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setDefaults Namespace Reference


def setDefaults

Function Documentation

def setDefaults.setDefaults (   process)

Definition at line 6 of file

Referenced by L1MuDTTFConfig.L1MuDTTFConfig().

7 def setDefaults(process):
9  # Define configuration parameter default values
10  if not hasattr(process, "customization_options"):
11  process.customization_options = cms.PSet(
12  parseCommandLine = cms.bool(False), # enable reading of configuration parameter values by parsing command-line
13  isMC = cms.bool(True), # set to true for MC/false for data
14  ZmumuCollection = cms.InputTag('goldenZmumuCandidatesGe2IsoMuons'), # collection of selected Z->mumu candidates
15  inputProcessRECO = cms.string("RECO"), # instanceLabel to be used for retrieving collections of reconstructed objects reconstructed in original Z->mumu event
16  inputProcessSIM = cms.string("HLT"), # instanceLabel to be used for retrieving collections of generator level objects in original Z->mumu event
17  # CV: use inputProcessRECO = inputProcessSIM = 'HLT' for test samples privately producer with cmsDriver;
18  # use inputProcessRECO = 'RECO', inputProcessSIM = 'SIM' for samples from official production
19  cleaningMode = cms.string("DEDX"), # option for muon calo. cleaning: 'DEDX'=muon energy loss expected on average, 'PF'=actual energy deposits associated to PFMuon
20  muonCaloCleaningSF = cms.double(1.0), # option for subtracting too much (muonCaloSF > 1.0) or too few (muonCaloSF < 1.0) calorimeter energy around muon,
21  # too be used for studies of systematic uncertainties
22  muonTrackCleaningMode = cms.int32(2), # option for muon track cleaning: 1=remove at most one track/charged PFCandidate matching muon,
23  # 2=remove all tracks/charged PFCandidates matched to muon in dR
24  mdtau = cms.int32(0), # mdtau value passed to TAUOLA: 0=no tau decay mode selection,
25  useTauolaPolarization = cms.bool(False), # disable tau polarization effects in TAUOLA, weight events by weights computed by TauSpinner instead
26  transformationMode = cms.int32(1), # transformation mode: 0=mumu->mumu, 1=mumu->tautau
27  rfRotationAngle = cms.double(0.), # rotation angle around Z-boson direction, used when replacing muons by simulated taus
28  rfMirror = cms.bool(True), # mirror at the Z-boson / proton plane
29  embeddingMode = cms.string("RH"), # embedding mode: 'PF'=particle flow embedding, 'RH'=recHit embedding
30  replaceGenOrRecMuonMomenta = cms.string("rec"), # take momenta of generated tau leptons from: 'rec'=reconstructed muons, 'gen'=generator level muons
31  applyMuonRadiationCorrection = cms.string(""), # should I correct the momementa of replaced muons for muon -> muon + photon radiation ?
32  # (""=no correction, "pythia"/"photos"=correction is applied using PYTHIA/PHOTOS)
33  minVisibleTransverseMomentum = cms.string(""), # generator level cut on visible transverse momentum (typeN:pT,[...];[...])
34  useJson = cms.bool(False), # should I enable event selection by JSON file ?
35  overrideBeamSpot = cms.bool(False), # should I override beamspot in globaltag ?
36  applyZmumuSkim = cms.bool(False), # should I apply the Z->mumu event selection cuts ?
37  applyMuonRadiationFilter = cms.bool(False), # should I apply the filter to reject events with muon -> muon + photon radiation ?
38  disableCaloNoise = cms.bool(True), # should I disable the simulation of calorimeter noise when simulating the detector response for the embedded taus ?
39  applyRochesterMuonCorr = cms.bool(True), # should I apply muon momentum corrections determined by the Rochester group (documented in AN-12/298) ?
40  skipCaloRecHitMixing = cms.bool(False), # disable mixing of calorimeter recHit collections
41  # WARNING: needs to be set to false for production samples !!
42  muonMixingMode = cms.int32(1) # option for mixing hits and tracks in muon detectors: 1=mix recHits, run muon track segment and track reconstruction on mixed recHit collection;
43  # mix recHits, but mix tracks instead of rerunning track reconstruction on mixed recHit collection; 3=mix tracks, do not mix recHits
44  # WARNING: options 2 and 3 not thoroughly tested yet !!
45  )
def setDefaults