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DDLSAX2FileHandler Class Reference

DDLSAX2FileHandler is the SAX2 Handler for XML files found in the configuration file. More...

#include <DDLSAX2FileHandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for DDLSAX2FileHandler:
DDLSAX2Handler DDLSAX2ExpressionHandler

Public Member Functions

void characters (const XMLCh *const chars, const unsigned int length)
void comment (const XMLCh *const chars, const unsigned int length)
 DDLSAX2FileHandler (DDCompactView &cpv)
void dumpElementTypeCounter ()
 This dumps some statistics on elements encountered in the file. More...
void endElement (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const localname, const XMLCh *const qname)
void init ()
virtual const std::string & parent () const
virtual const std::string & self () const
void startElement (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const localname, const XMLCh *const qname, const Attributes &attrs)
 ~DDLSAX2FileHandler ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from DDLSAX2Handler
 DDLSAX2Handler ()
virtual void dumpStats (const std::string &fname)
virtual void error (const SAXParseException &exception)
virtual void fatalError (const SAXParseException &exception)
unsigned int getAttrCount () const
 Get the count of attributes processed so far. More...
unsigned int getCharacterCount () const
 Get the count of characters processed so far. More...
unsigned int getElementCount () const
 Get the count of elements processed so far. More...
bool getSawErrors () const
 Did the XML parser see any errors? More...
unsigned int getSpaceCount () const
 Get the count of spaces processed so far. More...
virtual void ignorableWhitespace (const XMLCh *const chars, const unsigned int length)
virtual void resetDocument ()
virtual void setNameSpace (const std::string &nms)
virtual void setUserNS (bool userns)
virtual void warning (const SAXParseException &exception)
 ~DDLSAX2Handler ()

Protected Member Functions

void createDDConstants () const
 creates all DDConstant from the evaluator which has been already 'filled' in the first scan of the documents More...

Protected Attributes

std::map< std::string, int > elementTypeCounter_
std::vector< size_t > names_
std::vector< std::string > namesMap_
DDLElementRegistry xmlelems_
- Protected Attributes inherited from DDLSAX2Handler
unsigned int attrCount_
unsigned int characterCount_
unsigned int elementCount_
std::string nmspace_
bool sawErrors_
unsigned int spaceCount_
bool userNS_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from DDLSAX2Handler

Detailed Description

DDLSAX2FileHandler is the SAX2 Handler for XML files found in the configuration file.

Michael Case

DDLSAX2FileHandler.h - description

begin: Tue Oct 23 2001 email:

DDLSAX2FileHandler has the same structure as the DDLSAX2ConfigHandler as they both inherit from DDLSAX2Handler which inherits from Xerces C++ DefaultHandler. SAX2 is event driven. So, when the start of an element is encountered in the XML, then a call is made to the handler's startElement. The same for endElement.

The design of DDXMLElement allows for processing whichever type of Element the XML Parser encounters.

Definition at line 40 of file DDLSAX2FileHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DDLSAX2FileHandler::DDLSAX2FileHandler ( DDCompactView cpv)

Definition at line 26 of file

References init().

27  : cpv_(cpv),
28  xmlelems_()
29 {
30  init();
31 }
DDLElementRegistry xmlelems_
DDCompactView & cpv_
DDLSAX2FileHandler::~DDLSAX2FileHandler ( void  )

Definition at line 41 of file

42 {}

Member Function Documentation

void DDLSAX2FileHandler::characters ( const XMLCh *const  chars,
const unsigned int  length 

Reimplemented from DDLSAX2Handler.

Definition at line 132 of file

References DDXMLElement::appendText(), DCOUT_V, DDXMLElement::gotText(), i, DDI::Singleton< I >::instance(), DDXMLElement::loadText(), alignCSCRings::s, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

134 {
135  DCOUT_V('P', "DDLSAX2FileHandler::characters started");
136  // std::cout << "character handler started" << std::endl;
137  //DDXMLElement* myElement = NULL;
138  // final way
139  // myElement = xmlelems_.getElement(namesMap_[names_.back()]);
140  //temporary way:
141  // const std::string& myElementName = namesMap_[names_.back()];
142  DDXMLElement* myElement = DDLGlobalRegistry::instance().getElement(self());//myElementName); //namesMap_[names_.back()]);
143  std::string inString = "";
144  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
145  {
146  char s = chars[i];
147  inString = inString + s;
148  }
149  if (myElement->gotText())
150  myElement->appendText(inString);
151  else
152  myElement->loadText(inString);
154  DCOUT_V('P', "DDLSAX2FileHandler::characters completed");
155 }
int i
void appendText(const std::string &inText)
append to the current (i.e. most recently added)
void loadText(const std::string &inText)
Used to load both text and XML comments into this object.
static value_type & instance()
virtual bool gotText(void) const
gotText()? kind of like gotMilk? Yes = text has already been encountered.
#define DCOUT_V(M_v_Y, M_v_S)
Definition: DDdebug.h:54
This is a base class for processing XML elements in the DDD.
Definition: DDXMLElement.h:58
void DDLSAX2FileHandler::comment ( const XMLCh *const  chars,
const unsigned int  length 

Reimplemented from DDLSAX2Handler.

Definition at line 158 of file

160 {
161  // ignore, discard, overkill since base class also has this...
162 }
void DDLSAX2FileHandler::createDDConstants ( void  ) const

creates all DDConstant from the evaluator which has been already 'filled' in the first scan of the documents

Definition at line 169 of file

References DDConstant::createConstantsFromEvaluator().

Referenced by init().

170 {
172 }
static void createConstantsFromEvaluator()
creates all DDConstants from the variables of the ClhepEvaluator
void DDLSAX2FileHandler::dumpElementTypeCounter ( void  )

This dumps some statistics on elements encountered in the file.

Definition at line 165 of file

Referenced by DDLParser::parse().

166 {}
void DDLSAX2FileHandler::endElement ( const XMLCh *const  uri,
const XMLCh *const  localname,
const XMLCh *const  qname 

Reimplemented from DDLSAX2Handler.

Definition at line 94 of file

References cpv_, DCOUT_V, DDI::Singleton< I >::instance(), names_, DDLSAX2Handler::nmspace_, DDCurrentNamespace::ns(), parent(), DDXMLElement::processElement(), DDXMLElement::setParent(), DDXMLElement::setSelf(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and DDLSAX2Handler::userNS_.

97 {
98  std::string ts(StrX(qname).localForm());
99  const std::string& myElementName = self();
100  DCOUT_V('P', "DDLSAX2FileHandler::endElement started");
101  DCOUT_V('P', " " + myElementName);
102  //final way
103  // DDXMLElement* myElement = xmlelems_.getElement(myElementName); //myRegistry_->getElement(myElementName);
104  //temporary way:
105  DDXMLElement* myElement = DDLGlobalRegistry::instance().getElement(myElementName);
107  // DDLParser* beingParsed = DDLParser::instance();
108  // std::string nmspace = getnmspace(extractFileName( beingParsed->getCurrFileName()));
109  std::string nmspace = nmspace_;
110  // The need for processElement to have the nmspace so that it can
111  // do the necessary gymnastics made things more complicated in the
112  // effort to allow fully user-controlled namespaces. So the "magic"
113  // trick of setting nmspace to "!" is used :(... I don't like this magic trick
114  // -- Michael Case 2008-11-06
115  // OPTIMISE in the near future, like the current nmspace_ impl.
116  // just set nmspace_ to "!" from Parser based on userNS_ so
117  // userNS_ is set by parser ONCE and no if nec. here. MEC: 2009-06-22
118  if ( userNS_ ) {
119  nmspace = "!";
120  }
121  // std::cout << "namespace " << nmspace_ << std::endl;
122  DDCurrentNamespace::ns() = nmspace;
123  // tell the element it's parent name for recording/reporting purposes
124  myElement->setParent(parent());
125  myElement->setSelf(self());
126  myElement->processElement(myElementName, nmspace, cpv_);
127  DCOUT_V('P', "DDLSAX2FileHandler::endElement completed");
128  names_.pop_back();
129 }
virtual const std::string & parent() const
void setParent(const std::string &pename)
Set parent element name to central list of names.
virtual void processElement(const std::string &name, const std::string &nmspace, DDCompactView &cpv)
Processing the element.
static std::string & ns()
void setSelf(const std::string &sename)
Set self element name to central list of names.
static value_type & instance()
std::string nmspace_
#define DCOUT_V(M_v_Y, M_v_S)
Definition: DDdebug.h:54
std::vector< size_t > names_
This is a base class for processing XML elements in the DDD.
Definition: DDXMLElement.h:58
DDCompactView & cpv_
Definition: StrX.h:32
void DDLSAX2FileHandler::init ( void  )

Definition at line 34 of file

References createDDConstants(), names_, and namesMap_.

Referenced by DDLSAX2FileHandler().

35 {
37  namesMap_.push_back("*** root ***");
38  names_.push_back(namesMap_.size() - 1);
39 }
std::vector< std::string > namesMap_
std::vector< size_t > names_
void createDDConstants() const
creates all DDConstant from the evaluator which has been already &#39;filled&#39; in the first scan of the do...
const std::string & DDLSAX2FileHandler::parent ( void  ) const

Definition at line 175 of file

References names_, and namesMap_.

Referenced by BeautifulSoup.PageElement::_invert(), Vispa.Gui.ConnectableWidget.ConnectableWidget::addMenuEntry(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.LineDecayContainer::applyFilter(), Vispa.Views.BoxDecayView.BoxDecayContainer::arrangeUsingRelations(), Vispa.Views.BoxDecayView.BoxDecayContainer::autolayoutAlgorithm(), Vispa.Gui.ZoomableScrollableWidgetOwner.ZoomableScrollableWidgetOwner::autosizeScrollArea(), Vispa.Views.BoxDecayView.BoxDecayContainer::autosizeScrollArea(), Vispa.Gui.PortWidget.PortWidget::connectionPoint(), Vispa.Main.StartupScreen.StartupScreen::createDescriptionWidget(), Vispa.Views.BoxDecayView.BoxDecayContainer::dataAccessor(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.LineDecayContainer::dataAccessor(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::dataAccessor(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.LineDecayContainer::delete(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayNode::delete(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::delete(), Vispa.Gui.VispaWidget.VispaWidget::delete(), Vispa.Gui.VispaWidget.VispaWidget::dragWidget(), endElement(), Vispa.Share.ImageExporter.ImageExporter::exportImageDialog(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::extendedSize(), Vispa.Gui.VispaWidget.VispaWidget::keyPressEvent(), Vispa.Gui.MenuWidget.MenuWidget::leaveEvent(), Vispa.Gui.ConnectableWidget.ConnectableWidget::leaveEvent(), Vispa.Gui.PortWidget.PortWidget::moduleParent(), Vispa.Gui.WidgetContainer.WidgetContainer::mouseDoubleClickEvent(), Vispa.Gui.VispaWidget.VispaWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(), Vispa.Gui.PortConnection.PointToPointConnection::mousePressEvent(), Vispa.Gui.VispaWidget.VispaWidget::mousePressEvent(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.ParticleWidget::mousePressEvent(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayNode::move(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.LineDecayContainer::noDecorationsMode(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.LineDecayContainer::operationId(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::paint(), Vispa.Gui.VispaWidget.VispaWidget::paintEvent(), Vispa.Gui.ConnectableWidget.ConnectableWidget::positionizeMenuWidget(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::qtLineStyle(), Vispa.Views.WidgetView.WidgetView::restoreSelection(), Vispa.Views.WidgetView.WidgetView::select(), Vispa.Gui.PortConnection.PointToPointConnection::select(), Vispa.Gui.VispaWidget.VispaWidget::select(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.LineDecayContainer::select(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.LineDecayContainer::sizeHint(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.LineDecayContainer::tabController(), Vispa.Views.BoxDecayView.BoxDecayContainer::toggleCollapsed(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayNode::unite(), Vispa.Views.PropertyView.PropertyView::valueChanged(), Vispa.Views.BoxDecayView.BoxDecayContainer::widgetByObject(), Vispa.Gui.VispaWidgetOwner.VispaWidgetOwner::widgetDoubleClicked(), and Vispa.Gui.VispaWidgetOwner.VispaWidgetOwner::widgetDragged().

176 {
177  if (names_.size() > 2)
178  {
179  return - 2));
180  }
181  return namesMap_[0];//.at(;
182 }
std::vector< std::string > namesMap_
std::vector< size_t > names_
const std::string & DDLSAX2FileHandler::self ( void  ) const

Definition at line 185 of file

References names_, and namesMap_.

186 {
187  if (names_.size() > 1) {
188  return - 1));
189  }
190  return namesMap_[0];//.at(;
191 }
std::vector< std::string > namesMap_
std::vector< size_t > names_
void DDLSAX2FileHandler::startElement ( const XMLCh *const  uri,
const XMLCh *const  localname,
const XMLCh *const  qname,
const Attributes attrs 

Reimplemented from DDLSAX2Handler.

Definition at line 48 of file

References cpv_, DCOUT_V, elementTypeCounter_, i, DDI::Singleton< I >::instance(), DDXMLElement::loadAttributes(), DDXMLElement::loadText(), names_, namesMap_, DDLSAX2Handler::nmspace_, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

52 {
53  DCOUT_V('P', "DDLSAX2FileHandler::startElement started");
55  std::string myElementName(StrX(qname).localForm());
56  size_t i = 0;
57  for (; i < namesMap_.size(); ++i) {
58  if ( myElementName == ) {
59  names_.push_back(i);
60  break;
61  }
62  }
63  if (i >= namesMap_.size()) {
64  namesMap_.push_back(myElementName);
65  names_.push_back(namesMap_.size() - 1);
66  }
68  ++elementTypeCounter_[myElementName];
69  //final way
70  // DDXMLElement* myElement = xmlelems_.getElement(myElementName); //myRegistry_->getElement(myElementName);
71  //temporary way:
72  DDXMLElement* myElement = DDLGlobalRegistry::instance().getElement(myElementName);
74  unsigned int numAtts = attrs.getLength();
75  std::vector<std::string> attrNames, attrValues;
77  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAtts; ++i)
78  {
79  // char* temp2 = XMLString::transcode(attrs.getLocalName(i));
80  // char* temp3 = XMLString::transcode(attrs.getValue(i));
81  attrNames.push_back(std::string(StrX(attrs.getLocalName(i)).localForm()));
82  attrValues.push_back(std::string(StrX(attrs.getValue(i)).localForm()));
83  // XMLString::release(&temp2);
84  // XMLString::release(&temp3);
85  }
87  myElement->loadAttributes(myElementName, attrNames, attrValues, nmspace_, cpv_);
88  // initialize text
89  myElement->loadText(std::string());
90  DCOUT_V('P', "DDLSAX2FileHandler::startElement completed");
91 }
int i
void loadText(const std::string &inText)
Used to load both text and XML comments into this object.
static value_type & instance()
void loadAttributes(const std::string &elemName, const std::vector< std::string > &names, const std::vector< std::string > &values, const std::string &nmspace, DDCompactView &cpv)
Load the element attributes.
std::string nmspace_
#define DCOUT_V(M_v_Y, M_v_S)
Definition: DDdebug.h:54
std::vector< std::string > namesMap_
std::vector< size_t > names_
std::map< std::string, int > elementTypeCounter_
This is a base class for processing XML elements in the DDD.
Definition: DDXMLElement.h:58
DDCompactView & cpv_
Definition: StrX.h:32

Member Data Documentation

DDCompactView& DDLSAX2FileHandler::cpv_

Definition at line 85 of file DDLSAX2FileHandler.h.

Referenced by endElement(), and startElement().

std::map< std::string, int> DDLSAX2FileHandler::elementTypeCounter_

Definition at line 82 of file DDLSAX2FileHandler.h.

Referenced by DDLSAX2ExpressionHandler::startElement(), and startElement().

std::vector< size_t > DDLSAX2FileHandler::names_

Definition at line 84 of file DDLSAX2FileHandler.h.

Referenced by endElement(), init(), parent(), self(), and startElement().

std::vector<std::string> DDLSAX2FileHandler::namesMap_

Definition at line 83 of file DDLSAX2FileHandler.h.

Referenced by init(), parent(), self(), and startElement().

DDLElementRegistry DDLSAX2FileHandler::xmlelems_

Definition at line 86 of file DDLSAX2FileHandler.h.