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List of all members | Public Member Functions
cond::nonExistentGlobalTagException Class Reference

#include <Exception.h>

Inheritance diagram for cond::nonExistentGlobalTagException:
cond::Exception cms::Exception

Public Member Functions

 nonExistentGlobalTagException (const std::string &source, const std::string &globaltagName)
virtual ~nonExistentGlobalTagException () throw ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cond::Exception
 Exception (const std::string &message)
virtual ~Exception () throw ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cms::Exception
void addAdditionalInfo (std::string const &info)
void addAdditionalInfo (char const *info)
void addContext (std::string const &context)
void addContext (char const *context)
std::list< std::string > const & additionalInfo () const
bool alreadyPrinted () const
void append (Exception const &another)
void append (std::string const &more_information)
void append (char const *more_information)
std::string const & category () const
void clearAdditionalInfo ()
void clearContext ()
void clearMessage ()
virtual Exceptionclone () const
std::list< std::string > const & context () const
 Exception (std::string const &aCategory)
 Exception (char const *aCategory)
 Exception (std::string const &aCategory, std::string const &message)
 Exception (char const *aCategory, std::string const &message)
 Exception (std::string const &aCategory, char const *message)
 Exception (char const *aCategory, char const *message)
 Exception (std::string const &aCategory, std::string const &message, Exception const &another)
 Exception (Exception const &other)
virtual std::string explainSelf () const
std::list< std::string > history () const
std::string message () const
Exceptionoperator= (Exception const &other)
void raise ()
int returnCode () const
void setAdditionalInfo (std::list< std::string > const &info)
void setAlreadyPrinted (bool value)
void setContext (std::list< std::string > const &context)
void swap (Exception &other)
virtual char const * what () const throw ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file Exception.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cond::nonExistentGlobalTagException::nonExistentGlobalTagException ( const std::string &  source,
const std::string &  globaltagName 

Definition at line 16 of file Exception.h.

16  : Exception( source+std::string(": global tag: "+globaltagName+" does not exist") ){
17  }
Exception(const std::string &message)
static std::string const source
virtual cond::nonExistentGlobalTagException::~nonExistentGlobalTagException ( )
throw (

Definition at line 18 of file Exception.h.

18  {
19  }