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LumiList.LumiList Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for LumiList.LumiList:

Public Member Functions

def __add__
def __and__
def __contains__
def __init__
def __len__
def __or__
def __str__
def __sub__
def contains
def filterLumis
def getCMSSWString
def getCompactList
def getDuplicates
def getLumis
def getRuns
def getVLuminosityBlockRange
def removeRuns
def selectRuns
def writeJSON

Public Attributes


Private Member Functions

def _getLumiParts

Detailed Description

Deal with lists of lumis in several different forms:
Compact list:
    '1': [[1, 33], [35, 35], [37, 47], [49, 75], [77, 130], [133, 136]],
    where the first key is the run number, subsequent pairs are
    ranges of lumis within that run that are desired
Runs and lumis:
    '1': [1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10],
    '2': [1,4,5,20]
    where the first key is the run number and the list is a list of
    individual lumi sections. This form also takes a list of these objects
    which can be much faster than LumiList += LumiList
Run  lumi pairs:
    [[1,1], [1,2],[1,4], [2,1], [2,5], [1,10]]
    where each pair in the list is an individual run&lumi
CMSSW representation:
    The string used by CMSSW in lumisToProcess or lumisToSkip
    is a subset of the compactList example above

Definition at line 18 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def LumiList.LumiList.__init__ (   self,
  filename = None,
  lumis = None,
  runsAndLumis = None,
  runs = None,
  compactList = None,
  url = None 
Constructor takes filename (JSON), a list of run/lumi pairs,
or a dict with run #'s as the keys and a list of lumis as the values, or just a list of runs

Definition at line 46 of file

47  def __init__(self, filename = None, lumis = None, runsAndLumis = None, runs = None, compactList = None, url = None):
48  """
49  Constructor takes filename (JSON), a list of run/lumi pairs,
50  or a dict with run #'s as the keys and a list of lumis as the values, or just a list of runs
51  """
52  self.compactList = {}
53  self.duplicates = {}
54  if filename:
55  self.filename = filename
56  jsonFile = open(self.filename,'r')
57  self.compactList = json.load(jsonFile)
58  elif url:
59  self.url = url
60  jsonFile = urllib2.urlopen(url)
61  self.compactList = json.load(jsonFile)
62  elif lumis:
63  runsAndLumis = {}
64  for (run, lumi) in lumis:
65  run = str(run)
66  if run not in runsAndLumis:
67  runsAndLumis[run] = []
68  runsAndLumis[run].append(lumi)
70  if isinstance(runsAndLumis, list):
71  queued = {}
72  for runLumiList in runsAndLumis:
73  for run, lumis in runLumiList.items():
74  queued.setdefault(run, []).extend(lumis)
75  runsAndLumis = queued
77  if runsAndLumis:
78  for run in runsAndLumis.keys():
79  runString = str(run)
80  lastLumi = -1000
81  lumiList = runsAndLumis[run]
82  if lumiList:
83  self.compactList[runString] = []
84  self.duplicates[runString] = []
85  for lumi in sorted(lumiList):
86  if lumi == lastLumi:
87  self.duplicates[runString].append(lumi)
88  elif lumi != lastLumi + 1: # Break in lumi sequence
89  self.compactList[runString].append([lumi, lumi])
90  else:
91  nRange = len(self.compactList[runString])
92  self.compactList[runString][nRange-1][1] = lumi
93  lastLumi = lumi
94  if runs:
95  for run in runs:
96  runString = str(run)
97  self.compactList[runString] = [[1, 0xFFFFFFF]]
99  if compactList:
100  for run in compactList.keys():
101  runString = str(run)
102  if compactList[run]:
103  self.compactList[runString] = compactList[run]
105  # Compact each run and make it unique
107  for run in self.compactList.keys():
108  newLumis = []
109  for lumi in sorted(self.compactList[run]):
110  # If the next lumi starts inside or just after the last just change the endpoint of the first
111  if newLumis and newLumis[-1][0] <= lumi[0] <= newLumis[-1][1] + 1:
112  newLumis[-1][1] = max(newLumis[-1][1], lumi[1])
113  else:
114  newLumis.append(lumi)
115  self.compactList[run] = newLumis

Member Function Documentation

def LumiList.LumiList.__add__ (   self,

Definition at line 192 of file

References GlobalTag.GlobalTag.__or__(), SequenceTypes._BooleanLogicSequenceable.__or__(), and LumiList.LumiList.__or__().

Referenced by counter.Counter.__iadd__(), and average.Average.__iadd__().

193  def __add__(self, other):
194  # + is the same as |
195  return self.__or__(other)
def LumiList.LumiList.__and__ (   self,

Definition at line 144 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.compactList.

145  def __and__(self, other): # Things in both
146  result = {}
147  aruns = set(self.compactList.keys())
148  bruns = set(other.compactList.keys())
149  for run in aruns & bruns:
150  lumiList = [] # List for this run
151  unique = [] # List for this run
152  for alumi in self.compactList[run]:
153  for blumi in other.compactList[run]:
154  if blumi[0] <= alumi[0] and blumi[1] >= alumi[1]: # blumi has all of alumi
155  lumiList.append(alumi)
156  if blumi[0] > alumi[0] and blumi[1] < alumi[1]: # blumi is part of alumi
157  lumiList.append(blumi)
158  elif blumi[0] <= alumi[0] and blumi[1] < alumi[1] and blumi[1] >= alumi[0]: # overlaps start
159  lumiList.append([alumi[0], blumi[1]])
160  elif blumi[0] > alumi[0] and blumi[1] >= alumi[1] and blumi[0] <= alumi[1]: # overlaps end
161  lumiList.append([blumi[0], alumi[1]])
164  if lumiList:
165  unique = [lumiList[0]]
166  for pair in lumiList[1:]:
167  if pair[0] == unique[-1][1]+1:
168  unique[-1][1] = copy.deepcopy(pair[1])
169  else:
170  unique.append(copy.deepcopy(pair))
172  result[run] = unique
173  return LumiList(compactList = result)
def LumiList.LumiList.__contains__ (   self,

Definition at line 373 of file

References edm::Association< C >.contains(), edm::helper::IndexRangeAssociation.contains(), FWGeometry.contains(), edm::ValueMap< T >.contains(), edm::MultiAssociation< C >.contains(), PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputerContainer.contains(), and LumiList.LumiList.contains().

374  def __contains__ (self, runTuple):
375  return self.contains (runTuple)
379 '''
380 # Unit test code
381 import unittest
382 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
384 class LumiListTest(unittest.TestCase):
385  """
386  _LumiListTest_
388  """
390  def testRead(self):
391  """
392  Test reading from JSON
393  """
394  exString = "1:1-1:33,1:35,1:37-1:47,2:49-2:75,2:77-2:130,2:133-2:136"
395  exDict = {'1': [[1, 33], [35, 35], [37, 47]],
396  '2': [[49, 75], [77, 130], [133, 136]]}
397  exVLBR = cms.VLuminosityBlockRange('1:1-1:33', '1:35', '1:37-1:47', '2:49-2:75', '2:77-2:130', '2:133-2:136')
399  jsonList = LumiList(filename = 'lumiTest.json')
400  lumiString = jsonList.getCMSSWString()
401  lumiList = jsonList.getCompactList()
402  lumiVLBR = jsonList.getVLuminosityBlockRange(True)
404  self.assertTrue(lumiString == exString)
405  self.assertTrue(lumiList == exDict)
406  self.assertTrue(lumiVLBR == exVLBR)
408  def testList(self):
409  """
410  Test constucting from list of pairs
411  """
413  listLs1 = range(1, 34) + [35] + range(37, 48)
414  listLs2 = range(49, 76) + range(77, 131) + range(133, 137)
415  lumis = zip([1]*100, listLs1) + zip([2]*100, listLs2)
417  jsonLister = LumiList(filename = 'lumiTest.json')
418  jsonString = jsonLister.getCMSSWString()
419  jsonList = jsonLister.getCompactList()
421  pairLister = LumiList(lumis = lumis)
422  pairString = pairLister.getCMSSWString()
423  pairList = pairLister.getCompactList()
425  self.assertTrue(jsonString == pairString)
426  self.assertTrue(jsonList == pairList)
429  def testRuns(self):
430  """
431  Test constucting from run and list of lumis
432  """
433  runsAndLumis = {
434  1: range(1, 34) + [35] + range(37, 48),
435  2: range(49, 76) + range(77, 131) + range(133, 137)
436  }
437  runsAndLumis2 = {
438  '1': range(1, 34) + [35] + range(37, 48),
439  '2': range(49, 76) + range(77, 131) + range(133, 137)
440  }
441  blank = {
442  '1': [],
443  '2': []
444  }
446  jsonLister = LumiList(filename = 'lumiTest.json')
447  jsonString = jsonLister.getCMSSWString()
448  jsonList = jsonLister.getCompactList()
450  runLister = LumiList(runsAndLumis = runsAndLumis)
451  runString = runLister.getCMSSWString()
452  runList = runLister.getCompactList()
454  runLister2 = LumiList(runsAndLumis = runsAndLumis2)
455  runList2 = runLister2.getCompactList()
457  runLister3 = LumiList(runsAndLumis = blank)
460  self.assertTrue(jsonString == runString)
461  self.assertTrue(jsonList == runList)
462  self.assertTrue(runList2 == runList)
463  self.assertTrue(len(runLister3) == 0)
465  def testFilter(self):
466  """
467  Test filtering of a list of lumis
468  """
469  runsAndLumis = {
470  1: range(1, 34) + [35] + range(37, 48),
471  2: range(49, 76) + range(77, 131) + range(133, 137)
472  }
474  completeList = zip([1]*150, range(1, 150)) + \
475  zip([2]*150, range(1, 150)) + \
476  zip([3]*150, range(1, 150))
478  smallList = zip([1]*50, range(1, 10)) + zip([2]*50, range(50, 70))
479  overlapList = zip([1]*150, range(30, 40)) + \
480  zip([2]*150, range(60, 80))
481  overlapRes = zip([1]*9, range(30, 34)) + [(1, 35)] + \
482  zip([1]*9, range(37, 40)) + \
483  zip([2]*30, range(60, 76)) + \
484  zip([2]*9, range(77, 80))
486  runLister = LumiList(runsAndLumis = runsAndLumis)
488  # Test a list to be filtered which is a superset of constructed list
489  filterComplete = runLister.filterLumis(completeList)
490  # Test a list to be filtered which is a subset of constructed list
491  filterSmall = runLister.filterLumis(smallList)
492  # Test a list to be filtered which is neither
493  filterOverlap = runLister.filterLumis(overlapList)
495  self.assertTrue(filterComplete == runLister.getLumis())
496  self.assertTrue(filterSmall == smallList)
497  self.assertTrue(filterOverlap == overlapRes)
499  def testDuplicates(self):
500  """
501  Test a list with lots of duplicates
502  """
503  result = zip([1]*100, range(1, 34) + range(37, 48))
504  lumis = zip([1]*100, range(1, 34) + range(37, 48) + range(5, 25))
506  lister = LumiList(lumis = lumis)
507  self.assertTrue(lister.getLumis() == result)
509  def testNull(self):
510  """
511  Test a null list
512  """
514  runLister = LumiList(lumis = None)
516  self.assertTrue(runLister.getCMSSWString() == '')
517  self.assertTrue(runLister.getLumis() == [])
518  self.assertTrue(runLister.getCompactList() == {})
520  def testSubtract(self):
521  """
522  a-b for lots of cases
523  """
525  alumis = {'1' : range(2,20) + range(31,39) + range(45,49),
526  '2' : range(6,20) + range (30,40),
527  '3' : range(10,20) + range (30,40) + range(50,60),
528  }
529  blumis = {'1' : range(1,6) + range(12,13) + range(16,30) + range(40,50) + range(33,36),
530  '2' : range(10,35),
531  '3' : range(10,15) + range(35,40) + range(45,51) + range(59,70),
532  }
533  clumis = {'1' : range(1,6) + range(12,13) + range(16,30) + range(40,50) + range(33,36),
534  '2' : range(10,35),
535  }
536  result = {'1' : range(6,12) + range(13,16) + range(31,33) + range(36,39),
537  '2' : range(6,10) + range(35,40),
538  '3' : range(15,20) + range(30,35) + range(51,59),
539  }
540  result2 = {'1' : range(6,12) + range(13,16) + range(31,33) + range(36,39),
541  '2' : range(6,10) + range(35,40),
542  '3' : range(10,20) + range (30,40) + range(50,60),
543  }
544  a = LumiList(runsAndLumis = alumis)
545  b = LumiList(runsAndLumis = blumis)
546  c = LumiList(runsAndLumis = clumis)
547  r = LumiList(runsAndLumis = result)
548  r2 = LumiList(runsAndLumis = result2)
550  self.assertTrue((a-b).getCMSSWString() == r.getCMSSWString())
551  self.assertTrue((a-b).getCMSSWString() != (b-a).getCMSSWString())
552  # Test where c is missing runs from a
553  self.assertTrue((a-c).getCMSSWString() == r2.getCMSSWString())
554  self.assertTrue((a-c).getCMSSWString() != (c-a).getCMSSWString())
555  # Test empty lists
556  self.assertTrue(str(a-a) == '{}')
557  self.assertTrue(len(a-a) == 0)
559  def testOr(self):
560  """
561  a|b for lots of cases
562  """
564  alumis = {'1' : range(2,20) + range(31,39) + range(45,49),
565  '2' : range(6,20) + range (30,40),
566  '3' : range(10,20) + range (30,40) + range(50,60),
567  }
568  blumis = {'1' : range(1,6) + range(12,13) + range(16,30) + range(40,50) + range(39,80),
569  '2' : range(10,35),
570  '3' : range(10,15) + range(35,40) + range(45,51) + range(59,70),
571  }
572  clumis = {'1' : range(1,6) + range(12,13) + range(16,30) + range(40,50) + range(39,80),
573  '2' : range(10,35),
574  }
575  result = {'1' : range(2,20) + range(31,39) + range(45,49) + range(1,6) + range(12,13) + range(16,30) + range(40,50) + range(39,80),
576  '2' : range(6,20) + range (30,40) + range(10,35),
577  '3' : range(10,20) + range (30,40) + range(50,60) + range(10,15) + range(35,40) + range(45,51) + range(59,70),
578  }
579  a = LumiList(runsAndLumis = alumis)
580  b = LumiList(runsAndLumis = blumis)
581  c = LumiList(runsAndLumis = blumis)
582  r = LumiList(runsAndLumis = result)
583  self.assertTrue((a|b).getCMSSWString() == r.getCMSSWString())
584  self.assertTrue((a|b).getCMSSWString() == (b|a).getCMSSWString())
585  self.assertTrue((a|b).getCMSSWString() == (a+b).getCMSSWString())
587  # Test list constuction (faster)
589  multiple = [alumis, blumis, clumis]
590  easy = LumiList(runsAndLumis = multiple)
591  hard = a + b
592  hard += c
593  self.assertTrue(hard.getCMSSWString() == easy.getCMSSWString())
595  def testAnd(self):
596  """
597  a&b for lots of cases
598  """
600  alumis = {'1' : range(2,20) + range(31,39) + range(45,49),
601  '2' : range(6,20) + range (30,40),
602  '3' : range(10,20) + range (30,40) + range(50,60),
603  '4' : range(1,100),
604  }
605  blumis = {'1' : range(1,6) + range(12,13) + range(16,25) + range(25,40) + range(40,50) + range(33,36),
606  '2' : range(10,35),
607  '3' : range(10,15) + range(35,40) + range(45,51) + range(59,70),
608  '5' : range(1,100),
609  }
610  result = {'1' : range(2,6) + range(12,13) + range(16,20) + range(31,39) + range(45,49),
611  '2' : range(10,20) + range(30,35),
612  '3' : range(10,15) + range(35,40) + range(50,51)+ range(59,60),
613  }
614  a = LumiList(runsAndLumis = alumis)
615  b = LumiList(runsAndLumis = blumis)
616  r = LumiList(runsAndLumis = result)
617  self.assertTrue((a&b).getCMSSWString() == r.getCMSSWString())
618  self.assertTrue((a&b).getCMSSWString() == (b&a).getCMSSWString())
619  self.assertTrue((a|b).getCMSSWString() != r.getCMSSWString())
621  def testRemoveSelect(self):
622  """
623  a-b for lots of cases
624  """
626  alumis = {'1' : range(2,20) + range(31,39) + range(45,49),
627  '2' : range(6,20) + range (30,40),
628  '3' : range(10,20) + range (30,40) + range(50,60),
629  '4' : range(10,20) + range (30,80),
630  }
632  result = {'2' : range(6,20) + range (30,40),
633  '4' : range(10,20) + range (30,80),
634  }
636  rem = LumiList(runsAndLumis = alumis)
637  sel = LumiList(runsAndLumis = alumis)
638  res = LumiList(runsAndLumis = result)
640  rem.removeRuns([1,3])
641  sel.selectRuns([2,4])
643  self.assertTrue(rem.getCMSSWString() == res.getCMSSWString())
644  self.assertTrue(sel.getCMSSWString() == res.getCMSSWString())
645  self.assertTrue(sel.getCMSSWString() == rem.getCMSSWString())
647  def testURL(self):
648  URL = ''
649  ll = LumiList(url=URL)
650  self.assertTrue(len(ll) > 0)
653  def testWrite(self):
654  alumis = {'1' : range(2,20) + range(31,39) + range(45,49),
655  '2' : range(6,20) + range (30,40),
656  '3' : range(10,20) + range (30,40) + range(50,60),
657  '4' : range(1,100),
658  }
659  a = LumiList(runsAndLumis = alumis)
660  a.writeJSON('newFile.json')
663 if __name__ == '__main__':
664  jsonFile = open('lumiTest.json','w')
665  jsonFile.write('{"1": [[1, 33], [35, 35], [37, 47]], "2": [[49, 75], [77, 130], [133, 136]]}')
666  jsonFile.close()
667  unittest.main()
668 '''
669 # Test JSON file
671 #{"1": [[1, 33], [35, 35], [37, 47]], "2": [[49, 75], [77, 130], [133, 136]]}
def LumiList.LumiList.__len__ (   self)
Returns number of runs in list

Definition at line 196 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.compactList.

197  def __len__(self):
198  '''Returns number of runs in list'''
199  return len(self.compactList)
def LumiList.LumiList.__or__ (   self,

Definition at line 175 of file

Referenced by LumiList.LumiList.__add__().

176  def __or__(self, other):
177  result = {}
178  aruns = self.compactList.keys()
179  bruns = other.compactList.keys()
180  runs = set(aruns + bruns)
181  for run in runs:
182  overlap = sorted(self.compactList.get(run, []) + other.compactList.get(run, []))
183  unique = [overlap[0]]
184  for pair in overlap[1:]:
185  if pair[0] >= unique[-1][0] and pair[0] <= unique[-1][1]+1 and pair[1] > unique[-1][1]:
186  unique[-1][1] = copy.deepcopy(pair[1])
187  elif pair[0] > unique[-1][1]:
188  unique.append(copy.deepcopy(pair))
189  result[run] = unique
190  return LumiList(compactList = result)
def LumiList.LumiList.__str__ (   self)

Definition at line 216 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.compactList.

217  def __str__ (self):
218  doubleBracketRE = re.compile (r']],')
219  return doubleBracketRE.sub (']],\n',
220  json.dumps (self.compactList,
221  sort_keys=True))
def LumiList.LumiList.__sub__ (   self,

Definition at line 116 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.compactList.

117  def __sub__(self, other): # Things from self not in other
118  result = {}
119  for run in sorted(self.compactList.keys()):
120  alumis = sorted(self.compactList[run])
121  blumis = sorted(other.compactList.get(run, []))
122  alist = [] # verified part
123  for alumi in alumis:
124  tmplist = [alumi[0], alumi[1]] # may be part
125  for blumi in blumis:
126  if blumi[0] <= tmplist[0] and blumi[1] >= tmplist[1]: # blumi has all of alumi
127  tmplist = []
128  break # blumi is has all of alumi
129  if blumi[0] > tmplist[0] and blumi[1] < tmplist[1]: # blumi is part of alumi
130  alist.append([tmplist[0], blumi[0]-1])
131  tmplist = [blumi[1]+1, tmplist[1]]
132  elif blumi[0] <= tmplist[0] and blumi[1] < tmplist[1] and blumi[1]>=tmplist[0]: # overlaps start
133  tmplist = [blumi[1]+1, tmplist[1]]
134  elif blumi[0] > tmplist[0] and blumi[1] >= tmplist[1] and blumi[0]<=tmplist[1]: # overlaps end
135  alist.append([tmplist[0], blumi[0]-1])
136  tmplist = []
137  break
138  if tmplist:
139  alist.append(tmplist)
140  result[run] = alist
142  return LumiList(compactList = result)
def LumiList.LumiList._getLumiParts (   self)
Turn compactList into a list of the format
[ 'R1:L1', 'R2:L2-R2:L3' ] which is used by getCMSSWString and getVLuminosityBlockRange

Definition at line 259 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.compactList.

Referenced by LumiList.LumiList.getCMSSWString(), and LumiList.LumiList.getVLuminosityBlockRange().

260  def _getLumiParts(self):
261  """
262  Turn compactList into a list of the format
263  [ 'R1:L1', 'R2:L2-R2:L3' ] which is used by getCMSSWString and getVLuminosityBlockRange
264  """
266  parts = []
267  runs = self.compactList.keys()
268  runs.sort(key=int)
269  for run in runs:
270  lumis = self.compactList[run]
271  for lumiPair in sorted(lumis):
272  if lumiPair[0] == lumiPair[1]:
273  parts.append("%s:%s" % (run, lumiPair[0]))
274  else:
275  parts.append("%s:%s-%s:%s" %
276  (run, lumiPair[0], run, lumiPair[1]))
277  return parts
def LumiList.LumiList.contains (   self,
  lumiSection = None 
returns true if the run, lumi section passed in is contained
in this lumiList.  Input can be either:
- a single tuple of (run, lumi),
- separate run and lumi numbers
- a single run number (returns true if any lumi sections exist)

Definition at line 338 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.compactList.

Referenced by LumiList.LumiList.__contains__().

339  def contains (self, run, lumiSection = None):
340  '''
341  returns true if the run, lumi section passed in is contained
342  in this lumiList. Input can be either:
343  - a single tuple of (run, lumi),
344  - separate run and lumi numbers
345  - a single run number (returns true if any lumi sections exist)
346  '''
347  if lumiSection is None:
348  # if this is an integer or a string, see if the run exists
349  if isinstance (run, int) or isinstance (run, str):
350  return str(run) in self.compactList
351  # if we're here, then run better be a tuple or list
352  try:
353  lumiSection = run[1]
354  run = run[0]
355  except:
356  raise RuntimeError("Improper format for run '%s'" % run)
357  lumiRangeList = self.compactList.get( str(run) )
358  if not lumiRangeList:
359  # the run isn't there, so no need to look any further
360  return False
361  for lumiRange in lumiRangeList:
362  # we want to make this as found if either the lumiSection
363  # is inside the range OR if the lumi section is greater
364  # than or equal to the lower bound of the lumi range and
365  # the upper bound is 0 (which means extends to the end of
366  # the run)
367  if lumiRange[0] <= lumiSection and \
368  (0 == lumiRange[1] or lumiSection <= lumiRange[1]):
369  # got it
370  return True
371  return False
def LumiList.LumiList.filterLumis (   self,
Return a list of lumis that are in compactList.
lumilist is of the simple form

Definition at line 200 of file

201  def filterLumis(self, lumiList):
202  """
203  Return a list of lumis that are in compactList.
204  lumilist is of the simple form
205  [(run1,lumi1),(run1,lumi2),(run2,lumi1)]
206  """
207  filteredList = []
208  for (run, lumi) in lumiList:
209  runsInLumi = self.compactList.get(str(run), [[0, -1]])
210  for (first, last) in runsInLumi:
211  if lumi >= first and lumi <= last:
212  filteredList.append((run, lumi))
213  break
214  return filteredList
def LumiList.LumiList.getCMSSWString (   self)
Turn compactList into a list of the format
R1:L1,R2:L2-R2:L3 which is acceptable to CMSSW LumiBlockRange variable

Definition at line 279 of file

References LumiList.LumiList._getLumiParts(), and join().

280  def getCMSSWString(self):
281  """
282  Turn compactList into a list of the format
283  R1:L1,R2:L2-R2:L3 which is acceptable to CMSSW LumiBlockRange variable
284  """
286  parts = self._getLumiParts()
287  output = ','.join(parts)
288  return str(output)
static std::string join(char **cmd)
def LumiList.LumiList.getCompactList (   self)
Return the compact list representation

Definition at line 222 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.compactList.

223  def getCompactList(self):
224  """
225  Return the compact list representation
226  """
227  return self.compactList
def LumiList.LumiList.getDuplicates (   self)
Return the list of duplicates found during construction as a LumiList

Definition at line 229 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.duplicates.

230  def getDuplicates(self):
231  """
232  Return the list of duplicates found during construction as a LumiList
233  """
234  return LumiList(runsAndLumis = self.duplicates)
def LumiList.LumiList.getLumis (   self)
Return the list of pairs representation

Definition at line 236 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.compactList.

237  def getLumis(self):
238  """
239  Return the list of pairs representation
240  """
241  theList = []
242  runs = self.compactList.keys()
243  runs.sort(key=int)
244  for run in runs:
245  lumis = self.compactList[run]
246  for lumiPair in sorted(lumis):
247  for lumi in range(lumiPair[0], lumiPair[1]+1):
248  theList.append((int(run), lumi))
250  return theList
def LumiList.LumiList.getRuns (   self)
return the sorted list of runs contained

Definition at line 252 of file

253  def getRuns(self):
254  '''
255  return the sorted list of runs contained
256  '''
257  return sorted (self.compactList.keys())
def LumiList.LumiList.getVLuminosityBlockRange (   self,
  tracked = False 
Turn compactList into an (optionally tracked) VLuminosityBlockRange

Definition at line 290 of file

References LumiList.LumiList._getLumiParts().

291  def getVLuminosityBlockRange(self, tracked = False):
292  """
293  Turn compactList into an (optionally tracked) VLuminosityBlockRange
294  """
296  import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
297  parts = self._getLumiParts()
298  if tracked:
299  return cms.VLuminosityBlockRange(parts)
300  else:
301  return cms.untracked.VLuminosityBlockRange(parts)
def getVLuminosityBlockRange
def LumiList.LumiList.removeRuns (   self,
removes runs from runList from collection

Definition at line 312 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.compactList.

313  def removeRuns (self, runList):
314  '''
315  removes runs from runList from collection
316  '''
317  for run in runList:
318  run = str(run)
319  if run in self.compactList:
320  del self.compactList[run]
322  return
def LumiList.LumiList.selectRuns (   self,
Selects only runs from runList in collection

Definition at line 324 of file

References LumiList.LumiList.compactList.

325  def selectRuns (self, runList):
326  '''
327  Selects only runs from runList in collection
328  '''
329  runsToDelete = []
330  for run in self.compactList.keys():
331  if int(run) not in runList and run not in runList:
332  runsToDelete.append(run)
334  for run in runsToDelete:
335  del self.compactList[run]
337  return
def LumiList.LumiList.writeJSON (   self,
Write out a JSON file representation of the object

Definition at line 303 of file

304  def writeJSON(self, fileName):
305  """
306  Write out a JSON file representation of the object
307  """
308  jsonFile = open(fileName,'w')
309  jsonFile.write("%s\n" % self)
310  jsonFile.close()

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 51 of file

Referenced by LumiList.LumiList.__and__(), LumiList.LumiList.__len__(), LumiList.LumiList.__str__(), LumiList.LumiList.__sub__(), LumiList.LumiList._getLumiParts(), LumiList.LumiList.contains(), LumiList.LumiList.getCompactList(), LumiList.LumiList.getLumis(), LumiList.LumiList.removeRuns(), and LumiList.LumiList.selectRuns().


Definition at line 52 of file

Referenced by LumiList.LumiList.getDuplicates(),, edmIntegrityCheck.IntegrityCheck.structured(), and edmIntegrityCheck.IntegrityCheck.test().


Definition at line 54 of file

Referenced by cuy.ValElement.__init__(), python.rootplot.rootmath.Target.__repr__(),, and


Definition at line 58 of file

Referenced by rrapi.RRApi.get().