2 params = cms.untracked.PSet(
3 errFractionThreshold = cms.untracked.double(errFractionThreshold)
5 sources = cms.untracked.PSet(
6 Occupancy = ecalPNDiodeTask.MEs.Occupancy,
7 MEMChId = ecalPNDiodeTask.MEs.MEMChId,
8 MEMGain = ecalPNDiodeTask.MEs.MEMGain,
9 MEMBlockSize = ecalPNDiodeTask.MEs.MEMBlockSize,
10 MEMTowerId = ecalPNDiodeTask.MEs.MEMTowerId
12 MEs = cms.untracked.PSet(
13 QualitySummary = cms.untracked.PSet(
14 path = cms.untracked.string(
'%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sSummaryClient/%(prefix)sIT PN integrity quality summary'),
15 kind = cms.untracked.string(
16 otype = cms.untracked.string(
17 btype = cms.untracked.string(
18 description = cms.untracked.string(
'Summary of the data integrity in PN channels. A channel is red if more than ' + str(100 * errFractionThreshold) +
'% of its entries have integrity errors.')