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1 #ifndef PhysicsTools_Utilities_HistoChiSquare_h
2 #define PhysicsTools_Utilities_HistoChiSquare_h
4 #include <vector>
5 #include "TH1.h"
6 #include "TMath.h"
8 namespace fit {
9  template<typename T>
11  public:
13  HistoChiSquare(T & t, TH1 *histo, double rangeMin, double rangeMax):
14  t_(&t), rangeMin_(rangeMin), rangeMax_(rangeMax) {
15  nBins_ = histo->GetNbinsX();
16  xMin_ = histo->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
17  xMax_ = histo->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
18  deltaX_ =(xMax_ - xMin_) / nBins_;
19  for(size_t i = 0; i < nBins_; ++i) {
20  cont_.push_back( histo->GetBinContent(i+1) );
21  err_.push_back( histo->GetBinError(i+1) );
22  }
23  }
24  double operator()() const {
25  double chi2 = 0;
26  for(size_t i = 0; i < nBins_; ++i) {
27  double x = xMin_ + ( i +.5 ) * deltaX_;
28  if((x > rangeMin_)&&(x < rangeMax_)&&(err_[i] > 0)) {
29  double r = ( cont_[i] - (*t_)(x) )/err_[i];
30  chi2 += (r * r);
31  }
32  }
33  return chi2;
34  }
35  void setHistos(TH1 *histo) {
36  nBins_ = histo->GetNbinsX();
37  xMin_ = histo->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
38  xMax_ = histo->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
39  deltaX_ =(xMax_ - xMin_) / nBins_;
40  }
41  size_t numberOfBins() const {
42  size_t fullBins = 0;
43  for(size_t i = 0; i < nBins_; ++i) {
44  double x = xMin_ + ( i +.5 ) * deltaX_;
45  if((x > rangeMin_)&&(x < rangeMax_)&&(err_[i] > 0))
46  fullBins++;
47  }
48  return fullBins;
49  }
50  T & function() { return * t_; }
51  const T & function() const { return * t_; }
52  private:
53  T * t_;
55  size_t nBins_;
56  double xMin_, xMax_, deltaX_;
57  std::vector<double> cont_;
58  std::vector<double> err_;
59  };
61  template<typename T>
63  static void print(double amin, unsigned int numberOfFreeParameters, const HistoChiSquare<T> & f) {
64  unsigned int ndof = f.numberOfBins() - numberOfFreeParameters;
65  std::cout << "chi-squared/n.d.o.f. = " << amin << "/" << ndof << " = " << amin/ndof
66  << "; prob: " << TMath::Prob(amin, ndof)
67  << std::endl;
68  }
69  };
70 }
72 #endif
int i
HistoChiSquare(T &t, TH1 *histo, double rangeMin, double rangeMax)
void setHistos(TH1 *histo)
size_t numberOfBins() const
T x() const
Cartesian x coordinate.
double f[11][100]
std::vector< double > cont_
std::vector< double > err_
tuple cout
double operator()() const
static void print(double amin, unsigned int numberOfFreeParameters, const HistoChiSquare< T > &f)
long double T