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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 #
4 # The purpose of this file is to make configuration changes for the Stage1
5 # L1 trigger, but *ONLY* if the era is active. If it is not, this file should
6 # do nothing.
7 # Hence it is safe to import this file all the time, and the changes will only
8 # be triggered when required.
9 #
10 # DO NOT add anything to this file that is not conditional on eras.stage1L1Trigger
11 # being active. Files importing this one assume that is safe to do so all the
12 # time.
13 #
14 # This file MUST be imported with the "*" format, i.e.
15 # from L1Trigger.Configuration.ConditionalStage1Configuration_cff import *
16 # If you import with just a plain "import", i.e.
17 # import L1Trigger.Configuration.ConditionalStage1Configuration_cff
18 # then the ProcessModifier will be in the wrong namespace and it will not be
19 # run, so the era customisations will not be applied.
20 #
22 from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras
24 def _loadStage1Fragments( processObject ) :
25 # processObject.load('L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.caloStage1Params_cfi')
26  processObject.load('L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.L1TCaloStage1_cff')
27  processObject.load('L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.caloConfigStage1PP_cfi')
29 # A unique name is required so I'll use make sure the name includes the filename
30 modifyL1TriggerConfigurationConditionalStage1Configuration_cff_ = eras.stage1L1Trigger.makeProcessModifier( _loadStage1Fragments )