8 bool justBlanks =
9 for(std::string::const_iterator
c = cut.begin();
c != cut.end(); ++
c) {
10 if(*
c !=
' ') { justBlanks =
break; }
16 using namespace boost::spirit::classic;
18 bool returnValue =
19 const char* startingFrom =cut.c_str();
21 returnValue =
parse(startingFrom, grammar.use_parser<0>() >> end_p, space_p).full;
bool cutParser(const edm::TypeWithDict &t, const std::string &cut, SelectorPtr &sel, bool lazy)
boost::spirit::classic::parser_error< reco::parser::SyntaxErrors > BaseException
Evaluator * parse(const T &text)
const char * baseExceptionWhat(const BaseException &e)
returns the appropriate 'what' message for the exception
boost::shared_ptr< SelectorBase > SelectorPtr