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PixelHitMatcher Class Reference

#include <PixelHitMatcher.h>

Public Types

< ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D
< double > > 

Public Member Functions

std::vector< std::pair
< RecHitWithDist,
ConstRecHitPointer > > 
compatibleHits (const GlobalPoint &xmeas, const GlobalPoint &vprim, float energy, float charge, const TrackerTopology *tTopo, const NavigationSchool &navigationSchool)
std::vector< SeedWithInfocompatibleSeeds (TrajectorySeedCollection *seeds, const GlobalPoint &xmeas, const GlobalPoint &vprim, float energy, float charge)
float getVertex ()
 PixelHitMatcher (float phi1min, float phi1max, float phi2minB, float phi2maxB, float phi2minF, float phi2maxF, float z2minB, float z2maxB, float r2minF, float r2maxF, float rMinI, float rMaxI, bool searchInTIDTEC)
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > predicted1Hits ()
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > predicted2Hits ()
void set1stLayer (float dummyphi1min, float dummyphi1max)
void set1stLayerZRange (float zmin1, float zmax1)
void set2ndLayer (float dummyphi2minB, float dummyphi2maxB, float dummyphi2minF, float dummyphi2maxF)
void setES (const MagneticField *, const MeasurementTracker *theMeasurementTracker, const TrackerGeometry *trackerGeometry)
void setEvent (const MeasurementTrackerEvent &event)
void setUseRecoVertex (bool val)
virtual ~PixelHitMatcher ()

Private Attributes

std::vector< GlobalPointhit_gp_map_
RecHitContainer hitsInTrack
std::unordered_map< std::pair
< const GeomDet *, GlobalPoint >
, TrajectoryStateOnSurface
std::unordered_map< const
*, TrajectoryStateOnSurface
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas1stBLayer
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas1stFLayer
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas2ndBLayer
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas2ndFLayer
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > pred1Meas
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > pred2Meas
bool searchInTIDTEC_
PixelMatchStartLayers startLayers
const GeometricSearchTrackertheGeometricSearchTracker
LayerMeasurements theLayerMeasurements
const MagneticFieldtheMagField
const MeasurementTrackertheTracker
const MeasurementTrackerEventtheTrackerEvent
const TrackerGeometrytheTrackerGeometry
bool useRecoVertex_
float vertex_

Detailed Description

Description: Class to match an ECAL cluster to the pixel hits. Two compatible hits in the pixel layers are required.

Implementation: future redesign

Definition at line 168 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 172 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 174 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Definition at line 173 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

typedef ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D<ROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D<double> > PixelHitMatcher::REPPoint

Definition at line 178 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PixelHitMatcher::PixelHitMatcher ( float  phi1min,
float  phi1max,
float  phi2minB,
float  phi2maxB,
float  phi2minF,
float  phi2maxF,
float  z2minB,
float  z2maxB,
float  r2minF,
float  r2maxF,
float  rMinI,
float  rMaxI,
bool  searchInTIDTEC 

Definition at line 20 of file

24  : //zmin1 and zmax1 are dummy at this moment, set from beamspot later
25  meas1stBLayer(phi1min,phi1max,0.,0.), meas2ndBLayer(phi2minB,phi2maxB,z2minB,z2maxB),
26  meas1stFLayer(phi1min,phi1max,0.,0.), meas2ndFLayer(phi2minF,phi2maxF,r2minF,r2maxF),
27  startLayers(),
29  searchInTIDTEC_(searchInTIDTEC), useRecoVertex_(false)
30  {
31  meas1stFLayer.setRRangeI(rMinI,rMaxI) ;
32  meas2ndFLayer.setRRangeI(rMinI,rMaxI) ;
33  }
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas2ndBLayer
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas1stBLayer
PropagatorWithMaterial * prop1stLayer
const MeasurementTrackerEvent * theTrackerEvent
PixelMatchStartLayers startLayers
const GeometricSearchTracker * theGeometricSearchTracker
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas2ndFLayer
PropagatorWithMaterial * prop2ndLayer
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas1stFLayer
void setRRangeI(float rmin, float rmax)
const MeasurementTracker * theTracker
PixelHitMatcher::~PixelHitMatcher ( )

Definition at line 35 of file

36  {
37  delete prop1stLayer ;
38  delete prop2ndLayer ;
39  }
PropagatorWithMaterial * prop1stLayer
PropagatorWithMaterial * prop2ndLayer

Member Function Documentation

vector< pair< RecHitWithDist, PixelHitMatcher::ConstRecHitPointer > > PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits ( const GlobalPoint xmeas,
const GlobalPoint vprim,
float  energy,
float  charge,
const TrackerTopology tTopo,
const NavigationSchool navigationSchool 

Definition at line 222 of file

References funct::abs(), RecoTauCleanerPlugins::charge, FTSFromVertexToPointFactory::get(), i, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), LogDebug, visualization-live-secondInstance_cfg::m, PixelMatchNextLayers::measurementsInNextLayers(), FreeTrajectoryState::momentum(), normalized_phi(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), phi(), FreeTrajectoryState::position(), PixelMatchNextLayers::predictionInNextLayers(), query::result, BarrelDetLayer::specificSurface(), mathSSE::sqrt(), GeometricSearchDet::surface(), Surface::toGlobal(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

227  {
228  float SCl_phi = xmeas.phi();
230  int charge = int(fcharge);
231  // return all compatible RecHit pairs (vector< TSiPixelRecHit>)
232  vector<pair<RecHitWithDist, ConstRecHitPointer> > result;
233  LogDebug("") << "[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] entering .. ";
235  vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> validMeasurements;
236  vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> invalidMeasurements;
238  typedef vector<TrajectoryMeasurement>::const_iterator aMeas;
240  pred1Meas.clear();
241  pred2Meas.clear();
243  typedef vector<const BarrelDetLayer*>::const_iterator BarrelLayerIterator;
244  BarrelLayerIterator firstLayer = startLayers.firstBLayer();
249  TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos(fts, *bpb(fts.position(), fts.momentum()));
251  if (tsos.isValid()) {
252  vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> pixelMeasurements =
253  theLayerMeasurements.measurements(**firstLayer,tsos,
256  LogDebug("") <<"[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] nbr of hits compatible with extrapolation to first layer: " << pixelMeasurements.size();
257  for (aMeas m=pixelMeasurements.begin(); m!=pixelMeasurements.end(); m++){
258  if (m->recHit()->isValid()) {
259  float localDphi = normalized_phi(SCl_phi-m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().phi()) ;
260  if(std::abs(localDphi)>2.5)continue;
261  CLHEP::Hep3Vector prediction(m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().x(),
262  m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().y(),
263  m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().z());
264  LogDebug("") << "[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] compatible hit position " << m->recHit()->globalPosition();
265  LogDebug("") << "[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] predicted position " << m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition();
266  pred1Meas.push_back( prediction);
268  validMeasurements.push_back(*m);
270  LogDebug("") <<"[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] Found a rechit in layer ";
271  const BarrelDetLayer *bdetl = dynamic_cast<const BarrelDetLayer *>(*firstLayer);
272  if (bdetl) {
273  LogDebug("") <<" with radius "<<bdetl->specificSurface().radius();
274  }
275  else LogDebug("") <<"Could not downcast!!";
276  }
277  }
280  // check if there are compatible 1st hits in the second layer
281  firstLayer++;
283  vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> pixel2Measurements =
284  theLayerMeasurements.measurements(**firstLayer,tsos,
287  for (aMeas m=pixel2Measurements.begin(); m!=pixel2Measurements.end(); m++){
288  if (m->recHit()->isValid()) {
289  float localDphi = normalized_phi(SCl_phi-m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().phi()) ;
290  if(std::abs(localDphi)>2.5)continue;
291  CLHEP::Hep3Vector prediction(m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().x(),
292  m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().y(),
293  m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().z());
294  pred1Meas.push_back( prediction);
295  LogDebug("") << "[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] compatible hit position " << m->recHit()->globalPosition() << endl;
296  LogDebug("") << "[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] predicted position " << m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition() << endl;
298  validMeasurements.push_back(*m);
299  LogDebug("") <<"[PixelHitMatcher::compatibleHits] Found a rechit in layer ";
300  const BarrelDetLayer *bdetl = dynamic_cast<const BarrelDetLayer *>(*firstLayer);
301  if (bdetl) {
302  LogDebug("") <<" with radius "<<bdetl->specificSurface().radius();
303  }
304  else LogDebug("") <<"Could not downcast!!";
305  }
307  }
308  }
311  // check if there are compatible 1st hits the forward disks
312  typedef vector<const ForwardDetLayer*>::const_iterator ForwardLayerIterator;
313  ForwardLayerIterator flayer;
315  TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsosfwd(fts, *bpb(fts.position(), fts.momentum()));
316  if (tsosfwd.isValid()) {
318  for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
319  i == 0 ? flayer = startLayers.pos1stFLayer() : flayer = startLayers.neg1stFLayer();
321  if (i==0 && xmeas.z() < -100. ) continue;
322  if (i==1 && xmeas.z() > 100. ) continue;
324  vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> pixelMeasurements =
325  theLayerMeasurements.measurements(**flayer, tsosfwd,
328  for (aMeas m=pixelMeasurements.begin(); m!=pixelMeasurements.end(); m++){
329  if (m->recHit()->isValid()) {
330  float localDphi = normalized_phi(SCl_phi-m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().phi());
331  if(std::abs(localDphi)>2.5)continue;
332  CLHEP::Hep3Vector prediction(m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().x(),
333  m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().y(),
334  m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().z());
335  pred1Meas.push_back( prediction);
337  validMeasurements.push_back(*m);
338  }
339  }
341  //check if there are compatible 1st hits the outer forward disks
342  if (searchInTIDTEC_) {
343  flayer++;
345  vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> pixel2Measurements =
346  theLayerMeasurements.measurements(**flayer, tsosfwd,
349  for (aMeas m=pixel2Measurements.begin(); m!=pixel2Measurements.end(); m++){
350  if (m->recHit()->isValid()) {
351  float localDphi = normalized_phi(SCl_phi-m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().phi()) ;
352  if(std::abs(localDphi)>2.5)continue;
353  CLHEP::Hep3Vector prediction(m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().x(),
354  m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().y(),
355  m->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition().z());
356  pred1Meas.push_back( prediction);
358  validMeasurements.push_back(*m);
359  }
360  // else{std::cout<<" hit non valid "<<std::endl; }
361  } //end 1st hit in outer f disk
362  }
363  }
364  }
366  // now we have the vector of all valid measurements of the first point
367  for (unsigned i=0; i<validMeasurements.size(); i++){
369  const DetLayer * newLayer = theGeometricSearchTracker->detLayer(validMeasurements[i].recHit()->det()->geographicalId());
371  double zVertex ;
372  if (!useRecoVertex_)
373  {
374  // we don't know the z vertex position, get it from linear extrapolation
375  // compute the z vertex from the cluster point and the found pixel hit
376  double pxHit1z = validMeasurements[i].recHit()->det()->surface().toGlobal(
377  validMeasurements[i].recHit()->localPosition()).z();
378  double pxHit1x = validMeasurements[i].recHit()->det()->surface().toGlobal(
379  validMeasurements[i].recHit()->localPosition()).x();
380  double pxHit1y = validMeasurements[i].recHit()->det()->surface().toGlobal(
381  validMeasurements[i].recHit()->localPosition()).y();
382  double r1diff = (pxHit1x-vprim.x())*(pxHit1x-vprim.x()) + (pxHit1y-vprim.y())*(pxHit1y-vprim.y());
383  r1diff=sqrt(r1diff);
384  double r2diff = (xmeas.x()-pxHit1x)*(xmeas.x()-pxHit1x) + (xmeas.y()-pxHit1y)*(xmeas.y()-pxHit1y);
385  r2diff=sqrt(r2diff);
386  zVertex = pxHit1z - r1diff*(xmeas.z()-pxHit1z)/r2diff;
387  }
388  else
389  {
390  // here we use the reco vertex z position
391  zVertex = vprim.z();
392  }
394  if (i==0)
395  { vertex_ = zVertex; }
397  GlobalPoint vertexPred(vprim.x(),vprim.y(),zVertex) ;
398  GlobalPoint hitPos( validMeasurements[i].recHit()->det()->surface().toGlobal( validMeasurements[i].recHit()->localPosition() ) ) ;
400  FreeTrajectoryState secondFTS = FTSFromVertexToPointFactory::get(*theMagField, hitPos, vertexPred, energy, charge);
402  PixelMatchNextLayers secondHit(&theLayerMeasurements, newLayer, secondFTS,
404  tTopo,navigationSchool,searchInTIDTEC_);
405  vector<CLHEP::Hep3Vector> predictions = secondHit.predictionInNextLayers();
407  for (unsigned it = 0; it < predictions.size(); it++) pred2Meas.push_back(predictions[it]);
409  // we may get more than one valid second measurements here even for single electrons:
410  // two hits from the same layer/disk (detector overlap) or from the loop over the
411  // next layers in EPMatchLoopNextLayers. Take only the 1st hit.
413  if(!secondHit.measurementsInNextLayers().empty()){
414  for(unsigned int shit=0; shit<secondHit.measurementsInNextLayers().size(); shit++)
415  {
416  float dphi = normalized_phi(pred1Meas[i].phi()-validMeasurements[i].recHit()->globalPosition().phi()) ;
417  if (std::abs(dphi)<2.5)
418  {
419  ConstRecHitPointer pxrh = validMeasurements[i].recHit();
420  RecHitWithDist rh(pxrh,dphi);
422  // pxrh = secondHit.measurementsInNextLayers()[0].recHit();
423  pxrh = secondHit.measurementsInNextLayers()[shit].recHit();
425  pair<RecHitWithDist,ConstRecHitPointer> compatiblePair = pair<RecHitWithDist,ConstRecHitPointer>(rh,pxrh) ;
426  result.push_back(compatiblePair);
427  break;
428  }
429  }
430  }
431  }
432  return result;
433 }
#define LogDebug(id)
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
Definition: Surface.h:114
std::vector< TrajectoryMeasurement > measurements(const DetLayer &layer, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const
virtual const BoundSurface & surface() const =0
The surface of the GeometricSearchDet.
int i
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas2ndBLayer
static FreeTrajectoryState get(MagneticField const &magField, GlobalPoint const &xmeas, GlobalPoint const &xvert, float momentum, TrackCharge charge)
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas1stBLayer
PropagatorWithMaterial * prop1stLayer
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:69
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > pred1Meas
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
ForwardLayerIterator neg1stFLayer()
TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer ConstRecHitPointer
BarrelLayerIterator firstBLayer()
RealType normalized_phi(RealType phi)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:64
LayerMeasurements theLayerMeasurements
tuple result
const MagneticField * theMagField
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
const DetLayer * detLayer(const DetId &id) const
obsolete method. Use idToLayer() instead.
ForwardLayerIterator pos1stFLayer()
GlobalVector momentum() const
GlobalPoint position() const
PixelMatchStartLayers startLayers
virtual const BoundCylinder & specificSurface() const
Extension of the interface.
const GeometricSearchTracker * theGeometricSearchTracker
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > pred2Meas
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas2ndFLayer
PropagatorWithMaterial * prop2ndLayer
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas1stFLayer
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
std::vector< SeedWithInfo > PixelHitMatcher::compatibleSeeds ( TrajectorySeedCollection seeds,
const GlobalPoint xmeas,
const GlobalPoint vprim,
float  energy,
float  charge 

Definition at line 102 of file

References funct::abs(), RecoTauCleanerPlugins::charge, HLT_25ns14e33_v1_cff::distance, FTSFromVertexToPointFactory::get(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalParameters(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), FreeTrajectoryState::momentum(), normalized_phi(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), GlobalTrajectoryParameters::position(), FreeTrajectoryState::position(), query::result, fileCollector::seed, mathSSE::sqrt(), DetId::subdetId(), GeomDet::surface(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

104  {
105  typedef std::unordered_map<const GeomDet *, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> DetTsosAssoc;
106  typedef std::unordered_map<std::pair<const GeomDet*,GlobalPoint>, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> PosTsosAssoc;
107  const int charge = int(fcharge) ;
109  const double xmeas_phi = xmeas.phi();
112  TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos(fts, *bpb(fts.position(), fts.momentum()));
114  std::vector<SeedWithInfo> result ;
116  mapTsos_fast_.clear();
117  mapTsos2_fast_.clear();
118  mapTsos_fast_.reserve(seeds->size()) ;
119  mapTsos2_fast_.reserve(seeds->size()) ;
121  for(const auto& seed : *seeds) {
122  hit_gp_map_.clear();
123  if( seed.nHits() > 9 ) {
124  edm::LogWarning("GsfElectronAlgo|UnexpectedSeed") <<"We cannot deal with seeds having more than 9 hits." ;
125  continue;
126  }
127  const TrajectorySeed::range& hits = seed.recHits();
128  // cache the global points
129  for( auto it = hits.first; it != hits.second; ++it ) {
130  hit_gp_map_.emplace_back(it->globalPosition());
131  }
132  //iterate on the hits
133  for( auto it1 = hits.first; it1 != hits.second; ++it1 ) {
134  if( !it1->isValid() ) continue;
135  const unsigned idx1 = std::distance(hits.first,it1);
136  const DetId id1 = it1->geographicalId();
137  const GeomDet *geomdet1 = it1->det();
138  const GlobalPoint& hit1Pos = hit_gp_map_[idx1];
140  const TrajectoryStateOnSurface* tsos1;
141  DetTsosAssoc::iterator tsos1_itr = mapTsos_fast_.find(geomdet1);
142  if( tsos1_itr != mapTsos_fast_.end() ) {
143  tsos1 = &(tsos1_itr->second);
144  } else {
145  auto empl_result =
146  mapTsos_fast_.emplace(geomdet1,prop1stLayer->propagate(tsos,geomdet1->surface()));
147  tsos1 = &(empl_result.first->second);
148  }
149  if( !tsos1->isValid() ) continue;
150  std::pair<bool, double> est = ( id1.subdetId() % 2 ?
151  meas1stBLayer.estimate(vprim, *tsos1, hit1Pos) :
152  meas1stFLayer.estimate(vprim, *tsos1, hit1Pos) );
153  if( !est.first ) continue;
154  if( std::abs(normalized_phi(hit1Pos.phi()-xmeas_phi))>2.5 ) continue;
155  EleRelPointPair pp1(hit1Pos,tsos1->globalParameters().position(),vprim);
156  const math::XYZPoint relHit1Pos(hit1Pos-vprim), relTSOSPos(tsos1->globalParameters().position() - vprim);
157  const int subDet1 = id1.subdetId();
158  const float dRz1 = ( id1.subdetId()%2 ? pp1.dZ() : pp1.dPerp() );
159  const float dPhi1 = pp1.dPhi();
160  // setup our vertex
161  double zVertex;
162  if (!useRecoVertex_) {
163  // we don't know the z vertex position, get it from linear extrapolation
164  // compute the z vertex from the cluster point and the found pixel hit
165  const double pxHit1z = hit1Pos.z();
166  const double pxHit1x = hit1Pos.x();
167  const double pxHit1y = hit1Pos.y();
168  const double r1diff = std::sqrt( (pxHit1x-vprim.x())*(pxHit1x-vprim.x()) +
169  (pxHit1y-vprim.y())*(pxHit1y-vprim.y()) );
170  const double r2diff = std::sqrt( (xmeas.x()-pxHit1x)*(xmeas.x()-pxHit1x) +
171  (xmeas.y()-pxHit1y)*(xmeas.y()-pxHit1y) );
172  zVertex = pxHit1z - r1diff*(xmeas.z()-pxHit1z)/r2diff;
173  } else {
174  // here use rather the reco vertex z position
175  zVertex = vprim.z();
176  }
177  GlobalPoint vertex(vprim.x(),vprim.y(),zVertex);
178  FreeTrajectoryState fts2 = FTSFromVertexToPointFactory::get(*theMagField, hit1Pos, vertex, energy, charge) ;
179  // now find the matching hit
180  for( auto it2 = it1+1; it2 != hits.second; ++it2 ) {
181  if( !it2->isValid() ) continue;
182  const unsigned idx2 = std::distance(hits.first,it2);
183  const DetId id2 = it2->geographicalId();
184  const GeomDet *geomdet2 = it2->det();
185  const std::pair<const GeomDet*,GlobalPoint> det_key(geomdet2,hit1Pos);
186  const TrajectoryStateOnSurface* tsos2;
187  PosTsosAssoc::iterator tsos2_itr = mapTsos2_fast_.find(det_key);
188  if( tsos2_itr != mapTsos2_fast_.end() ) {
189  tsos2 = &(tsos2_itr->second);
190  } else {
191  auto empl_result =
192  mapTsos2_fast_.emplace(det_key,prop2ndLayer->propagate(fts2,geomdet2->surface()));
193  tsos2 = &(empl_result.first->second);
194  }
195  if( !tsos2->isValid() ) continue;
196  const GlobalPoint& hit2Pos = hit_gp_map_[idx2];
197  std::pair<bool,double> est2 = ( id2.subdetId()%2 ?
198  meas2ndBLayer.estimate(vertex, *tsos2,hit2Pos) :
199  meas2ndFLayer.estimate(vertex, *tsos2,hit2Pos) );
200  if (est2.first) {
201  EleRelPointPair pp2(hit2Pos,tsos2->globalParameters().position(),vertex) ;
202  const int subDet2 = id2.subdetId();
203  const float dRz2 = (subDet2%2==1)?pp2.dZ():pp2.dPerp();
204  const float dPhi2 = pp2.dPhi();
205  const unsigned char hitsMask = (1<<idx1)|(1<<idx2);
206  result.push_back(SeedWithInfo(seed,hitsMask,subDet2,dRz2,dPhi2,subDet1,dRz1,dPhi1)) ;
207  }
208  }// inner loop on hits
209  }// outer loop on hits
210  }// loop on seeds
212  mapTsos_fast_.clear() ;
213  mapTsos2_fast_.clear() ;
215  return result ;
216  }
virtual FreeTrajectoryState propagate(const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const GlobalPoint &pDest) const final
Definition: Propagator.h:119
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas2ndBLayer
static FreeTrajectoryState get(MagneticField const &magField, GlobalPoint const &xmeas, GlobalPoint const &xvert, float momentum, TrackCharge charge)
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas1stBLayer
PropagatorWithMaterial * prop1stLayer
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:69
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
const Plane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:40
std::vector< GlobalPoint > hit_gp_map_
RealType normalized_phi(RealType phi)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:64
tuple result
const MagneticField * theMagField
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > range
virtual std::pair< bool, double > estimate(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const TrackingRecHit &hit) const
int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:37
GlobalVector momentum() const
Definition: DetId.h:18
GlobalPoint position() const
const GlobalTrajectoryParameters & globalParameters() const
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Point3D.h:12
virtual std::pair< bool, double > estimate(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const TrackingRecHit &hit) const
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas2ndFLayer
PropagatorWithMaterial * prop2ndLayer
std::unordered_map< const GeomDet *, TrajectoryStateOnSurface > mapTsos_fast_
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas1stFLayer
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
std::unordered_map< std::pair< const GeomDet *, GlobalPoint >, TrajectoryStateOnSurface > mapTsos2_fast_
float PixelHitMatcher::getVertex ( )

Definition at line 94 of file

95  { return vertex_ ; }
vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > PixelHitMatcher::predicted1Hits ( )

Definition at line 88 of file

89  { return pred1Meas ; }
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > pred1Meas
vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > PixelHitMatcher::predicted2Hits ( )

Definition at line 91 of file

92  { return pred2Meas ; }
std::vector< CLHEP::Hep3Vector > pred2Meas
void PixelHitMatcher::set1stLayer ( float  dummyphi1min,
float  dummyphi1max 

Definition at line 41 of file

42  {
43  meas1stBLayer.setPhiRange(dummyphi1min,dummyphi1max) ;
44  meas1stFLayer.setPhiRange(dummyphi1min,dummyphi1max) ;
45  }
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas1stBLayer
void setPhiRange(float dummyphiMin, float dummyphiMax)
void setPhiRange(float dummyphiMin, float dummyphiMax)
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas1stFLayer
void PixelHitMatcher::set1stLayerZRange ( float  zmin1,
float  zmax1 

Definition at line 47 of file

48  {
49  meas1stBLayer.setZRange(zmin1,zmax1) ;
50  meas1stFLayer.setRRange(zmin1,zmax1) ;
51  }
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas1stBLayer
void setZRange(float zmin, float zmax)
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas1stFLayer
void setRRange(float rmin, float rmax)
void PixelHitMatcher::set2ndLayer ( float  dummyphi2minB,
float  dummyphi2maxB,
float  dummyphi2minF,
float  dummyphi2maxF 

Definition at line 53 of file

54  {
55  meas2ndBLayer.setPhiRange(dummyphi2minB,dummyphi2maxB) ;
56  meas2ndFLayer.setPhiRange(dummyphi2minF,dummyphi2maxF) ;
57  }
BarrelMeasurementEstimator meas2ndBLayer
void setPhiRange(float dummyphiMin, float dummyphiMax)
ForwardMeasurementEstimator meas2ndFLayer
void setPhiRange(float dummyphiMin, float dummyphiMax)
void PixelHitMatcher::setES ( const MagneticField magField,
const MeasurementTracker theMeasurementTracker,
const TrackerGeometry trackerGeometry 

Definition at line 68 of file

References alongMomentum, and oppositeToMomentum.

Referenced by ElectronSeedGenerator::setupES().

71  {
72  if (theMeasurementTracker)
73  {
74  theTracker = theMeasurementTracker;
75  theGeometricSearchTracker=theMeasurementTracker->geometricSearchTracker() ;
77  }
79  theMagField = magField ;
80  theTrackerGeometry = trackerGeometry ;
81  float mass=.000511 ; // electron propagation
82  if (prop1stLayer) delete prop1stLayer ;
84  if (prop2ndLayer) delete prop2ndLayer ;
86  }
PropagatorWithMaterial * prop1stLayer
void setup(const GeometricSearchTracker *)
const MagneticField * theMagField
PixelMatchStartLayers startLayers
const GeometricSearchTracker * theGeometricSearchTracker
PropagatorWithMaterial * prop2ndLayer
const TrackerGeometry * theTrackerGeometry
const MeasurementTracker * theTracker
void PixelHitMatcher::setEvent ( const MeasurementTrackerEvent event)

Definition at line 62 of file

63  {
64  theTrackerEvent = & trackerData;
66  }
LayerMeasurements theLayerMeasurements
const MeasurementTrackerEvent * theTrackerEvent
const MeasurementTracker * theTracker
void PixelHitMatcher::setUseRecoVertex ( bool  val)

Definition at line 59 of file

60  { useRecoVertex_ = val ; }

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<GlobalPoint> PixelHitMatcher::hit_gp_map_

Definition at line 241 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

RecHitContainer PixelHitMatcher::hitsInTrack

Definition at line 217 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

std::unordered_map<std::pair<const GeomDet*,GlobalPoint>, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> PixelHitMatcher::mapTsos2_fast_

Definition at line 240 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

std::unordered_map<const GeomDet*, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> PixelHitMatcher::mapTsos_fast_

Definition at line 239 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

BarrelMeasurementEstimator PixelHitMatcher::meas1stBLayer

Definition at line 221 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

ForwardMeasurementEstimator PixelHitMatcher::meas1stFLayer

Definition at line 223 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

BarrelMeasurementEstimator PixelHitMatcher::meas2ndBLayer

Definition at line 222 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

ForwardMeasurementEstimator PixelHitMatcher::meas2ndFLayer

Definition at line 224 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

std::vector<CLHEP::Hep3Vector> PixelHitMatcher::pred1Meas

Definition at line 219 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

std::vector<CLHEP::Hep3Vector> PixelHitMatcher::pred2Meas

Definition at line 220 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

PropagatorWithMaterial* PixelHitMatcher::prop1stLayer

Definition at line 226 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

PropagatorWithMaterial* PixelHitMatcher::prop2ndLayer

Definition at line 227 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

bool PixelHitMatcher::searchInTIDTEC_

Definition at line 237 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

PixelMatchStartLayers PixelHitMatcher::startLayers

Definition at line 225 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

const GeometricSearchTracker* PixelHitMatcher::theGeometricSearchTracker

Definition at line 228 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

LayerMeasurements PixelHitMatcher::theLayerMeasurements

Definition at line 231 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

const MagneticField* PixelHitMatcher::theMagField

Definition at line 232 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

const MeasurementTracker* PixelHitMatcher::theTracker

Definition at line 230 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

const MeasurementTrackerEvent* PixelHitMatcher::theTrackerEvent

Definition at line 229 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

const TrackerGeometry* PixelHitMatcher::theTrackerGeometry

Definition at line 233 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

bool PixelHitMatcher::useRecoVertex_

Definition at line 238 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.

float PixelHitMatcher::vertex_

Definition at line 235 of file PixelHitMatcher.h.