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HLTJets Class Reference

#include <HLTJets.h>

Public Member Functions

void analyze (edm::Event const &iEvent, const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &ohjets, const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &ohcorjets, const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &ohcorL1L2L3jets, const edm::Handle< double > &rho, const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &recojets, const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &recocorjets, const edm::Handle< reco::GenJetCollection > &gjets, const edm::Handle< reco::CaloMETCollection > &rmets, const edm::Handle< reco::GenMETCollection > &gmets, const edm::Handle< reco::METCollection > &ht, const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &myHLTL2Tau, const edm::Handle< reco::HLTTauCollection > &myHLTTau, const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauCollection > &myHLTPFTau, const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauCollection > &myHLTPFTauTightCone, const edm::Handle< reco::PFJetCollection > &myHLTPFJets, const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauCollection > &myRecoPFTau, const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCOnePercent, const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCHalfPercent, const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCQuarterPercent, const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCTenthPercent, const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &theRecoPFTauDiscrByIsolation, const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &theRecoPFTauDiscrAgainstElec, const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &theRecoPFTauDiscrAgainstMuon, const edm::Handle< reco::PFJetCollection > &recoPFJets, const edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection > &caloTowers, const edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection > &caloTowersCleanerUpperR45, const edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection > &caloTowersCleanerLowerR45, const edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection > &caloTowersCleanerNoR45, const CaloTowerTopology *cttopo, const edm::Handle< reco::PFMETCollection > &pfmets, double thresholdForSavingTowers, double minPtCH, double minPtGamma, TTree *tree)
 HLTJets ()
void setup (const edm::ParameterSet &pSet, TTree *tree, edm::ConsumesCollector &&iC)

Static Private Member Functions

static float etaBarrel ()

Private Attributes

float _CalJetMin
bool _Debug
float _GenJetMin
bool _Monte
TString calopfx
int evtCounter
TString gjetpfx
TString gmetpfx
float * HLTPFTauIsoTrDz
float * HLTPFTauIsoTrPt
int * hltpftauIsoTrToPFTauMatch
float * HLTPFTauSignalTrDz
float * HLTPFTauSignalTrPt
int * hltpftauSignalTrToPFTauMatch
float htcalet
float htcalphi
float htcalsum
int * isoTrToPFTauMatch
float * jgene
float * jgeneta
float * jgenphi
float * jgenpt
float * jhcale
float * jhcalemf
float * jhcaleta
float * jhcaln90
float * jhcaln90hits
float * jhcalphi
float * jhcalpt
float * jhcorcale
float * jhcorcalemf
float * jhcorcaleta
float * jhcorcaln90
float * jhcorcaln90hits
float * jhcorcalphi
float * jhcorcalpt
float * jhcorL1L2L3cale
float * jhcorL1L2L3calemf
float * jhcorL1L2L3caleta
float * jhcorL1L2L3caln90
float * jhcorL1L2L3caln90hits
float * jhcorL1L2L3calphi
float * jhcorL1L2L3calpt
float * jpfrecochargedEMFraction
float * jpfrecochargedHadronFraction
int * jpfrecochargedMultiplicity
float * jpfrecoe
float * jpfrecoeta
float * jpfreconeutralEMFraction
float * jpfreconeutralHadronFraction
int * jpfreconeutralMultiplicity
float * jpfrecophi
float * jpfrecopt
float * jrcale
float * jrcalemf
float * jrcaleta
float * jrcaln90
float * jrcaln90hits
float * jrcalphi
float * jrcalpt
float * jrcorcale
float * jrcorcalemf
float * jrcorcaleta
float * jrcorcaln90
float * jrcorcaln90hits
float * jrcorcalphi
float * jrcorcalpt
double jrho
float * l25tauPt
float * l2tauemiso
float * l2tauEta
float * l2tauPhi
float * l2tauPt
int * l3tautckiso
float mcalmet
float mcalphi
float mcalsum
float mgenmet
float mgenphi
float mgensum
int nhcorjetcal
int nhcorL1L2L3jetcal
int nhjetcal
int njetgen
int nohl2tau
int noHLTPFTausIso
int noHLTPFTausSignal
int nohPFJet
int nohPFTau
int nohPFTauTightCone
int nohtau
int noRecoPFTausIso
int noRecoPFTausSignal
int nrcorjetcal
int nRecoPFTau
int nrjetcal
int nrpj
int ntowcal
float * ohpfTauEta
float * ohpfTauGammaIso
float * ohpfTauJetPt
float * ohpfTauLeadPionPt
float * ohpfTauLeadTrackPt
float * ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ
float * ohpfTauPhi
int * ohpfTauProngs
float * ohpfTauPt
float * ohpfTauTightConeEta
float * ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso
float * ohpfTauTightConeJetPt
float * ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt
float * ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt
float * ohpfTauTightConePhi
int * ohpfTauTightConeProngs
float * ohpfTauTightConePt
float * ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso
float * ohpfTauTrkIso
float pfHT
float * pfJetchargedEMFraction
float * pfJetchargedHadronFraction
float * pfJetchargedMultiplicity
float * pfJetE
float * pfJetEta
float * pfJetneutralEMFraction
float * pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction
float * pfJetneutralMultiplicity
float * pfJetPhi
float * pfJetPt
float pfmet
float pfmetphi
float pfMHT
float pfsumet
float * recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec
float * recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon
float * recopfTauDiscrByIso
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent
float * recopfTauEta
int * recopfTauGammaIso
float * recoPFTauIsoTrDz
float * recoPFTauIsoTrPt
float * recopfTauJetPt
float * recopfTauLeadPionPt
float * recopfTauLeadTrackPt
float * recopfTauPhi
float * recopfTauPt
float * recoPFTauSignalTrDz
float * recoPFTauSignalTrPt
int * recopfTauTrkIso
TString rjetpfx
TString rmetpfx
int * signalTrToPFTauMatch
float * tauEta
float * tauPhi
float * tauPt
float * towem
float * towen
float * towet
float * toweta
float * towhd
float * towoe
float * towphi
int * towR45lower
int * towR45none
int * towR45upper

Detailed Description

$Date: November 2006 $Revision:

L. Apanasevich - UIC, P. Bargassa - Rice U.

Definition at line 69 of file HLTJets.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HLTJets::HLTJets ( )

Definition at line 17 of file

References _CalJetMin, _Debug, _GenJetMin, _Monte, and evtCounter.

17  {
18  evtCounter=0;
20  //set parameter defaults
21  _Monte=false;
22  _Debug=false;
23  _CalJetMin=0.;
24  _GenJetMin=0.;
25 }
float _CalJetMin
Definition: HLTJets.h:193
bool _Debug
Definition: HLTJets.h:192
bool _Monte
Definition: HLTJets.h:192
float _GenJetMin
Definition: HLTJets.h:193
int evtCounter
Definition: HLTJets.h:195

Member Function Documentation

void HLTJets::analyze ( edm::Event const &  iEvent,
const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &  ohjets,
const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &  ohcorjets,
const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &  ohcorL1L2L3jets,
const edm::Handle< double > &  rho,
const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &  recojets,
const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &  recocorjets,
const edm::Handle< reco::GenJetCollection > &  gjets,
const edm::Handle< reco::CaloMETCollection > &  rmets,
const edm::Handle< reco::GenMETCollection > &  gmets,
const edm::Handle< reco::METCollection > &  ht,
const edm::Handle< reco::CaloJetCollection > &  myHLTL2Tau,
const edm::Handle< reco::HLTTauCollection > &  myHLTTau,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauCollection > &  myHLTPFTau,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauCollection > &  myHLTPFTauTightCone,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFJetCollection > &  myHLTPFJets,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauCollection > &  myRecoPFTau,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &  theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCOnePercent,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &  theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCHalfPercent,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &  theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCQuarterPercent,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &  theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCTenthPercent,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &  theRecoPFTauDiscrByIsolation,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &  theRecoPFTauDiscrAgainstElec,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFTauDiscriminator > &  theRecoPFTauDiscrAgainstMuon,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFJetCollection > &  recoPFJets,
const edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection > &  caloTowers,
const edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection > &  caloTowersCleanerUpperR45,
const edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection > &  caloTowersCleanerLowerR45,
const edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection > &  caloTowersCleanerNoR45,
const CaloTowerTopology cttopo,
const edm::Handle< reco::PFMETCollection > &  pfmets,
double  thresholdForSavingTowers,
double  minPtCH,
double  minPtGamma,
TTree *  tree 

Analyze the Data

Definition at line 400 of file

References _CalJetMin, _Debug, _GenJetMin, _Monte, funct::abs(), reco::helper::JetIDHelper::calculate(), gather_cfg::cout, CaloTowerTopology::denseIndex(), HLTPFTauIsoTrDz, HLTPFTauIsoTrPt, hltpftauIsoTrToPFTauMatch, HLTPFTauSignalTrDz, HLTPFTauSignalTrPt, hltpftauSignalTrToPFTauMatch, htcalet, htcalphi, htcalsum, i, isoTrToPFTauMatch, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), jetID, METSkim_cff::Jets, jgene, jgeneta, jgenphi, jgenpt, jhcale, jhcalemf, jhcaleta, jhcaln90, jhcaln90hits, jhcalphi, jhcalpt, jhcorcale, jhcorcalemf, jhcorcaleta, jhcorcaln90, jhcorcaln90hits, jhcorcalphi, jhcorcalpt, jhcorL1L2L3cale, jhcorL1L2L3calemf, jhcorL1L2L3caleta, jhcorL1L2L3caln90, jhcorL1L2L3caln90hits, jhcorL1L2L3calphi, jhcorL1L2L3calpt, jpfrecochargedEMFraction, jpfrecochargedHadronFraction, jpfrecochargedMultiplicity, jpfrecoe, jpfrecoeta, jpfreconeutralEMFraction, jpfreconeutralHadronFraction, jpfreconeutralMultiplicity, jpfrecophi, jpfrecopt, jrcale, jrcalemf, jrcaleta, jrcaln90, jrcaln90hits, jrcalphi, jrcalpt, jrcorcale, jrcorcalemf, jrcorcaleta, jrcorcaln90, jrcorcaln90hits, jrcorcalphi, jrcorcalpt, jrho, l25tauPt, l2tauemiso, l2tauEta, l2tauPhi, l2tauPt, l3tautckiso, mcalmet, mcalphi, mcalsum, mgenmet, mgenphi, mgensum, reco::helper::JetIDHelper::n90Hits(), nhcorjetcal, nhcorL1L2L3jetcal, nhjetcal, njetgen, nohl2tau, noHLTPFTausIso, noHLTPFTausSignal, nohPFJet, nohPFTau, nohPFTauTightCone, nohtau, noRecoPFTausIso, noRecoPFTausSignal, nrcorjetcal, nRecoPFTau, nrjetcal, nrpj, ntowcal, ohpfTauEta, ohpfTauGammaIso, ohpfTauJetPt, ohpfTauLeadPionPt, ohpfTauLeadTrackPt, ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ, ohpfTauPhi, ohpfTauProngs, ohpfTauPt, ohpfTauTightConeEta, ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso, ohpfTauTightConeJetPt, ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt, ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt, ohpfTauTightConePhi, ohpfTauTightConeProngs, ohpfTauTightConePt, ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso, ohpfTauTrkIso, pfHT, pfJetchargedEMFraction, pfJetchargedHadronFraction, pfJetchargedMultiplicity, pfJetE, pfJetEta, pfJetneutralEMFraction, pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction, pfJetneutralMultiplicity, pfJetPhi, pfJetPt, pfJets_cff::pfJets, pfmet, pfmetphi, pfMHT, pfsumet, pfTaus_cff::pfTaus, EnergyCorrector::pt, RecoPFJets_cff::recoPFJets, recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec, recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon, recopfTauDiscrByIso, recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent, recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent, recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent, recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent, recopfTauEta, recopfTauGammaIso, recoPFTauIsoTrDz, recoPFTauIsoTrPt, recopfTauLeadPionPt, recopfTauLeadTrackPt, recopfTauPhi, recopfTauPt, recoPFTauSignalTrDz, recoPFTauSignalTrPt, recopfTauTrkIso, rho, signalTrToPFTauMatch, mathSSE::sqrt(), tauEta, tauPhi, tauPt, towem, towen, towet, toweta, towhd, towoe, towphi, towR45lower, towR45none, and towR45upper.

Referenced by HLTAnalyzer::analyze().

434  {
436  if (_Debug) std::cout << " Beginning HLTJets " << std::endl;
438  //initialize branch variables
440  jrho = 0;
441  mcalmet=0.; mcalphi=0.;
442  mgenmet=0.; mgenphi=0.;
443  htcalet=0.,htcalphi=0.,htcalsum=0.;
450  if (rcalojets.isValid()) {
451  reco::CaloJetCollection mycalojets;
452  mycalojets=*rcalojets;
453  std::sort(mycalojets.begin(),mycalojets.end(),PtGreater());
454  typedef reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator cjiter;
455  int jrcal=0;
456  for ( cjiter i=mycalojets.begin(); i!=mycalojets.end(); i++) {
458  if (i->pt()>_CalJetMin && i->energy()>0.){
459  jrcalpt[jrcal] = i->pt();
460  jrcalphi[jrcal] = i->phi();
461  jrcaleta[jrcal] = i->eta();
462  jrcale[jrcal] = i->energy();
463  jrcalemf[jrcal] = i->emEnergyFraction();
464  jrcaln90[jrcal] = i->n90();
465  jetID->calculate( iEvent, *i );
466  jrcaln90hits[jrcal] = jetID->n90Hits();
467  jrcal++;
468  }
469  }
470  nrjetcal = jrcal;
471  }
472  else {nrjetcal = 0;}
474  if (rcalocorjets.isValid()) {
475  reco::CaloJetCollection mycalojets;
476  mycalojets=*rcalocorjets;
477  std::sort(mycalojets.begin(),mycalojets.end(),PtGreater());
478  typedef reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator cjiter;
479  int jrcal=0;
480  for ( cjiter i=mycalojets.begin(); i!=mycalojets.end(); i++) {
482  if (i->pt()>_CalJetMin && i->energy()>0.){
483  jrcorcalpt[jrcal] = i->pt();
484  jrcorcalphi[jrcal] = i->phi();
485  jrcorcaleta[jrcal] = i->eta();
486  jrcorcale[jrcal] = i->energy();
487  jrcorcalemf[jrcal] = i->emEnergyFraction();
488  jrcorcaln90[jrcal] = i->n90();
489  jetID->calculate( iEvent, *i );
490  jrcorcaln90hits[jrcal] = jetID->n90Hits();
491  jrcal++;
492  }
493  }
494  nrcorjetcal = jrcal;
495  }
496  else {nrcorjetcal = 0;}
498  if (ohcalojets.isValid()) {
499  reco::CaloJetCollection mycalojets;
500  mycalojets=*ohcalojets;
501  std::sort(mycalojets.begin(),mycalojets.end(),PtGreater());
502  typedef reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator cjiter;
503  int jhcal=0;
504  for ( cjiter i=mycalojets.begin(); i!=mycalojets.end(); i++) {
506  if (i->pt()>_CalJetMin && i->energy()>0.){
507  jhcalpt[jhcal] = i->pt();
508  jhcalphi[jhcal] = i->phi();
509  jhcaleta[jhcal] = i->eta();
510  jhcale[jhcal] = i->energy();
511  jhcalemf[jhcal] = i->emEnergyFraction();
512  jhcaln90[jhcal] = i->n90();
513  jetID->calculate( iEvent, *i );
514  jhcaln90hits[jhcal] = jetID->n90Hits();
515  jhcal++;
516  }
518  }
519  nhjetcal = jhcal;
520  }
521  else {nhjetcal = 0;}
523  if (ohcalocorjets.isValid()) {
524  reco::CaloJetCollection mycalocorjets;
525  mycalocorjets=*ohcalocorjets;
526  std::sort(mycalocorjets.begin(),mycalocorjets.end(),PtGreater());
527  typedef reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator ccorjiter;
528  int jhcorcal=0;
529  for ( ccorjiter i=mycalocorjets.begin(); i!=mycalocorjets.end(); i++) {
531  if (i->pt()>_CalJetMin && i->energy()>0.){
532  jhcorcalpt[jhcorcal] = i->pt();
533  jhcorcalphi[jhcorcal] = i->phi();
534  jhcorcaleta[jhcorcal] = i->eta();
535  jhcorcale[jhcorcal] = i->energy();
536  jhcorcalemf[jhcorcal] = i->emEnergyFraction();
537  jhcorcaln90[jhcorcal] = i->n90();
538  jetID->calculate( iEvent, *i );
539  jhcorcaln90hits[jhcorcal] = jetID->n90Hits();
540  jhcorcal++;
541  }
543  }
544  nhcorjetcal = jhcorcal;
545  }
546  else {nhcorjetcal = 0;}
548  if (ohcalocorL1L2L3jets.isValid()) {
549  reco::CaloJetCollection mycalocorL1L2L3jets;
550  mycalocorL1L2L3jets=*ohcalocorL1L2L3jets;
551  std::sort(mycalocorL1L2L3jets.begin(),mycalocorL1L2L3jets.end(),PtGreater());
552  typedef reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator ccorL1L2L3jiter;
553  int jhcorL1L2L3cal=0;
554  for ( ccorL1L2L3jiter i=mycalocorL1L2L3jets.begin(); i!=mycalocorL1L2L3jets.end(); i++) {
556  if (i->pt()>_CalJetMin && i->energy()>0.){
557  jhcorL1L2L3calpt[jhcorL1L2L3cal] = i->pt();
558  jhcorL1L2L3calphi[jhcorL1L2L3cal] = i->phi();
559  jhcorL1L2L3caleta[jhcorL1L2L3cal] = i->eta();
560  jhcorL1L2L3cale[jhcorL1L2L3cal] = i->energy();
561  jhcorL1L2L3calemf[jhcorL1L2L3cal] = i->emEnergyFraction();
562  jhcorL1L2L3caln90[jhcorL1L2L3cal] = i->n90();
563  jetID->calculate( iEvent, *i );
564  jhcorL1L2L3caln90hits[jhcorL1L2L3cal] = jetID->n90Hits();
565  jhcorL1L2L3cal++;
566  }
568  }
569  nhcorL1L2L3jetcal = jhcorL1L2L3cal;
570  }
571  else {nhcorL1L2L3jetcal = 0;}
573  if (rho.isValid()){
574  jrho = *rho;
575  }
576  else {
578  if (_Debug) std::cout << "rho not found" << std::endl;
579  }
581  std::set<unsigned int> towersUpper;
582  std::set<unsigned int> towersLower;
583  std::set<unsigned int> towersNone;
585  bool towersUpperValid=false;
586  bool towersLowerValid=false;
587  bool towersNoneValid=false;
588  if( caloTowersCleanerUpperR45.isValid() ){
589  towersUpperValid = true;
590  for( CaloTowerCollection::const_iterator tow = caloTowersCleanerUpperR45->begin(); tow != caloTowersCleanerUpperR45->end(); tow++){
591  towersUpper.insert(cttopo->denseIndex(tow->id()));
592  }
593  }
594  if( caloTowersCleanerLowerR45.isValid() ){
595  towersLowerValid = true;
596  for( CaloTowerCollection::const_iterator tow = caloTowersCleanerLowerR45->begin(); tow != caloTowersCleanerLowerR45->end(); tow++){
597  towersLower.insert(cttopo->denseIndex(tow->id()));
598  }
599  }
600  if( caloTowersCleanerNoR45.isValid() ){
601  towersNoneValid = true;
602  for( CaloTowerCollection::const_iterator tow = caloTowersCleanerNoR45->begin(); tow != caloTowersCleanerNoR45->end(); tow++){
603  towersNone.insert(cttopo->denseIndex(tow->id()));
604  }
605  }
606  if (caloTowers.isValid()) {
607  // ntowcal = caloTowers->size();
608  int jtow = 0;
609  for ( CaloTowerCollection::const_iterator tower=caloTowers->begin(); tower!=caloTowers->end(); tower++) {
610  if(tower->energy() > thresholdForSavingTowers)
611  {
612  towet[jtow] = tower->et();
613  toweta[jtow] = tower->eta();
614  towphi[jtow] = tower->phi();
615  towen[jtow] = tower->energy();
616  towem[jtow] = tower->emEnergy();
617  towhd[jtow] = tower->hadEnergy();
618  towoe[jtow] = tower->outerEnergy();
619  // noise filters: true = no noise, false = noise
620  if(towersUpperValid) {if(towersUpper.find(cttopo->denseIndex(tower->id())) == towersUpper.end()) towR45upper[jtow]=true; else towR45upper[jtow]=false;}
621  if(towersLowerValid) {if(towersLower.find(cttopo->denseIndex(tower->id())) == towersLower.end()) towR45lower[jtow]=true; else towR45lower[jtow]=false;}
622  if(towersNoneValid) {if(towersNone.find(cttopo->denseIndex(tower->id())) == towersNone.end()) towR45none[jtow]=true; else towR45none[jtow]=false;}
623  jtow++;
624  }
625  }
626  ntowcal = jtow;
627  }
628  else {ntowcal = 0;}
630  if (recmets.isValid()) {
631  typedef reco::CaloMETCollection::const_iterator cmiter;
632  for ( cmiter i=recmets->begin(); i!=recmets->end(); i++) {
633  mcalmet = i->pt();
634  mcalphi = i->phi();
635  mcalsum = i->sumEt();
636  }
637  }
639  if (pfmets.isValid()) {
640  typedef reco::PFMETCollection::const_iterator pfmetiter;
641  for( pfmetiter i=pfmets->begin(); i!=pfmets->end(); i++) {
642  pfmet = i->pt();
643  pfsumet = i->sumEt();
644  pfmetphi = i->phi();
645  }
646  }
648  if (ht.isValid()) {
649  typedef reco::METCollection::const_iterator iter;
650  for ( iter i=ht->begin(); i!=ht->end(); i++) {
651  htcalet = i->pt();
652  htcalphi = i->phi();
653  htcalsum = i->sumEt();
654  }
655  }
657  if (_Monte){
659  if (genjets.isValid()) {
660  reco::GenJetCollection mygenjets;
661  mygenjets=*genjets;
662  std::sort(mygenjets.begin(),mygenjets.end(),PtGreater());
663  typedef reco::GenJetCollection::const_iterator gjiter;
664  int jgen=0;
665  for ( gjiter i=mygenjets.begin(); i!=mygenjets.end(); i++) {
667  if (i->pt()>_GenJetMin){
668  jgenpt[jgen] = i->pt();
669  jgenphi[jgen] = i->phi();
670  jgeneta[jgen] = i->eta();
671  jgene[jgen] = i->energy();
672  jgen++;
673  }
675  }
676  njetgen = jgen;
677  }
678  else {njetgen = 0;}
680  if (genmets.isValid()) {
681  typedef reco::GenMETCollection::const_iterator gmiter;
682  for ( gmiter i=genmets->begin(); i!=genmets->end(); i++) {
683  mgenmet = i->pt();
684  mgenphi = i->phi();
685  mgensum = i->sumEt();
686  }
687  }
689  }
693  if (l2taujets.isValid()) {
694  nohl2tau = l2taujets->size();
695  reco::CaloJetCollection l2taus = *l2taujets;
696  std::sort(l2taus.begin(),l2taus.end(),GetPFPtGreater());
697  int itau=0;
698  for(reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator i = l2taus.begin();
699  i!= l2taus.end(); ++i){
700  l2tauPt[itau] = i->pt();
701  l2tauEta[itau] = i->eta();
702  l2tauPhi[itau] = i->phi();
703  itau++;
704  }
705  }else{
706  nohl2tau = 0;
707  }
708  if (taujets.isValid()) {
709  nohtau = taujets->size();
710  reco::HLTTauCollection mytaujets;
711  mytaujets=*taujets;
712  std::sort(mytaujets.begin(),mytaujets.end(),GetPtGreater());
713  typedef reco::HLTTauCollection::const_iterator tauit;
714  int itau=0;
715  for(tauit i=mytaujets.begin(); i!=mytaujets.end(); i++){
716  //Ask for Eta,Phi and Et of the tau:
717  tauEta[itau] = i->getEta();
718  tauPhi[itau] = i->getPhi();
719  tauPt[itau] = i->getPt();
720  //Ask for L2 EMIsolation cut: Nominal cut : < 5
721  l2tauemiso[itau] = i->getEMIsolationValue();
722  //Get L25 LeadTrackPt : Nominal cut : > 20 GeV
723  l25tauPt[itau] = i->getL25LeadTrackPtValue();
724  //Get TrackIsolation response (returns 0 = failed or 1= passed)
725  l3tautckiso[itau] = i->getL3TrackIsolationResponse();
726  //MET : > 65
727  itau++;
728  }
729  }
730  else {nohtau = 0;}
734  if(pfTaus.isValid()) {
735  //float minTrkPt = minPtCH;
736  //float minGammaPt = minPtGamma;
737  nohPFTau = pfTaus->size();
739  std::sort(taus.begin(),taus.end(),GetPFPtGreater());
740  typedef reco::PFTauCollection::const_iterator pftauit;
741  int ipftau=0;
742  for(pftauit i=taus.begin(); i!=taus.end(); i++){
743  //Ask for Eta,Phi and Et of the tau:
744  ohpfTauProngs[ipftau] = i->signalPFChargedHadrCands().size();
745  ohpfTauEta[ipftau] = i->eta();
746  ohpfTauPhi[ipftau] = i->phi();
747  ohpfTauPt[ipftau] = i->pt();
748  ohpfTauJetPt[ipftau] = i->pfTauTagInfoRef()->pfjetRef()->pt();
751  /*
752  if( (i->leadPFCand()).isNonnull())
753  pfTauLeadPionPt[ipftau] = i->leadPFCand()->pt();
754 */
755  if( (i->leadPFNeutralCand()).isNonnull())
756  ohpfTauLeadPionPt[ipftau] = i->leadPFNeutralCand()->pt();
757  else
758  ohpfTauLeadPionPt[ipftau] = -999.0;
760  if((i->leadPFChargedHadrCand()).isNonnull()){
761  ohpfTauLeadTrackPt[ipftau] = i->leadPFChargedHadrCand()->pt();
762  ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ[ipftau] = i->leadPFChargedHadrCand()->vertex().z();
763  }else{
764  ohpfTauLeadTrackPt[ipftau] = -999.0;
765  ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ[ipftau] = -999.0;
766  }
768  float maxPtTrkIso = 0;
769  for (unsigned int iTrk = 0; iTrk < i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands().size(); iTrk++)
770  {
771  if(i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->pt() > maxPtTrkIso) maxPtTrkIso = i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->pt();
773  if (i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->trackRef().isNonnull()){
775  HLTPFTauIsoTrDz[noHLTPFTausIso]=i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->trackRef()->dz(); // dz wrt (0,0,0), to compare offline with HLT
776  HLTPFTauIsoTrPt[noHLTPFTausIso]=i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->pt();
777  /*
778  std::cout << "Adding isocand for hltpftau " << ipftau
779  << " pt " << HLTPFTauIsoTrPt[noHLTPFTausIso]
780  << " dz " << HLTPFTauIsoTrDz[noHLTPFTausIso]
781  << std::endl; // */
782  ++noHLTPFTausIso;
783  }
785  }
787  ohpfTauTrkIso[ipftau] = maxPtTrkIso;
788  float maxPtGammaIso = 0;
789  for (unsigned int iGamma = 0; iGamma < i->isolationPFGammaCands().size(); iGamma++)
790  {
791  if(i->isolationPFGammaCands()[iGamma]->pt() > maxPtGammaIso) maxPtGammaIso = i->isolationPFGammaCands()[iGamma]->pt();
792  }
796  for (unsigned int iTrk = 0; iTrk < i->signalPFChargedHadrCands().size(); iTrk++)
797  {
798  if (i->signalPFChargedHadrCands ()[iTrk]->trackRef().isNonnull()){
800  HLTPFTauSignalTrDz[noHLTPFTausSignal]=i->signalPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->trackRef()->dz(); // dz wrt (0,0,0), to compare offline with HLT
801  HLTPFTauSignalTrPt[noHLTPFTausSignal]=i->signalPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->pt();
802  /*
803  std::cout << "Adding sigcand for hltpftau " << ipftau
804  << " pt " << HLTPFTauSignalTrPt[noHLTPFTausSignal]
805  << " dz " << HLTPFTauSignalTrDz[noHLTPFTausSignal]
806  << std::endl; // */
808  }
809  }
815  ohpfTauGammaIso[ipftau] = maxPtGammaIso;
816  ipftau++;
817  }
819  }
821  if(pfTausTightCone.isValid()) {
822  //float minTrkPt = minPtCH;
823  //float minGammaPt = minPtGamma;
824  nohPFTauTightCone = pfTaus->size();
825  reco::PFTauCollection taus = *pfTausTightCone;
826  std::sort(taus.begin(),taus.end(),GetPFPtGreater());
827  typedef reco::PFTauCollection::const_iterator pftauit;
828  int ipftau=0;
829  for(pftauit i=taus.begin(); i!=taus.end(); i++){
830  //Ask for Eta,Phi and Et of the tau:
831  ohpfTauTightConeProngs[ipftau] = i->signalPFChargedHadrCands().size();
832  ohpfTauTightConeEta[ipftau] = i->eta();
833  ohpfTauTightConePhi[ipftau] = i->phi();
834  ohpfTauTightConePt[ipftau] = i->pt();
835  ohpfTauTightConeJetPt[ipftau] = i->pfTauTagInfoRef()->pfjetRef()->pt();
838  if( (i->leadPFNeutralCand()).isNonnull())
839  ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt[ipftau] = i->leadPFNeutralCand()->pt();
840  else
841  ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt[ipftau] = -999.0;
844  if((i->leadPFChargedHadrCand()).isNonnull())
845  ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt[ipftau] = i->leadPFChargedHadrCand()->pt();
846  else
847  ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt[ipftau] = -999.0;
849  float maxPtTrkIso = 0;
850  for (unsigned int iTrk = 0; iTrk < i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands().size(); iTrk++)
851  {
852  if(i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->pt() > maxPtTrkIso) maxPtTrkIso = i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->pt();
853  }
855  ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso[ipftau] = maxPtTrkIso;
856  float maxPtGammaIso = 0;
857  for (unsigned int iGamma = 0; iGamma < i->isolationPFGammaCands().size(); iGamma++)
858  {
859  if(i->isolationPFGammaCands()[iGamma]->pt() > maxPtGammaIso) maxPtGammaIso = i->isolationPFGammaCands()[iGamma]->pt();
860  }
861  ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso[ipftau] = maxPtGammaIso;
862  ipftau++;
863  }
865  }
869  if(recoPfTaus.isValid()) {
870  float minTrkPt = minPtCH;
871  float minGammaPt = minPtGamma;
872  nRecoPFTau = recoPfTaus->size();
873  reco::PFTauCollection taus = *recoPfTaus;
875  // disable sorting for proper access to discriminators
876  //std::sort(taus.begin(),taus.end(),GetPFPtGreater());
877  typedef reco::PFTauCollection::const_iterator pftauit;
878  int ipftau=0;
880  for(pftauit i=taus.begin(); i!=taus.end(); i++){
881  //Ask for Eta,Phi and Et of the tau:
882  recopfTauEta[ipftau] = i->eta();
883  recopfTauPhi[ipftau] = i->phi();
884  recopfTauPt[ipftau] = i->pt();
886  if( (i->leadPFNeutralCand()).isNonnull())
887  recopfTauLeadPionPt[ipftau] = i->leadPFNeutralCand()->pt();
888  else
889  recopfTauLeadPionPt[ipftau] = -999.0;
892  if((i->leadPFChargedHadrCand()).isNonnull())
893  recopfTauLeadTrackPt[ipftau] = i->leadPFChargedHadrCand()->pt();
894  else
895  recopfTauLeadTrackPt[ipftau] = -999.0;
897  int myTrks=0;
898  for (unsigned int iTrk = 0; iTrk < i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands().size(); iTrk++)
899  {
900  if(i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->pt() > minTrkPt) myTrks++;
901  if (i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->trackRef().isNonnull()){
903  recoPFTauIsoTrDz[noRecoPFTausIso]=i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->trackRef()->dz(); // dz wrt (0,0,0), to compare offline with HLT
904  recoPFTauIsoTrPt[noRecoPFTausIso]=i->isolationPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->pt();
905  /*
906  std::cout << "Adding isocand for tau " << ipftau
907  << " pt " << recoPFTauIsoTrPt[noRecoPFTausIso]
908  << " dz " << recoPFTauIsoTrDz[noRecoPFTausIso]
909  << std::endl;// */
910  ++noRecoPFTausIso;
911  }
913  }
915  recopfTauTrkIso[ipftau] = myTrks;
916  int myGammas=0;
917  for (unsigned int iGamma = 0; iGamma < i->isolationPFGammaCands().size(); iGamma++)
918  {
919  if(i->isolationPFGammaCands()[iGamma]->pt() > minGammaPt) myGammas++;
920  }
921  recopfTauGammaIso[ipftau] = myGammas;
924  for (unsigned int iTrk = 0; iTrk < i->signalPFChargedHadrCands().size(); iTrk++)
925  {
926  if (i->signalPFChargedHadrCands ()[iTrk]->trackRef().isNonnull()){
928  recoPFTauSignalTrDz[noRecoPFTausSignal]=i->signalPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->trackRef()->dz(); // dz wrt (0,0,0), to compare offline with HLT
929  recoPFTauSignalTrPt[noRecoPFTausSignal]=i->signalPFChargedHadrCands()[iTrk]->pt();
930  /*
931  std::cout << "Adding sigcand for tau " << ipftau
932  << " pt " << recoPFTauSignalTrPt[noRecoPFTausSignal]
933  << " dz " << recoPFTauSignalTrDz[noRecoPFTausSignal]
934  << std::endl;// */
936  }
937  }
939  const reco::PFTauRef thisTauRef(recoPfTaus,ipftau);
941  if(theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCOnePercent.isValid()){
942  recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent[ipftau] = (*theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCOnePercent)[thisTauRef];}
943  if(theRecoPFTauDiscrByIsolation.isValid()){
944  recopfTauDiscrByIso[ipftau] = (*theRecoPFTauDiscrByIsolation)[thisTauRef];}
945  if(theRecoPFTauDiscrAgainstMuon.isValid()){
946  recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon[ipftau] = (*theRecoPFTauDiscrAgainstMuon)[thisTauRef];}
947  if(theRecoPFTauDiscrAgainstElec.isValid()){
948  recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec[ipftau] = (*theRecoPFTauDiscrAgainstElec)[thisTauRef];}
949  if(theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCHalfPercent.isValid()){
950  recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent[ipftau] = (*theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCHalfPercent)[thisTauRef];}
951  if(theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCQuarterPercent.isValid()){
952  recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent[ipftau] = (*theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCQuarterPercent)[thisTauRef];}
953  if(theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCTenthPercent.isValid()){
954  recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent[ipftau] = (*theRecoPFTauDiscrByTanCTenthPercent)[thisTauRef];}
956  ipftau++;
957  }
958  }
961  if(pfJets.isValid()) {
962  nohPFJet = pfJets->size();
964  std::sort(Jets.begin(),Jets.end(),GetPFPtGreater());
965  typedef reco::PFJetCollection::const_iterator pfJetit;
966  int ipfJet=0;
967  float pfMHTx = 0.;
968  float pfMHTy = 0.;
969  pfHT = 0.;
971  for(pfJetit i=Jets.begin(); i!=Jets.end(); i++){
972  //Ask for Eta,Phi and Et of the Jet:
973  pfJetEta[ipfJet] = i->eta();
974  pfJetPhi[ipfJet] = i->phi();
975  pfJetPt[ipfJet] = i->pt();
976  pfJetE[ipfJet] = i->energy();
977  pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction[ipfJet]=i->neutralHadronEnergyFraction();
978  pfJetchargedHadronFraction[ipfJet] = i->chargedHadronEnergyFraction ();
979  pfJetneutralMultiplicity[ipfJet] = i->neutralMultiplicity ();
980  pfJetchargedMultiplicity[ipfJet] = i->chargedMultiplicity ();
981  pfJetneutralEMFraction[ipfJet] = i->neutralEmEnergyFraction ();
982  pfJetchargedEMFraction[ipfJet] = i->chargedEmEnergyFraction ();
983  //std::cout << "jet pT = " << i->pt() << " ; neutralHadronEnergyFraction = " << i->neutralHadronEnergyFraction() << std::endl;
985  if (i->pt() > 40. && abs(i->eta())<3.0)
986  pfHT += i -> pt();
987  if (i->pt() > 30.){
988  pfMHTx = pfMHTx + i->px();
989  pfMHTy = pfMHTy + i->py();
990  }
991  ipfJet++;
992  }
993  pfMHT = sqrt(pfMHTx*pfMHTx + pfMHTy*pfMHTy);
995  }
997  nrpj = 0;
998  if(recoPFJets.isValid()){
999  nrpj = recoPFJets->size();
1001  std::sort(Jets.begin(),Jets.end(),GetPFPtGreater());
1002  typedef reco::PFJetCollection::const_iterator pfJetit;
1003  int ipfJet=0;
1004  for(pfJetit i=Jets.begin(); i!=Jets.end(); i++){
1005  //Ask for Eta,Phi and Et of the Jet:
1006  jpfrecoeta[ipfJet] = i->eta();
1007  jpfrecophi[ipfJet] = i->phi();
1008  jpfrecopt[ipfJet] = i->pt();
1009  jpfrecoe[ipfJet] = i->energy();
1010  jpfreconeutralHadronFraction[ipfJet] = i->neutralHadronEnergyFraction ();
1011  jpfrecochargedHadronFraction[ipfJet] = i->chargedHadronEnergyFraction ();
1012  jpfreconeutralMultiplicity[ipfJet] = i->neutralMultiplicity ();
1013  jpfrecochargedMultiplicity[ipfJet] = i->chargedMultiplicity ();
1014  jpfreconeutralEMFraction[ipfJet] = i->neutralEmEnergyFraction ();
1015  jpfrecochargedEMFraction[ipfJet] = i->chargedEmEnergyFraction ();
1017  ipfJet++;
1018  }
1020  }
1022 }
float * jhcalpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
float * l2tauPhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:137
float * tauPhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:140
int i
float * ohpfTauJetPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
int noRecoPFTausSignal
Definition: HLTJets.h:168
float _CalJetMin
Definition: HLTJets.h:193
float * recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
std::vector< PFTau > PFTauCollection
collection of PFTau objects
Definition: PFTauFwd.h:9
float * jrcorcalemf
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * jrcorcaleta
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * pfJetPhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
tuple pfTaus
int * hltpftauIsoTrToPFTauMatch
Definition: HLTJets.h:184
float * HLTPFTauIsoTrPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:186
float * towem
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * l2tauEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:137
float * jrcorcaln90hits
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
bool _Debug
Definition: HLTJets.h:192
float * jhcorL1L2L3cale
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
float * jrcaln90
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
float * ohpfTauEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
float * ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
float * HLTPFTauSignalTrDz
Definition: HLTJets.h:180
float * ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:150
float * ohpfTauTightConePt
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
int * jpfrecochargedMultiplicity
Definition: HLTJets.h:163
float * ohpfTauLeadTrackPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
float htcalet
Definition: HLTJets.h:127
bool _Monte
Definition: HLTJets.h:192
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
std::vector< GenJet > GenJetCollection
collection of GenJet objects
float * pfJetchargedHadronFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
int * recopfTauGammaIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:159
float * recopfTauEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
float * jpfrecochargedHadronFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
std::vector< CaloTower >::const_iterator const_iterator
float * ohpfTauPhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
float mgensum
Definition: HLTJets.h:128
float mgenphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:128
int noHLTPFTausIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:183
float * recopfTauDiscrByIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
float pfmetphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:130
float * recopfTauLeadTrackPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
float * jhcalemf
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
int noHLTPFTausSignal
Definition: HLTJets.h:178
int * towR45upper
Definition: HLTJets.h:125
float mgenmet
Definition: HLTJets.h:128
float * jpfrecoe
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float htcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:127
float * recoPFTauSignalTrPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:171
int nhjetcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:133
float * jhcorcalpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float * jhcorcaleta
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
int nrjetcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:134
float * jhcorL1L2L3caleta
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
float * jhcale
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
int * hltpftauSignalTrToPFTauMatch
Definition: HLTJets.h:179
float * jrcaln90hits
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
float * ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
float * jrcale
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
float * ohpfTauTightConeJetPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
float * jpfrecoeta
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float * pfJetE
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float * toweta
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * l2tauPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:137
float * jrcaleta
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
float * HLTPFTauIsoTrDz
Definition: HLTJets.h:185
float * recoPFTauIsoTrPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:176
float * tauPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:140
float * recopfTauPhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
int iEvent
float * ohpfTauTightConeEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
float * ohpfTauGammaIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:145
float pfsumet
Definition: HLTJets.h:130
float * pfJetPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
float * jhcaln90hits
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
float * towet
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * jrcorcaln90
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * ohpfTauTrkIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:145
float * jhcaln90
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
float * jpfreconeutralHadronFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
tuple Jets
float * recopfTauLeadPionPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
float * recopfTauPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
reco::helper::JetIDHelper * jetID
Definition: HLTJets.h:188
float * towphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * jhcorcalemf
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float * recoPFTauIsoTrDz
Definition: HLTJets.h:175
float mcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:126
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
float * jgenphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:123
int * towR45lower
Definition: HLTJets.h:125
int * signalTrToPFTauMatch
Definition: HLTJets.h:169
float * ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:150
float * recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
std::vector< HLTTau > HLTTauCollection
collection of HLTTau objects
Definition: HLTTauFwd.h:9
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:75
float * tauEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:140
float * towoe
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
double jrho
Definition: HLTJets.h:118
float * pfJetneutralMultiplicity
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float mcalsum
Definition: HLTJets.h:126
float * pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float pfmet
Definition: HLTJets.h:130
float * ohpfTauLeadPionPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
int njetgen
Definition: HLTJets.h:132
uint32_t denseIndex(const DetId &id) const
float * jhcorcale
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float * l25tauPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:137
float * HLTPFTauSignalTrPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:181
float * jhcaleta
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
float * jgeneta
Definition: HLTJets.h:123
float * jpfreconeutralEMFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float * jhcorL1L2L3caln90hits
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
float * l2tauemiso
Definition: HLTJets.h:137
float * jrcorcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * jrcalpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
int * towR45none
Definition: HLTJets.h:125
float * pfJetEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
int ntowcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:132
int * jpfreconeutralMultiplicity
Definition: HLTJets.h:163
int * recopfTauTrkIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:159
int * ohpfTauTightConeProngs
Definition: HLTJets.h:148
int nohPFTauTightCone
Definition: HLTJets.h:147
float * recoPFTauSignalTrDz
Definition: HLTJets.h:170
float * jrcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
int nrpj
Definition: HLTJets.h:164
int noRecoPFTausIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:173
std::vector< PFJet > PFJetCollection
collection of PFJet objects
float * jhcorL1L2L3calemf
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
float * jhcorL1L2L3caln90
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
float _GenJetMin
Definition: HLTJets.h:193
float * jpfrecophi
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
int * l3tautckiso
Definition: HLTJets.h:138
int nohPFJet
Definition: HLTJets.h:154
float * jpfrecochargedEMFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float * towen
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * jhcorcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float * jhcorcaln90
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float mcalmet
Definition: HLTJets.h:126
float * pfJetneutralEMFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float * jpfrecopt
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float * jhcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
int nRecoPFTau
Definition: HLTJets.h:157
float * ohpfTauTightConePhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
int * ohpfTauProngs
Definition: HLTJets.h:143
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
float * jhcorL1L2L3calphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
tuple cout
int * isoTrToPFTauMatch
Definition: HLTJets.h:174
int nohtau
Definition: HLTJets.h:139
float * pfJetchargedMultiplicity
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float pfMHT
Definition: HLTJets.h:153
int nohPFTau
Definition: HLTJets.h:142
float * pfJetchargedEMFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float * jrcorcale
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * jrcorcalpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * jgene
Definition: HLTJets.h:123
tuple pfJets
float * towhd
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * jhcorcaln90hits
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float * jhcorL1L2L3calpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
int nhcorjetcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:133
int nohl2tau
Definition: HLTJets.h:139
int nrcorjetcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:134
float * jrcalemf
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
float * ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
float * jgenpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:123
float htcalsum
Definition: HLTJets.h:127
float pfHT
Definition: HLTJets.h:152
float * ohpfTauPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
void calculate(const edm::Event &event, const reco::CaloJet &jet, const int iDbg=0)
int nhcorL1L2L3jetcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:133
std::vector< CaloJet > CaloJetCollection
collection of CaloJet objects
static float HLTJets::etaBarrel ( )

Definition at line 197 of file HLTJets.h.

197 { return 1.4; }
void HLTJets::setup ( const edm::ParameterSet pSet,
TTree *  tree,
edm::ConsumesCollector &&  iC 

Definition at line 28 of file

References _CalJetMin, _Debug, _GenJetMin, _Monte, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameterNames(), HLTPFTauIsoTrDz, HLTPFTauIsoTrPt, hltpftauIsoTrToPFTauMatch, HLTPFTauSignalTrDz, HLTPFTauSignalTrPt, hltpftauSignalTrToPFTauMatch, htcalet, htcalphi, htcalsum, isoTrToPFTauMatch, jetID, jgene, jgeneta, jgenphi, jgenpt, jhcale, jhcalemf, jhcaleta, jhcaln90, jhcaln90hits, jhcalphi, jhcalpt, jhcorcale, jhcorcalemf, jhcorcaleta, jhcorcaln90, jhcorcaln90hits, jhcorcalphi, jhcorcalpt, jhcorL1L2L3cale, jhcorL1L2L3calemf, jhcorL1L2L3caleta, jhcorL1L2L3caln90, jhcorL1L2L3caln90hits, jhcorL1L2L3calphi, jhcorL1L2L3calpt, jpfrecochargedEMFraction, jpfrecochargedHadronFraction, jpfrecochargedMultiplicity, jpfrecoe, jpfrecoeta, jpfreconeutralEMFraction, jpfreconeutralHadronFraction, jpfreconeutralMultiplicity, jpfrecophi, jpfrecopt, jrcale, jrcalemf, jrcaleta, jrcaln90, jrcaln90hits, jrcalphi, jrcalpt, jrcorcale, jrcorcalemf, jrcorcaleta, jrcorcaln90, jrcorcaln90hits, jrcorcalphi, jrcorcalpt, jrho, l25tauPt, l2tauemiso, l2tauEta, l2tauPhi, l2tauPt, l3tautckiso, mcalmet, mcalphi, mcalsum, mgenmet, mgenphi, mgensum, eostools::move(), nhcorjetcal, nhcorL1L2L3jetcal, nhjetcal, njetgen, nohl2tau, noHLTPFTausIso, noHLTPFTausSignal, nohPFJet, nohPFTau, nohPFTauTightCone, nohtau, noRecoPFTausIso, noRecoPFTausSignal, nrcorjetcal, nRecoPFTau, nrjetcal, nrpj, ntowcal, ohpfTauEta, ohpfTauGammaIso, ohpfTauJetPt, ohpfTauLeadPionPt, ohpfTauLeadTrackPt, ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ, ohpfTauPhi, ohpfTauProngs, ohpfTauPt, ohpfTauTightConeEta, ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso, ohpfTauTightConeJetPt, ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt, ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt, ohpfTauTightConePhi, ohpfTauTightConeProngs, ohpfTauTightConePt, ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso, ohpfTauTrkIso, pfHT, pfJetchargedEMFraction, pfJetchargedHadronFraction, pfJetchargedMultiplicity, pfJetE, pfJetEta, pfJetneutralEMFraction, pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction, pfJetneutralMultiplicity, pfJetPhi, pfJetPt, pfmet, pfmetphi, pfMHT, pfsumet, recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec, recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon, recopfTauDiscrByIso, recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent, recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent, recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent, recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent, recopfTauEta, recopfTauGammaIso, recoPFTauIsoTrDz, recoPFTauIsoTrPt, recopfTauJetPt, recopfTauLeadPionPt, recopfTauLeadTrackPt, recopfTauPhi, recopfTauPt, recoPFTauSignalTrDz, recoPFTauSignalTrPt, recopfTauTrkIso, signalTrToPFTauMatch, tauEta, tauPhi, tauPt, towem, towen, towet, toweta, towhd, towoe, towphi, towR45lower, towR45none, and towR45upper.

Referenced by HLTAnalyzer::HLTAnalyzer().

28  {
30  edm::ParameterSet myJetParams = pSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("RunParameters") ;
31  std::vector<std::string> parameterNames = myJetParams.getParameterNames() ;
33  for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator iParam = parameterNames.begin();
34  iParam != parameterNames.end(); iParam++ ){
35  if ( (*iParam) == "Monte" ) _Monte = myJetParams.getParameter<bool>( *iParam );
36  else if ( (*iParam) == "Debug" ) _Debug = myJetParams.getParameter<bool>( *iParam );
37  else if ( (*iParam) == "CalJetMin" ) _CalJetMin = myJetParams.getParameter<double>( *iParam );
38  else if ( (*iParam) == "GenJetMin" ) _GenJetMin = myJetParams.getParameter<double>( *iParam );
39  }
43  const int kMaxRecoPFJet = 10000;
44  jpfrecopt=new float[kMaxRecoPFJet];
45  jpfrecoe=new float[kMaxRecoPFJet];
46  jpfrecophi=new float[kMaxRecoPFJet];
47  jpfrecoeta=new float[kMaxRecoPFJet];
48  jpfreconeutralHadronFraction=new float[kMaxRecoPFJet];
49  jpfreconeutralEMFraction=new float[kMaxRecoPFJet];
50  jpfrecochargedHadronFraction=new float[kMaxRecoPFJet];
51  jpfrecochargedEMFraction=new float[kMaxRecoPFJet];
52  jpfreconeutralMultiplicity=new int[kMaxRecoPFJet];
53  jpfrecochargedMultiplicity=new int[kMaxRecoPFJet];
55  const int kMaxJetCal = 10000;
56  jhcalpt = new float[kMaxJetCal];
57  jhcalphi = new float[kMaxJetCal];
58  jhcaleta = new float[kMaxJetCal];
59  jhcale = new float[kMaxJetCal];
60  jhcalemf = new float[kMaxJetCal];
61  jhcaln90 = new float[kMaxJetCal];
62  jhcaln90hits = new float[kMaxJetCal];
64  jhcorcalpt = new float[kMaxJetCal];
65  jhcorcalphi = new float[kMaxJetCal];
66  jhcorcaleta = new float[kMaxJetCal];
67  jhcorcale = new float[kMaxJetCal];
68  jhcorcalemf = new float[kMaxJetCal];
69  jhcorcaln90 = new float[kMaxJetCal];
70  jhcorcaln90hits = new float[kMaxJetCal];
72  jhcorL1L2L3calpt = new float[kMaxJetCal];
73  jhcorL1L2L3calphi = new float[kMaxJetCal];
74  jhcorL1L2L3caleta = new float[kMaxJetCal];
75  jhcorL1L2L3cale = new float[kMaxJetCal];
76  jhcorL1L2L3calemf = new float[kMaxJetCal];
77  jhcorL1L2L3caln90 = new float[kMaxJetCal];
78  jhcorL1L2L3caln90hits = new float[kMaxJetCal];
80  jrcalpt = new float[kMaxJetCal];
81  jrcalphi = new float[kMaxJetCal];
82  jrcaleta = new float[kMaxJetCal];
83  jrcale = new float[kMaxJetCal];
84  jrcalemf = new float[kMaxJetCal];
85  jrcaln90 = new float[kMaxJetCal];
86  jrcaln90hits = new float[kMaxJetCal];
88  jrcorcalpt = new float[kMaxJetCal];
89  jrcorcalphi = new float[kMaxJetCal];
90  jrcorcaleta = new float[kMaxJetCal];
91  jrcorcale = new float[kMaxJetCal];
92  jrcorcalemf = new float[kMaxJetCal];
93  jrcorcaln90 = new float[kMaxJetCal];
94  jrcorcaln90hits = new float[kMaxJetCal];
96  const int kMaxJetgen = 10000;
97  jgenpt = new float[kMaxJetgen];
98  jgenphi = new float[kMaxJetgen];
99  jgeneta = new float[kMaxJetgen];
100  jgene = new float[kMaxJetgen];
101  const int kMaxTower = 10000;
102  towet = new float[kMaxTower];
103  toweta = new float[kMaxTower];
104  towphi = new float[kMaxTower];
105  towen = new float[kMaxTower];
106  towem = new float[kMaxTower];
107  towhd = new float[kMaxTower];
108  towoe = new float[kMaxTower];
109  towR45upper = new int[kMaxTower];
110  towR45lower = new int[kMaxTower];
111  towR45none = new int[kMaxTower];
112  const int kMaxTau = 500;
113  l2tauPt = new float[kMaxTau];
114  l2tauEta = new float[kMaxTau];
115  l2tauPhi = new float[kMaxTau];
116  l2tauemiso = new float[kMaxTau];
117  l25tauPt = new float[kMaxTau];
118  l3tautckiso = new int[kMaxTau];
119  tauEta = new float[kMaxTau];
120  tauPt = new float[kMaxTau];
121  tauPhi = new float[kMaxTau];
123  const int kMaxPFTau = 500;
124  ohpfTauEta = new float[kMaxPFTau];
125  ohpfTauProngs = new int[kMaxPFTau];
126  ohpfTauPhi = new float[kMaxPFTau];
127  ohpfTauPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
128  ohpfTauJetPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
129  ohpfTauLeadTrackPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
130  ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ = new float[kMaxPFTau];
131  ohpfTauLeadPionPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
132  ohpfTauTrkIso = new float[kMaxPFTau];
133  ohpfTauGammaIso = new float[kMaxPFTau];
135  ohpfTauTightConeProngs = new int[kMaxPFTau];
136  ohpfTauTightConeEta = new float[kMaxPFTau];
137  ohpfTauTightConePhi = new float[kMaxPFTau];
138  ohpfTauTightConePt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
139  ohpfTauTightConeJetPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
140  ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
141  ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
142  ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso = new float[kMaxPFTau];
143  ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso = new float[kMaxPFTau];
145  recopfTauEta = new float[kMaxPFTau];
146  recopfTauPhi = new float[kMaxPFTau];
147  recopfTauPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
148  recopfTauJetPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
149  recopfTauLeadTrackPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
150  recopfTauLeadPionPt = new float[kMaxPFTau];
151  recopfTauTrkIso = new int[kMaxPFTau];
152  recopfTauGammaIso = new int[kMaxPFTau];
153  recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent = new float[kMaxPFTau];
154  recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent = new float[kMaxPFTau];
155  recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent = new float[kMaxPFTau];
156  recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent = new float[kMaxPFTau];
157  recopfTauDiscrByIso = new float[kMaxPFTau];
158  recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon = new float[kMaxPFTau];
159  recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec = new float[kMaxPFTau];
161  pfHT = -100.;
162  pfMHT = -100.;
163  const int kMaxPFJet = 500;
164  pfJetEta = new float[kMaxPFJet];
165  pfJetPhi = new float[kMaxPFJet];
166  pfJetPt = new float[kMaxPFJet];
167  pfJetE = new float[kMaxPFJet];
168  pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction = new float[kMaxPFJet];
169  pfJetchargedHadronFraction = new float[kMaxPFJet];
170  pfJetneutralMultiplicity = new float[kMaxPFJet];
171  pfJetchargedMultiplicity = new float[kMaxPFJet];
172  pfJetneutralEMFraction = new float[kMaxPFJet];
173  pfJetchargedEMFraction = new float[kMaxPFJet];
176  const int kMaxTauIso = 5000;
178  // for offlineHPStau
179  signalTrToPFTauMatch = new int[kMaxTauIso];// index of reconstructed tau in tau collection
180  recoPFTauSignalTrDz = new float[kMaxTauIso];
181  recoPFTauSignalTrPt = new float[kMaxTauIso];
183  isoTrToPFTauMatch = new int[kMaxTauIso]; // index of reconstructed tau in tau collection
184  recoPFTauIsoTrDz = new float[kMaxTauIso];
185  recoPFTauIsoTrPt = new float[kMaxTauIso];
187  // HLT pf taus
188  hltpftauSignalTrToPFTauMatch = new int[kMaxTauIso]; // index of HLTPF tau in tau collection
189  HLTPFTauSignalTrDz = new float[kMaxTauIso];
190  HLTPFTauSignalTrPt = new float[kMaxTauIso];
192  hltpftauIsoTrToPFTauMatch = new int[kMaxTauIso]; // index of HLTPF tau in tau collection
193  HLTPFTauIsoTrDz = new float[kMaxTauIso];
194  HLTPFTauIsoTrPt = new float[kMaxTauIso];
196  // offline pftau isolation and signal cands
197  HltTree->Branch("NoRecoPFTausSignal",&noRecoPFTausSignal,"NoRecoPFTausSignal/I");
198  HltTree->Branch("signalTrToPFTauMatch", signalTrToPFTauMatch,"signalTrToPFTauMatch[NoRecoPFTausSignal]/I");
199  HltTree->Branch("recoPFTauSignalTrDz", recoPFTauSignalTrDz,"recoPFTauSignalTrDz[NoRecoPFTausSignal]/F");
200  HltTree->Branch("recoPFTauSignalTrPt", recoPFTauSignalTrPt,"recoPFTauSignalTrPt[NoRecoPFTausSignal]/F");
202  HltTree->Branch("NoRecoPFTausIso",&noRecoPFTausIso,"NoRecoPFTausIso/I");
203  HltTree->Branch("isoTrToPFTauMatch", isoTrToPFTauMatch,"isoTrToPFTauMatch[NoRecoPFTausIso]/I");
204  HltTree->Branch("recoPFTauIsoTrDz", recoPFTauIsoTrDz,"recoPFTauIsoTrDz[NoRecoPFTausIso]/F");
205  HltTree->Branch("recoPFTauIsoTrPt", recoPFTauIsoTrPt,"recoPFTauIsoTrPt[NoRecoPFTausIso]/F");
207  // HLT pftau isolation and signal cands
208  HltTree->Branch("NoHLTPFTausSignal",&noHLTPFTausSignal,"NoHLTPFTausSignal/I");
209  HltTree->Branch("hltpftauSignalTrToPFTauMatch",
210  hltpftauSignalTrToPFTauMatch,"hltpftauSignalTrToPFTauMatch[NoHLTPFTausSignal]/I");
211  HltTree->Branch("HLTPFTauSignalTrDz", HLTPFTauSignalTrDz,"HLTPFTauSignalTrDz[NoHLTPFTausSignal]/F");
212  HltTree->Branch("HLTPFTauSignalTrPt", HLTPFTauSignalTrPt,"HLTPFTauSignalTrPt[NoHLTPFTausSignal]/F");
214  HltTree->Branch("NoHLTPFTausIso",&noHLTPFTausIso,"NoHLTPFTausIso/I");
215  HltTree->Branch("hltpftauIsoTrToPFTauMatch",
216  hltpftauIsoTrToPFTauMatch,"hltpftauIsoTrToPFTauMatch[NoHLTPFTausIso]/I");
217  HltTree->Branch("HLTPFTauIsoTrDz", HLTPFTauIsoTrDz,"HLTPFTauIsoTrDz[NoHLTPFTausIso]/F");
218  HltTree->Branch("HLTPFTauIsoTrPt", HLTPFTauIsoTrPt,"HLTPFTauIsoTrPt[NoHLTPFTausIso]/F");
220  // Jet- MEt-specific branches of the tree
222  HltTree->Branch("NrecoJetGen",&njetgen,"NrecoJetGen/I");
223  HltTree->Branch("NrecoTowCal",&ntowcal,"NrecoTowCal/I");
225  //ccla RECO JETs
226  HltTree->Branch("NrecoJetCal",&nrjetcal,"NrecoJetCal/I");
227  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCalPt",jrcalpt,"recoJetCalPt[NrecoJetCal]/F");
228  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCalPhi",jrcalphi,"recoJetCalPhi[NrecoJetCal]/F");
229  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCalEta",jrcaleta,"recoJetCalEta[NrecoJetCal]/F");
230  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCalE",jrcale,"recoJetCalE[NrecoJetCal]/F");
231  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCalEMF",jrcalemf,"recoJetCalEMF[NrecoJetCal]/F");
232  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCalN90",jrcaln90,"recoJetCalN90[NrecoJetCal]/F");
233  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCalN90hits",jrcaln90hits,"recoJetCalN90hits[NrecoJetCal]/F");
235  HltTree->Branch("NrecoJetCorCal",&nrcorjetcal,"NrecoJetCorCal/I");
236  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCorCalPt",jrcorcalpt,"recoJetCorCalPt[NrecoJetCorCal]/F");
237  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCorCalPhi",jrcorcalphi,"recoJetCorCalPhi[NrecoJetCorCal]/F");
238  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCorCalEta",jrcorcaleta,"recoJetCorCalEta[NrecoJetCorCal]/F");
239  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCorCalE",jrcorcale,"recoJetCorCalE[NrecoJetCorCal]/F");
240  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCorCalEMF",jrcorcalemf,"recoJetCorCalEMF[NrecoJetCorCal]/F");
241  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCorCalN90",jrcorcaln90,"recoJetCorCalN90[NrecoJetCorCal]/F");
242  HltTree->Branch("recoJetCorCalN90hits",jrcorcaln90hits,"recoJetCorCalN90hits[NrecoJetCorCal]/F");
244  //ccla HLTJETS
245  HltTree->Branch("NohJetCal",&nhjetcal,"NohJetCal/I");
246  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCalPt",jhcalpt,"ohJetCalPt[NohJetCal]/F");
247  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCalPhi",jhcalphi,"ohJetCalPhi[NohJetCal]/F");
248  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCalEta",jhcaleta,"ohJetCalEta[NohJetCal]/F");
249  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCalE",jhcale,"ohJetCalE[NohJetCal]/F");
250  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCalEMF",jhcalemf,"ohJetCalEMF[NohJetCal]/F");
251  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCalN90",jhcaln90,"ohJetCalN90[NohJetCal]/F");
252  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCalN90hits",jhcaln90hits,"ohJetCalN90hits[NohJetCal]/F");
254  HltTree->Branch("NohJetCorCal",&nhcorjetcal,"NohJetCorCal/I");
255  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorCalPt",jhcorcalpt,"ohJetCorCalPt[NohJetCorCal]/F");
256  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorCalPhi",jhcorcalphi,"ohJetCorCalPhi[NohJetCorCal]/F");
257  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorCalEta",jhcorcaleta,"ohJetCorCalEta[NohJetCorCal]/F");
258  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorCalE",jhcorcale,"ohJetCorCalE[NohJetCorCal]/F");
259  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorCalEMF",jhcorcalemf,"ohJetCorCalEMF[NohJetCorCal]/F");
260  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorCalN90",jhcorcaln90,"ohJetCorCalN90[NohJetCorCal]/F");
261  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorCalN90hits",jhcorcaln90hits,"ohJetCorCalN90hits[NohJetCorCal]/F");
263  HltTree->Branch("NohJetCorL1L2L3Cal",&nhcorL1L2L3jetcal,"NohJetCorL1L2L3Cal/I");
264  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorL1L2L3CalPt",jhcorL1L2L3calpt,"ohJetCorL1L2L3CalPt[NohJetCorL1L2L3Cal]/F");
265  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorL1L2L3CalPhi",jhcorL1L2L3calphi,"ohJetCorL1L2L3CalPhi[NohJetCorL1L2L3Cal]/F");
266  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorL1L2L3CalEta",jhcorL1L2L3caleta,"ohJetCorL1L2L3CalEta[NohJetCorL1L2L3Cal]/F");
267  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorL1L2L3CalE",jhcorL1L2L3cale,"ohJetCorL1L2L3CalE[NohJetCorL1L2L3Cal]/F");
268  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorL1L2L3CalEMF",jhcorL1L2L3calemf,"ohJetCorL1L2L3CalEMF[NohJetCorL1L2L3Cal]/F");
269  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorL1L2L3CalN90",jhcorL1L2L3caln90,"ohJetCorL1L2L3CalN90[NohJetCorL1L2L3Cal]/F");
270  HltTree->Branch("ohJetCorL1L2L3CalN90hits",jhcorL1L2L3caln90hits,"ohJetCorL1L2L3CalN90hits[NohJetCorL1L2L3Cal]/F");
271  HltTree->Branch("rho",&jrho,"rho/D");
273  //ccla GenJets
274  HltTree->Branch("recoJetGenPt",jgenpt,"recoJetGenPt[NrecoJetGen]/F");
275  HltTree->Branch("recoJetGenPhi",jgenphi,"recoJetGenPhi[NrecoJetGen]/F");
276  HltTree->Branch("recoJetGenEta",jgeneta,"recoJetGenEta[NrecoJetGen]/F");
277  HltTree->Branch("recoJetGenE",jgene,"recoJetGenE[NrecoJetGen]/F");
279  HltTree->Branch("recoTowEt",towet,"recoTowEt[NrecoTowCal]/F");
280  HltTree->Branch("recoTowEta",toweta,"recoTowEta[NrecoTowCal]/F");
281  HltTree->Branch("recoTowPhi",towphi,"recoTowPhi[NrecoTowCal]/F");
282  HltTree->Branch("recoTowE",towen,"recoTowE[NrecoTowCal]/F");
283  HltTree->Branch("recoTowEm",towem,"recoTowEm[NrecoTowCal]/F");
284  HltTree->Branch("recoTowHad",towhd,"recoTowHad[NrecoTowCal]/F");
285  HltTree->Branch("recoTowOE",towoe,"recoTowOE[NrecoTowCal]/F");
286  HltTree->Branch("recoTowHCalNoiseR45Upper",towR45upper,"recoTowHCalNoiseR45Upper[NrecoTowCal]/I");
287  HltTree->Branch("recoTowHCalNoiseR45Lower",towR45lower,"recoTowHCalNoiseR45Lower[NrecoTowCal]/I");
288  HltTree->Branch("recoTowHCalNoiseR45None",towR45none,"recoTowHCalNoiseR45None[NrecoTowCal]/I");
290  HltTree->Branch("recoMetCal",&mcalmet,"recoMetCal/F");
291  HltTree->Branch("recoMetCalPhi",&mcalphi,"recoMetCalPhi/F");
292  HltTree->Branch("recoMetCalSum",&mcalsum,"recoMetCalSum/F");
293  HltTree->Branch("recoMetGen",&mgenmet,"recoMetGen/F");
294  HltTree->Branch("recoMetGenPhi",&mgenphi,"recoMetGenPhi/F");
295  HltTree->Branch("recoMetGenSum",&mgensum,"recoMetGenSum/F");
296  HltTree->Branch("recoHTCal",&htcalet,"recoHTCal/F");
297  HltTree->Branch("recoHTCalPhi",&htcalphi,"recoHTCalPhi/F");
298  HltTree->Branch("recoHTCalSum",&htcalsum,"recoHTCalSum/F");
299  HltTree->Branch("recoMetPF", &pfmet, "recoMetPF/F");
300  HltTree->Branch("recoMetPFSum", &pfsumet, "recoMetPFSum/F");
301  HltTree->Branch("recoMetPFPhi", &pfmetphi, "recoMetPFPhi/F");
303  //for(int ieta=0;ieta<NETA;ieta++){std::cout << " ieta " << ieta << " eta min " << CaloTowerEtaBoundries[ieta] <<std::endl;}
306  // Taus
307  nohl2tau = 0;
308  HltTree->Branch("NohTauL2",&nohl2tau,"NohTauL2/I");
309  HltTree->Branch("ohTauL2Pt",l2tauPt,"ohTauL2Pt[NohTauL2]/F");
310  HltTree->Branch("ohTauL2Eta",l2tauEta,"ohTauL2Eta[NohTauL2]/F");
311  HltTree->Branch("ohTauL2Phi",l2tauPhi,"ohTauL2Phi[NohTauL2]/F");
313  nohtau = 0;
314  HltTree->Branch("NohTau",&nohtau,"NohTau/I");
315  HltTree->Branch("ohTauEta",tauEta,"ohTauEta[NohTau]/F");
316  HltTree->Branch("ohTauPhi",tauPhi,"ohTauPhi[NohTau]/F");
317  HltTree->Branch("ohTauPt",tauPt,"ohTauPt[NohTau]/F");
318  HltTree->Branch("ohTauEiso",l2tauemiso,"ohTauEiso[NohTau]/F");
319  HltTree->Branch("ohTauL25Tpt",l25tauPt,"ohTauL25Tpt[NohTau]/F");
320  HltTree->Branch("ohTauL3Tiso",l3tautckiso,"ohTauL3Tiso[NohTau]/I");
322  //ohpfTaus
323  nohPFTau = 0;
324  HltTree->Branch("NohpfTau",&nohPFTau,"NohpfTau/I");
325  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauPt",ohpfTauPt,"ohpfTauPt[NohpfTau]/F");
326  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauProngs",ohpfTauProngs,"ohpfTauProngs[NohpfTau]/I");
327  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauEta",ohpfTauEta,"ohpfTauEta[NohpfTau]/F");
328  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauPhi",ohpfTauPhi,"ohpfTauPhi[NohpfTau]/F");
329  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauLeadTrackPt",ohpfTauLeadTrackPt,"ohpfTauLeadTrackPt[NohpfTau]/F");
330  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ",ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ,"ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ[NohpfTau]/F");
331  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauLeadPionPt",ohpfTauLeadPionPt,"ohpfTauLeadPionPt[NohpfTau]/F");
332  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauTrkIso",ohpfTauTrkIso,"ohpfTauTrkIso[NohpfTau]/F");
333  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauGammaIso",ohpfTauGammaIso,"ohpfTauGammaIso[NohpfTau]/F");
334  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauJetPt",ohpfTauJetPt,"ohpfTauJetPt[NohpfTau]/F");
336  //ohpfTaus tight cone
337  nohPFTauTightCone = 0;
338  HltTree->Branch("NohpfTauTightCone",&nohPFTauTightCone,"NohpfTauTightCone/I");
339  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauTightConePt",ohpfTauTightConePt,"ohpfTauTightConePt[NohpfTauTightCone]/F");
340  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauTightConeProngs",ohpfTauTightConeProngs,"ohpfTauProngs[NohpfTauTightCone]/I");
341  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauTightConeEta",ohpfTauTightConeEta,"ohpfTauEta[NohpfTauTightCone]/F");
342  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauTightConePhi",ohpfTauTightConePhi,"ohpfTauPhi[NohpfTauTightCone]/F");
343  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt",ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt,"ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt[NohpfTauTightCone]/F");
344  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt",ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt,"ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt[NohpfTauTightCone]/F");
345  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso",ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso,"ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso[NohpfTauTightCone]/F");
346  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso",ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso,"ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso[NohpfTauTightCone]/F");
347  HltTree->Branch("ohpfTauTightConeJetPt",ohpfTauTightConeJetPt,"ohpfTauTightConeJetPt[NohpfTauTightCone]/F");
349  //Reco PFTaus
350  nRecoPFTau = 0;
351  HltTree->Branch("NRecoPFTau",&nRecoPFTau,"NRecoPFTau/I");
352  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauPt",recopfTauPt,"recopfTauPt[NRecoPFTau]/F");
353  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauEta",recopfTauEta,"recopfTauEta[NRecoPFTau]/F");
354  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauPhi",recopfTauPhi,"recopfTauPhi[NRecoPFTau]/F");
355  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauLeadTrackPt",recopfTauLeadTrackPt,"recopfTauLeadTrackPt[NRecoPFTau]/F");
356  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauLeadPionPt",recopfTauLeadPionPt,"recopfTauLeadPionPt[NRecoPFTau]/F");
357  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauTrkIso",recopfTauTrkIso,"recopfTauTrkIso[NRecoPFTau]/I");
358  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauGammaIso",recopfTauGammaIso,"recopfTauGammaIso[NRecoPFTau]/I");
359  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauJetPt",recopfTauJetPt,"recopfTauJetPt[NRecoPFTau]/F");
360  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent",recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent,"recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent[NRecoPFTau]/F");
361  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent",recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent,"recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent[NRecoPFTau]/F");
362  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent",recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent,"recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent[NRecoPFTau]/F");
363  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent",recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent,"recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent[NRecoPFTau]/F");
364  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauDiscrByIso",recopfTauDiscrByIso,"recopfTauDiscrByIso[NRecoPFTau]/F");
365  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon",recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon,"recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon[NRecoPFTau]/F");
366  HltTree->Branch("recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec",recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec,"recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec[NRecoPFTau]/F");
368  //PFJets
369  nohPFJet = 0;
370  HltTree->Branch("pfHT",&pfHT,"pfHT/F");
371  HltTree->Branch("pfMHT",&pfMHT,"pfMHT/F");
372  HltTree->Branch("NohPFJet",&nohPFJet,"NohPFJet/I");
373  HltTree->Branch("pfJetPt",pfJetPt,"pfJetPt[NohPFJet]/F");
374  HltTree->Branch("pfJetE",pfJetE,"pfJetE[NohPFJet]/F");
375  HltTree->Branch("pfJetEta",pfJetEta,"pfJetEta[NohPFJet]/F");
376  HltTree->Branch("pfJetPhi",pfJetPhi,"pfJetPhi[NohPFJet]/F");
377  HltTree->Branch("pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction",pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction,"pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction[NohPFJet]/F");
378  HltTree->Branch("pfJetchargedHadronFraction",pfJetchargedHadronFraction,"pfJetchargedHadronFraction[NohPFJet]/F");
379  HltTree->Branch("pfJetneutralMultiplicity",pfJetneutralMultiplicity,"pfJetneutralMultiplicity[NohPFJet]/F");
380  HltTree->Branch("pfJetchargedMultiplicity",pfJetchargedMultiplicity,"pfJetchargedMultiplicity[NohPFJet]/F");
381  HltTree->Branch("pfJetneutralEMFraction",pfJetneutralEMFraction,"pfJetneutralEMFraction[NohPFJet]/F");
382  HltTree->Branch("pfJetchargedEMFraction",pfJetchargedEMFraction,"pfJetchargedEMFraction[NohPFJet]/F");
384  //RECO PFJets
385  HltTree->Branch("nrpj",&nrpj,"nrpj/I");
386  HltTree->Branch("recopfJetpt", jpfrecopt, "recopfJetpt[nrpj]/F");
387  HltTree->Branch("recopfJete", jpfrecoe, "recopfJete[nrpj]/F");
388  HltTree->Branch("recopfJetphi", jpfrecophi, "recopfJetphi[nrpj]/F");
389  HltTree->Branch("recopfJeteta", jpfrecoeta, "recopfJeteta[nrpj]/F");
390  HltTree->Branch("recopfJetneutralHadronFraction", jpfreconeutralHadronFraction, "recopfJetneutralHadronFraction[nrpj]/F");
391  HltTree->Branch("recopfJetneutralEMFraction", jpfreconeutralEMFraction, "recopfJetneutralEMFraction[nrpj]/F");
392  HltTree->Branch("recopfJetchargedHadronFraction", jpfrecochargedHadronFraction, "recopfJetchargedHadronFraction[nrpj]/F");
393  HltTree->Branch("recopfJetchargedEMFraction", jpfrecochargedEMFraction, "recopfJetchargedEMFraction[nrpj]/F");
394  HltTree->Branch("recopfJetneutralMultiplicity", jpfreconeutralMultiplicity, "recopfJetneutralMultiplicity[nrpj]/I");
395  HltTree->Branch("recopfJetchargedMultiplicity", jpfrecochargedMultiplicity, "recopfJetchargedMultiplicity[nrpj]/I");
397 }
float * jhcalpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
float * l2tauPhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:137
float * tauPhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:140
float * ohpfTauJetPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
int noRecoPFTausSignal
Definition: HLTJets.h:168
float _CalJetMin
Definition: HLTJets.h:193
float * recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
float * jrcorcalemf
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * jrcorcaleta
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * pfJetPhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
int * hltpftauIsoTrToPFTauMatch
Definition: HLTJets.h:184
float * HLTPFTauIsoTrPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:186
float * towem
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * l2tauEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:137
float * jrcorcaln90hits
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
bool _Debug
Definition: HLTJets.h:192
float * jhcorL1L2L3cale
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
float * jrcaln90
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
float * ohpfTauEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
float * ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
float * HLTPFTauSignalTrDz
Definition: HLTJets.h:180
float * ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:150
float * ohpfTauTightConePt
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
int * jpfrecochargedMultiplicity
Definition: HLTJets.h:163
float * ohpfTauLeadTrackPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
float htcalet
Definition: HLTJets.h:127
bool _Monte
Definition: HLTJets.h:192
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
float * pfJetchargedHadronFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
int * recopfTauGammaIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:159
float * recopfTauEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
float * jpfrecochargedHadronFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float * ohpfTauPhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
float mgensum
Definition: HLTJets.h:128
float mgenphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:128
int noHLTPFTausIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:183
float * recopfTauDiscrByIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
float pfmetphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:130
float * recopfTauLeadTrackPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
float * jhcalemf
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
int noHLTPFTausSignal
Definition: HLTJets.h:178
int * towR45upper
Definition: HLTJets.h:125
float mgenmet
Definition: HLTJets.h:128
float * jpfrecoe
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float htcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:127
float * recoPFTauSignalTrPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:171
int nhjetcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:133
float * jhcorcalpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float * jhcorcaleta
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
int nrjetcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:134
float * jhcorL1L2L3caleta
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
float * jhcale
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
int * hltpftauSignalTrToPFTauMatch
Definition: HLTJets.h:179
float * jrcaln90hits
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
float * ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
float * jrcale
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
float * ohpfTauTightConeJetPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
float * pfJetE
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float * jpfrecoeta
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float * toweta
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * l2tauPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:137
float * jrcaleta
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
float * HLTPFTauIsoTrDz
Definition: HLTJets.h:185
float * recoPFTauIsoTrPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:176
float * tauPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:140
float * recopfTauPhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
float * ohpfTauTightConeEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
float * recopfTauJetPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
float * ohpfTauGammaIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:145
float pfsumet
Definition: HLTJets.h:130
float * pfJetPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float * jhcaln90hits
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
float * towet
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * jrcorcaln90
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * ohpfTauTrkIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:145
float * jhcaln90
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
float * jpfreconeutralHadronFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float * recopfTauLeadPionPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
float * recopfTauPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:158
reco::helper::JetIDHelper * jetID
Definition: HLTJets.h:188
def move
float * towphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * jhcorcalemf
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float * recoPFTauIsoTrDz
Definition: HLTJets.h:175
float mcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:126
float * jgenphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:123
int * towR45lower
Definition: HLTJets.h:125
int * signalTrToPFTauMatch
Definition: HLTJets.h:169
float * ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:150
float * recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
std::vector< std::string > getParameterNames() const
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
float * tauEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:140
float * towoe
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
double jrho
Definition: HLTJets.h:118
float * pfJetneutralMultiplicity
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float mcalsum
Definition: HLTJets.h:126
float * pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float pfmet
Definition: HLTJets.h:130
float * ohpfTauLeadPionPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
int njetgen
Definition: HLTJets.h:132
float * jhcorcale
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float * l25tauPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:137
float * HLTPFTauSignalTrPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:181
float * jhcaleta
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
float * jgeneta
Definition: HLTJets.h:123
float * jpfreconeutralEMFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float * jhcorL1L2L3caln90hits
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
float * l2tauemiso
Definition: HLTJets.h:137
float * jrcorcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * jrcalpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
int * towR45none
Definition: HLTJets.h:125
float * pfJetEta
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
int ntowcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:132
int * jpfreconeutralMultiplicity
Definition: HLTJets.h:163
int * recopfTauTrkIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:159
int * ohpfTauTightConeProngs
Definition: HLTJets.h:148
int nohPFTauTightCone
Definition: HLTJets.h:147
float * recoPFTauSignalTrDz
Definition: HLTJets.h:170
float * jrcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
int nrpj
Definition: HLTJets.h:164
int noRecoPFTausIso
Definition: HLTJets.h:173
float * jhcorL1L2L3calemf
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
float * jhcorL1L2L3caln90
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
float _GenJetMin
Definition: HLTJets.h:193
float * jpfrecophi
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
int * l3tautckiso
Definition: HLTJets.h:138
int nohPFJet
Definition: HLTJets.h:154
float * jpfrecochargedEMFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float * towen
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * jhcorcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float * jhcorcaln90
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float mcalmet
Definition: HLTJets.h:126
float * pfJetneutralEMFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float * jpfrecopt
Definition: HLTJets.h:162
float * jhcalphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:115
int nRecoPFTau
Definition: HLTJets.h:157
float * ohpfTauTightConePhi
Definition: HLTJets.h:149
int * ohpfTauProngs
Definition: HLTJets.h:143
float * recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent
Definition: HLTJets.h:160
float * jhcorL1L2L3calphi
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
int * isoTrToPFTauMatch
Definition: HLTJets.h:174
int nohtau
Definition: HLTJets.h:139
float * pfJetchargedMultiplicity
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float pfMHT
Definition: HLTJets.h:153
int nohPFTau
Definition: HLTJets.h:142
float * pfJetchargedEMFraction
Definition: HLTJets.h:155
float * jrcorcale
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * jrcorcalpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:121
float * jgene
Definition: HLTJets.h:123
float * towhd
Definition: HLTJets.h:124
float * jhcorcaln90hits
Definition: HLTJets.h:116
float * jhcorL1L2L3calpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:117
int nhcorjetcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:133
int nohl2tau
Definition: HLTJets.h:139
int nrcorjetcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:134
float * jrcalemf
Definition: HLTJets.h:120
float * ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
float * jgenpt
Definition: HLTJets.h:123
float htcalsum
Definition: HLTJets.h:127
float pfHT
Definition: HLTJets.h:152
float * ohpfTauPt
Definition: HLTJets.h:144
int nhcorL1L2L3jetcal
Definition: HLTJets.h:133

Member Data Documentation

float HLTJets::_CalJetMin

Definition at line 193 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), HLTJets(), and setup().

bool HLTJets::_Debug

Definition at line 192 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), HLTJets(), and setup().

float HLTJets::_GenJetMin

Definition at line 193 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), HLTJets(), and setup().

bool HLTJets::_Monte

Definition at line 192 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), HLTJets(), and setup().

TString HLTJets::calopfx

Definition at line 200 of file HLTJets.h.

int HLTJets::evtCounter

Definition at line 195 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by HLTJets().

TString HLTJets::gjetpfx

Definition at line 200 of file HLTJets.h.

TString HLTJets::gmetpfx

Definition at line 200 of file HLTJets.h.

float* HLTJets::HLTPFTauIsoTrDz

Definition at line 185 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::HLTPFTauIsoTrPt

Definition at line 186 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTJets::hltpftauIsoTrToPFTauMatch

Definition at line 184 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::HLTPFTauSignalTrDz

Definition at line 180 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::HLTPFTauSignalTrPt

Definition at line 181 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTJets::hltpftauSignalTrToPFTauMatch

Definition at line 179 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::htcalet

Definition at line 127 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::htcalphi

Definition at line 127 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::htcalsum

Definition at line 127 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTJets::isoTrToPFTauMatch

Definition at line 174 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

reco::helper::JetIDHelper* HLTJets::jetID

Definition at line 188 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), Jet.Jet::jetID(), Jet.Jet::looseJetId(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jgene

Definition at line 123 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jgeneta

Definition at line 123 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jgenphi

Definition at line 123 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::jgenpt

Definition at line 123 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcale

Definition at line 115 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcalemf

Definition at line 115 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcaleta

Definition at line 115 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcaln90

Definition at line 115 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcaln90hits

Definition at line 115 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcalphi

Definition at line 115 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::jhcalpt

Definition at line 115 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorcale

Definition at line 116 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorcalemf

Definition at line 116 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorcaleta

Definition at line 116 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorcaln90

Definition at line 116 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorcaln90hits

Definition at line 116 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorcalphi

Definition at line 116 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::jhcorcalpt

Definition at line 116 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorL1L2L3cale

Definition at line 117 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorL1L2L3calemf

Definition at line 117 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorL1L2L3caleta

Definition at line 117 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorL1L2L3caln90

Definition at line 117 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorL1L2L3caln90hits

Definition at line 117 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jhcorL1L2L3calphi

Definition at line 117 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::jhcorL1L2L3calpt

Definition at line 117 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jpfrecochargedEMFraction

Definition at line 162 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jpfrecochargedHadronFraction

Definition at line 162 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int * HLTJets::jpfrecochargedMultiplicity

Definition at line 163 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jpfrecoe

Definition at line 162 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jpfrecoeta

Definition at line 162 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jpfreconeutralEMFraction

Definition at line 162 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jpfreconeutralHadronFraction

Definition at line 162 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTJets::jpfreconeutralMultiplicity

Definition at line 163 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jpfrecophi

Definition at line 162 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::jpfrecopt

Definition at line 162 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcale

Definition at line 120 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcalemf

Definition at line 120 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcaleta

Definition at line 120 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcaln90

Definition at line 120 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcaln90hits

Definition at line 120 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcalphi

Definition at line 120 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::jrcalpt

Definition at line 120 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcorcale

Definition at line 121 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcorcalemf

Definition at line 121 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcorcaleta

Definition at line 121 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcorcaln90

Definition at line 121 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcorcaln90hits

Definition at line 121 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::jrcorcalphi

Definition at line 121 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::jrcorcalpt

Definition at line 121 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

double HLTJets::jrho

Definition at line 118 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::l25tauPt

Definition at line 137 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::l2tauemiso

Definition at line 137 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::l2tauEta

Definition at line 137 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::l2tauPhi

Definition at line 137 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::l2tauPt

Definition at line 137 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTJets::l3tautckiso

Definition at line 138 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::mcalmet

Definition at line 126 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::mcalphi

Definition at line 126 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::mcalsum

Definition at line 126 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::mgenmet

Definition at line 128 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::mgenphi

Definition at line 128 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::mgensum

Definition at line 128 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nhcorjetcal

Definition at line 133 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nhcorL1L2L3jetcal

Definition at line 133 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nhjetcal

Definition at line 133 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::njetgen

Definition at line 132 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nohl2tau

Definition at line 139 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::noHLTPFTausIso

Definition at line 183 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::noHLTPFTausSignal

Definition at line 178 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nohPFJet

Definition at line 154 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nohPFTau

Definition at line 142 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nohPFTauTightCone

Definition at line 147 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nohtau

Definition at line 139 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::noRecoPFTausIso

Definition at line 173 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::noRecoPFTausSignal

Definition at line 168 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nrcorjetcal

Definition at line 134 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nRecoPFTau

Definition at line 157 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nrjetcal

Definition at line 134 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::nrpj

Definition at line 164 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTJets::ntowcal

Definition at line 132 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::ohpfTauEta

Definition at line 144 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauGammaIso

Definition at line 145 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauJetPt

Definition at line 144 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauLeadPionPt

Definition at line 144 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauLeadTrackPt

Definition at line 144 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauLeadTrackVtxZ

Definition at line 144 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauPhi

Definition at line 144 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTJets::ohpfTauProngs

Definition at line 143 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauPt

Definition at line 144 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::ohpfTauTightConeEta

Definition at line 149 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauTightConeGammaIso

Definition at line 150 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauTightConeJetPt

Definition at line 149 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauTightConeLeadPionPt

Definition at line 149 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauTightConeLeadTrackPt

Definition at line 149 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauTightConePhi

Definition at line 149 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTJets::ohpfTauTightConeProngs

Definition at line 148 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::ohpfTauTightConePt

Definition at line 149 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::ohpfTauTightConeTrkIso

Definition at line 150 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::ohpfTauTrkIso

Definition at line 145 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::pfHT

Definition at line 152 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::pfJetchargedEMFraction

Definition at line 155 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::pfJetchargedHadronFraction

Definition at line 155 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::pfJetchargedMultiplicity

Definition at line 155 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::pfJetE

Definition at line 155 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::pfJetEta

Definition at line 155 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::pfJetneutralEMFraction

Definition at line 155 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::pfJetneutralHadronEnergyFraction

Definition at line 155 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::pfJetneutralMultiplicity

Definition at line 155 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::pfJetPhi

Definition at line 155 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::pfJetPt

Definition at line 155 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::pfmet

Definition at line 130 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::pfmetphi

Definition at line 130 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::pfMHT

Definition at line 153 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float HLTJets::pfsumet

Definition at line 130 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauDiscrAgainstElec

Definition at line 160 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauDiscrAgainstMuon

Definition at line 160 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauDiscrByIso

Definition at line 160 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauDiscrByTancHalfPercent

Definition at line 160 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::recopfTauDiscrByTancOnePercent

Definition at line 160 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauDiscrByTancQuarterPercent

Definition at line 160 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauDiscrByTancTenthPercent

Definition at line 160 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::recopfTauEta

Definition at line 158 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int * HLTJets::recopfTauGammaIso

Definition at line 159 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::recoPFTauIsoTrDz

Definition at line 175 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::recoPFTauIsoTrPt

Definition at line 176 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauJetPt

Definition at line 158 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauLeadPionPt

Definition at line 158 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauLeadTrackPt

Definition at line 158 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauPhi

Definition at line 158 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::recopfTauPt

Definition at line 158 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::recoPFTauSignalTrDz

Definition at line 170 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::recoPFTauSignalTrPt

Definition at line 171 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTJets::recopfTauTrkIso

Definition at line 159 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

TString HLTJets::rjetpfx

Definition at line 200 of file HLTJets.h.

TString HLTJets::rmetpfx

Definition at line 200 of file HLTJets.h.

int* HLTJets::signalTrToPFTauMatch

Definition at line 169 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::tauEta

Definition at line 140 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::tauPhi

Definition at line 140 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::tauPt

Definition at line 140 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::towem

Definition at line 124 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::towen

Definition at line 124 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTJets::towet

Definition at line 124 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::toweta

Definition at line 124 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::towhd

Definition at line 124 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::towoe

Definition at line 124 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTJets::towphi

Definition at line 124 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int * HLTJets::towR45lower

Definition at line 125 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int * HLTJets::towR45none

Definition at line 125 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTJets::towR45upper

Definition at line 125 of file HLTJets.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().