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hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet > Class Template Reference

Template class of experiment-independent interface to HitFit. This class is intended to be used inside the programming environment of a specific experiment, where each type of physics objects has its own class/type. For using HitFit with generic four-vector classes, user can't use this class and have to use the Top_Fit class directly. The reason is: this class is designed assuming electron and muon are represented by different object type, a situation which is guaranteed to happen in any experiments. The class contains some static integer constants to limit the maximum amount of jets in an event before fitting. See the description of those constants for details. The numbers of permutations for $t\bar{t}$ and $t\bar{t}H$ as a function of the number of jets $N_{\mathrm{jet}}$ in the event for a few values of are. More...

#include <RunHitFit.h>

Public Member Functions

void AddJet (const AJet &jet, bool useObjRes=false)
 Add one jet into the internal event. This function will do nothing if the internal event has already contained the maximally allowed number of jets. More...
void AddLepton (const AElectron &electron, bool useObjRes=false)
 Add one electron into the internal event. More...
void AddLepton (const AMuon &muon, bool useObjRes=false)
 Add one muon into the internal event. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the internal event, fit results, and jets. More...
std::vector< Fit_Result >
FitAllPermutation ()
 Fit all permutations of the internal event. Returns the number of permutations. More...
std::vector< Fit_ResultGetFitAllPermutation ()
 Return the results of fitting all permutations of the internal event. More...
const Top_FitGetTopFit () const
 Return a constant reference to the underlying Top_Fit object. More...
std::vector< Lepjets_EventGetUnfittedEvent ()
 Return the unfitted events for all permutations. More...
 RunHitFit (const LeptonTranslatorBase< AElectron > &el, const LeptonTranslatorBase< AMuon > &mu, const JetTranslatorBase< AJet > &jet, const METTranslatorBase< AMet > &met, const std::string default_file, double lepw_mass, double hadw_mass, double top_mass)
 Constructor. More...
void SetKtResolution (const Resolution &res)
 Set the $k_{T}$ resolution of the internal event. More...
void SetMet (const AMet &met, bool useObjRes=false)
 Set the missing transverse energy of the internal event. More...
void SetMETResolution (const Resolution &res)
 Set the $E_{T}\!\!\!\!/$ resolution of the internal event. More...
 ~RunHitFit ()
 Destructor. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned int MAX_HITFIT = 1680
static const unsigned int MAX_HITFIT_JET = 8
static const unsigned int MAX_HITFIT_VAR = 32
static const unsigned int MIN_HITFIT_JET = 4
static const unsigned int MIN_HITFIT_TTH = 6

Private Attributes

LeptonTranslatorBase< AElectron > _ElectronTranslator
Lepjets_Event _event
std::vector< Fit_Result_Fit_Results
bool _jetObjRes
std::vector< AJet > _jets
JetTranslatorBase< AJet > _JetTranslator
METTranslatorBase< AMet > _METTranslator
LeptonTranslatorBase< AMuon > _MuonTranslator
Top_Fit _Top_Fit
std::vector< Lepjets_Event_Unfitted_Events

Detailed Description

template<class AElectron, class AMuon, class AJet, class AMet>
class hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >

Template class of experiment-independent interface to HitFit. This class is intended to be used inside the programming environment of a specific experiment, where each type of physics objects has its own class/type. For using HitFit with generic four-vector classes, user can't use this class and have to use the Top_Fit class directly. The reason is: this class is designed assuming electron and muon are represented by different object type, a situation which is guaranteed to happen in any experiments. The class contains some static integer constants to limit the maximum amount of jets in an event before fitting. See the description of those constants for details. The numbers of permutations for $t\bar{t}$ and $t\bar{t}H$ as a function of the number of jets $N_{\mathrm{jet}}$ in the event for a few values of are.

$N_{\mathrm{jet}}$ $N_{t\bar{t}}$


4 24


5 120


6 360


7 840


8 1680


If adjusting the limits defined by the static constants is desired, then please the following formulas.

The number for possible permutations, $N_{t\bar{t}}$, as a function of number of jets, $n$, for $t\bar{t}$ event is given by:

\[ N_{t\bar{t}}(n) = \frac{n!}{(n-4)!};~ n \ge 4 \]

The number for possible permutations, $N_{t\bar{t}H}$, as a function of number of jets, $n$, for $t\bar{t}H$ is given by:

\[ N_{t\bar{t}}(n) = \frac{n!}{(n-6)!2!};~ n \ge 6 \]

AElectronThe typename of the electron physics object class to be translated into HitFit's Lepjets_Event_Lep.
AMuonThe typename of the muon physics object class to be translated into HitFit's Lepjets_Event_Lep.
AJetThe typename of the jet physics object class to be translated into HitFit's Lepjets_Event_Jet.
AMetThe typename of the missing transverse energy physics object class be translated into HitFit's Fourvec.

Definition at line 156 of file RunHitFit.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::RunHitFit ( const LeptonTranslatorBase< AElectron > &  el,
const LeptonTranslatorBase< AMuon > &  mu,
const JetTranslatorBase< AJet > &  jet,
const METTranslatorBase< AMet > &  met,
const std::string  default_file,
double  lepw_mass,
double  hadw_mass,
double  top_mass 


elThe function object to translate from AElectron to Lepjets_Event_Lep.
muThe function object to translate from AMuon to Lepjets_Event_Lep.
jetThe function object to translate from AJet to Lepjets_Event_Jet.
metThe function object to translate from AMet to Fourvec.
default_fileThe path of ASCII text files which contains the parameter settings for this instance of RunHitFit.
lepw_massThe mass to which the leptonic $ W- $ boson should be constrained to. A value of zero means this constraint will be removed.
hadw_massThe mass to which the hadronic $ W- $ boson should be constrained to. A value of zero means this constraint will be removed.
top_massThe mass to which the top quark should be constrained to. A value of zero means this constraint will be removed.

Definition at line 258 of file RunHitFit.h.

265  :
267  _MuonTranslator(mu),
270  _event(0,0),
271  _jetObjRes(false),
272  _Top_Fit(Top_Fit_Args(Defaults_Text(default_file)),lepw_mass,hadw_mass,top_mass)
273  {
274  }
JetTranslatorBase< AJet > _JetTranslator
Definition: RunHitFit.h:173
LeptonTranslatorBase< AElectron > _ElectronTranslator
Definition: RunHitFit.h:163
METTranslatorBase< AMet > _METTranslator
Definition: RunHitFit.h:178
Lepjets_Event _event
Definition: RunHitFit.h:185
LeptonTranslatorBase< AMuon > _MuonTranslator
Definition: RunHitFit.h:168
Top_Fit _Top_Fit
Definition: RunHitFit.h:217
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::~RunHitFit ( )


Definition at line 279 of file RunHitFit.h.

280  {
281  }

Member Function Documentation

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
void hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::AddJet ( const AJet &  jet,
bool  useObjRes = false 

Add one jet into the internal event. This function will do nothing if the internal event has already contained the maximally allowed number of jets.

Explanation about this function: This function does not directly add the jet into the internal event. Rather, this function store the jet in an internal array. The reason is: jet energy correction and resolution depends on the jet type in the permutation. Therefore RunHitFit will only add jet into the event after a specific jet permutation has been determined. This is done in the FitAllPermutation function().

jetThe jet to be added into the internal event.
useObjResBoolean parameter to indicate if the user would like to use the resolution embedded in the object, and not the resolution read when instantiating the class.

Definition at line 351 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_jetObjRes, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_jets, and hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::MAX_HITFIT_JET.

353  {
354  // Only set flag when adding the first jet
355  // the additional jets then WILL be treated in the
356  // same way like the first jet.
357  if (_jets.empty()) {
358  _jetObjRes = useObjRes;
359  }
361  if (_jets.size() < MAX_HITFIT_JET) {
362  _jets.push_back(jet);
363  }
364  return;
365  }
static const unsigned int MAX_HITFIT_JET
Definition: RunHitFit.h:549
std::vector< AJet > _jets
Definition: RunHitFit.h:201
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
void hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::AddLepton ( const AElectron &  electron,
bool  useObjRes = false 

Add one electron into the internal event.

electronThe electron to be added into the internal event.
useObjResBoolean parameter to indicate if the user would like to use the resolution embedded in the object, and not the resolution read when instantiating the class.

Definition at line 306 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_ElectronTranslator, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_event, hitfit::Lepjets_Event::add_lep(), and hitfit::electron_label.

308  {
310  return;
311  }
LeptonTranslatorBase< AElectron > _ElectronTranslator
Definition: RunHitFit.h:163
void add_lep(const Lepjets_Event_Lep &lep)
Add a new lepton to the event.
Lepjets_Event _event
Definition: RunHitFit.h:185
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
void hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::AddLepton ( const AMuon &  muon,
bool  useObjRes = false 

Add one muon into the internal event.

muonThe muon to be added into the internal event.
useObjResBoolean parameter to indicate if the user would like to use the resolution embedded in the object, and not the resolution read when instantiating the class.

Definition at line 323 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_event, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_MuonTranslator, hitfit::Lepjets_Event::add_lep(), and hitfit::muon_label.

325  {
327  return;
328  }
void add_lep(const Lepjets_Event_Lep &lep)
Add a new lepton to the event.
Lepjets_Event _event
Definition: RunHitFit.h:185
LeptonTranslatorBase< AMuon > _MuonTranslator
Definition: RunHitFit.h:168
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
void hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::clear ( void  )

Clear the internal event, fit results, and jets.

Definition at line 287 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_event, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Fit_Results, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_jetObjRes, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_jets, and hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Unfitted_Events.

288  {
289  _event = Lepjets_Event(0,0);
290  _jets.clear();
291  _jetObjRes = false;
292  _Unfitted_Events.clear();
293  _Fit_Results.clear();
294  }
std::vector< Fit_Result > _Fit_Results
Definition: RunHitFit.h:227
std::vector< Lepjets_Event > _Unfitted_Events
Definition: RunHitFit.h:222
Lepjets_Event _event
Definition: RunHitFit.h:185
std::vector< AJet > _jets
Definition: RunHitFit.h:201
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
std::vector<Fit_Result>::size_type hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::FitAllPermutation ( )

Fit all permutations of the internal event. Returns the number of permutations.

Definition at line 418 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_event, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Fit_Results, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_jetObjRes, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_jets, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_JetTranslator, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Top_Fit, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Unfitted_Events, hitfit::Lepjets_Event::add_jet(), hitfit::Top_Fit::args(), hitfit::Top_Fit_Args::do_higgs_flag(), hitfit::Top_Fit::fit_one_perm(), hitfit::hadb_label, hitfit::hadw1_label, hitfit::higgs_label, j, hitfit::lepb_label, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::MAX_HITFIT_JET, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::MIN_HITFIT_JET, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::MIN_HITFIT_TTH, hitfit::Lepjets_Event::set_jet_types(), and hitfit::unknown_label.

419  {
421  if (_jets.size() < MIN_HITFIT_JET) {
422  // For ttbar lepton+jets, a minimum of MIN_HITFIT_JETS jets
423  // is required
424  return 0;
425  }
427  if (_jets.size() > MAX_HITFIT_JET) {
428  // Restrict the maximum number of jets in the fit
429  // to prevent loop overflow
430  return 0;
431  }
433  _Unfitted_Events.clear();
434  _Fit_Results.clear();
436  // Prepare the array of jet types for permutation
437  std::vector<int> jet_types (_jets.size(), unknown_label);
438  jet_types[0] = lepb_label;
439  jet_types[1] = hadb_label;
440  jet_types[2] = hadw1_label;
441  jet_types[3] = hadw1_label;
443  if (_Top_Fit.args().do_higgs_flag() && _jets.size() >= MIN_HITFIT_TTH) {
444  jet_types[4] = higgs_label;
445  jet_types[5] = higgs_label;
446  }
448  std::stable_sort(jet_types.begin(),jet_types.end());
450  do {
452  // begin loop over all jet permutation
453  for (int nusol = 0 ; nusol != 2 ; nusol++) {
454  // loop over two neutrino solution
455  bool nuz = bool(nusol);
457  // Copy the event
458  Lepjets_Event fev = _event;
460  // Add jets into the event, with the assumed type
461  // in accord with the permutation.
462  // The translator _JetTranslator will correctly
463  // return object of Lepjets_Event_Jet with
464  // jet energy correction applied in accord with
465  // the assumed jet type (b or light).
466  for (size_t j = 0 ; j != _jets.size(); j++) {
467  fev.add_jet(_JetTranslator(_jets[j],jet_types[j],_jetObjRes));
468  }
470  // Clone fev (intended to be fitted event)
471  // to ufev (intended to be unfitted event)
472  Lepjets_Event ufev = fev;
474  // Set jet types.
475  fev.set_jet_types(jet_types);
476  ufev.set_jet_types(jet_types);
478  // Store the unfitted event
479  _Unfitted_Events.push_back(ufev);
481  // Prepare the placeholder for various kinematic quantities
482  double umwhad;
483  double utmass;
484  double mt;
485  double sigmt;
486  Column_Vector pullx;
487  Column_Vector pully;
489  // Do the fit
490  double chisq= _Top_Fit.fit_one_perm(fev,
491  nuz,
492  umwhad,
493  utmass,
494  mt,
495  sigmt,
496  pullx,
497  pully);
498  // Store output of the fit
499  _Fit_Results.push_back(Fit_Result(chisq,
500  fev,
501  pullx,
502  pully,
503  umwhad,
504  utmass,
505  mt,
506  sigmt));
508  } // end loop over two neutrino solution
510  } while (std::next_permutation (jet_types.begin(), jet_types.end()));
511  // end loop over all jet permutations
513  return _Fit_Results.size();
515  }
JetTranslatorBase< AJet > _JetTranslator
Definition: RunHitFit.h:173
CLHEP::HepVector Column_Vector
Definition: matutil.h:66
static const unsigned int MIN_HITFIT_TTH
Definition: RunHitFit.h:544
std::vector< Fit_Result > _Fit_Results
Definition: RunHitFit.h:227
double fit_one_perm(Lepjets_Event &ev, bool &nuz, double &umwhad, double &utmass, double &mt, double &sigmt, Column_Vector &pullx, Column_Vector &pully)
Fit for a single jet permutation.
std::vector< Lepjets_Event > _Unfitted_Events
Definition: RunHitFit.h:222
static const unsigned int MAX_HITFIT_JET
Definition: RunHitFit.h:549
Lepjets_Event _event
Definition: RunHitFit.h:185
int j
std::vector< AJet > _jets
Definition: RunHitFit.h:201
Top_Fit _Top_Fit
Definition: RunHitFit.h:217
const Top_Fit_Args & args() const
Return a constant reference to the fit arguments.
void add_jet(const Lepjets_Event_Jet &jet)
Add a new jet to the event.
bool do_higgs_flag() const
Return the do_higgs_flag parameter.
static const unsigned int MIN_HITFIT_JET
Definition: RunHitFit.h:539
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
std::vector<Fit_Result> hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::GetFitAllPermutation ( )

Return the results of fitting all permutations of the internal event.

Definition at line 531 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Fit_Results.

532  {
533  return _Fit_Results;
534  }
std::vector< Fit_Result > _Fit_Results
Definition: RunHitFit.h:227
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
const Top_Fit& hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::GetTopFit ( ) const

Return a constant reference to the underlying Top_Fit object.

Definition at line 408 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Top_Fit.

409  {
410  return _Top_Fit;
411  }
Top_Fit _Top_Fit
Definition: RunHitFit.h:217
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
std::vector<Lepjets_Event> hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::GetUnfittedEvent ( )

Return the unfitted events for all permutations.

Definition at line 521 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Unfitted_Events.

522  {
523  return _Unfitted_Events;
524  }
std::vector< Lepjets_Event > _Unfitted_Events
Definition: RunHitFit.h:222
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
void hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::SetKtResolution ( const Resolution res)

Set the $k_{T}$ resolution of the internal event.

resThe resolution.

Definition at line 385 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_event, and hitfit::Lepjets_Event::kt_res().

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::SetMETResolution().

386  {
387  _event.kt_res() = res;
388  return;
389  }
Resolution & kt_res()
Return a reference to the resolution.
Lepjets_Event _event
Definition: RunHitFit.h:185
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
void hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::SetMet ( const AMet &  met,
bool  useObjRes = false 

Set the missing transverse energy of the internal event.

Definition at line 371 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_event, hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_METTranslator, hitfit::Lepjets_Event::kt_res(), and hitfit::Lepjets_Event::met().

373  {
374  _event.met() = _METTranslator(met,useObjRes);
375  _event.kt_res() = _METTranslator.KtResolution(met,useObjRes);
376  return;
377  }
Resolution & kt_res()
Return a reference to the resolution.
METTranslatorBase< AMet > _METTranslator
Definition: RunHitFit.h:178
Lepjets_Event _event
Definition: RunHitFit.h:185
Fourvec & met()
Return a reference to the missing transverse energy.
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
void hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::SetMETResolution ( const Resolution res)

Set the $E_{T}\!\!\!\!/$ resolution of the internal event.

resThe $E_{T}\!\!\!\!/$ resolution, same as $k_{T}$ resolution.

Definition at line 398 of file RunHitFit.h.

References hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::SetKtResolution().

399  {
400  SetKtResolution(res);
401  return;
402  }
void SetKtResolution(const Resolution &res)
Set the resolution of the internal event.
Definition: RunHitFit.h:385

Member Data Documentation

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
LeptonTranslatorBase<AElectron> hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_ElectronTranslator

The translator from AElectron to Lepjets_Event_Lep.

Definition at line 163 of file RunHitFit.h.

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::AddLepton().

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
Lepjets_Event hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_event
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
std::vector<Fit_Result> hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Fit_Results
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
bool hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_jetObjRes

Boolean flag which sets whether to use jet resolution read from file or jet resolution embedded in the physics objects.

This flag is only set when the FIRST jet is added into the event.

By default this flag is set to FALSE if user does not specify anything about which resolution to be used.

Definition at line 212 of file RunHitFit.h.

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::AddJet(), hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::clear(), and hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::FitAllPermutation().

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
std::vector<AJet> hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_jets

The internal array of jets. Jets are kept in this array and not added into the internal event. The reason is: the jet energy correction applied to a jet is dependent on the assumed jet type (b or light) in the permutation. Therefore the decision is to store jets in their original format/data type.

Before a fit to a particular permutation is done, this class convert the jets in this array into Lepjets_Event_Jet format, taking into consideration the assumed jet type and applying the appropriate jet energy correction.

Definition at line 201 of file RunHitFit.h.

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::AddJet(), hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::clear(), and hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::FitAllPermutation().

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
JetTranslatorBase<AJet> hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_JetTranslator

The translator from AJet to Lepjets_Event_Jet.

Definition at line 173 of file RunHitFit.h.

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::FitAllPermutation().

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
METTranslatorBase<AMet> hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_METTranslator

The translator from AMet to Fourvec.

Definition at line 178 of file RunHitFit.h.

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::SetMet().

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
LeptonTranslatorBase<AMuon> hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_MuonTranslator

The translator from AMuon to Lepjets_Event_Lep.

Definition at line 168 of file RunHitFit.h.

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::AddLepton().

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
Top_Fit hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Top_Fit

The interface between the event and the fitting algorithm.

Definition at line 217 of file RunHitFit.h.

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::FitAllPermutation(), and hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::GetTopFit().

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
std::vector<Lepjets_Event> hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::_Unfitted_Events
template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
const unsigned int hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::MAX_HITFIT = 1680

Maximum number of HitFit permutation in each event.

Definition at line 554 of file RunHitFit.h.

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
const unsigned int hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::MAX_HITFIT_JET = 8

Maximum number of jet as input to HitFit in each event

Definition at line 549 of file RunHitFit.h.

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::AddJet(), and hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::FitAllPermutation().

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
const unsigned int hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::MAX_HITFIT_VAR = 32

Maximum number of fitted variables in HitFit in each event

Definition at line 559 of file RunHitFit.h.

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
const unsigned int hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::MIN_HITFIT_JET = 4

Minimum number of jet as input to HitFit in Tt event

Definition at line 539 of file RunHitFit.h.

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::FitAllPermutation().

template<class AElectron , class AMuon , class AJet , class AMet >
const unsigned int hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::MIN_HITFIT_TTH = 6

Minimum number of jet as input to HitFit in TtH event

Definition at line 544 of file RunHitFit.h.

Referenced by hitfit::RunHitFit< AElectron, AMuon, AJet, AMet >::FitAllPermutation().