1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
3 from RecoTracker.Configuration.customiseForRunI
import customiseForRunI
8 from L1Trigger.L1TCommon.customsPostLS1
import customiseSimL1EmulatorForStage1
12 from SLHCUpgradeSimulations.Configuration.muonCustoms
import customise_csc_PostLS1
16 from SLHCUpgradeSimulations.Configuration.fastSimCustoms
import customise_fastSimPostLS1
20 if hasattr(process,
22 if hasattr(process,
24 if hasattr(process,
26 if hasattr(process,
28 if hasattr(process,
or ( hasattr(process,
and hasattr(process.mix,
30 if hasattr(process,
32 if hasattr(process,
34 if hasattr(process,
36 if hasattr(process,
38 if hasattr(process,
40 if hasattr(process,
49 # -- Warning! You are using a deprecated customisation function. --
51 # It will probably run fine, but the customisations you are getting may be out of date.
52 # You should update your configuration file by
54 # 1) remove the "--customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/postLS1Customs.customisePostLS1" option
55 # 2) add the option "--era Run2_25ns"
56 # If using a pre-made configuration file:
57 # 1) remove or comment out the "process = customisePostLS1(process)" line.
58 # 2) add "from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras" to the TOP of the config file (above
59 # the process declaration).
60 # 3) add "eras.Run2_25ns" as a parameter to the process object, e.g. "process = cms.Process('HLT',eras.Run2_25ns)"
62 # There is more information at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideCmsDriverEras
69 if hasattr(process,
71 if hasattr(process,
83 if hasattr(process,
92 # -- Warning! You are using a deprecated customisation function. --
94 # It will probably run fine, but the customisations you are getting may be out of date.
95 # You should update your configuration file by
97 # 1) remove the "--customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/postLS1Customs.customisePostLS1_50ns" option
98 # 2) add the option "--era Run2_50ns"
99 # If using a pre-made configuration file:
100 # 1) remove or comment out the "process = customisePostLS1_50ns(process)" line.
101 # 2) add "from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras" to the TOP of the config file (above
102 # the process declaration).
103 # 3) add "eras.Run2_50ns" as a parameter to the process object, e.g. "process = cms.Process('HLT',eras.Run2_50ns)"
105 # There is more information at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideCmsDriverEras
113 if hasattr(process,
122 # -- Warning! You are using a deprecated customisation function. --
124 # It will probably run fine, but the customisations you are getting may be out of date.
125 # You should update your configuration file by
126 # If using cmsDriver:
127 # 1) remove the "--customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/postLS1Customs.customisePostLS1_HI" option
128 # 2) add the option "--era Run2_HI"
129 # If using a pre-made configuration file:
130 # 1) remove or comment out the "process = customisePostLS1_HI(process)" line.
131 # 2) add "from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras" to the TOP of the config file (above
132 # the process declaration).
133 # 3) add "eras.Run2_HI" as a parameter to the process object, e.g. "process = cms.Process('HLT',eras.Run2_HI)"
135 # There is more information at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideCmsDriverEras
143 from L1Trigger.L1TCommon.customsPostLS1
import customiseSimL1EmulatorForPostLS1_Additional_HI
172 alist=[
175 if hasattr(process,b):
176 getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append(
'keep *_simMuonCSCDigis_*_*')
177 getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append(
'keep *_simMuonRPCDigis_*_*')
178 getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append(
'keep *_simHcalUnsuppressedDigis_*_*')
186 process.l1tCsctf.gangedME11a = cms.untracked.bool(
188 if hasattr(process,
189 process.HBHENoiseFilterResultProducer.IgnoreTS4TS5ifJetInLowBVRegion = cms.bool(
208 process.g4SimHits.HFShowerLibrary.FileName =
213 if hasattr(process,
and hasattr(process.mix,
214 if hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,
and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers.hcal,
215 process.mix.digitizers.hcal.ho.photoelectronsToAnalog = cms.vdouble([4.0]*16)
216 process.mix.digitizers.hcal.ho.siPMCode = cms.int32(1)
217 process.mix.digitizers.hcal.ho.pixels = cms.int32(2500)
218 process.mix.digitizers.hcal.ho.doSiPMSmearing = cms.bool(
219 if hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,
and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers.hcal,
220 process.mix.digitizers.hcal.hf1.samplingFactor = cms.double(0.60)
221 if hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,
and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers.hcal,
222 process.mix.digitizers.hcal.hf2.samplingFactor = cms.double(0.60)
226 if hasattr(process,
227 if hasattr(process.mixData,
228 process.mixData.ho.photoelectronsToAnalog = cms.vdouble([4.0]*16)
229 process.mixData.ho.siPMCode = cms.int32(1)
230 process.mixData.ho.pixels = cms.int32(2500)
231 process.mixData.ho.doSiPMSmearing = cms.bool(
232 if hasattr(process.mixData,
233 process.mixData.hf1.samplingFactor = cms.double(0.60)
234 if hasattr(process.mixData,
235 process.mixData.hf2.samplingFactor = cms.double(0.60)
240 if hasattr(process,
and hasattr(process.mix,
241 if hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,
243 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theInstLumiScaleFactor = cms.double(246.4)
244 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
266 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
300 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
346 if hasattr(process,
348 process.mixData.theInstLumiScaleFactor = cms.double(246.4)
349 process.mixData.theLadderEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
371 process.mixData.theLadderEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
405 process.mixData.theLadderEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
455 if hasattr(process,
and hasattr(process.mix,
456 if hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,
458 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theInstLumiScaleFactor = cms.double(364)
459 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
481 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
515 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theLadderEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
561 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theModuleEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
567 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theModuleEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
573 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.theModuleEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
579 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.thePUEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
585 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.thePUEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
591 process.mix.digitizers.pixel.thePUEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
597 if hasattr(process,
599 process.mixData.theInstLumiScaleFactor = cms.double(364)
600 process.mixData.theLadderEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
622 process.mixData.theLadderEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
656 process.mixData.theLadderEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
702 process.mixData.theModuleEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
708 process.mixData.theModuleEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
714 process.mixData.theModuleEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
720 process.mixData.thePUEfficiency_BPix1 = cms.vdouble(
726 process.mixData.thePUEfficiency_BPix2 = cms.vdouble(
732 process.mixData.thePUEfficiency_BPix3 = cms.vdouble(
746 process.RawToDigi.remove(process.gtEvmDigis)
760 if hasattr(process,
761 for prod
in process.particleFlowRecHitHO.producers:
762 prod.qualityTests = cms.VPSet(
764 name = cms.string(
765 threshold = cms.double(0.05)
768 name = cms.string(
769 maxSeverities = cms.vint32(11),
770 cleaningThresholds = cms.vdouble(0.0),
771 flags = cms.vstring(
777 for p
in process.particleFlowClusterHO.seedFinder.thresholdsByDetector:
778 p.seedingThreshold = cms.double(0.08)
780 for p
in process.particleFlowClusterHO.initialClusteringStep.thresholdsByDetector:
781 p.gatheringThreshold = cms.double(0.05)
783 for p
in process.particleFlowClusterHO.pfClusterBuilder.recHitEnergyNorms:
784 p.recHitEnergyNorm = cms.double(0.05)
786 process.particleFlowClusterHO.pfClusterBuilder.positionCalc.logWeightDenominator = cms.double(0.05)
787 process.particleFlowClusterHO.pfClusterBuilder.allCellsPositionCalc.logWeightDenominator = cms.double(0.05)
790 if hasattr(process,
791 process.muonDetIdAssociator.includeBadChambers = cms.bool(
805 alist=[
808 if hasattr(process,b):
809 getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append(
'keep *_simMuonCSCDigis_*_*')
810 getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append(
'keep *_simMuonRPCDigis_*_*')
811 getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append(
'keep *_simHcalUnsuppressedDigis_*_*')
812 getattr(process,b).outputCommands.append(
'keep *_rawDataCollector_*_*')
def customise_Digi_Common
def customisePostLS1_lowPU
def customisePostLS1_Common
def customiseSimL1EmulatorForPostLS1_Additional_HI
def customiseSimL1EmulatorForStage1
def customisePostLS1_50ns
def customise_csc_PostLS1
def customise_fastSimPostLS1
def customisePostLS1_B0T_lowPU