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PValidationFormats.h File Reference
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "DataFormats/Math/interface/LorentzVector.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  PGlobalSimHit::BrlHit
struct  PGlobalSimHit::CalHit
struct  PMuonSimHit::CSC
struct  PGlobalRecHit::CSCRecHit
struct  PGlobalDigi::CSCstripDigi
struct  PGlobalDigi::CSCwireDigi
struct  PMuonSimHit::DT
struct  PGlobalDigi::DTDigi
struct  PGlobalRecHit::DTRecHit
struct  PGlobalDigi::ECalDigi
struct  PGlobalRecHit::ECalRecHit
struct  PGlobalDigi::ESCalDigi
struct  PGlobalSimHit::FwdHit
struct  PGlobalDigi::HCalDigi
struct  PGlobalRecHit::HCalRecHit
struct  PTrackerSimHit::Hit
class  PEcalValidInfo
class  PGlobalDigi
class  PGlobalRecHit
class  PGlobalSimHit
class  PHcalValidInfoJets
class  PHcalValidInfoLayer
class  PHcalValidInfoNxN
class  PMuonSimHit
class  PTrackerSimHit
struct  PMuonSimHit::RPC
struct  PGlobalRecHit::RPCRecHit
struct  PGlobalDigi::SiPixelDigi
struct  PGlobalRecHit::SiPixelRecHit
struct  PGlobalDigi::SiStripDigi
struct  PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit
struct  PTrackerSimHit::Trk
struct  PMuonSimHit::Trk
struct  PGlobalSimHit::Trk
struct  PTrackerSimHit::Vtx
struct  PMuonSimHit::Vtx
struct  PGlobalSimHit::Vtx


#define PEcalValidInfo_H
#define PGlobalDigi_h
#define PGlobalRecHit_h
#define PGlobalSimHit_h
#define PHcalValidInfoJets_H
#define PHcalValidInfoLayer_H
#define PHcalValidInfoNxN_H
#define PMuonSimHit_h
#define PTrackerSimHit_h

Macro Definition Documentation

#define PEcalValidInfo_H

Definition at line 947 of file PValidationFormats.h.

#define PGlobalDigi_h

Definition at line 184 of file PValidationFormats.h.

#define PGlobalRecHit_h

Definition at line 566 of file PValidationFormats.h.

#define PGlobalSimHit_h

Definition at line 8 of file PValidationFormats.h.

#define PHcalValidInfoJets_H

Definition at line 1154 of file PValidationFormats.h.

#define PHcalValidInfoLayer_H

Definition at line 1225 of file PValidationFormats.h.

#define PHcalValidInfoNxN_H

Definition at line 1297 of file PValidationFormats.h.

#define PMuonSimHit_h

Definition at line 1356 of file PValidationFormats.h.

#define PTrackerSimHit_h

Definition at line 1653 of file PValidationFormats.h.