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MagCylinder Class Reference

#include <MagCylinder.h>

Inheritance diagram for MagCylinder:
MagVolume GloballyPositioned< float > MagneticField

Public Member Functions

virtual const std::vector
< VolumeSide > & 
faces () const
 Access to volume faces. More...
virtual bool inside (const GlobalPoint &gp, double tolerance=0.) const
virtual bool inside (const LocalPoint &lp, double tolerance=0.) const
 MagCylinder (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, DDSolidShape shape, const std::vector< VolumeSide > &faces, const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *mfp)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MagVolume
LocalVector fieldInTesla (const LocalPoint &lp) const
GlobalVector fieldInTesla (const GlobalPoint &lp) const
virtual ::GlobalVector inTesla (const ::GlobalPoint &gp) const
bool isIron () const
 Temporary hack to pass information on material. Will eventually be replaced! More...
 MagVolume (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, DDSolidShape shape, const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *mfp, double sf=1.)
void ownsFieldProvider (bool o)
const MagneticFieldProvider
< float > * 
provider () const
void setIsIron (bool iron)
DDSolidShape shapeType () const
virtual ~MagVolume ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GloballyPositioned< float >
float eta () const
 GloballyPositioned ()
 GloballyPositioned (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot)
void move (const GlobalVector &displacement)
float phi () const
const PositionTypeposition () const
void rotate (const RotationType &rotation)
const RotationTyperotation () const
GlobalPoint toGlobal (const LocalPoint &lp) const
Point3DBase< U, GlobalTagtoGlobal (const Point3DBase< U, LocalTag > &lp) const
GlobalVector toGlobal (const LocalVector &lv) const
Vector3DBase< U, GlobalTagtoGlobal (const Vector3DBase< U, LocalTag > &lv) const
LocalPoint toLocal (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
Point3DBase< U, LocalTagtoLocal (const Point3DBase< U, GlobalTag > &gp) const
LocalVector toLocal (const GlobalVector &gv) const
Vector3DBase< U, LocalTagtoLocal (const Vector3DBase< U, GlobalTag > &gv) const
virtual ~GloballyPositioned ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MagneticField
virtual MagneticFieldclone () const
GlobalVector inInverseGeV (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
 Field value ad specified global point, in 1/Gev. More...
GlobalVector inKGauss (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
 Field value ad specified global point, in KGauss. More...
virtual GlobalVector inTesla (const GlobalPoint &gp) const =0
 Field value ad specified global point, in Tesla. More...
virtual GlobalVector inTeslaUnchecked (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
virtual bool isDefined (const GlobalPoint &) const
 True if the point is within the region where the concrete field. More...
 MagneticField ()
 MagneticField (const MagneticField &orig)
int nominalValue () const
 The nominal field value for this map in kGauss. More...
virtual ~MagneticField ()

Public Attributes

std::string name

Private Attributes

std::vector< VolumeSidetheFaces
Scalar theInnerR
Scalar theOuterR
Scalar theZmax
Scalar theZmin

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MagVolume
typedef GloballyPositioned< float > Base
typedef GloballyPositioned
< float >::GlobalPoint 
typedef GloballyPositioned
< float >::GlobalVector 
typedef GloballyPositioned
< float >::LocalPoint 
typedef GloballyPositioned
< float >::LocalVector 
- Public Types inherited from GloballyPositioned< float >
typedef Point3DBase< float,
typedef Vector3DBase< float,
typedef Point3DBase< float,
typedef Vector3DBase< float,
typedef Point3DBase< float,
typedef TkRotation< float > RotationType
typedef float Scalar
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GloballyPositioned< float >
static float iniEta ()
static float iniPhi ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file MagCylinder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MagCylinder::MagCylinder ( const PositionType pos,
const RotationType rot,
DDSolidShape  shape,
const std::vector< VolumeSide > &  faces,
const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *  mfp 

Definition at line 8 of file

References def, i, SurfaceOrientation::inner, SurfaceOrientation::outer, Cylinder::radius(), theInnerR, theOuterR, theZmax, theZmin, GloballyPositioned< float >::toLocal(), z, SurfaceOrientation::zminus, and SurfaceOrientation::zplus.

13  : MagVolume(pos,rot,shape,mfp), theFaces(faces), theZmin(0.), theZmax(0.), theInnerR(0.), theOuterR(0.)
14 {
17  unsigned int def = 0;
18  for (std::vector<VolumeSide>::const_iterator i=faces.begin(); i!= faces.end(); ++i) {
19  if (i->globalFace() == SurfaceOrientation::zminus) {
20  theZmin = MagVolume::toLocal( i->surface().position()).z();
21  ++def;
22  }
23  else if (i->globalFace() == SurfaceOrientation::zplus) {
24  theZmax = MagVolume::toLocal( i->surface().position()).z();
25  ++def;
26  }
27  else if (i->globalFace() == SurfaceOrientation::outer || i->globalFace() == SurfaceOrientation::inner) {
28  const Cylinder* cyl = dynamic_cast<const Cylinder*>(&(i->surface()));
29  if (cyl == 0) {
30  throw MagGeometryError("MagCylinder inner/outer surface is not a cylinder");
31  }
32  if (i->globalFace() == SurfaceOrientation::outer) theOuterR = cyl->radius();
33  else theInnerR = cyl->radius();
34  ++def;
35  }
36  }
37  if (def != faces.size()) {
38  throw MagGeometryError("MagCylinder constructed with wrong number/type of faces");
39  }
41 }
int i
Scalar theZmax
Definition: MagCylinder.h:37
virtual const std::vector< VolumeSide > & faces() const
Access to volume faces.
Definition: MagCylinder.h:27
Scalar theInnerR
Definition: MagCylinder.h:38
Scalar radius() const
Radius of the cylinder.
Definition: Cylinder.h:67
LocalPoint toLocal(const GlobalPoint &gp) const
std::vector< VolumeSide > theFaces
Definition: MagCylinder.h:35
Scalar theOuterR
Definition: MagCylinder.h:39
MagVolume(const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, DDSolidShape shape, const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *mfp, double sf=1.)
Definition: MagVolume.h:23
Scalar theZmin
Definition: MagCylinder.h:36
JetCorrectorParameters::Definitions def
Definition: classes.h:6

Member Function Documentation

virtual const std::vector<VolumeSide>& MagCylinder::faces ( ) const

Access to volume faces.

Implements MagVolume.

Definition at line 27 of file MagCylinder.h.

References theFaces.

27 {return theFaces;}
std::vector< VolumeSide > theFaces
Definition: MagCylinder.h:35
bool MagCylinder::inside ( const GlobalPoint gp,
double  tolerance = 0. 
) const

Implements MagVolume.

Definition at line 43 of file

References GloballyPositioned< float >::toLocal().

44 {
45  return inside( toLocal(gp), tolerance);
46 }
LocalPoint toLocal(const GlobalPoint &gp) const
virtual bool inside(const GlobalPoint &gp, double tolerance=0.) const
bool MagCylinder::inside ( const LocalPoint lp,
double  tolerance = 0. 
) const

Reimplemented from MagVolume.

Definition at line 48 of file

References alignCSCRings::r, theInnerR, theOuterR, theZmax, and theZmin.

49 {
50  Scalar r( lp.perp());
51  return
52  lp.z() > theZmin - tolerance &&
53  lp.z() < theZmax + tolerance &&
54  r > theInnerR - tolerance &&
55  r < theOuterR + tolerance;
56 }
T perp() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:72
Scalar theZmax
Definition: MagCylinder.h:37
Scalar theInnerR
Definition: MagCylinder.h:38
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:64
Scalar theOuterR
Definition: MagCylinder.h:39
Scalar theZmin
Definition: MagCylinder.h:36

Member Data Documentation

std::string MagCylinder::name

Definition at line 30 of file MagCylinder.h.

Referenced by ElectronMVAID.ElectronMVAID::__call__(), dirstructure.Directory::__create_pie_image(), dqm_interfaces.DirID::__eq__(), dirstructure.Directory::__get_full_path(), dirstructure.Comparison::__get_img_name(), dataset.Dataset::__getDataType(), dataset.Dataset::__getFileInfoList(), cuy.divideElement::__init__(), cuy.plotElement::__init__(), cuy.additionElement::__init__(), cuy.superimposeElement::__init__(), cuy.graphElement::__init__(), dirstructure.Comparison::__make_image(), core.autovars.NTupleVariable::__repr__(), core.autovars.NTupleObjectType::__repr__(), core.autovars.NTupleObject::__repr__(), core.autovars.NTupleCollection::__repr__(), dirstructure.Directory::__repr__(), dqm_interfaces.DirID::__repr__(), dirstructure.Comparison::__repr__(), config.CFG::__str__(), counter.Counter::__str__(), average.Average::__str__(), core.autovars.NTupleObjectType::addSubObjects(), core.autovars.NTupleObjectType::addVariables(), core.autovars.NTupleObjectType::allVars(), dirstructure.Directory::calcStats(), validation.Sample::digest(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::divide(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::divide_wilson(), core.autovars.NTupleVariable::fillBranch(), core.autovars.NTupleObject::fillBranches(), core.autovars.NTupleCollection::fillBranchesScalar(), core.autovars.NTupleCollection::fillBranchesVector(), core.autovars.NTupleCollection::get_cpp_declaration(), core.autovars.NTupleCollection::get_cpp_wrapper_class(), core.autovars.NTupleCollection::get_py_wrapper_class(), utils.StatisticalTest::get_status(), production_tasks.Task::getname(), dataset.CMSDataset::getPrimaryDatasetEntries(), dataset.PrivateDataset::getPrimaryDatasetEntries(), VIDSelectorBase.VIDSelectorBase::initialize(), core.autovars.NTupleVariable::makeBranch(), core.autovars.NTupleObject::makeBranches(), core.autovars.NTupleCollection::makeBranchesScalar(), core.autovars.NTupleCollection::makeBranchesVector(), dirstructure.Directory::print_report(), dataset.BaseDataset::printInfo(), dataset.Dataset::printInfo(), production_tasks.MonitorJobs::run(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::TGraph(), python.rootplot.utilities.Hist::TH1F(), Vispa.Views.PropertyView.Property::valueChanged(), counter.Counter::write(), and average.Average::write().

std::vector<VolumeSide> MagCylinder::theFaces

Definition at line 35 of file MagCylinder.h.

Referenced by faces().

Scalar MagCylinder::theInnerR

Definition at line 38 of file MagCylinder.h.

Referenced by inside(), and MagCylinder().

Scalar MagCylinder::theOuterR

Definition at line 39 of file MagCylinder.h.

Referenced by inside(), and MagCylinder().

Scalar MagCylinder::theZmax

Definition at line 37 of file MagCylinder.h.

Referenced by inside(), and MagCylinder().

Scalar MagCylinder::theZmin

Definition at line 36 of file MagCylinder.h.

Referenced by inside(), and MagCylinder().