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2 #include <math.h>
3 #include <cstdlib>
4 #include <iostream>
6 #include "HepPDT/ParticleID.hh"
10 #define update(a, b) do { (a) = (a) | (b); } while(0)
13  edm::ConsumesCollector&& collector) : TrackCategories(),
14  hepMCLabel_( config.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("hepMC") ),
15  beamSpotLabel_( config.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("beamSpot") ),
16  tracer_(config,std::move(collector)),
17  quality_(config, collector)
18 {
19  collector.consumes<edm::HepMCProduct>(hepMCLabel_);
20  collector.consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(beamSpotLabel_);
22  // Set the history depth after hadronization
23  tracer_.depth(-2);
25  // Set the maximum d0pull for the bad category
26  badPull_ = config.getUntrackedParameter<double>("badPull");
28  // Set the minimum decay length for detecting long decays
29  longLivedDecayLength_ = config.getUntrackedParameter<double>("longLivedDecayLength");
31  // Set the distance for clustering vertices
32  float vertexClusteringDistance = config.getUntrackedParameter<double>("vertexClusteringDistance");
33  vertexClusteringSqDistance_ = vertexClusteringDistance * vertexClusteringDistance;
35  // Set the number of innermost layers to check for bad hits
36  numberOfInnerLayers_ = config.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("numberOfInnerLayers");
38  // Set the minimum number of simhits in the tracker
39  minTrackerSimHits_ = config.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("minTrackerSimHits");
40 }
44 {
45  // Get the new event information for the tracer
46  tracer_.newEvent(event, setup);
48  // Get the new event information for the track quality analyser
49  quality_.newEvent(event, setup);
51  // Get hepmc of the event
52  event.getByLabel(hepMCLabel_, mcInformation_);
54  // Magnetic field
57  // Get the partivle data table
60  // get the beam spot
61  event.getByLabel(beamSpotLabel_, beamSpot_);
63  // Transient track builder
64  setup.get<TransientTrackRecord>().get("TransientTrackBuilder", transientTrackBuilder_);
66  // Create the list of primary vertices associated to the event
69  //Retrieve tracker topology from geometry
71  setup.get<TrackerTopologyRcd>().get(tTopoHand);
72  tTopo_=tTopoHand.product();
73 }
77 {
78  // Initializing the category vector
79  reset();
81  // Associate and evaluate the track history (check for fakes)
82  if ( tracer_.evaluate(track) )
83  {
84  // Classify all the tracks by their association and reconstruction information
87  // Get all the information related to the simulation details
90  // Analyse the track reconstruction quality
91  qualityInformation(track);
93  // Get hadron flavor of the initial hadron
94  hadronFlavor();
96  // Get all the information related to decay process
99  // Get information about conversion and other interactions
102  // Get geometrical information about the vertices
105  // Check for unkown classification
106  unknownTrack();
107  }
108  else
109  flags_[Fake] = true;
111  return *this;
112 }
116 {
117  // Initializing the category vector
118  reset();
120  // Trace the history for the given TP
121  tracer_.evaluate(track);
123  // Collect the associated reco track
126  // If there is a reco truck then evaluate the simulated history
127  if ( recotrack.isNonnull() )
128  {
129  flags_[Reconstructed] = true;
130  // Classify all the tracks by their association and reconstruction information
131  reconstructionInformation(recotrack);
132  // Analyse the track reconstruction quality
133  qualityInformation(recotrack);
134  }
135  else
136  flags_[Reconstructed] = false;
138  // Get all the information related to the simulation details
141  // Get hadron flavor of the initial hadron
142  hadronFlavor();
144  // Get all the information related to decay process
147  // Get information about conversion and other interactions
150  // Get geometrical information about the vertices
153  // Check for unkown classification
154  unknownTrack();
156  return *this;
157 }
161 {
164  // Compute tracking particle parameters at point of closest approach to the beamline
166  const SimTrack * assocTrack = &(*tpr->g4Track_begin());
168  FreeTrajectoryState ftsAtProduction(
169  GlobalPoint(
170  tpr->vertex().x(),
171  tpr->vertex().y(),
172  tpr->vertex().z()
173  ),
174  GlobalVector(
175  assocTrack->momentum().x(),
176  assocTrack->momentum().y(),
177  assocTrack->momentum().z()
178  ),
179  TrackCharge(track->charge()),
181  );
183  try
184  {
185  TSCPBuilderNoMaterial tscpBuilder;
186  TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint tsAtClosestApproach = tscpBuilder(
187  ftsAtProduction,
188  GlobalPoint(beamSpot_->x0(), beamSpot_->y0(), beamSpot_->z0())
189  );
191  GlobalVector v = tsAtClosestApproach.theState().position()
192  - GlobalPoint(beamSpot_->x0(), beamSpot_->y0(), beamSpot_->z0());
193  GlobalVector p = tsAtClosestApproach.theState().momentum();
195  // Simulated dxy
196  double dxySim = -v.x()*sin(p.phi()) + v.y()*cos(p.phi());
198  // Simulated dz
199  double dzSim = v.z() - (v.x()*p.x() + v.y()*p.y())*p.z()/p.perp2();
201  // Calculate the dxy pull
202  double dxyPull = std::abs(
203  track->dxy( reco::TrackBase::Point(beamSpot_->x0(), beamSpot_->y0(), beamSpot_->z0()) ) - dxySim
204  ) / track->dxyError();
206  // Calculate the dx pull
207  double dzPull = std::abs(
208  track->dz( reco::TrackBase::Point(beamSpot_->x0(), beamSpot_->y0(), beamSpot_->z0()) ) - dzSim
209  ) / track->dzError();
211  // Return true if d0Pull > badD0Pull sigmas
212  flags_[Bad] = (dxyPull > badPull_ || dzPull > badPull_);
214  }
215  catch (cms::Exception exception)
216  {
217  flags_[Bad] = true;
218  }
219 }
223 {
224  // Get the event id for the initial TP.
225  EncodedEventId eventId = tracer_.simParticle()->eventId();
226  // Check for signal events
227  flags_[SignalEvent] = !eventId.bunchCrossing() && !eventId.event();
228  // Check for muons
229  flags_[Muon] = (abs(tracer_.simParticle()->pdgId()) == 13);
230  // Check for the number of psimhit in tracker
231  flags_[TrackerSimHits] = tracer_.simParticle()->numberOfTrackerLayers() >= (int)minTrackerSimHits_;
232 }
236 {
237  // run the hit-by-hit reconstruction quality analysis
240  unsigned int maxLayers = std::min(numberOfInnerLayers_, quality_.numberOfLayers());
242  // check the innermost layers for bad hits
243  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxLayers; i++)
244  {
245  const TrackQuality::Layer &layer = quality_.layer(i);
247  // check all hits in that layer
248  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < layer.hits.size(); j++)
249  {
250  const TrackQuality::Layer::Hit &hit = layer.hits[j];
252  // In those cases the bad hit was used by track reconstruction
253  if (hit.state == TrackQuality::Layer::Noise ||
255  flags_[BadInnerHits] = true;
256  else if (hit.state == TrackQuality::Layer::Shared)
257  flags_[SharedInnerHits] = true;
258  }
259  }
260 }
264 {
265  // Get the initial hadron
266  const HepMC::GenParticle * particle = tracer_.genParticle();
268  // Check for the initial hadron
269  if (particle)
270  {
271  HepPDT::ParticleID pid(particle->pdg_id());
272  flags_[Bottom] = pid.hasBottom();
273  flags_[Charm] = pid.hasCharm();
274  flags_[Light] = !pid.hasCharm() && !pid.hasBottom();
275  }
276 }
280 {
281  // pdgid of the "in" particle to the production vertex
282  int pdgid = 0;
284  // Get the generated particles from track history
285  TrackHistory::GenParticleTrail const & genParticleTrail = tracer_.genParticleTrail();
287  // Loop over the generated particles
288  for (TrackHistory::GenParticleTrail::const_iterator iparticle = genParticleTrail.begin(); iparticle != genParticleTrail.end(); ++iparticle)
289  {
290  // Get the source vertex for the particle
291  HepMC::GenVertex * productionVertex = (*iparticle)->production_vertex();
293  // Get the pointer to the vertex by removing the const-ness (no const methos in HepMC::GenVertex)
294  // HepMC::GenVertex * vertex = const_cast<HepMC::GenVertex *>(*ivertex);
296  // Check for a non-null pointer to the production vertex
297  if (productionVertex)
298  {
299  // Only case track history will navegate (one in or source particle per vertex)
300  if ( productionVertex->particles_in_size() == 1 )
301  {
302  // Look at the pdgid of the first "in" particle to the vertex
303  pdgid = std::abs((*productionVertex->particles_in_const_begin())->pdg_id());
304  // Get particle type
305  HepPDT::ParticleID particleID(pdgid);
307  // Check if the particle type is valid one
308  if (particleID.isValid())
309  {
310  // Get particle data
311  ParticleData const * particleData = particleDataTable_->particle(particleID);
312  // Check if the particle exist in the table
313  if (particleData)
314  {
315  // Check if their life time is bigger than longLivedDecayLength_
316  if ( particleData->lifetime() > longLivedDecayLength_ )
317  update(flags_[LongLivedDecay], true);
318  // Check for B and C weak decays
319  update(flags_[BWeakDecay], particleID.hasBottom());
320  update(flags_[CWeakDecay], particleID.hasCharm());
321  // Check for B and C pure leptonic decay
322  int daughterId = abs((*iparticle)->pdg_id());
323  update(flags_[FromBWeakDecayMuon], particleID.hasBottom() && daughterId == 13);
324  update(flags_[FromCWeakDecayMuon], particleID.hasCharm() && daughterId == 13);
325  }
326  // Check Tau, Ks and Lambda decay
327  update(flags_[ChargePionDecay], pdgid == 211);
328  update(flags_[ChargeKaonDecay], pdgid == 321);
329  update(flags_[TauDecay], pdgid == 15);
330  update(flags_[KsDecay], pdgid == 310);
331  update(flags_[LambdaDecay], pdgid == 3122);
332  update(flags_[JpsiDecay], pdgid == 443);
333  update(flags_[XiDecay], pdgid == 3312);
334  update(flags_[SigmaPlusDecay], pdgid == 3222);
335  update(flags_[SigmaMinusDecay], pdgid == 3112);
336  }
337  }
338  }
339  }
340  // Decays in flight
343  update(flags_[DecayOnFlightMuon], (flags_[FromChargePionMuon] || flags_[FromChargeKaonMuon]));
344 }
348 {
349  TrackHistory::SimParticleTrail const & simParticleTrail = tracer_.simParticleTrail();
351  // Loop over the simulated particles
352  for (
353  TrackHistory::SimParticleTrail::const_iterator iparticle = simParticleTrail.begin();
354  iparticle != simParticleTrail.end();
355  ++iparticle
356  )
357  {
358  // pdgid of the real source parent vertex
359  int pdgid = 0;
361  // Get a reference to the TP's parent vertex
362  TrackingVertexRef const & parentVertex = (*iparticle)->parentVertex();
364  // Look for the original source track
365  if ( parentVertex.isNonnull() )
366  {
367  // select the original source in case of combined vertices
368  bool flag = false;
371  for (its = parentVertex->sourceTracks_begin(); its != parentVertex->sourceTracks_end(); ++its)
372  {
373  for (itd = parentVertex->daughterTracks_begin(); itd != parentVertex->daughterTracks_end(); ++itd)
374  if (itd != its)
375  {
376  flag = true;
377  break;
378  }
379  if (flag)
380  break;
381  }
383  // Collect the pdgid of the original source track
384  if ( its != parentVertex->sourceTracks_end() )
385  pdgid = std::abs((*its)->pdgId());
386  else
387  pdgid = 0;
388  }
390  unsigned int processG4 = 0;
392  // Check existence of SimVerteces assigned
393  if(parentVertex->nG4Vertices() > 0) {
394  processG4 = (*(parentVertex->g4Vertices_begin())).processType();
395  }
397  unsigned int process = g4toCMSProcMap_.processId(processG4);
399  // Flagging all the different processes
400  update(
402  process != CMS::Undefined &&
403  process != CMS::Unknown &&
404  process != CMS::Primary
405  );
411  update(flags_[DecayProcess], process == CMS::Decay);
414  update(flags_[EIoniProcess], process == CMS::EIoni);
415  update(flags_[HIoniProcess], process == CMS::HIoni);
416  update(flags_[MuIoniProcess], process == CMS::MuIoni);
417  update(flags_[PhotonProcess], process == CMS::Photon);
420  update(flags_[EBremProcess], process == CMS::EBrem);
422  update(flags_[MuBremProcess], process == CMS::MuBrem);
423  update(flags_[MuNuclProcess], process == CMS::MuNucl);
425  // Get particle type
426  HepPDT::ParticleID particleID(pdgid);
428  // Check if the particle type is valid one
429  if (particleID.isValid())
430  {
431  // Get particle data
432  ParticleData const * particleData = particleDataTable_->particle(particleID);
433  // Special treatment for decays
434  if (process == CMS::Decay)
435  {
436  // Check if the particle exist in the table
437  if (particleData)
438  {
439  // Check if their life time is bigger than 1e-14
440  if ( particleDataTable_->particle(particleID)->lifetime() > longLivedDecayLength_ )
441  update(flags_[LongLivedDecay], true);
443  // Check for B and C weak decays
444  update(flags_[BWeakDecay], particleID.hasBottom());
445  update(flags_[CWeakDecay], particleID.hasCharm());
447  // Check for B or C pure leptonic decays
448  int daughtId = abs((*iparticle)->pdgId());
449  update(flags_[FromBWeakDecayMuon], particleID.hasBottom() && daughtId == 13);
450  update(flags_[FromCWeakDecayMuon], particleID.hasCharm() && daughtId == 13);
451  }
452  // Check decays
453  update(flags_[ChargePionDecay], pdgid == 211);
454  update(flags_[ChargeKaonDecay], pdgid == 321);
455  update(flags_[TauDecay], pdgid == 15);
456  update(flags_[KsDecay], pdgid == 310);
457  update(flags_[LambdaDecay], pdgid == 3122);
458  update(flags_[JpsiDecay], pdgid == 443);
459  update(flags_[XiDecay], pdgid == 3312);
460  update(flags_[OmegaDecay], pdgid == 3334);
461  update(flags_[SigmaPlusDecay], pdgid == 3222);
462  update(flags_[SigmaMinusDecay], pdgid == 3112);
463  }
464  }
465  }
466  // Decays in flight
469  update(flags_[DecayOnFlightMuon], flags_[FromChargePionMuon] || flags_[FromChargeKaonMuon]);
470 }
474 {
475  // Get the main primary vertex from the list
476  GeneratedPrimaryVertex const & genpv = genpvs_.back();
478  // Get the generated history of the tracks
479  const TrackHistory::GenParticleTrail & genParticleTrail = tracer_.genParticleTrail();
481  // Vertex counter
482  int counter = 0;
484  // Unit transformation from mm to cm
485  double const mm = 0.1;
487  double oldX = genpv.x;
488  double oldY = genpv.y;
489  double oldZ = genpv.z;
491  // Loop over the generated particles
492  for (
493  TrackHistory::GenParticleTrail::const_reverse_iterator iparticle = genParticleTrail.rbegin();
494  iparticle != genParticleTrail.rend();
495  ++iparticle
496  )
497  {
498  // Look for those with production vertex
499  HepMC::GenVertex * parent = (*iparticle)->production_vertex();
500  if (parent)
501  {
502  HepMC::ThreeVector p = parent->point3d();
504  double distance2 = pow(p.x() * mm - genpv.x, 2) + pow(p.y() * mm - genpv.y, 2) + pow(p.z() * mm - genpv.z, 2);
505  double difference2 = pow(p.x() * mm - oldX, 2) + pow(p.y() * mm - oldY, 2) + pow(p.z() * mm - oldZ, 2);
507  // std::cout << "Distance2 : " << distance2 << " (" << p.x() * mm << "," << p.y() * mm << "," << p.z() * mm << ")" << std::endl;
508  // std::cout << "Difference2 : " << difference2 << std::endl;
510  if ( difference2 > vertexClusteringSqDistance_ )
511  {
512  if ( distance2 > vertexClusteringSqDistance_ ) counter++;
513  oldX = p.x() * mm;
514  oldY = p.y() * mm;
515  oldZ = p.z() * mm;
516  }
517  }
518  }
520  const TrackHistory::SimParticleTrail & simParticleTrail = tracer_.simParticleTrail();
522  // Loop over the generated particles
523  for (
524  TrackHistory::SimParticleTrail::const_reverse_iterator iparticle = simParticleTrail.rbegin();
525  iparticle != simParticleTrail.rend();
526  ++iparticle
527  )
528  {
529  // Look for those with production vertex
530  TrackingParticle::Point p = (*iparticle)->vertex();
532  double distance2 = pow(p.x() - genpv.x, 2) + pow(p.y() - genpv.y, 2) + pow(p.z() - genpv.z, 2);
533  double difference2 = pow(p.x() - oldX, 2) + pow(p.y() - oldY, 2) + pow(p.z() - oldZ, 2);
535  // std::cout << "Distance2 : " << distance2 << " (" << p.x() << "," << p.y() << "," << p.z() << ")" << std::endl;
536  // std::cout << "Difference2 : " << difference2 << std::endl;
538  if ( difference2 > vertexClusteringSqDistance_ )
539  {
540  if ( distance2 > vertexClusteringSqDistance_ ) counter++;
541  oldX = p.x();
542  oldY = p.y();
543  oldZ = p.z();
544  }
545  }
547  if ( !counter )
548  flags_[PrimaryVertex] = true;
549  else if ( counter == 1 )
550  flags_[SecondaryVertex] = true;
551  else
552  flags_[TertiaryVertex] = true;
553 }
557 {
558  return !p->end_vertex() && p->status() == 1;
559 }
563 {
564  const ParticleData * part = particleDataTable_->particle( p->pdg_id() );
565  if (part)
566  return part->charge()!=0;
567  else
568  {
569  // the new/improved particle table doesn't know anti-particles
570  return particleDataTable_->particle( -p->pdg_id() ) != 0;
571  }
572 }
576 {
577  genpvs_.clear();
579  const HepMC::GenEvent * event = mcInformation_->GetEvent();
581  if (event)
582  {
583  int idx = 0;
585  // Loop over the different GenVertex
586  for ( HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator ivertex = event->vertices_begin(); ivertex != event->vertices_end(); ++ivertex )
587  {
588  bool hasParentVertex = false;
590  // Loop over the parents looking to see if they are coming from a production vertex
591  for (
592  HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator iparent = (*ivertex)->particles_begin(HepMC::parents);
593  iparent != (*ivertex)->particles_end(HepMC::parents);
594  ++iparent
595  )
596  if ( (*iparent)->production_vertex() )
597  {
598  hasParentVertex = true;
599  break;
600  }
602  // Reject those vertices with parent vertices
603  if (hasParentVertex) continue;
605  // Get the position of the vertex
606  HepMC::FourVector pos = (*ivertex)->position();
608  double const mm = 0.1;
610  GeneratedPrimaryVertex pv(pos.x()*mm, pos.y()*mm, pos.z()*mm);
612  std::vector<GeneratedPrimaryVertex>::iterator ientry = genpvs_.begin();
614  // Search for a VERY close vertex in the list
615  for (; ientry != genpvs_.end(); ++ientry)
616  {
617  double distance2 = pow(pv.x - ientry->x, 2) + pow(pv.y - ientry->y, 2) + pow(pv.z - ientry->z, 2);
618  if ( distance2 < vertexClusteringSqDistance_ )
619  break;
620  }
622  // Check if there is not a VERY close vertex and added to the list
623  if (ientry == genpvs_.end())
624  ientry = genpvs_.insert(ientry,pv);
626  // Add the vertex barcodes to the new or existent vertices
627  ientry->genVertex.push_back((*ivertex)->barcode());
629  // Collect final state descendants
630  for (
631  HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator idecendants = (*ivertex)->particles_begin(HepMC::descendants);
632  idecendants != (*ivertex)->particles_end(HepMC::descendants);
633  ++idecendants
634  )
635  {
636  if (isFinalstateParticle(*idecendants))
637  if ( find(ientry->finalstateParticles.begin(), ientry->finalstateParticles.end(), (*idecendants)->barcode()) == ientry->finalstateParticles.end() )
638  {
639  ientry->finalstateParticles.push_back((*idecendants)->barcode());
640  HepMC::FourVector m = (*idecendants)->momentum();
642  ientry->ptot.setPx(ientry->ptot.px() + m.px());
643  ientry->ptot.setPy(ientry->ptot.py() + m.py());
644  ientry->ptot.setPz(ientry->ptot.pz() + m.pz());
645  ientry->ptot.setE(ientry->ptot.e() + m.e());
646  ientry->ptsq += m.perp() * m.perp();
648  if ( m.perp() > 0.8 && std::abs(m.pseudoRapidity()) < 2.5 && isCharged(*idecendants) ) ientry->nGenTrk++;
649  }
650  }
651  idx++;
652  }
653  }
655  std::sort(genpvs_.begin(), genpvs_.end());
656 }
unsigned int numberOfLayers() const
Return the number of layers with simulated and/or reconstructed hits.
Definition: TrackQuality.h:81
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
const edm::InputTag beamSpotLabel_
const edm::InputTag hepMCLabel_
void newEvent(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
Pre-process event information (for accessing reconstruction information)
Definition: TrackHistory.cc:39
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:252
int event() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (should be protected?)
TPRegexp parents
Definition: eve_filter.cc:21
list parent
Definition: dbtoconf.py:74
const FreeTrajectoryState & theState() const
double dxyError() const
error on dxy
Definition: TrackBase.h:783
const G4toCMSLegacyProcTypeMap g4toCMSProcMap_
const TrackingParticleRef & simParticle() const
Return the initial tracking particle from the history.
Definition: HistoryBase.h:77
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: GlobalPoint.h:10
edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct > mcInformation_
const TrackerTopology * tTopo_
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
unsigned int numberOfInnerLayers_
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: RefToBase.h:330
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
Definition: FindCaloHit.cc:7
unsigned int minTrackerSimHits_
std::vector< GeneratedPrimaryVertex > genpvs_
void processesAtSimulation()
Get information about conversion and other interactions.
void getData(T &iHolder) const
Definition: EventSetup.h:79
std::vector< const HepMC::GenParticle * > GenParticleTrail
GenParticle trail type.
Definition: HistoryBase.h:18
math::XYZPointD Point
point in the space
void simulationInformation()
Get all the information related to the simulation details.
int TrackCharge
Definition: TrackCharge.h:4
void qualityInformation(reco::TrackBaseRef const &)
Classify all the tracks by their reconstruction quality.
void reconstructionInformation(reco::TrackBaseRef const &)
Classify all the tracks by their association and reconstruction information.
TrackClassifier const & evaluate(reco::TrackBaseRef const &)
Classify the RecoTrack in categories.
TrackClassifier(edm::ParameterSet const &, edm::ConsumesCollector &&)
Constructor by ParameterSet.
bool isCharged(const HepMC::GenParticle *)
edm::ESHandle< TransientTrackBuilder > transientTrackBuilder_
void evaluate(SimParticleTrail const &, reco::TrackBaseRef const &, const TrackerTopology *tTopo)
Compute information about the track reconstruction quality.
Auxiliary class holding simulated primary vertices.
int bunchCrossing() const
get the detector field from this detid
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:64
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
def move
Definition: eostools.py:510
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
int j
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
Definition: TrackBase.h:83
void hadronFlavor()
Get hadron flavor of the initial hadron.
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
void newEvent(edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
Pre-process event information (for accessing reconstraction information)
const unsigned int processId(unsigned int g4ProcessId) const
Definition: Utils.cc:59
const Layer & layer(unsigned int index) const
Return information about the given layer by index.
Definition: TrackQuality.h:87
edm::Handle< reco::BeamSpot > beamSpot_
HepPDT::ParticleData ParticleData
GlobalVector momentum() const
TrackQuality quality_
double dz() const
dz parameter (= dsz/cos(lambda)). This is the track z0 w.r.t (0,0,0) only if the refPoint is close to...
Definition: TrackBase.h:596
double dzError() const
error on dz
Definition: TrackBase.h:801
GlobalPoint position() const
Get track history and classify it in function of their .
tuple idx
DEBUGGING if hasattr(process,&quot;trackMonIterativeTracking2012&quot;): print &quot;trackMonIterativeTracking2012 D...
Definition: HCALResponse.h:20
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:56
tuple pid
Definition: sysUtil.py:22
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
bool isFinalstateParticle(const HepMC::GenParticle *)
SimParticleTrail const & simParticleTrail() const
Return all the simulated particle in the history.
Definition: HistoryBase.h:59
void vertexInformation()
Get geometrical information about the vertices.
void processesAtGenerator()
Get all the information related to decay process.
bool evaluate(TrackingParticleRef tpr)
Evaluate track history using a TrackingParticleRef.
Definition: TrackHistory.h:41
#define update(a, b)
void depth(int d)
Set the depth of the history.
Definition: HistoryBase.h:47
edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > magneticField_
const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD & momentum() const
Definition: CoreSimTrack.h:22
static std::atomic< unsigned int > counter
std::vector< Hit > hits
Definition: TrackQuality.h:63
Flags flags_
Flag containers.
int charge() const
track electric charge
Definition: TrackBase.h:554
const reco::TrackBaseRef & recoTrack() const
Return a reference to the reconstructed track.
Definition: TrackHistory.h:62
void newEvent(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
Pre-process event information (for accessing reconstruction information)
double longLivedDecayLength_
void reset()
Reset the categories flags.
double vertexClusteringSqDistance_
tuple process
Definition: LaserDQM_cfg.py:3
double dxy() const
dxy parameter. (This is the transverse impact parameter w.r.t. to (0,0,0) ONLY if refPoint is close t...
Definition: TrackBase.h:578
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
edm::ESHandle< ParticleDataTable > particleDataTable_
void setup(std::vector< TH2F > &depth, std::string name, std::string units="")
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:40
GenParticleTrail const & genParticleTrail() const
Return all generated particle in the history.
Definition: HistoryBase.h:71
TrackHistory tracer_
const HepMC::GenParticle * genParticle() const
Returns a pointer to most primitive status 1 or 2 particle.
Definition: HistoryBase.h:89
Global3DVector GlobalVector
Definition: GlobalVector.h:10
std::vector< TrackingParticleRef > SimParticleTrail
SimParticle trail type.
Definition: HistoryBase.h:27