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1 /* \class gamma_radiative_analyzer
2  *
3  * author: Pasquale Noli
4  *
5  * Gamma Radiative analyzer
6  *
7  *
8  */
37 #include <iostream>
38 #include <iterator>
39 #include <cmath>
40 #include <vector>
41 #include "TH1.h"
42 #include "TH2.h"
43 //#include "TH3.h"
45 using namespace edm;
46 using namespace std;
47 using namespace reco;
48 using namespace isodeposit;
53 public:
55 private:
56  virtual void analyze(const edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& setup) override;
57  virtual void endJob() override;
65  double dRVeto_, dRTrk_, ptThreshold_;
66  //histograms
67  TH2D *h_gamma_pt_eta_, *h_mu_pt_eta_FSR_, *h_mu_pt_eta_no_FSR_;
69  //boolean
70  bool FSR_mu, FSR_tk, FSR_mu0, FSR_mu1;
72  //counter
73  int zmmcounter , zmscounter, zmtcounter,numOfEvent,numofGamma;
74 };
77  zMuMuToken_(consumes<CandidateView>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuMu"))),
78  zMuMuMatchMapToken_(mayConsume<GenParticleMatch>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuMuMatchMap"))),
79  zMuTkToken_(consumes<CandidateView>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuTk"))),
80  zMuTkMatchMapToken_(mayConsume<GenParticleMatch>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuTkMatchMap"))),
81  zMuSaToken_(consumes<CandidateView>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuSa"))),
82  zMuSaMatchMapToken_(mayConsume<GenParticleMatch>(pset.getParameter<InputTag>("zMuSaMatchMap"))){
83  zmmcounter=0;
84  zmscounter=0;
85  zmtcounter=0;
86  numOfEvent=0;
87  numofGamma=0;
90  // general histograms
91  h_gamma_pt_eta_= fs->make<TH2D>("h_gamma_pt_eta","pt vs eta of gamma",100,20,100,100,-2.0,2.0);
92  h_mu_pt_eta_FSR_= fs->make<TH2D>("h_mu_pt_eta_FSR","pt vs eta of muon with FSR",100,20,100,100,-2.0,2.0 );
93  h_mu_pt_eta_no_FSR_= fs->make<TH2D>("h_mu_pt_eta_no_FSR","pt vs eta of of muon withot FSR",100,20,100,100,-2.0,2.0);
94 }
97  Handle<CandidateView> zMuMu; //Collection of Z made by Mu global + Mu global
98  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuMuMatchMap; //Map of Z made by Mu global + Mu global with MC
99  event.getByToken(zMuMuToken_, zMuMu);
100  Handle<CandidateView> zMuTk; //Collection of Z made by Mu global + Track
101  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuTkMatchMap;
102  event.getByToken(zMuTkToken_, zMuTk);
103  Handle<CandidateView> zMuSa; //Collection of Z made by Mu global + Sa
104  Handle<GenParticleMatch> zMuSaMatchMap;
105  event.getByToken(zMuSaToken_, zMuSa);
106  numOfEvent++;
107  // ZMuMu
108  if (zMuMu->size() > 0 ) {
109  event.getByToken(zMuMuMatchMapToken_, zMuMuMatchMap);
110  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuMu->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
112  const Candidate & zMuMuCand = (*zMuMu)[i]; //the candidate
113  CandidateBaseRef zMuMuCandRef = zMuMu->refAt(i);
116  CandidateBaseRef dau0 = zMuMuCand.daughter(0)->masterClone();
117  CandidateBaseRef dau1 = zMuMuCand.daughter(1)->masterClone();
118  const pat::Muon& mu0 = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon&>(*dau0);//cast in patMuon
119  const pat::Muon& mu1 = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon&>(*dau1);
121  double zmass= zMuMuCand.mass();
122  double pt0 =;
123  double pt1 =;
124  double eta0 = mu0.eta();
125  double eta1 = mu1.eta();
126  if(pt0>20 && pt1 > 20 && abs(eta0)<2 && abs(eta1)<2 && zmass > 20 && zmass < 200){
127  GenParticleRef zMuMuMatch = (*zMuMuMatchMap)[zMuMuCandRef];
128  if(zMuMuMatch.isNonnull()) { // ZMuMu matched
129  zmmcounter++;
130  FSR_mu0 = false;
131  FSR_mu1 = false;
133  //MonteCarlo Study
134  const reco::GenParticle * muMc0 = mu0.genLepton();
135  const reco::GenParticle * muMc1 = mu1.genLepton();
136  const Candidate * motherMu0 = muMc0->mother();
137  const Candidate * motherMu1 = muMc1->mother();
138  int num_dau_muon0 = motherMu0->numberOfDaughters();
139  int num_dau_muon1 = motherMu1->numberOfDaughters();
140  if( num_dau_muon0 > 1 ){
141  for(int j = 0; j < num_dau_muon0; ++j){
142  int id =motherMu0 ->daughter(j)->pdgId();
143  if(id == 22){
144  double etaG = motherMu0 ->daughter(j)->eta();
145  double ptG = motherMu0 ->daughter(j)->pt();
146  h_gamma_pt_eta_->Fill(ptG,etaG);
147  h_mu_pt_eta_FSR_->Fill(pt0,eta0);
148  FSR_mu0=true;
149  numofGamma++;
150  }
151  }
152  }//end check of gamma
153  if(!FSR_mu0) h_mu_pt_eta_no_FSR_->Fill(pt0,eta0);
154  if( num_dau_muon1 > 1 ){
155  for(int j = 0; j < num_dau_muon1; ++j){
156  int id = motherMu1->daughter(j)->pdgId();
157  if(id == 22){
158  double etaG = motherMu1 ->daughter(j)->eta();
159  double ptG = motherMu1 ->daughter(j)->pt();
160  h_gamma_pt_eta_->Fill(ptG,etaG);
161  h_mu_pt_eta_FSR_->Fill(pt1,eta1);
162  FSR_mu1=true;
163  numofGamma++;
164  }
165  }
166  }//end check of gamma
167  if(!FSR_mu1) h_mu_pt_eta_no_FSR_->Fill(pt1,eta1);
168  }// end MC match
169  }//end of cuts
170  }// end loop on ZMuMu cand
171  }// end if ZMuMu size > 0
173  // ZMuSa
174  if (zMuSa->size() > 0 ) {
175  event.getByToken(zMuSaMatchMapToken_, zMuSaMatchMap);
176  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuSa->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
178  const Candidate & zMuSaCand = (*zMuSa)[i]; //the candidate
179  CandidateBaseRef zMuSaCandRef = zMuSa->refAt(i);
182  CandidateBaseRef dau0 = zMuSaCand.daughter(0)->masterClone();
183  CandidateBaseRef dau1 = zMuSaCand.daughter(1)->masterClone();
184  const pat::Muon& mu0 = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon&>(*dau0);//cast in patMuon
185  const pat::Muon& mu1 = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon&>(*dau1);
187  double zmass= zMuSaCand.mass();
188  double pt0 =;
189  double pt1 =;
190  double eta0 = mu0.eta();
191  double eta1 = mu1.eta();
192  if(pt0>20 && pt1 > 20 && abs(eta0)<2 && abs(eta1)<2 && zmass > 20 && zmass < 200){
193  GenParticleRef zMuSaMatch = (*zMuSaMatchMap)[zMuSaCandRef];
194  if(zMuSaMatch.isNonnull()) { // ZMuSa matched
195  FSR_mu0 = false;
196  FSR_mu1 = false;
197  zmscounter++;
198  //MonteCarlo Study
199  const reco::GenParticle * muMc0 = mu0.genLepton();
200  const reco::GenParticle * muMc1 = mu1.genLepton();
201  const Candidate * motherMu0 = muMc0->mother();
202  const Candidate * motherMu1 = muMc1->mother();
203  int num_dau_muon0 = motherMu0->numberOfDaughters();
204  int num_dau_muon1 = motherMu1->numberOfDaughters();
205  if( num_dau_muon0 > 1 ){
206  for(int j = 0; j < num_dau_muon0; ++j){
207  int id =motherMu0 ->daughter(j)->pdgId();
208  if(id == 22){
209  double etaG = motherMu0 ->daughter(j)->eta();
210  double ptG = motherMu0 ->daughter(j)->pt();
211  h_gamma_pt_eta_->Fill(ptG,etaG);
212  h_mu_pt_eta_FSR_->Fill(pt0,eta0);
213  numofGamma++;
214  FSR_mu0=true;
215  }
216  }
217  }//end check of gamma
218  if(!FSR_mu0) h_mu_pt_eta_no_FSR_->Fill(pt0,eta0);
219  if( num_dau_muon1 > 1 ){
220  for(int j = 0; j < num_dau_muon1; ++j){
221  int id = motherMu1->daughter(j)->pdgId();
222  if(id == 22){
223  double etaG = motherMu1 ->daughter(j)->eta();
224  double ptG = motherMu1 ->daughter(j)->pt();
225  h_gamma_pt_eta_->Fill(ptG,etaG);
226  h_mu_pt_eta_FSR_->Fill(pt1,eta1);
227  numofGamma++;
228  FSR_mu1=true;
229  }
230  }
231  }//end check of gamma
232  if(!FSR_mu1) h_mu_pt_eta_no_FSR_->Fill(pt1,eta1);
233  }// end MC match
234  }//end of cuts
235  }// end loop on ZMuSa cand
236  }// end if ZMuSa size > 0
240  //ZMuTk
241  if (zMuTk->size() > 0 ) {
242  event.getByToken(zMuTkMatchMapToken_, zMuTkMatchMap);
243  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < zMuTk->size(); ++i) { //loop on candidates
244  const Candidate & zMuTkCand = (*zMuTk)[i]; //the candidate
245  CandidateBaseRef zMuTkCandRef = zMuTk->refAt(i);
248  CandidateBaseRef dau0 = zMuTkCand.daughter(0)->masterClone();
249  CandidateBaseRef dau1 = zMuTkCand.daughter(1)->masterClone();
250  const pat::Muon& mu0 = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon&>(*dau0);//cast in patMuon
251  const pat::GenericParticle& mu1 = dynamic_cast<const pat::GenericParticle &>(*dau1);
254  double zmass= zMuTkCand.mass();
255  double pt0 =;
256  double pt1 =;
257  double eta0 = mu0.eta();
258  double eta1 = mu1.eta();
259  if(pt0>20 && pt1 > 20 && abs(eta0)<2 && abs(eta1)<2 && zmass > 20 && zmass < 200){//kinematical cuts
260  GenParticleRef zMuTkMatch = (*zMuTkMatchMap)[zMuTkCandRef];
261  if(zMuTkMatch.isNonnull()) { // ZMuTk matched
262  FSR_mu = false;
263  FSR_tk = false;
264  zmtcounter++;
265  //MonteCarlo Study
266  const reco::GenParticle * muMc0 = mu0.genLepton();
267  const reco::GenParticle * muMc1 = mu1.genParticle() ;
268  const Candidate * motherMu0 = muMc0->mother();
269  const Candidate * motherMu1 = muMc1->mother();
270  int num_dau_muon0 = motherMu0->numberOfDaughters();
271  int num_dau_muon1 = motherMu1->numberOfDaughters();
272  if( num_dau_muon0 > 1 ){
273  for(int j = 0; j < num_dau_muon0; ++j){
274  int id = motherMu0->daughter(j)->pdgId();
275  if(id == 22){
276  double etaG = motherMu0 ->daughter(j)->eta();
277  double ptG = motherMu0 ->daughter(j)->pt();
278  h_gamma_pt_eta_->Fill(ptG,etaG);
279  h_mu_pt_eta_FSR_->Fill(pt0,eta0);
280  numofGamma++;
281  FSR_mu0=true;
282  }
283  }
284  }//end check of gamma
285  if(!FSR_mu0) h_mu_pt_eta_no_FSR_->Fill(pt0,eta0);
286  if( num_dau_muon1 > 1 ){
287  for(int j = 0; j < num_dau_muon1; ++j){
288  int id = motherMu1->daughter(j)->pdgId();
289  if(id == 22){
290  double etaG = motherMu1 ->daughter(j)->eta();
291  double ptG = motherMu1 ->daughter(j)->pt();
292  h_gamma_pt_eta_->Fill(ptG,etaG);
293  h_mu_pt_eta_FSR_->Fill(pt1,eta1);
294  numofGamma++;
295  FSR_mu1=true;
296  }
297  }
298  }//end check of gamma
299  if(!FSR_mu1) h_mu_pt_eta_no_FSR_->Fill(pt1,eta1);
300  }// end MC match
301  }//end Kine-cuts
302  }// end loop on ZMuTk cand
303  }// end if ZMuTk size > 0
304 }// end analyze
309  cout <<" ============= Summary =========="<<endl;
310  cout <<" Numero di eventi = "<< numOfEvent << endl;
311  cout <<" 1)Numero di ZMuMu matched dopo i tagli cinematici = "<< zmmcounter << endl;
312  cout <<" 2)Numero di ZMuSa matched dopo i tagli cinematici = "<< zmscounter << endl;
313  cout <<" 3)Numero di ZMuTk matched dopo i tagli cinematici = "<< zmtcounter << endl;
314  cout <<" 4)Number of gamma = "<< numofGamma << endl;
315  }
gamma_radiative_analyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
int i
EDGetTokenT< CandidateView > zMuMuToken_
virtual const Candidate * daughter(size_type i) const =0
return daughter at a given position, i = 0, ... numberOfDaughters() - 1 (read only mode) ...
const reco::GenParticle * genLepton() const
Definition: Lepton.h:42
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:252
virtual void analyze(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup) override
const reco::GenParticle * genParticle(size_t idx=0) const
Definition: PATObject.h:244
virtual double pt() const =0
transverse momentum
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:17
virtual double mass() const =0
T * make(const Args &...args) const
make new ROOT object
Definition: TFileService.h:64
virtual void endJob() override
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
virtual double pt() const
transverse momentum
Analysis-level Generic Particle class (e.g. for hadron or muon not fully reconstructed) ...
virtual size_type numberOfDaughters() const =0
number of daughters
edm::ValueMap< float > IsolationCollection
tuple zMuSa
zMUSa vector of PSet is specific for zMuSa category
EDGetTokenT< CandidateView > zMuSaToken_
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
int j
EDGetTokenT< GenParticleMatch > zMuMuMatchMapToken_
EDGetTokenT< GenParticleMatch > zMuTkMatchMapToken_
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
virtual int pdgId() const =0
PDG identifier.
EDGetTokenT< GenParticleMatch > zMuSaMatchMapToken_
EDGetTokenT< CandidateView > zMuTkToken_
tuple cout
Analysis-level muon class.
Definition: Muon.h:49
virtual const Candidate * mother(size_type=0) const
return mother at a given position, i = 0, ... numberOfMothers() - 1 (read only mode) ...
void setup(std::vector< TH2F > &depth, std::string name, std::string units="")
tuple zMuMu
zMuMu vector of PSet is common to all categories except zMuTrk category
virtual double eta() const =0
momentum pseudorapidity
virtual const CandidateBaseRef & masterClone() const =0