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edm::GlobalSchedule Class Reference

#include <GlobalSchedule.h>


class  SendTerminationSignalIfException

Public Types

typedef std::vector< Worker * > AllWorkers
typedef std::vector< std::string > vstring
typedef std::shared_ptr< WorkerWorkerPtr
typedef std::vector< Worker * > Workers

Public Member Functions

AllWorkers const & allWorkers () const
 returns the collection of pointers to workers More...
void beginJob (ProductRegistry const &)
void endJob (ExceptionCollector &collector)
std::vector< ModuleDescription
const * > 
getAllModuleDescriptions () const
void getTriggerReport (TriggerReport &rep) const
 GlobalSchedule (std::shared_ptr< TriggerResultInserter > inserter, std::shared_ptr< ModuleRegistry > modReg, std::vector< std::string > const &modulesToUse, ParameterSet &proc_pset, ProductRegistry &pregistry, PreallocationConfiguration const &prealloc, ExceptionToActionTable const &actions, std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > areg, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration > processConfiguration, ProcessContext const *processContext)
 GlobalSchedule (GlobalSchedule const &)=delete
template<typename T >
void processOneGlobal (typename T::MyPrincipal &principal, EventSetup const &eventSetup, bool cleaningUpAfterException=false)
void replaceModule (maker::ModuleHolder *iMod, std::string const &iLabel)
 clone the type of module with label iLabel but configure with iPSet. More...
bool terminate () const
 Return whether each output module has reached its maximum count. More...

Private Member Functions

ExceptionToActionTable const & actionTable () const
 returns the action table More...
void addToAllWorkers (Worker *w)
template<typename T >
void runNow (typename T::MyPrincipal &p, EventSetup const &es, GlobalContext const *context)

Private Attributes

std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistryactReg_
ProcessContext const * processContext_
WorkerPtr results_inserter_
WorkerManager workerManager_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 69 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<Worker*> edm::GlobalSchedule::AllWorkers

Definition at line 72 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

typedef std::vector<std::string> edm::GlobalSchedule::vstring

Definition at line 71 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<Worker> edm::GlobalSchedule::WorkerPtr

Definition at line 73 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

typedef std::vector<Worker*> edm::GlobalSchedule::Workers

Definition at line 74 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

edm::GlobalSchedule::GlobalSchedule ( std::shared_ptr< TriggerResultInserter inserter,
std::shared_ptr< ModuleRegistry modReg,
std::vector< std::string > const &  modulesToUse,
ParameterSet proc_pset,
ProductRegistry pregistry,
PreallocationConfiguration const &  prealloc,
ExceptionToActionTable const &  actions,
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry areg,
std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration processConfiguration,
ProcessContext const *  processContext 

Definition at line 19 of file

References edm::actions, actReg_, addToAllWorkers(), assert(), edm::errors::Configuration, Exception, edm::ParameterSet::getPSetForUpdate(), edm::WorkerManager::getWorker(), results_inserter_, and workerManager_.

28  :
29  workerManager_(modReg,areg,actions),
30  actReg_(areg),
31  processContext_(processContext)
32  {
33  for (auto const& moduleLabel : iModulesToUse) {
34  bool isTracked;
35  ParameterSet* modpset = proc_pset.getPSetForUpdate(moduleLabel, isTracked);
36  if (modpset == 0) {
38  "The unknown module label \"" << moduleLabel <<
39  "\"\n please check spelling";
40  }
41  assert(isTracked);
43  //side effect keeps this module around
44  addToAllWorkers(workerManager_.getWorker(*modpset, pregistry, &prealloc,processConfiguration, moduleLabel));
46  }
47  if(inserter) {
48  results_inserter_.reset(new edm::WorkerT<TriggerResultInserter::ModuleType>(inserter, inserter->moduleDescription(), &actions));
49  inserter->doPreallocate(prealloc);
50  results_inserter_->setActivityRegistry(actReg_);
52  }
54  } // GlobalSchedule::GlobalSchedule
void addToAllWorkers(Worker *w)
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > actReg_
ProcessContext const * processContext_
WorkerPtr results_inserter_
WorkerManager workerManager_
Worker * getWorker(ParameterSet &pset, ProductRegistry &preg, PreallocationConfiguration const *prealloc, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const > processConfiguration, std::string const &label)
edm::GlobalSchedule::GlobalSchedule ( GlobalSchedule const &  )

Member Function Documentation

ExceptionToActionTable const& edm::GlobalSchedule::actionTable ( ) const

returns the action table

Definition at line 148 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

References edm::WorkerManager::actionTable(), and workerManager_.

148  {
149  return workerManager_.actionTable();
150  }
WorkerManager workerManager_
ExceptionToActionTable const & actionTable() const
Definition: WorkerManager.h:67
void edm::GlobalSchedule::addToAllWorkers ( Worker w)

Definition at line 95 of file

References edm::WorkerManager::addToAllWorkers(), and workerManager_.

Referenced by GlobalSchedule().

95  {
97  }
const double w
WorkerManager workerManager_
void addToAllWorkers(Worker *w)
AllWorkers const& edm::GlobalSchedule::allWorkers ( ) const

returns the collection of pointers to workers

Definition at line 115 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

References edm::WorkerManager::allWorkers(), and workerManager_.

Referenced by getAllModuleDescriptions(), replaceModule(), and runNow().

115  {
116  return workerManager_.allWorkers();
117  }
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
Definition: WorkerManager.h:63
WorkerManager workerManager_
void edm::GlobalSchedule::beginJob ( ProductRegistry const &  iRegistry)

Definition at line 61 of file

References edm::WorkerManager::beginJob(), and workerManager_.

61  {
62  workerManager_.beginJob(iRegistry);
63  }
void beginJob(ProductRegistry const &iRegistry)
WorkerManager workerManager_
void edm::GlobalSchedule::endJob ( ExceptionCollector collector)

Definition at line 57 of file

References edm::WorkerManager::endJob(), and workerManager_.

57  {
58  workerManager_.endJob(collector);
59  }
WorkerManager workerManager_
std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > edm::GlobalSchedule::getAllModuleDescriptions ( ) const

Return a vector allowing const access to all the ModuleDescriptions for this GlobalSchedule. *** N.B. *** Ownership of the ModuleDescriptions is not *** passed to the caller. Do not call delete on these *** pointers!

Definition at line 83 of file

References allWorkers(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, query::result, and findQualityFiles::size.

83  {
84  std::vector<ModuleDescription const*> result;
85  result.reserve(allWorkers().size());
87  for (auto const& worker : allWorkers()) {
88  ModuleDescription const* p = worker->descPtr();
89  result.push_back(p);
90  }
91  return result;
92  }
tuple result
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
returns the collection of pointers to workers
tuple size
Write out results.
void edm::GlobalSchedule::getTriggerReport ( TriggerReport rep) const

Return the trigger report information on paths, modules-in-path, modules-in-endpath, and modules.

template<typename T >
void edm::GlobalSchedule::processOneGlobal ( typename T::MyPrincipal &  principal,
EventSetup const &  eventSetup,
bool  cleaningUpAfterException = false 

Definition at line 165 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

References actReg_, edm::addContextAndPrintException(), cms::Exception::context(), edm::StreamID::invalidStreamID(), processContext_, edm::WorkerManager::processOneOccurrence(), workerManager_, and edm::convertException::wrap().

167  {
168  GlobalContext globalContext = T::makeGlobalContext(ep, processContext_);
170  GlobalScheduleSignalSentry<T> sentry(actReg_.get(), &globalContext);
172  SendTerminationSignalIfException terminationSentry(actReg_.get(), &globalContext);
174  // This call takes care of the unscheduled processing.
175  workerManager_.processOneOccurrence<T>(ep, es, StreamID::invalidStreamID(), &globalContext, &globalContext, cleaningUpAfterException);
177  try {
178  convertException::wrap([&]() {
179  runNow<T>(ep,es,&globalContext);
180  });
181  }
182  catch(cms::Exception& ex) {
183  if (ex.context().empty()) {
184  addContextAndPrintException("Calling function GlobalSchedule::processOneGlobal", ex, cleaningUpAfterException);
185  } else {
186  addContextAndPrintException("", ex, cleaningUpAfterException);
187  }
188  throw;
189  }
190  terminationSentry.completedSuccessfully();
192  //If we got here no other exception has happened so we can propogate any Service related exceptions
193  sentry.allowThrow();
194  }
void processOneOccurrence(typename T::MyPrincipal &principal, EventSetup const &eventSetup, StreamID streamID, typename T::Context const *topContext, U const *context, bool cleaningUpAfterException=false)
Definition: WorkerManager.h:91
void addContextAndPrintException(char const *context, cms::Exception &ex, bool disablePrint)
static StreamID invalidStreamID()
Definition: StreamID.h:48
std::list< std::string > const & context() const
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > actReg_
auto wrap(F iFunc) -> decltype(iFunc())
ProcessContext const * processContext_
WorkerManager workerManager_
long double T
void edm::GlobalSchedule::replaceModule ( maker::ModuleHolder iMod,
std::string const &  iLabel 

clone the type of module with label iLabel but configure with iPSet.

Definition at line 65 of file

References allWorkers(), edm::Worker::beginJob(), newFWLiteAna::found, and edm::maker::ModuleHolder::replaceModuleFor().

66  {
67  Worker* found = nullptr;
68  for (auto const& worker : allWorkers()) {
69  if (worker->description().moduleLabel() == iLabel) {
70  found = worker;
71  break;
72  }
73  }
74  if (nullptr == found) {
75  return;
76  }
78  iMod->replaceModuleFor(found);
79  found->beginJob();
80  }
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
returns the collection of pointers to workers
template<typename T >
void edm::GlobalSchedule::runNow ( typename T::MyPrincipal &  p,
EventSetup const &  es,
GlobalContext const *  context 

Definition at line 197 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

References cms::Exception::addContext(), allWorkers(), edm::InLumi, edm::InRun, edm::StreamID::invalidStreamID(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

198  {
199  //do nothing for event since we will run when requested
200  for(auto & worker: allWorkers()) {
201  try {
202  ParentContext parentContext(context);
203  worker->doWork<T>(p, es,StreamID::invalidStreamID(), parentContext, context);
204  }
205  catch (cms::Exception & ex) {
206  std::ostringstream ost;
207  if (T::begin_ && T::branchType_ == InRun) {
208  ost << "Calling global beginRun";
209  }
210  else if (T::begin_ && T::branchType_ == InLumi) {
211  ost << "Calling global beginLuminosityBlock";
212  }
213  else if (!T::begin_ && T::branchType_ == InLumi) {
214  ost << "Calling global endLuminosityBlock";
215  }
216  else if (!T::begin_ && T::branchType_ == InRun) {
217  ost << "Calling global endRun";
218  }
219  else {
220  // It should be impossible to get here ...
221  ost << "Calling unknown function";
222  }
223  ost << " for module " << worker->description().moduleName()
224  << "/'" << worker->description().moduleLabel() << "'";
225  ex.addContext(ost.str());
226  ost.str("");
227  ost << "Processing " <<;
228  ex.addContext(ost.str());
229  throw;
230  }
231  }
232  }
static StreamID invalidStreamID()
Definition: StreamID.h:48
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
returns the collection of pointers to workers
void addContext(std::string const &context)
long double T
bool edm::GlobalSchedule::terminate ( ) const

Return whether each output module has reached its maximum count.

Member Data Documentation

std::shared_ptr<ActivityRegistry> edm::GlobalSchedule::actReg_

Definition at line 155 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

Referenced by GlobalSchedule(), and processOneGlobal().

ProcessContext const* edm::GlobalSchedule::processContext_

Definition at line 159 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

Referenced by processOneGlobal().

WorkerPtr edm::GlobalSchedule::results_inserter_

Definition at line 156 of file GlobalSchedule.h.

Referenced by GlobalSchedule().

WorkerManager edm::GlobalSchedule::workerManager_