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CSCIndexerStartup Class Reference

#include <CSCIndexerStartup.h>

Inheritance diagram for CSCIndexerStartup:

Public Member Functions

int dbIndex (const CSCDetId &id, int &channel) const
std::pair< CSCDetId, IndexTypedetIdFromChipIndex (IndexType ichi) const
GasGainIndexType detIdFromGasGainIndex (IndexType igg) const
std::pair< CSCDetId, IndexTypedetIdFromStripChannelIndex (LongIndexType ichi) const
std::string name () const
 ~CSCIndexerStartup ()
LongIndexType maxStripChannelIndex () const
IndexType maxChipIndex () const
IndexType maxGasGainIndex () const
IndexType onlineRingsInStation (IndexType is) const
IndexType stripChannelsPerOfflineLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType stripChannelsPerOnlineLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType chipsPerOnlineLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType stripChannelsPerLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
LongIndexType stripChannelStart (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType chipsPerLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType chipStart (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType sectorStart (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CSCIndexerBase
IndexType chamberLabelFromChamberIndex (IndexType) const
 CSCIndexerBase ()
virtual ~CSCIndexerBase ()
IndexType maxChamberIndex () const
IndexType maxLayerIndex () const
IndexType ringsInStation (IndexType is) const
IndexType offlineRingsInStation (IndexType is) const
IndexType chambersInRingOfStation (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType sectorsPerOnlineLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType startChamberIndexInEndcap (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType chamberIndex (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic) const
IndexType chamberIndex (const CSCDetId &id) const
IndexType layerIndex (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il) const
IndexType layerIndex (const CSCDetId &id) const
LongIndexType stripChannelIndex (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il, IndexType istrip) const
LongIndexType stripChannelIndex (const CSCDetId &id, IndexType istrip) const
IndexType chipIndex (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il, IndexType ichip) const
IndexType chipIndex (const CSCDetId &id, IndexType ichip) const
IndexType chipIndex (IndexType istrip) const
IndexType hvSegmentsPerLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType hvSegmentIndex (IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType iwire) const
IndexType sectorsPerLayer (IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType gasGainIndex (IndexType ie, IndexType is, IndexType ir, IndexType ic, IndexType il, IndexType ihvsegment, IndexType ichip) const
IndexType gasGainIndex (const CSCDetId &id, IndexType istrip, IndexType iwire) const
IndexType gasGainIndex (IndexType ihvsegment, IndexType ichip, const CSCDetId &id) const
CSCDetId detIdFromChamberIndex (IndexType ici) const
CSCDetId detIdFromLayerIndex (IndexType ili) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CSCIndexerBase
typedef boost::tuple< CSCDetId,
IndexType, IndexType
typedef uint16_t IndexType
typedef uint32_t LongIndexType
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CSCIndexerBase
CSCDetId detIdFromChamberLabel (IndexType ie, IndexType icl) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from CSCIndexerBase
std::vector< IndexTypechamberLabel_

Detailed Description

Concrete CSCIndexer class appropriate for CSC Conditions Data access for CMS startup (2008-2013) in which most ME4/2 chambers do not exist and the 48 ME1/1A strips are ganged into 16 channels.
The conditions data are stored in an order based on the hadrware channel order so this class has to jump through hoops in order to map between that order and a CSCDetID order offline.

See documentation in base class CSCIndexerBase for more information.

This class is hard-wired for the CSC system at start-up of CMS in 2008. with rings ME11, ME12, ME13, ME21, ME22, ME31, ME32, ME41 totalling 234 chambers per endcap. But ME42 is appended (to permit simulation studies), so the chamber order is
+z ME11, ME12, ME13, ME21, ME22, ME31, ME32, ME41,
-z ME11, ME12, ME13, ME21, ME22, ME31, ME32, ME41,
+z ME42, -z ME42

CSCIndexerBase::stripChannelIndex returns
1-217728 (CSCs 2008), 217729-252288 (ME42) (and ME1a channels are always channels 65-80 of 1-80 in ME11)

CSCIndexerBase::chipIndex returns
1-13608 (CSCs 2008), 13609-15768 (ME42)

CSCIndexerBase::gasGainIndex returns
1-45144 (CSCs 2008), 45145-55944 (ME42)

This uses magic numbers galore!!

Definition at line 35 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSCIndexerStartup::~CSCIndexerStartup ( )

Definition at line 4 of file

4 {}

Member Function Documentation

IndexType CSCIndexerStartup::chipsPerLayer ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Number of Buckeye chips indices per layer in a chamber in offline ring 'ir' of station 'is'.

Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-4 (4=ME1a)

: the ME1a CFEB is just the last 1 of the 5 total in each layer of an ME11 chamber. So, the input of ir=4 is will just return the same 5 total chips per whole ME11.

Considers ME42 as standard 5 chip per layer chambers.

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 162 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

Referenced by detIdFromGasGainIndex().

163  {
164  const IndexType nCinL[16] = { 5,5,4,5, 5,5,0,0, 5,5,0,0, 5,5,0,0 };
165  return nCinL[(is - 1)*4 + ir - 1];
166  }
uint16_t IndexType
IndexType CSCIndexerStartup::chipsPerOnlineLayer ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Number of Buckeye chips per layer in an online chamber in ring 'ir' of station 'is'. Works for ME1a (ring 4 of ME1) too.

'Online' ME11 for the startup is considered as a single chamber with 5 chips

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 98 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

99  {
100  const IndexType nCinL[16] = { 5,5,4,5, 5,5,0,0, 5,5,0,0, 5,5,0,0 };
101  return nCinL[(is - 1)*4 + ir - 1];
102  }
uint16_t IndexType
IndexType CSCIndexerStartup::chipStart ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Linear index for 1st Buckeye chip in offline ring 'ir' of station 'is' in endcap 'ie'.

Endcap label range 1-2, Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-3.

: while ME1a chip is the last 1 of the 5 chips total in each layer of an ME11 chamber, here the ME1a input ir=4 defaults to the ME1b start index (ir=4 <=> ir=1).

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 176 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

177  {
178  // These are in the ranges 1-13608 (CSCs 2008) and 13609-15768 (ME42).
179  // There are 1-6804 chips per endcap (CSCs 2008) and 1080 channels per endcap (ME42).
180  // Start of -z channels (CSCs 2008) is 6804 + 1 = 6805
181  // Start of +z (ME42) is 13608 + 1 = 13609
182  // Start of -z (ME42) is 13608 + 1 + 1080 = 14689
183  const IndexType nStart[32] =
184  { 1, 1081, 2161, 1, 3025, 3565, 0,0, 4645, 5185, 0,0, 6265, 13609,0,0,
185  6805, 7885, 8965, 6805, 9829, 10369,0,0, 11449, 11989, 0,0, 13069, 14689,0,0 };
186  return nStart[(ie - 1)*16 + (is - 1)*4 + ir - 1];
187  }
uint16_t IndexType
int CSCIndexerStartup::dbIndex ( const CSCDetId id,
int &  channel 
) const

Build index used internally in online CSC conditions databases (the 'Igor Index')

This is the decimal integer ie*100000 + is*10000 + ir*1000 + ic*10 + il
(ie=1-2, is=1-4, ir=1-4, ic=1-36, il=1-6)
Channels 1-16 in ME1A (is=1, ir=4) are reset to channels 65-80 of ME11.

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 119 of file

120 {
121  int ec = id.endcap();
122  int st = id.station();
123  int rg = id.ring();
124  int ch = id.chamber();
125  int la = id.layer();
127  // The channels of ME1A are channels 65-80 of ME11
128  if(st == 1 && rg == 4)
129  {
130  rg = 1;
131  if(channel <= 16) channel += 64; // no trapping for any bizarreness
132  }
133  return ec*100000 + st*10000 + rg*1000 + ch*10 + la;
134 }
std::pair< CSCDetId, CSCIndexerBase::IndexType > CSCIndexerStartup::detIdFromChipIndex ( IndexType  ichi) const

CSCDetId + chip within chamber from conditions data chip index.

This function changes meaning with ganged and unganged ME1/1a. If ME1/1a is ganged then an ME1/1a chip index returns ME1/1b CSCDetId + chip=5.
If ME1/1a is unganged then an ME1/1a chip index returns ME1/1a CSCDetId + chip# in range 1-3.

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 63 of file

References CSCIndexerBase::detIdFromLayerIndex().

64 {
65  const LongIndexType lastnonme42 = 13608; // chips in 2008 installed chambers
66  const LongIndexType lastplusznonme42 = 6804; // = 13608/2
67  const LongIndexType firstme13 = 2161; // First channel of ME13
68  const LongIndexType lastme13 = 3024; // Last channel of ME13
70  const IndexType lastnonme42layer = 2808;
71  const IndexType lastplusznonme42layer = 1404; // = 2808/2
72  const IndexType firstme13layer = 433; // = 72*6 + 1 (ME13 chambers are 72-108 in range 1-234)
73  const IndexType lastme13layer = 648; // = 108*6
75  // All chambers but ME13 have 5 chips/layer
76  IndexType nchipPerLayer = 5;
78  // Set endcap to +z. This should work for ME42 channels too, since we don't need to calculate its endcap explicitly.
79  IndexType ie = 1;
81  LongIndexType istart = 0;
82  IndexType layerOffset = 0;
84  if ( ici <= lastnonme42 ) // Chambers as of 2008 Installation
85  {
86  if ( ici > lastplusznonme42 )
87  {
88  ie = 2;
89  ici -= lastplusznonme42;
90  }
91  if ( ici > lastme13 ) // after ME13
92  {
93  istart = lastme13;
94  layerOffset = lastme13layer;
95  }
96  else if ( ici >= firstme13 ) // ME13
97  {
98  istart = firstme13 - 1;
99  layerOffset = firstme13layer - 1;
100  nchipPerLayer = 4;
101  }
102  }
103  else // ME42 chambers
104  {
105  istart = lastnonme42;
106  layerOffset = lastnonme42layer;
107  }
109  ici -= istart; // remove earlier group(s)
110  IndexType ichip = (ici - 1)%nchipPerLayer + 1;
111  IndexType ili = (ici - 1)/nchipPerLayer + 1;
112  ili += layerOffset; // add appropriate offset for earlier group(s)
113  if ( ie != 1 ) ili += lastplusznonme42layer; // add offset to -z endcap; ME42 doesn't need this.
115  return std::pair<CSCDetId, IndexType>(detIdFromLayerIndex(ili), ichip);
116 }
uint32_t LongIndexType
uint16_t IndexType
CSCDetId detIdFromLayerIndex(IndexType ili) const
CSCIndexerBase::GasGainIndexType CSCIndexerStartup::detIdFromGasGainIndex ( IndexType  igg) const

CSCDetId + HV segment + chip within chamber from conditions data gas gain index.

This function changes meaning with ganged and unganged ME1/1a. If ME1/1a is ganged then an ME1/1a gas gain index returns ME1/1b CSCDetId + HVsegment=1 + chip=5.
If ME1/1a is unganged then an ME1/1a gas gain index returns ME1/1a CSCDetId + HVsegment=1 + chip# in range 1-3.

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 137 of file

References chipsPerLayer(), CSCIndexerBase::sectorsPerLayer(), and mergeVDriftHistosByStation::stations.

138 {
139  const int n_types = 18;
140  const IndexType type_starts[n_types] =
141  {1, 1081, 4321, 6913, 8533, 13933, 15553, 20953, 22573, 23653, 26893, 29485, 31105, 36505, 38125, 43525, 45145, 50545};
142  //+1/1 +1/2 +1/3 +2/1 +2/2 +3/1 +3/2 +4/1 -1/1 -1/2 -1/3 -2/1 -2/2 -3/1 -3/2 -4/1 +4/2 -4/2
144  const int endcaps[n_types] =
145  {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2};
146  const int stations[n_types] =
147  {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4};
148  const int rings[n_types] =
149  {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2};
151  // determine chamber type
152  std::vector<IndexType> v_type_starts(type_starts, type_starts + n_types);
153  int type = int(std::upper_bound(v_type_starts.begin(), v_type_starts.end(), igg) - v_type_starts.begin()) - 1;
155  // determine factors for #HVsectors and #chips
156  int sectors_per_layer = sectorsPerLayer(stations[type], rings[type]);
157  int chips_per_layer = chipsPerLayer(stations[type], rings[type]);
159  IndexType igg_chamber_etc = igg - type_starts[type] + 1;
161  IndexType igg_chamber_and_layer = (igg_chamber_etc - 1) / sectors_per_layer + 1;
163  // extract chamber & layer
164  int chamber = (igg_chamber_and_layer - 1) / 6 + 1;
165  int layer = (igg_chamber_and_layer - 1) % 6 + 1;
167  IndexType igg_hvseg_etc = (igg_chamber_etc - 1) % sectors_per_layer + 1;
169  // extract HVsegment and chip numbers
170  IndexType hvsegment = (igg_hvseg_etc - 1) / chips_per_layer + 1;
171  IndexType chip = (igg_hvseg_etc - 1) % chips_per_layer + 1;
173  CSCDetId id(endcaps[type], stations[type], rings[type], chamber, layer);
174  return boost::make_tuple(id, hvsegment, chip);
175 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
uint16_t IndexType
IndexType sectorsPerLayer(IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
IndexType chipsPerLayer(IndexType is, IndexType ir) const
std::pair< CSCDetId, CSCIndexerBase::IndexType > CSCIndexerStartup::detIdFromStripChannelIndex ( LongIndexType  ichi) const

Decode CSCDetId from various indexes and labels

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 7 of file

References CSCIndexerBase::detIdFromLayerIndex(), and nchan.

8 {
9  const LongIndexType lastnonme42 = 217728; // channels in 2008 installed chambers
10  const LongIndexType lastplusznonme42 = 108864; // = 217728/2
11  const LongIndexType firstme13 = 34561; // First channel of ME13
12  const LongIndexType lastme13 = 48384; // Last channel of ME13
14  const IndexType lastnonme42layer = 2808;
15  const IndexType lastplusznonme42layer = 1404; // = 2808/2
16  const IndexType firstme13layer = 433; // = 72*6 + 1 (ME13 chambers are 72-108 in range 1-234)
17  const IndexType lastme13layer = 648; // = 108*6
19  // All chambers but ME13 have 80 channels
20  IndexType nchan = 80;
22  // Set endcap to +z. This should work for ME42 channels too, since we don't need to calculate its endcap explicitly.
23  IndexType ie = 1;
25  LongIndexType istart = 0;
26  IndexType layerOffset = 0;
28  if ( isi <= lastnonme42 ) // Chambers as of 2008 Installation
29  {
30  if ( isi > lastplusznonme42 )
31  {
32  ie = 2;
33  isi -= lastplusznonme42;
34  }
35  if ( isi > lastme13 ) // after ME13
36  {
37  istart = lastme13;
38  layerOffset = lastme13layer;
39  }
40  else if ( isi >= firstme13 ) // ME13
41  {
42  istart = firstme13 - 1;
43  layerOffset = firstme13layer - 1;
44  nchan = 64;
45  }
46  }
47  else // ME42 chambers
48  {
49  istart = lastnonme42;
50  layerOffset = lastnonme42layer;
51  }
53  isi -= istart; // remove earlier group(s)
54  IndexType ichan = (isi - 1)%nchan + 1;
55  IndexType ili = (isi - 1)/nchan + 1;
56  ili += layerOffset; // add appropriate offset for earlier group(s)
57  if ( ie != 1 ) ili += lastplusznonme42layer; // add offset to -z endcap; ME42 doesn't need this.
59  return std::pair<CSCDetId, IndexType>(detIdFromLayerIndex(ili), ichan);
60 }
uint32_t LongIndexType
uint16_t IndexType
int nchan
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:80
CSCDetId detIdFromLayerIndex(IndexType ili) const
IndexType CSCIndexerStartup::maxChipIndex ( ) const

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 46 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

46 { return 15768; }
IndexType CSCIndexerStartup::maxGasGainIndex ( ) const

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 47 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

47 { return 55944; }
LongIndexType CSCIndexerStartup::maxStripChannelIndex ( ) const

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 45 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

45 { return 252288; }
std::string CSCIndexerStartup::name ( ) const
IndexType CSCIndexerStartup::onlineRingsInStation ( IndexType  is) const

How many online rings are there in station 'is'=1, 2, 3, 4 ?

: ME1a + ME1b are considered as single ME1/1 'online' rings for the startup

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 59 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

60  {
61  const IndexType nrings[5] = { 0, 3, 2, 2, 2 };
62  return nrings[is];
63  }
uint16_t IndexType
IndexType CSCIndexerStartup::sectorStart ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Linear index for 1st Gas gain sector in ring 'ir' of station 'is' in endcap 'ie'.

Endcap label range 1-2, Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-4 (4=ME1a)

: ME1a chip is the last 1 of the 5 chips total in each layer of an ME11 chamber, and an input ir=4 in this case would give the same result as ir=1

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 201 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

202  {
203  // There are 36 chambers * 6 layers * 5 CFEB's * 1 HV segment = 1080 gas-gain sectors in ME1/1
204  // There are 36*6*5*3 = 3240 gas-gain sectors in ME1/2
205  // There are 36*6*4*3 = 2592 gas-gain sectors in ME1/3
206  // There are 18*6*5*3 = 1620 gas-gain sectors in ME[2-4]/1
207  // There are 36*6*5*5 = 5400 gas-gain sectors in ME[2-4]/2
208  // Start of -z channels (CSCs 2008) is 22572 + 1 = 22573
209  // Start of +z (ME42) is 45144 + 1 = 45145
210  // Start of -z (ME42) is 45144 + 1 + 5400 = 50545
211  const IndexType nStart[32] =
212  {1 ,1081 , 4321, 1, //ME+1/1,ME+1/2,ME+1/3,ME+1/4
213  6913 ,8533 , 0, 0, //ME+2/1,ME+2/2,
214  13933,15553, 0, 0, //ME+3/1,ME+3/2,
215  20953,45145, 0, 0, //ME+4/1,ME+4/2,ME+4/3 (note, ME+4/2 index follows ME-4/1...)
216  22573,23653,26893, 22573, //ME-1/1,ME-1/2,ME-1/3, ME-1/4
217  29485,31105, 0, 0, //ME-2/1,ME-2/2,ME-2/3
218  36505,38125, 0, 0, //ME-3/1,ME-3/2,ME-3/3
219  43525,50545, 0, 0};//ME-4/1,ME-4/2,ME-4/3 (note, ME-4/2 index follows ME+4/2...)
220  return nStart[(ie-1)*16 + (is-1)*4 + ir - 1];
221  }
uint16_t IndexType
IndexType CSCIndexerStartup::stripChannelsPerLayer ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Number of strip channel indices for a layer in a chamber defined by station number 'is' and ring number 'ir'.

Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-4 (4=ME1a)

This depends on the ordering of the channels in the database. In startup scenario there are 80 indices allocated per ME1/1 layer with 1-64 belonging to ME1b and 65-80 belonging to ME1a. So the ME1/a database indices are mapped to extend the ME1/b index ranges, which is how the raw hardware channels numbering is implemented.

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 120 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

121  {
122  const IndexType nSCinC[16] = { 80,80,64,80, 80,80,0,0, 80,80,0,0, 80,80,0,0 };
123  return nSCinC[(is - 1)*4 + ir - 1];
124  }
uint16_t IndexType
IndexType CSCIndexerStartup::stripChannelsPerOfflineLayer ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Number of strip readout channels per layer in an offline chamber with ring 'ir' and station 'is'. Works for ME1a (ring 4 of ME1) too.

Assume ME1a has 16 ganged readout channels.

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 72 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

73  {
74  const IndexType nSC[16] = { 64,80,64,16, 80,80,0,0, 80,80,0,0, 80,80,0,0 };
75  return nSC[(is-1)*4 + ir - 1];
76  }
uint16_t IndexType
IndexType CSCIndexerStartup::stripChannelsPerOnlineLayer ( IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Number of strip readout channels per layer in an online chamber with ring 'ir' and station 'is'. Works for ME1a (ring 4 of ME1) too.

Assume ME1a has 16 ganged readout channels. Online chamber has 64+16=80 channels.

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 85 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

86  {
87  const IndexType nSC[16] = { 80,80,64,80, 80,80,0,0, 80,80,0,0, 80,80,0,0 };
88  return nSC[(is-1)*4 + ir - 1];
89  }
uint16_t IndexType
LongIndexType CSCIndexerStartup::stripChannelStart ( IndexType  ie,
IndexType  is,
IndexType  ir 
) const

Linear index for 1st strip channel in ring 'ir' of station 'is' in endcap 'ie'.

Endcap label range 1-2, Station label range 1-4, Ring label range 1-4.

WARNING: while ME1a channels are the last 16 of the 80 total in each layer of an ME11 chamber, their start index here defaults to the start index of ME1a.

Implements CSCIndexerBase.

Definition at line 134 of file CSCIndexerStartup.h.

135  {
136  // These are in the ranges 1-217728 (CSCs 2008) and 217729-252288 (ME42).
137  // There are 1-108884 channels per endcap (CSCs 2008) and 17280 channels per endcap (ME42).
138  // Start of -z channels (CSCs 2008) is 108864 + 1 = 108865
139  // Start of +z (ME42) is 217728 + 1 = 217729
140  // Start of -z (ME42) is 217728 + 1 + 17280 = 235009
141  const LongIndexType nStart[32] =
142  { 1, 17281, 34561, 1, 48385, 57025,0,0, 74305, 82945,0,0, 100225,217729,0,0,
143  108865,126145,143425,108865, 157249,165889,0,0, 183169,191809,0,0, 209089,235009,0,0 };
144  return nStart[(ie - 1)*16 + (is - 1)*4 + ir - 1];
145  }
uint32_t LongIndexType