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1 #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
2 #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
5 #include <errno.h>
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <stdlib.h>
8 #include <string.h>
9 #include <assert.h>
10 #include <sys/param.h>
11 #if BSD
12 # include <sys/statvfs.h>
13 # include <sys/ucred.h>
14 # include <sys/mount.h>
15 #else
16 # include <mntent.h>
17 # include <sys/vfs.h>
18 #endif
19 #include <sys/stat.h>
20 #include <unistd.h>
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <atomic>
24 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat" // shut warning on '%z'
28 {
29  char *fsname; //< file system name
30  char *type; //< file system type
31  char *dir; //< mount point directory
32  char *origin = nullptr; //< mount origin
33  dev_t dev; //< device id
34  long fstype; //< file system id
35  double freespc; //< free space in megabytes
36  unsigned local : 1; //< flag for local device
37  unsigned bind : 1; //< flag for bind mounts
38  std::atomic<bool> checked ; //< flag for valid dev, fstype
39 };
60 int
62 {
63  int ret = 0;
65 #if __linux__
66  static const char procfs[] = "/proc/filesystems";
67  FILE *fs = fopen(procfs, "r");
68  if (! fs)
69  {
70  int nerr = errno;
71  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::readFSTypes()")
72  << "Cannot read '" << procfs << "': "
73  << strerror(nerr) << " (error " << nerr << ")";
74  return -1;
75  }
77  ssize_t nread;
78  int line = 0;
79  while (! feof(fs))
80  {
81  char *type = 0;
82  char *fstype = 0;
83  size_t len = 0;
84  ++line;
86  if ((nread = getdelim(&type, &len, '\t', fs)) == -1 && ! feof(fs))
87  {
88  fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s (%zd; 1)\n",
89  procfs, line, strerror(errno), nread);
90  free(type);
91  ret = -1;
92  break;
93  }
95  if ((nread = getdelim(&fstype, &len, '\n', fs)) == -1 && ! feof(fs))
96  {
97  fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s (%zd; 2)\n",
98  procfs, line, strerror(errno), nread);
99  free(type);
100  free(fstype);
101  ret = -1;
102  break;
103  }
105  if (feof (fs))
106  {
107  free(type);
108  free(fstype);
109  break;
110  }
112  if (! strcmp(type, "nodev\t")
113  || ! strcmp(fstype, "lustre\n")
114  || ! strncmp(fstype, "fuse", 4))
115  {
116  free(type);
117  free(fstype);
118  continue;
119  }
121  assert(nread >= 1);
122  fstype[nread-1] = 0;
123  fstypes_.push_back(fstype);
124  free(fstype);
125  free(type);
126  }
128  fclose(fs);
129 #endif // __linux__
131  return ret;
132 }
144 {
145 #if BSD
146  struct statfs *m = static_cast<struct statfs *>(arg);
147  size_t infolen = sizeof(struct FSInfo);
148  size_t fslen = strlen(m->f_mntfromname) + 1;
149  size_t dirlen = strlen(m->f_mntonname) + 1;
150  size_t typelen = strlen(m->f_fstypename) + 1;
151  size_t totlen = infolen + fslen + dirlen + typelen;
152  FSInfo *i = (FSInfo *) malloc(totlen);
153  char *p = (char *) i;
154  i->fsname = strncpy(p += infolen, m->f_mntfromname, fslen);
155  i->type = strncpy(p += fslen, m->f_fstypename, typelen);
156  i->dir = strncpy(p += typelen, m->f_mntonname, dirlen);
157  i->dev = m->f_fsid.val[0];
158  i->fstype = m->f_type;
159  i->freespc = 0;
160  i->bind = 0;
161  i->origin = nullptr;
162  if (m->f_bsize > 0)
163  {
164  i->freespc = m->f_bavail;
165  i->freespc *= m->f_bsize;
166  i->freespc /= 1024. * 1024. * 1024.;
167  }
168  /* FIXME: This incorrectly says that mounted disk images are local,
169  even if it was mounted from a network server. The alternative is
170  to walk up the device tree using either a) process IORegistry to
171  get the device tree, which lists devices for disk images, and from
172  there translate volume uuid to a mount point; b) parse output from
173  'hdiutil info -plist' to determine image-path / dev-entry map. */
174  i->local = ((m->f_flags & MNT_LOCAL) ? 1 : 0);
175  i->checked = 1;
176  return i;
178 #else // ! BSD
179  mntent *m = static_cast<mntent *>(arg);
180  size_t infolen = sizeof(struct FSInfo);
181  size_t fslen = strlen(m->mnt_fsname) + 1;
182  size_t dirlen = strlen(m->mnt_dir) + 1;
183  size_t typelen = strlen(m->mnt_type) + 1;
184  size_t originlen = strlen(m->mnt_fsname) + 1;
185  size_t totlen = infolen + fslen + dirlen + typelen + originlen;
186  FSInfo *i = (FSInfo *) malloc(totlen);
187  char *p = (char *) i;
188  i->fsname = strncpy(p += infolen, m->mnt_fsname, fslen);
189  i->type = strncpy(p += fslen, m->mnt_type, typelen);
190  i->dir = strncpy(p += typelen, m->mnt_dir, dirlen);
191  i->origin = strncpy(p += dirlen, m->mnt_fsname, originlen);
192  i->dev = -1;
193  i->fstype = -1;
194  i->freespc = 0;
195  i->local = 0;
196  i->checked = 0;
197  i->bind = strstr(m->mnt_opts, "bind") != nullptr;
199  for (size_t j = 0; j < fstypes_.size() && ! i->local; ++j)
200  if (fstypes_[j] == i->type)
201  i->local = 1;
202 #endif // BSD
204  return i;
205 }
213 int
215 {
216 #if BSD
217  int rc;
218  struct statfs *mtab = 0;
219  if ((rc = getmntinfo(&mtab, MNT_NOWAIT)) < 0)
220  {
221  int nerr = errno;
222  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::initFSList()")
223  << "getmntinfo() failed: " << strerror(nerr)
224  << " (error " << nerr << ")";
225  return -1;
226  }
228  fs_.reserve(rc);
229  for (int ix = 0; ix < rc; ++ix)
230  fs_.push_back(initFSInfo(&mtab[ix]));
232  free(mtab);
233 #else
234  const char * const _PATH_MOUNTED_LINUX = "/proc/self/mounts";
235  struct mntent *m;
236  FILE *mtab = setmntent(_PATH_MOUNTED_LINUX, "r");
237  if (! mtab)
238  {
239  int nerr = errno;
240  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::initFSList()")
241  << "Cannot read '" << _PATH_MOUNTED_LINUX << "': "
242  << strerror(nerr) << " (error " << nerr << ")";
243  return -1;
244  }
246  fs_.reserve(20);
247  while ((m = getmntent(mtab)))
248  fs_.push_back(initFSInfo(m));
250  endmntent(mtab);
251 #endif
253  return 0;
254 }
264 int
266 {
267  int ret = 0;
268  struct stat s;
269  struct statfs sfs;
271  if (! i->checked)
272  {
273  if (lstat(i->dir, &s) < 0)
274  {
275  i->checked = 1;
277  int nerr = errno;
278  if (nerr != ENOENT && nerr != EACCES)
279  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::statFSInfo()")
280  << "Cannot lstat('" << i->dir << "'): "
281  << strerror(nerr) << " (error " << nerr << ")";
282  return -1;
283  }
285  if (statfs(i->dir, &sfs) < 0)
286  {
287  i->checked = 1;
288  int nerr = errno;
289  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::statFSInfo()")
290  << "Cannot statfs('" << i->dir << "'): "
291  << strerror(nerr) << " (error " << nerr << ")";
292  return -1;
293  }
295  i->dev = s.st_dev;
296  i->fstype = sfs.f_type;
297  if (sfs.f_bsize > 0)
298  {
299  i->freespc = sfs.f_bavail;
300  i->freespc *= sfs.f_bsize;
301  i->freespc /= 1024. * 1024. * 1024.;
302  }
303  i->checked = 1;
304  }
305  else if (i->fstype == -1)
306  {
307  errno = ENOENT;
308  ret = -1;
309  }
311  return ret;
312 }
328 LocalFileSystem::findMount(const char *path, struct statfs *sfs, struct stat *s, std::vector<std::string> &prev_paths) const
329 {
330  for (const auto & old_path : prev_paths)
331  {
332  if (!strcmp(old_path.c_str(), path))
333  {
334  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::findMount()")
335  << "Found a loop in bind mounts; stopping evaluation.";
336  return nullptr;
337  }
338  }
340  FSInfo *best = 0;
341  size_t bestlen = 0;
342  size_t len = strlen(path);
343  for (size_t i = 0; i < fs_.size(); ++i)
344  {
345  // First match simply against the file system path. We don't
346  // touch the file system until the path prefix matches.
347  size_t fslen = strlen(fs_[i]->dir);
348  if (! strncmp(fs_[i]->dir, path, fslen)
349  && ((fslen == 1 && fs_[i]->dir[0] == '/')
350  || len == fslen || path[fslen] == '/')
351  && (! best || fslen > bestlen))
352  {
353  // Get the file system device and file system ids.
354  if (statFSInfo(fs_[i]) < 0)
355  return 0;
357  // Check the path is on the same device / file system. If this
358  // fails, we found a better prefix match on path, but it's the
359  // wrong device, so reset our idea of the best match: it can't
360  // be the outer mount any more. Not sure this is the right
361  // thing to do with e.g. loop-back or union mounts.
362  if (fs_[i]->dev != s->st_dev || fs_[i]->fstype != sfs->f_type)
363  {
364  best = 0;
365  continue;
366  }
368  // OK this is better than anything else we found so far.
369  best = fs_[i];
370  bestlen = fslen;
371  }
372  }
373  // In the case of a bind mount, try looking again at the source directory.
374  if (best && best->bind && best->origin)
375  {
376  struct stat s2;
377  struct statfs sfs2;
378  char *fullpath = realpath(best->origin, 0);
380  if (! fullpath)
381  fullpath = strdup(best->origin);
383  if (lstat(fullpath, &s2) < 0)
384  {
385  int nerr = errno;
386  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::findMount()")
387  << "Cannot lstat('" << fullpath << "' alias '"
388  << path << "'): " << strerror(nerr) << " (error "
389  << nerr << ")";
390  free(fullpath);
391  return best;
392  }
394  if (statfs(fullpath, &sfs2) < 0)
395  {
396  int nerr = errno;
397  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::findMount()")
398  << "Cannot statfs('" << fullpath << "' alias '"
399  << path << "'): " << strerror(nerr) << " (error "
400  << nerr << ")";
401  free(fullpath);
402  return best;
403  }
405  prev_paths.push_back(path);
406  LocalFileSystem::FSInfo *new_best = findMount(fullpath, &sfs2, &s2, prev_paths);
407  return new_best ? new_best : best;
408  }
410  return best;
411 }
422 bool
424 {
425  struct stat s;
426  struct statfs sfs;
427  char *fullpath = realpath(path.c_str(), 0);
429  if (! fullpath)
430  fullpath = strdup(path.c_str());
432  if (lstat(fullpath, &s) < 0)
433  {
434  int nerr = errno;
435  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::isLocalPath()")
436  << "Cannot lstat('" << fullpath << "' alias '"
437  << path << "'): " << strerror(nerr) << " (error "
438  << nerr << ")";
439  free(fullpath);
440  return false;
441  }
443  if (statfs(fullpath, &sfs) < 0)
444  {
445  int nerr = errno;
446  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::isLocalPath()")
447  << "Cannot statfs('" << fullpath << "' alias '"
448  << path << "'): " << strerror(nerr) << " (error "
449  << nerr << ")";
450  free(fullpath);
451  return false;
452  }
454  std::vector<std::string> prev_paths;
455  FSInfo *m = findMount(fullpath, &sfs, &s, prev_paths);
456  free(fullpath);
458  return m ? m->local : false;
459 }
479 std::pair<std::string, std::string>
480 LocalFileSystem::findCachePath(const std::vector<std::string> &paths,
481  double minFreeSpace) const
482 {
483  struct stat s;
484  struct statfs sfs;
485  std::ostringstream warningst;
486  warningst << "Cannot use lazy-download because:\n";
488  for (size_t i = 0, e = paths.size(); i < e; ++i)
489  {
490  char *fullpath;
491  const char *inpath = paths[i].c_str();
492  const char *path = inpath;
494  if (*path == '$')
495  {
496  char *p = getenv(path+1);
497  if (p && *p)
498  path = p;
499  else if (! strcmp(path, "$TMPDIR"))
500  path = "/tmp";
501  }
503  if (! (fullpath = realpath(path, 0)))
504  fullpath = strdup(path);
506 #if 0
507  std::cerr /* edm::LogInfo("LocalFileSystem") */
508  << "Checking if '" << fullpath << "', from '"
509  << inpath << "' is valid cache path with "
510  << minFreeSpace << " free space" << std::endl;
511 #endif
513  if (lstat(fullpath, &s) < 0)
514  {
515  int nerr = errno;
516  if (nerr != ENOENT && nerr != EACCES)
517  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::findCachePath()")
518  << "Cannot lstat('" << fullpath << "', from '"
519  << inpath << "'): " << strerror(nerr) << " (error "
520  << nerr << ")";
521  free(fullpath);
522  continue;
523  }
525  if (statfs(fullpath, &sfs) < 0)
526  {
527  int nerr = errno;
528  edm::LogWarning("LocalFileSystem::findCachePath()")
529  << "Cannot statfs('" << fullpath << "', from '"
530  << inpath << "'): " << strerror(nerr) << " (error "
531  << nerr << ")";
532  free(fullpath);
533  continue;
534  }
536  std::vector<std::string> prev_paths;
537  FSInfo *m = findMount(fullpath, &sfs, &s, prev_paths);
538 #if 0
539  std::cerr /* edm::LogInfo("LocalFileSystem") */
540  << "Candidate '" << fullpath << "': "
541  << "found=" << (m ? 1 : 0)
542  << " local=" << (m && m->local)
543  << " free=" << (m ? m->freespc : 0)
544  << " access=" << access(fullpath, W_OK)
545  << std::endl;
546 #endif
548  if (m
549  && m->local
550  && m->freespc >= minFreeSpace
551  && access(fullpath, W_OK) == 0)
552  {
553  std::string result(fullpath);
554  free(fullpath);
555  return std::make_pair(result,std::string());
556  }
557  else if (m)
558  {
559  if (!m->local)
560  {
561  warningst << "- The mount " << fullpath << " is not local.\n";
562  }
563  else if (m->freespc < minFreeSpace)
564  {
565  warningst << " - The mount at " << fullpath << " has only " << m->freespc << " GB free; a minumum of " << minFreeSpace << " GB is required.\n";
566  }
567  else if (access(fullpath, W_OK))
568  {
569  warningst << " - The process has no permission to write into " << fullpath << "\n";
570  }
571  }
573  free(fullpath);
574  }
576  std::string warning_str = warningst.str();
577  if (warning_str.size())
578  {
579  warning_str = warning_str.substr(0, warning_str.size()-2);
580  }
582  return std::make_pair(std::string(), std::move(warning_str));
583 }
587 {
588  if (readFSTypes() < 0)
589  return;
591  if (initFSList() < 0)
592  return;
593 }
597 {
598  for (size_t i = 0, e = fs_.size(); i < e; ++i)
599  free(fs_[i]);
600 }
int statFSInfo(FSInfo *i) const
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
int i
tuple ret
prodAgent to be discontinued
Information about file systems on this node.
A arg
Definition: Factorize.h:36
tuple result
int readFSTypes(void)
std::vector< std::string > fstypes_
def move
FSInfo * initFSInfo(void *p)
int j
bool isLocalPath(const std::string &path) const
std::atomic< bool > checked
std::pair< std::string, std::string > findCachePath(const std::vector< std::string > &paths, double minFreeSpace) const
std::vector< FSInfo * > fs_
dbl *** dir
FSInfo * findMount(const char *path, struct statfs *sfs, struct stat *s, std::vector< std::string > &) const