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EcalDumpRaw Class Reference

#include <EcalDumpRaw.h>

Inheritance diagram for EcalDumpRaw:
edm::EDAnalyzer edm::EDConsumerBase

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
void analyzeEB (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) const
void analyzeEE (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) const
 EcalDumpRaw (const edm::ParameterSet &)
void endJob ()
 ~EcalDumpRaw ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
void callWhenNewProductsRegistered (std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> const &func)
 EDAnalyzer ()
ModuleDescription const & moduleDescription () const
std::string workerType () const
virtual ~EDAnalyzer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
std::vector< ConsumesInfoconsumesInfo () const
 EDConsumerBase ()
ProductHolderIndexAndSkipBit indexFrom (EDGetToken, BranchType, TypeID const &) const
void itemsMayGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductHolderIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
void itemsToGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductHolderIndexAndSkipBit > &) const
< ProductHolderIndexAndSkipBit >
const & 
itemsToGetFromEvent () const
void labelsForToken (EDGetToken iToken, Labels &oLabels) const
void modulesDependentUpon (const std::string &iProcessName, std::vector< const char * > &oModuleLabels) const
void modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed (std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > &modules, ProductRegistry const &preg, std::map< std::string, ModuleDescription const * > const &labelsToDesc, std::string const &processName) const
bool registeredToConsume (ProductHolderIndex, bool, BranchType) const
bool registeredToConsumeMany (TypeID const &, BranchType) const
void updateLookup (BranchType iBranchType, ProductHolderIndexHelper const &)
virtual ~EDConsumerBase ()

Private Types

enum  {
  inDaqHeader, inDccHeader, inTccBlock, inSrBlock,

Private Member Functions

void analyzeApd ()
void analyzeFed (int fedId)
bool decode (const uint32_t *data, int iWord32, std::ostream &out)
double max (const std::vector< double > &a, unsigned &pos)
double min (const std::vector< double > &a)
std::string srRange (int offset) const
std::string toNth (int n)
template<class T >
std::string toString (T val)
std::string tpgTag (int tccType, unsigned iSeq) const
std::string ttfTag (int tccType, unsigned iSeq) const

Static Private Member Functions

static int lmodOfRu (int ru1)
static int modOfRu (int ru1)
static int sideOfRu (int ru1)

Private Attributes

std::vector< double > adc_
double amplCut_
int beg_fed_id_
int bx_
int dccCh_
std::vector< int > dccChStatus_
unsigned dccId_
enum EcalDumpRaw:: { ... }  decodeState_
int detailedTrigType_
bool dump_
bool dumpAdc_
std::ofstream dumpFile_
int end_fed_id_
unsigned eventId_
std::vector< unsigned > eventList_
std::vector< int > feBx_
unsigned fedId_
edm::InputTag fedRawDataCollectionTag_
std::vector< int > feL1a_
std::vector< int > feRuId_
std::string filename_
int first_event_
int iEvent_
int iRu_
unsigned iSrWord64_
int iTcc_
unsigned iTccWord64_
int iTow_
unsigned iTowerWord64_
int l1a_
edm::InputTag l1AcceptBunchCrossingCollectionTag_
bool l1aHistory_
int l1amax_
int l1aMaxX_
int l1amin_
int l1aMinX_
std::vector< std::vector
< uint32_t > > 
int last_event_
std::vector< uint32_t > lastOrbit_
unsigned maxEventId_
int maxEvt_
unsigned minEventId_
std::vector< int > nTpgs_
int nTts_
unsigned orbit0_
bool orbit0Set_
uint32_t orbit_
std::vector< std::vector
< uint32_t > > 
int profileFedId_
int profileRuId_
bool pulsePerLme_
bool pulsePerLmod_
bool pulsePerRu_
unsigned side_
int simpleTrigType_
int srpBx_
int srpL1a_
int tccBlockLen64_
int tccBx_
int tccId_
int tccL1a_
int tccType_
 type of TCC currently parsed More...
size_t towerBlockLength_
std::vector< std::vector< int > > tpg_
int verbosity_
bool writeDcc_

Static Private Attributes

static const unsigned fedStart_ = 601
static const int maxTccsPerDcc_ = 4
static const int maxTpgsPerTcc_ = 68
static const unsigned nDccs_ = 54
static const int nRu_ = 70
static const int nSamples = 10
static const int ttId_ [nTccTypes_][maxTpgsPerTcc_]
static const int ebmTcc_ = 0
static const int ebpTcc_ = 1
static const int eeInnerTcc_ = 2
static const int eeOuterTcc_ = 3
static const int nTccTypes_ = 4

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
typedef EDAnalyzer ModuleType
- Public Types inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
typedef ProductLabels Labels
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
static void prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDConsumerBase
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
ConsumesCollector consumesCollector ()
 Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
void consumesMany ()
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<BranchType B>
void consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id)
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent>
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag)
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)
template<BranchType B>
EDGetToken mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag)

Detailed Description

Utility to dump ECAL Raw data. Hexadecimal dump is accompagned with a side by data interpretention.

The script test/dumpRaw can be used to run this module. E. g.: dumpRaw /store/..../data_file.root Run dumpRaw -h to get help on this script.

Author: Ph. Gras CEA/IRFU Saclay

Definition at line 32 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 101 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EcalDumpRaw::EcalDumpRaw ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)

Definition at line 128 of file

References beg_fed_id_, gather_cfg::cout, dumpFile_, end_fed_id_, filename_, first_event_, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), last_event_, bookConverter::max, verbosity_, and writeDcc_.

128  :
129  iEvent_(0),
130  adc_(nSamples, 0.),
131  amplCut_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("amplCut", 5.)),
132  dump_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("dump", true)),
133  dumpAdc_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("dumpAdc", true)),
134  l1aHistory_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("l1aHistory", true)),
135  // doHisto_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doHisto", true)),
136  maxEvt_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("maxEvt", 10000)),
137  profileFedId_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("profileFedId", 0)),
138  profileRuId_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("profileRuId", 1)),
139  l1aMinX_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("l1aMinX", 1)),
140  l1aMaxX_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("l1aMaxX", 601)),
143  eventList_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<vector<unsigned> >("eventList", vector<unsigned>())),
144  minEventId_(999999),
145  maxEventId_(0),
146  orbit0_(0),
147  orbit0Set_(false),
148  bx_(-1),
149  l1a_(-1),
152  simpleTrigType_(-1),
153  detailedTrigType_(-1),
154  // histo_("hist.root", "RECREATE"),
155  l1as_(36+2),
156  orbits_(36+2),
157  tpg_(maxTccsPerDcc_, std::vector<int>(maxTpgsPerTcc_)),
159  dccChStatus_(70, 0),
160  srpL1a_(-1),
161  tccL1a_(-1),
162  nTts_(-1),
163  tccBlockLen64_(19),
164  feL1a_(nRu_,-1),
165  srpBx_(-1),
166  tccBx_(-1),
167  tccType_(0),
168  feBx_(nRu_,-1),
169  feRuId_(nRu_,-1),
170  iTow_(0),
171  pulsePerRu_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("pulsePerRu", true)),
172  pulsePerLmod_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("pulsePerLmod", true)),
173  pulsePerLme_(ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("pulsePerLme", true)),
174  tccId_(0),
175  fedRawDataCollectionTag_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("fedRawDataCollectionTag")),
176  l1AcceptBunchCrossingCollectionTag_(ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("l1AcceptBunchCrossingCollectionTag"))
177 {
178  verbosity_= ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("verbosity",1);
180  beg_fed_id_= ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("beg_fed_id",601);
181  end_fed_id_= ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("end_fed_id",654);
184  first_event_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("first_event",1);
185  last_event_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("last_event",
188  writeDcc_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("writeDCC",false);
189  filename_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("filename","dump.bin");
190  if(writeDcc_){
192  if(dumpFile_.bad()){
193  /*edm::LogError("EcalDumpRaw")*/ std::cout << "Failed to open file '"
194  << filename_.c_str() << "' specified by "
195  << "parameter filename for writing. DCC data "
196  " dump will be disabled.";
197  writeDcc_ = false;
198  }
199  }
200 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
int tccBlockLen64_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:168
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int end_fed_id_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:92
bool pulsePerLme_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:181
static const int nRu_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:169
bool orbit0Set_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:149
int detailedTrigType_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:155
std::vector< double > adc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:105
bool l1aHistory_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:111
int first_event_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:93
double amplCut_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:108
unsigned minEventId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:145
bool writeDcc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:90
std::vector< uint32_t > lastOrbit_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:119
bool pulsePerLmod_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:180
std::vector< unsigned > eventList_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:144
std::vector< int > feL1a_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:170
std::vector< std::vector< uint32_t > > orbits_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:158
std::vector< int > feBx_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:175
unsigned maxEventId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:146
int profileRuId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:115
std::ofstream dumpFile_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:178
edm::InputTag fedRawDataCollectionTag_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:185
std::string filename_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:95
std::vector< int > nTpgs_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:160
static const int nSamples
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:107
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
std::vector< std::vector< int > > tpg_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:159
bool pulsePerRu_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:179
int tccType_
type of TCC currently parsed
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:174
int simpleTrigType_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:154
std::vector< int > dccChStatus_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:161
std::vector< int > feRuId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:176
int profileFedId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:114
std::vector< std::vector< uint32_t > > l1as_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:157
static const int maxTpgsPerTcc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:122
edm::InputTag l1AcceptBunchCrossingCollectionTag_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:186
unsigned eventId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:143
unsigned orbit0_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:147
tuple cout
int beg_fed_id_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:91
static const unsigned nDccs_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:120
static const int maxTccsPerDcc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:123
int verbosity_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:89
int last_event_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:94
EcalDumpRaw::~EcalDumpRaw ( )

Definition at line 205 of file

205  {
206 }

Member Function Documentation

void EcalDumpRaw::analyze ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup es 

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 210 of file

References beg_fed_id_, bx_, ecal_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, FEDRawData::data(), data, dccChStatus_, dccId_, TauDecayModes::dec, decode(), dump_, dumpFile_, end_fed_id_, eventId_, eventList_, feBx_, feBxOffset, fedRawDataCollectionTag_, feL1a_, feRuId_, lumiContext::fill, spr::find(), first_event_, i, iEvent_, iRu_, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), iTcc_, iTow_, l1a_, l1AcceptBunchCrossingCollectionTag_, l1aHistory_, l1amax_, l1amin_, last_event_, FEDNumbering::lastFEDId(), maxEventId_, minEventId_, nRu_, nTpgs_, nTts_, lumiPlot::rawdata, alignCSCRings::s, FEDRawData::size(), srpBx_, srpL1a_, dqm_diff::start, tccBx_, tccL1a_, tccType_, toNth(), trigNames, and writeDcc_.

210  {
211  ++iEvent_;
212  eventId_ =;
214  if(eventList_.size()!=0 && find(eventList_.begin(), eventList_.end(),
215  eventId_) == eventList_.end()){
216  cout << "Skipping event " << eventId_ << ".\n";
217  return;
218  }
220  if ((first_event_ > 0 && iEvent_ < first_event_) ||
221  (last_event_ > 0 && last_event_ < iEvent_)) return;
222  timeval start;
223  timeval stop;
224  gettimeofday(&start, 0);
227  event.getByLabel(fedRawDataCollectionTag_, rawdata);
229  if(dump_ || l1aHistory_) cout << "\n======================================================================\n"
230  << toNth(iEvent_)
231  << " read event. "
232  << "Event id: "
233  << " " << eventId_
234  << "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
236  if(l1aHistory_){
238  event.getByLabel(l1AcceptBunchCrossingCollectionTag_, l1aHist);
239  if(!l1aHist.isValid()) {
240  cout << "L1A history not found.\n";
241  } else if (l1aHist->size() == 0) {
242  cout << "L1A history is empty.\n";
243  } else{
244  cout << "L1A history: \n";
245  for(L1AcceptBunchCrossingCollection::const_iterator it = l1aHist->begin();
246  it != l1aHist->end();
247  ++it){
248  cout << "L1A offset: " << it->l1AcceptOffset() << "\t"
249  << "BX: " << it->bunchCrossing() << "\t"
250  << "Orbit ID: " << it->orbitNumber() << "\t"
251  << "Trigger type: " << it->eventType() << " ("
252  << trigNames[it->eventType()&0xF] << ")\n";
253  }
254  }
255  cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
256  }
258  if(eventId_ < minEventId_) minEventId_ = eventId_;
259  if(eventId_ > maxEventId_) maxEventId_ = eventId_;
261 #if 1
263  bool dccIdErr = false;
264  unsigned iFed = 0;
265  unsigned refDccId = 0;
266  // static bool recordNextPhys = false;
267  //static int bxCalib = -1;
268  //x static int nCalib = 0;
270  for (int id = 0; id<=FEDNumbering::lastFEDId(); ++id){
272  if (id < beg_fed_id_ || end_fed_id_ < id) continue;
274  const FEDRawData& data = rawdata->FEDData(id);
276  if (data.size()>4){
277  ++iFed;
278  if ((data.size() % 8) !=0){
279  cout << "***********************************************\n";
280  cout << " Fed size in bits not multiple of 64, strange.\n";
281  cout << "***********************************************\n";
282  }
285  size_t nWord32 = data.size()/4;
286  const uint32_t * pData = ( reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(const_cast<unsigned char*> (;
287  stringstream s;
288  srpL1a_ = -1;
289  tccL1a_ = -1;
290  srpBx_ = -1;
291  tccBx_ = -1;
292  iTow_ = 0;
293  iRu_ = 0;
294  nTts_ = -1;
295  iTcc_ = 0;
296  tccType_ = 0;
298  for(int i = 0; i < nRu_; ++i){
299  feL1a_[i] = -1;
300  feBx_[i] = -1;
301  feRuId_[i] = -1;
302  }
304  fill(nTpgs_.begin(), nTpgs_.end(), 0);
306  fill(dccChStatus_.begin(), dccChStatus_.end(), 0);
308  bool rc;
309  for(size_t iWord32=0; iWord32 < nWord32; iWord32+=2){
310  s.str("");
311  if(id>=601 && id<=654){// ECAL DCC data
312  rc = decode(pData+iWord32, iWord32/2, s);
313  } else{
314  rc = true;
315  }
316  if(rc && dump_){
317  cout << setfill('0') << hex
318  << "[" << setw(8) << iWord32*4 << "] "
319  << setw(4) << (pData[iWord32+1]>>16 & 0xFFFF) << " "
320  << setw(4) << (pData[iWord32+1]>>0 & 0xFFFF) << " "
321  << setw(4) << (pData[iWord32]>>16 & 0xFFFF) << " "
322  << setw(4) << (pData[iWord32]>>0 & 0xFFFF) << " "
323  << setfill(' ') << dec
324  << s.str() << "\n";
325  }
326  }
328  if(iFed==1){
329  refDccId = dccId_;
330  } else{
331  if(dccId_!=refDccId){
332  dccIdErr = true;
333  }
334  }
336  if(dump_) cout << flush; //flushing cout before writing to cerr
338  if(srpBx_!=-1 && srpBx_!=bx_){
339  cerr << "Bx discrepancy between SRP and DCC, Bx(SRP) = "
340  << srpBx_ << ", Bx(DCC) = " << bx_
341  << " in " << toNth(iEvent_) << " event, FED "
342  << id << endl;
343  }
345  if(tccBx_!=-1 && tccBx_!=bx_){
346  cerr << "Bx discrepancy between TCC and DCC, Bx(TCC) = "
347  << srpBx_ << ", Bx(DCC) = " << bx_
348  << " in " << toNth(iEvent_) << " event, FED "
349  << id << endl;
350  }
352  bool feBxErr = false;
353  for(int i=0; i < nRu_; ++i){
354  int expectedFeBx;
355  if(feBxOffset==0){
356  expectedFeBx = bx_ - 1;
357  } else{
358  expectedFeBx = (bx_==3564) ? 0 : bx_;
359  }
360  if(feBx_[i]!=-1 && feBx_[i]!=expectedFeBx){
361  cerr << "BX error for " << toNth(i+1) << " RU, RU ID "
362  << feRuId_[i];
363  if((unsigned) feRuId_[i] <= dccChStatus_.size()){
364  bool detected = (dccChStatus_[feRuId_[i]-1] == 10 || dccChStatus_[feRuId_[i]-1] == 11);
365  cerr << (detected?" ":" not ") << "detected by DCC (ch status: "
366  << dccChStatus_[feRuId_[i]-1] << ")";
367  }
368  cerr << " in " << toNth(iEvent_) << " event, FED "
369  << id << "." << endl;
371  feBxErr = true;
372  }
373  }
374  if(feBxErr) cerr << "Bx discrepancy between DCC and at least one FE"
375  << " in " << toNth(iEvent_) << " event, FED "
376  << id << "\n";
379  int localL1a = l1a_ & 0xFFF;
380  if(srpL1a_!=-1 && srpL1a_!=localL1a){
381  cerr << "Discrepancy between SRP and DCC L1a counter, L1a(SRP) = "
382  << srpL1a_ << ", L1a(DCC) & 0xFFF = " << localL1a
383  << " in " << toNth(iEvent_) << " event, FED "
384  << id << endl;
386  }
388  if(tccL1a_!=-1 && tccL1a_!=localL1a){
389  cerr << "Discrepancy between TCC and DCC L1a counter, L1a(TCC) = "
390  << srpL1a_ << ", L1a(DCC) & 0xFFF = " << localL1a
391  << " in " << toNth(iEvent_) << " event, FED "
392  << id << endl;
394  }
396  bool feL1aErr = false;
397  for(int i=0; i < nRu_; ++i){
398  if(feL1a_[i] != -1 && feL1a_[i] != ((localL1a-1) & 0xFFF)){
399  cerr << "FE L1A error for " << toNth(i+1) << " RU, RU ID "
400  << feRuId_[i];
401  if((unsigned) feRuId_[i] <= dccChStatus_.size()){
402  bool detected = (dccChStatus_[feRuId_[i]-1] == 9 || dccChStatus_[feRuId_[i]-1] == 11);
403  cerr << (detected?" ":" not ") << "detected by DCC (ch status: "
404  << dccChStatus_[feRuId_[i]-1] << ")";
405  }
406  cerr << " in " << toNth(iEvent_) << " event, FED "
407  << id << "." << endl;
408  feL1aErr = true;
409  }
410  }
411  if(feL1aErr) cerr << "Discrepancy in L1a counter between DCC "
412  "and at least one FE (L1A(DCC) & 0xFFF = " << localL1a << ")"
413  << " in " << toNth(iEvent_) << " event, FED "
414  << id << "\n";
417  if(iTow_>0 && iTow_< nRu_ && feRuId_[iTow_] < feRuId_[iTow_-1]){
418  cerr << "Error in RU ID (TT/SC ID)"
419  << " in " << toNth(iEvent_) << " event, FED "
420  << id << endl;
421  }
423  if (beg_fed_id_ <= id && id <= end_fed_id_ && writeDcc_){
424  dumpFile_.write( reinterpret_cast <const char *> (pData), nWord32*4);
425  }
427  if(dump_) cout << "\n";
428  } else{
429  // cout << "No data for FED " << id << ". Size = "
430  // << data.size() << " byte(s).\n";
431  }
432  } //next fed
434  if(dump_) cout << "Number of selected FEDs with a data block: "
435  << iFed << "\n";
437  if(dccIdErr){
438  cout << flush;
439  cerr << "DCC ID discrepancy in detailed trigger type "
440  << " of " << toNth(iEvent_) << " event." << endl;
441  }
443  if(l1a_>0 && l1a_< l1amin_) l1amin_ = l1a_;
444  if(l1a_>l1amax_) l1amax_ = l1a_;
447 #endif
449  gettimeofday(&stop, 0);
450  // double dt = (stop.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)*1.e3
451  // + (stop.tv_usec-start.tv_usec)*1.e-3;
452  // histo_.fillD("hCodeTime", "Code execution time;Duration (ms);Event count",
453  // PGXAxis(100, 0, 100),
454  // dt);
455 }
int i
std::string toNth(int n)
tuple start
Check for commandline option errors.
int end_fed_id_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:92
string fill
static const int nRu_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:169
bool l1aHistory_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:111
int first_event_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:93
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
size_t size() const
Lenght of the data buffer in bytes.
Definition: FEDRawData.h:47
unsigned minEventId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:145
bool writeDcc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:90
bool decode(const uint32_t *data, int iWord32, std::ostream &out)
std::vector< unsigned > eventList_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:144
std::vector< int > feL1a_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:170
std::vector< int > feBx_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:175
unsigned maxEventId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:146
std::ofstream dumpFile_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:178
edm::InputTag fedRawDataCollectionTag_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:185
std::vector< int > nTpgs_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:160
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:75
static int lastFEDId()
static const char *const trigNames[]
int tccType_
type of TCC currently parsed
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:174
std::vector< int > dccChStatus_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:161
std::vector< int > feRuId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:176
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
const int feBxOffset
edm::InputTag l1AcceptBunchCrossingCollectionTag_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:186
const unsigned char * data() const
Return a const pointer to the beginning of the data buffer.
unsigned eventId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:143
tuple cout
dictionary rawdata
int beg_fed_id_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:91
unsigned dccId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:141
int last_event_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:94
void EcalDumpRaw::analyzeApd ( )
void EcalDumpRaw::analyzeEB ( const edm::Event ,
const edm::EventSetup  
) const
void EcalDumpRaw::analyzeEE ( const edm::Event ,
const edm::EventSetup  
) const
void EcalDumpRaw::analyzeFed ( int  fedId)
bool EcalDumpRaw::decode ( const uint32_t *  data,
int  iWord32,
std::ostream &  out 

Definition at line 481 of file

References adc_, amplCut_, assert(), bx_, ecal_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::cerr, colorNames, gather_cfg::cout, ztail::d, pyrootRender::da, dtTPAnalyzer_cfg::dataType, dccCh_, dccChStatus_, dccId_, TauDecayModes::dec, detailedTrigNames, detailedTrigType_, dump_, dumpAdc_, ebmTcc_, ebpTcc_, eeInnerTcc_, eeOuterTcc_, feBx_, fedId_, fedStart_, feL1a_, feRuId_, lumiContext::fill, g, i, iRu_, iSrWord64_, iTcc_, iTccWord64_, iTowerWord64_, l1a_, lastOrbit_, max(), bookConverter::max, maxTccsPerDcc_, maxTpgsPerTcc_, mgpaGainFactors, min(), nDccs_, nRu_, nTpgs_, nTts_, orbit0_, orbit0Set_, orbit_, alignCSCRings::s, side_, sideOfRu(), simpleTrigType_, srpBx_, srpL1a_, srRange(), tccBlockLen64_, tccId_, tccL1a_, tccType_, towerBlockLength_, tpg_, tpgTag(), trigNames, ttfTag(), and ttsNames.

Referenced by analyze().

481  {
482  bool rc = true;
483  const bool d = dump_;
484  if(iWord64==0){//start of event
485  iSrWord64_ = 0;
486  iTccWord64_ = 0;
487  iTowerWord64_ = 0;
488  }
489  int dataType = (data[1] >>28) & 0xF;
490  const int boe = 5;
491  const int eoe = 10;
492  if(dataType==boe){//Begin of Event header
493  /**********************************************************************
494  * DAQ header
495  *
496  **********************************************************************/
497  simpleTrigType_ = (data[1] >>24) & 0xF;
498  l1a_ = (data[1]>>0 ) & 0xFFffFF;
499  bx_ = (data[0] >>20) & 0xFFF;
500  fedId_ = (data[0] >>8 ) & 0xFFF;
501  if(d) out << "Trigger type: " << simpleTrigType_
502  << "(" << trigNames[(data[1]>>24) & 0xF] << ")"
503  << " L1A: " << l1a_
504  << " BX: " << bx_
505  << " FED ID: " << fedId_
506  << " FOV: " << ((data[0] >>4 ) & 0xF)
507  << " H: " << ((data[0] >>3 ) & 0x1);
508  } else if((dataType>>2)==0){//DCC header
509  /**********************************************************************
510  * ECAL DCC header
511  *
512  **********************************************************************/
513  int dccHeaderId = (data[1] >>24) & 0x3F;
514  switch(dccHeaderId){
515  case 1:
516  if(d) out << "Run #: " << ((data[1] >>0 ) & 0xFFFFFF)
517  << " DCC Err: " << ((data[0] >>24) & 0xFF)
518  << " Evt Len: " << ((data[0] >>0 ) & 0xFFFFFF);
519  break;
520  case 2:
521  side_ = (data[1] >>11) & 0x1;
522  detailedTrigType_ = (data[1] >>8 ) & 0x7;
523  dccId_ = (data[1] >>0 ) & 0x3F;
524  if(d) out << "DCC FOV: " << ((data[1] >>16) & 0xF)
525  << " Side: " << side_
526  << " Trig.: " << detailedTrigType_
527  << " (" << detailedTrigNames[(data[1]>>8)&0x7] << ")"
528  << " Color: " << ((data[1] >>6 ) & 0x3)
529  << " (" << colorNames[(data[1]>>6)&0x3] << ")"
530  << " DCC ID: " << dccId_;
531  break;
532  case 3:
533  {
534  if(d) out << "TCC Status ch<4..1>: 0x"
535  << hex << ((data[1]>>8) & 0xFFFF) << dec
536  << " SR status: " << ((data[1] >>4 ) & 0xF)
537  << " TZS: " << ((data[1] >>2 ) & 0x1)
538  << " ZS: " << ((data[1] >>1 ) & 0x1)
539  << " SR: " << ((data[1] >>0 ) & 0x1);
540  orbit_ = data[0];
541  if(d) out << " Orbit: " << orbit_;
542  if(!orbit0Set_){
543  orbit0_ = orbit_;
544  orbit0Set_ = true;
545  }
546  int iDcc0 = fedId_-fedStart_;
547  if((unsigned)iDcc0<nDccs_){
549  if(d) out << " (+" << (int)orbit_-(int)lastOrbit_[iDcc0] <<")";
550  }
551  lastOrbit_[iDcc0] = orbit_;
552  }
553  }
554  break;
555  case 4:
556  case 5:
557  case 6:
558  case 7:
559  case 8:
560  {
561  int chOffset = (dccHeaderId-4)*14;
562  dccChStatus_[13+chOffset] = ((data[1] >>20) & 0xF);
563  dccChStatus_[12+chOffset] = ((data[1] >>16) & 0xF);
564  dccChStatus_[11+chOffset] = ((data[1] >>12) & 0xF);
565  dccChStatus_[10+chOffset] = ((data[1] >>8 ) & 0xF);
566  dccChStatus_[ 9+chOffset] = ((data[1] >>4 ) & 0xF);
567  dccChStatus_[ 8+chOffset] = ((data[1] >>0) & 0xF);
568  dccChStatus_[ 7+chOffset] = ((data[0] >>28) & 0xF);
569  dccChStatus_[ 6+chOffset] = ((data[0] >>24) & 0xF);
570  dccChStatus_[ 5+chOffset] = ((data[0] >>20) & 0xF);
571  dccChStatus_[ 4+chOffset] = ((data[0] >>16) & 0xF);
572  dccChStatus_[ 3+chOffset] = ((data[0] >>12) & 0xF);
573  dccChStatus_[ 2+chOffset] = ((data[0] >>8 ) & 0xF);
574  dccChStatus_[ 1+chOffset] = ((data[0] >>4 ) & 0xF);
575  dccChStatus_[ 0+chOffset] = ((data[0] >>0 ) & 0xF);
577  if(d){
578  out << "FE CH status:";
579  for(int i = chOffset; i < chOffset + 14; ++i){
580  out << " #" << (i+1) << ":" << dccChStatus_[i];
581  }
582  }
583  }
584  break;
585  default:
586  if(d) out << " bits<63..62>=0 (DCC header) bits<61..56>=" << dccHeaderId
587  << "(unknown=>ERROR?)";
588  }
589  } else if((dataType>>1)==3){//TCC block
590  /**********************************************************************
591  * TCC block
592  *
593  **********************************************************************/
594  if(iTccWord64_==0){
595  //header
596  tccL1a_ = (data[1] >>0 ) & 0xFFF;
597  tccId_ = ((data[0] >>0 ) & 0xFF);
598  nTts_ = ((data[1] >>16) & 0x7F);
600  ++iTcc_;
601  if(d) out << "LE1: " << ((data[1] >>28) & 0x1)
602  << " LE0: " << ((data[1] >>27) & 0x1)
603  << " N_samples: " << ((data[1] >>23) & 0x1F)
604  << " N_TTs: " << nTts_
605  << " E1: " << ((data[1] >>12) & 0x1)
606  << " L1A: " << tccL1a_
607  << " '3': " << ((data[0] >>29) & 0x7)
608  << " E0: " << ((data[0] >>28) & 0x1)
609  << " Bx: " << ((data[0] >>16) & 0xFFF)
610  << " TTC ID: " << tccId_;
611  if(nTts_==68){ //EB TCC (TCC68)
612  if(fedId_ < 628) tccType_ = ebmTcc_;
613  else tccType_ = ebpTcc_;
614  } else if(nTts_ == 16){//Inner EE TCC (TCC48)
616  } else if(nTts_ == 28){//Outer EE TCC (TCC48)
618  } else {
619  cout << flush;
620  cerr << "Error in #TT field of TCC block."
621  "This field is normally used to determine type of TCC "
622  "(TCC48 or TCC68). Type of TCC will be deduced from the TCC ID.\n";
623  if(tccId_ < 19) tccType_ = eeInnerTcc_;
624  else if(tccId_ < 37) tccType_ = eeOuterTcc_;
625  else if(tccId_ < 55) tccType_ = ebmTcc_;
626  else if(tccId_ < 73) tccType_ = ebpTcc_;
627  else if(tccId_ < 91) tccType_ = eeOuterTcc_;
628  else if(tccId_ < 109) tccType_ = eeInnerTcc_;
629  else{
630  cerr << "TCC ID is also invalid. EB- TCC type will be assumed.\n";
631  tccType_ = ebmTcc_;
632  }
633  cerr << flush;
634  }
635  tccBlockLen64_ = (tccType_==ebmTcc_ || tccType_==ebpTcc_) ? 18 : 9;
636  } else{// if(iTccWord64_<18){
637  int tpgOffset = (iTccWord64_-1)*4;
638  if(iTcc_ > maxTccsPerDcc_){
639  out << "Too many TCC blocks";
640  } else if(tpgOffset > (maxTpgsPerTcc_ - 4)){
641  out << "Too many TPG in one TCC block";
642  } else{
643  tpg_[iTcc_-1][3+tpgOffset] = (data[1] >>16) & 0x1FF;
644  tpg_[iTcc_-1][2+tpgOffset] = (data[1] >>0 ) & 0x1FF;
645  tpg_[iTcc_-1][1+tpgOffset] = (data[0] >>16) & 0x1FF;
646  tpg_[iTcc_-1][0+tpgOffset] = (data[0] >>0 ) & 0x1FF;
647  //int n[2][4] = {{1,2,3,4},
648  // {4,3,2,1}};
649  //int iorder = (628<=fedId_ && fedId_<=645)?1:0;
650  if(d) out << ttfTag(tccType_, 3+tpgOffset) << ":" //"TTF# " << setw(2) << ttId_[3 + tpgOffset] << ":"
651  << ((data[1] >>25) & 0x7) << " "
652  << tpgTag(tccType_, 3+tpgOffset) << ":" //" TPG# "<< setw(2) << ttId_[3 + tpgOffset] << ":"
653  << setw(3) << tpg_[iTcc_-1][3+tpgOffset] << " "
654  << ttfTag(tccType_, 2+tpgOffset) << ":" //" TTF# "<< setw(2) << ttId_[2 + tpgOffset] << ":"
655  << ((data[1] >>9 ) & 0x7) << " "
656  << tpgTag(tccType_, 2+tpgOffset) << ":" //" TPG# "<< setw(2) << ttId_[2 + tpgOffset] << ":"
657  << setw(3) << tpg_[iTcc_-1][2+tpgOffset] << " "
658  << " '3': " << ((data[0] >>29) & 0x7) << " "
659  << ttfTag(tccType_, 1+tpgOffset) << ":" //" TTF# "<< setw(2) << ttId_[1 + tpgOffset] << ":"
660  << ((data[0] >>25) & 0x7) << " "
661  << setw(3) << tpgTag(tccType_, 1+tpgOffset) << ": "//" TPG# "<< setw(2) << ttId_[1 + tpgOffset] << ":"
662  << tpg_[iTcc_-1][1+tpgOffset] << " "
663  << ttfTag(tccType_, 0+tpgOffset) << ":" //" TTF# "<< setw(2) << ttId_[0 + tpgOffset] << ":"
664  << ((data[0] >>9 ) & 0x7) << " "
665  << setw(3) << tpgTag(tccType_, 0+tpgOffset) << ":" //" TPG# "<< setw(2) << ttId_[0 + tpgOffset] << ":"
666  << tpg_[iTcc_-1][0+tpgOffset];
667  }
668  }// else{
669  // if(d) out << "ERROR";
670  //}
671  ++iTccWord64_;
672  if(iTccWord64_ >= (unsigned)tccBlockLen64_) iTccWord64_ = 0;
673  } else if((dataType>>1)==4){//SRP block
674  /**********************************************************************
675  * SRP block
676  *
677  **********************************************************************/
678  if(iSrWord64_==0){//header
679  srpL1a_ = (data[1] >>0 ) & 0xFFF;
680  srpBx_ = (data[0] >>16) & 0xFFF;
681  if(d) out << "LE1: " << ((data[1] >>28) & 0x1)
682  << " LE0: " << ((data[1] >>27) & 0x1)
683  << " N_SRFs: " << ((data[1] >>16) & 0x7F)
684  << " E1: " << ((data[1] >>12) & 0x1)
685  << " L1A: " << srpL1a_
686  << " '4': " << ((data[0] >>29) & 0x7)
687  << " E0: " << ((data[0] >>28) & 0x1)
688  << " Bx: " << srpBx_
689  << " SRP ID: " << ((data[0] >>0 ) & 0xFF);
690  } else if(iSrWord64_<6){
691  int ttfOffset = (iSrWord64_-1)*16;
692  if(d){
693  if(iSrWord64_<5){
694  out <<"SRF# " << setw(6) << right << srRange(12+ttfOffset)/*16+ttfOffset << "..#" << 13+ttfOffset*/ << ": "
695  << oct << ((data[1] >>16) & 0xFFF) << dec
696  << " SRF# " << srRange(8+ttfOffset) /*12+ttfOffset << "..#" << 9+ttfOffset*/ << ": "
697  << oct << ((data[1] >>0 ) & 0xFFF) << dec
698  << " '4':" << ((data[0] >>29) & 0x7)
699  << " SRF# " << srRange(4+ttfOffset) /*8+ttfOffset << "..#" << 5+ttfOffset*/ << ": "
700  << oct << ((data[0] >>16) & 0xFFF) << dec;
701  } else{//last 64-bit word has only 4 SRFs.
702  out << " ";
703  }
704  out << " SRF# " << srRange(ttfOffset) /*4+ttfOffset << "..#" << 1+ttfOffset*/ << ": "
705  << oct << ((data[0] >>0 ) & 0xFFF) << dec;
706  }
707  } else{
708  if(d) out << "ERROR";
709  }
710  ++iSrWord64_;
711  } else if((dataType>>2)==3){//Tower block
712  /**********************************************************************
713  * "Tower" block (crystal channel data from a RU (=1 FE cards))
714  *
715  **********************************************************************/
716  if(iTowerWord64_==0){//header
717  towerBlockLength_ = (data[1]>>16) & 0x1FF;
718  int l1a;
719  int bx;
720  l1a = (data[1] >>0 ) & 0xFFF;
721  bx = (data[0] >>16) & 0xFFF;
722  dccCh_=(data[0] >>0 ) & 0xFF;
723  if(d) out << "Block Len: " << towerBlockLength_
724  << " E1: " << ((data[1] >>12) & 0x1)
725  << " L1A: " << l1a
726  << " '3': " << ((data[0] >>30) & 0x3)
727  << " E0: " << ((data[0] >>28) & 0x1)
728  << " Bx: " << bx
729  << " N_samples: " << ((data[0] >>8 ) & 0x7F)
730  << " RU ID: " << dccCh_;
731  if(iRu_ < nRu_){
732  feL1a_[iRu_] = l1a;
733  feBx_[iRu_] = bx;
734  feRuId_[iRu_] = dccCh_;
735  ++iRu_;
736  }
737  } else if((unsigned)iTowerWord64_<towerBlockLength_){
738  if(!dumpAdc_){
739  //no output.
740  rc = false;
741  }
742  const bool da = dumpAdc_ && dump_;
743  switch((iTowerWord64_-1)%3){
744  int s[4];
745  int g[4];
746  case 0:
747  s[0]=(data[0] >>16) & 0xFFF;
748  g[0]=(data[0] >>28) & 0x3;
749  s[1]=(data[1] >>0 ) & 0xFFF;
750  g[1]=(data[1] >>12) & 0x3;
751  s[2]=(data[1] >>16) & 0xFFF;
752  g[2]=(data[1] >>28) & 0x3;
753  fill(adc_.begin(), adc_.end(), 0.);
754  if(da) out << "GMF: " << ((data[0] >>11) & 0x1)
755  << " SMF: " << ((data[0] >>9 ) & 0x1)
756  << " M: " << ((data[0] >>8 ) & 0x1)
757  << " XTAL: " << ((data[0] >>4 ) & 0x7)
758  << " STRIP: " << ((data[0] >>0 ) & 0x7)
759  << " " << setw(4) << s[0]
760  << "G" << g[0]
761  << " " << setw(4) << s[1]
762  << "G" << g[1]
763  << " " << setw(4) << s[2]
764  << "G" << g[2];
765  for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) adc_[i] = s[i]*mgpaGainFactors[g[i]];
766  break;
767  case 1:
768  s[0]=(data[0] >>0 ) & 0xFFF;
769  g[0]=(data[0] >>12) & 0x3;
770  s[1]=(data[0] >>16) & 0xFFF;
771  g[1]=(data[0] >>28) & 0x3;
772  s[2]=(data[1] >>0 ) & 0xFFF;
773  g[2]=(data[1] >>12) & 0x3;
774  s[3]=(data[1] >>16) & 0xFFF;
775  g[3]=(data[1] >>28) & 0x3;
776  if(da) out << " "
777  << " " << setw(4) << s[0]
778  << "G" << g[0]
779  << " " << setw(4) << s[1]
780  << "G" << g[1]
781  << " " << setw(4) << s[2]
782  << "G" << g[2]
783  << " " << setw(4) << s[3]
784  << "G" << g[3];
785  for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) adc_[i+3] = s[i]*mgpaGainFactors[g[i]];
786  break;
787  case 2:
788  if(da) out << "TZS: " << ((data[1] >>14) & 0x1);
790  s[0]=(data[0] >>0 ) & 0xFFF;
791  g[0]=(data[0] >>12) & 0x3;
792  s[1]=(data[0] >>16) & 0xFFF;
793  g[1]=(data[0] >>28) & 0x3;
794  s[2]=(data[1] >>0 ) & 0xFFF;
795  g[2]=(data[1] >>12) & 0x3 ;
797  for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) adc_[i+7] = s[i]*mgpaGainFactors[g[i]];
798  if(dccCh_<=68){
799  unsigned bom0; //Bin of Maximum, starting counting from 0
800  double ampl = max(adc_, bom0)-min(adc_);
801  if(da) out << " Ampl: " << setw(4) << ampl
802  << (ampl>amplCut_?"*":" ")
803  << " BoM:" << setw(2) << (bom0+1)
804  << " ";
805  if(fedId_ == dccId_ + 600 //block of the read-out SM
806  //if laser, only one side:
807  && (detailedTrigType_!=4 || sideOfRu(dccCh_)==(int)side_)
808  ){
809  }
810  } else{
811  if(da) out << setw(29) << "";
812  }
813  if(da) out << " " << setw(4) << s[0]
814  << "G" << g[0]
815  << " " << setw(4) << s[1]
816  << "G" << g[1]
817  << " " << setw(4) << s[2]
818  << "G" << g[2];
819  break;
820  default:
821  assert(false);
822  }
823  } else {
824  if(d) out << "ERROR";
825  }
826  ++iTowerWord64_;
829  ++dccCh_;
830  }
831  } else if(dataType==eoe){//End of event trailer
832  /**********************************************************************
833  * Event DAQ trailer
834  *
835  **********************************************************************/
836  int tts = (data[0] >>4) & 0xF;
837  if(d) out << "Evt Len.: " << ((data[1] >>0 ) & 0xFFFFFF)
838  << " CRC16: " << ((data[0] >>16) & 0xFFFF)
839  << " Evt Status: " << ((data[0] >>8 ) & 0xF)
840  << " TTS: " << tts
841  << " (" << ttsNames[tts] << ")"
842  << " T:" << ((data[0] >>3) & 0x1);
843  } else{
844  if(d) out << " incorrect 64-bit word type marker (see MSBs)";
845  }
846  return rc;
847 }
int tccBlockLen64_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:168
static int sideOfRu(int ru1)
int i
std::string tpgTag(int tccType, unsigned iSeq) const
string fill
unsigned iTowerWord64_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:98
static const int nRu_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:169
static const unsigned fedStart_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:121
bool orbit0Set_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:149
size_t towerBlockLength_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:103
std::string ttfTag(int tccType, unsigned iSeq) const
int detailedTrigType_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:155
double min(const std::vector< double > &a)
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:59
std::vector< double > adc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:105
double amplCut_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:108
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e g
Definition: Activities.doc:4
std::vector< uint32_t > lastOrbit_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:119
unsigned side_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:142
tuple d
std::vector< int > feL1a_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:170
static const char *const ttsNames[]
static const int eeOuterTcc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:132
uint32_t orbit_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:148
std::vector< int > feBx_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:175
static const int ebmTcc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:129
unsigned iTccWord64_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:100
std::vector< int > nTpgs_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:160
static const char *const detailedTrigNames[]
unsigned iSrWord64_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:99
std::vector< std::vector< int > > tpg_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:159
tuple out
unsigned fedId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:140
static const char *const trigNames[]
std::string srRange(int offset) const
static const double mgpaGainFactors[]
int tccType_
type of TCC currently parsed
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:174
int simpleTrigType_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:154
std::vector< int > dccChStatus_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:161
static const char *const colorNames[]
static const int eeInnerTcc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:131
std::vector< int > feRuId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:176
static const int maxTpgsPerTcc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:122
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
unsigned orbit0_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:147
tuple cout
static const unsigned nDccs_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:120
static const int maxTccsPerDcc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:123
double max(const std::vector< double > &a, unsigned &pos)
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:51
unsigned dccId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:141
static const int ebpTcc_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:130
void EcalDumpRaw::endJob ( void  )

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 202 of file

202  {
203 }
int EcalDumpRaw::lmodOfRu ( int  ru1)

Definition at line 902 of file

902  {
903  int iEta0 = (ru1-1)/4;
904  int iPhi0 = (ru1-1)%4;
905  int rs;
906  if(iEta0==0){
907  rs = 1;
908  } else{
909  rs = 2 + ((iEta0-1)/4)*2 + (iPhi0%4)/2;
910  }
911  // cout << "ru1 = " << ru1 << " -> lmod = " << rs << "\n";
912  return rs;
913 }
double EcalDumpRaw::max ( const std::vector< double > &  a,
unsigned &  pos 

Definition at line 51 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

References i, and visualization-live-secondInstance_cfg::m.

Referenced by decode(), and srRange().

51  {
52  pos = 0;
53  double m = a[pos];
54  for(unsigned i = 1; i < a.size(); ++i){
55  if(a[i]>m){ m = a[i]; pos = i;}
56  }
57  return m;
58  }
int i
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
double EcalDumpRaw::min ( const std::vector< double > &  a)

Definition at line 59 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

References i, and visualization-live-secondInstance_cfg::m.

Referenced by decode(), and srRange().

59  {
60  double m = a[0];
61  for(unsigned i = 1; i < a.size(); ++i){
62  if(a[i]<m) m = a[i];
63  }
64  return m;
65  }
int i
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
int EcalDumpRaw::modOfRu ( int  ru1)

Definition at line 893 of file

893  {
894  int iEta0 = (ru1-1)/4;
895  if(iEta0<5){
896  return 1;
897  } else{
898  return 2 + (iEta0-5)/4;
899  }
900 }
int EcalDumpRaw::sideOfRu ( int  ru1)

Definition at line 884 of file

Referenced by decode().

884  {
885  if(ru1 < 5 || (ru1-5)%4 >= 2){
886  return 0;
887  } else{
888  return 1;
889  }
890 }
std::string EcalDumpRaw::srRange ( int  offset) const

Definition at line 915 of file

References fedId_, max(), min(), and alignCSCRings::s.

Referenced by decode().

915  {
916  int min = offset+1;
917  int max = offset+4;
918  stringstream buf;
919  if(628 <= fedId_ && fedId_ <= 646){//EB+
920  buf << right << min << ".."
921  << left << max;
922  } else{
923  buf << right << max << ".."
924  << left << min;
925  }
926  string s = buf.str();
927  buf.str("");
928  buf << setw(6) << right << s;
929  return buf.str();
930 }
double min(const std::vector< double > &a)
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:59
unsigned fedId_
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:140
double max(const std::vector< double > &a, unsigned &pos)
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:51
string EcalDumpRaw::toNth ( int  n)

Definition at line 457 of file

References gen::n, and alignCSCRings::s.

Referenced by analyze().

457  {
458  stringstream s;
459  s << n;
460  if(n%100<10 || n%100>20){
461  switch(n%10){
462  case 1:
463  s << "st";
464  break;
465  case 2:
466  s << "nd";
467  break;
468  case 3:
469  s << "rd";
470  break;
471  default:
472  s << "th";
473  }
474  } else{
475  s << "th";
476  }
477  return s.str();
478 }
template<class T >
std::string EcalDumpRaw::toString ( T  val)

Definition at line 69 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

References alignCSCRings::s.

69  {
70  std::stringstream s;
71  s << val;
72  return s.str();
73  }
std::string EcalDumpRaw::tpgTag ( int  tccType,
unsigned  iSeq 
) const

Definition at line 949 of file

References Exception, ecaldqm::ttId(), and ttId_.

Referenced by decode().

949  {
950  if((unsigned)iSeq > sizeof(ttId_))
951  throw cms::Exception("OutOfRange")
952  << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": "
953  << "parameter out of range\n";
955  const int ttId = ttId_[tccType][iSeq];
956  stringstream buf;
957  buf.str("");
958  if(ttId==0){
959  buf << " '0'";
960  } else{
961  buf << "TPG# " << setw(2) << ttId;
962  }
963  return buf.str();
964 }
unsigned ttId(DetId const &)
static const int ttId_[nTccTypes_][maxTpgsPerTcc_]
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:138
std::string EcalDumpRaw::ttfTag ( int  tccType,
unsigned  iSeq 
) const

Definition at line 932 of file

References Exception, ecaldqm::ttId(), and ttId_.

Referenced by decode().

932  {
933  if((unsigned)iSeq > sizeof(ttId_))
934  throw cms::Exception("OutOfRange")
935  << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": "
936  << "parameter out of range\n";
938  const int ttId = ttId_[tccType][iSeq];
939  stringstream buf;
940  buf.str("");
941  if(ttId==0){
942  buf << " '0'";
943  } else{
944  buf << "TTF# " << setw(2) << ttId;
945  }
946  return buf.str();
947 }
unsigned ttId(DetId const &)
static const int ttId_[nTccTypes_][maxTpgsPerTcc_]
Definition: EcalDumpRaw.h:138

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<double> EcalDumpRaw::adc_

Definition at line 105 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

double EcalDumpRaw::amplCut_

Definition at line 108 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::beg_fed_id_

Definition at line 91 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDumpRaw().

int EcalDumpRaw::bx_

Definition at line 150 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::dccCh_

Definition at line 118 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

std::vector<int> EcalDumpRaw::dccChStatus_

Definition at line 161 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

unsigned EcalDumpRaw::dccId_

Definition at line 141 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

enum { ... } EcalDumpRaw::decodeState_
int EcalDumpRaw::detailedTrigType_

Definition at line 155 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

bool EcalDumpRaw::dump_

Definition at line 109 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

bool EcalDumpRaw::dumpAdc_

Definition at line 110 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

std::ofstream EcalDumpRaw::dumpFile_

Definition at line 178 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDumpRaw().

const int EcalDumpRaw::ebmTcc_ = 0

TCC types

Definition at line 129 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

const int EcalDumpRaw::ebpTcc_ = 1

Definition at line 130 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

const int EcalDumpRaw::eeInnerTcc_ = 2

Definition at line 131 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

const int EcalDumpRaw::eeOuterTcc_ = 3

Definition at line 132 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::end_fed_id_

Definition at line 92 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDumpRaw().

unsigned EcalDumpRaw::eventId_

Definition at line 143 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::vector<unsigned> EcalDumpRaw::eventList_

Definition at line 144 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::vector<int> EcalDumpRaw::feBx_

Definition at line 175 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

unsigned EcalDumpRaw::fedId_

Definition at line 140 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode(), and srRange().

edm::InputTag EcalDumpRaw::fedRawDataCollectionTag_

Definition at line 185 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

const unsigned EcalDumpRaw::fedStart_ = 601

Definition at line 121 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

std::vector<int> EcalDumpRaw::feL1a_

Definition at line 170 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

std::vector<int> EcalDumpRaw::feRuId_

Definition at line 176 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

std::string EcalDumpRaw::filename_

Definition at line 95 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by EcalDumpRaw().

int EcalDumpRaw::first_event_

Definition at line 93 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDumpRaw().

int EcalDumpRaw::iEvent_

Definition at line 96 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

int EcalDumpRaw::iRu_

Definition at line 162 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

unsigned EcalDumpRaw::iSrWord64_

Definition at line 99 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::iTcc_

Definition at line 184 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

unsigned EcalDumpRaw::iTccWord64_

Definition at line 100 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::iTow_

Definition at line 177 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned EcalDumpRaw::iTowerWord64_

Definition at line 98 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::l1a_

Definition at line 151 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

edm::InputTag EcalDumpRaw::l1AcceptBunchCrossingCollectionTag_

Definition at line 186 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool EcalDumpRaw::l1aHistory_

Definition at line 111 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

int EcalDumpRaw::l1amax_

Definition at line 153 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

int EcalDumpRaw::l1aMaxX_

Definition at line 117 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

int EcalDumpRaw::l1amin_

Definition at line 152 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

int EcalDumpRaw::l1aMinX_

Definition at line 116 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> > EcalDumpRaw::l1as_

Definition at line 157 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

int EcalDumpRaw::last_event_

Definition at line 94 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDumpRaw().

std::vector<uint32_t> EcalDumpRaw::lastOrbit_

Definition at line 119 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

unsigned EcalDumpRaw::maxEventId_

Definition at line 146 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

int EcalDumpRaw::maxEvt_

Definition at line 113 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

const int EcalDumpRaw::maxTccsPerDcc_ = 4

Definition at line 123 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

const int EcalDumpRaw::maxTpgsPerTcc_ = 68

Definition at line 122 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

unsigned EcalDumpRaw::minEventId_

Definition at line 145 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

const unsigned EcalDumpRaw::nDccs_ = 54

Definition at line 120 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

const int EcalDumpRaw::nRu_ = 70

Definition at line 169 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

const int EcalDumpRaw::nSamples = 10

Definition at line 107 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

const int EcalDumpRaw::nTccTypes_ = 4

Definition at line 133 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

std::vector<int> EcalDumpRaw::nTpgs_

Definition at line 160 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::nTts_

Definition at line 166 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

unsigned EcalDumpRaw::orbit0_

Definition at line 147 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

bool EcalDumpRaw::orbit0Set_

Definition at line 149 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

uint32_t EcalDumpRaw::orbit_

Definition at line 148 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> > EcalDumpRaw::orbits_

Definition at line 158 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

int EcalDumpRaw::profileFedId_

Definition at line 114 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

int EcalDumpRaw::profileRuId_

Definition at line 115 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

bool EcalDumpRaw::pulsePerLme_

Definition at line 181 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

bool EcalDumpRaw::pulsePerLmod_

Definition at line 180 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

bool EcalDumpRaw::pulsePerRu_

Definition at line 179 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

unsigned EcalDumpRaw::side_

Definition at line 142 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::simpleTrigType_

Definition at line 154 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::srpBx_

Definition at line 171 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::srpL1a_

Definition at line 163 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::tccBlockLen64_

Definition at line 168 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::tccBx_

Definition at line 172 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze().

int EcalDumpRaw::tccId_

Definition at line 182 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::tccL1a_

Definition at line 164 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

int EcalDumpRaw::tccType_

type of TCC currently parsed

Definition at line 174 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and decode().

size_t EcalDumpRaw::towerBlockLength_

Definition at line 103 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

std::vector<std::vector<int> > EcalDumpRaw::tpg_

Definition at line 159 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by decode().

const int EcalDumpRaw::ttId_

TT ID in the order the TPG appears in the data

Definition at line 138 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by tpgTag(), and ttfTag().

int EcalDumpRaw::verbosity_

Definition at line 89 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by EcalDumpRaw().

bool EcalDumpRaw::writeDcc_

Definition at line 90 of file EcalDumpRaw.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalDumpRaw().