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FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework:
FWSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate< TrackingParticle > FWSimpleProxyBuilder FWProxyBuilderBase

Public Member Functions

 FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework (void)
const std::string & purpose () const
const std::string & typeName () const
const std::string & view () const
virtual ~FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate< TrackingParticle >
 FWSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilder
 FWSimpleProxyBuilder (const std::type_info &iType)
virtual ~FWSimpleProxyBuilder ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from FWProxyBuilderBase
void build ()
virtual bool canHandle (const FWEventItem &)
const fireworks::Contextcontext () const
TEveElementList * createProduct (FWViewType::EType, const FWViewContext *)
 FWProxyBuilderBase ()
bool getHaveWindow () const
virtual bool havePerViewProduct (FWViewType::EType) const
virtual bool haveSingleProduct () const
const FWEventItemitem () const
virtual void itemBeingDestroyed (const FWEventItem *)
void itemChanged (const FWEventItem *)
int layer () const
void modelChanges (const FWModelIds &)
void removePerViewProduct (FWViewType::EType, const FWViewContext *vc)
void scaleChanged (const FWViewContext *)
void setHaveWindow (bool iFlag)
virtual void setInteractionList (FWInteractionList *, const std::string &)
virtual void setItem (const FWEventItem *iItem)
void setupAddElement (TEveElement *el, TEveElement *parent, bool set_color=true) const
void setupElement (TEveElement *el, bool color=true) const
virtual bool willHandleInteraction () const
virtual ~FWProxyBuilderBase ()

Static Public Member Functions

static const std::string & classPurpose ()
static const std::string & classRegisterTypeName ()
static const std::string & classTypeName ()
static const std::string & classView ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilder
static std::string typeOfBuilder ()
 Used by the plugin system to determine how the proxy uses the data from FWEventItem. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FWProxyBuilderBase
static bool representsSubPart ()
static std::string typeOfBuilder ()
 Used by the plugin system to determine how the proxy uses the data from FWEventItem. More...

Private Member Functions

void build (const FWEventItem *iItem, TEveElementList *product, const FWViewContext *) override
void build (const TrackingParticle &iData, unsigned int iIndex, TEveElement &oItemHolder, const FWViewContext *) override
 FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework (const FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework &)
operator= (const FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework &)

Private Attributes

< TrackingParticleCollection

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from FWProxyBuilderBase
typedef std::vector< Product * >
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate< TrackingParticle >
virtual void build (const void *iData, unsigned int iIndex, TEveElement &oItemHolder, const FWViewContext *context)
virtual void buildViewType (const void *iData, unsigned int iIndex, TEveElement &oItemHolder, FWViewType::EType viewType, const FWViewContext *context)
virtual void buildViewType (const TrackingParticle &iData, unsigned int iIndex, TEveElement &oItemHolder, FWViewType::EType viewType, const FWViewContext *)
const TrackingParticlemodelData (int index)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilder
virtual void buildViewType (const FWEventItem *iItem, TEveElementList *product, FWViewType::EType viewType, const FWViewContext *)
virtual void clean ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FWProxyBuilderBase
virtual void cleanLocal ()
TEveCompound * createCompound (bool set_color=true, bool propagate_color_to_all_children=false) const
 FWProxyBuilderBase (const FWProxyBuilderBase &)
void increaseComponentTransparency (unsigned int index, TEveElement *holder, const std::string &name, Char_t transpOffset)
virtual void localModelChanges (const FWModelId &iId, TEveElement *iCompound, FWViewType::EType viewType, const FWViewContext *vc)
virtual void modelChanges (const FWModelIds &, Product *)
const FWProxyBuilderBaseoperator= (const FWProxyBuilderBase &)
virtual void scaleProduct (TEveElementList *parent, FWViewType::EType, const FWViewContext *vc)
- Protected Attributes inherited from FWSimpleProxyBuilder
FWSimpleProxyHelper m_helper
- Protected Attributes inherited from FWProxyBuilderBase
std::vector< Product * > m_products

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework ( void  )

Definition at line 31 of file

31 :m_assocList(0) {}
const SimHitTPAssociationProducer::SimHitTPAssociationList * m_assocList
virtual FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::~FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework ( void  )

Definition at line 32 of file

32 {}
FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework ( const FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework )

Member Function Documentation

void FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::build ( const FWEventItem iItem,
TEveElementList *  product,
const FWViewContext  

Reimplemented from FWSimpleProxyBuilder.

Definition at line 61 of file

References FWProxyBuilderBase::build(), ecal_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::cerr, alignCSCRings::e, event(), cppFunctionSkipper::exception, FWEventItem::getEvent(), FWProxyBuilderBase::item(), m_assocList, FSQHLTOfflineSource_cfi::processName, and tpch.

62 {
63  // setup event handles amd call function from parent class
65  const edm::Event* event = (const edm::Event*)item()->getEvent();
66  if (event) {
68  // get collection handle
69  edm::InputTag coltag(item()->moduleLabel(), item()->productInstanceLabel(), item()->processName());
70  event->getByLabel(coltag, tpch);
72  // AMT todo: check if there is any other way getting the list other than this
73  // ifnot, set proces name as a configurable parameter
75  try {
76  event->getByLabel("xxx", simHitsTPAssoc);
77  m_assocList = &*simHitsTPAssoc;
78  }
79  catch (const std::exception& e) {
80  std::cerr << " FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::setItem() Can't get hits association list " << e.what() << std::endl;
81  }
82  /*
83  // debug propagator
84  gEve->GetBrowser()->MapWindow();
85  gEve->AddToListTree(context().getTrackPropagator(), true);
86  context().getTrackPropagator()->SetRnrReferences(true);
87  */
88  }
89  FWSimpleProxyBuilder::build(iItem, product, 0);
90 }
const FWEventItem * item() const
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
const edm::EventBase * getEvent() const
Definition: FWEventItem.h:146
const SimHitTPAssociationProducer::SimHitTPAssociationList * m_assocList
void FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::build ( const TrackingParticle iData,
unsigned int  iIndex,
TEveElement &  oItemHolder,
const FWViewContext  

iIndex is the index where iData is found in the container from which it came iItemHolder is the object to which you add your own objects which inherit from TEveElement

Reimplemented from FWSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate< TrackingParticle >.

Definition at line 93 of file

References a, b, TrackingParticle::charge(), FWProxyBuilderBase::context(), PSimHit::detUnitId(), edm::false, relativeConstraints::geom, FWEventItem::getGeom(), FWProxyBuilderBase::item(), PSimHit::localPosition(), FWGeometry::localToGlobal(), m_assocList, PSimHit::momentumAtEntry(), phi, TrackingParticle::px(), TrackingParticle::py(), TrackingParticle::pz(), FWProxyBuilderBase::setupAddElement(), SimHitTPAssociationProducer::simHitTPAssociationListGreater(), python.multivaluedict::sort(), lumiQTWidget::t, PSimHit::tof(), tpch, TrackingParticle::vx(), TrackingParticle::vy(), TrackingParticle::vz(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

94 {
95  TEveRecTrack t;
96  t.fBeta = 1.0;
97  t.fP = TEveVector( iData.px(),, iData.pz() );
98  t.fV = TEveVector( iData.vx(), iData.vy(), iData.vz() );
99  t.fSign = iData.charge();
101  TEveTrack* track = new TEveTrack(&t, context().getTrackPropagator());
102  if( t.fSign == 0 )
103  track->SetLineStyle( 7 );
105  track->MakeTrack();
106  setupAddElement( track, &comp );
107  // printf("add track %d \n", tpIdx);
110  if (m_assocList) {
111  TEvePointSet* pointSet = new TEvePointSet;
112  setupAddElement( pointSet, &comp );
114  const FWGeometry *geom = item()->getGeom();
115  float local[3];
116  float localDir[3];
117  float global[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
118  float globalDir[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
120  TrackingParticleRef tpr(tpch, tpIdx);
121  std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, TrackPSimHitRef> clusterTPpairWithDummyTP(tpr,TrackPSimHitRef());
122  auto range = std::equal_range(m_assocList->begin(), m_assocList->end(), clusterTPpairWithDummyTP, SimHitTPAssociationProducer::simHitTPAssociationListGreater);
123  // printf("TrackingParticle[%d] P(%.1f, %.1f, %.1f) matches %d hits\n", tpIdx,iData.px(),, iData.pz() ,(int)(range.second-range.first ));
125  std::vector<const PSimHit*> phits;
126  for (auto ri = range.first; ri != range.second; ++ri)
127  phits.push_back(ri->second.get());
129  std::sort(phits.begin(), phits.end(), [](const PSimHit* a, const PSimHit* b){ return a->tof() < b->tof(); });
130  for (auto phi = phits.begin(); phi != phits.end(); ++phi)
131  {
132  const PSimHit* phit = *phi;
134  local[0] = phit->localPosition().x();
135  local[1] = phit->localPosition().y();
136  local[2] = phit->localPosition().z();
138  localDir[0] = phit->momentumAtEntry().x();
139  localDir[1] = phit->momentumAtEntry().y();
140  localDir[2] = phit->momentumAtEntry().z();
142  geom->localToGlobal( phit->detUnitId(), local, global );
143  geom->localToGlobal( phit->detUnitId(), localDir, globalDir, false );
144  pointSet->SetNextPoint( global[0], global[1], global[2] );
146  //printf("localP = (%f, %f, %f) globalP = (%f, %f, %f), loss = %f, tof =%f\n", localDir[0], localDir[1], localDir[2],
147  // globalDir[0], globalDir[1], globalDir[2],
148  // phit->energyLoss(), phit->tof());
149  track->AddPathMark( TEvePathMark( TEvePathMark::kReference, TEveVector( global[0], global[1], global[2] ),
150  TEveVector( globalDir[0], globalDir[1], globalDir[2] )));
152  }
153  }
154 }
const fireworks::Context & context() const
float tof() const
deprecated name for timeOfFlight()
Definition: PSimHit.h:72
static bool simHitTPAssociationListGreater(SimHitTPPair i, SimHitTPPair j)
LocalVector momentumAtEntry() const
The momentum of the track that produced the hit, at entry point.
Definition: PSimHit.h:47
void setupAddElement(TEveElement *el, TEveElement *parent, bool set_color=true) const
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
double py() const
y coordinate of momentum vector. Note this is taken from the first SimTrack only. ...
const FWEventItem * item() const
double pz() const
z coordinate of momentum vector. Note this is taken from the first SimTrack only. ...
float charge() const
Electric charge. Note this is taken from the first SimTrack only.
Local3DPoint localPosition() const
Definition: PSimHit.h:44
double vy() const
y coordinate of parent vertex position
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:64
void localToGlobal(unsigned int id, const float *local, float *global, bool translatep=true) const
double vx() const
x coordinate of parent vertex position
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
edm::Ref< edm::PSimHitContainer > TrackPSimHitRef
double px() const
x coordinate of momentum vector. Note this is taken from the first SimTrack only. ...
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag false
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
const FWGeometry * getGeom() const
unsigned int detUnitId() const
Definition: PSimHit.h:93
double vz() const
const SimHitTPAssociationProducer::SimHitTPAssociationList * m_assocList
const std::string & FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::classPurpose ( )
const std::string & FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::classRegisterTypeName ( )
const std::string & FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::classTypeName ( )
const std::string & FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::classView ( )
const FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework& FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::operator= ( const FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework )
const std::string& FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::purpose ( ) const
const std::string& FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::typeName ( ) const
const std::string& FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::view ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

const SimHitTPAssociationProducer::SimHitTPAssociationList* FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::m_assocList

Definition at line 46 of file

Referenced by build().

edm::Handle<TrackingParticleCollection> FWTrackingParticleProxyBuilderFullFramework::tpch

Definition at line 45 of file

Referenced by build().