Read available subfolders from the files
files -- List of strings for paths to files, or list of TFiles
For each file, loop over 'possibleDirs', and read the
subfolders of first one that exists.
Returns a PlotterFolder if at least one file for which one of
'possibleDirs' exists. Otherwise, return None to signal that
there is nothing available for this PlotFolder.
Definition at line 1873 of file
References plotting.PlotterFolder._fallbackNames, plotting.PlotterItem._fallbackNames, FP420HitsObject._name, TrackerHitsObject._name, PGeometricDet::Item._name, LikelihoodSpecies._name, LikelihoodPdfProduct._name, LikelihoodPdf._name, citk::IsolationConeDefinitionBase._name, DrellYanValidation._name, WValidation._name, HistoParams< T >._name, CutApplicatorBase._name, ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Phys14NonTrig._name, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15NonTrig._name, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Phys14NonTrig._name, ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15Trig._name, GeometricDetExtra._name, ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15NonTrig._name, HistoParams< TH2F >._name, plotting.Subtract._name, HistoParams< TProfile2D >._name, plotting.FakeDuplicate._name, plotting.AggregateBins._name, plotting.AggregateHistos._name, plotting.ROC._name, Vispa.Views.PropertyView.Property._name, SequenceTypes.SequencePlaceholder._name, plotting.Plot._name, plotting.PlotGroup._name, plotting.PlotterFolder._name, plotting.PlotterItem._name, plotting.PlotterFolder._plotFolder, plotting.PlotterItem._plotFolder, and plotting.PlotterItem._possibleDirs.
1875 """Read available subfolders from the files
1878 files -- List of strings for paths to files, or list of TFiles
1880 For each file, loop over 'possibleDirs', and read the
1881 subfolders of first one that exists.
1883 Returns a PlotterFolder if at least one file for which one of
1884 'possibleDirs' exists. Otherwise, return None to signal that
1885 there is nothing available for this PlotFolder.
1888 if self._plotFolder.loopSubFolders():
1890 possibleDirFound =
1892 isOpenFile = isinstance(fname, ROOT.TFile)
1896 tfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(fname)
1900 possibleDirFound =
1901 if subFolders
is not None:
1903 for key
in d.GetListOfKeys():
1904 if isinstance(key.ReadObj(), ROOT.TDirectory):
1905 subf.append(key.GetName())
1906 subFolders.append(subf)
1912 if not possibleDirFound: