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CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer Class Reference

#include <CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer.h>

Inheritance diagram for CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer:

Public Member Functions

 CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer (const edm::ParameterSet &params)
template<class IPTI , class SVTI >
reco::TaggingVariableList operator() (const IPTI &ipInfo, const SVTI &svInfo, const reco::CandSoftLeptonTagInfo &muonInfo, const reco::CandSoftLeptonTagInfo &elecInfo) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CombinedSVComputer
 CombinedSVComputer (const edm::ParameterSet &params)
edm::ParameterSet dropDeltaR (const edm::ParameterSet &pset) const
template<class SVTI , class IPTI >
void fillCommonVariables (reco::TaggingVariableList &vars, reco::TrackKinematics &vertexKinematics, const IPTI &ipInfo, const SVTI &svInfo, double &vtx_track_ptSum, double &vtx_track_ESum) const
IterationRange flipIterate (int size, bool vertex) const
double flipValue (double value, bool vertex) const
virtual reco::TaggingVariableList operator() (const reco::TrackIPTagInfo &ipInfo, const reco::SecondaryVertexTagInfo &svInfo) const
virtual reco::TaggingVariableList operator() (const reco::CandIPTagInfo &ipInfo, const reco::CandSecondaryVertexTagInfo &svInfo) const
const reco::btag::TrackIPDatathreshTrack (const reco::CandIPTagInfo &trackIPTagInfo, const reco::btag::SortCriteria sort, const reco::Jet &jet, const GlobalPoint &pv) const
const reco::btag::TrackIPDatathreshTrack (const reco::TrackIPTagInfo &trackIPTagInfo, const reco::btag::SortCriteria sort, const reco::Jet &jet, const GlobalPoint &pv) const

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer::CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer ( const edm::ParameterSet params)

Definition at line 7 of file

7  :
8  CombinedSVComputer(params)
9 {
10 }
CombinedSVComputer(const edm::ParameterSet &params)

Member Function Documentation

template<class IPTI , class SVTI >
reco::TaggingVariableList CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer::operator() ( const IPTI &  ipInfo,
const SVTI &  svInfo,
const reco::CandSoftLeptonTagInfo muonInfo,
const reco::CandSoftLeptonTagInfo elecInfo 
) const

Definition at line 26 of file CombinedSVSoftLeptonComputer.h.

References reco::SoftLeptonProperties::deltaR, reco::SoftLeptonProperties::etaRel, i, reco::btau::leptonDeltaR, reco::btau::leptonEtaRel, reco::btau::leptonPtRel, reco::btau::leptonRatio, reco::btau::leptonRatioRel, reco::TemplatedSoftLeptonTagInfo< REF >::leptons(), reco::btau::leptonSip3d, CombinedSVComputer::operator()(), reco::TemplatedSoftLeptonTagInfo< REF >::properties(), reco::btag::Vertices::PseudoVertex, reco::SoftLeptonProperties::ptRel, reco::SoftLeptonProperties::ratio, reco::SoftLeptonProperties::ratioRel, dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco, reco::btag::Vertices::RecoVertex, reco::SoftLeptonProperties::sip3d, reco::btau::vertexCategory, and reco::btau::vertexLeptonCategory.

29 {
30  using namespace reco;
32  // call the inherited operator()
35  //Jets with vtxCategory 99 cause problems
36  unsigned int vtxType = ( vars.checkTag(reco::btau::vertexCategory) ? (unsigned int)(vars.get(reco::btau::vertexCategory)) : 99 );
37  if (vtxType == 99)
38  return vars;
41  // the following is specific to soft leptons
42  int leptonCategory = 0; // 0 = no lepton, 1 = muon, 2 = electron
44  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < muonInfo.leptons(); ++i) // loop over all muons, not optimal -> find the best or use ranking from best to worst
45  {
46  leptonCategory = 1; // muon category
47  const SoftLeptonProperties & propertiesMuon =;
48  vars.insert(btau::leptonPtRel,propertiesMuon.ptRel , true);
49  vars.insert(btau::leptonSip3d,propertiesMuon.sip3d , true);
50  vars.insert(btau::leptonDeltaR,propertiesMuon.deltaR , true);
51  vars.insert(btau::leptonRatioRel,propertiesMuon.ratioRel , true);
52  vars.insert(btau::leptonEtaRel,propertiesMuon.etaRel , true);
53  vars.insert(btau::leptonRatio,propertiesMuon.ratio , true);
54  }
56  if(leptonCategory != 1) // no soft muon found, try soft electron
57  {
58  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elecInfo.leptons(); ++i) // loop over all electrons, not optimal -> find the best or use ranking from best to worst
59  {
60  leptonCategory = 2; // electron category
61  const SoftLeptonProperties & propertiesElec =;
62  vars.insert(btau::leptonPtRel,propertiesElec.ptRel , true);
63  vars.insert(btau::leptonSip3d,propertiesElec.sip3d , true);
64  vars.insert(btau::leptonDeltaR,propertiesElec.deltaR , true);
65  vars.insert(btau::leptonRatioRel,propertiesElec.ratioRel , true);
66  vars.insert(btau::leptonEtaRel,propertiesElec.etaRel , true);
67  vars.insert(btau::leptonRatio,propertiesElec.ratio , true);
68  }
69  }
72  // set the default value for vertexLeptonCategory to 2 (= NoVertexNoSoftLepton)
73  int vertexLepCat = 2;
76  if(leptonCategory == 0) // no soft lepton
77  {
78  if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::RecoVertex))
79  vertexLepCat = 0;
80  else if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::PseudoVertex))
81  vertexLepCat = 1;
82  else
83  vertexLepCat = 2;
84  }
85  else if(leptonCategory == 1) // soft muon
86  {
87  if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::RecoVertex))
88  vertexLepCat = 3;
89  else if(vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::PseudoVertex))
90  vertexLepCat = 4;
91  else
92  vertexLepCat = 5;
93  }
94  else if(leptonCategory == 2) // soft electron
95  {
96  if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::RecoVertex))
97  vertexLepCat = 6;
98  else if (vtxType == (unsigned int)(btag::Vertices::PseudoVertex))
99  vertexLepCat = 7;
100  else
101  vertexLepCat = 8;
102  }
103  vars.insert(btau::vertexLeptonCategory, vertexLepCat , true);
105  vars.finalize();
106  return vars;
107 }
int i
virtual reco::TaggingVariableList operator()(const reco::TrackIPTagInfo &ipInfo, const reco::SecondaryVertexTagInfo &svInfo) const
const SoftLeptonProperties & properties(size_t i) const