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1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // Package: FWLite
4 // Class : MultiChainEvent
5 //
6 // Implementation:
7 // <Notes on implementation>
8 //
9 // Original Author: Salvatore Rappoccio
10 // Created: Thu Jul 9 22:05:56 CDT 2009
11 //
13 // system include files
14 #include <iostream>
16 // user include files
24 #include <algorithm>
26 namespace fwlite {
28  namespace internal {
31 public:
34  virtual edm::WrapperBase const*
35  getIt(edm::ProductID const& iID) const override {
36  return event_->getByProductID(iID);
37  }
39  virtual edm::WrapperBase const*
40  getThinnedProduct(edm::ProductID const& pid, unsigned int& key) const override {
41  return event_->getThinnedProduct(pid, key);
42  }
44  virtual void getThinnedProducts(edm::ProductID const& pid,
45  std::vector<edm::WrapperBase const*>& foundContainers,
46  std::vector<unsigned int>& keys) const {
47  event_->getThinnedProducts(pid, foundContainers, keys);
48  }
50 private:
51  virtual unsigned int transitionIndex_() const override {
52  return 0U;
53  }
57  };
58  }
60 //
61 // constants, enums and typedefs
62 //
64 //
65 // static data member definitions
66 //
68 //
69 // constructors and destructor
70 //
71  MultiChainEvent::MultiChainEvent(std::vector<std::string> const& iFileNames1,
72  std::vector<std::string> const& iFileNames2,
73  bool useSecFileMapSorted)
74 {
75  event1_ = std::shared_ptr<ChainEvent> (new ChainEvent(iFileNames1));
76  event2_ = std::shared_ptr<ChainEvent> (new ChainEvent(iFileNames2));
78  getter_ = std::shared_ptr<internal::MultiProductGetter>(new internal::MultiProductGetter(this));
80  if (event1_->size() == 0) {
81  std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
82  std::cout << "WARNING! MultiChainEvent: all primary files have zero events." << std::endl;
83  std::cout << "Trying to access the events may lead to a crash. " << std::endl;
84  std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
85  } else {
86  event1_->setGetter(getter_);
87  event2_->setGetter(getter_);
88  }
90  useSecFileMapSorted_ = useSecFileMapSorted;
92  if (!useSecFileMapSorted_) {
93  std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
94  std::cout << "WARNING! What you are about to do may be very slow." << std::endl;
95  std::cout << "The 2-file solution in FWLite works with very simple assumptions." << std::endl;
96  std::cout << "It will linearly search through the files in the secondary file list for Products." << std::endl;
97  std::cout << "There are speed improvements available to make this run faster." << std::endl;
98  std::cout << "***If your secondary files are sorted with a run-range within a file, (almost always the case) " << std::endl;
99  std::cout << "***please use the option useSecFileMapSorted=true in this constructor. " << std::endl;
100  std::cout << " > usage: MultiChainEvent(primaryFiles, secondaryFiles, true);" << std::endl;
101  std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
103  }
105  if (useSecFileMapSorted_) {
107  std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
108  std::cout << "This MultiChainEvent is now creating a (run_range)_2 ---> file_index_2 map" << std::endl;
109  std::cout << "for the 2-file solution. " << std::endl;
110  std::cout << "This is assuming the files you are giving me are sorted by run,event pairs within each secondary file." << std::endl;
111  std::cout << "If this is not true (rarely the case), set this option to false." << std::endl;
112  std::cout << " > usage: MultiChainEvent(primaryFiles, secondaryFiles, false);" << std::endl;
113  std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
114  // speed up secondary file access with a (run,event)_1 ---> index_2 map
117  // Loop over events, when a new file is encountered, store the first run number from this file,
118  // and the last run number from the last file.
119  TFile * lastFile = 0;
120  std::pair<event_id_range,Long64_t> eventRange;
121  bool firstFile = true;
123  bool foundAny = false;
125  for(event2_->toBegin();
126  ! event2_->atEnd();
127  ++(*event2_)) {
128  // if we have a new file, cache the "first"
129  if (lastFile != event2_->getTFile()) {
131  // if this is not the first file, we have an entry.
132  // Add it to the list.
133  if (!firstFile) {
134  foundAny = true;
135  event_id_range toAdd = eventRange.first;
136  secFileMapSorted_[ toAdd ] = eventRange.second;
137  }
138  // always add the "first" event id to the cached event range
139  eventRange.first.first = event2_->event()->id();
140  lastFile = event2_->getTFile();
141  }
142  // otherwise, cache the "second" event id in the cached event range.
143  // Upon the discovery of a new file, this will be used as the
144  // "last" event id in the cached event range.
145  else {
146  eventRange.first.second = event2_->event()->id();
147  eventRange.second = event2_->eventIndex();
148  }
149  firstFile = false;
150  }
151  // due to the invailability of a "look ahead" operation, we have one additional "put" to make
152  // after the loop (which puts the "last" event, not "this" event.
153  if (foundAny) {
154  event_id_range toAdd = eventRange.first;
155  secFileMapSorted_[ toAdd ] = eventRange.second;
156  }
157 // std::cout << "Dumping run range to event id list:" << std::endl;
158 // for (sec_file_range_index_map::const_iterator mBegin = secFileMapSorted_.begin(),
159 // mEnd = secFileMapSorted_.end(),
160 // mit = mBegin;
161 // mit != mEnd; ++mit) {
162 // char buff[1000];
163 // event2_->to(mit->second);
164 // sprintf(buff, "[%10d,%10d - %10d,%10d] ---> %10d",
165 // mit->,
166 // mit->first.first.event(),
167 // mit->,
168 // mit->first.second.event(),
169 // mit->second);
170 // std::cout << buff << std::endl;
171 // }
172  }
174 }
176 // MultiChainEvent::MultiChainEvent(const MultiChainEvent& rhs)
177 // {
178 // // do actual copying here;
179 // }
182 {
183 }
185 //
186 // assignment operators
187 //
188 // const MultiChainEvent& MultiChainEvent::operator=(const MultiChainEvent& rhs)
189 // {
190 // //An exception safe implementation is
191 // MultiChainEvent temp(rhs);
192 // swap(rhs);
193 //
194 // return *this;
195 // }
197 //
198 // member functions
199 //
201 const MultiChainEvent&
203 {
204  event1_->operator++();
205  return *this;
206 }
209 bool
210 MultiChainEvent::to(Long64_t iIndex)
211 {
212  return event1_->to(iIndex);
213 }
217 bool
219 {
220  return to(, id.luminosityBlock(), id.event());
221 }
224 bool
226 {
227  return event1_->to(run, lumi, event);
228 }
231 bool
233 {
234  return to(run, 0U, event);
235 }
239 bool
240 MultiChainEvent::toSec(Long64_t iIndex)
241 {
242  return event2_->to(iIndex);
243 }
245 // Go to event with event id "id"
246 bool
248 {
249  // First try this file.
250  if (event2_->event_->to(id))
251  {
252  // Found it, return.
253  return true;
254  }
255  // Second, assume that the secondary files are each in run/event
256  // order. So, let's loop over all files and see if we can figure
257  // out where the event ought to be.
258  for (sec_file_range_index_map::const_iterator mBegin =
259  secFileMapSorted_.begin(),
260  mEnd = secFileMapSorted_.end(),
261  mit = mBegin;
262  mit != mEnd;
263  ++mit)
264  {
265  if (id < mit->first.first || id > mit->first.second)
266  {
267  // We don't expect this event to be in this file, so don't
268  // bother checking it right now.
269  continue;
270  }
271  // If we're here, then we have a reasonable belief that this
272  // event is in this secondary file. This part is
273  // expensive. switchToFile does memory allocations and opens the
274  // files which becomes very time consuming. This should be done
275  // as infrequently as possible.
276  event2_->switchToFile(mit->second);
277  // Is it here?
278  if (event2_->to(id))
279  {
280  // Yes!
281  return true;
282  }
283  // if we assumed that the secondary files were not each in
284  // order, but were non-overlapping, we could break here. But at
285  // this point, we might as well keep going.
286  } // for loop over files
288  // if we are still here, then we did not find the id in question,
289  // do it the old fashioned way. This will open up each secondary
290  // file and explicitly check to see if the event is there.
291  if (event2_->to(id))
292  {
293  return true;
294  }
295  // if we're still here, then there really is no matching event in
296  // the secondary files. Throw.
297  throw cms::Exception("ProductNotFound") << "Cannot find id "
298  << << ", "
299  << id.event()
300  << " in secondary list. Exiting."
301  << std::endl;
302  // to make the compiler happy
303  return false;
304 }
307 bool
309 {
310  return toSec(edm::EventID(run, lumi, event));
311 }
313 // Go to the very first Event
315 bool
317 {
318  return toSec(edm::EventID(run, 0U, event));
319 }
321 // Go to the very first Event
322 const MultiChainEvent&
324 {
325  event1_->toBegin();
326  return *this;
327 }
329 //
330 // const member functions
331 //
332 std::string const
333 MultiChainEvent::getBranchNameFor(std::type_info const& iType,
334  char const* iModule,
335  char const* iInstance,
336  char const* iProcess) const
337 {
338  return event1_->getBranchNameFor(iType,iModule,iInstance,iProcess);
339 }
341 std::vector<edm::BranchDescription> const&
343 {
344  return event1_->getBranchDescriptions();
345 }
347 std::vector<std::string> const&
349 {
350  return event1_->getProcessHistory();
351 }
353 edm::ProcessHistory const&
355 {
356  return event1_->processHistory();
357 }
359 edm::EventAuxiliary const&
361 {
362  return event1_->eventAuxiliary();
363 }
365 bool
367  std::type_info const& iType,
368  char const* iModule,
369  char const* iInstance,
370  char const* iProcess,
371  void* iValue) const
372 {
373  bool ret1 = event1_->getByLabel(iType, iModule, iInstance, iProcess, iValue);
374  if (!ret1) {
375  (const_cast<MultiChainEvent*>(this))->toSec(event1_->id());
376  bool ret2 = event2_->getByLabel(iType,iModule,iInstance,iProcess,iValue);
377  if (!ret2) return false;
378  }
379  return true;
380 }
383 {
384  // First try the first file
385  edm::WrapperBase const* edp = event1_->getByProductID(iID);
386  // Did not find the product, try secondary file
387  if (edp == nullptr) {
388  (const_cast<MultiChainEvent*>(this))->toSec(event1_->id());
389  edp = event2_->getByProductID(iID);
390  }
391  return edp;
392 }
395  // First try the first file
396  edm::WrapperBase const* edp = event1_->getThinnedProduct(pid, key);
397  // Did not find the product, try secondary file
398  if (edp == nullptr) {
399  (const_cast<MultiChainEvent*>(this))->toSec(event1_->id());
400  edp = event2_->getThinnedProduct(pid, key);
401  }
402  return edp;
403 }
406  std::vector<edm::WrapperBase const*>& wrappers,
407  std::vector<unsigned int>& keys) const {
408  // First try the first file
409  event1_->getThinnedProducts(pid, wrappers, keys);
410  // Did not find all the products, try secondary file
411  if(std::find(wrappers.begin(), wrappers.end(), nullptr) != wrappers.end()) {
412  (const_cast<MultiChainEvent*>(this))->toSec(event1_->id());
413  event2_->getThinnedProducts(pid, wrappers, keys);
414  }
415 }
417 bool
419 {
420  return event1_->isValid();
421 }
423 {
424  return *event1_;
425 }
427 bool
429 {
430  return event1_->atEnd();
431 }
433 Long64_t
435 {
436  return event1_->size();
437 }
439 edm::TriggerNames const&
441 {
442  edm::TriggerNames const* names = triggerNames_(triggerResults);
443  if (names != 0) return *names;
445  event1_->fillParameterSetRegistry();
446  names = triggerNames_(triggerResults);
447  if (names != 0) return *names;
449  // If we cannot find it in the primary file, this probably will
450  // not help but try anyway
451  event2_->to(event1_->id());
452  event2_->fillParameterSetRegistry();
453  names = triggerNames_(triggerResults);
454  if (names != 0) return *names;
456  throw cms::Exception("TriggerNamesNotFound")
457  << "TriggerNames not found in ParameterSet registry";
458  return *names;
459 }
464  fwlite::Handle<edm::TriggerResults> hTriggerResults;
465  hTriggerResults.getByLabel(*this,"TriggerResults","",process.c_str());
466  if (!hTriggerResults.isValid()) {
467  return edm::TriggerResultsByName(0,0);
468  }
470  edm::TriggerNames const* names = triggerNames_(*hTriggerResults);
472  if (names == 0) {
473  event1_->fillParameterSetRegistry();
474  names = triggerNames_(*hTriggerResults);
475  }
477  if (names == 0) {
478  event2_->to(event1_->id());
479  event2_->fillParameterSetRegistry();
480  names = triggerNames_(*hTriggerResults);
481  }
483  return edm::TriggerResultsByName(hTriggerResults.product(), names);
484 }
486 //
487 // static member functions
488 //
489 void
491  char const* iModule,
492  char const* iInstance,
493  char const* iProcess) {
494  ChainEvent::throwProductNotFoundException(iType,iModule,iInstance,iProcess);
495 }
496 }
std::vector< edm::BranchDescription > const & getBranchDescriptions() const
static const HistoName names[]
bool isValid() const
Definition: Handle.h:64
MultiProductGetter(MultiChainEvent const *iEvent)
tuple lumi
unsigned long long EventNumber_t
edm::LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventBase.h:63
virtual unsigned int transitionIndex_() const override
const MultiChainEvent & operator++()
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
unsigned int LuminosityBlockNumber_t
static void throwProductNotFoundException(std::type_info const &, char const *, char const *, char const *)
bool to(Long64_t iIndex)
Go to the event at index iIndex.
void getByLabel(const P &iP, const char *iModuleLabel, const char *iProductInstanceLabel=0, const char *iProcessLabel=0)
Definition: Handle.h:94
const MultiChainEvent & toBegin()
Long64_t size() const
int iEvent
bool toSec(Long64_t iIndex)
Go to the event from secondary files at index iIndex.
virtual edm::WrapperBase const * getByProductID(edm::ProductID const &) const
edm::WrapperBase const * getThinnedProduct(edm::ProductID const &pid, unsigned int &key) const
virtual edm::TriggerNames const & triggerNames(edm::TriggerResults const &triggerResults) const
std::shared_ptr< internal::MultiProductGetter > getter_
edm::ProcessHistory const & processHistory() const
std::vector< std::string > const & getProcessHistory() const
virtual void getThinnedProducts(edm::ProductID const &pid, std::vector< edm::WrapperBase const * > &foundContainers, std::vector< unsigned int > &keys) const
static void throwProductNotFoundException(std::type_info const &, char const *, char const *, char const *)
static std::string const triggerResults
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
string key
FastSim: produces sample of signal events, overlayed with premixed minbias events.
sec_file_range_index_map secFileMapSorted_
virtual std::string const getBranchNameFor(std::type_info const &, char const *, char const *, char const *) const
virtual edm::WrapperBase const * getIt(edm::ProductID const &iID) const override
void getThinnedProducts(edm::ProductID const &pid, std::vector< edm::WrapperBase const * > &foundContainers, std::vector< unsigned int > &keys) const
static TriggerNames const * triggerNames_(edm::TriggerResults const &triggerResults)
virtual edm::EventAuxiliary const & eventAuxiliary() const
tuple pid
MultiChainEvent(std::vector< std::string > const &iFileNames1, std::vector< std::string > const &iFileNames2, bool useSecFileMapSorted=false)
std::pair< edm::EventID, edm::EventID > event_id_range
virtual edm::TriggerResultsByName triggerResultsByName(std::string const &process) const
virtual edm::WrapperBase const * getThinnedProduct(edm::ProductID const &pid, unsigned int &key) const override
std::shared_ptr< ChainEvent > event2_
tuple cout
unsigned int RunNumber_t
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:69
tuple process
virtual bool getByLabel(std::type_info const &, char const *, char const *, char const *, void *) const
std::shared_ptr< ChainEvent > event1_