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16 #include "HepMC/GenParticle.h"
17 #include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
19 #include "MuScleFitPlotter.h"
21 #include <vector>
30 {
31  public:
32  MuScleFitMuonSelector(const edm::InputTag & muonLabel, const int muonType, const bool PATmuons,
33  const std::vector<int> & resfind,
34  const bool speedup, const std::string & genParticlesName,
35  const bool compareToSimTracks, const edm::InputTag & simTracksCollectionName,
36  const bool sherpa, const bool debug) :
37  muonLabel_(muonLabel),
38  muonType_(muonType),
39  PATmuons_(PATmuons),
40  resfind_(resfind),
41  speedup_(speedup),
42  genParticlesName_(genParticlesName),
43  compareToSimTracks_(compareToSimTracks),
44  simTracksCollectionName_(simTracksCollectionName),
45  sherpa_(sherpa),
46  debug_(debug)
47  {}
50  //Method to get the muon after FSR (status 1 muon in PYTHIA6) starting from status 3 muon which is daughter of the Z
51  const reco::Candidate* getStatus1Muon(const reco::Candidate* status3Muon);
53  //Method to get the muon before FSR (status 3 muon in PYTHIA6) starting from status 3 muon which is daughter of the Z
54  const reco::Candidate* getStatus3Muon(const reco::Candidate* status3Muon);
57  void selectMuons(const edm::Event & event, std::vector<MuScleFitMuon> & muons,
58  std::vector<GenMuonPair> & genPair,
59  std::vector<std::pair<lorentzVector,lorentzVector> > & simPair,
63  protected:
65  bool selGlobalMuon(const pat::Muon* aMuon);
67  bool selTrackerMuon(const pat::Muon* aMuon);
69  // Generator and simulation level information
72  std::pair<lorentzVector, lorentzVector> findSimMuFromRes( const edm::Handle<edm::HepMCProduct> & evtMC,
73  const edm::Handle<edm::SimTrackContainer> & simTracks );
75  const std::vector<const pat::Muon*> & collMuSel,
76  std::vector<GenMuonPair> & genPair,
78  void selectGenSimMuons(const edm::Event & event,
79  std::vector<GenMuonPair> & genPair,
80  std::vector<std::pair<lorentzVector,lorentzVector> > & simPair,
82  // void selectGeneratedMuons(const edm::Event & event, std::vector<std::pair<lorentzVector,lorentzVector> > & genPair);
84  const bool ifHepMC, edm::Handle<edm::HepMCProduct> evtMC,
85  std::vector<std::pair<lorentzVector,lorentzVector> > & simPair,
89  template<typename T>
90  std::vector<MuScleFitMuon> fillMuonCollection( const std::vector<T>& tracks )
91  {
92  std::vector<MuScleFitMuon> muons;
93  typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator track;
94  for( track = tracks.begin(); track != tracks.end(); ++track ) {
96  mu = reco::Particle::LorentzVector(track->px(),track->py(),track->pz(),
97  sqrt(track->p()*track->p() + mMu2));
99  Double_t hitsTk(0), hitsMuon(0), ptError(0);
100  if ( const reco::Muon* myMu = dynamic_cast<const reco::Muon*>(&(*track)) ){
101  hitsTk = myMu->innerTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits();
102  hitsMuon = myMu->innerTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits();
103  ptError = myMu->innerTrack()->ptError();
104  }
105  else if ( const pat::Muon* myMu = dynamic_cast<const pat::Muon*>(&(*track)) ) {
106  hitsTk = myMu->innerTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits();
107  hitsMuon = myMu->innerTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits();
108  ptError = myMu->innerTrack()->ptError();
109  }
110  else if (const reco::Track* myMu = dynamic_cast<const reco::Track*>(&(*track))){
111  hitsTk = myMu->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits();
112  hitsMuon = myMu->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits();
113  ptError = myMu->ptError();
114  }
116  MuScleFitMuon muon(mu,track->charge(),ptError,hitsTk,hitsMuon);
118  if (debug_>0) {
119  std::cout<<"[MuScleFitMuonSelector::fillMuonCollection] after MuScleFitMuon initialization"<<std::endl;
120  std::cout<<" muon = "<<muon<<std::endl;
121  }
123  muons.push_back(muon);
124  }
125  return muons;
126  }
129  template<typename T>
130  void takeSelectedMuonType(const T & muon, std::vector<reco::Track> & tracks)
131  {
132  // std::cout<<"muon "<<muon->isGlobalMuon()<<muon->isStandAloneMuon()<<muon->isTrackerMuon()<<std::endl;
133  //NNBB: one muon can be of many kinds at once but with the muonType_ we are sure
134  // to avoid double counting of the same muon
135  if(muon->isGlobalMuon() && muonType_==1)
136  tracks.push_back(*(muon->globalTrack()));
137  else if(muon->isStandAloneMuon() && muonType_==2)
138  tracks.push_back(*(muon->outerTrack()));
139  else if(muon->isTrackerMuon() && muonType_==3)
140  tracks.push_back(*(muon->innerTrack()));
142  else if( muonType_ == 10 && !(muon->isStandAloneMuon()) ) //particular case!!
143  tracks.push_back(*(muon->innerTrack()));
144  else if( muonType_ == 11 && muon->isGlobalMuon() )
145  tracks.push_back(*(muon->innerTrack()));
146  else if( muonType_ == 13 && muon->isTrackerMuon() )
147  tracks.push_back(*(muon->innerTrack()));
148  }
151  const int muonType_;
152  const bool PATmuons_;
153  const std::vector<int> resfind_;
154  const bool speedup_;
158  const bool sherpa_;
159  const bool debug_;
160  static const double mMu2;
161  static const unsigned int motherPdgIdArray[6];
162 };
164 #endif
std::vector< GenParticle > GenParticleCollection
collection of GenParticles
void selectGeneratedMuons(const edm::Handle< pat::CompositeCandidateCollection > &collAll, const std::vector< const pat::Muon * > &collMuSel, std::vector< GenMuonPair > &genPair, MuScleFitPlotter *plotter)
For PATmuons the generator information is read directly from the PAT object.
std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > findSimMuFromRes(const edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct > &evtMC, const edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > &simTracks)
const std::string genParticlesName_
void selectMuons(const edm::Event &event, std::vector< MuScleFitMuon > &muons, std::vector< GenMuonPair > &genPair, std::vector< std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > > &simPair, MuScleFitPlotter *plotter)
Main method used to select muons of type specified by muonType_ from the collection specified by muon...
std::vector< MuScleFitMuon > fillMuonCollection(const std::vector< T > &tracks)
Template function used to convert the muon collection to a vector of reco::LeafCandidate.
bool selTrackerMuon(const pat::Muon *aMuon)
Apply the Onia cuts to select trackerMuons.
void selectSimulatedMuons(const edm::Event &event, const bool ifHepMC, edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct > evtMC, std::vector< std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > > &simPair, MuScleFitPlotter *plotter)
MuScleFitMuonSelector(const edm::InputTag &muonLabel, const int muonType, const bool PATmuons, const std::vector< int > &resfind, const bool speedup, const std::string &genParticlesName, const bool compareToSimTracks, const edm::InputTag &simTracksCollectionName, const bool sherpa, const bool debug)
reco::Particle::LorentzVector lorentzVector
Definition: GenMuonPair.h:9
static const unsigned int motherPdgIdArray[6]
const edm::InputTag muonLabel_
static const double mMu2
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:22
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
#define debug
tuple tracks
GenMuonPair findGenMuFromRes(const reco::GenParticleCollection *genParticles)
void selectGenSimMuons(const edm::Event &event, std::vector< GenMuonPair > &genPair, std::vector< std::pair< lorentzVector, lorentzVector > > &simPair, MuScleFitPlotter *plotter)
const edm::InputTag simTracksCollectionName_
tuple muons
bool selGlobalMuon(const pat::Muon *aMuon)
Apply the Onia cuts to select globalMuons.
tuple cout
void takeSelectedMuonType(const T &muon, std::vector< reco::Track > &tracks)
Template function used to extract the selected muon type from the muon collection.
const reco::Candidate * getStatus3Muon(const reco::Candidate *status3Muon)
long double T
const std::vector< int > resfind_
math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
Lorentz vector.
Definition: Particle.h:21
Analysis-level muon class.
Definition: Muon.h:49
const reco::Candidate * getStatus1Muon(const reco::Candidate *status3Muon)