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TopDecaySubset_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple decaySubset

Variable Documentation

tuple TopDecaySubset_cfi.decaySubset
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("TopDecaySubset",
2  ## input particle collection of type edm::View<reco::GenParticle>
3  src = cms.InputTag("genParticles"),
4  ## define fill mode. The following modes are available:
5  ## 'kStable' : status 2 equivalents (after parton shower) are
6  ## calculated and saved (as status 2 particles)
7  ## 'kME' : status 3 particles (from matrix element, before
8  ## parton shower) are saved (as status 3 particles)
9  fillMode = cms.string("kStable"),
10  ## define run mode. The following run modes are available:
11  ## 'Run1' : will run the same code as during Run1
12  ## 'Run2' : will run new code that can deal with Pythia8
13  runMode = cms.string("Run1"),
14  ## choose whether to save additionally radiated gluons in the
15  ## decay chain or not
16  addRadiation = cms.bool(True)
17 )

Definition at line 7 of file

Referenced by TopGenEvent.TopGenEvent(), and TtGenEvent.TtGenEvent().