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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # GBenelli Dec 21, 2007 and JNicolson July 23, 2008
4 # This script is designed to run on a local directory
5 # after the user has created a local CMSSW release,
6 # initialized its environment variables by executing
7 # in the release /src directory:
8 # eval `scramv1 runtime -csh`
9 # project CMSSW
10 # The script will create a SimulationCandles_$CMSSW_VERSION.txt ASCII
11 # file, input to cmsRelvalreport.py, to launch the
12 # Performance Suite.
14 # Input arguments are three:
15 # 1-Number of events to put in the cfg files
16 # 2-Name of the candle(s) to process (either AllCandles, or NameOfTheCandle)
17 # 3-Profiles to run (with code below)
18 # E.g.: ./cmsRelValReportInput.py 50 AllCandles 012
20 ###############
21 # Import modules and define functions
22 #
24 import sys, os, re, operator
25 import optparse as opt
26 from cmsPerfCommons import Candles, CandDesc, FileName, KeywordToCfi, CustomiseFragment, CandFname, EventContents
27 from functools import reduce
28 ################
29 # Global variables
30 #
32 THIS_PROG_NAME = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
33 cmsDriver = 'cmsDriver.py' #cmsDriver.py path
34 hypreg = re.compile('-')
35 debug = False
37 AllSteps = ["GEN,SIM", "DIGI", "L1", "DIGI2RAW", "HLT", "RAW2DIGI","RECO"]
38 AfterPileUpSteps=[]
40 # Global variables used by writeCommandsToReport and dependents
42 # Hash for the profiler to run
44 Profiler = {
45  'TimingReport' : 'Timing_Parser',
46  'TimingReport @@@ reuse' : 'Timing_Parser',
47  'TimeReport' : 'Timereport_Parser',
48  'TimeReport @@@ reuse' : 'Timereport_Parser',
49  'SimpleMemReport' : 'SimpleMem_Parser',
50  'EdmSize' : 'Edm_Size',
51  'IgProfperf' : 'IgProf_perf.PERF_TICKS',
52  'IgProfperf @@@ reuse' : 'IgProf_perf.PERF_TICKS',
53  'IgProfMemTotal' : 'IgProf_mem.MEM_TOTAL',
54  'IgProfMemTotal @@@ reuse': 'IgProf_mem.MEM_TOTAL',
55  'IgProfMemLive' : 'IgProf_mem.MEM_LIVE',
56  'IgProfMemLive @@@ reuse' : 'IgProf_mem.MEM_LIVE',
57  'IgProfMemMax' : 'IgProf_mem.MEM_MAX',
58  'IgProfMemMax @@@ reuse' : 'IgProf_mem.MEM_MAX',
59  'IgProfMemAnalyse' : 'IgProf_mem.ANALYSE',
60  'valgrind' : 'ValgrindFCE',
61  'memcheck_valgrind' : 'Memcheck_Valgrind',
62  'None' : 'None',
63 }
67 def getFstOccur(item, list):
68  return filter(item.__eq__,list)[0]
70 def getLstIndex(item, list):
71  lenlist = len(list)
72  for x in range(lenlist - 1,0,-1):
73  if list[x] == item:
74  return x
76 def checkSteps(steps):
77  '''Checks user steps <steps> for order against steps defined in AllSteps list.
78  If they are not, prints a warning and exits.
79  No return value.'''
81  #print steps
82  #if ":" in steps:
83  # steps.split(
84  idx = -2
85  lstidx = -2
86  for step in steps:
87  astep = step
88  split = []
89  #Added special workflow for GEN-FASTSIM, bypass the check of step order:
90  if step=="GEN,FASTSIM":
91  pass
92  else:
93  if "-" in step:
94  split = astep.split("-")
95  astep = split[0].split(":")[0]
96  # print "This is astep:%s"%astep
97  #idx =AllSteps.index("GEN,SIM")
98  #print idx
99  #print astep
100  idx = AllSteps.index(astep.split(":")[0])
101  if not ( idx == -2 ):
102  if lstidx > idx:
103  print "ERROR: Your user defined steps are not in a valid order"
104  sys.exit()
105  lstidx = idx
106  if "-" in step:
107  lstidx = AllSteps.index(split[1].split(":")[0])
110 def getSteps(userSteps):
111  '''Analyzes the steps in <userSteps> to translate the cmsRelvalreportInput.py --step option into the cmsDriver.py one. Expanding hyphens for combined steps.
112  Handle the exceptional cases of GEN-, GEN-SIM and GEN-FASTSIM (GEN is never profiled by itself).
113  Returns a list of steps <steps>.'''
114  #Add handling of ":" in steps
115  #print userSteps
116  # Then split the user steps into "steps"
117  gsreg = re.compile('GEN-SIM')
118  greg = re.compile('GEN') #Add a second hack (due to the first) to handle the step 1 case GEN-HLT
119  gfsreg = re.compile('GEN-FASTSIM') #Add a third hack to handle the case GEN-FASTSIM workflow
120  StepsTokens = userSteps.split(",")
121  steps = []
122  for astep in StepsTokens:
124  # Then transform the combined steps (GEN-SIM, RAW2DIGI-RECO)
125  # from using the "-" to using the "," to match cmsDriver.py convention
127  if gsreg.search(astep):
128  astep = gsreg.sub(r"GEN,SIM", astep)
129  elif gfsreg.search(astep):
130  astep = gfsreg.sub(r"GEN,FASTSIM", astep) #could add protection for user screw-ups
131  elif greg.search(astep):
132  astep = greg.sub(r"GEN,SIM", astep)
135  #print astep
136  # Finally collect all the steps into the steps list:
138  steps.append(astep)
140  #steps = expandHypens(steps)
141  checkSteps(steps)
142  return steps
145  global _noprof
146  explanations = map(lambda x: " " + x, Candles)
147  explanation = ""
148  for x in range(len(explanations)):
149  explanation += "%-*s %s\n" % (30, explanations[x],CandDesc[x])
150  parser = opt.OptionParser(usage=("""%s NUM_EVENTS_PER_CFG CANDLES PROFILE [--cmsdriver=cmsDriverOptions] [--usersteps=processingStepsOption]
152  Description - This program creates a configuration file for cmsRelvalreport.py that describes the order in which cmsDriver.py should be run with which candles, steps and profiling so that time spent running cmsDriver.py is minimised. Without this correct ordering we would have to re-run parts of the profiling steps.
154  Arguments:
155  NUM_EVENTS_PER_CFG - The number of events per config file
157  CANDLES - The simulation type to perform profiling on
158  Candles Description
159  AllCandles Run all of the candles below
160 %s
162  PROFILE - the type of profiling to perform (multiple codes can be used):
163  Code Profile Type
164  0 TimingReport
165  1 TimeReport
166  2 SimpleMemoryCheck
167  3 EdmSize
168  4 IgProfPerf
169  5 IgProfMemTotal
170  6 IgProfMemLive
171  7 IgProfAnalyse
172  8 ValgrindFCE
173  9 ValgrindMemCheck
175  Examples (could be obsolete!):
176  Perform Timing Report profiling for all candles, all steps and 10 events per cfg.
177  ./%s 10 AllCandles 1 \"--conditions FakeConditions --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT\"
178  Perform Timing Report, Time Report and SimpleMemoryCheck profiling for HiggsZZ4LM200, all steps and 50 events.
179  ./%s 50 \"HiggsZZ4LM200\" 012 \"--conditions FakeConditions --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT\"
180  Perform IgProfPerf and IgProfMemTotal profiling for TTbar, all steps and 100 events.
181  ./%s 100 \"TTbar\" 45 --cmsdriver=\"--conditions FakeConditions --eventcontent RAWRECO\"
182  Perform ValgrindFCE ValgrindMemCheck profiling for Minimum bias and 100 events. Only on GEN,SIM and DIGI steps.
183  ./%s 100 \"MinBias\" 89 --cmsdriver=\"--conditions FakeConditions --eventcontent RAWSIM\" \"--usersteps=GEN-SIM,DIGI"""
186  devel = opt.OptionGroup(parser, "Developer Options",
187  "Caution: use these options at your own risk."
188  "It is believed that some of them bite.\n")
189  #parser.set_defaults(debug=False)
191  parser.add_option(
192  '-b',
193  '--bypass-hlt',
194  action="store_true",
195  dest='bypasshlt',
196  default=False,
197  help='Should we bypass using the HLT root file?'
198  )
200  parser.add_option(
201  '-u',
202  '--usersteps',
203  type='string',
204  dest='userSteps',
205  help='Which steps to run',
206  metavar='<STEPS>',
207  )
208  parser.add_option(
209  '-c',
210  '--cmsdriver',
211  type='string',
212  dest='cmsDriverOptions',
213  help='Option for cmsDriver.py can be specified as a string to be added to all cmsDriver.py commands',
214  metavar='<CONDITION>',
215  )
216  parser.add_option(
217  '-i',
218  '--filein',
219  type='string',
220  dest='userInputFile',
221  help='Eventual input file (for now to be only used with HLT and RAW2DIGI-RECO workflows)',
222  default='',
223  metavar='<INPUTFILE>',
224  )
225  devel.add_option(
226  '-1',
227  '--no-profile',
228  action="store_true",
229  dest='noprof',
230  help='Do not perform profiling, ever',
231  #metavar='DEBUG',
232  )
234  devel.add_option(
235  '-d',
236  '--debug',
237  action="store_true",
238  dest='debug',
239  help='Show debug output',
240  #metavar='DEBUG',
241  )
243  parser.set_defaults(debug=False,noprof=False)
244  parser.add_option_group(devel)
246  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
249  _noprof = options.noprof
250  debug = options.debug
251  numofargs = len(args)
252 # print "runtime cmsinput " + str(numofargs) + " noprof " + str(_noprof)
253  if ((not numofargs == 3) and (not _noprof)) or (_noprof and not (numofargs == 2)):
254  parser.error("There are not enough arguments specified to run this program."
255  " Please determine the correct arguments from the usage information above."
256  " Run with --help option for more information.")
257  sys.exit()
259  return (options, args)
261 def expandHyphens(step):
262  newsteps = []
263 # for step in steps:
264  if "-" in step:
265  hypsteps = step.split(r"-")
266  #if not (len(hypsteps) == 2):
267  # print "ERROR: Could not parse usersteps. You have too many hypens between commas"
268  # sys.exit()
269  #el
270  if not reduce(lambda x,y,: x and y,map(lambda x: x.split(":")[0] in AllSteps, hypsteps)):
271  #(hypsteps[0].split(":")[0] in AllSteps and hypsteps[1].split(":") in AllSteps):
272  print "ERROR: One of the steps you defined is invalid"
273  sys.exit()
274  else:
275  if (hypsteps[0] == hypsteps[1]):
276  print "WARNING: You should not add a hypenated step that as the same source and destination step, ignoring"
277  newsteps.append(hypsteps[0])
278  else:
279  newsteps.append(hypsteps[0])
281  srt = AllSteps.index(hypsteps[0].split(":")[0]) + 1
282  for n in range(srt,AllSteps.index(hypsteps[-1].split(":")[0])):
283  astep = AllSteps[n]
284  if astep in ( hypsteps[i].split(":")[0] for i in range(1,len(hypsteps))):
285  #break
286  astep=filter(lambda x: astep == x.split(":")[0],hypsteps)[0]
287  if astep==hypsteps[-1].split(":")[0]:
288  break
289  newsteps.append(astep)
290  newsteps.append(hypsteps[-1])
291  else:
292  if not (step.split(":")[0] in AllSteps):
293  print "ERROR: One of the steps you defined is invalid"
294  sys.exit()
295  else:
296  newsteps.append(step)
298  return newsteps
300 def setupProgramParameters(options,args):
301  steps = []
302  cmsDriverOptions = ""
303  global AfterPileUpSteps
304  NumberOfEvents = int(args[0]) # first arg
305  WhichCandles = str(args[1]) # second arg
306  ProfileCode = ""
307  if not _noprof:
308  ProfileCode = str(args[2]) # third arg
310  if options.cmsDriverOptions:
312  cmsDriverOptions = options.cmsDriverOptions
313  print 'Using user-specified cmsDriver.py options: ' + cmsDriverOptions
315  if options.userSteps:
317  userSteps = options.userSteps
318  steps = getSteps(userSteps)
320  if WhichCandles.lower() == 'allcandles':
321  Candle = Candles
322  print 'ALL standard simulation candles will be PROCESSED:'
323  else:
324  Candle = [WhichCandles]
325  print 'Candle %s will be PROCESSED' % Candle[0]
327  # For now the two steps are built in, this can be added as an argument later
328  # Added the argument option so now this will only be defined if it was not defined already:
330  if not steps:
331  print 'The default steps will be run:'
332  steps = DEF_STEPS
333  else:
334  print "You defined your own steps to run:"
336  for astep in steps:
337  print astep
339  return (NumberOfEvents, ProfileCode, cmsDriverOptions, steps, Candle, options.bypasshlt,options.userInputFile)
341 def init_vars():
343  ####################
344  # Obtain required environment variables
345  #
347  try:
348  CMSSW_BASE = os.environ['CMSSW_BASE']
350  CMSSW_VERSION = os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION']
351  except KeyError:
352  print 'Error: An environment variable either CMSSW_{BASE, RELEASE_BASE or VERSION} is not available.'
353  print ' Please run eval `scramv1 runtime -csh` to set your environment variables'
354  sys.exit()
356  return ( CMSSW_BASE,
362  SimCandlesFile = 'SimulationCandles_%s.txt' % CMSSW_VERSION
364  try:
365  simcandles = open(SimCandlesFile, 'w')
366  except IOError:
367  print "Couldn't open %s to save" % SimCandlesFile
369  simcandles.write('#Candles file automatically generated by %s for %s\n'
371  simcandles.write("#CMSSW Base : %s\n" % CMSSW_BASE)
372  simcandles.write("#Release Base: %s\n" % CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE)
373  simcandles.write("#Version : %s\n\n" % CMSSW_VERSION)
375  return simcandles
377 def getProfileArray(ProfileCode):
379  Profile = []
381  # The allowed profiles are:
383  AllowedProfile = [
384  'TimingReport',
385  'TimeReport',
386  'SimpleMemReport',
387  'EdmSize',
388  'IgProfperf',
389  'IgProfMemTotal',
390  'IgProfMemLive',
391  #'IgProfMemMax', #Should add this here... but instead of changing the profile code numbers (really should, using options instead of numbers...) I am hacking the IgProfMemLive one: when this one is selected I will also include the IgProfMemMax profile (and analysis is analyse is there)
392  'IgProfMemAnalyse',
393  'valgrind',
394  'memcheck_valgrind',
395  'None',
396  ]
398  if _noprof:
399  Profile.append(AllowedProfile[-1])
400  else:
401  #FIXME:
402  #Horrible code!
403  for i in range(10):
404  if str(i) in ProfileCode:
405  firstCase = (i == 0 and (str(1) in ProfileCode or str(2) in ProfileCode)) \
406  or (i == 1 and str(2) in ProfileCode)
407  secCase = (i==4 and str(7) in ProfileCode) \
408  or (i == 5 and (str(6) in ProfileCode or str(7) in ProfileCode)) \
409  or (i == 6 and str(7) in ProfileCode)
411  if firstCase or secCase:
412  Profile.append(AllowedProfile[i] + ' @@@ reuse')
413  #Here's the hack:
414  if i==6: #i.e. IgProfMemLive
415  Profile.append("IgProfMemMax @@@ reuse")
416  else:
417  Profile.append(AllowedProfile[i])
418  if i==6: #i.e. IgProfMemLive
419  Profile.append("IgProfMemMax")
421  return Profile
423 def writeStepHead(simcandles,acandle,step):
424  simcandles.write('#%s\n' % FileName[acandle])
425  simcandles.write('#Step %s\n' % step)
426  #print step
429 def determineNewProfile(step,Profile,SavedProfile):
430  if 'DIGI2RAW' in step:
431  SavedProfile = Profile
432  Profile = [ ]
433  if 'HLT' in step:
434  Profile = SavedProfile
436  return (Profile, SavedProfile)
438 def pythonFragment(step,cmsdriverOptions):
439  # Convenient CustomiseFragment dictionary to map the correct customise Python fragment for cmsDriver.py:
440  #It is now living in cmsPerfCommons.py!
442  if "--pileup" in cmsdriverOptions and not (step == "HLT" or step.startswith("RAW2DIGI")):
443  return CustomiseFragment['DIGI-PILEUP']
444  elif step in CustomiseFragment:
445  return CustomiseFragment[step]
446  else:
447  #This is a safe default in any case,
448  #the maintenance of the customise python fragments goes into cmsPerfCommons.py
449  return CustomiseFragment['DIGI']
452 def setInputFile(steps,step,acandle,stepIndex,pileup=False,bypasshlt=False):
453  #print "StepIndex 2:%s"%stepIndex
454  InputFileOption = ""
455  if pileup and stepIndex == 0:
456  InputFileOption = "--filein file:%s_%s" % ( FileName[acandle],"DIGI" )
457  else:
458  InputFileOption = "--filein file:%s_%s" % ( FileName[acandle],steps[stepIndex - 1] )
460  if pileup:
461  pass
462  else :
463  if 'GEN,SIM' in step: # there is no input file for GEN,SIM!
464  InputFileOption = ''
465  if 'GEN,FASTSIM' in step: # there is no input file for GEN,FASTSIM!
466  InputFileOption = ''
467  elif 'HLT' in steps[stepIndex - 1] and bypasshlt:
469  # Special hand skipping of HLT since it is not stable enough, so it will not prevent
470  # RAW2DIGI,RECO from running
472  InputFileOption = "--filein file:%s_%s" % ( FileName[acandle],steps[stepIndex - 2] )
474  if not InputFileOption == "" :
475  InputFileOption += ".root "
477  return InputFileOption
479 def writeUnprofiledSteps(simcandles,CustomisePythonFragment,cmsDriverOptions,unprofiledSteps,previousOutputFile,acandle,NumberOfEvents, stepIndex, pileup,bypasshlt):
480  # reduce(lambda x,y : x + "," + "y",unprofiledSteps)
481  #stepsStr = ",".join(unprofiledSteps)
484  #print "unprofiledSteps is %s"%unprofiledSteps
485  #print "22acandle is %s"%acandle
486  #Kludge in case -b option to skip HLT is used...
487  if bypasshlt and unprofiledSteps[-1]=="HLT":
488  stepsStr = ",".join(unprofiledSteps[:-1])
489  OutputFile = "%s_%s.root" % ( FileName[acandle],unprofiledSteps[-2])
490  else:
491  stepsStr = ",".join(unprofiledSteps)
492  OutputFile = "%s_%s.root" % ( FileName[acandle],unprofiledSteps[-1])
493  simcandles.write("\n#Run a %s step(s) that has not been selected for profiling but is needed to run the next step to be profiled\n" % (stepsStr))
494  OutputFileOption = "--fileout=%s" % OutputFile
495  #Bug here: should take into account the flag --bypass-hlt instead of assuming hlt should be bypassed
496  #This affects the Step1/Step2 running since Step1 will produce an HLT.root file and Step2 should start from there!
497  #Adding the argument bypasshlt to the calls...
498  #PreviousInputFile=AllSteps[AllSteps.index(unprofiledSteps[0])-1]
499  #print "StepIndex 1:%s"%stepIndex
500  #Correcting a bug: when unprofiled intermediate steps are present it would skip 1 step...
501  #stepIndexAdjust=stepIndex - 2
502  #if stepIndexAdjust < 0: #To avoid issues with negative indeces
503  # stepIndexAdjust=0
504  #InputFileOption = setInputFile(AllSteps,unprofiledSteps[0],acandle,stepIndexAdjust,bypasshlt=bypasshlt)
505  #Use an argument to make it easier:
506  InputFileOption = "--filein file:" + previousOutputFile
507  if previousOutputFile =="":
508  InputFileOption = setInputFile(AllSteps,unprofiledSteps[0],acandle,stepIndex,pileup=pileup,bypasshlt=bypasshlt)
509  #Introduce an over-ride of cmsDriverOptions:
510  #For the case of unprofiled steps, always run them with FEVTDEBUGHLT eventcontent
511  #At the moment the only use case is when running step2 on its own...
512  for eventcontent in EventContents:
513  cmsDriverOptions=re.sub(eventcontent,'FEVTDEBUGHLT',cmsDriverOptions)
514  Command = ("%s %s -n %s --step=%s %s %s --customise=%s %s"
515  % (cmsDriver,
516  KeywordToCfi[acandle],
517  NumberOfEvents,
518  stepsStr,
519  InputFileOption,
520  OutputFileOption,
521  CustomisePythonFragment,
522  cmsDriverOptions) )
523  simcandles.write( "%s @@@ None @@@ None\n\n" % (Command))
524  return OutputFile
526 def writePrerequisteSteps(simcandles,steps,acandle,NumberOfEvents,cmsDriverOptions,pileup,bypasshlt):
527  fstIdx = -1
528  #Hack for GEN-FASTSIM workflow:
529  #if steps=="GEN,FASTSIM":
530  #if "-" in steps[0]:
531  fstIdx = AllSteps.index(steps[0].split("-")[0].split(":")[0])
532  #else:
533  # fstIdx = AllSteps.index(steps[0])
534  CustomisePythonFragment = pythonFragment("GEN,SIM",cmsDriverOptions)
535  previousOutputFile=""
536  OutputFile = writeUnprofiledSteps(simcandles, CustomisePythonFragment, cmsDriverOptions,AllSteps[0:fstIdx],previousOutputFile,acandle,NumberOfEvents, 0,pileup,bypasshlt)
537  return (fstIdx, OutputFile)
539 def setOutputFileOption(acandle,endstep):
540  return "%s_%s.root" % ( FileName[acandle],endstep)
542 def writeCommands(simcandles,
543  Profile,
544  acandle,
545  steps,
546  NumberOfEvents,
547  cmsDriverOptions,
548  bypasshlt,
549  stepIndex = 0,
550  pileup = False,
551  userInputFile=""):
552  #print "a:%s,b:%s,c:%s"%(stepIndex,pileup,userInputFile)
553  OutputStep = ""
555  stopIndex = len(steps)
556  start = 0
558  userSteps = steps
559  SavedProfile = []
560  fstROOTfile = True
561  fstROOTfileStr = ""
563  #Handling the case of the first user step not being the first step (GEN,SIM):
564  #print "Steps passed to writeCommands %s",steps
565  #Special case for FASTSIM:
566  if (steps[0] == "GEN,FASTSIM"):
567  start=-1
568  stopIndex=1
569  steps = ["GEN,FASTSIM"]
570  else:
571  if not (steps[0] == AllSteps[0]) and (steps[0].split("-")[0] != "GEN,SIM"):
572  #print "userInputFile: %s"%userInputFile
573  if ("--pileup" in cmsDriverOptions) and (steps[0]=="HLT" or steps[0].startswith("RAW2DIGI")) :
574  userInputFile = "../INPUT_PILEUP_EVENTS.root"
575  stepIndex=AllSteps.index(steps[0].split("-")[0].split(":")[0])
576  rootFileStr=""
578  elif userInputFile == "":
579  #Write the necessary line to run without profiling all the steps before the wanted ones in one shot:
580  (stepIndex, rootFileStr) = writePrerequisteSteps(simcandles,steps,acandle,NumberOfEvents,cmsDriverOptions,pileup,bypasshlt)
581  else: #To be implemented if we want to have input file capability beyond the HLT and RAW2DIGI-RECO workflows
582  #if "-" in steps[0]:
583  stepIndex=AllSteps.index(steps[0].split("-")[0].split(":")[0])
584  #print "Here!"
585  #else:
586  #print "There!"
587  # stepIndex=AllSteps.index(steps[0])
588  rootFileStr=""
589  #Now take care of setting the indeces and input root file name right for the profiling part...
590  if fstROOTfile:
591  fstROOTfileStr = rootFileStr
592  fstROOTfile = False
593  start = -1
594  #if "-" in steps[0]:
595  start = AllSteps.index(steps[0].split("-")[0].split(":")[0])
596  #else:
597  # start = AllSteps.index(steps[0])
598  lst = - 1
599  if "-" in steps[-1]:
600  lst = AllSteps.index(steps[-1].split("-")[1].split(":")[0]) #here we are assuming that - is always between two steps no GEN-SIM-DIGI, this is GEN-DIGI
601  else:
602  lst = AllSteps.index(steps[-1])
603  runSteps = AllSteps[start:lst]
604  numOfSteps = (lst - start) + 1
605  stopIndex = start + numOfSteps
606  #Handling the case in which the first user step is the same as the first step (GEN,SIM)
607  #elif not (steps[0] == AllSteps[0]) and (steps[0].split("-")[0] == "GEN"):
608  else:
609  #Handling the case of the last step being a composite one:
610  if "-" in steps[-1]:
611  #Set the stop index at the last step of the composite step (WHY???)
612  stopIndex = AllSteps.index(steps[-1].split("-")[1].split(":")[0]) + 1
613  else:
615  stopIndex = AllSteps.index(steps[-1].split(":")[0]) + 1
616  #print "Last step is %s and stopIndex is %s"%(steps[-1],stopIndex)
617  steps = AllSteps
619  unprofiledSteps = []
620  rawreg = re.compile("^RAW2DIGI")
622 #Horrible structure... to be rewritten sooner or later...
624 # FOR step in steps
626  prevPrevOutputFile = ""
627  #Add if to introduce the possibility to run on user selected input file.
628  if userInputFile!="":
629  previousOutputFile=userInputFile
630  else:
631  previousOutputFile = ""
633  for x in range(start,stopIndex,1):
634  if stepIndex >= stopIndex:
635  break
636  step = steps[stepIndex]
638  # One shot Profiling variables
639  befStep = step
640  aftStep = step
641  # We need this in case we are running one-shot profiling or for DIGI-PILEUP
642  stepToWrite = step
644  CustomisePythonFragment = pythonFragment(step,cmsDriverOptions)
645  oneShotProf = False
646  hypsteps = []
648  #Looking for step in userSteps, or for composite steps that step matches the first of a composite step in userSteps
649  if step in userSteps or reduce(lambda x,y : x or y,map(lambda x: step == x.split("-")[0].split(":")[0],userSteps)):
651  if "GEN,FASTSIM" in userSteps: # HLT/L1 menu workaround
652  stepToWrite = stepToWrite + ",HLT:GRun"
653  elif "HLT" in userSteps:
654  stepToWrite = stepToWrite.replace("HLT", "HLT:GRun")
656  #Checking now if the current step matches the first of a composite step in userSteps
657  hypMatch = filter(lambda x: "-" in x,filter(lambda x: step == x.split("-")[0],userSteps))
658  if not len(hypMatch) == 0 :
659  hypsteps = expandHyphens(hypMatch[0])
660  #print hypsteps
661  #print hypMatch[0]
662  stepToWrite = ",".join(hypsteps)
663  if "GEN,SIM-HLT" in userSteps: # HLT/L1 menu workaround
664  stepToWrite = stepToWrite.replace("HLT","HLT:GRun")
665  befStep = hypsteps[0]
666  #Kludge to avoid running HLT in composite steps if the -b option is chosen
667  if bypasshlt and hypsteps[-1]=='HLT':
668  aftStep = hypsteps[-2]
669  else:
670  aftStep = hypsteps[-1]
671  oneShotProf = True
672  if filter(lambda x: stepToWrite==x.split(":")[0],userSteps):
673  #print "Inside the filter if!"
674  #print stepToWrite
675  #Here we are assuming that the steps specified with : are not duplicate in the userSteps command:
676  #i.e. GEN-DIGI:SequenceA,HLT:1E31 is OK
677  #GEN-DIGI:SequenceA,HLT:SequenceB,HLT:1E31 IS NOT (OF COURSE!)
678  stepToWrite=filter(lambda x: stepToWrite==x.split(":")[0],userSteps)[0]
679  #print stepToWrite
681  writeStepHead(simcandles,acandle,stepToWrite)
683  #Set the output file name for Pile up and for regular case:
684  if "GEN,SIM-HLT" or "GEN,FASTSIM" or "HLT" in userSteps: # change to make root file output work (without colons)
685  stepToWrite = stepToWrite.replace(":","=")
687  if '--pileup' in cmsDriverOptions:
688  outfile = stepToWrite + "_PILEUP"
689  else:
690  outfile = stepToWrite
692  #print stepToWrite
694  if "GEN,SIM-HLT" or "GEN,FASTSIM" or "HLT" in userSteps: # change it back
695  stepToWrite = stepToWrite.replace("=",":")
697  OutputFile = setOutputFileOption(acandle,outfile)
698  if fstROOTfile:
699  fstROOTfileStr = OutputFile
700  fstROOTfile = False
701  OutputFileOption = "--fileout=" + OutputFile
703  for prof in Profile:
704  #First prepare the cmsDriver.py command
706  #Special case of EventEdmSize profiling
707  if 'EdmSize' in prof:
708  EdmFile = "%s_%s.root" % (FileName[acandle],outfile) #stepToWrite) #Bug in the filename for EdmSize for PileUp corrected.
709  #EventEdmSize needs a pre-requisite step that just produces the root file if one decided to run with only EdmSize profiling!
710  if prof == Profile[0] and not os.path.exists("./" + EdmFile):
711  # insert command to generate required state ( need to run one more step
712  # so that EDM can actually check the size of the root file
713  # If the first step to be profiled is something later on in the steps such
714  # as HLT then writePrerequisteSteps() should have got you to the step prior to
715  # HLT, therefore the only thing left to run to profile EDMSIZE is HLT itself
717  InputFileOption = "--filein file:" + previousOutputFile
718  #Kludge to bypass HLT output... here's a problem... since the unprofiled steps could contain HLT!
719  if rawreg.search(step) and bypasshlt and 'DIGI2RAW.root' in prevPrevOutputFile:
720  InputFileOption = "--filein file:" + prevPrevOutputFile
721  if previousOutputFile == "":
722  InputFileOption = setInputFile(steps,stepToWrite,acandle,stepIndex,pileup=pileup,bypasshlt=bypasshlt)
723  Command = ("%s %s -n %s --step=%s %s %s --customise=%s %s"
724  % (cmsDriver,
725  KeywordToCfi[acandle],
726  NumberOfEvents,
727  stepToWrite,
728  InputFileOption,
729  OutputFileOption,
730  CustomisePythonFragment,
731  cmsDriverOptions) )
732  simcandles.write( "%s @@@ None @@@ None\n" % (Command))
734  Command = EdmFile
735  #all other profiles:
736  else:
737  InputFileOption = "--filein file:" + previousOutputFile
738  if rawreg.search(step) and bypasshlt and 'DIGI2RAW.root' in prevPrevOutputFile:
739  InputFileOption = "--filein file:" + prevPrevOutputFile
741  if previousOutputFile == "":
742  InputFileOption = setInputFile(steps,befStep,acandle,stepIndex,pileup,bypasshlt)
744  #if '--pileup' in cmsDriverOptions:
745  # stepToWrite = pileupStep
746  if '--pileup' in cmsDriverOptions and ( stepToWrite=='GEN,SIM' or stepToWrite=='SIM'):
747  Command = ("%s %s -n %s --step=%s %s %s --customise=%s %s" % (
748  cmsDriver,
749  KeywordToCfi[acandle],
750  NumberOfEvents,
751  stepToWrite,
752  InputFileOption,
753  OutputFileOption,
754  CustomiseFragment['GEN,SIM'],#Done by hand to avoid silly use of MixinModule.py for pre-digi individual steps
755  cmsDriverOptions[:cmsDriverOptions.index('--pileup')]
756  ))
757  elif '--pileup' in cmsDriverOptions and (stepToWrite=='GEN,FASTSIM' or stepToWrite=='GEN,FASTSIM,HLT:GRun'): #Adding GEN,FASTIM case exception and use the CustomiseFragment['DIGI']
758  #+exception to the HLT:GRun case
759  Command = ("%s %s -n %s --step=%s %s %s --customise=%s %s" % (
760  cmsDriver,
761  KeywordToCfi[acandle],
762  NumberOfEvents,
763  stepToWrite,
764  InputFileOption,
765  OutputFileOption,
766  CustomiseFragment['DIGI'],#Done by hand to avoid silly use of MixinModule.py for pre-digi individual steps
767  cmsDriverOptions #For FASTSIM PU need the whole cmsDriverOptions! [:cmsDriverOptions.index('--pileup')]
768  ))
770  else:
771  Command = ("%s %s -n %s --step=%s %s %s --customise=%s %s" % (
772  cmsDriver,
773  KeywordToCfi[acandle],
774  NumberOfEvents,
775  stepToWrite,
776  InputFileOption,
777  OutputFileOption,
778  CustomisePythonFragment,
779  cmsDriverOptions
780  ))
781  #Now the cmsDriver command is ready in Command, we just edit the rest of the line and write it to the file!
782  if _noprof:
783  simcandles.write("%s @@@ None @@@ None\n" % Command)
784  else:
785  if 'valgrind' in prof:
786  #I think the if is safer even though all commands in this "else" (i.e. non EdmSize) should be OK.
787  if 'TimeMemoryInfo.py' in Command:
788  Command=Command.replace('--customise=Validation/Performance/TimeMemoryInfo.py', '')
789  #There is actually also the SIM case to take care of:
790  elif 'TimeMemoryG4Info.py' in Command:
791  Command=Command.replace('--customise=Validation/Performance/TimeMemoryG4Info.py', '')
792  stepLabel=stepToWrite
793  #print "stepLabel is %s"%stepLabel
794  if '--pileup' in cmsDriverOptions and not "_PILEUP" in stepToWrite:
795  stepLabel = stepToWrite+"_PILEUP"
796  #Add kludge here to make the IGPROF ANALYSE work:
797  #The idea is to:
798  #1-Check if ANALYSE is there everytime we're handling IGPROF profiles
799  #2-If it is there then write 2 lines instead of 1: add a @@@ reuse to the first line and a second line with ANALYSE @@@ the same metadata
800  #[3-Catch the case of ANALYSE by itself and raise an exception]
801  #4-Catch the case of ANALYSE proper, and do nothing in that case (already taken care by the second lines done after PERF_TICKS, MEM_TOTAL and MEM_LIVE.
802  #print "EEEEEEE %s"%prof
803  #We actually want the analyse to be used also for IgProf perf!
804  if 'IgProf' in prof: # and 'perf' not in prof:
805  #New IgProf naming scheme:
806  #Add a new naming scheme to simplify the handling in igprof-navigator:
807  #Candle___Step___Conditions__PileUpOption__IgProfProfile___Event.gz (and .sql3)
809  #Creating the IgProfProfile variable, to be either IgProfMem or IgProfPerf, the two types of profiling:
810  IgProfProfile="IgProf"
811  if "Mem" in prof:
812  if "reuse" in prof:
813  IgProfProfile="IgProfMem @@@ reuse"
814  else:
815  IgProfProfile="IgProfMem"
816  else:
817  if "reuse" in prof:
818  IgProfProfile="IgProfPerf @@@ reuse"
819  else:
820  IgProfProfile="IgProfPerf"
822  #Conditions and PileUpOption are extracted from the cmsDriverOptions:
823  Conditions="UNKNOWN_CONDITIONS"
824  PileUp="NOPILEUP"
826  tokens=cmsDriverOptions.split("--")
827  for token in tokens:
828  keywords=token.split(" ")
829  if "=" in keywords[0]:
830  keywords=keywords[0].split("=")
831  if "conditions" in keywords[0]:
832  # check if we are using the autoCond style of flexible conditions
833  # if so, expand the condition here so that the file names contain the real conditions
834  if "auto:" in keywords[1]:
835  from Configuration.AlCa.autoCond import autoCond
836  fileConditionsOption = autoCond[ keywords[1].split(':')[1] ]
837  Conditions = autoCond[ keywords[1].split(':')[1] ].split("::")[0]
838  else:
839  # old style, hardcoded, conditions ...
840  # Complicated expression, just to get rid of FrontierConditions_GlobalTag,
841  # and ::All at the end:
842  # Added if to handle new --conditions convention for cmsDriver.py (no more
843  # FrontierConditions... in front of it)
844  if "," in keywords[1]:
845  Conditions=keywords[1].split(",")[1].split("::")[0] #"backward" compatibility...
846  else:
847  Conditions=keywords[1].split("::")[0]
848  elif "pileup" in keywords[0]:
849  PileUp=keywords[1]
850  elif "eventcontent" in keywords[0]:
851  EventContent=keywords[1]
853  #so here's our new MetaName:
854  MetaName=acandle+"___"+stepToWrite+"___"+PileUp+"___"+Conditions+"___"+EventContent+"___"+IgProfProfile
856  if 'Analyse' not in prof and (lambda x: 'Analyse' in x,Profile):
858  simcandles.write("%s @@@ %s @@@ %s\n" % (Command,
859  Profiler[prof],
860  MetaName))
861  #FileName[acandle],
862  #stepLabel,
863  #prof))
864  analyse_command = ("%s @@@ %s @@@ %s\n" % (Command,
865  Profiler[prof].split(".")[0]+'.ANALYSE.'+Profiler[prof].split(".")[1], #Add the IgProf counter in here (e.g. IgProfMem.ANALYSE.MEM_TOTAL)
866  MetaName))
867  #FileName[acandle],
868  #stepLabel,
869  #prof))
871  #for the relval case, GEN-SIM,HLT get rid of the last " @@@ reuse":
872  if Profiler[prof] == 'IgProf_mem.MEM_MAX' or Profiler[prof] == 'IgProf_perf.PERF_TICKS':
873  analyse_command = analyse_command.replace("@@@ reuse", "")
875  simcandles.write(analyse_command)
877  elif 'Analyse' in prof:
878  pass
879  else:
880  simcandles.write("%s @@@ %s @@@ %s_%s_%s\n" % (Command,
881  Profiler[prof],
882  FileName[acandle],
883  stepLabel,
884  prof))
886  if debug:
887  print InputFileOption, step, 'GEN,SIM' in step, 'HLT' in steps[stepIndex - 1], steps
888  print "cmsDriveroptions : " + cmsDriverOption
889  prevPrevOutputFile = previousOutputFile
890  previousOutputFile = OutputFile
891  else:
892  unprofiledSteps.append(step)
893  isNextStepForProfile = False # Just an initialization for scoping. don't worry about it being false
895  try:
896  isNextStepForProfile = steps[stepIndex + 1] in userSteps or reduce(lambda x,y : x or y,map(lambda z: steps[ stepIndex + 1 ] == z.split("-")[0].split(":")[0],userSteps))
897  #print "YES found Step %s when looking with standard step %s"%(steps[stepIndex],steps[stepIndex])
898  except IndexError:
899  # This loop should have terminated if x + 1 is out of bounds!
900  print "Error: Something is wrong we shouldn't have come this far"
901  break
903  if isNextStepForProfile:
904  #Minimum intervention solution is to fix it here: I think we need to pass the before and after steps...
905  OutputFile=writeUnprofiledSteps(simcandles,CustomisePythonFragment,cmsDriverOptions,unprofiledSteps,previousOutputFile,acandle,NumberOfEvents,stepIndex,pileup,bypasshlt)
906  unprofiledSteps = []
907  prevPrevOutputFile = previousOutputFile
908  previousOutputFile = OutputFile
909  #Dangerous index handling when looping over index x!
910  if oneShotProf:
911  stepIndex += len(hypsteps)
912  else:
913  stepIndex +=1
914  return fstROOTfileStr
916 def writeCommandsToReport(simcandles,Candle,Profile,debug,NumberOfEvents,cmsDriverOptions,steps,bypasshlt,userInputFile):
918  OutputStep = ''
920  # This option will not be used for now since the event content names keep changing, it can be
921  # edited by hand pre-release by pre-release if wanted (Still moved all to FEVTDEBUGHLT for now, except RECO, left alone).
922  #
923  #EventContent = {'GEN,SIM': 'FEVTDEBUGHLT', 'DIGI': 'FEVTDEBUGHLT'}
925  for acandle in Candle:
926  print '*Candle ' + acandle
928  ##################
929  # If the first profiling we run is EdmSize we need to create the root file first
930  #
932  #Here all candles are processed with all the same command, and in the pileup case they will have the pileup settings set correctly already:
933  #print "1-userInputFile: %s"%userInputFile
935  fstoutfile = writeCommands(simcandles,
936  Profile,
937  acandle,
938  steps,
939  NumberOfEvents,
940  cmsDriverOptions,
941  bypasshlt,
942  0,
943  False,
944  userInputFile)
947 def main(argv=sys.argv):
949  #####################
950  # Options Parser
951  #
953  (options, args) = optionparse()
955  #####################
956  # Set up arguments and option handling
957  #
959  (NumberOfEvents, ProfileCode, cmsDriverOptions, steps, Candle, bypasshlt, userInputFile ) = setupProgramParameters(options,args)
960  #print setupProgramParameters(options,args)
962  ######################
963  # Initialize a few variables
964  #
968  ##################
969  # Ok everything is ready now we need to create the input file for the relvalreport script
970  #
972  simcandles = writeReportFileHeader(CMSSW_VERSION,CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE,CMSSW_BASE)
974  ##################
975  # Based on the profile code create the array of profiles to run:
976  #
978  Profile = getProfileArray(ProfileCode)
981  ##################
982  # Write the commands for the report to the file
983  #
985  writeCommandsToReport(simcandles,Candle,Profile,debug,NumberOfEvents,cmsDriverOptions,steps,bypasshlt,userInputFile)
987  print "Written out cmsRelvalreport.py input file at:\n%s"%os.path.abspath('./'+simcandles.name)
989  simcandles.close()
991 if __name__ == "__main__":
992  main()
static std::string join(char **cmd)
Definition: RemoteFile.cc:18
Definition: main.py:1
double split
Definition: MVATrainer.cc:139