10 #ifndef DataFormats_TotemDigi_TotemVFATStatus
11 #define DataFormats_TotemDigi_TotemVFATStatus
bool isFootprintError() const
Footprint error.
uint8_t chipPosition
describes placement of the VFAT within the detector
void setCRCError(bool val=true)
bool isPartiallyMaskedOut() const
Some channels from VFAT ale masked out, but not all.
bool isNotMasked() const
No channels are masked out.
bool isIDMismatch() const
12-bit hw id from the header of the vfat frame is diffrent from the 16-bit one from hw mapping...
uint8_t getChipPosition() const
TotemVFATStatus(uint8_t _cp=0)
bool isCRCError() const
CRC error.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const TotemVFATStatus &st)
void setMissing(bool val=true)
bool isFullyMaskedOut() const
All channels from that VFAT are not taken into account.
void setFootprintError(bool val=true)
void setBCProgressError(bool val=true)
std::bitset< 8 > status
the status bits
bool isBCProgressError() const
BC number is incorrect.
void setPartiallyMaskedOut()
void setECProgressError(bool val=true)
void setIDMismatch(bool val=true)
bool isMissing() const
VFAT is present in mapping but no data is present int raw event.
void setChipPosition(uint8_t _cp)
bool operator<(const TotemVFATStatus &cmp) const
bool isECProgressError() const
VFATFrame event number doesn't follow the number derived from DAQ.