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PedestalsAnalysis Class Reference

Histogram-based analysis for pedestal run. More...

#include <PedestalsAnalysis.h>

Inheritance diagram for PedestalsAnalysis:

Public Member Functions

const VVIntdead () const
bool isValid () const
const VVFloatnoise () const
const VFloatnoiseMax () const
const VFloatnoiseMean () const
const VFloatnoiseMin () const
const VFloatnoiseSpread () const
const VVIntnoisy () const
 PedestalsAnalysis (const uint32_t &key)
 PedestalsAnalysis ()
const VVFloatpeds () const
const VFloatpedsMax () const
const VFloatpedsMean () const
const VFloatpedsMin () const
const VFloatpedsSpread () const
void print (std::stringstream &, uint32_t apv_number=0)
const VVFloatraw () const
const VFloatrawMax () const
const VFloatrawMean () const
const VFloatrawMin () const
const VFloatrawSpread () const
void reset ()
void summary (std::stringstream &) const
virtual ~PedestalsAnalysis ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CommissioningAnalysis
virtual void addErrorCode (const std::string &error)
 CommissioningAnalysis (const uint32_t &key, const std::string &my_name)
 CommissioningAnalysis (const std::string &my_name)
const uint32_t & dcuId () const
void dcuId (const uint32_t &)
const uint32_t & detId () const
void detId (const uint32_t &)
const uint32_t & fecKey () const
void fecKey (const uint32_t &)
const uint32_t & fedKey () const
void fedKey (const uint32_t &)
const VStringgetErrorCodes () const
virtual void header (std::stringstream &) const
const std::string & myName () const
void setErrorCodes (const VString &errors)
virtual ~CommissioningAnalysis ()

Private Attributes

VVInt dead_
bool legacy_
VVFloat noise_
VFloat noiseMax_
VFloat noiseMean_
VFloat noiseMin_
VFloat noiseSpread_
VVInt noisy_
VVFloat peds_
VFloat pedsMax_
VFloat pedsMean_
VFloat pedsMin_
VFloat pedsSpread_
VVFloat raw_
VFloat rawMax_
VFloat rawMean_
VFloat rawMin_
VFloat rawSpread_


class PedestalsAlgorithm

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CommissioningAnalysis
typedef std::vector< float > VFloat
typedef std::vector< uint16_t > VInt
typedef std::vector< std::string > VString
typedef std::vector< VFloatVVFloat
typedef std::vector< VIntVVInt

Detailed Description

Histogram-based analysis for pedestal run.

M. Wingham, R.Bainbridge

Definition at line 15 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PedestalsAnalysis::PedestalsAnalysis ( const uint32_t &  key)

Definition at line 13 of file

References dead_, and noisy_.

14  : CommissioningAnalysis(key,"PedestalsAnalysis"),
17  raw_(2,VFloat(128,sistrip::invalid_)),
32  legacy_(false)
33 {
34  dead_[0].reserve(256); dead_[1].reserve(256);
35  noisy_[0].reserve(256); noisy_[1].reserve(256);
36 }
std::vector< float > VFloat
string key
FastSim: produces sample of signal events, overlayed with premixed minbias events.
std::vector< uint16_t > VInt
static const uint16_t invalid_
Definition: Constants.h:16
PedestalsAnalysis::PedestalsAnalysis ( )

Definition at line 40 of file

References dead_, and noisy_.

41  : CommissioningAnalysis("PedestalsAnalysis"),
44  raw_(2,VFloat(128,sistrip::invalid_)),
59  legacy_(false)
60 {
61  dead_[0].reserve(256); dead_[1].reserve(256);
62  noisy_[0].reserve(256); noisy_[1].reserve(256);
63 }
std::vector< float > VFloat
std::vector< uint16_t > VInt
static const uint16_t invalid_
Definition: Constants.h:16
virtual PedestalsAnalysis::~PedestalsAnalysis ( )

Definition at line 25 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

25 {;}

Member Function Documentation

const PedestalsAnalysis::VVInt & PedestalsAnalysis::dead ( ) const
bool PedestalsAnalysis::isValid ( void  ) const

Identifies if analysis is valid or not.

Reimplemented from CommissioningAnalysis.

Definition at line 94 of file

References relativeConstraints::empty, CommissioningAnalysis::getErrorCodes(), sistrip::maximum_, noiseMax_, noiseMean_, noiseMin_, noiseSpread_, pedsMax_, pedsMean_, pedsMin_, pedsSpread_, rawMax_, rawMean_, rawMin_, and rawSpread_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create(), PedestalsHistograms::histoAnalysis(), print(), core.AutoHandle.AutoHandle::ReallyLoad(), and summary().

94  {
95  return ( pedsMean_[0] < sistrip::maximum_ &&
115  rawMax_[0] < sistrip::maximum_ &&
116  rawMax_[1] < sistrip::maximum_ &&
117  rawMin_[0] < sistrip::maximum_ &&
118  rawMin_[1] < sistrip::maximum_ &&
119  getErrorCodes().empty() );
120  //noiseMean_[0] <= rawMean_[0] && //@@ temp
121  //noiseMean_[1] <= rawMean_[1] ); //@@ temp
122 }
static const uint16_t maximum_
Definition: Constants.h:20
const VString & getErrorCodes() const
const PedestalsAnalysis::VVFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::noise ( ) const

Definition at line 139 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References noise_.

Referenced by PedestalsSummaryFactory::extract(), and PedestalsHistosUsingDb::update().

139 { return noise_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::noiseMax ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References noiseMax_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create(), and PedestalsSummaryFactory::extract().

154 { return noiseMax_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::noiseMean ( ) const

Definition at line 147 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References noiseMean_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create(), and PedestalsSummaryFactory::extract().

147 { return noiseMean_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::noiseMin ( ) const

Definition at line 155 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References noiseMin_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create(), and PedestalsSummaryFactory::extract().

155 { return noiseMin_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::noiseSpread ( ) const

Definition at line 148 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References noiseSpread_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create(), and PedestalsSummaryFactory::extract().

148 { return noiseSpread_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VVInt & PedestalsAnalysis::noisy ( ) const
const PedestalsAnalysis::VVFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::peds ( ) const

Definition at line 138 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References peds_.

Referenced by PedestalsSummaryFactory::extract(), and PedestalsHistosUsingDb::update().

138 { return peds_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::pedsMax ( ) const

Definition at line 152 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References pedsMax_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create(), and PedestalsSummaryFactory::extract().

152 { return pedsMax_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::pedsMean ( ) const

Definition at line 145 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References pedsMean_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create(), and PedestalsSummaryFactory::extract().

145 { return pedsMean_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::pedsMin ( ) const
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::pedsSpread ( ) const

Definition at line 146 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References pedsSpread_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create(), and PedestalsSummaryFactory::extract().

146 { return pedsSpread_; }
void PedestalsAnalysis::print ( std::stringstream &  ss,
uint32_t  apv_number = 0 

Prints analysis results.

Implements CommissioningAnalysis.

Definition at line 200 of file

References dead_, relativeConstraints::empty, CommissioningAnalysis::getErrorCodes(), CommissioningAnalysis::header(), cuy::ii, isValid(), sistrip::mlCommissioning_, CommissioningAnalysis::myName(), noise_, noiseMax_, noiseMean_, noiseMin_, noiseSpread_, noisy_, peds_, pedsMax_, pedsMean_, pedsMin_, pedsSpread_, raw_, rawMax_, rawMean_, rawMin_, rawSpread_, and findQualityFiles::size.

200  {
202  if ( iapv == 1 || iapv == 2 ) { iapv--; }
203  else { iapv = 0; }
205  if ( peds_[iapv].size() < 128 ||
206  noise_[iapv].size() < 128 ||
207  raw_[iapv].size() < 128 ) {
209  << "[" << myName() << "::" << __func__ << "]"
210  << " Unexpected number of pedestal/noise values: "
211  << peds_[iapv].size() << ", "
212  << noise_[iapv].size() << ", "
213  << raw_[iapv].size();
214  return;
215  }
217  header( ss );
218  ss << " Monitorables for APV number : " << iapv;
219  if ( iapv == 0 ) { ss << " (first of pair)"; }
220  else if ( iapv == 1 ) { ss << " (second of pair)"; }
221  ss << std::endl;
222  ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);
223  ss << " Example peds/noise for strips : "
224  << " 0, 31, 63, 127" << std::endl
225  << " Peds [ADC] : "
226  << std::setw(6) << peds_[iapv][0] << ", "
227  << std::setw(6) << peds_[iapv][31] << ", "
228  << std::setw(6) << peds_[iapv][63] << ", "
229  << std::setw(6) << peds_[iapv][127] << std::endl
230  << " Noise [ADC] : "
231  << std::setw(6) << noise_[iapv][0] << ", "
232  << std::setw(6) << noise_[iapv][31] << ", "
233  << std::setw(6) << noise_[iapv][63] << ", "
234  << std::setw(6) << noise_[iapv][127] << std::endl
235  << " Raw noise [ADC] : "
236  << std::setw(6) << raw_[iapv][0] << ", "
237  << std::setw(6) << raw_[iapv][31] << ", "
238  << std::setw(6) << raw_[iapv][63] << ", "
239  << std::setw(6) << raw_[iapv][127] << std::endl
240  << " Dead strips (<5s) [strip] : (" << dead_[iapv].size() << " in total) ";
241  for ( uint16_t ii = 0; ii < dead_[iapv].size(); ii++ ) {
242  ss << dead_[iapv][ii] << " "; }
244  ss << std::endl;
245  ss << " Noisy strips (>5s) [strip] : (" << noisy_[iapv].size() << " in total) ";
246  for ( uint16_t ii = 0; ii < noisy_[iapv].size(); ii++ ) {
247  ss << noisy_[iapv][ii] << " ";
248  }
249  ss << std::endl;
250  ss << " Mean peds +/- spread [ADC] : " << pedsMean_[iapv] << " +/- " << pedsSpread_[iapv] << std::endl
251  << " Min/Max pedestal [ADC] : " << pedsMin_[iapv] << " <-> " << pedsMax_[iapv] << std::endl
252  << " Mean noise +/- spread [ADC] : " << noiseMean_[iapv] << " +/- " << noiseSpread_[iapv] << std::endl
253  << " Min/Max noise [ADC] : " << noiseMin_[iapv] << " <-> " << noiseMax_[iapv] << std::endl
254  << " Mean raw noise +/- spread [ADC] : " << rawMean_[iapv] << " +/- " << rawSpread_[iapv] << std::endl
255  << " Min/Max raw noise [ADC] : " << rawMin_[iapv] << " <-> " << rawMax_[iapv] << std::endl
256  << " Normalised noise : " << "(yet to be implemented...)" << std::endl
257  << std::boolalpha
258  << " isValid : " << isValid() << std::endl
259  << std::noboolalpha
260  << " Error codes (found "
261  << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(' ') << getErrorCodes().size()
262  << ") : ";
263  if ( getErrorCodes().empty() ) { ss << "(none)"; }
264  else {
265  VString::const_iterator istr = getErrorCodes().begin();
266  VString::const_iterator jstr = getErrorCodes().end();
267  for ( ; istr != jstr; ++istr ) { ss << *istr << " "; }
268  }
269  ss << std::endl;
270 }
bool isValid() const
int ii
static const char mlCommissioning_[]
virtual void header(std::stringstream &) const
const VString & getErrorCodes() const
const std::string & myName() const
tuple size
Write out results.
const PedestalsAnalysis::VVFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::raw ( ) const

Definition at line 140 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References raw_.

140 { return raw_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::rawMax ( ) const

Definition at line 156 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References rawMax_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create().

156 { return rawMax_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::rawMean ( ) const

Definition at line 149 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References rawMean_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create().

149 { return rawMean_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::rawMin ( ) const

Definition at line 157 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References rawMin_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create().

157 { return rawMin_; }
const PedestalsAnalysis::VFloat & PedestalsAnalysis::rawSpread ( ) const

Definition at line 150 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

References rawSpread_.

Referenced by PedestalsHistosUsingDb::create().

150 { return rawSpread_; }
void PedestalsAnalysis::reset ( void  )

Resets analysis member data.

Implements CommissioningAnalysis.

Definition at line 67 of file

References dead_, sistrip::invalid_, legacy_, noise_, noiseMax_, noiseMean_, noiseMin_, noiseSpread_, noisy_, peds_, pedsMax_, pedsMean_, pedsMin_, pedsSpread_, raw_, rawMax_, rawMean_, rawMin_, and rawSpread_.

Referenced by MatrixReader.MatrixReader::__init__(), and MatrixReader.MatrixReader::showRaw().

67  {
85  dead_[0].reserve(256);
86  dead_[1].reserve(256);
87  noisy_[0].reserve(256);
88  noisy_[1].reserve(256);
89  legacy_ = false;
90 }
std::vector< float > VFloat
std::vector< uint16_t > VInt
std::vector< VInt > VVInt
static const uint16_t invalid_
Definition: Constants.h:16
std::vector< VFloat > VVFloat
void PedestalsAnalysis::summary ( std::stringstream &  ss) const

Overrides base method.

Reimplemented from CommissioningAnalysis.

Definition at line 126 of file

References sistrip::APV, SiStripFecKey::ccuAddr(), SiStripFecKey::ccuChan(), sistrip::extrainfo::commonMode_, sistrip::controlView_, sistrip::dir_, sistrip::dqmRoot_, sistrip::EXPERT_HISTO, edm::false, SiStripFecKey::fecCrate(), CommissioningAnalysis::fecKey(), SiStripFecKey::fecRing(), SiStripFecKey::fecSlot(), sistrip::FED_KEY, CommissioningAnalysis::fedKey(), SiStripFecKey::i2cAddr(), isValid(), SiStripKey::key(), legacy_, sistrip::LLD_CHAN, SiStripFecKey::lldChan(), CommissioningAnalysis::myName(), fed_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::path, sistrip::extrainfo::pedestals_, sistrip::extrainfo::pedsAndCmSubNoise_, sistrip::extrainfo::pedsAndRawNoise_, sistrip::extrainfo::rawNoise_, SiStripEnumsAndStrings::runType(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, indexGen::title, and funct::true.

126  {
128  SiStripFecKey fec_key( fecKey() );
129  SiStripFedKey fed_key( fedKey() );
133  std::stringstream extra1,extra2,extra3;
134  if ( legacy_ ) {
138  } else {
142  }
145  type,
147  fed_key.key(),
149  fec_key.lldChan(),
150  extra1.str() ).title();
152  type,
154  fed_key.key(),
156  fec_key.lldChan(),
157  extra2.str() ).title();
159  type,
161  fed_key.key(),
162  sistrip::APV,
163  SiStripFecKey::i2cAddr( fec_key.lldChan(), true ),
164  extra3.str() ).title();
166  type,
168  fed_key.key(),
169  sistrip::APV,
170  SiStripFecKey::i2cAddr( fec_key.lldChan(), false ),
171  extra3.str() ).title();
174  ss << " Summary"
175  << ":"
176  << ( isValid() ? "Valid" : "Invalid" )
177  << ":"
178  << sistrip::controlView_ << ":"
179  << fec_key.fecCrate() << "/"
180  << fec_key.fecSlot() << "/"
181  << fec_key.fecRing() << "/"
182  << fec_key.ccuAddr() << "/"
183  << fec_key.ccuChan()
184  << ":"
186  << "Collate" << sistrip::dir_
187  << SiStripFecKey( fec_key.fecCrate(),
188  fec_key.fecSlot(),
189  fec_key.fecRing(),
190  fec_key.ccuAddr(),
191  fec_key.ccuChan() ).path()
192  << ":"
193  << title1 << ";" << title2 << ";" << title3 << ";" << title4
194  << std::endl;
196 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
static const char rawNoise_[]
const uint32_t & fedKey() const
static const char pedsAndRawNoise_[]
static const char dir_[]
Utility class that holds histogram title.
A container class for generic run and event-related info, information required by the commissioning a...
Definition: SiStripFedKey.h:56
bool isValid() const
const uint16_t & i2cAddr() const
Utility class that identifies a position within the strip tracker control structure, down to the level of an APV25.
Definition: SiStripFecKey.h:45
static std::string runType(const sistrip::RunType &)
static const char controlView_[]
static const char dqmRoot_[]
const uint32_t & fecKey() const
static const char commonMode_[]
static const char pedestals_[]
static const char pedsAndCmSubNoise_[]
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag false
const std::string & myName() const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class PedestalsAlgorithm

Definition at line 27 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Member Data Documentation

VVInt PedestalsAnalysis::dead_

Dead strips.

Definition at line 88 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), dead(), PedestalsAnalysis(), print(), and reset().

bool PedestalsAnalysis::legacy_

Definition at line 132 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::extract(), reset(), and summary().

VVFloat PedestalsAnalysis::noise_

Noise values.

Definition at line 80 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), noise(), print(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::noiseMax_

Max noise value.

Definition at line 120 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), noiseMax(), print(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::noiseMean_

Mean noise value.

Definition at line 102 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), noiseMean(), print(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::noiseMin_

Min noise value.

Definition at line 123 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), noiseMin(), print(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::noiseSpread_

Rms spread in noise.

Definition at line 105 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), noiseSpread(), print(), and reset().

VVInt PedestalsAnalysis::noisy_

Noisy strips.

Definition at line 91 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), noisy(), PedestalsAnalysis(), print(), and reset().

VVFloat PedestalsAnalysis::peds_

Peds values.

Definition at line 77 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), peds(), print(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::pedsMax_

Max peds value.

Definition at line 114 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), pedsMax(), print(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::pedsMean_

Mean peds value.

Definition at line 96 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), pedsMean(), print(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::pedsMin_

Min peds value.

Definition at line 117 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), pedsMin(), print(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::pedsSpread_

Rms spread in peds.

Definition at line 99 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), pedsSpread(), print(), and reset().

VVFloat PedestalsAnalysis::raw_

Raw noise values.

Definition at line 83 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), print(), raw(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::rawMax_

Max raw noise value.

Definition at line 126 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), print(), rawMax(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::rawMean_

Mean raw noise value.

Definition at line 108 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), print(), rawMean(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::rawMin_

Min raw noise value.

Definition at line 129 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), print(), rawMin(), and reset().

VFloat PedestalsAnalysis::rawSpread_

Rms spread in raw noise.

Definition at line 111 of file PedestalsAnalysis.h.

Referenced by PedestalsAlgorithm::analyse(), isValid(), print(), rawSpread(), and reset().