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1 #ifndef HLTMuonDimuonL2Filter_h
2 #define HLTMuonDimuonL2Filter_h
19 namespace edm {
21 }
25  public:
28  static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions & descriptions);
29  virtual bool hltFilter(edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&, trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs & filterproduct) const override;
31  private:
34  edm::InputTag candTag_; // input tag identifying product contains muons
35  edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::RecoChargedCandidateCollection> candToken_; // token identifying product contains muons
36  edm::InputTag previousCandTag_; // input tag identifying product contains muons passing the previous level
37  edm::EDGetTokenT<trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs> previousCandToken_; // token identifying product contains muons passing the previous level
42  bool fast_Accept_; // flag to save time: stop processing after identification of the first valid pair
43  double max_Eta_; // Eta cut
44  int min_Nhits_; // threshold on number of hits on muon
45  int min_Nstations_; // threshold on number of valid stations for muon
46  int min_Nchambers_; // threshold on number of valid chambers for muon
47  double max_Dr_; // impact parameter cut
48  double max_Dz_; // dz cut
49  int chargeOpt_; // Charge option (0:nothing; +1:same charge, -1:opposite charge)
50  double min_PtPair_; // minimum Pt for the dimuon system
51  double min_PtMax_; // minimum Pt for muon with max Pt in pair
52  double min_PtMin_; // minimum Pt for muon with min Pt in pair
53  double min_InvMass_; // minimum invariant mass of pair
54  double max_InvMass_; // maximum invariant mass of pair
55  double min_Acop_; // minimum acoplanarity
56  double max_Acop_; // maximum acoplanarity
57  double min_Angle_; // minimum 3D angle
58  double max_Angle_; // maximum 3D angle
59  double min_PtBalance_; // minimum Pt difference
60  double max_PtBalance_; // maximum Pt difference
61  double nsigma_Pt_; // pt uncertainty margin (in number of sigmas)
63 };
65 #endif //HLTMuonDimuonFilter_h
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > beamspotToken_
virtual bool hltFilter(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &filterproduct) const override
edm::EDGetTokenT< SeedMap > seedMapToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::RecoChargedCandidateCollection > candToken_
edm::InputTag seedMapTag_
input tag of the map from the L2 seed to the sister L2 seeds of cleaned tracks
edm::EDGetTokenT< trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs > previousCandToken_
HLTMuonDimuonL2Filter(const edm::ParameterSet &)