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cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff Namespace Reference


tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_standalone_loose = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V3( WP_Loose_EB, WP_Loose_EE, isoInputs)
tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_standalone_medium = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V3( WP_Medium_EB, WP_Medium_EE, isoInputs)
tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_standalone_tight = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V3( WP_Tight_EB, WP_Tight_EE, isoInputs)
string idName = "cutBasedPhotonID-PHYS14-PU20bx25-V2p1-standalone-loose"
 This is the same as V2 except for using the V3 photon ID. More...
tuple isoInputs
tuple WP_Loose_EB
tuple WP_Loose_EE
tuple WP_Medium_EB
tuple WP_Medium_EE
tuple WP_Tight_EB
tuple WP_Tight_EE

Variable Documentation

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_standalone_loose = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V3( WP_Loose_EB, WP_Loose_EE, isoInputs)
tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_standalone_medium = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V3( WP_Medium_EB, WP_Medium_EE, isoInputs)
tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_standalone_tight = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V3( WP_Tight_EB, WP_Tight_EE, isoInputs)
string cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.idName = "cutBasedPhotonID-PHYS14-PU20bx25-V2p1-standalone-loose"

This is the same as V2 except for using the V3 photon ID.

This is the first version of PHYS14 cuts, optimized on PHYS14 samples.

The ID cuts below are optimized IDs for PHYS14 Scenario PU 20, bx 25ns The cut values are taken from the twiki: (where they may not stay, if a newer version of cuts becomes available for these conditions) See also the presentation explaining these working points (this will not change):

Definition at line 24 of file

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.isoInputs
Initial value:
1 = IsolationCutInputs(
2  # chHadIsolationMapName
3  'photonIDValueMapProducer:phoChargedIsolation' ,
4  # chHadIsolationEffAreas
5  "RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/data/PHYS14/effAreaPhotons_cone03_pfChargedHadrons_V2.txt" ,
6  # neuHadIsolationMapName
7  'photonIDValueMapProducer:phoNeutralHadronIsolation' ,
8  # neuHadIsolationEffAreas
9  "RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/data/PHYS14/effAreaPhotons_cone03_pfNeutralHadrons_V2.txt" ,
10  # phoIsolationMapName
11  "photonIDValueMapProducer:phoPhotonIsolation" ,
12  # phoIsolationEffAreas
13  "RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/data/PHYS14/effAreaPhotons_cone03_pfPhotons_V2.txt"
14 )

Definition at line 113 of file

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.WP_Loose_EB
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V2(
2  idName , # idName
3  0.028 , # hOverECut
4  0.0107 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5  # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2, except for barrel NeuHad is < C1 + exp(pt*C2+C3)
6  2.67 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  7.23 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.0028 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  0.5408 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C3
11  2.11 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
12  0.0014 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
13  )

Definition at line 25 of file

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.WP_Loose_EE
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V1(
2  idName , #idName
3  0.093 , # hOverECut
4  0.0272 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5  # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2
6  1.79 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0.00 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  8.89 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.01725 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  3.09 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
11  0.0091 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
12  )

Definition at line 39 of file

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.WP_Medium_EB
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V2(
2  idName , # idName
3  0.012 , # hOverECut
4  0.0100 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5  # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2, except for barrel NeuHad is < C1 + exp(pt*C2+C3)
6  1.79 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0.00 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  0.16 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.0028 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  0.5408 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C3
11  1.90 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
12  0.0014 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
13  )

Definition at line 54 of file

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.WP_Medium_EE
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V1(
2  idName , #idName
3  0.023 , # hOverECut
4  0.0267 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5  # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2
6  1.09 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0.00 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  4.31 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.0172 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  1.90 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
11  0.0091 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
12  )

Definition at line 68 of file

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.WP_Tight_EB
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V2(
2  idName , # idName
3  0.010 , # hOverECut
4  0.0100 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5  # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2, except for barrel NeuHad is < C1 + exp(pt*C2+C3)
6  1.66 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0.00 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  0.14 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.0028 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  0.5408 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C3
11  1.40 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
12  0.0014 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
13  )

Definition at line 83 of file

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_V2p1_cff.WP_Tight_EE
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V1(
2  idName , #idName
3  0.015 , # hOverECut
4  0.0265 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5  # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2
6  1.04 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0.00 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  3.89 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.0172 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  1.40 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
11  0.0091 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
12  )

Definition at line 97 of file