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1 /*
2  * =====================================================================================
3  *
4  * Filename:
5  *
6  * Description: Class Detector implementation
7  *
8  * Version: 1.0
9  * Created: 05/19/2008 10:59:34 AM
10  * Revision: none
11  * Compiler: gcc
12  *
13  * Author: Valdas Rapsevicius (VR),
14  * Company: CERN, CH
15  *
16  * =====================================================================================
17  */
20 #include "CSCDQM_Detector.h"
21 #else
22 #include "CSCDQM_Detector.h"
23 #endif
25 namespace cscdqm {
33  Detector::Detector(const unsigned int p_partitions_x, const unsigned int p_partitions_y) {
35  partitions_x = p_partitions_x;
36  partitions_y = p_partitions_y;
38  unsigned int i = 0;
39  Address adr;
41  adr.mask.layer = false;
42  adr.mask.side = adr.mask.station = adr.mask.ring = adr.mask.chamber = adr.mask.cfeb = adr.mask.hv = true;
45  for (adr.side = 1; adr.side <= N_SIDES; adr.side++) {
46  float sign = +1.0;
47  if(adr.side == 2) sign = -1.0;
48  for (adr.station = 1; adr.station <= N_STATIONS; adr.station++) {
49  for (adr.ring = 1; adr.ring <= NumberOfRings(adr.station); adr.ring++) {
50  for (adr.chamber = 1; adr.chamber <= NumberOfChambers(adr.station, adr.ring); adr.chamber++) {
51  for (adr.cfeb = 1; adr.cfeb <= NumberOfChamberCFEBs(adr.station, adr.ring); adr.cfeb++) {
52  for (adr.hv = 1; adr.hv <= NumberOfChamberHVs(adr.station, adr.ring); adr.hv++) {
54  float z = Z(adr.station, adr.ring);
55  float r_min = RMinHV(adr.station, adr.ring, adr.hv);
56  float r_max = RMaxHV(adr.station, adr.ring, adr.hv);
57  float eta_min = sign * Eta(r_min, z);
58  float eta_max = sign * Eta(r_max, z);
59  float x_min = EtaToX(eta_min);
60  float x_max = EtaToX(eta_max);
61  float phi_min = 0;
62  float phi_max = 0;
64  if(adr.station == 1 && adr.ring == 1 && adr.hv == 1) {
65  phi_min = PhiMinCFEB(adr.station, adr.ring, adr.chamber, 1);
66  phi_max = PhiMaxCFEB(adr.station, adr.ring, adr.chamber, NumberOfChamberCFEBs(adr.station, adr.ring));
67  } else {
68  phi_min = PhiMinCFEB(adr.station, adr.ring, adr.chamber, adr.cfeb);
69  phi_max = PhiMaxCFEB(adr.station, adr.ring, adr.chamber, adr.cfeb);
70  }
72  float y_min = PhiToY(phi_min);
73  float y_max = PhiToY(phi_max);
75  boxes[i].adr = adr;
77  float xboxmin = (x_min < x_max ? x_min : x_max);
78  float xboxmax = (x_max > x_min ? x_max : x_min);
79  float yboxmin = (y_min < y_max ? y_min : y_max);
80  float yboxmax = (y_max > y_min ? y_max : y_min);
82  boxes[i].xmin = xboxmin;
83  boxes[i].xmax = xboxmax;
84  boxes[i].ymin = yboxmin;
85  boxes[i].ymax = yboxmax;
90  unsigned int x1 = int(floor(xboxmin / PARTITION_STEP_X)) + int(partitions_x / 2);
91  unsigned int x2 = int( ceil(xboxmax / PARTITION_STEP_X)) + int(partitions_x / 2);
92  unsigned int y1 = int(floor(yboxmin / PARTITION_STEP_Y));
93  unsigned int y2 = int( ceil(yboxmax / PARTITION_STEP_Y));
95  for (unsigned int x = x1; x < x2; x++) {
96  for (unsigned int y = y1; y < y2; y++) {
98  unsigned int index = PARTITION_INDEX(x, y);
99  PartitionMapIterator iter = partitions.find(index);
100  if (iter == partitions.end()) {
101  std::vector<unsigned int> v;
102  partitions.insert(std::make_pair(index, v));
103  }
104  partitions[index].push_back(i);
106  }
107  }
109  i++;
111  }
112  }
113  }
114  }
115  }
117  }
120  adr.mask.side = adr.mask.ring = adr.mask.chamber = adr.mask.layer = adr.mask.cfeb = adr.mask.hv = false;
121  adr.mask.station = true;
122  adr.station = 1;
123  station_area[0] = Area(adr);
124  adr.station = 2;
125  station_area[1] = Area(adr);
126  adr.station = 3;
127  station_area[2] = Area(adr);
128  adr.station = 4;
129  station_area[3] = Area(adr);
131  }
138  const float Detector::Area(const unsigned int station) const {
139  if (station > 0 && station <= N_STATIONS) {
140  return station_area[station - 1];
141  }
142  return 0;
143  }
153  unsigned int Detector::GlobalChamberIndex(unsigned int side, unsigned int station, unsigned int ring, unsigned int chamber) const {
154  Address adr, iadr;
155  adr.mask.side = adr.mask.station = adr.mask.ring = adr.mask.chamber = true;
156  adr.mask.layer = adr.mask.cfeb = adr.mask.hv = false;
157  adr.side = side;
158  adr.station = station;
159  adr.ring = ring;
160  adr.chamber = chamber;
161  iadr = adr;
163  unsigned int i = 1;
164  for (iadr.side = 1; iadr.side <= N_SIDES; iadr.side++) {
165  for (iadr.station = 1; iadr.station <= N_STATIONS; iadr.station++) {
166  for (iadr.ring = 1; iadr.ring <= NumberOfRings(iadr.station); iadr.ring++) {
167  for (iadr.chamber = 1; iadr.chamber <= NumberOfChambers(iadr.station, iadr.ring); iadr.chamber++) {
168  if (iadr == adr) {
169  return i;
170  }
171  i += 1;
172  }
173  }
174  }
175  }
176  return 0;
177  }
184  const float Detector::Area(const Address& adr) const {
185  float a = 0;
186  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS; i++ ) {
187  if (boxes[i].adr == adr) {
188  a += fabs((boxes[i].xmax - boxes[i].xmin) * (boxes[i].ymax - boxes[i].ymin));
189  }
190  }
191  return a;
192  }
199  const unsigned int Detector::NumberOfRings(const unsigned int station) const {
200  if (station == 1) return 3;
201  if (station == 2) return 2;
202  if (station == 3) return 2;
203  if (station == 4) return 2;
204  return 0;
205  }
213  const unsigned int Detector::NumberOfChambers(const unsigned int station, const unsigned int ring) const {
214  if(station == 1 && ring == 1) return 36;
215  if(station == 1 && ring == 2) return 36;
216  if(station == 1 && ring == 3) return 36;
217  if(station == 2 && ring == 1) return 18;
218  if(station == 2 && ring == 2) return 36;
219  if(station == 3 && ring == 1) return 18;
220  if(station == 3 && ring == 2) return 36;
221  if(station == 4 && ring == 1) return 18;
222  if(station == 4 && ring == 2) return 36;
223  return 0;
224  }
232  const unsigned int Detector::NumberOfChamberCFEBs(const unsigned int station, const unsigned int ring) const {
233  if(station == 1 && ring == 1) return 4;
234  if(station == 1 && ring == 2) return 5;
235  if(station == 1 && ring == 3) return 4;
236  if(station == 2 && ring == 1) return 5;
237  if(station == 2 && ring == 2) return 5;
238  if(station == 3 && ring == 1) return 5;
239  if(station == 3 && ring == 2) return 5;
240  if(station == 4 && ring == 1) return 5;
241  if(station == 4 && ring == 2) return 5;
242  return 0;
243  }
251  const unsigned int Detector::NumberOfChamberHVs(const unsigned int station, const unsigned int ring) const {
252  if(station == 1 && ring == 1) return 2;
253  if(station == 1 && ring == 2) return 3;
254  if(station == 1 && ring == 3) return 3;
255  if(station == 2 && ring == 1) return 3;
256  if(station == 2 && ring == 2) return 5;
257  if(station == 3 && ring == 1) return 3;
258  if(station == 3 && ring == 2) return 5;
259  if(station == 4 && ring == 1) return 3;
260  if(station == 4 && ring == 2) return 5;
261  return 0;
262  }
269  void Detector::PrintAddress(const Address& adr) const {
271  std::cout << "Side (" << std::boolalpha << adr.mask.side << ")";
272  if (adr.mask.side) std::cout << " = " << adr.side;
274  std::cout << ", Station (" << std::boolalpha << adr.mask.station << ")";
275  if (adr.mask.station) std::cout << " = " << adr.station;
277  std::cout << ", Ring (" << std::boolalpha << adr.mask.ring << ")";
278  if (adr.mask.ring) std::cout << " = " << adr.ring;
280  std::cout << ", Chamber (" << std::boolalpha << adr.mask.chamber << ")";
281  if (adr.mask.chamber) std::cout << " = " << adr.chamber;
283  std::cout << ", Layer (" << std::boolalpha << adr.mask.layer << ")";
284  if (adr.mask.layer) std::cout << " = " << adr.layer;
286  std::cout << ", CFEB (" << std::boolalpha << adr.mask.cfeb << ")";
287  if (adr.mask.cfeb) std::cout << " = " << adr.cfeb;
289  std::cout << ", HV (" << std::boolalpha << adr.mask.hv << ")";
290  if (adr.mask.hv) std::cout << " = " << adr.hv;
292  std::cout << std::endl;
293  }
302  const bool Detector::NextAddress(unsigned int& i, const Address*& adr, const Address& mask) const {
303  for(; i < N_ELEMENTS; i++ ) {
304  if (boxes[i].adr == mask) {
305  adr = &boxes[i].adr;
306  i++;
307  return true;
308  }
309  }
310  return false;
311  }
320  const bool Detector::NextAddressBox(unsigned int& i, const AddressBox*& box, const Address& mask) const {
322  for(; i < N_ELEMENTS; i++ ) {
323  if (boxes[i].adr == mask) {
324  box = &boxes[i];
325  i++;
326  return true;
327  }
328  }
329  return false;
330  }
340  const bool Detector::NextAddressBoxByPartition (unsigned int& i, const unsigned int px, const unsigned int py, AddressBox*& box) {
342  unsigned int index = PARTITION_INDEX(px, py);
344  PartitionMapIterator iter = partitions.find(index);
345  if (iter != partitions.end()) {
346  if (i < partitions[index].size()) {
347  box = &boxes[partitions[index].at(i)];
348  i++;
349  return true;
350  }
351  }
352  return false;
354  }
356  const float Detector::Eta(const float r, const float z) const {
357  if(r > 0.0 || z > 0.0) {
358  float sin_theta = r / sqrt(r * r + z * z);
359  float cos_theta = z / sqrt(r * r + z * z);
360  return - log(sin_theta / (cos_theta + 1));
361  }
362  if(r == 0.0) return FLT_MAX;
363  return 0.0;
364  }
372  const float Detector::EtaToX(const float eta) const {
373  float x_min = -2.5;
374  float x_max = 2.5;
375  float eta_min = -2.5;
376  float eta_max = 2.5;
377  float a = (x_max - x_min) / (eta_max - eta_min);
378  float b = (eta_max * x_min - eta_min * x_max) / (eta_max - eta_min);
379  return a * eta + b;
380  }
387  const float Detector::PhiToY(const float phi) const {
388  float y_min = 0.0;
389  float y_max = 2.0 * 3.14159;
390  float phi_min = 0.0;
391  float phi_max = 2.0 * 3.14159;
392  float a = (y_max - y_min) / (phi_max - phi_min);
393  float b = (phi_max * y_min - phi_min * y_max) / (phi_max - phi_min);
394  return a * phi + b;
395  }
403  const float Detector::Z(const int station, const int ring) const {
404  float z_csc = 0;
406  if(station == 1 && ring == 1) z_csc = (5834.5 + 6101.5) / 2.0;
407  if(station == 1 && ring == 2) z_csc = (6790.0 + 7064.3) / 2.0;
408  if(station == 1 && ring == 3) z_csc = 6888.0;
409  if(station == 2) z_csc = (8098.0 + 8346.0) / 2.0;
410  if(station == 3) z_csc = (9414.8 + 9166.8) / 2.0;
411  if(station == 4) z_csc = 10630.0; // has to be corrected
413  return z_csc;
414  }
423  const float Detector::RMinHV(const int station, const int ring, const int n_hv) const {
424  float r_min_hv = 0;
426  if(station == 1 && ring == 1) {
427  if(n_hv == 1) r_min_hv = 1060.0;
428  if(n_hv == 2) r_min_hv = 1500.0;
429  }
431  if(station == 1 && ring == 2) {
432  if(n_hv == 1) r_min_hv = 2815.0;
433  if(n_hv == 2) r_min_hv = 3368.2;
434  if(n_hv == 3) r_min_hv = 4025.7;
435  }
437  if(station == 1 && ring == 3) {
438  if(n_hv == 1) r_min_hv = 5120.0;
439  if(n_hv == 2) r_min_hv = 5724.1;
440  if(n_hv == 3) r_min_hv = 6230.2;
441  }
443  if(station == 2 && ring == 1) {
444  if(n_hv == 1) r_min_hv = 1469.2;
445  if(n_hv == 2) r_min_hv = 2152.3;
446  if(n_hv == 3) r_min_hv = 2763.7;
447  }
449  if(station == 3 && ring == 1) {
450  if(n_hv == 1) r_min_hv = 1668.9;
451  if(n_hv == 2) r_min_hv = 2164.9;
452  if(n_hv == 3) r_min_hv = 2763.8;
453  }
455  if(station == 4 && ring == 1) {
456  if(n_hv == 1) r_min_hv = 1876.1;
457  if(n_hv == 2) r_min_hv = 2365.9;
458  if(n_hv == 3) r_min_hv = 2865.0;
459  }
461  if((station == 2 || station == 3 || station == 4) && ring == 2) {
462  if(n_hv == 1) r_min_hv = 3640.2;
463  if(n_hv == 2) r_min_hv = 4446.3;
464  if(n_hv == 3) r_min_hv = 5053.2;
465  if(n_hv == 4) r_min_hv = 5660.1;
466  if(n_hv == 5) r_min_hv = 6267.0;
467  }
469  return r_min_hv;
470  }
479  const float Detector::RMaxHV(const int station, const int ring, const int n_hv) const {
480  float r_max_hv = 0;
482  if(station == 1 && ring == 1) {
483  if(n_hv == 1) r_max_hv = 1500.0;
484  if(n_hv == 2) r_max_hv = 2565.0;
485  }
487  if(station == 1 && ring == 2) {
488  if(n_hv == 1) r_max_hv = 3368.2;
489  if(n_hv == 2) r_max_hv = 4025.7;
490  if(n_hv == 3) r_max_hv = 4559.9;
491  }
493  if(station == 1 && ring == 3) {
494  if(n_hv == 1) r_max_hv = 5724.1;
495  if(n_hv == 2) r_max_hv = 6230.2;
496  if(n_hv == 3) r_max_hv = 6761.5;
497  }
499  if(station == 2 && ring == 1) {
500  if(n_hv == 1) r_max_hv = 2152.3;
501  if(n_hv == 2) r_max_hv = 2763.7;
502  if(n_hv == 3) r_max_hv = 3365.8;
503  }
505  if(station == 3 && ring == 1) {
506  if(n_hv == 1) r_max_hv = 2164.9;
507  if(n_hv == 2) r_max_hv = 2763.8;
508  if(n_hv == 3) r_max_hv = 3365.8;
509  }
511  if(station == 4 && ring == 1) {
512  if(n_hv == 1) r_max_hv = 2365.9;
513  if(n_hv == 2) r_max_hv = 2865.0;
514  if(n_hv == 3) r_max_hv = 3356.3;
515  }
517  if((station == 2 || station == 3 || station == 4) && ring == 2) {
518  if(n_hv == 1) r_max_hv = 4446.3;
519  if(n_hv == 2) r_max_hv = 5053.2;
520  if(n_hv == 3) r_max_hv = 5660.1;
521  if(n_hv == 4) r_max_hv = 6267.0;
522  if(n_hv == 5) r_max_hv = 6870.8;
523  }
525  return r_max_hv;
526  }
536  const float Detector::PhiMinCFEB(const int station, const int ring, const int chamber, const int cfeb) const {
537  float phi_min_cfeb;
539  int n_cfeb = NumberOfChamberCFEBs(station, ring);
540  int n_chambers = NumberOfChambers(station, ring);
542  phi_min_cfeb = 0.0 + 2.0 * 3.14159 / ((float) (n_chambers)) * ((float) (chamber - 1) + (float) (cfeb - 1) / (float) (n_cfeb));
544  return phi_min_cfeb;
545  }
555  const float Detector::PhiMaxCFEB(const int station, const int ring, const int chamber, const int cfeb) const {
556  float phi_max_cfeb;
558  int n_cfeb = NumberOfChamberCFEBs(station, ring);
559  int n_chambers = NumberOfChambers(station, ring);
561  phi_max_cfeb = 0.0 + 2.0 * 3.14159 / (float) n_chambers * ((float) (chamber - 1) + (float) (cfeb) / (float) n_cfeb);
563  return phi_max_cfeb;
564  }
572  const bool Detector::AddressFromString(const std::string& str_address, Address& adr) const {
574  std::vector<std::string> tokens;
575  Utility::splitString(str_address, ",", tokens);
577  if (tokens.size() != ADDR_SIZE) return false;
579  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < ADDR_SIZE; r++) {
581  std::string token =;
582  Utility::trimString(token);
583  bool mask = false;
584  unsigned int num = 0;
586  if ("*") != 0) {
587  if(stringToNumber<unsigned int>(num, token, std::dec)) {
588  mask = true;
589  } else {
590  return false;
591  }
592  }
594  switch (r) {
595  case 0:
596  adr.mask.side = mask;
597  adr.side = num;
598  break;
599  case 1:
600  adr.mask.station = mask;
601  adr.station = num;
602  break;
603  case 2:
604  adr.mask.ring = mask;
605  adr.ring = num;
606  break;
607  case 3:
608  adr.mask.chamber = mask;
609  adr.chamber = num;
610  break;
611  case 4:
612  adr.mask.layer = mask;
613  adr.layer = num;
614  break;
615  case 5:
616  adr.mask.cfeb = mask;
617  adr.cfeb = num;
618  break;
619  case 6:
620  adr.mask.hv = mask;
621  adr.hv = num;
622  }
624  }
626  return true;
628  }
630 }
PartitionMap partitions
static void splitString(const std::string &str, const std::string &delim, std::vector< std::string > &results)
Split string according to delimiter.
int i
const bool AddressFromString(const std::string &str_address, Address &adr) const
Construct address from string.
unsigned int partitions_y
unsigned int layer
PartitionMap::iterator PartitionMapIterator
const float Area(const unsigned int station) const
Calculate station area in eta/phi space.
const bool NextAddressBox(unsigned int &i, const AddressBox *&box, const Address &mask) const
Address box iterator by mask.
const float Z(const int station, const int ring) const
Get Z parameter (used in address eta/phi calculation)
unsigned int partitions_x
void PrintAddress(const Address &adr) const
Prints address for debugging.
double sign(double x)
const float RMinHV(const int station, const int ring, const int n_hv) const
Get R min parameter (used in address eta/phi calculation)
Area covered by Address in eta/phy space.
const unsigned int NumberOfRings(const unsigned int station) const
Returns the number of rings for the given station.
Detector(const unsigned int p_partitions_x=0, const unsigned int p_partitions_y=0)
const float EtaToX(const float eta) const
Transform eta coordinate to local canvas coordinate.
const bool NextAddressBoxByPartition(unsigned int &i, const unsigned int px, const unsigned int py, AddressBox *&box)
Address box iterator by partition.
#define PARTITION_INDEX(x, y)
const unsigned int NumberOfChamberCFEBs(const unsigned int station, const unsigned int ring) const
Returns the number of CFEBs per Chamber on given Station/Ring.
const bool NextAddress(unsigned int &i, const Address *&adr, const Address &mask) const
Address iterator by mask.
static void trimString(std::string &str)
Trim string.
const unsigned int NumberOfChamberHVs(const unsigned int station, const unsigned int ring) const
Returns the number of HVs per Chamber on given Station/Ring.
T x() const
Cartesian x coordinate.
unsigned int cfeb
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
unsigned int chamber
#define N_ELEMENTS
unsigned int hv
const float PhiMinCFEB(const int station, const int ring, const int chamber, const int cfeb) const
Get Min phi boundary for particular CFEB.
unsigned int station
#define N_STATIONS
#define N_SIDES
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
const float Eta(const float r, const float z) const
AddressMask mask
const float PhiToY(const float phi) const
Transform phi coordinate to local canvas coordinate.
#define ADDR_SIZE
tuple cout
unsigned int GlobalChamberIndex(unsigned int side, unsigned int station, unsigned int ring, unsigned int chamber) const
Return global chamber index on his geometric location.
AddressBox boxes[9540]
unsigned int side
const unsigned int NumberOfChambers(const unsigned int station, const unsigned int ring) const
Returns the number of chambers for the given station and ring.
Structure to store detector addresses of any granularity: from whole detector to the single HV elemen...
tuple size
Write out results.
unsigned int ring
const float PhiMaxCFEB(const int station, const int ring, const int chamber, const int cfeb) const
Get Max phi boundary for particular CFEB.
tuple log
const float RMaxHV(const int station, const int ring, const int n_hv) const
Get R max parameter (used in address eta/phi calculation)