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TagProbeFitter Class Reference

#include <TagProbeFitter.h>

Public Member Functions

bool addCategory (std::string categoryName, std::string title, std::string expression)
 adds a new category variable to the set of variables describing the data in the tree; "expression" is parsed by factory() More...
bool addExpression (std::string expressionName, std::string title, std::string expression, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments)
 adds a new category based on a cut More...
void addFixedVariavles (const std::vector< std::string > &)
 set a list of variables to fix during first fit iteration. If the list is empty, do one iteration. More...
void addPdf (std::string pdfName, std::vector< std::string > &pdfCommands)
bool addThresholdCategory (std::string categoryName, std::string title, std::string varName, double cutValue)
 adds a new category based on a cut More...
bool addVariable (std::string variableName, std::string title, double low, double hi, std::string units)
 adds a new real variable to the set of variables describing the data in the tree More...
std::string calculateEfficiency (std::string dirName, std::string efficiencyCategory, std::string efficiencyState, std::vector< std::string > &unbinnedVariables, std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > &binnedReals, std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &binnedCategories, std::vector< std::string > &binToPDFmap)
 calculate the efficiency for a particular binning of the data; it saves everything in the directory "dirName", uses the previously defined PDF with name "pdfName" More...
std::string calculateEfficiency (std::string dirName, const std::vector< std::string > &efficiencyCategories, const std::vector< std::string > &efficiencyStates, std::vector< std::string > &unbinnedVariables, std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > &binnedReals, std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &binnedCategories, std::vector< std::string > &binToPDFmap)
void setBinnedFit (bool binned, int bins=0)
 set if to do a binned fit More...
void setBinsForMassPlots (int bins)
 set number of bins to use when making the plots; 0 = automatic More...
void setQuiet (bool quiet_=true)
 suppress most of the output from RooFit and Minuit More...
void setSaveDistributionsPlot (bool saveDistributionsPlot_)
void setWeightVar (const std::string &weight)
 set a variable to be used as weight for a dataset. empty string means no weights. More...
 TagProbeFitter (const std::vector< std::string > &inputFileNames, std::string inputDirectoryName, std::string inputTreeName, std::string outputFileName, int numCPU=1, bool saveWorkspace_=false, bool floatShapeParameters=true, const std::vector< std::string > &fixVars_=std::vector< std::string >())
 construct the fitter with the inputFileName, inputDirectoryName, inputTreeName, outputFileName and specify wether to save the workspace with data for each bin More...
 ~TagProbeFitter ()
 destructor closes the files More...

Protected Member Functions

void createPdf (RooWorkspace *w, std::vector< std::string > &pdfCommands)
 creates the simultaneous PDF in the workspace according to the "pdfCommands" More...
void doCntEfficiency (RooWorkspace *w, RooRealVar &efficiency)
 calculate the efficiecny by counting in the dataset found in the workspace More...
void doFitEfficiency (RooWorkspace *w, std::string pdfName, RooRealVar &efficiency)
 calculate the efficiecny with a simulataneous maximum likelihood fit in the dataset found in the workspace with PDF pdfName More...
void doSBSEfficiency (RooWorkspace *w, RooRealVar &efficiency)
 calculate the efficiecny with side band substraction in the dataset found in the workspace More...
void makeEfficiencyPlot1D (RooDataSet &eff, RooRealVar &v, const TString &plotName, const TString &plotTitle, const TString &effName, const char *catName=0, int catIndex=-1)
 makes the 1D plot More...
void makeEfficiencyPlot2D (RooDataSet &eff, RooRealVar &v1, RooRealVar &v2, const TString &plotName, const TString &plotTitle, const TString &effName, const char *catName=0, int catIndex=-1)
 makes the 2D plot More...
void saveDistributionsPlot (RooWorkspace *w)
 saves the distributions canvas More...
void saveEfficiencyPlots (RooDataSet &eff, const TString &effName, RooArgSet &binnedVariables, RooArgSet &mappedCategories)
 saves the efficiency plots More...
void saveFitPlot (RooWorkspace *w)
 saves the fit canvas More...
void setInitialValues (RooWorkspace *w)
 sets initial values of the PDF parameters based on the data available in the workspace More...
void varFixer (RooWorkspace *w, bool fix)
 fix or release variables selected by user More...
void varRestorer (RooWorkspace *w)
 restore variables's values for fit starting point More...
void varSaver (RooWorkspace *w)
 store values in the vector More...

Protected Attributes

int binnedFit
 do binned fit; 0 = automatic, 1 = yes, -1 = no. d More...
bool doSaveDistributionsPlot
 save distribution plots More...
std::vector< std::pair
< std::pair< std::string,
std::string >, std::pair
< std::string, std::vector
< std::string > > > > 
 expressions computed almost on the fly More...
std::vector< std::string > fixVars
 list of variables fo fix (see below) More...
std::vector< double > fixVarValues
bool floatShapeParameters
TChain * inputTree
 pointer to the input TTree Chain of data More...
int massBins
 number of bins to use in mass shape plots; 0 = automatic More...
int numCPU
 number of CPUs to use for the fit More...
TDirectory * outputDirectory
 pointer to the TDirectory in the output file that is the root directory for this fitter More...
TFile * outputFile
 pointer to the output file More...
RooWorkspace parameterParser
 a RooWorkspace object to parse input parameters with ".factory()" More...
std::map< std::string,
std::vector< std::string > > 
 the map of pdf names to the vector of commands to build the pdf More...
bool quiet
 suppress most printout More...
bool saveWorkspace
 the default option wether to save the workspace for each bin More...
std::vector< std::pair
< std::pair< std::string,
std::string >, std::pair
< std::string, double > > > 
RooArgSet variables
 the set of variables describing the data in the input TTree More...
std::string weightVar
 weight variable (or empy string for no weights) More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TagProbeFitter::TagProbeFitter ( const std::vector< std::string > &  inputFileNames,
std::string  inputDirectoryName,
std::string  inputTreeName,
std::string  outputFileName,
int  numCPU = 1,
bool  saveWorkspace_ = false,
bool  floatShapeParameters = true,
const std::vector< std::string > &  fixVars_ = std::vector<std::string>() 

construct the fitter with the inputFileName, inputDirectoryName, inputTreeName, outputFileName and specify wether to save the workspace with data for each bin

Definition at line 51 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, alignCSCRings::e, i, and download_sqlite_cfg::outputFile.

51  {
52  inputTree = new TChain((inputDirectoryName+"/"+inputTreeName).c_str());
53  for(size_t i=0; i<inputFileNames.size(); i++){
54  inputTree->Add(inputFileNames[i].c_str());
55  }
56  outputFile = new TFile(outputFileName.c_str(),"recreate");
57  outputDirectory = outputFile->mkdir(inputDirectoryName.c_str());
58  numCPU = numCPU_;
59  saveWorkspace = saveWorkspace_;
60  massBins = 0; // automatic default
61  floatShapeParameters = floatShapeParameters_;
62  fixVars = fixVars_;
63  weightVar = "";
64  if(!floatShapeParameters && fixVars.empty()) std::cout << "TagProbeFitter: " << "You wnat to fix some variables but do not specify them!";
66  gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
67  gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(0);
68  gStyle->SetPalette(1);
69  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
70  gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat(".2f");
72  quiet = false;
74  binnedFit = false;
78  // make integration very precise
79  RooAbsReal::defaultIntegratorConfig()->setEpsAbs(1e-13);
80  RooAbsReal::defaultIntegratorConfig()->setEpsRel(1e-13);
81 }
int i
tuple inputFileNames
std::string weightVar
weight variable (or empy string for no weights)
std::vector< std::string > fixVars
list of variables fo fix (see below)
TChain * inputTree
pointer to the input TTree Chain of data
bool saveWorkspace
the default option wether to save the workspace for each bin
bool doSaveDistributionsPlot
save distribution plots
int numCPU
number of CPUs to use for the fit
int massBins
number of bins to use in mass shape plots; 0 = automatic
bool quiet
suppress most printout
int binnedFit
do binned fit; 0 = automatic, 1 = yes, -1 = no. d
TFile * outputFile
pointer to the output file
tuple cout
TDirectory * outputDirectory
pointer to the TDirectory in the output file that is the root directory for this fitter ...
TagProbeFitter::~TagProbeFitter ( )

destructor closes the files

Definition at line 83 of file

References download_sqlite_cfg::outputFile.

83  {
84  if(inputTree)
85  delete inputTree;
86  if(outputFile)
87  outputFile->Close();
88 }
TChain * inputTree
pointer to the input TTree Chain of data
TFile * outputFile
pointer to the output file

Member Function Documentation

bool TagProbeFitter::addCategory ( std::string  categoryName,
std::string  title,
std::string  expression 

adds a new category variable to the set of variables describing the data in the tree; "expression" is parsed by factory()

Definition at line 105 of file

References EnergyCorrector::c, and makeLayoutFileForGui::variables.

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().

105  {
106  RooCategory* c = (RooCategory*) parameterParser.factory(expression.c_str());
107  if(!c)
108  return false;
109  //set the name of the category to the passed name instead of the one in the expression
110  c->SetName(name.c_str());
111  c->SetTitle(title.c_str());
112  variables.addClone(*c);
113  return true;
114 }
RooWorkspace parameterParser
a RooWorkspace object to parse input parameters with &quot;.factory()&quot;
RooArgSet variables
the set of variables describing the data in the input TTree
bool TagProbeFitter::addExpression ( std::string  expressionName,
std::string  title,
std::string  expression,
const std::vector< std::string > &  arguments 

adds a new category based on a cut

Definition at line 116 of file

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().

116  {
117  expressionVars.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(expressionName,title), make_pair(expression,arguments)));
118  return true;
119 }
std::vector< std::pair< std::pair< std::string, std::string >, std::pair< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > > > expressionVars
expressions computed almost on the fly
void TagProbeFitter::addFixedVariavles ( const std::vector< std::string > &  )

set a list of variables to fix during first fit iteration. If the list is empty, do one iteration.

void TagProbeFitter::addPdf ( std::string  pdfName,
std::vector< std::string > &  pdfCommands 

add a new PDF to the list of available PDFs; "pdfCommands" are parsed by factory(). the user needs to define efficiency[0.9,0,1] for the initial value, "signal" PDF, "backgroundPass" PDF and "backgroundFail" PDF

Definition at line 128 of file

References mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name.

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().

128  {
129  pdfs[name] = pdfCommands;
130 }
std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > pdfs
the map of pdf names to the vector of commands to build the pdf
bool TagProbeFitter::addThresholdCategory ( std::string  categoryName,
std::string  title,
std::string  varName,
double  cutValue 

adds a new category based on a cut

Definition at line 122 of file

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().

122  {
123  thresholdCategories.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(categoryName,title), make_pair(varName,cutValue)));
124  return true;
125 }
std::vector< std::pair< std::pair< std::string, std::string >, std::pair< std::string, double > > > thresholdCategories
bool TagProbeFitter::addVariable ( std::string  variableName,
std::string  title,
double  low,
double  hi,
std::string  units 

adds a new real variable to the set of variables describing the data in the tree

Definition at line 98 of file

References groupFilesInBlocks::temp, and makeLayoutFileForGui::variables.

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().

98  {
99  RooRealVar temp(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), low, hi, units.c_str());
100  temp.setBins(5000,"cache");
101  variables.addClone(temp);
102  return true;
103 }
TString units(TString variable, Char_t axis)
RooArgSet variables
the set of variables describing the data in the input TTree
std::string TagProbeFitter::calculateEfficiency ( std::string  dirName,
std::string  efficiencyCategory,
std::string  efficiencyState,
std::vector< std::string > &  unbinnedVariables,
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > &  binnedReals,
std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &  binnedCategories,
std::vector< std::string > &  binToPDFmap 

calculate the efficiency for a particular binning of the data; it saves everything in the directory "dirName", uses the previously defined PDF with name "pdfName"

Definition at line 39 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::calculateEfficiency().

39  {
40  std::vector<std::string> efficiencyCategories(1,efficiencyCategory);
41  std::vector<std::string> efficiencyStates(1,efficiencyState);
42  return calculateEfficiency(dirName, efficiencyCategories, efficiencyStates, unbinnedVariables, binnedReals, binnedCategories, binToPDFmap);
43  }
std::string calculateEfficiency(std::string dirName, std::string efficiencyCategory, std::string efficiencyState, std::vector< std::string > &unbinnedVariables, std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > &binnedReals, std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &binnedCategories, std::vector< std::string > &binToPDFmap)
calculate the efficiency for a particular binning of the data; it saves everything in the directory &quot;...
std::string TagProbeFitter::calculateEfficiency ( std::string  dirName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  efficiencyCategories,
const std::vector< std::string > &  efficiencyStates,
std::vector< std::string > &  unbinnedVariables,
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > &  binnedReals,
std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > &  binnedCategories,
std::vector< std::string > &  binToPDFmap 
void TagProbeFitter::createPdf ( RooWorkspace *  w,
std::vector< std::string > &  pdfCommands 

creates the simultaneous PDF in the workspace according to the "pdfCommands"

Definition at line 535 of file

References edmPickEvents::command, i, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

535  {
536  // create the signal and background pdfs defined by the user
537  for(unsigned int i=0; i<pdfCommands.size(); i++){
538  const std::string & command = pdfCommands[i];
539  if (command.find("#import ") == 0) {
540  TDirectory *here = gDirectory;
541  w->import(command.substr(8).c_str());
542  here->cd();
543  } else {
544  TDirectory *here = gDirectory;
545  w->factory(command.c_str());
546  here->cd();
547  }
548  }
549  // setup the simultaneous extended pdf
551  w->factory("expr::nSignalPass('efficiency*fSigAll*numTot', efficiency, fSigAll[.9,0,1],numTot[1,0,1e10])");
552  w->factory("expr::nSignalFail('(1-efficiency)*fSigAll*numTot', efficiency, fSigAll,numTot)");
553  w->factory("expr::nBkgPass('effBkg*(1-fSigAll)*numTot', effBkg[.9,0,1],fSigAll,numTot)");
554  w->factory("expr::nBkgFail('(1-effBkg)*(1-fSigAll)*numTot', effBkg,fSigAll,numTot)");
555  TString sPass = "signal", sFail = "signal";
556  if (w->pdf("signalPass") != 0 && w->pdf("signalFail") != 0) {
557  if (w->pdf("signal") != 0) throw std::logic_error("You must either define one 'signal' PDF or two PDFs ('signalPass', 'signalFail'), not both!");
558  sPass = "signalPass"; sFail = "signalFail";
559  } else if (w->pdf("signal") != 0) {
560  if (w->pdf("signalPass") != 0 || w->pdf("signalFail") != 0) {
561  throw std::logic_error("You must either define one 'signal' PDF or two PDFs ('signalPass', 'signalFail'), not both!");
562  }
563  } else {
564  throw std::logic_error("You must either define one 'signal' PDF or two PDFs ('signalPass', 'signalFail')");
565  }
566  w->factory("SUM::pdfPass(nSignalPass*"+sPass+", nBkgPass*backgroundPass)"); //fBkgPass*
567  w->factory("SUM::pdfFail(nSignalFail*"+sFail+", nBkgFail*backgroundFail)"); //fBkgFail*
569  w->factory("SIMUL::simPdf(_efficiencyCategory_, Passed=pdfPass, Failed=pdfFail)");
570  // signalFractionInPassing is not used in the fit just to set the initial values
571  if (w->pdf("simPdf") == 0) throw std::runtime_error("Could not create simultaneous fit pdf.");
572  if(w->var("signalFractionInPassing") == 0)
573  w->factory("signalFractionInPassing[0.9]");
574 }
int i
const double w
void TagProbeFitter::doCntEfficiency ( RooWorkspace *  w,
RooRealVar &  efficiency 

calculate the efficiecny by counting in the dataset found in the workspace

Definition at line 828 of file

References alpha, alignCSCRings::e, and cmsPerfPublish::fail().

828  {
829  int pass = w->data("data")->sumEntries("_efficiencyCategory_==_efficiencyCategory_::Passed");
830  int fail = w->data("data")->sumEntries("_efficiencyCategory_==_efficiencyCategory_::Failed");
831  double e = (pass+fail == 0) ? 0 : pass/double(pass+fail);
832  // Use Clopper-Pearson
833  double alpha = (1.0 - .68540158589942957)/2;
834  double lo = (pass == 0) ? 0.0 : ROOT::Math::beta_quantile( alpha, pass, fail+1 );
835  double hi = (fail == 0) ? 1.0 : ROOT::Math::beta_quantile( 1-alpha, pass+1, fail );
837  //double lob, hib;
838  //Efficiency( pass, pass+fail, .68540158589942957, e, lob, hib );
839  //std::cerr << "CNT " << pass << "/" << fail << ": Clopper Pearson [" << lo << ", " << hi << "], Bayes [" << lob << ", " << hib << "]" << std::endl;
840  efficiency.setVal(e);
841  efficiency.setAsymError(lo-e, hi-e);
842 }
float alpha
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:95
const double w
void TagProbeFitter::doFitEfficiency ( RooWorkspace *  w,
std::string  pdfName,
RooRealVar &  efficiency 

calculate the efficiecny with a simulataneous maximum likelihood fit in the dataset found in the workspace with PDF pdfName

—> if "floatShapeParameters==false" && "fixVars is NOT empty" : Perform a global fit to the whole sample, save the fitted values of the user specified parameters, and fix them for bin-by-bin fit.

Definition at line 375 of file

References ecal_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::cerr, data, and alignCSCRings::e.

375  {
376  //if pdfName is empty skip the fit
377  if(pdfName == "all"){
378  return;
379  }
380  //create the simultaneous pdf of name pdfName
381  createPdf(w, pdfs[pdfName]);
382  //set the initial values for the yields of signal and background
384  std::auto_ptr<RooFitResult> res(0);
386  RooAbsData *data = w->data("data");
387  std::auto_ptr<RooDataHist> bdata;
388  if (binnedFit) {
389  // get variables from data, which contain also other binning or expression variables
390  const RooArgSet *dataObs = data->get(0);
391  // remove everything which is not a dependency of the pdf
392  RooArgSet *obs = w->pdf("simPdf")->getObservables(dataObs);
393  bdata.reset(new RooDataHist("data_binned", "data_binned", *obs, *data));
394  w->import(*bdata);
395  data = w->data("data_binned");
396  delete obs;
397  }
399  double totPassing = data->sumEntries("_efficiencyCategory_==_efficiencyCategory_::Passed");
400  double totFailing = data->sumEntries("_efficiencyCategory_==_efficiencyCategory_::Failed");
402  RooAbsReal* simNLL = w->pdf("simPdf")->createNLL(*data,Extended(true),NumCPU(numCPU));
404  RooMinimizer minimizer(*simNLL); // we are going to use this for 'scan'
405  RooMinuit minuit(*simNLL);
406  minuit.setStrategy(1);
407  minuit.setProfile(true);
408  RooProfileLL profileLL("simPdfNLL","",*simNLL,*w->var("efficiency"));
411  //******* The block of code below is to make the fit converge faster.
412  // ****** This part is OPTIONAL, i.e., off be default. User can activate this
413  // ****** by setting the following parameters: "fixVars" and "floatShapeParameters"
414  // ****** Here is the full logic:
427  if(!fixVars.empty()){
428  // calculate initial values for parameters user want to fix
429  if(!floatShapeParameters && fixVarValues.empty()){
430  // we want to fix these parameters for each bin.
431  // the following sequence fixes them, fits, releases and fits again
432  // to get reasonable values.
433  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
434  // This procedure works only once with a whole dataset (without binning)
435  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
437  // fix them
438  varFixer(w,true);
439  //do fit
440  minimizer.minimize("Minuit2","Scan");
441  minuit.migrad();
442  minuit.hesse();
443  //minuit.minos();
444  //w->pdf("simPdf")->fitTo(*data, Save(true), Extended(true), NumCPU(numCPU), Strategy(2),
445  //PrintLevel(quiet?-1:1), PrintEvalErrors(quiet?-1:1), Warnings(!quiet));
446  //release vars
447  varFixer(w,false);
448  //do fit
449  minimizer.minimize("Minuit2","Scan");
450  minuit.migrad();
451  minuit.hesse();
452  //minuit.minos();
453  //w->pdf("simPdf")->fitTo(*data, Save(true), Extended(true), NumCPU(numCPU), Strategy(2),
454  //PrintLevel(quiet?-1:1), PrintEvalErrors(quiet?-1:1), Warnings(!quiet));
455  //save vars
456  varSaver(w);
457  // now we have a starting point. Fit will converge faster.
458  }
460  // here we can use initial values if we want (this works for each bin)
461  if(!floatShapeParameters) varRestorer(w); //restore vars
463  //do fit
464  minimizer.minimize("Minuit2","Scan");
465  minuit.migrad();
466  minuit.hesse();
467  // initialize the profile likelihood
468  profileLL.getVal();
469  RooMinimizer* profMinuit = profileLL.minimizer();
470  profMinuit->setProfile(true);
471  profMinuit->setStrategy(2);
472  profMinuit->setPrintLevel(1);
473  profMinuit->minos(*w->var("efficiency"));
474  res.reset( profMinuit->save() );
475  //res = w->pdf("simPdf")->fitTo(*data, Save(true), Extended(true), NumCPU(numCPU), Strategy(2),
476  //Minos(*w->var("efficiency")), PrintLevel(quiet?-1:1),
477  //PrintEvalErrors(quiet?-1:1), Warnings(!quiet));
478  }//if(!fixVars.empty())
480  // (default = true) if we don't want to fix any parameters or want to fit each bin with all parameters floating
482  //release vars
483  varFixer(w,false);
485  //do fit
486  minimizer.minimize("Minuit2","Scan");
487  minuit.migrad();
488  minuit.hesse();
489  res.reset( w->pdf("simPdf")->fitTo(*data, Save(true), Extended(true), NumCPU(numCPU), Strategy(2),
490  Minos(*w->var("efficiency")), PrintLevel(quiet?-1:1),
491  PrintEvalErrors(quiet?-1:1), Warnings(!quiet)) );
492  }
496  // save everything
497  res->Write("fitresults");
498  w->saveSnapshot("finalState",w->components());
499  saveFitPlot(w);
500  //extract the efficiency parameter from the results
501  RooRealVar* e = (RooRealVar*) res->floatParsFinal().find("efficiency");
502  //What's wrong with this? and why don't they copy the errors!
503  //efficiency = *e;
504  efficiency.setVal(e->getVal());
505  Double_t errLo = e->getErrorLo(), errHi = e->getErrorHi();
506  if (errLo == 0 && e->getVal() < 0.5) errLo = e->getMin()-e->getVal();
507  if (errHi == 0 && e->getVal() > 0.5) errHi = e->getMax()-e->getVal();
508  efficiency.setAsymError(errLo, errHi);
510  if (totPassing * totFailing == 0) {
511  RooRealVar* nTot = (RooRealVar*) res->floatParsFinal().find("numTot");
512  RooRealVar* fSig = (RooRealVar*) res->floatParsFinal().find("fSigAll");
513  double cerr = ROOT::Math::beta_quantile( 1-(1.0-.68540158589942957)/2, 1, nTot->getVal() * fSig->getVal() );
514  /*
515  std::cout << "======================================================================================" << std::endl;
516  std::cout << "======= totPassing " << totPassing << ", totFailing " << totFailing << std::endl;
517  std::cout << "======= FIT: e " << e->getVal() << ", e Lo " << e->getErrorLo() << ", e Hi " << e->getErrorHi() << std::endl;
518  std::cout << "======= FIT:nS " << nS->getVal() << ", nS Lo " << nS->getErrorLo() << ", nS Hi " << nS->getErrorHi() << std::endl;
519  std::cout << "======= FIT:nB " << nB->getVal() << ", nB Lo " << nB->getErrorLo() << ", nB Hi " << nB->getErrorHi() << std::endl;
520  std::cout << "======= CNT: " << cerr << std::endl;
521  std::cout << "======================================================================================" << std::endl;
522  */
523  if (totPassing == 0) {
524  efficiency.setVal(0);
525  efficiency.setAsymError(0,cerr);
526  } else {
527  efficiency.setVal(1);
528  efficiency.setAsymError(-cerr,0);
529  }
530  }
532  delete simNLL;
533 }
const double w
std::vector< std::string > fixVars
list of variables fo fix (see below)
std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > pdfs
the map of pdf names to the vector of commands to build the pdf
void varSaver(RooWorkspace *w)
store values in the vector
void varRestorer(RooWorkspace *w)
restore variables&#39;s values for fit starting point
void saveFitPlot(RooWorkspace *w)
saves the fit canvas
void setInitialValues(RooWorkspace *w)
sets initial values of the PDF parameters based on the data available in the workspace ...
int numCPU
number of CPUs to use for the fit
bool quiet
suppress most printout
int binnedFit
do binned fit; 0 = automatic, 1 = yes, -1 = no. d
void varFixer(RooWorkspace *w, bool fix)
fix or release variables selected by user
std::vector< double > fixVarValues
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
void createPdf(RooWorkspace *w, std::vector< std::string > &pdfCommands)
creates the simultaneous PDF in the workspace according to the &quot;pdfCommands&quot;
void TagProbeFitter::doSBSEfficiency ( RooWorkspace *  w,
RooRealVar &  efficiency 

calculate the efficiecny with side band substraction in the dataset found in the workspace

Definition at line 825 of file

825  {
826 }
void TagProbeFitter::makeEfficiencyPlot1D ( RooDataSet &  eff,
RooRealVar &  v,
const TString &  plotName,
const TString &  plotTitle,
const TString &  effName,
const char *  catName = 0,
int  catIndex = -1 

makes the 1D plot

Definition at line 771 of file

References svgfig::canvas(), i, j, gen::n, and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

771  {
772  TGraphAsymmErrors *p = new TGraphAsymmErrors();
773  const RooArgSet *entry = eff.get();
774  const RooRealVar &vi = dynamic_cast<const RooRealVar &>(*entry->find(v.GetName()));
775  const RooRealVar &ei = dynamic_cast<const RooRealVar &>(*entry->find("efficiency"));
776  for (unsigned int i = 0, n = eff.numEntries(); i < n; ++i) {
777  entry = eff.get(i);
778  if (catName != 0 && entry->getCatIndex(catName) != catIndex) continue;
779  int j = p->GetN(); p->Set(j+1);
780  p->SetPoint(j, vi.getVal(), ei.getVal() );
781  p->SetPointError(j, -vi.getAsymErrorLo(), vi.getAsymErrorHi(), -ei.getAsymErrorLo(), ei.getAsymErrorHi() );
782  }
783  TCanvas canvas(plotName);
784  TH1F *frame = new TH1F("frame", "Efficiency of "+effName, 1, v.getMin(), v.getMax()); frame->SetDirectory(0);
785  p->SetNameTitle(Form("hxy_%s", eff.GetName()), "Efficiency of "+effName);
786  p->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(strlen(v.getUnit()) ? Form("%s (%s)", v.GetName(), v.getUnit()) : v.GetName());
787  p->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency of "+effName);
788  frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(strlen(v.getUnit()) ? Form("%s (%s)", v.GetName(), v.getUnit()) : v.GetName());
789  frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency of "+effName);
790  frame->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,1);
791  frame->Draw();
792  p->SetLineWidth(2); p->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); p->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
793  p->Draw("P SAME");
794  canvas.Write();
795  delete frame;
796  delete p;
797 }
int i
def canvas
int j
void TagProbeFitter::makeEfficiencyPlot2D ( RooDataSet &  eff,
RooRealVar &  v1,
RooRealVar &  v2,
const TString &  plotName,
const TString &  plotTitle,
const TString &  effName,
const char *  catName = 0,
int  catIndex = -1 

makes the 2D plot

Definition at line 799 of file

References svgfig::canvas(), Data::Data(), alignCSCRings::e, h, and i.

799  {
800  TCanvas canvas(plotName);
801  canvas.SetRightMargin(0.15);
802  TH2F* h = new TH2F(plotName, plotName, v1.getBinning().numBins(), v1.getBinning().array(), v2.getBinning().numBins(), v2.getBinning().array());
803  const RooArgSet* set = eff.get();
804  RooRealVar* e = (RooRealVar*) set->find("efficiency");
805  RooRealVar* v1_ = (RooRealVar*) set->find(v1.GetName());
806  RooRealVar* v2_ = (RooRealVar*) set->find(v2.GetName());
807  h->SetTitle(TString::Format("%s;%s%s;%s%s;Efficiency of %s", plotTitle.Data(),
808  v1.GetTitle(), TString(v1.getUnit()).Length()==0?"":TString::Format(" (%s)", v1.getUnit()).Data(),
809  v2.GetTitle(), TString(v2.getUnit()).Length()==0?"":TString::Format(" (%s)", v2.getUnit()).Data(), effName.Data()));
810  h->SetOption("colztexte");
811  h->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.001,1.001);
812  h->SetStats(kFALSE);
813  for(int i=0; i<eff.numEntries(); i++){
814  const RooArgSet *entry = eff.get(i);
815  if (catName != 0 && entry->getCatIndex(catName) != catIndex) continue;
816  h->SetBinContent(h->FindBin(v1_->getVal(), v2_->getVal()), e->getVal());
817  h->SetBinError(h->FindBin(v1_->getVal(), v2_->getVal()), (e->getErrorHi()-e->getErrorLo())/2.);
818  }
819  h->Draw();
820  canvas.Draw();
821  canvas.Write();
822  delete h;
823 }
int i
def canvas
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
void TagProbeFitter::saveDistributionsPlot ( RooWorkspace *  w)

saves the distributions canvas

Definition at line 676 of file

References svgfig::canvas(), i, and findQualityFiles::v.

676  {
677  // save pointers to datasets to manage memory
678  RooAbsData* dataAll = w->data("data");
679  RooAbsData* dataPass = dataAll->reduce(Cut("_efficiencyCategory_==_efficiencyCategory_::Passed"));
680  RooAbsData* dataFail = dataAll->reduce(Cut("_efficiencyCategory_==_efficiencyCategory_::Failed"));
682  const RooArgSet* vars = dataAll->get();
683  vector<RooRealVar*> reals;
684  RooLinkedListIter it = vars->iterator();
685  for(RooAbsArg* v = (RooAbsArg*)it.Next(); v!=0; v = (RooAbsArg*)it.Next() ){
686  if(!v->InheritsFrom("RooRealVar")) continue;
687  reals.push_back((RooRealVar*)v);
688  }
689  TCanvas canvas("distributions_canvas");
690  canvas.Divide(3,reals.size());
691  vector<RooPlot*> frames;
692  for(unsigned int i=0; i<reals.size(); i++){
693  // plot the Passing Probes
695  frames.push_back(reals[i]->frame(Name("Passing"), Title("Passing Probes"), Bins(100)));
696  dataPass->plotOn(frames.back(), LineColor(kGreen));
697  dataPass->statOn(frames.back());
698  frames.back()->Draw();
699  // plot the Failing Probes
701  frames.push_back(reals[i]->frame(Name("Failing"), Title("Failing Probes"), Bins(100)));
702  dataFail->plotOn(frames.back(), LineColor(kRed));
703  dataFail->statOn(frames.back());
704  frames.back()->Draw();
705  // plot the All Probes
707  frames.push_back(reals[i]->frame(Name("All"), Title("All Probes"), Bins(100)));
708  dataAll->plotOn(frames.back(), LineColor(kBlue));
709  dataAll->statOn(frames.back());
710  frames.back()->Draw();
711  }
712  canvas.Draw();
713  canvas.Write();
714  for (size_t i=0; i<frames.size(); i++) {
715  delete frames[i];
716  }
717  delete dataPass;
718  delete dataFail;
719 }
int i
const double w
def canvas
void TagProbeFitter::saveEfficiencyPlots ( RooDataSet &  eff,
const TString &  effName,
RooArgSet &  binnedVariables,
RooArgSet &  mappedCategories 

saves the efficiency plots

Definition at line 721 of file

References lumiQTWidget::t.

721  {
722  RooLinkedListIter v1it = binnedVariables.iterator();
723  bool isOnePoint = (eff.numEntries() == 1); // for datasets with > 1 entry, we don't make plots for variables with just one bin
724  for(RooRealVar* v1 = (RooRealVar*)v1it.Next(); v1!=0; v1 = (RooRealVar*)v1it.Next() ){
725  RooArgSet binCategories1D;
726  if (v1->numBins() == 1 && !isOnePoint) continue;
727  RooLinkedListIter v2it = binnedVariables.iterator();
728  for(RooRealVar* v2 = (RooRealVar*)v2it.Next(); v2!=0; v2 = (RooRealVar*)v2it.Next() ){
729  if(v2 == v1) continue;
730  if (v2->numBins() == 1 && !isOnePoint) continue;
731  binCategories1D.addClone( RooBinningCategory(TString(v2->GetName())+"_bins", TString(v2->GetName())+"_bins", *v2) );
733  RooArgSet binCategories2D;
734  RooLinkedListIter v3it = binnedVariables.iterator();
735  for(RooRealVar* v3 = (RooRealVar*)v3it.Next(); v3!=0; v3 = (RooRealVar*)v3it.Next() ){
736  if(v3 == v1 || v3 == v2) continue;
737  binCategories2D.addClone( RooBinningCategory(TString(v3->GetName())+"_bins", TString(v3->GetName())+"_bins", *v3) );
738  }
739  RooMultiCategory allCats2D("allCats2D", "allCats2D", RooArgSet(binCategories2D, mappedCategories));
740  if(allCats2D.numTypes()==0){
741  makeEfficiencyPlot2D(eff, *v1, *v2, TString::Format("%s_%s_PLOT", v1->GetName(), v2->GetName()), "", effName);
742  }else{
743  RooDataSet myEff(eff);
744  myEff.addColumn(allCats2D);
745  std::auto_ptr<TIterator> catIt(allCats2D.typeIterator());
746  for(RooCatType* t = (RooCatType*)catIt->Next(); t!=0; t = (RooCatType*)catIt->Next() ){
747  TString catName = t->GetName();
748  if(catName.Contains("NotMapped")) continue;
749  catName.ReplaceAll("{","").ReplaceAll("}","").ReplaceAll(";","_&_");
750  makeEfficiencyPlot2D(myEff, *v1, *v2, TString::Format("%s_%s_PLOT_%s",v1->GetName(), v2->GetName(), catName.Data()), catName, effName, "allCats1D", t->getVal());
751  }
752  }
753  }
754  RooMultiCategory allCats1D("allCats1D", "allCats1D", RooArgSet(binCategories1D, mappedCategories));
755  if(allCats1D.numTypes()==0){
756  makeEfficiencyPlot1D(eff, *v1, TString::Format("%s_PLOT", v1->GetName()), "", effName);
757  }else{
758  RooDataSet myEff(eff);
759  myEff.addColumn(allCats1D);
760  std::auto_ptr<TIterator> catIt(allCats1D.typeIterator());
761  for(RooCatType* t = (RooCatType*)catIt->Next(); t!=0; t = (RooCatType*)catIt->Next() ){
762  TString catName = t->GetName();
763  if(catName.Contains("NotMapped")) continue;
764  catName.ReplaceAll("{","").ReplaceAll("}","").ReplaceAll(";","_&_");
765  makeEfficiencyPlot1D(myEff, *v1, TString::Format("%s_PLOT_%s", v1->GetName(), catName.Data()), catName, effName, "allCats1D", t->getVal());
766  }
767  }
768  }
769 }
void makeEfficiencyPlot2D(RooDataSet &eff, RooRealVar &v1, RooRealVar &v2, const TString &plotName, const TString &plotTitle, const TString &effName, const char *catName=0, int catIndex=-1)
makes the 2D plot
void makeEfficiencyPlot1D(RooDataSet &eff, RooRealVar &v, const TString &plotName, const TString &plotTitle, const TString &effName, const char *catName=0, int catIndex=-1)
makes the 1D plot
void TagProbeFitter::saveFitPlot ( RooWorkspace *  w)

saves the fit canvas

Definition at line 613 of file

References svgfig::canvas(), i, and findQualityFiles::v.

613  {
614  // save refferences for convenience
615  RooCategory& efficiencyCategory = *w->cat("_efficiencyCategory_");
616  RooAbsData* dataAll = (binnedFit ? w->data("data_binned") : w->data("data") );
617  RooAbsData* dataPass = dataAll->reduce(Cut("_efficiencyCategory_==_efficiencyCategory_::Passed"));
618  RooAbsData* dataFail = dataAll->reduce(Cut("_efficiencyCategory_==_efficiencyCategory_::Failed"));
619  RooAbsPdf& pdf = *w->pdf("simPdf");
620  std::auto_ptr<RooArgSet> obs(pdf.getObservables(*dataAll));
621  RooRealVar* mass = 0;
622  RooLinkedListIter it = obs->iterator();
623  for(RooAbsArg* v = (RooAbsArg*)it.Next(); v!=0; v = (RooAbsArg*)it.Next() ){
624  if(!v->InheritsFrom("RooRealVar")) continue;
625  mass = (RooRealVar*)v;
626  break;
627  }
628  if(!mass) return;
629  // make a 2x2 canvas
630  TCanvas canvas("fit_canvas");
631  canvas.Divide(2,2);
632  vector<RooPlot*> frames;
633  // plot the Passing Probes
635  if (massBins == 0) {
636  frames.push_back(mass->frame(Name("Passing"), Title("Passing Probes")));
637  frames.push_back(mass->frame(Name("Failing"), Title("Failing Probes")));
638  frames.push_back(mass->frame(Name("All"), Title("All Probes")));
639  } else {
640  frames.push_back(mass->frame(Name("Passing"), Title("Passing Probes"), Bins(massBins)));
641  frames.push_back(mass->frame(Name("Failing"), Title("Failing Probes"), Bins(massBins)));
642  frames.push_back(mass->frame(Name("All"), Title("All Probes"), Bins(massBins)));
643  }
644  dataPass->plotOn(frames[0]);
645  pdf.plotOn(frames[0], Slice(efficiencyCategory, "Passed"), ProjWData(*dataPass), LineColor(kGreen));
646  pdf.plotOn(frames[0], Slice(efficiencyCategory, "Passed"), ProjWData(*dataPass), LineColor(kGreen), Components("backgroundPass"), LineStyle(kDashed));
647  frames[0]->Draw();
648  // plot the Failing Probes
650  dataFail->plotOn(frames[1]);
651  pdf.plotOn(frames[1], Slice(efficiencyCategory, "Failed"), ProjWData(*dataFail), LineColor(kRed));
652  pdf.plotOn(frames[1], Slice(efficiencyCategory, "Failed"), ProjWData(*dataFail), LineColor(kRed), Components("backgroundFail"), LineStyle(kDashed));
653  frames[1]->Draw();
654  // plot the All Probes
656  dataAll->plotOn(frames.back());
657  pdf.plotOn(frames.back(), ProjWData(*dataAll), LineColor(kBlue));
658  pdf.plotOn(frames.back(), ProjWData(*dataAll), LineColor(kBlue), Components("backgroundPass,backgroundFail"), LineStyle(kDashed));
659  frames.back()->Draw();
660  // plot the Fit Results
662  frames.push_back(mass->frame(Name("Fit Results"), Title("Fit Results")));
663  pdf.paramOn(frames.back(), dataAll, "", 0, "NELU", 0.1, 0.9, 0.9);
664  // draw only the parameter box not the whole frame
665  frames.back()->findObject(Form("%s_paramBox",pdf.GetName()))->Draw();
666  //save and clean up
667  canvas.Draw();
668  canvas.Write();
669  for (size_t i=0; i<frames.size(); i++) {
670  delete frames[i];
671  }
672  delete dataPass;
673  delete dataFail;
674 }
int i
const double w
def canvas
int massBins
number of bins to use in mass shape plots; 0 = automatic
int binnedFit
do binned fit; 0 = automatic, 1 = yes, -1 = no. d
void TagProbeFitter::setBinnedFit ( bool  binned,
int  bins = 0 

set if to do a binned fit

Definition at line 48 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

References binnedFit, and massBins.

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().

48 { binnedFit = binned; massBins = bins; }
int massBins
number of bins to use in mass shape plots; 0 = automatic
int binnedFit
do binned fit; 0 = automatic, 1 = yes, -1 = no. d
void TagProbeFitter::setBinsForMassPlots ( int  bins)

set number of bins to use when making the plots; 0 = automatic

Definition at line 132 of file

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().

132  {
133  massBins = bins;
134 }
int massBins
number of bins to use in mass shape plots; 0 = automatic
void TagProbeFitter::setInitialValues ( RooWorkspace *  w)

sets initial values of the PDF parameters based on the data available in the workspace

Definition at line 576 of file

576  {
577  // calculate initial values
578  double signalEfficiency = w->var("efficiency")->getVal();
579  double signalFractionInPassing = w->var("signalFractionInPassing")->getVal();
580  double totPassing = w->data("data")->sumEntries("_efficiencyCategory_==_efficiencyCategory_::Passed");
581  double totFailinging = w->data("data")->sumEntries("_efficiencyCategory_==_efficiencyCategory_::Failed");
582  double numSignalAll = totPassing*signalFractionInPassing/signalEfficiency;
584  //std::cout << "Number of probes: " << totPassing+totFailinging << std::endl;
586  // check if this value is inconsistent on the failing side
587  if(numSignalAll*(1-signalEfficiency) > totFailinging)
588  numSignalAll = totFailinging;
589  // now set the values
590  w->var("numTot")->setVal(totPassing+totFailinging);
591  w->var("numTot")->setMax(2.0*(totPassing+totFailinging)+10); //wiggle room in case of 0 events in bin
593  if (totPassing == 0) {
594  w->var("efficiency")->setVal(0.0);
595  w->var("efficiency")->setAsymError(0,1);
596  w->var("efficiency")->setConstant(false);
597  } else if (totFailinging == 0) {
598  w->var("efficiency")->setVal(1.0);
599  w->var("efficiency")->setAsymError(-1,0);
600  w->var("efficiency")->setConstant(false);
601  } else {
602  w->var("efficiency")->setConstant(false);
603  }
605  // if signal fraction is 1 then set the number of background events to 0.
606  //RooRealVar* fBkgPass = w->var("numBackgroundPass");
607  //if(signalFractionInPassing==1.0) { fBkgPass->setVal(0.0); fBkgPass->setConstant(true); }
609  // save initial state for reference
610  w->saveSnapshot("initialState",w->components());
611 }
const double w
void TagProbeFitter::setQuiet ( bool  quiet_ = true)

suppress most of the output from RooFit and Minuit

Definition at line 90 of file

References cond::ERROR, instance, and dqm::qstatus::WARNING.

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().

90  {
91  quiet = quiet_;
92  if (quiet) {
93  RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::ERROR);
94  } else {
95  RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::WARNING);
96  }
97 }
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
static const int WARNING
bool quiet
suppress most printout
void TagProbeFitter::setSaveDistributionsPlot ( bool  saveDistributionsPlot_)

Definition at line 54 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

References doSaveDistributionsPlot.

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().

54 { doSaveDistributionsPlot = saveDistributionsPlot_; }
bool doSaveDistributionsPlot
save distribution plots
void TagProbeFitter::setWeightVar ( const std::string &  weight)

set a variable to be used as weight for a dataset. empty string means no weights.

Definition at line 136 of file

References MetTreeProducer::var().

Referenced by TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().

136  {
137  weightVar = var;
138 }
std::string weightVar
weight variable (or empy string for no weights)
void TagProbeFitter::varFixer ( RooWorkspace *  w,
bool  fix 

fix or release variables selected by user

Definition at line 844 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

844  {
845  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it;
846  for(it=fixVars.begin(); it<fixVars.end(); it++){
847  if(w->var((*it).c_str()))
848  w->var((*it).c_str())->setAttribute("Constant",fix);
849  else{
850  std::cout << "TagProbeFitter: " << "Can't find a variable to fix: " << *it;
851  }
852  }
853 }
const double w
std::vector< std::string > fixVars
list of variables fo fix (see below)
tuple cout
void TagProbeFitter::varRestorer ( RooWorkspace *  w)

restore variables's values for fit starting point

Definition at line 867 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and i.

867  {
868  if(fixVarValues.size()==fixVars.size())
869  for(unsigned int i=0; i< fixVars.size(); i++){
870  std::cout << "setting variable " << fixVars[i].c_str() << std::endl;
871  w->var(fixVars[i].c_str())->setVal(fixVarValues[i]);
872  }
873  else{
874  std::cout << "fixVars and fixVarValues are not of the same size!" << std::endl;
875  }
876 }
int i
const double w
std::vector< std::string > fixVars
list of variables fo fix (see below)
std::vector< double > fixVarValues
tuple cout
void TagProbeFitter::varSaver ( RooWorkspace *  w)

store values in the vector

Definition at line 855 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

855  {
856  if(!fixVarValues.empty()){
857  std::cout << "attempt to save variables more than once!" << std::endl;
858  return;
859  }
860  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it;
861  for(it=fixVars.begin(); it<fixVars.end(); it++){
862  fixVarValues.push_back(w->var((*it).c_str())->getVal());
863  }
865 }
const double w
std::vector< std::string > fixVars
list of variables fo fix (see below)
std::vector< double > fixVarValues
tuple cout

Member Data Documentation

int TagProbeFitter::binnedFit

do binned fit; 0 = automatic, 1 = yes, -1 = no. d

Definition at line 82 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

Referenced by setBinnedFit().

bool TagProbeFitter::doSaveDistributionsPlot

save distribution plots

Definition at line 76 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

Referenced by setSaveDistributionsPlot().

std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<std::string,std::string>, std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > > > TagProbeFitter::expressionVars

expressions computed almost on the fly

Definition at line 98 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

std::vector<std::string> TagProbeFitter::fixVars

list of variables fo fix (see below)

Definition at line 105 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

std::vector<double> TagProbeFitter::fixVarValues

Definition at line 106 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

bool TagProbeFitter::floatShapeParameters

release some variables before the fit in each bin if set to "false" will fit all dataset to get values of specified variables and then fit all bins having them fixed if set to "true" (default) will not fit all dataset, just each bin with fixed and then released variables

Definition at line 111 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

TChain* TagProbeFitter::inputTree

pointer to the input TTree Chain of data

Definition at line 64 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

int TagProbeFitter::massBins

number of bins to use in mass shape plots; 0 = automatic

Definition at line 85 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

Referenced by setBinnedFit().

int TagProbeFitter::numCPU

number of CPUs to use for the fit

Definition at line 73 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

TDirectory* TagProbeFitter::outputDirectory

pointer to the TDirectory in the output file that is the root directory for this fitter

Definition at line 70 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

TFile* TagProbeFitter::outputFile

pointer to the output file

Definition at line 67 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

RooWorkspace TagProbeFitter::parameterParser

a RooWorkspace object to parse input parameters with ".factory()"

Definition at line 114 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > TagProbeFitter::pdfs

the map of pdf names to the vector of commands to build the pdf

Definition at line 88 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

bool TagProbeFitter::quiet

suppress most printout

Definition at line 117 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

bool TagProbeFitter::saveWorkspace

the default option wether to save the workspace for each bin

Definition at line 79 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<std::string,std::string>, std::pair<std::string, double> > > TagProbeFitter::thresholdCategories

Definition at line 102 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

RooArgSet TagProbeFitter::variables

the set of variables describing the data in the input TTree

Definition at line 91 of file TagProbeFitter.h.

std::string TagProbeFitter::weightVar

weight variable (or empy string for no weights)

Definition at line 94 of file TagProbeFitter.h.