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uploadConditions Namespace Reference


class  ConditionsUploader
class  HTTP
class  HTTPError


def addToTarFile
def authenticateUser
def getInput
def getInputChoose
def getInputRepeat
def getInputWorkflow
def main
def re_upload
def runWizard
def testTier0Upload
def upload
def uploadAllFiles
def uploadTier0Files


string __author__ = 'Andreas Pfeiffer'
string __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2015, CERN CMS'
list __credits__ = ['Giacomo Govi', 'Salvatore Di Guida', 'Miguel Ojeda', 'Andreas Pfeiffer']
string __email__ = 'giacomo.govi@cern.ch'
string __license__ = 'Unknown'
string __maintainer__ = 'Giacomo Govi'
int __version__ = 1
string CERN_SSO_CURL_CAPATH = '/etc/pki/tls/certs'
string defaultBackend = 'online'
string defaultDevHostname = 'cms-conddb-dev.cern.ch'
string defaultHostname = 'cms-conddb-prod.cern.ch'
string defaultNetrcHost = 'ConditionUploader'
string defaultTemporaryFile = 'upload.tar.bz2'
string defaultUrlTemplate = 'https://%s/cmsDbUpload/'
string defaultWorkflow = 'offline'
string devLogDbSrv = 'cms_orcoff_prep'
string logDbSchema = 'CMS_COND_DROPBOX'
string prodLogDbSrv = 'cms_orcoff_prod'

Function Documentation

def uploadConditions.addToTarFile (   tarFile,

Definition at line 416 of file uploadConditions.py.

Referenced by uploadConditions.ConditionsUploader.uploadFile().

417 def addToTarFile(tarFile, fileobj, arcname):
418  tarInfo = tarFile.gettarinfo(fileobj = fileobj, arcname = arcname)
419  tarInfo.mode = 0o400
420  tarInfo.uid = tarInfo.gid = tarInfo.mtime = 0
421  tarInfo.uname = tarInfo.gname = 'root'
422  tarFile.addfile(tarInfo, fileobj)
def uploadConditions.authenticateUser (   dropBox,

Definition at line 595 of file uploadConditions.py.

References getInput().

Referenced by uploadAllFiles().

596 def authenticateUser(dropBox, options):
598  netrcPath = None
599  if options.authPath is not None:
600  netrcPath = os.path.join( options.authPath,'.netrc' )
601  try:
602  # Try to find the netrc entry
603  (username, account, password) = netrc.netrc( netrcPath ).authenticators(options.netrcHost)
604  except Exception:
605  # netrc entry not found, ask for the username and password
606  logging.info(
607  'netrc entry "%s" not found: if you wish not to have to retype your password, you can add an entry in your .netrc file. However, beware of the risks of having your password stored as plaintext. Instead.',
608  options.netrcHost)
610  # Try to get a default username
611  defaultUsername = getpass.getuser()
612  if defaultUsername is None:
613  defaultUsername = '(not found)'
615  username = getInput(defaultUsername, '\nUsername [%s]: ' % defaultUsername)
616  password = getpass.getpass('Password: ')
618  # Now we have a username and password, authenticate with them
619  return dropBox.signIn(username, password)
def uploadConditions.getInput (   default,
  prompt = '' 
Like raw_input() but with a default and automatic strip().

Definition at line 49 of file uploadConditions.py.

Referenced by authenticateUser(), getInputChoose(), getInputWorkflow(), runWizard(), and uploadAllFiles().

50 def getInput(default, prompt = ''):
51  '''Like raw_input() but with a default and automatic strip().
52  '''
54  answer = raw_input(prompt)
55  if answer:
56  return answer.strip()
58  return default.strip()
def uploadConditions.getInputChoose (   optionsList,
  prompt = '' 
Makes the user choose from a list of options.

Definition at line 73 of file uploadConditions.py.

References getInput().

Referenced by runWizard().

74 def getInputChoose(optionsList, default, prompt = ''):
75  '''Makes the user choose from a list of options.
76  '''
78  while True:
79  index = getInput(default, prompt)
81  try:
82  return optionsList[int(index)]
83  except ValueError:
84  logging.error('Please specify an index of the list (i.e. integer).')
85  except IndexError:
86  logging.error('The index you provided is not in the given list.')
def uploadConditions.getInputRepeat (   prompt = '')
Like raw_input() but repeats if nothing is provided and automatic strip().

Definition at line 88 of file uploadConditions.py.

Referenced by runWizard().

89 def getInputRepeat(prompt = ''):
90  '''Like raw_input() but repeats if nothing is provided and automatic strip().
91  '''
93  while True:
94  answer = raw_input(prompt)
95  if answer:
96  return answer.strip()
98  logging.error('You need to provide a value.')
def uploadConditions.getInputWorkflow (   prompt = '')
Like getInput() but tailored to get target workflows (synchronization options).

Definition at line 60 of file uploadConditions.py.

References getInput().

61 def getInputWorkflow(prompt = ''):
62  '''Like getInput() but tailored to get target workflows (synchronization options).
63  '''
65  while True:
66  workflow = getInput(defaultWorkflow, prompt)
68  if workflow in frozenset(['offline', 'hlt', 'express', 'prompt', 'pcl']):
69  return workflow
71  logging.error('Please specify one of the allowed workflows. See above for the explanation on each of them.')
def uploadConditions.main ( )
Entry point.

Definition at line 863 of file uploadConditions.py.

References re_upload(), and upload().

864 def main():
865  '''Entry point.
866  '''
868  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage =
869  'Usage: %prog [options] <file> [<file> ...]\n'
870  )
872  parser.add_option('-d', '--debug',
873  dest = 'debug',
874  action="store_true",
875  default = False,
876  help = 'Switch on printing debug information. Default: %default',
877  )
879  parser.add_option('-b', '--backend',
880  dest = 'backend',
881  default = defaultBackend,
882  help = 'dropBox\'s backend to upload to. Default: %default',
883  )
885  parser.add_option('-H', '--hostname',
886  dest = 'hostname',
887  default = defaultHostname,
888  help = 'dropBox\'s hostname. Default: %default',
889  )
891  parser.add_option('-u', '--urlTemplate',
892  dest = 'urlTemplate',
893  default = defaultUrlTemplate,
894  help = 'dropBox\'s URL template. Default: %default',
895  )
897  parser.add_option('-f', '--temporaryFile',
898  dest = 'temporaryFile',
899  default = defaultTemporaryFile,
900  help = 'Temporary file that will be used to store the first tar file. Note that it then will be moved to a file with the hash of the file as its name, so there will be two temporary files created in fact. Default: %default',
901  )
903  parser.add_option('-n', '--netrcHost',
904  dest = 'netrcHost',
905  default = defaultNetrcHost,
906  help = 'The netrc host (machine) from where the username and password will be read. Default: %default',
907  )
909  parser.add_option('-a', '--authPath',
910  dest = 'authPath',
911  default = None,
912  help = 'The path of the .netrc file for the authentication. Default: $HOME',
913  )
915  parser.add_option('-r', '--reUpload',
916  dest = 'reUpload',
917  default = None,
918  help = 'The hash of the file to upload again.',
919  )
921  (options, arguments) = parser.parse_args()
923  logLevel = logging.INFO
924  if options.debug:
925  logLevel = logging.DEBUG
926  logging.basicConfig(
927  format = '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
928  level = logLevel,
929  )
931  if len(arguments) < 1:
932  if options.reUpload is None:
933  parser.print_help()
934  return -2
935  else:
936  return re_upload(options)
937  if options.reUpload is not None:
938  print "ERROR: options -r can't be specified on a new file upload."
939  return -2
941  return upload(options, arguments)
def uploadConditions.re_upload (   options)

Definition at line 778 of file uploadConditions.py.

References edm.decode(), SiPixelLorentzAngle_cfi.read, and upload().

Referenced by main().

779 def re_upload( options ):
780  netrcPath = None
781  logDbSrv = prodLogDbSrv
782  if options.hostname == defaultDevHostname:
783  logDbSrv = devLogDbSrv
784  if options.authPath is not None:
785  netrcPath = os.path.join( options.authPath,'.netrc' )
786  try:
787  netrcKey = '%s/%s' %(logDbSrv,logDbSchema)
788  print '#netrc key=%s' %netrcKey
789  # Try to find the netrc entry
790  (username, account, password) = netrc.netrc( netrcPath ).authenticators( netrcKey )
791  except IOError as e:
792  logging.error('Cannot access netrc file.')
793  return 1
794  except Exception as e:
795  logging.error('Netrc file is invalid: %s' %str(e))
796  return 1
797  conStr = '%s/%s@%s' %(username,password,logDbSrv)
798  con = cx_Oracle.connect( conStr )
799  cur = con.cursor()
800  fh = options.reUpload
802  res = cur.fetchall()
803  found = False
804  fdata = None
805  for r in res:
806  found = True
807  logging.info("Found file %s in state '%s;" %(fh,r[1]))
808  fdata = r[0].read().decode('bz2')
809  con.close()
810  if not found:
811  logging.error("No file uploaded found with hash %s" %fh)
812  return 1
813  # writing as a tar file and open it ( is there a why to open it in memory?)
814  fname = '%s.tar' %fh
815  with open(fname, "wb" ) as f:
816  f.write(fdata)
817  rname = 'reupload_%s' %fh
818  with tarfile.open(fname) as tar:
819  tar.extractall()
820  os.remove(fname)
821  dfile = 'data.db'
822  mdfile = 'metadata.txt'
823  if os.path.exists(dfile):
824  os.utime(dfile,None)
825  os.chmod(dfile,0o755)
826  os.rename(dfile,'%s.db' %rname)
827  else:
828  logging.error('Tar file does not contain the data file')
829  return 1
830  if os.path.exists(mdfile):
831  os.utime(mdfile,None)
832  os.chmod(mdfile,0o755)
833  mdata = None
834  with open(mdfile) as md:
835  mdata = json.load(md)
836  datelabel = datetime.now().strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
837  if mdata is None:
838  logging.error('Metadata file is empty.')
839  return 1
840  logging.debug('Preparing new metadata file...')
841  mdata['userText'] = 'reupload %s : %s' %(datelabel,mdata['userText'])
842  with open( '%s.txt' %rname, 'wb') as jf:
843  jf.write( json.dumps( mdata, sort_keys=True, indent = 2 ) )
844  jf.write('\n')
845  os.remove(mdfile)
846  else:
847  logging.error('Tar file does not contain the metadata file')
848  return 1
849  logging.info('Files %s prepared for the upload.' %rname)
850  arguments = [rname]
851  return upload(options, arguments)
bool decode(bool &, std::string const &)
Definition: types.cc:62
def uploadConditions.runWizard (   basename,

Definition at line 100 of file uploadConditions.py.

References getInput(), getInputChoose(), getInputRepeat(), and ComparisonHelper.zip().

Referenced by uploadAllFiles().

101 def runWizard(basename, dataFilename, metadataFilename):
102  while True:
103  print '''\nWizard for metadata for %s
105 I will ask you some questions to fill the metadata file. For some of the questions there are defaults between square brackets (i.e. []), leave empty (i.e. hit Enter) to use them.''' % basename
107  # Try to get the available inputTags
108  try:
109  dataConnection = sqlite3.connect(dataFilename)
110  dataCursor = dataConnection.cursor()
111  dataCursor.execute('select name from sqlite_master where type == "table"')
112  tables = set(zip(*dataCursor.fetchall())[0])
114  # only conddb V2 supported...
115  if 'TAG' in tables:
116  dataCursor.execute('select NAME from TAG')
117  # In any other case, do not try to get the inputTags
118  else:
119  raise Exception()
121  inputTags = dataCursor.fetchall()
122  if len(inputTags) == 0:
123  raise Exception()
124  inputTags = zip(*inputTags)[0]
126  except Exception:
127  inputTags = []
129  if len(inputTags) == 0:
130  print '\nI could not find any input tag in your data file, but you can still specify one manually.'
132  inputTag = getInputRepeat(
133  '\nWhich is the input tag (i.e. the tag to be read from the SQLite data file)?\ne.g. BeamSpotObject_ByRun\ninputTag: ')
135  else:
136  print '\nI found the following input tags in your SQLite data file:'
137  for (index, inputTag) in enumerate(inputTags):
138  print ' %s) %s' % (index, inputTag)
140  inputTag = getInputChoose(inputTags, '0',
141  '\nWhich is the input tag (i.e. the tag to be read from the SQLite data file)?\ne.g. 0 (you select the first in the list)\ninputTag [0]: ')
143  destinationDatabase = ''
144  ntry = 0
145  while ( destinationDatabase != 'oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_CONDITIONS' and destinationDatabase != 'oracle://cms_orcoff_prep/CMS_CONDITIONS' ):
146  if ntry==0:
147  inputMessage = \
148  '\nWhich is the destination database where the tags should be exported? \nPossible choices: oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_CONDITIONS (for prod) or oracle://cms_orcoff_prep/CMS_CONDITIONS (for prep) \ndestinationDatabase: '
149  elif ntry==1:
150  inputMessage = \
151  '\nPlease choose one of the two valid destinations: \noracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_CONDITIONS (for prod) or oracle://cms_orcoff_prep/CMS_CONDITIONS (for prep) \
152 \ndestinationDatabase: '
153  else:
154  raise Exception('No valid destination chosen. Bailing out...')
155  destinationDatabase = getInputRepeat(inputMessage)
156  ntry += 1
158  while True:
159  since = getInput('',
160  '\nWhich is the given since? (if not specified, the one from the SQLite data file will be taken -- note that even if specified, still this may not be the final since, depending on the synchronization options you select later: if the synchronization target is not offline, and the since you give is smaller than the next possible one (i.e. you give a run number earlier than the one which will be started/processed next in prompt/hlt/express), the DropBox will move the since ahead to go to the first safe run instead of the value you gave)\ne.g. 1234\nsince []: ')
161  if not since:
162  since = None
163  break
164  else:
165  try:
166  since = int(since)
167  break
168  except ValueError:
169  logging.error('The since value has to be an integer or empty (null).')
171  userText = getInput('',
172  '\nWrite any comments/text you may want to describe your request\ne.g. Muon alignment scenario for...\nuserText []: ')
174  destinationTags = {}
175  while True:
176  destinationTag = getInput('',
177  '\nWhich is the next destination tag to be added (leave empty to stop)?\ne.g. BeamSpotObjects_PCL_byRun_v0_offline\ndestinationTag []: ')
178  if not destinationTag:
179  if len(destinationTags) == 0:
180  logging.error('There must be at least one destination tag.')
181  continue
182  break
184  if destinationTag in destinationTags:
185  logging.warning(
186  'You already added this destination tag. Overwriting the previous one with this new one.')
188  destinationTags[destinationTag] = {
189  }
191  metadata = {
192  'destinationDatabase': destinationDatabase,
193  'destinationTags': destinationTags,
194  'inputTag': inputTag,
195  'since': since,
196  'userText': userText,
197  }
199  metadata = json.dumps(metadata, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
200  print '\nThis is the generated metadata:\n%s' % metadata
202  if getInput('n',
203  '\nIs it fine (i.e. save in %s and *upload* the conditions if this is the latest file)?\nAnswer [n]: ' % metadataFilename).lower() == 'y':
204  break
205  logging.info('Saving generated metadata in %s...', metadataFilename)
206  with open(metadataFilename, 'wb') as metadataFile:
207  metadataFile.write(metadata)
OutputIterator zip(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp)
def uploadConditions.testTier0Upload ( )

Definition at line 942 of file uploadConditions.py.

References uploadTier0Files().

943 def testTier0Upload():
945  global defaultNetrcHost
947  (username, account, password) = netrc.netrc().authenticators(defaultNetrcHost)
949  filenames = ['testFiles/localSqlite-top2']
951  uploadTier0Files(filenames, username, password, cookieFileName = None)
def uploadConditions.upload (   options,

Definition at line 852 of file uploadConditions.py.

References uploadAllFiles().

Referenced by main(), and re_upload().

853 def upload(options, arguments):
854  results = uploadAllFiles(options, arguments)
856  if not results.has_key('status'):
857  print 'Unexpected error.'
858  return -1
859  ret = results['status']
860  print results
861  print "upload ended with code: %s" %ret
862  return ret
def uploadConditions.uploadAllFiles (   options,

Definition at line 621 of file uploadConditions.py.

References authenticateUser(), getInput(), and runWizard().

Referenced by upload().

622 def uploadAllFiles(options, arguments):
624  ret = {}
625  ret['status'] = 0
627  # Check that we can read the data and metadata files
628  # If the metadata file does not exist, start the wizard
629  for filename in arguments:
630  basepath = filename.rsplit('.db', 1)[0].rsplit('.txt', 1)[0]
631  basename = os.path.basename(basepath)
632  dataFilename = '%s.db' % basepath
633  metadataFilename = '%s.txt' % basepath
635  logging.info('Checking %s...', basename)
637  # Data file
638  try:
639  with open(dataFilename, 'rb') as dataFile:
640  pass
641  except IOError as e:
642  errMsg = 'Impossible to open SQLite data file %s' %dataFilename
643  logging.error( errMsg )
644  ret['status'] = -3
645  ret['error'] = errMsg
646  return ret
648  # Check the data file
649  empty = True
650  try:
651  dbcon = sqlite3.connect( dataFilename )
652  dbcur = dbcon.cursor()
653  dbcur.execute('SELECT * FROM IOV')
654  rows = dbcur.fetchall()
655  for r in rows:
656  empty = False
657  dbcon.close()
658  if empty:
659  errMsg = 'The input SQLite data file %s contains no data.' %dataFilename
660  logging.error( errMsg )
661  ret['status'] = -4
662  ret['error'] = errMsg
663  return ret
664  except Exception as e:
665  errMsg = 'Check on input SQLite data file %s failed: %s' %(dataFilename,str(e))
666  logging.error( errMsg )
667  ret['status'] = -5
668  ret['error'] = errMsg
669  return ret
671  # Metadata file
672  try:
673  with open(metadataFilename, 'rb') as metadataFile:
674  pass
675  except IOError as e:
676  if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
677  errMsg = 'Impossible to open file %s (for other reason than not existing)' %metadataFilename
678  logging.error( errMsg )
679  ret['status'] = -4
680  ret['error'] = errMsg
681  return ret
683  if getInput('y', '\nIt looks like the metadata file %s does not exist. Do you want me to create it and help you fill it?\nAnswer [y]: ' % metadataFilename).lower() != 'y':
684  errMsg = 'Metadata file %s does not exist' %metadataFilename
685  logging.error( errMsg )
686  ret['status'] = -5
687  ret['error'] = errMsg
688  return ret
689  # Wizard
690  runWizard(basename, dataFilename, metadataFilename)
692  # Upload files
693  try:
694  dropBox = ConditionsUploader(options.hostname, options.urlTemplate)
696  # Authentication
697  if not authenticateUser(dropBox, options):
698  logging.error("Error authenticating user. Aborting.")
699  return { 'status' : -2, 'error' : "Error authenticating user. Aborting." }
701  # At this point we must be authenticated
702  dropBox._checkForUpdates()
704  results = {}
705  for filename in arguments:
706  backend = options.backend
707  basepath = filename.rsplit('.db', 1)[0].rsplit('.txt', 1)[0]
708  metadataFilename = '%s.txt' % basepath
709  with open(metadataFilename, 'rb') as metadataFile:
710  metadata = json.load( metadataFile )
711  # When dest db = prep the hostname has to be set to dev.
712  forceHost = False
713  destDb = metadata['destinationDatabase']
714  if destDb.startswith('oracle://cms_orcon_prod') or destDb.startswith('oracle://cms_orcoff_prep'):
715  if destDb.startswith('oracle://cms_orcoff_prep'):
716  dropBox.setHost( defaultDevHostname )
717  dropBox.signInAgain()
718  forceHost = True
719  results[filename] = dropBox.uploadFile(filename, options.backend, options.temporaryFile)
720  if forceHost:
721  # set back the hostname to the original global setting
722  dropBox.setHost( options.hostname )
723  dropBox.signInAgain()
724  else:
725  results[filename] = False
726  logging.error("DestinationDatabase %s is not valid. Skipping the upload." %destDb)
727  if not results[filename]:
728  if ret['status']<0:
729  ret['status'] = 0
730  ret['status'] += 1
731  ret['files'] = results
732  logging.debug("all files processed, logging out now.")
734  dropBox.signOut()
736  except HTTPError as e:
737  logging.error('got HTTP error: %s', str(e))
738  return { 'status' : -1, 'error' : str(e) }
740  return ret
def uploadConditions.uploadTier0Files (   filenames,
  cookieFileName = None 
Uploads a bunch of files coming from Tier0.
This has the following requirements:
    * Username/Password based authentication.
    * Uses the online backend.
    * Ignores errors related to the upload/content (e.g. duplicated file).

Definition at line 741 of file uploadConditions.py.

Referenced by testTier0Upload().

742 def uploadTier0Files(filenames, username, password, cookieFileName = None):
743  '''Uploads a bunch of files coming from Tier0.
744  This has the following requirements:
745  * Username/Password based authentication.
746  * Uses the online backend.
747  * Ignores errors related to the upload/content (e.g. duplicated file).
748  '''
750  dropBox = ConditionsUploader()
752  dropBox.signIn(username, password)
754  for filename in filenames:
755  try:
756  result = dropBox.uploadFile(filename, backend = 'test')
757  except HTTPError as e:
758  if e.code == 400:
759  # 400 Bad Request: This is an exception related to the upload
760  # being wrong for some reason (e.g. duplicated file).
761  # Since for Tier0 this is not an issue, continue
762  logging.error('HTTP Exception 400 Bad Request: Upload-related, skipping. Message: %s', e)
763  continue
765  # In any other case, re-raise.
766  raise
768  #-toDo: add a flag to say if we should retry or not. So far, all retries are done server-side (Tier-0),
769  # if we flag as failed any retry would not help and would result in the same error (e.g.
770  # when a file with an identical hash is uploaded again)
771  #-review(2015-09-25): get feedback from tests at Tier-0 (action: AP)
773  if not result: # dropbox reported an error when uploading, do not retry.
774  logging.error('Error from dropbox, upload-related, skipping.')
775  continue
777  dropBox.signOut()

Variable Documentation

string uploadConditions.__author__ = 'Andreas Pfeiffer'

Definition at line 6 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2015, CERN CMS'

Definition at line 7 of file uploadConditions.py.

list uploadConditions.__credits__ = ['Giacomo Govi', 'Salvatore Di Guida', 'Miguel Ojeda', 'Andreas Pfeiffer']

Definition at line 8 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.__email__ = 'giacomo.govi@cern.ch'

Definition at line 11 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.__license__ = 'Unknown'

Definition at line 9 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.__maintainer__ = 'Giacomo Govi'

Definition at line 10 of file uploadConditions.py.

int uploadConditions.__version__ = 1

Definition at line 12 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.CERN_SSO_CURL_CAPATH = '/etc/pki/tls/certs'

Definition at line 226 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.defaultBackend = 'online'

Definition at line 29 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.defaultDevHostname = 'cms-conddb-dev.cern.ch'

Definition at line 31 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.defaultHostname = 'cms-conddb-prod.cern.ch'

Definition at line 30 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.defaultNetrcHost = 'ConditionUploader'

Definition at line 34 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.defaultTemporaryFile = 'upload.tar.bz2'

Definition at line 33 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.defaultUrlTemplate = 'https://%s/cmsDbUpload/'

Definition at line 32 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.defaultWorkflow = 'offline'

Definition at line 35 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.devLogDbSrv = 'cms_orcoff_prep'

Definition at line 37 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.logDbSchema = 'CMS_COND_DROPBOX'

Definition at line 38 of file uploadConditions.py.

string uploadConditions.prodLogDbSrv = 'cms_orcoff_prod'

Definition at line 36 of file uploadConditions.py.