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hitfit::Constraint_Intermed Class Referenceabstract

Abstract base classes for describing one side of a mass constraint. More...

#include <Constraint_Intermed.h>

Inheritance diagram for hitfit::Constraint_Intermed:
hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Constant hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Labels

Public Member Functions

virtual std::auto_ptr
< Constraint_Intermed
clone () const =0
 Constraint_Intermed ()
virtual bool has_labels (int ilabel, int jlabel) const =0
virtual void print (std::ostream &s) const =0
virtual double sum_mass_terms (const Fourvec_Event &ev) const =0
virtual ~Constraint_Intermed ()

Detailed Description

Abstract base classes for describing one side of a mass constraint.

Definition at line 96 of file Constraint_Intermed.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

hitfit::Constraint_Intermed::Constraint_Intermed ( )


Definition at line 107 of file Constraint_Intermed.h.

107 {}
virtual hitfit::Constraint_Intermed::~Constraint_Intermed ( )


Definition at line 112 of file Constraint_Intermed.h.

112 {}

Member Function Documentation

virtual std::auto_ptr<Constraint_Intermed> hitfit::Constraint_Intermed::clone ( ) const
pure virtual

Clone function to copy the instance.

Implemented in hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Labels, and hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Constant.

virtual bool hitfit::Constraint_Intermed::has_labels ( int  ilabel,
int  jlabel 
) const
pure virtual

Check the instance for reference of ilabel and jlabel.

ilabelThe first label to test.
jlabelThe second label to test.
true if this instance references both labels ilabel and jlabel.
false if this instance doesn't reference both labels.

Implemented in hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Labels, and hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Constant.

virtual void hitfit::Constraint_Intermed::print ( std::ostream &  s) const
pure virtual

Print out the instance to the output stream.

sThe output stream to which the instance is printed.

Implemented in hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Labels, and hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Constant.

Referenced by hitfit::operator<<().

virtual double hitfit::Constraint_Intermed::sum_mass_terms ( const Fourvec_Event ev) const
pure virtual

Evaluate this half of the mass constraint, using the data in ev.

evThe event for which the mass constraint is to be evaluated.

Implemented in hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Labels, and hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Constant.