(iFullNameBufferPtr)
130  {setup();}
131  virtual void doFill(MonitorElement* iElement) {
132  *m_fullNameBufferPtr = iElement->getFullname();
133  m_flagBuffer = iElement->getTag();
134  m_buffer = iElement->getFloatValue();
135  m_tree->Fill();
136  }
137  private:
138  void setup() {
139  m_tree->Branch(kFullNameBranch,&m_fullNameBufferPtr);
140  m_tree->Branch(kFlagBranch,&m_flagBuffer);
141  m_tree->Branch(kValueBranch,&m_buffer);
142  }
144  TTree* m_tree;
145  uint32_t m_flagBuffer;
146  std::string* m_fullNameBufferPtr;
147  double m_buffer;
148  };
150  class StringTreeHelper: public TreeHelperBase {
151  public:
152  StringTreeHelper(TTree* iTree, std::string* iFullNameBufferPtr):
153  m_tree(iTree), m_flagBuffer(0),m_fullNameBufferPtr(iFullNameBufferPtr), m_bufferPtr(&m_buffer)
154  {setup();}
155  virtual void doFill(MonitorElement* iElement) {
156  *m_fullNameBufferPtr = iElement->getFullname();
157  m_flagBuffer = iElement->getTag();
158  m_buffer = iElement->getStringValue();
159  m_tree->Fill();
160  }
161  private:
162  void setup() {
163  m_tree->Branch(kFullNameBranch,&m_fullNameBufferPtr);
164  m_tree->Branch(kFlagBranch,&m_flagBuffer);
165  m_tree->Branch(kValueBranch,&m_bufferPtr);
166  }
168  TTree* m_tree;
169  uint32_t m_flagBuffer;
170  std::string* m_fullNameBufferPtr;
171  std::string m_buffer;
172  std::string* m_bufferPtr;
173  };
175 }
177 namespace edm {
178  class ModuleCallingContext;
179 }
182 public:
183  explicit DQMRootOutputModule(edm::ParameterSet const& pset);
184  virtual void beginJob() override;
185  virtual ~DQMRootOutputModule();
186  static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
188 private:
189  virtual void write(edm::EventPrincipal const& e, edm::ModuleCallingContext const*) override;
191  virtual void writeRun(edm::RunPrincipal const&, edm::ModuleCallingContext const*) override;
192  virtual bool isFileOpen() const override;
193  virtual void openFile(edm::FileBlock const&) override;
194  virtual void reallyCloseFile() override;
195  virtual void postForkReacquireResources(unsigned int childIndex, unsigned int numberOfChildren) override;
197  void startEndFile();
198  void finishEndFile();
201  std::auto_ptr<TFile> m_file;
202  std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<TreeHelperBase> > m_treeHelpers;
204  unsigned int m_run;
205  unsigned int m_lumi;
206  unsigned int m_type;
207  unsigned int m_presentHistoryIndex;
208  ULong64_t m_beginTime;
209  ULong64_t m_endTime;
210  ULong64_t m_firstIndex;
211  ULong64_t m_lastIndex;
212  unsigned int m_filterOnRun;
217  std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> m_dqmKindToTypeIndex;
220  std::vector<edm::ProcessHistoryID> m_seenHistories;
223 };
225 //
226 // constants, enums and typedefs
227 //
229 static TreeHelperBase*
230 makeHelper(unsigned int iTypeIndex,
231  TTree* iTree,
232  std::string* iFullNameBufferPtr) {
233  switch(iTypeIndex) {
234  case kIntIndex:
235  return new IntTreeHelper(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
236  case kFloatIndex:
237  return new FloatTreeHelper(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
238  case kStringIndex:
239  return new StringTreeHelper(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
240  case kTH1FIndex:
241  return new TreeHelper<TH1F>(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
242  case kTH1SIndex:
243  return new TreeHelper<TH1S>(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
244  case kTH1DIndex:
245  return new TreeHelper<TH1D>(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
246  case kTH2FIndex:
247  return new TreeHelper<TH2F>(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
248  case kTH2SIndex:
249  return new TreeHelper<TH2S>(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
250  case kTH2DIndex:
251  return new TreeHelper<TH2D>(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
252  case kTH3FIndex:
253  return new TreeHelper<TH3F>(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
254  case kTProfileIndex:
255  return new TreeHelper<TProfile>(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
256  case kTProfile2DIndex:
257  return new TreeHelper<TProfile2D>(iTree,iFullNameBufferPtr);
258  }
259  assert(false);
260  return 0;
261 }
263 //
264 // static data member definitions
265 //
267 //
268 // constructors and destructor
269 //
271 edm::one::OutputModuleBase::OutputModuleBase(pset),
272 edm::one::OutputModule<>(pset),
273 m_fileName(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("fileName")),
274 m_logicalFileName(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("logicalFileName","")),
275 m_file(0),
276 m_treeHelpers(kNIndicies,boost::shared_ptr<TreeHelperBase>()),
277 m_presentHistoryIndex(0),
278 m_filterOnRun(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("filterOnRun",0)),
279 m_enableMultiThread(false),
280 m_fullNameBufferPtr(&m_fullNameBuffer),
281 m_indicesTree(0)
282 {
283 }
285 // DQMRootOutputModule::DQMRootOutputModule(const DQMRootOutputModule& rhs)
286 // {
287 // // do actual copying here;
288 // }
290 void
292 {
293  // Determine if we are running multithreading asking to the DQMStore. Not to be moved in the ctor
294  edm::Service<DQMStore> dstore;
296 }
299 {
300 }
302 //
303 // assignment operators
304 //
305 // const DQMRootOutputModule& DQMRootOutputModule::operator=(const DQMRootOutputModule& rhs)
306 // {
307 // //An exception safe implementation is
308 // DQMRootOutputModule temp(rhs);
309 // swap(rhs);
310 //
311 // return *this;
312 // }
314 //
315 // member functions
316 //
317 bool
319 {
320  return nullptr!=m_file.get();
321 }
323 void
325 {
326  //NOTE: I need to also set the I/O performance settings
328  m_file = std::auto_ptr<TFile>(new TFile(m_fileName.c_str(),"RECREATE",
329  "1" //This is the file format version number
330  ));
333  cms::Digest branchHash;
336  std::string(),
337  "DQMRootOutputModule",
338  description().moduleLabel(),
340  std::string(),
341  branchHash.digest().toString(),
342  std::vector<std::string>()
343  );
347  m_indicesTree->Branch(kRunBranch,&m_run);
348  m_indicesTree->Branch(kLumiBranch,&m_lumi);
352  m_indicesTree->Branch(kTypeBranch,&m_type);
355  m_indicesTree->SetDirectory(m_file.get());
357  unsigned int i = 0;
358  for(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<TreeHelperBase> >::iterator it = m_treeHelpers.begin(), itEnd = m_treeHelpers.end();
359  it != itEnd;
360  ++it,++i) {
361  //std::cout <<"making "<<kTypeNames[i]<<std::endl;
362  TTree* tree = new TTree(kTypeNames[i],kTypeNames[i]);
363  *it = boost::shared_ptr<TreeHelperBase>(makeHelper(i,tree,m_fullNameBufferPtr));
364  tree->SetDirectory(m_file.get()); //TFile takes ownership
365  }
379 }
382 void
383 DQMRootOutputModule::postForkReacquireResources(unsigned int childIndex, unsigned int numberOfChildren) {
384  // this is copied from IOPool/Output/src/PoolOutputModule.cc, for consistency
385  unsigned int digits = 0;
386  while (numberOfChildren != 0) {
387  ++digits;
388  numberOfChildren /= 10;
389  }
390  // protect against zero numberOfChildren
391  if (digits == 0) {
392  digits = 3;
393  }
395  char buffer[digits + 2];
396  snprintf(buffer, digits + 2, "_%0*d", digits, childIndex);
399  m_fileName = (filename.parent_path() / (filename.stem().string() + buffer + filename.extension().string())).string();
400 }
403 void
406 }
409 void
411  edm::ModuleCallingContext const*) {
412  //std::cout << "DQMRootOutputModule::writeLuminosityBlock"<< std::endl;
413  edm::Service<DQMStore> dstore;
414  m_run = iLumi.id().run();
415  m_lumi = iLumi.id().value();
416  m_beginTime = iLumi.beginTime().value();
417  m_endTime = iLumi.endTime().value();
418  bool shouldWrite = (m_filterOnRun == 0 ||
419  (m_filterOnRun != 0 && m_filterOnRun == m_run));
421  if (! shouldWrite)
422  return;
423  std::vector<MonitorElement *> items(dstore->getAllContents("",
425  m_enableMultiThread ? m_lumi : 0));
426  for(std::vector<MonitorElement*>::iterator it = items.begin(), itEnd=items.end();
427  it!=itEnd;
428  ++it) {
429  if((*it)->getLumiFlag()) {
430  std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int>::iterator itFound = m_dqmKindToTypeIndex.find((*it)->kind());
431  assert(itFound !=m_dqmKindToTypeIndex.end());
432  m_treeHelpers[itFound->second]->fill(*it);
433  }
434  }
437  std::vector<edm::ProcessHistoryID>::iterator itFind = std::find(m_seenHistories.begin(),m_seenHistories.end(),id);
438  if(itFind == m_seenHistories.end()) {
441  m_seenHistories.push_back(id);
442  } else {
443  m_presentHistoryIndex = itFind - m_seenHistories.begin();
444  }
446  //Now store the relationship between run/lumi and indices in the other TTrees
447  bool storedLumiIndex = false;
448  unsigned int typeIndex = 0;
449  for(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<TreeHelperBase> >::iterator it = m_treeHelpers.begin(), itEnd = m_treeHelpers.end();
450  it != itEnd;
451  ++it,++typeIndex) {
452  if((*it)->wasFilled()) {
453  m_type = typeIndex;
454  (*it)->getRangeAndReset(m_firstIndex,m_lastIndex);
455  storedLumiIndex = true;
456  m_indicesTree->Fill();
457  }
458  }
459  if(not storedLumiIndex) {
460  //need to record lumis even if we stored no MonitorElements since some later DQM modules
461  // look to see what lumis were processed
463  m_firstIndex=0;
464  m_lastIndex=0;
465  m_indicesTree->Fill();
466  }
469  jr->reportLumiSection(m_jrToken, m_run, m_lumi);
470 }
474  //std::cout << "DQMRootOutputModule::writeRun"<< std::endl;
475  edm::Service<DQMStore> dstore;
476  m_run = iRun.id().run();
477  m_lumi = 0;
478  m_beginTime = iRun.beginTime().value();
479  m_endTime = iRun.endTime().value();
480  bool shouldWrite = (m_filterOnRun == 0 ||
481  (m_filterOnRun != 0 && m_filterOnRun == m_run));
483  if (! shouldWrite)
484  return;
486  std::vector<MonitorElement*> items(dstore->getAllContents("",
487  m_enableMultiThread ? m_run : 0));
488  for(std::vector<MonitorElement*>::iterator it = items.begin(), itEnd=items.end();
489  it!=itEnd;
490  ++it) {
491  if(not (*it)->getLumiFlag()) {
492  std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int>::iterator itFound = m_dqmKindToTypeIndex.find((*it)->kind());
493  assert (itFound !=m_dqmKindToTypeIndex.end());
494  m_treeHelpers[itFound->second]->fill(*it);
495  }
496  }
499  std::vector<edm::ProcessHistoryID>::iterator itFind = std::find(m_seenHistories.begin(),m_seenHistories.end(),id);
500  if(itFind == m_seenHistories.end()) {
503  m_seenHistories.push_back(id);
504  } else {
505  m_presentHistoryIndex = itFind - m_seenHistories.begin();
506  }
508  //Now store the relationship between run/lumi and indices in the other TTrees
509  unsigned int typeIndex = 0;
510  for(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<TreeHelperBase> >::iterator it = m_treeHelpers.begin(), itEnd = m_treeHelpers.end();
511  it != itEnd;
512  ++it,++typeIndex) {
513  if((*it)->wasFilled()) {
514  m_type = typeIndex;
515  (*it)->getRangeAndReset(m_firstIndex,m_lastIndex);
516  m_indicesTree->Fill();
517  }
518  }
521  jr->reportRunNumber(m_jrToken, m_run);
522 }
524 void
526  startEndFile();
527  finishEndFile();
528 }
532  //std::cout << "DQMRootOutputModule::startEndFile"<< std::endl;
533  //fill in the meta data
534  m_file->cd();
535  TDirectory* metaDataDirectory = m_file->mkdir(kMetaDataDirectory);
538  //Write out the Process History
539  TTree* processHistoryTree = new TTree(kProcessHistoryTree,kProcessHistoryTree);
540  processHistoryTree->SetDirectory(metaDataDirectory);
542  unsigned int index = 0;
543  processHistoryTree->Branch(kPHIndexBranch,&index);
545  processHistoryTree->Branch(kProcessConfigurationProcessNameBranch,&processName);
546  std::string parameterSetID;
547  processHistoryTree->Branch(kProcessConfigurationParameterSetIDBranch,&parameterSetID);
548  std::string releaseVersion;
549  processHistoryTree->Branch(kProcessConfigurationReleaseVersion,&releaseVersion);
550  std::string passID;
551  processHistoryTree->Branch(kProcessConfigurationPassID,&passID);
553  for(std::vector<edm::ProcessHistoryID>::iterator it = m_seenHistories.begin(), itEnd = m_seenHistories.end();
554  it !=itEnd;
555  ++it) {
557  assert(0!=history);
558  index = 0;
559  for(edm::ProcessHistory::collection_type::const_iterator itPC = history->begin(), itPCEnd = history->end();
560  itPC != itPCEnd;
561  ++itPC,++index) {
562  processName = itPC->processName();
563  releaseVersion = itPC->releaseVersion();
564  passID = itPC->passID();
565  parameterSetID = itPC->parameterSetID().compactForm();
566  processHistoryTree->Fill();
567  }
568  }
570  //Store the ParameterSets
571  TTree* parameterSetsTree = new TTree(kParameterSetTree,kParameterSetTree);
572  parameterSetsTree->SetDirectory(metaDataDirectory);
573  std::string blob;
574  parameterSetsTree->Branch(kParameterSetBranch,&blob);
577  assert(0!=psr);
578  for(edm::pset::Registry::const_iterator it = psr->begin(), itEnd = psr->end();
579  it != itEnd;
580  ++it) {
581  blob.clear();
582  it->second.toString(blob);
583  parameterSetsTree->Fill();
584  }
586 }
589  //std::cout << "DQMRootOutputModule::finishEndFile"<< std::endl;
590  m_file->Write();
591  m_file->Close();
594 }
596 //
597 // const member functions
598 //
600 //
601 // static member functions
602 //
603 void
605  //The following says we do not know what parameters are allowed so do no validation
606  // Please change this to state exactly what you do use, even if it is no parameters
608  desc.setUnknown();
609  descriptions.addDefault(desc);
611  //NOTE: when actually filling this in, do not forget to add a untracked PSet 'dataset'
612  // which is used for bookkeeping by the DMWM
613 }
virtual void beginJob() override
const_iterator begin() const
virtual void reallyCloseFile() override
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
static const char *const kProcessHistoryTree
Definition: format.h:54
static const char *const kRunBranch
Definition: format.h:41
boost::uint64_t value() const
map_type::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: Registry.h:63
ModuleDescription const & description() const
static const char *const kTypeNames[]
Definition: format.h:28
string fill
Definition: lumiContext.py:319
Timestamp const & beginTime() const
bool getMapped(ProcessHistoryID const &key, ProcessHistory &value) const
const_iterator end() const
Definition: Registry.h:69
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: RunID.h:39
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:17
static const char *const kIndicesTree
Definition: format.h:40
Timestamp const & endTime() const
unsigned int m_presentHistoryIndex
bool registerProcessHistory(ProcessHistory const &processHistory)
static TreeHelperBase * makeHelper(unsigned int iTypeIndex, TTree *iTree, std::string *iFullNameBufferPtr)
edm::ProcessHistoryRegistry m_processHistoryRegistry
static const char *const kFirstIndex
Definition: format.h:47
static const char *const kLumiBranch
Definition: format.h:42
static const char *const kFullNameBranch
Definition: format.h:34
MD5Result digest() const
Definition: Digest.cc:194
void reportRunNumber(JobReport::Token token, unsigned int run)
Definition: JobReport.cc:549
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
Definition: FindCaloHit.cc:7
ProcessHistory const & processHistory() const
Definition: Principal.h:144
virtual void write(edm::EventPrincipal const &e, edm::ModuleCallingContext const *) override
const uint32_t getTag(void) const
static const char *const kPHIndexBranch
Definition: format.h:55
std::vector< MonitorElement * > getAllContents(const std::string &path, uint32_t runNumber=0, uint32_t lumi=0) const
Definition: DQMStore.cc:1984
static const char *const kParameterSetBranch
Definition: format.h:62
virtual bool isFileOpen() const override
std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > m_dqmKindToTypeIndex
void addDefault(ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
ProcessHistoryID const & processHistoryID() const
Definition: Principal.h:148
static const char *const kMetaDataDirectory
Definition: format.h:52
Timestamp const & beginTime() const
Definition: RunPrincipal.h:73
std::auto_ptr< TFile > m_file
static const char *const kParameterSetTree
Definition: format.h:61
double getFloatValue(void) const
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: Registry.h:65
RunNumber_t run() const
Timestamp const & endTime() const
Definition: RunPrincipal.h:77
static const char *const kFlagBranch
Definition: format.h:35
virtual void writeRun(edm::RunPrincipal const &, edm::ModuleCallingContext const *) override
static const char *const kTypeBranch
Definition: format.h:46
static const char *const kProcessHistoryIndexBranch
Definition: format.h:43
Token outputFileOpened(std::string const &physicalFileName, std::string const &logicalFileName, std::string const &catalog, std::string const &outputModuleClassName, std::string const &moduleLabel, std::string const &guid, std::string const &dataType, std::string const &branchHash, std::vector< std::string > const &branchNames)
Definition: JobReport.cc:467
static const char *const kEndTimeBranch
Definition: format.h:45
const std::string getFullname(void) const
get full name of ME including Pathname
const std::string & getStringValue(void) const
std::size_t Token
Definition: JobReport.h:107
DQMRootOutputModule(edm::ParameterSet const &pset)
static const char *const kProcessConfigurationPassID
Definition: format.h:59
Definition: cuy.py:574
RunID const & id() const
Definition: RunPrincipal.h:69
std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< TreeHelperBase > > m_treeHelpers
std::string * m_fullNameBufferPtr
TObject * getRootObject(void) const
static const char *const kLastIndex
Definition: format.h:48
int64_t getIntValue(void) const
std::string toString() const
Definition: Digest.cc:87
static const char *const kProcessConfigurationReleaseVersion
Definition: format.h:58
std::string const & processName() const
static const char *const kProcessConfigurationProcessNameBranch
Definition: format.h:56
const_iterator end() const
virtual void postForkReacquireResources(unsigned int childIndex, unsigned int numberOfChildren) override
static const char *const kBeginTimeBranch
Definition: format.h:44
void outputFileClosed(Token fileToken)
Definition: JobReport.cc:513
tuple filename
Definition: lut2db_cfg.py:20
edm::JobReport::Token m_jrToken
virtual void openFile(edm::FileBlock const &) override
virtual void writeLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlockPrincipal const &, edm::ModuleCallingContext const *) override
void reportLumiSection(JobReport::Token token, unsigned int run, unsigned int lumiSectId)
Definition: JobReport.cc:539
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag false
long double T
TimeValue_t value() const
Definition: Timestamp.h:56
static Registry * instance()
Definition: Registry.cc:12
std::string createGlobalIdentifier()
static const char *const kValueBranch
Definition: format.h:36
bool enableMultiThread_
Definition: DQMStore.h:704
static const char *const kProcessConfigurationParameterSetIDBranch
Definition: format.h:57
std::vector< edm::ProcessHistoryID > m_seenHistories