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7 #include <iostream>
16 using namespace std;
17 namespace TopSingleLepton_miniAOD {
19 // maximal number of leading jets
20 // to be used for top mass estimate
21 static const unsigned int MAXJETS = 4;
22 // nominal mass of the W boson to
23 // be used for the top mass estimate
24 static const double WMASS = 80.4;
26 MonitorEnsemble::MonitorEnsemble(const char* label,
27  const edm::ParameterSet& cfg,
29  : label_(label),
30  elecIso_(nullptr),
31  elecSelect_(nullptr),
32  pvSelect_(nullptr),
33  muonIso_(nullptr),
34  muonSelect_(nullptr),
35  jetIDSelect_(nullptr),
36  jetSelect(nullptr),
37  includeBTag_(false),
38  lowerEdge_(-1.),
39  upperEdge_(-1.),
40  logged_(0) {
42  // sources have to be given; this PSet is not optional
43  edm::ParameterSet sources = cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("sources");
44  // muons_ = iC.consumes<edm::View<reco::PFCandidate> >(
45  // sources.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("muons"));
48  muons_ = iC.consumes<edm::View<pat::Muon> >(
49  sources.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("muons"));
52  elecs_ = iC.consumes<edm::View<pat::Electron> >(
53  sources.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("elecs"));
54  pvs_ = iC.consumes<edm::View<reco::Vertex> >(
55  sources.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("pvs"));
56  jets_ = iC.consumes<edm::View<pat::Jet> >(
57  sources.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("jets"));
58  for (edm::InputTag const& tag :
59  sources.getParameter<std::vector<edm::InputTag> >("mets"))
60  mets_.push_back(iC.consumes<edm::View<pat::MET> >(tag));
61  // electronExtras are optional; they may be omitted or
62  // empty
63  if (cfg.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("elecExtras")) {
66  edm::ParameterSet elecExtras =
67  cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("elecExtras");
68  // select is optional; in case it's not found no
69  // selection will be applied
70  if (elecExtras.existsAs<std::string>("select")) {
72  elecExtras.getParameter<std::string>("select")));
73  }
74  // isolation is optional; in case it's not found no
75  // isolation will be applied
76  if (elecExtras.existsAs<std::string>("isolation")) {
78  elecExtras.getParameter<std::string>("isolation")));
79  }
80  // electronId is optional; in case it's not found the
81  // InputTag will remain empty
82  if (elecExtras.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("electronId")) {
83  edm::ParameterSet elecId =
84  elecExtras.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("electronId");
85  electronId_ = iC.consumes<edm::ValueMap<float> >(
86  elecId.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("src"));
87  eidCutValue_ = elecId.getParameter<double>("cutValue");
88  }
89  }
90  // pvExtras are opetional; they may be omitted or empty
91  if (cfg.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("pvExtras")) {
92  edm::ParameterSet pvExtras =
93  cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("pvExtras");
94  // select is optional; in case it's not found no
95  // selection will be applied
96  if (pvExtras.existsAs<std::string>("select")) {
98  pvExtras.getParameter<std::string>("select")));
99  }
100  }
101  // muonExtras are optional; they may be omitted or empty
102  if (cfg.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("muonExtras")) {
103  edm::ParameterSet muonExtras =
104  cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("muonExtras");
105  // select is optional; in case it's not found no
106  // selection will be applied
107  if (muonExtras.existsAs<std::string>("select")) {
109  muonExtras.getParameter<std::string>("select")));
110  }
111  // isolation is optional; in case it's not found no
112  // isolation will be applied
113  if (muonExtras.existsAs<std::string>("isolation")) {
115  muonExtras.getParameter<std::string>("isolation")));
116  }
117  }
119  // jetExtras are optional; they may be omitted or
120  // empty
121  if (cfg.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("jetExtras")) {
122  edm::ParameterSet jetExtras =
123  cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("jetExtras");
124  // jetCorrector is optional; in case it's not found
125  // the InputTag will remain empty
126  if (jetExtras.existsAs<std::string>("jetCorrector")) {
127  jetCorrector_ = jetExtras.getParameter<std::string>("jetCorrector");
128  }
129  // read jetID information if it exists
130  if (jetExtras.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("jetID")) {
131  edm::ParameterSet jetID =
132  jetExtras.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("jetID");
133  jetIDLabel_ = iC.consumes<reco::JetIDValueMap>(
134  jetID.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("label"));
136  jetID.getParameter<std::string>("select")));
137  }
138  // select is optional; in case it's not found no
139  // selection will be applied (only implemented for
140  // CaloJets at the moment)
141  if (jetExtras.existsAs<std::string>("select")) {
142  jetSelect_ = jetExtras.getParameter<std::string>("select");
144  }
145  }
147  // triggerExtras are optional; they may be omitted or empty
148  if (cfg.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("triggerExtras")) {
149  edm::ParameterSet triggerExtras =
150  cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("triggerExtras");
151  triggerTable_ = iC.consumes<edm::TriggerResults>(
152  triggerExtras.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("src"));
153  triggerPaths_ =
154  triggerExtras.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("paths");
155  }
157  // massExtras is optional; in case it's not found no mass
158  // window cuts are applied for the same flavor monitor
159  // histograms
160  if (cfg.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("massExtras")) {
161  edm::ParameterSet massExtras =
162  cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("massExtras");
163  lowerEdge_ = massExtras.getParameter<double>("lowerEdge");
164  upperEdge_ = massExtras.getParameter<double>("upperEdge");
165  }
167  // setup the verbosity level for booking histograms;
168  // per default the verbosity level will be set to
169  // STANDARD. This will also be the chosen level in
170  // the case when the monitoring PSet is not found
172  if (cfg.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("monitoring")) {
173  edm::ParameterSet monitoring =
174  cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("monitoring");
175  if (monitoring.getParameter<std::string>("verbosity") == "DEBUG")
176  verbosity_ = DEBUG;
177  if (monitoring.getParameter<std::string>("verbosity") == "VERBOSE")
179  if (monitoring.getParameter<std::string>("verbosity") == "STANDARD")
181  }
182  // and don't forget to do the histogram booking
183  directory_ = cfg.getParameter<std::string>("directory");
184  // book(ibooker);
185 }
188  // set up the current directory path
189  std::string current(directory_);
190  current += label_;
191  ibooker.setCurrentFolder(current);
193  // determine number of bins for trigger monitoring
194  unsigned int nPaths = triggerPaths_.size();
196  // --- [STANDARD] --- //
197  // Run Number
198  hists_["RunNumb_"] = ibooker.book1D("RunNumber", "Run Nr.", 1.e4, 1.5e5, 3.e5);
199  // instantaneous luminosity
200  hists_["InstLumi_"] = ibooker.book1D("InstLumi", "Inst. Lumi.", 100, 0., 1.e3);
201  // number of selected primary vertices
202  hists_["pvMult_"] = ibooker.book1D("PvMult", "N_{pvs}", 100, 0., 100.);
203  // pt of the leading muon
204  hists_["muonPt_"] = ibooker.book1D("MuonPt", "pt(#mu)", 50, 0., 250.);
205  // muon multiplicity before std isolation
206  hists_["muonMult_"] = ibooker.book1D("MuonMult", "N_{All}(#mu)", 10, 0., 10.);
207  // muon multiplicity after std isolation
208  hists_["muonMultIso_"] = ibooker.book1D("MuonMultIso",
209  "N_{Iso}(#mu)", 10, 0., 10.);
210  // pt of the leading electron
211  hists_["elecPt_"] = ibooker.book1D("ElecPt", "pt(e)", 50, 0., 250.);
212  // electron multiplicity before std isolation
213  hists_["elecMult_"] = ibooker.book1D("ElecMult", "N_{All}(e)", 10, 0., 10.);
214  // electron multiplicity after std isolation
215  hists_["elecMultIso_"] = ibooker.book1D("ElecMultIso", "N_{Iso}(e)", 10, 0., 10.);
216  // multiplicity of jets with pt>20 (corrected to L2+L3)
217  hists_["jetMult_"] = ibooker.book1D("JetMult", "N_{30}(jet)", 10, 0., 10.);
218  // trigger efficiency estimates for single lepton triggers
219  hists_["triggerEff_"] = ibooker.book1D("TriggerEff",
220  "Eff(trigger)", nPaths, 0., nPaths);
221  // monitored trigger occupancy for single lepton triggers
222  hists_["triggerMon_"] = ibooker.book1D("TriggerMon",
223  "Mon(trigger)", nPaths, 0., nPaths);
224  // MET (calo)
225  hists_["slimmedMETs_"] = ibooker.book1D("slimmedMETs", "MET_{slimmed}", 50, 0., 200.);
226  // W mass estimate
227  hists_["massW_"] = ibooker.book1D("MassW", "M(W)", 60, 0., 300.);
228  // Top mass estimate
229  hists_["massTop_"] = ibooker.book1D("MassTop", "M(Top)", 50, 0., 500.);
230  // b-tagged Top mass
231  hists_["massBTop_"] = ibooker.book1D("MassBTop", "M(Top, 1 b-tag)", 50, 0., 500.);
232  // set bin labels for trigger monitoring
235  if (verbosity_ == STANDARD) return;
237  // --- [VERBOSE] --- //
238  // eta of the leading muon
239  hists_["muonEta_"] = ibooker.book1D("MuonEta", "#eta(#mu)", 30, -3., 3.);
240  // relative isolation of the candidate muon (depending on the decay channel)
241  hists_["muonRelIso_"] = ibooker.book1D(
242  "MuonRelIso", "Iso_{Rel}(#mu) (#Delta#beta Corrected)", 50, 0., 1.);
243  // eta of the leading electron
244  hists_["elecEta_"] = ibooker.book1D("ElecEta", "#eta(e)", 30, -3., 3.);
245  // std isolation variable of the leading electron
246  hists_["elecRelIso_"] = ibooker.book1D("ElecRelIso", "Iso_{Rel}(e)", 50, 0., 1.);
247  // multiplicity of btagged jets (for track counting high efficiency) with
248  // pt(L2L3)>30
249  hists_["jetMultBEff_"] = ibooker.book1D("JetMultBEff",
250  "N_{30}(TCHE)", 10, 0., 10.);
251  // btag discriminator for track counting high efficiency for jets with
252  // pt(L2L3)>30
253  hists_["jetBDiscEff_"] = ibooker.book1D("JetBDiscEff",
254  "Disc_{TCHE}(jet)", 100, 0., 10.);
255  // eta of the 1. leading jet (corrected to L2+L3)
256  hists_["jet1Eta_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet1Eta", "#eta_{L2L3}(jet1)", 60, -3., 3.);
257  // pt of the 1. leading jet (corrected to L2+L3)
258  hists_["jet1Pt_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet1Pt", "pt_{L2L3}(jet1)", 60, 0., 300.);
259  // eta of the 2. leading jet (corrected to L2+L3)
260  hists_["jet2Eta_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet2Eta", "#eta_{L2L3}(jet2)", 60, -3., 3.);
261  // pt of the 2. leading jet (corrected to L2+L3)
262  hists_["jet2Pt_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet2Pt", "pt_{L2L3}(jet2)", 60, 0., 300.);
263  // eta of the 3. leading jet (corrected to L2+L3)
264  hists_["jet3Eta_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet3Eta", "#eta_{L2L3}(jet3)", 60, -3., 3.);
265  // pt of the 3. leading jet (corrected to L2+L3)
266  hists_["jet3Pt_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet3Pt", "pt_{L2L3}(jet3)", 60, 0., 300.);
267  // eta of the 4. leading jet (corrected to L2+L3)
268  hists_["jet4Eta_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet4Eta", "#eta_{L2L3}(jet4)", 60, -3., 3.);
269  // pt of the 4. leading jet (corrected to L2+L3)
270  hists_["jet4Pt_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet4Pt", "pt_{L2L3}(jet4)", 60, 0., 300.);
271  // MET (tc)
272  hists_["slimmedMETsNoHF_"] = ibooker.book1D("slimmedMETsNoHF", "MET_{slimmedNoHF}", 50, 0., 200.);
273  // MET (pflow)
274  hists_["slimmedMETsPuppi_"] = ibooker.book1D("slimmedMETsPuppi", "MET_{slimmedPuppi}", 50, 0., 200.);
275  // dz for muons (to suppress cosmis)
276  hists_["muonDelZ_"] = ibooker.book1D("MuonDelZ", "d_{z}(#mu)", 50, -25., 25.);
277  // dxy for muons (to suppress cosmics)
278  hists_["muonDelXY_"] = ibooker.book2D("MuonDelXY",
279  "d_{xy}(#mu)", 50, -0.1, 0.1, 50, -0.1, 0.1);
281  // set axes titles for dxy for muons
282  hists_["muonDelXY_"]->setAxisTitle("x [cm]", 1);
283  hists_["muonDelXY_"]->setAxisTitle("y [cm]", 2);
285  if (verbosity_ == VERBOSE) return;
287  // --- [DEBUG] --- //
288  // charged hadron isolation component of the candidate muon (depending on the
289  // decay channel)
290  hists_["muonChHadIso_"] = ibooker.book1D("MuonChHadIsoComp",
291  "ChHad_{IsoComponent}(#mu)", 50, 0., 5.);
292  // neutral hadron isolation component of the candidate muon (depending on the
293  // decay channel)
294  hists_["muonNeHadIso_"] = ibooker.book1D("MuonNeHadIsoComp",
295  "NeHad_{IsoComponent}(#mu)", 50, 0., 5.);
296  // photon isolation component of the candidate muon (depending on the decay
297  // channel)
298  hists_["muonPhIso_"] = ibooker.book1D("MuonPhIsoComp",
299  "Photon_{IsoComponent}(#mu)", 50, 0., 5.);
300  // charged hadron isolation component of the candidate electron (depending on
301  // the decay channel)
302  hists_["elecChHadIso_"] = ibooker.book1D("ElectronChHadIsoComp",
303  "ChHad_{IsoComponent}(e)", 50, 0., 5.);
304  // neutral hadron isolation component of the candidate electron (depending on
305  // the decay channel)
306  hists_["elecNeHadIso_"] = ibooker.book1D("ElectronNeHadIsoComp",
307  "NeHad_{IsoComponent}(e)", 50, 0., 5.);
308  // photon isolation component of the candidate electron (depending on the
309  // decay channel)
310  hists_["elecPhIso_"] = ibooker.book1D("ElectronPhIsoComp",
311  "Photon_{IsoComponent}(e)", 50, 0., 5.);
312  // multiplicity of btagged jets (for track counting high purity) with
313  // pt(L2L3)>30
314  hists_["jetMultBPur_"] = ibooker.book1D("JetMultBPur",
315  "N_{30}(TCHP)", 10, 0., 10.);
316  // btag discriminator for track counting high purity
317  hists_["jetBDiscPur_"] = ibooker.book1D("JetBDiscPur",
318  "Disc_{TCHP}(Jet)", 100, 0., 10.);
319  // multiplicity of btagged jets (for simple secondary vertex) with pt(L2L3)>30
320  hists_["jetMultBVtx_"] = ibooker.book1D("JetMultBVtx",
321  "N_{30}(SSVHE)", 10, 0., 10.);
322  // btag discriminator for simple secondary vertex
323  hists_["jetBDiscVtx_"] = ibooker.book1D("JetBDiscVtx",
324  "Disc_{SSVHE}(Jet)", 35, -1., 6.);
325  // multiplicity for combined secondary vertex
326  hists_["jetMultCSVtx_"] = ibooker.book1D("JetMultCSV", "N_{30}(CSV)", 10, 0., 10.);
327  // btag discriminator for combined secondary vertex
328  hists_["jetBCVtx_"] = ibooker.book1D("JetDiscCSV",
329  "Disc_{CSV}(JET)", 100, -1., 2.);
330  // pt of the 1. leading jet (uncorrected)
331  hists_["jet1PtRaw_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet1PtRaw", "pt_{Raw}(jet1)", 60, 0., 300.);
332  // pt of the 2. leading jet (uncorrected)
333  hists_["jet2PtRaw_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet2PtRaw", "pt_{Raw}(jet2)", 60, 0., 300.);
334  // pt of the 3. leading jet (uncorrected)
335  hists_["jet3PtRaw_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet3PtRaw", "pt_{Raw}(jet3)", 60, 0., 300.);
336  // pt of the 4. leading jet (uncorrected)
337  hists_["jet4PtRaw_"] = ibooker.book1D("Jet4PtRaw", "pt_{Raw}(jet4)", 60, 0., 300.);
338  // selected events
339  hists_["eventLogger_"] = ibooker.book2D("EventLogger",
340  "Logged Events", 9, 0., 9., 10, 0., 10.);
342  // set axes titles for selected events
343  hists_["eventLogger_"]->getTH1()->SetOption("TEXT");
344  hists_["eventLogger_"]->setBinLabel(1, "Run", 1);
345  hists_["eventLogger_"]->setBinLabel(2, "Block", 1);
346  hists_["eventLogger_"]->setBinLabel(3, "Event", 1);
347  hists_["eventLogger_"]->setBinLabel(4, "pt_{L2L3}(jet1)", 1);
348  hists_["eventLogger_"]->setBinLabel(5, "pt_{L2L3}(jet2)", 1);
349  hists_["eventLogger_"]->setBinLabel(6, "pt_{L2L3}(jet3)", 1);
350  hists_["eventLogger_"]->setBinLabel(7, "pt_{L2L3}(jet4)", 1);
351  hists_["eventLogger_"]->setBinLabel(8, "M_{W}", 1);
352  hists_["eventLogger_"]->setBinLabel(9, "M_{Top}", 1);
353  hists_["eventLogger_"]->setAxisTitle("logged evts", 2);
354  return;
355 }
358  const edm::EventSetup& setup) {
359  // fetch trigger event if configured such
363  if (!event.getByToken(triggerTable_, triggerTable)) return;
364  }
366  /*
367  ------------------------------------------------------------
369  Primary Vertex Monitoring
371  ------------------------------------------------------------
372  */
373  // fill monitoring plots for primary verices
375  if (!event.getByToken(pvs_, pvs)) return;
376  unsigned int pvMult = 0;
377  for (edm::View<reco::Vertex>::const_iterator pv = pvs->begin();
378  pv != pvs->end(); ++pv) {
379  if (!pvSelect_ || (*pvSelect_)(*pv)) pvMult++;
380  }
381  fill("pvMult_", pvMult);
383  /*
384  ------------------------------------------------------------
386  Run and Inst. Luminosity information (Inst. Lumi. filled now with a dummy
387  value=5.0)
389  ------------------------------------------------------------
390  */
391  if (!event.eventAuxiliary().run()) return;
392  fill("RunNumb_", event.eventAuxiliary().run());
394  double dummy = 5.;
395  fill("InstLumi_", dummy);
397  /*
398  ------------------------------------------------------------
400  Electron Monitoring
402  ------------------------------------------------------------
403  */
405  // fill monitoring plots for electrons
407  if (!event.getByToken(elecs_, elecs)) return;
409  // check availability of electron id
411  if (!electronId_.isUninitialized()) {
412  if (!event.getByToken(electronId_, electronId)) return;
413  }
415  // loop electron collection
416  unsigned int eMult = 0, eMultIso = 0;
417  std::vector<const pat::Electron*> isoElecs;
420  for (edm::View<pat::Electron>::const_iterator elec = elecs->begin();
421  elec != elecs->end(); ++elec) {
423  if(true){//no electron id applied yet!
424  if (!elecSelect_ || (*elecSelect_)(*elec)) {
426  double el_ChHadIso = elec->pfIsolationVariables().sumChargedHadronPt;
427  double el_NeHadIso = elec->pfIsolationVariables().sumNeutralHadronEt;
428  double el_PhIso = elec->pfIsolationVariables().sumPhotonEt;
429  double el_pfRelIso =
430  (el_ChHadIso +
431  max(0., el_NeHadIso + el_PhIso -
432  0.5 * elec->pfIsolationVariables().sumPUPt)) /
433  elec->pt();
434  if (eMult == 0) {
435  // restrict to the leading electron
436  fill("elecPt_", elec->pt());
437  fill("elecEta_", elec->eta());
438  fill("elecRelIso_", el_pfRelIso);
439  fill("elecChHadIso_", el_ChHadIso);
440  fill("elecNeHadIso_", el_NeHadIso);
441  fill("elecPhIso_", el_PhIso);
442  }
444  ++eMult;
445  if (!elecIso_ || (*elecIso_)(*elec)) {
446  isoElecs.push_back(&(*elec));
447  ++eMultIso;
448  }
449  }
450  }
451  }
452  fill("elecMult_", eMult);
453  fill("elecMultIso_", eMultIso);
455  /*
456  ------------------------------------------------------------
458  Muon Monitoring
460  ------------------------------------------------------------
461  */
463  // fill monitoring plots for muons
464  unsigned int mMult = 0, mMultIso = 0;
469  if (!event.getByToken(muons_, muons)) return;
473  for (edm::View<pat::Muon>::const_iterator muon = muons->begin();
474  muon != muons->end(); ++muon) {
477  // restrict to globalMuons
478  if (muon->isGlobalMuon()) {
479  fill("muonDelZ_", muon->innerTrack()->vz()); // CB using inner track!
480  fill("muonDelXY_", muon->innerTrack()->vx(), muon->innerTrack()->vy());
484  // apply preselection
485  if (!muonSelect_ || (*muonSelect_)(*muon)) {
488  double chHadPt = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumChargedHadronPt;
489  double neHadEt = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEt;
490  double phoEt = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEt;
492  double pfRelIso =
493  (chHadPt +
494  max(0., neHadEt + phoEt - 0.5 * muon->pfIsolationR04().sumPUPt)) /
495  muon->pt(); // CB dBeta corrected iso!
497  if (mMult == 0) {
498  // restrict to leading muon
499  fill("muonPt_", muon->pt());
500  fill("muonEta_", muon->eta());
502  fill("muonRelIso_", pfRelIso);
504  fill("muonChHadIso_", chHadPt);
505  fill("muonNeHadIso_", neHadEt);
506  fill("muonPhIso_", phoEt);
507  }
508  ++mMult;
509  if (!muonIso_ || (*muonIso_)(*muon)) ++mMultIso;
510  }
511  }
512  }
513  fill("muonMult_", mMult);
514  fill("muonMultIso_", mMultIso);
516  /*
517  ------------------------------------------------------------
519  Jet Monitoring
521  ------------------------------------------------------------
522  */
525  // loop jet collection
526  std::vector<pat::Jet> correctedJets;
527  std::vector<double> JetTagValues;
528  unsigned int mult = 0, multBEff = 0, multBPur = 0, multBVtx = 0, multCSV = 0;
531  if (!event.getByToken(jets_, jets)) {
532  return;
533  }
535  for (edm::View<pat::Jet>::const_iterator jet = jets->begin();
536  jet != jets->end(); ++jet) {
537  // check jetID for calo jets
538  unsigned int idx = jet - jets->begin();
540  pat::Jet sel = *jet;
542  if(!(*jetSelect)(sel))continue;
543 // if (!jetSelect(sel)) continue;
545  // prepare jet to fill monitor histograms
546  pat::Jet monitorJet = *jet;
548  correctedJets.push_back(monitorJet);
549  ++mult; // determine jet multiplicity
551  fill("jetBDiscEff_", monitorJet.bDiscriminator("pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2BJetTags")); //hard coded discriminator and value right now.
552  if (monitorJet.bDiscriminator("pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2BJetTags") > 0.89) ++multBEff;
555  // Fill a vector with Jet b-tag WP for later M3+1tag calculation: CSV
556  // tagger
557  JetTagValues.push_back(monitorJet.bDiscriminator("pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2BJetTags"));
558 // }
559  // fill pt (raw or L2L3) for the leading four jets
560  if (idx == 0) {
561  fill("jet1Pt_", monitorJet.pt());
562  fill("jet1PtRaw_", jet->pt());
563  fill("jet1Eta_", monitorJet.eta());
564  };
565  if (idx == 1) {
566  fill("jet2Pt_", monitorJet.pt());
567  fill("jet2PtRaw_", jet->pt());
568  fill("jet2Eta_", monitorJet.eta());
569  }
570  if (idx == 2) {
571  fill("jet3Pt_", monitorJet.pt());
572  fill("jet3PtRaw_", jet->pt());
573  fill("jet3Eta_", monitorJet.eta());
574  }
575  if (idx == 3) {
576  fill("jet4Pt_", monitorJet.pt());
577  fill("jet4PtRaw_", jet->pt());
578  fill("jet4Eta_", monitorJet.eta());
579  }
580  }
581  fill("jetMult_", mult);
582  fill("jetMultBEff_", multBEff);
583  fill("jetMultBPur_", multBPur);
584  fill("jetMultBVtx_", multBVtx);
585  fill("jetMultCSVtx_", multCSV);
587  /*
588  ------------------------------------------------------------
590  MET Monitoring
592  ------------------------------------------------------------
593  */
595  // fill monitoring histograms for met
596  for (std::vector<edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<pat::MET> > >::const_iterator
597  met_ = mets_.begin();
598  met_ != mets_.end(); ++met_) {
600  if (!event.getByToken(*met_, met)) continue;
601  if (met->begin() != met->end()) {
602  unsigned int idx = met_ - mets_.begin();
603  if (idx == 0) fill("slimmedMETs_", met->begin()->et());
604  if (idx == 1) fill("slimmedMETsNoHF_", met->begin()->et());
605  if (idx == 2) fill("slimmedMETsPuppi_", met->begin()->et());
606  }
607  }
609  /*
610  ------------------------------------------------------------
612  Event Monitoring
614  ------------------------------------------------------------
615  */
617  // fill W boson and top mass estimates
619  Calculate_miniAOD eventKinematics(MAXJETS, WMASS);
620  double wMass = eventKinematics.massWBoson(correctedJets);
621  double topMass = eventKinematics.massTopQuark(correctedJets);
622  if (wMass >= 0 && topMass >= 0) {
623  fill("massW_", wMass);
624  fill("massTop_", topMass);
625  }
627  // Fill M3 with Btag (CSV Tight) requirement
629  // if (!includeBTag_) return;
630  if (correctedJets.size() != JetTagValues.size()) return;
631  double btopMass =
632  eventKinematics.massBTopQuark(correctedJets, JetTagValues, 0.89); //hard coded CSVv2 value
634  if (btopMass >= 0) fill("massBTop_", btopMass);
636 }
637 }
640  : vertexSelect_(nullptr),
641  beamspot_(""),
642  beamspotSelect_(nullptr),
643  MuonStep(nullptr),
644  ElectronStep(nullptr),
645  PvStep(nullptr),
646  METStep(nullptr) {
647  JetSteps.clear();
649  // configure preselection
650  edm::ParameterSet presel =
651  cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("preselection");
652  if (presel.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("trigger")) {
653  edm::ParameterSet trigger =
654  presel.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("trigger");
655  triggerTable__ = consumes<edm::TriggerResults>(
656  trigger.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("src"));
657  triggerPaths_ = trigger.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("select");
658  }
659  if (presel.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("beamspot")) {
661  presel.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("beamspot");
662  beamspot_ = beamspot.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("src");
663  beamspot__ =
664  consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(beamspot.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("src"));
666  beamspot.getParameter<std::string>("select")));
667  }
669  // conifgure the selection
670  sel_ = cfg.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("selection");
671  setup_ = cfg.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("setup");
672  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sel_.size(); ++i) {
673  selectionOrder_.push_back(sel_.at(i).getParameter<std::string>("label"));
674  selection_[selectionStep(selectionOrder_.back())] = std::make_pair(
675  sel_.at(i),
676  std::unique_ptr<TopSingleLepton_miniAOD::MonitorEnsemble>(
678  selectionStep(selectionOrder_.back()).c_str(),
680  }
681  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator selIt = selectionOrder_.begin();
682  selIt != selectionOrder_.end(); ++selIt) {
683  std::string key = selectionStep(*selIt), type = objectType(*selIt);
684  if (selection_.find(key) != selection_.end()) {
685  if (type == "muons") {
687  consumesCollector()));
688  }
689  if (type == "elecs") {
692  }
693  if (type == "pvs") {
695  consumesCollector()));
696  }
697  if (type == "jets") {
698  JetSteps.push_back(std::unique_ptr<SelectionStep<pat::Jet>>(
700  }
702  if (type == "met") {
704  consumesCollector()));
705  }
706  }
707  }
708 }
710  edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const & ){
712  for (auto selIt = selection_.begin(); selIt != selection_.end(); ++selIt) {
713  selIt->second.second->book(ibooker);
714  }
715 }
717  const edm::EventSetup& setup) {
721  if (!event.getByToken(triggerTable__, triggerTable)) return;
722  if (!accept(event, *triggerTable, triggerPaths_)) return;
723  }
724  if (!beamspot__.isUninitialized()) {
726  if (!event.getByToken(beamspot__, beamspot)) return;
727  if (!(*beamspotSelect_)(*beamspot)) return;
728  }
730  unsigned int passed = 0;
731  unsigned int nJetSteps = -1;
733  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator selIt = selectionOrder_.begin();
734  selIt != selectionOrder_.end(); ++selIt) {
735  std::string key = selectionStep(*selIt), type = objectType(*selIt);
736  if (selection_.find(key) != selection_.end()) {
737  if (type == "empty") {
738  selection_[key].second->fill(event, setup);
739  }
740  if (type == "muons" && MuonStep != 0) {
741  if (MuonStep->select(event)) {
742  ++passed;
744  selection_[key].second->fill(event, setup);
745  } else
746  break;
747  }
749  if (type == "elecs" && ElectronStep != 0) {
751  if (ElectronStep->select(event)) {
752  ++passed;
753  selection_[key].second->fill(event, setup);
754  } else
755  break;
756  }
758  if (type == "pvs" && PvStep != 0) {
759  if (PvStep->selectVertex(event)) {
760  ++passed;
761  selection_[key].second->fill(event, setup);
762  } else
763  break;
764  }
766  if (type == "jets") {
767  nJetSteps++;
768  if (JetSteps[nJetSteps] != NULL) {
769  if (JetSteps[nJetSteps]->select(event, setup)) {
770  ++passed;
771  selection_[key].second->fill(event, setup);
772  } else
773  break;
774  }
775  }
777  if (type == "met" && METStep != 0) {
778  if (METStep->select(event)) {
779  ++passed;
780  selection_[key].second->fill(event, setup);
781  } else
782  break;
783  }
784  }
785  }
786 }
788 // Local Variables:
789 // show-trailing-whitespace: t
790 // truncate-lines: t
791 // End:
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
std::unique_ptr< StringCutObjectSelector< pat::Muon > > muonIso_
extra isolation criterion on muon
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
std::unique_ptr< StringCutObjectSelector< reco::JetID > > jetIDSelect_
extra jetID selection on calo jets
std::vector< edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< pat::MET > > > mets_
considers a vector of METs
std::unique_ptr< StringCutObjectSelector< pat::Muon > > muonSelect_
extra selection on muons
tuple cfg
Definition: looper.py:293
bool existsAs(std::string const &parameterName, bool trackiness=true) const
checks if a parameter exists as a given type
Definition: ParameterSet.h:186
std::unique_ptr< SelectionStep< reco::Vertex > > PvStep
std::string objectType(const std::string &label)
std::unique_ptr< StringCutObjectSelector< pat::Electron > > elecIso_
extra isolation criterion on electron
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< pat::Jet > > jets_
input sources for monitoring
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:462
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< float > > electronId_
electronId label
void triggerBinLabels(std::string channel, const std::vector< std::string > labels)
set configurable labels for trigger monitoring histograms
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< pat::Electron > > elecs_
static const unsigned int MAXJETS
RunNumber_t run() const
#define NULL
Definition: scimark2.h:8
std::unique_ptr< StringCutObjectSelector< reco::BeamSpot > > beamspotSelect_
string cut selector
double massWBoson(const std::vector< pat::Jet > &jets)
calculate W boson mass estimate
std::map< std::string, std::pair< edm::ParameterSet, std::unique_ptr< TopSingleLepton_miniAOD::MonitorEnsemble > > > selection_
float bDiscriminator(const std::string &theLabel) const
-— methods for accessing b-tagging info -—
virtual void analyze(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
do this during the event loop
#define nullptr
bool accept(const edm::Event &event, const edm::TriggerResults &triggerTable, const std::string &triggerPath)
Definition: TopDQMHelpers.h:30
std::vector< edm::ParameterSet > sel_
std::vector< std::string > selectionOrder_
TopSingleLeptonDQM_miniAOD(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
default constructor
#define MAXJETS
Definition: myFastSimVal.cc:30
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > beamspot__
std::string selectionStep(const std::string &label)
std::unique_ptr< StringCutObjectSelector< pat::Jet > > jetSelect
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
std::unique_ptr< StringCutObjectSelector< reco::Vertex > > pvSelect_
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector()
Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions.
vector< PseudoJet > jets
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::TriggerResults > triggerTable_
trigger table
MonitorElement * book1D(Args &&...args)
Definition: DQMStore.h:115
std::map< std::string, MonitorElement * > hists_
histogram container
std::vector< std::string > triggerPaths_
trigger paths
std::unique_ptr< SelectionStep< pat::MET > > METStep
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< SelectionStep< pat::Jet > > > JetSteps
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
double massTopQuark(const std::vector< pat::Jet > &jets)
calculate t-quark mass estimate
string key
FastSim: produces sample of signal events, overlayed with premixed minbias events.
std::unique_ptr< SelectionStep< pat::Muon > > MuonStep
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< pat::Muon > > muons_
EventAuxiliary const & eventAuxiliary() const
Definition: Event.h:77
void fill(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
fill monitor histograms with electronId and jetCorrections
void setCurrentFolder(const std::string &fullpath)
Definition: DQMStore.cc:276
MonitorElement * book2D(Args &&...args)
Definition: DQMStore.h:133
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Vertex > > pvs_
tuple idx
DEBUGGING if hasattr(process,&quot;trackMonIterativeTracking2012&quot;): print &quot;trackMonIterativeTracking2012 D...
double massBTopQuark(const std::vector< pat::Jet > &jets, std::vector< double > VbtagWP, double btagWP_)
calculate b-tagged t-quark mass estimate
double lowerEdge_
mass window upper and lower edge
void book(DQMStore::IBooker &ibooker)
book histograms in subdirectory directory
Analysis-level calorimeter jet class.
Definition: Jet.h:77
Templated helper class to allow a selection on a certain object collection.
tuple muons
Definition: patZpeak.py:38
boost::indirect_iterator< typename seq_t::const_iterator > const_iterator
Definition: View.h:81
bool isUninitialized() const
Definition: EDGetToken.h:73
virtual double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity
std::unique_ptr< StringCutObjectSelector< pat::Electron > > elecSelect_
extra selection on electrons
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag false
Level verbosity_
verbosity level for booking
std::unique_ptr< SelectionStep< pat::Electron > > ElectronStep
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::TriggerResults > triggerTable__
trigger table
Definition: Run.h:43
virtual double pt() const final
transverse momentum
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::JetIDValueMap > jetIDLabel_
jetID as an extra selection type