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1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // Package: RPCNoise
4 // Class: RPCNoise
5 //
13 //
14 // Original Author: Michael Henry Schmitt
15 // Created: Thu Oct 30 21:31:44 CET 2008
16 // $Id: RPCNoise.cc,v 1.3 2010/08/07 14:55:55 wmtan Exp $
17 //
18 //
19 // system include files
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <vector>
23 #include <map>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <iomanip>
26 #include <fstream>
27 #include <ctime>
29 // user include files
52 //#include "EventFilter/RPCRawToDigi/interface/RPCRawSynchro.h"
72 #include "TVector3.h"
73 #include "TH1F.h"
74 #include "TH2F.h"
75 #include "TFile.h"
76 #include "TString.h"
77 #include "TTree.h"
78 #include "TProfile.h"
80 using namespace std;
81 using namespace edm;
84 //
85 // class declaration
86 //
88 class RPCNoise : public edm::EDFilter {
89  public:
90  explicit RPCNoise(const edm::ParameterSet&);
91  ~RPCNoise();
93  private:
94  virtual void beginJob() override ;
95  virtual bool filter(edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
96  virtual void endJob() override ;
98  // counters
101  int iRun;
102  int iEvent;
106  // control parameters
112  // histogram
114  // The root file for the histograms.
116  // histograms
117  TH1F *nWires;
118  TH1F *nStrips;
119  TH1F *nWiresH;
120  TH1F *nStripsH;
121  TH1F *nDTDigis;
122  TH1F *nDTDigisH;
123  TH1F *t0All;
124  TH1F *t0AllH;
125  TH1F *nDTDigisIn;
126  TH1F *nDTDigisInH;
127  TH1F *nDTDigisOut;
129  TH1F *fDTDigisOut;
131  TH1F *nRPCRecHits;
133  TProfile *hitsVsSerial;
134  TProfile *orbitVsSerial;
135  TProfile *hitsVsOrbit;
136  TH1F *dOrbit;
137  TH1F *RPCBX;
138  TH1F *RPCClSize;
139  TH1F *RPCBXH;
140  TH1F *RPCClSizeH;
141  TH1F *rpcStation;
142  TH1F *rpcStationH;
143  TH1F *rpcRing;
144  TH1F *rpcRingH;
145  TH1F *rpcSector;
146  TH1F *rpcSectorH;
147  TH1F *rpcLayer;
148  TH1F *rpcLayerH;
149  TProfile *rpcStationVsOrbit;
150  TProfile *rpcSectorVsOrbit;
151  TProfile *rpcRingVsOrbit;
152  TH1F *rpcCorner;
153  TH1F *rpcCornerH;
154  TProfile *rpcCornerVsOrbit;
156 };
159 {
160  histogramFileName = pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("histogramFileName","histos.root");
161  fillHistograms = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("fillHistograms",true);
162  nRPCHitsCut = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("nRPCHitsCut",40);
163  nCSCStripsCut = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("nCSCStripsCut",50);
164  nCSCWiresCut = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("nCSCWiresCut",10);
165  nDTDigisCut = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("nDTDigisCut",10);
166 }
168 {
169 }
172 void
174 {
175  // initialize variables
176  nEventsAnalyzed = 0;
177  nEventsSelected = 0;
178  iRun = 0;
179  iEvent = 0;
180  firstOrbit = lastOrbit = thisOrbit = 0;
182  if (fillHistograms) {
183  // Create the root file for the histograms
184  theHistogramFile = new TFile(histogramFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
185  theHistogramFile->cd();
186  // book histograms
187  nWires = new TH1F("nWires","number of wire digis", 121, -0.5, 120.5);
188  nStrips = new TH1F("nStrips","number of strip digis", 201, -0.5, 200.5);
189  nWiresH = new TH1F("nWiresH","number of wire digis HIGH", 121, -0.5, 120.5);
190  nStripsH = new TH1F("nStripsH","number of strip digis HIGH", 201, -0.5, 200.5);
191  nDTDigis = new TH1F("nDTDigis","number of DT digis",201,-0.5,200.5);
192  nDTDigisH = new TH1F("nDTDigisH","number of DT digis HIGH",201,-0.5,200.5);
193  nDTDigisIn = new TH1F("nDTDigisIn","N DT digis in window",75,0.,150.);
194  nDTDigisInH = new TH1F("nDTDigisInH","N DT digis in window HIGH",75,0.,150.);
195  nDTDigisOut = new TH1F("nDTDigisOut","N DT digis out window",75,0.,150.);
196  nDTDigisOutH = new TH1F("nDTDigisOutH","N DT digis out window HIGH",75,0.,150.);
197  fDTDigisOut = new TH1F("fDTDigisOut", "fraction DT digis outside window",55,0.,1.1);
198  fDTDigisOutH = new TH1F("fDTDigisOutH","fraction DT digis outside window HIGH",55,0.,1.1);
200  t0All = new TH1F("t0All","t0",700,0.,7000.);
201  t0AllH = new TH1F("t0AllH","t0 HIGH",700,0.,7000.);
202  RPCBX = new TH1F("RPCBX","RPC BX",21,-10.5,10.5);
203  RPCBXH = new TH1F("RPCBXH","RPC BX HIGH",21,-10.5,10.5);
204  RPCClSize = new TH1F("RPCClSize","RPC cluster size",61,-0.5,60.5);
205  RPCClSizeH = new TH1F("RPCClSizeH","RPC cluster size HIGH",61,-0.5,60.5);
207  nRPCRecHits = new TH1F("nRPCRecHits","number of RPC RecHits",101,-0.5,100.5);
208  nRPCRecHitsLong = new TH1F("nRPCRecHitsLong","number of RPC RecHits",601,-0.5,600.5);
209  hitsVsSerial = new TProfile("hitsVsSerial","mean RPC hits vs serial event number",4000,0.,40000.,0.,1000.);
210  orbitVsSerial = new TProfile("orbitVsSerial","relative orbit number vs serial event number",4000,0.,40000.,0.,1.e10);
211  hitsVsOrbit = new TProfile("hitsVsOrbit","mean RPC hits vs orbit number",3000,0.,1200000.,0.,1000.);
212  dOrbit = new TH1F("dOrbit","difference in orbit number",121,-0.5,120.5);
214  rpcStation = new TH1F("rpcStation", "RPC station", 6,-0.5,5.5);
215  rpcStationH = new TH1F("rpcStationH", "RPC station HIGH", 6,-0.5,5.5);
216  rpcRing = new TH1F("rpcRing", "RPC ring", 9,-4.5,4.5);
217  rpcRingH = new TH1F("rpcRingH", "RPC ring HIGH", 9,-4.5,4.5);
218  rpcSector = new TH1F("rpcSector", "RPC sector", 15,-0.5,14.5);
219  rpcSectorH = new TH1F("rpcSectorH", "RPC sector HIGH", 15,-0.5,14.5);
220  rpcLayer = new TH1F("rpcLayer", "RPC layer", 4,-0.5,3.5);
221  rpcLayerH = new TH1F("rpcLayerH", "RPC layer HIGH", 4,-0.5,3.5);
222  rpcStationVsOrbit = new TProfile("rpcStationVsOrbit","mean RPC station vs. Orbit",3000,0.,1200000.,0.,20.);
223  rpcSectorVsOrbit = new TProfile("rpcSectorVsOrbit","mean RPC sector vs. Orbit", 3000,0.,1200000.,0.,20.);
224  rpcRingVsOrbit = new TProfile("rpcRingVsOrbit","mean RPC ring vs. Orbit", 3000,0.,1200000.,-20.,20.);
225  rpcCorner = new TH1F("rpcCorner", "special corner designation", 4,-0.5,3.5);
226  rpcCornerH = new TH1F("rpcCornerH","special corner designation HIGH", 4,-0.5,3.5);
227  rpcCornerVsOrbit = new TProfile("rpcCornerVsOrbit","special corner vs. Orbit",3000,0.,1200000.,-20.,20.);
228  }
230 }
233 void
235  std::cout << "\n\t===============================================================\n"
236  << "\tnumber of events analyzed = " << nEventsAnalyzed << std::endl
237  << "\tnumber of events selected = " << nEventsSelected << std::endl
238  << "\tfirst and last orbit number : " << firstOrbit << ", " << lastOrbit << ", " << lastOrbit-firstOrbit << std::endl
239  << "\t===============================================================\n\n";
242  if (fillHistograms) {
243  // Write the histos to file
244  printf("\n\n======= write out my histograms ====\n\n");
245  theHistogramFile->cd();
246  nWires->Write();
247  nStrips->Write();
248  nWiresH->Write();
249  nStripsH->Write();
250  nDTDigis->Write();
251  nDTDigisH->Write();
252  nDTDigisIn->Write();
253  nDTDigisInH->Write();
254  nDTDigisOut->Write();
255  nDTDigisOutH->Write();
256  fDTDigisOut->Write();
257  fDTDigisOutH->Write();
258  nRPCRecHits->Write();
259  nRPCRecHitsLong->Write();
260  hitsVsSerial->Write();
261  hitsVsOrbit->Write();
262  orbitVsSerial->Write();
263  t0All->Write();
264  t0AllH->Write();
265  RPCBX->Write();
266  RPCClSize->Write();
267  RPCBXH->Write();
268  RPCClSizeH->Write();
269  rpcStation->Write();
270  rpcStationH->Write();
271  rpcRing->Write();
272  rpcRingH->Write();
273  rpcSector->Write();
274  rpcSectorH->Write();
275  rpcLayer->Write();
276  rpcLayerH->Write();
277  dOrbit->Write();
278  rpcStationVsOrbit->Write();
279  rpcSectorVsOrbit->Write();
280  rpcRingVsOrbit->Write();
281  rpcCorner->Write();
282  rpcCornerH->Write();
283  rpcCornerVsOrbit->Write();
284  theHistogramFile->Close();
285  }
286 }
291 bool
294  bool selectThisEvent = false;
296  // increment counter
297  nEventsAnalyzed++;
299  iRun = event.id().run();
300  iEvent = event.id().event();
302  bool printThisLine = (nEventsAnalyzed%100 == 0);
303  if (printThisLine) {
304  std::cout << "======================================"
305  << " analyzed= " << nEventsAnalyzed
306  << ", selected= " << nEventsSelected
307  << "\trun,event: " << iRun << ", " << iEvent << std::endl;
308  }
310  /*
311  const edm::Timestamp jTime = event.time();
312  unsigned int sec = jTime.value() >> 32;
313  unsigned int usec = 0xFFFFFFFF & jTime.value() ;
314  double floatTime = sec + usec/(float)1000000.;
315  */
317  // first event gives
318  // sec = 1225315493
319  // orbit = 202375185
320  // bx = 764
321  // mtime = 205094517
322  int bx = event.bunchCrossing();
323  int thisOrbit = event.orbitNumber();
324  long mTime = 3564*thisOrbit + bx;
325  if (firstOrbit == 0) {
326  firstOrbit = thisOrbit;
327  lastOrbit = thisOrbit;
328  }
329  int deltaOrbit = thisOrbit - lastOrbit;
330  lastOrbit = thisOrbit;
331  int relativeOrbit = thisOrbit - firstOrbit;
333  if (fillHistograms) {dOrbit->Fill(deltaOrbit);}
335  if (nEventsAnalyzed < 200) {
336  std::cout << iEvent
337  // << "\tsec,usec: " << sec << ", " << usec
338  // << "\tfloatTime= " << std::setprecision(16) << floatTime
339  // << "\tctime: " << ctime(sec)
340  << "\torbit,bx,mTime: " << thisOrbit << "," << bx << "," << mTime
341  << "\tdelta= " << deltaOrbit
342  << std::endl;
343  }
346  // ================
347  // RPC recHits
348  // ================
350  event.getByLabel("rpcRecHits","",rpcRecHits);
352  // count the number of RPC rechits
353  int nRPC = 0;
355  for (rpcIt = rpcRecHits->begin(); rpcIt != rpcRecHits->end(); rpcIt++) {
356  // RPCDetId id = (RPCDetId)(*rpcIt).rpcId();
357  // LocalPoint rhitlocal = (*rpcIt).localPosition();
358  nRPC++;
359  }
361  // loop again, this time fill histograms
362  for (rpcIt = rpcRecHits->begin(); rpcIt != rpcRecHits->end(); rpcIt++) {
363  RPCDetId id = (RPCDetId)(*rpcIt).rpcId();
364  int kRegion = id.region();
365  int kStation = id.station();
366  int kRing = id.ring();
367  int kSector = id.sector();
368  int kLayer = id.layer();
369  int bx = (*rpcIt).BunchX();
370  int clSize = (*rpcIt).clusterSize();
371  int cornerFlag = 0;
372  if ( (kStation>3) && (kSector<3) ) {
373  cornerFlag = 1;
374  if (kRing < 0) cornerFlag = 2;
375  }
376  if (nEventsAnalyzed < 100) {
377  std::cout << "Region/Station/Ring/Sector/Layer: "
378  << kRegion << " / "
379  << kStation << " / "
380  << kRing << " / "
381  << kSector << " / "
382  << kLayer
383  << "\tbx,clSize: " << bx << ", " << clSize
384  << std::endl;
385  }
386  if (fillHistograms) {
387  RPCBX->Fill(bx);
388  RPCClSize->Fill(min((float)clSize,(float)60.));
389  rpcStation->Fill(kStation);
390  rpcRing->Fill(kRing);
391  rpcSector->Fill(kSector);
392  rpcLayer->Fill(kLayer);
393  rpcStationVsOrbit->Fill(relativeOrbit,kStation);
394  rpcSectorVsOrbit->Fill(relativeOrbit,kSector);
395  rpcRingVsOrbit->Fill(relativeOrbit,kRing);
396  rpcCorner->Fill(cornerFlag);
397  rpcCornerVsOrbit->Fill(relativeOrbit,cornerFlag);
398  if (nRPC > nRPCHitsCut) {
399  RPCBXH->Fill(bx);
400  RPCClSizeH->Fill(min((float)clSize,(float)60.));
401  rpcStationH->Fill(kStation);
402  rpcRingH->Fill(kRing);
403  rpcSectorH->Fill(kSector);
404  rpcLayerH->Fill(kLayer);
405  rpcCornerH->Fill(cornerFlag);
406  }
407  }
409  }
412  // ===============
413  // CSC DIGIs
414  // ===============
417  event.getByLabel("muonCSCDigis","MuonCSCWireDigi",wires);
418  event.getByLabel("muonCSCDigis","MuonCSCStripDigi",strips);
420  // count the number of wire digis.
421  int nW = 0;
422  for (CSCWireDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator jW=wires->begin(); jW!=wires->end(); jW++) {
423  std::vector<CSCWireDigi>::const_iterator wireIterA = (*jW).second.first;
424  std::vector<CSCWireDigi>::const_iterator lWireA = (*jW).second.second;
425  for( ; wireIterA != lWireA; ++wireIterA) {
426  nW++;
427  }
428  }
430  // count the number of fired strips.
431  // I am using a crude indicator of signal - this is fast and adequate for
432  // this purpose, but it would be poor for actual CSC studies.
433  int nS = 0;
434  for (CSCStripDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator jS=strips->begin(); jS!=strips->end(); jS++) {
435  std::vector<CSCStripDigi>::const_iterator stripItA = (*jS).second.first;
436  std::vector<CSCStripDigi>::const_iterator lastStripA = (*jS).second.second;
437  for( ; stripItA != lastStripA; ++stripItA) {
438  std::vector<int> myADCVals = stripItA->getADCCounts();
439  int iDiff = myADCVals[4]+myADCVals[5]-myADCVals[0]-myADCVals[1];
440  if (iDiff > 30) {
441  nS++;
442  }
443  }
444  }
447  // ===============
448  // DT DIGIs
449  // ===============
450  // see: CalibMuon/DTCalibration/plugins/DTT0Calibration.cc
452  event.getByLabel("muonDTDigis",dtDIGIs);
454  // count the number of digis.
455  int nDT = 0;
456  int nDTin = 0;
457  int nDTout = 0;
458  for (DTDigiCollection::DigiRangeIterator jDT=dtDIGIs->begin(); jDT!=dtDIGIs->end(); ++jDT) {
459  const DTDigiCollection::Range& digiRange = (*jDT).second;
460  for (DTDigiCollection::const_iterator digi = digiRange.first;
461  digi != digiRange.second;
462  digi++) {
463  double t0 = (*digi).countsTDC();
464  nDT++;
465  if ((t0>3050) && (t0<3700)) {
466  nDTin++;
467  } else {
468  nDTout++;
469  }
470  if (fillHistograms) {
471  t0All->Fill(t0);
472  if (nRPC > nRPCHitsCut) {t0AllH->Fill(t0);}
473  }
474  }
475  }
477  //==============
478  // Analysis
479  //==============
481  if (nEventsAnalyzed < 1000) {std::cout << "\tnumber of CSC DIGIS = " << nW << ", " << nS
482  << "\tDT DIGIS = " << nDT
483  << "\tRPC Rechits = " << nRPC << std::endl;}
485  if (fillHistograms) {
487  nWires->Fill(min((float)nW,(float)120.));
488  nStrips->Fill(min((float)nS,(float)200.));
490  nDTDigis->Fill(min((float)nDT,(float)200.));
491  nDTDigisIn->Fill(min((float)nDTin,(float)200.));
492  nDTDigisOut->Fill(min((float)nDTout,(float)200.));
493  if (nDT > 0) {
494  float fracOut = float(nDTout)/float(nDT);
495  fDTDigisOut->Fill(fracOut);
496  }
497  nRPCRecHits->Fill(min((float)nRPC,(float)100.));
498  nRPCRecHitsLong->Fill(min((float)nRPC,(float)1000.));
499  hitsVsSerial->Fill(nEventsAnalyzed,nRPC);
500  hitsVsOrbit->Fill(relativeOrbit,nRPC);
501  orbitVsSerial->Fill(nEventsAnalyzed,relativeOrbit);
503  if (nRPC > nRPCHitsCut) {
504  nWiresH->Fill(min((float)nW,(float)120.));
505  nStripsH->Fill(min((float)nS,(float)200.));
506  nDTDigisH->Fill(min((float)nDT,(float)200.));
507  nDTDigisInH->Fill(min((float)nDTin,(float)200.));
508  nDTDigisOutH->Fill(min((float)nDTout,(float)200.));
509  if (nDT > 0) {
510  float fracOut = float(nDTout)/float(nDT);
511  fDTDigisOutH->Fill(fracOut);
512  }
513  }
514  }
516  // select this event for output?
518  selectThisEvent = (nRPC > nRPCHitsCut) && (nW > nCSCWiresCut || nS > nCSCStripsCut) && (nDT > nDTDigisCut);
519  if (selectThisEvent) {nEventsSelected++;}
521  return selectThisEvent;
522 }
524 //define this as a plug-in
TH1F * rpcStation
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:141
TH1F * rpcCorner
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:152
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int nRPCHitsCut
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:108
virtual void beginJob() override
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:173
TH1F * t0All
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:123
TProfile * rpcStationVsOrbit
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:149
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:17
TH1F * t0AllH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:124
TProfile * hitsVsSerial
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:133
int iEvent
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:102
int firstOrbit
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:103
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:167
TH1F * nStripsH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:120
TH1F * rpcRingH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:144
TH1F * rpcStationH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:142
TH1F * rpcRing
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:143
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:137
void beginJob()
Definition: Breakpoints.cc:15
TH1F * fDTDigisOutH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:130
TH1F * nRPCRecHits
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:131
TH1F * rpcLayer
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:147
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:140
TH1F * nDTDigisH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:122
int iEvent
Definition: GenABIO.cc:230
TProfile * rpcSectorVsOrbit
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:150
TH1F * dOrbit
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:136
TH1F * nWiresH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:119
int iRun
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:101
TH1F * rpcCornerH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:153
TH1F * RPCClSize
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:138
int nEventsAnalyzed
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:99
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
static const std::string kLayer("layer")
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
int thisOrbit
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:105
TH1F * nDTDigisOutH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:128
TH1F * nDTDigisOut
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:127
TProfile * rpcCornerVsOrbit
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:154
TH1F * rpcSector
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:145
TH1F * nRPCRecHitsLong
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:132
int lastOrbit
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:104
int nEventsSelected
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:100
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:139
std::vector< DTDigi >::const_iterator const_iterator
TFile * theHistogramFile
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:115
virtual bool filter(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:292
TH1F * rpcLayerH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:148
TH1F * nDTDigisIn
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:125
std::string histogramFileName
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:113
TProfile * orbitVsSerial
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:134
RPCNoise(const edm::ParameterSet &)
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:158
TH1F * nWires
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:117
TH1F * nStrips
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:118
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > Range
tuple cout
Definition: gather_cfg.py:121
TProfile * rpcRingVsOrbit
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:151
int nCSCStripsCut
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:109
virtual void endJob() override
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:234
TH1F * nDTDigis
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:121
TProfile * hitsVsOrbit
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:135
TH1F * nDTDigisInH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:126
int nCSCWiresCut
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:110
TH1F * rpcSectorH
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:146
TH1F * fDTDigisOut
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:129
bool fillHistograms
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:107
int region() const
Region id: 0 for Barrel, +/-1 For +/- Endcap.
Definition: RPCDetId.h:63
int nDTDigisCut
Definition: RPCNoise.cc:111