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PreshowerClusterAlgo Class Reference

#include <PreshowerClusterAlgo.h>

Public Types

typedef std::set< DetIdHitsID
typedef math::XYZPoint Point
typedef std::map< DetId,

Public Member Functions

void findRoad (ESDetId strip, EcalPreshowerNavigator theESNav, int plane)
bool goodStrip (RecHitsMap::iterator candidate_it)
reco::PreshowerCluster makeOneCluster (ESDetId strip, HitsID *used_strips, RecHitsMap *rechits_map, const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *&geometry_p, CaloSubdetectorTopology *&topology_p)
 PreshowerClusterAlgo ()
 PreshowerClusterAlgo (double stripEnergyCut, double clusterEnergyCut, int nStripCut)
 ~PreshowerClusterAlgo ()

Private Attributes

double preshClusterEnergyCut_
int preshSeededNstr_
double preshStripEnergyCut_
std::vector< ESDetIdroad_2d

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 32 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

Definition at line 29 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

Definition at line 31 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PreshowerClusterAlgo::PreshowerClusterAlgo ( )
PreshowerClusterAlgo::PreshowerClusterAlgo ( double  stripEnergyCut,
double  clusterEnergyCut,
int  nStripCut 

Definition at line 38 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

38  :
39  preshStripEnergyCut_(stripEnergyCut), preshClusterEnergyCut_(clusterEnergyCut), preshSeededNstr_(nStripCut)
40  {}
PreshowerClusterAlgo::~PreshowerClusterAlgo ( )

Definition at line 42 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

42 {};

Member Function Documentation

void PreshowerClusterAlgo::findRoad ( ESDetId  strip,
EcalPreshowerNavigator  theESNav,
int  plane 

Definition at line 268 of file

References CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::east(), CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::home(), LogTrace, GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::next, CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::north(), preshSeededNstr_, road_2d, CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::setHome(), CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::south(), and CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::west().

Referenced by makeOneCluster().

268  {
270  if ( strip == ESDetId(0) ) return;
272  ESDetId next;
273  theESNav.setHome(strip);
274 // First, add a central strip to the road
275  road_2d.push_back(strip);
276  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "findRoad starts from strip" << strip;
278  if (plane == 1) {
279  // east road
280  int n_east= 0;
281  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " Go to the East ";
283  while ( ((next=theESNav.east()) != ESDetId(0) && next != strip) ) {
284  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "East:" << n_east << "current strip is"<< next;
286  road_2d.push_back(next);
287  ++n_east;
288  if (n_east == preshSeededNstr_) break;
289  }
290  // west road
291  int n_west= 0;
292  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Go to the West" ;
294  theESNav.home();
295  while ( ((next=theESNav.west()) != ESDetId(0) && next != strip )) {
296  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "West: " << n_west << "current strip is" << next ;
298  road_2d.push_back(next);
299  ++n_west;
300  if (n_west == preshSeededNstr_) break;
301  }
302  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Total number of strips found in the road at 1-st plane is" << n_east+n_west ;
304  }
305  else if (plane == 2) {
306  // north road
307  int n_north= 0;
308  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Go to the North";
310  while ( ((next=theESNav.north()) != ESDetId(0) && next != strip) ) {
311  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "North:" << n_north << "current strip is" << next ;
313  road_2d.push_back(next);
314  ++n_north;
315  if (n_north == preshSeededNstr_) break;
316  }
317  // south road
318  int n_south= 0;
319  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Go to the South";
321  theESNav.home();
322  while ( ((next=theESNav.south()) != ESDetId(0) && next != strip) ) {
324  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "South:" << n_south << "current strip is" << next ;
326  road_2d.push_back(next);
327  ++n_south;
328  if (n_south == preshSeededNstr_) break;
329  }
331  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Total number of strips found in the road at 2-nd plane is" << n_south+n_north;
333  }
334  else {
335  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " Wrong plane number, null cluster will be returned!";
337  } // end of if
339  theESNav.home();
340 }
void setHome(const T &startingPoint)
set the starting position
T west() const
move the navigator west
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:59
T south() const
move the navigator south
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:45
#define LogTrace(id)
std::vector< ESDetId > road_2d
T east() const
move the navigator east
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:52
void home() const
move the navigator back to the starting point
T north() const
move the navigator north
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:38
bool PreshowerClusterAlgo::goodStrip ( RecHitsMap::iterator  candidate_it)

Definition at line 246 of file

References LogTrace, preshStripEnergyCut_, rechits_map, and used_s.

Referenced by makeOneCluster().

247 {
249  if ( used_s->find(candidate_it->first) != used_s->end())
250  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " This strip is in use";
251  if (candidate_it == rechits_map->end() )
252  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " No such a strip in rechits_map";
253  if (candidate_it-> <= preshStripEnergyCut_)
254  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Strip energy" << candidate_it-> <<"is below threshold";
256  // crystal should not be included...
257  if ( (used_s->find(candidate_it->first) != used_s->end()) || // ...if it already belongs to a cluster
258  (candidate_it == rechits_map->end() ) || // ...if it corresponds to a hit
259  (candidate_it-> <= preshStripEnergyCut_ ) ) // ...if it has a negative or zero energy
260  {
261  return false;
262  }
263  return true;
264 }
#define LogTrace(id)
reco::PreshowerCluster PreshowerClusterAlgo::makeOneCluster ( ESDetId  strip,
HitsID used_strips,
RecHitsMap rechits_map,
const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *&  geometry_p,
CaloSubdetectorTopology *&  topology_p 

Definition at line 13 of file

References edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), CommonMethods::cp(), CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::east(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), reco::CaloCluster::energy(), reco::CaloCluster::eta(), findRoad(), newFWLiteAna::found, CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getGeometry(), CaloCellGeometry::getPosition(), goodStrip(), CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::home(), LogTrace, HLT_25ns14e33_v1_cff::navigator, GetRecoTauVFromDQM_MC_cff::next, reco::PreshowerCluster::nhits(), CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::north(), reco::CaloCluster::phi(), ESDetId::plane(), reco::CaloCluster::position(), position, preshClusterEnergyCut_, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::push_back(), rechits_map, road_2d, CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::setHome(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size(), CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::south(), ESDetId::strip(), used_s, CaloNavigator< T, TOPO >::west(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), reco::CaloCluster::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), reco::CaloCluster::y(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), and reco::CaloCluster::z().

18 {
19  road_2d.clear();
21  rechits_map = the_rechitsMap_p;
23  used_s = used_strips;
25  int plane = strip.plane();
27  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Preshower Seeded Algorithm - looking for clusters";
28  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo")<< "Preshower is intersected at strip" << strip.strip() << ",at plane" << plane ;
31  // create null-cluster
32  std::vector< std::pair<DetId,float> > dummy;
33  Point posi(0,0,0);
34  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " Creating a null-cluster" ;
36  reco::PreshowerCluster nullcluster=reco::PreshowerCluster(0.,posi,dummy,plane);
38  if ( strip == ESDetId(0) ) return nullcluster; //works in case of no intersected strip found (e.g. in the Barrel)
40  // Collection of cluster strips
41  EcalRecHitCollection clusterRecHits;
42  // Map of strips for position calculation
43  RecHitsMap recHits_pos;
45  //Make a navigator, and set it to the strip cell.
46  EcalPreshowerNavigator navigator(strip, topology_p);
47  navigator.setHome(strip);
48  //search for neighbours in the central road
49  findRoad(strip,navigator,plane);
50  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Total number of strips in the central road:" << road_2d.size() ;
52  if ( plane == 1 ) {
53  ESDetId strip_north = navigator.north();
54  findRoad(strip_north,navigator,plane);
55  navigator.home();
56  ESDetId strip_south = navigator.south();
57  findRoad(strip_south,navigator,plane);
58  navigator.home();
59  }
60  if ( plane == 2 ) {
61  ESDetId strip_east = navigator.east();
62  findRoad(strip_east,navigator,plane);
63  navigator.home();
64  ESDetId strip_west = navigator.west();
65  findRoad(strip_west,navigator,plane);
66  navigator.home();
67  }
68  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Total number of strips in all three roads:" << road_2d.size() ;
70  // Start clustering from strip with max Energy in the road
71  float E_max = 0.;
72  bool found = false;
73  RecHitsMap::iterator max_it;
74  // Loop over strips:
75  std::vector<ESDetId>::iterator itID;
76  for (itID = road_2d.begin(); itID != road_2d.end(); itID++) {
77  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "ID ="<<*itID ;
79  RecHitsMap::iterator strip_it = rechits_map->find(*itID);
80  //if ( strip_it-> < 0 ) std::cout << " ##### E = " << strip_it-> << std::endl;
81  if( strip_it==rechits_map->end() || !goodStrip(strip_it)) continue;
82  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " strip is " << ESDetId(strip_it->first) <<"E ="<< strip_it->;
84  float E = strip_it->;
85  if ( E > E_max) {
86  E_max = E;
87  found = true;
88  max_it = strip_it;
89  }
90  }
91  // no hottest strip found ==> null cluster will be returned
92  if ( !found ) return nullcluster;
94  // First, save the hottest strip
95  clusterRecHits.push_back(max_it->second);
96  recHits_pos.insert(std::make_pair(max_it->first, max_it->second));
97  used_s->insert(max_it->first);
98  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Central hottest strip" << ESDetId(max_it->first) << "is saved with energy E =" << E_max ;
101  // Find positions of adjacent strips:
102  ESDetId next, strip_1, strip_2;
103  navigator.setHome(max_it->first);
104  ESDetId startES = max_it->first;
106  if (plane == 1) {
107  // Save two neighbouring strips to the east
108  int nadjacents_east = 0;
109  while ( (next=navigator.east()) != ESDetId(0) && next != startES && nadjacents_east < 2 ) {
110  ++nadjacents_east;
111  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Adjacent east #" << nadjacents_east <<":"<< next ;
113  RecHitsMap::iterator strip_it = rechits_map->find(next);
115  if(strip_it==rechits_map->end() || !goodStrip(strip_it)) continue;
116  // Save strip for clustering if it exists, not already in use, and satisfies an energy threshold
117  clusterRecHits.push_back(strip_it->second);
118  // save strip for position calculation
119  if ( nadjacents_east==1 ) strip_1 = next;
120  used_s->insert(strip_it->first);
121  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "East adjacent strip #" << nadjacents_east << "is saved with energy E =" << strip_it-> ;
123  }
124  // Save two neighbouring strips to the west
125  navigator.home();
126  int nadjacents_west = 0;
127  while ( (next=navigator.west()) != ESDetId(0) && next != startES && nadjacents_west < 2 ) {
128  ++nadjacents_west;
129  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Adjacent west #" << nadjacents_west <<":"<< next ;
131  RecHitsMap::iterator strip_it = rechits_map->find(next);
132  if(strip_it==rechits_map->end() || !goodStrip(strip_it)) continue;
133  clusterRecHits.push_back(strip_it->second);
134  if ( nadjacents_west==1 ) strip_2 = next;
135  used_s->insert(strip_it->first);
136  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "West adjacent strip #" << nadjacents_west << "is saved with energy E =" << strip_it->;
138  }
139  }
140  else if (plane == 2) {
142  // Save two neighbouring strips to the north
143  int nadjacents_north = 0;
144  while ( (next=navigator.north()) != ESDetId(0) && next != startES && nadjacents_north < 2 ) {
145  ++nadjacents_north;
146  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Adjacent north #" << nadjacents_north <<":"<< next ;
148  RecHitsMap::iterator strip_it = rechits_map->find(next);
149  if(strip_it==rechits_map->end() || !goodStrip(strip_it)) continue;
150  clusterRecHits.push_back(strip_it->second);
151  if ( nadjacents_north==1 ) strip_1 = next;
152  used_s->insert(strip_it->first);
153  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "North adjacent strip #" << nadjacents_north << "is saved with energy E =" << strip_it-> ;
155  }
156  // Save two neighbouring strips to the south
157  navigator.home();
158  int nadjacents_south = 0;
159  while ( (next=navigator.south()) != ESDetId(0) && next != startES && nadjacents_south < 2 ) {
160  ++nadjacents_south;
161  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Adjacent south #" << nadjacents_south <<":"<< next ;
163  RecHitsMap::iterator strip_it = rechits_map->find(next);
164  if(strip_it==rechits_map->end() || !goodStrip(strip_it)) continue;
165  clusterRecHits.push_back(strip_it->second);
166  if ( nadjacents_south==1 ) strip_2 = next;
167  used_s->insert(strip_it->first);
168  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "South adjacent strip #" << nadjacents_south << "is saved with energy E =" << strip_it-> ;
170  }
171  }
172  else {
173  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " Wrong plane number" << plane <<", null cluster will be returned! " << std::endl;
174  return nullcluster;
175  } // end of if
177  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Total size of clusterRecHits is" << clusterRecHits.size();
178  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "Two adjacent strips for position calculation are:" << strip_1 <<"and" << strip_2;
181  // strips for position calculation
182  RecHitsMap::iterator strip_it1, strip_it2;
183  if ( strip_1 != ESDetId(0)) {
184  strip_it1 = rechits_map->find(strip_1);
185  recHits_pos.insert(std::make_pair(strip_it1->first, strip_it1->second));
186  }
187  if ( strip_2 != ESDetId(0) ) {
188  strip_it2 = rechits_map->find(strip_2);
189  recHits_pos.insert(std::make_pair(strip_it2->first, strip_it2->second));
190  }
192  RecHitsMap::iterator cp;
193  double energy_pos = 0;
194  double x_pos = 0;
195  double y_pos = 0;
196  double z_pos = 0;
197  for (cp = recHits_pos.begin(); cp!=recHits_pos.end(); cp++ ) {
198  double E = cp->;
199  energy_pos += E;
200  const CaloCellGeometry *thisCell = geometry_p->getGeometry(cp->first);
201  GlobalPoint position = thisCell->getPosition();
202  x_pos += E * position.x();
203  y_pos += E * position.y();
204  z_pos += E * position.z();
205  }
206  if(energy_pos>0.) {
207  x_pos /= energy_pos;
208  y_pos /= energy_pos;
209  z_pos /= energy_pos;
210  }
211  Point pos(x_pos,y_pos,z_pos);
212  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << "ES Cluster position =" << "("<< x_pos <<","<< y_pos <<","<< z_pos <<")";
215  double Eclust = 0;
218  std::vector<std::pair<DetId,float > > usedHits;
219  for (it=clusterRecHits.begin(); it != clusterRecHits.end(); it++) {
220  Eclust += it->energy();
221  usedHits.push_back(std::pair<DetId,float > (it->id(),1.));
223  }
226  // ES cluster is created from vector clusterRecHits
227  reco::PreshowerCluster cluster=reco::PreshowerCluster(Eclust,pos,usedHits,plane);
228  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " ES Cluster is created with:" ;
229  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " energy =" <<;
230  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " (eta,phi) =" << "("<<cluster.eta()<<","<<cluster.phi()<<")";
231  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " nhits =" << cluster.nhits();
232  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " radius =" << cluster.position().r();
233  LogTrace("PreShowerClusterAlgo") << " (x,y,z) =" << "(" << cluster.x() <<", "<< cluster.y() <<","<< cluster.z()<<")" ;
235  used_strips = used_s;
237  // return the cluster if its energy is greater a threshold
238  if( > preshClusterEnergyCut_ )
239  return cluster;
240  else
241  return nullcluster;
243 }
const math::XYZPoint & position() const
cluster centroid position
Definition: CaloCluster.h:126
int strip() const
Definition: ESDetId.h:52
void findRoad(ESDetId strip, EcalPreshowerNavigator theESNav, int plane)
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
void push_back(T const &t)
double z() const
z coordinate of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:160
double eta() const
pseudorapidity of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:163
virtual const CaloCellGeometry * getGeometry(const DetId &id) const
Get the cell geometry of a given detector id. Should return false if not found.
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:64
math::XYZPoint Point
bool goodStrip(RecHitsMap::iterator candidate_it)
double x() const
x coordinate of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:154
double energy() const
cluster energy
Definition: CaloCluster.h:121
int nhits() const
Number of RecHits the cluster.
#define LogTrace(id)
std::vector< ESDetId > road_2d
std::vector< EcalRecHit >::iterator iterator
const_iterator end() const
size_type size() const
static int position[264][3]
int plane() const
Definition: ESDetId.h:46
double y() const
y coordinate of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:157
double phi() const
azimuthal angle of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:166
const GlobalPoint & getPosition() const
Returns the position of reference for this cell.
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
const_iterator begin() const
std::map< DetId, EcalRecHit > RecHitsMap
Definition: DQMSourcePi0.h:27

Member Data Documentation

double PreshowerClusterAlgo::preshClusterEnergyCut_

Definition at line 57 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

Referenced by makeOneCluster().

int PreshowerClusterAlgo::preshSeededNstr_

Definition at line 58 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

Referenced by findRoad().

double PreshowerClusterAlgo::preshStripEnergyCut_

Definition at line 56 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

Referenced by goodStrip().

RecHitsMap* PreshowerClusterAlgo::rechits_map

Definition at line 64 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

Referenced by goodStrip(), and makeOneCluster().

std::vector<ESDetId> PreshowerClusterAlgo::road_2d

Definition at line 61 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

Referenced by findRoad(), and makeOneCluster().

HitsID* PreshowerClusterAlgo::used_s

Definition at line 67 of file PreshowerClusterAlgo.h.

Referenced by goodStrip(), and makeOneCluster().