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customiseUtils Namespace Reference


def L1TAddDebugOutput
def L1TAddInfoOutput
def L1TDumpEventData
def L1TDumpEventSummary
def L1TGlobalDigisSummary
def L1TGlobalMenuXML
def L1TGlobalSimDigisSummary
def L1TGtStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU
def L1TStage1DigisSummary
def L1TStage1SimDigisSummary
def L1TStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU
def L1TStage2DigisSummary
def L1TStage2SimDigisSummary
def L1TTurnOffGtAndGmtEmulation
 customisations for L1T utilities More...
def L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtAndGmt
def L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtGmtAndCalo

Function Documentation

def customiseUtils.L1TAddDebugOutput (   process)

Definition at line 105 of file customiseUtils.py.

106 def L1TAddDebugOutput(process):
107  print "L1T INFO: sending debugging ouput to file l1tdebug.log"
108  print "L1T INFO: add <flags CXXFLAGS=\"-g -D=EDM_ML_DEBUG\"/> in BuildFile.xml of any package you want to debug..."
109  process.MessageLogger = cms.Service(
110  "MessageLogger",
111  destinations = cms.untracked.vstring('l1tdebug','cerr'),
112  l1tdebug = cms.untracked.PSet(threshold = cms.untracked.string('DEBUG')),
113  #debugModules = cms.untracked.vstring('caloStage1Digis'))
114  cerr = cms.untracked.PSet(threshold = cms.untracked.string('WARNING')),
115  debugModules = cms.untracked.vstring('*'))
116  return process
def customiseUtils.L1TAddInfoOutput (   process)

Definition at line 95 of file customiseUtils.py.

96 def L1TAddInfoOutput(process):
97  process.MessageLogger = cms.Service(
98  "MessageLogger",
99  destinations = cms.untracked.vstring('cout','cerr'),
100  cout = cms.untracked.PSet(threshold = cms.untracked.string('INFO')),
101  cerr = cms.untracked.PSet(threshold = cms.untracked.string('WARNING')),
102  )
103  return process
def customiseUtils.L1TDumpEventData (   process)

Definition at line 117 of file customiseUtils.py.

118 def L1TDumpEventData(process):
119  print "L1T INFO: adding EventContentAnalyzer to process schedule"
120  process.dumpED = cms.EDAnalyzer("EventContentAnalyzer")
121  process.l1tdumpevent = cms.Path(process.dumpED)
122  process.schedule.append(process.l1tdumpevent)
123  return process
def customiseUtils.L1TDumpEventSummary (   process)

Definition at line 124 of file customiseUtils.py.

125 def L1TDumpEventSummary(process):
126  process.dumpES = cms.EDAnalyzer("PrintEventSetupContent")
127  process.l1tdumpeventsetup = cms.Path(process.dumpES)
128  process.schedule.append(process.l1tdumpeventsetup)
129  return process
def customiseUtils.L1TGlobalDigisSummary (   process)

Definition at line 63 of file customiseUtils.py.

64 def L1TGlobalDigisSummary(process):
65  print "L1T INFO: will dump a summary of unpacked L1T Global output to screen."
66  process.l1tGlobalSummary = cms.EDAnalyzer(
67  'L1TGlobalSummary',
68  AlgInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtStage2Digis"),
69  ExtInputTag = cms.InputTag("gtStage2Digis"),
70  DumpTrigResults = cms.bool(True), # per event dump of trig results
71  DumpTrigSummary = cms.bool(True), # pre run dump of trig results
72  )
73  process.l1tglobalsummary = cms.Path(process.l1tGlobalSummary)
74  process.schedule.append(process.l1tglobalsummary)
75  return process
def customiseUtils.L1TGlobalMenuXML (   process)

Definition at line 76 of file customiseUtils.py.

77 def L1TGlobalMenuXML(process):
78  process.load('L1Trigger.L1TGlobal.StableParameters_cff')
79  process.load('L1Trigger.L1TGlobal.TriggerMenu_cff')
80  process.TriggerMenu.L1TriggerMenuFile = cms.string('L1Menu_Collisions2015_25nsStage1_v7_uGT.xml')
81  return process
def customiseUtils.L1TGlobalSimDigisSummary (   process)

Definition at line 82 of file customiseUtils.py.

83 def L1TGlobalSimDigisSummary(process):
84  print "L1T INFO: will dump a summary of simulated L1T Global output to screen."
85  process.l1tGlobalSummary = cms.EDAnalyzer(
86  'L1TGlobalSummary',
87  AlgInputTag = cms.InputTag("simGtStage2Digis"),
88  ExtInputTag = cms.InputTag("simGtStage2Digis"),
89  DumpTrigResults = cms.bool(False), # per event dump of trig results
90  DumpTrigSummary = cms.bool(True), # pre run dump of trig results
91  )
92  process.l1tglobalsummary = cms.Path(process.l1tGlobalSummary)
93  process.schedule.append(process.l1tglobalsummary)
94  return process
def L1TGlobalSimDigisSummary
def customiseUtils.L1TGtStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU (   process)

Definition at line 138 of file customiseUtils.py.

139 def L1TGtStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU(process):
140  print "L1T INFO: will dump a comparison of unpacked vs emulated GT Stage2 content to screen."
141  process.load('L1Trigger.L1TCommon.l1tComparisonGtStage2RAWvsEMU_cfi')
142  process.l1tgtstage2comparison = cms.Path(process.l1tComparisonGtStage2RAWvsEMU)
143  process.schedule.append(process.l1tgtstage2comparison)
144  return process
def L1TGtStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU
def customiseUtils.L1TStage1DigisSummary (   process)

Definition at line 35 of file customiseUtils.py.

36 def L1TStage1DigisSummary(process):
37  print "L1T INFO: will dump a summary of unpacked Stage1 content to screen."
38  process.load('L1Trigger.L1TCommon.l1tSummaryStage1Digis_cfi')
39  process.l1tstage1summary = cms.Path(process.l1tSummaryStage1Digis)
40  process.schedule.append(process.l1tstage1summary)
41  return process
def customiseUtils.L1TStage1SimDigisSummary (   process)

Definition at line 49 of file customiseUtils.py.

50 def L1TStage1SimDigisSummary(process):
51  print "L1T INFO: will dump a summary of simulated Stage1 content to screen."
52  process.load('L1Trigger.L1TCommon.l1tSummaryStage1SimDigis_cfi')
53  process.l1tsimstage1summary = cms.Path(process.l1tSummaryStage1SimDigis)
54  process.schedule.append(process.l1tsimstage1summary)
55  return process
def L1TStage1SimDigisSummary
def customiseUtils.L1TStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU (   process)

Definition at line 130 of file customiseUtils.py.

131 def L1TStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU(process):
132  print "L1T INFO: will dump a comparison of unpacked vs emulated Stage2 content to screen."
133  process.load('L1Trigger.L1TCommon.l1tComparisonStage2RAWvsEMU_cfi')
134  process.l1tstage2comparison = cms.Path(process.l1tComparisonStage2RAWvsEMU)
135  process.schedule.append(process.l1tstage2comparison)
136  return process
def L1TStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU
def customiseUtils.L1TStage2DigisSummary (   process)

Definition at line 42 of file customiseUtils.py.

43 def L1TStage2DigisSummary(process):
44  print "L1T INFO: will dump a summary of unpacked Stage2 content to screen."
45  process.load('L1Trigger.L1TCommon.l1tSummaryStage2Digis_cfi')
46  process.l1tstage2summary = cms.Path(process.l1tSummaryStage2Digis)
47  process.schedule.append(process.l1tstage2summary)
48  return process
def customiseUtils.L1TStage2SimDigisSummary (   process)

Definition at line 56 of file customiseUtils.py.

57 def L1TStage2SimDigisSummary(process):
58  print "L1T INFO: will dump a summary of simulated Stage2 content to screen."
59  process.load('L1Trigger.L1TCommon.l1tSummaryStage2SimDigis_cfi')
60  process.l1tsimstage2summary = cms.Path(process.l1tSummaryStage2SimDigis)
61  process.schedule.append(process.l1tsimstage2summary)
62  return process
def L1TStage2SimDigisSummary
def customiseUtils.L1TTurnOffGtAndGmtEmulation (   process)

customisations for L1T utilities

customisations which add utilities features such as debugging of L1T, summary module, etc.

Definition at line 15 of file customiseUtils.py.

16 def L1TTurnOffGtAndGmtEmulation(process):
17  cutlist=['simDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis','simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis','simTwinMuxDigis','simBmtfDigis','simEmtfDigis','simOmtfDigis','simGmtCaloSumDigis','simMuonQualityAdjusterDigis','simGmtStage2Digis','simGtStage2Digis']
18  for b in cutlist:
19  process.SimL1Emulator.remove(getattr(process,b))
20  return process
# Unpack Stage-2 GT and GMT
def L1TTurnOffGtAndGmtEmulation
customisations for L1T utilities
def customiseUtils.L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtAndGmt (   process)

Definition at line 22 of file customiseUtils.py.

24  cutlist=['gtStage2Digis','gmtStage2Digis']
25  for b in cutlist:
26  process.L1TRawToDigi.remove(getattr(process,b))
27  return process
# Unpack Stage-2 GT and GMT
def L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtAndGmt
def customiseUtils.L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtGmtAndCalo (   process)

Definition at line 29 of file customiseUtils.py.

31  cutlist=['gtStage2Digis','gmtStage2Digis','caloStage2Digis']
32  for b in cutlist:
33  process.L1TRawToDigi.remove(getattr(process,b))
34  return process
def L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtGmtAndCalo