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onia2MuMuPAT_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple onia2MuMuPAT

Variable Documentation

tuple onia2MuMuPAT_cfi.onia2MuMuPAT
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer('Onia2MuMuPAT',
2  muons = cms.InputTag("patMuons"),
3  beamSpotTag = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
4  primaryVertexTag = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"),
5  higherPuritySelection = cms.string("isGlobalMuon"), ## At least one muon must pass this selection
6  lowerPuritySelection = cms.string("isGlobalMuon"), ## BOTH muons must pass this selection
7  dimuonSelection = cms.string("2 < mass && abs(daughter('muon1') - daughter('muon2') < 25"), ## The dimuon must pass this selection before vertexing
8  addCommonVertex = cms.bool(True), ## Embed the full reco::Vertex out of the common vertex fit
9  addMuonlessPrimaryVertex = cms.bool(False), ## Embed the primary vertex re-made from all the tracks except the two muons
10  addMCTruth = cms.bool(True), ## Add the common MC mother of the two muons, if any
11  resolvePileUpAmbiguity = cms.bool(True) ## Order PVs by their vicinity to the J/psi vertex, not by sumPt
12 )

Definition at line 3 of file