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plotting.Plot Class Reference

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def addToLegend
def create
def draw
def drawRatioUncertainty
def getName
def getNumberOfHistograms
def isEmpty
def isTGraph2D

Private Member Functions

def _calculateRatios
def _createOne
def _normalize
def _setStats

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Represents one plot, comparing one or more histograms.

Definition at line 782 of file plotting.py.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def plotting.Plot.__init__ (   self,

name -- String for name of the plot, or Efficiency object

Keyword arguments:
title        -- String for a title of the plot (default None)
xtitle       -- String for x axis title (default None)
xtitlesize   -- Float for x axis title size (default None)
xtitleoffset -- Float for x axis title offset (default None)
xlabelsize   -- Float for x axis label size (default None)
ytitle       -- String for y axis title (default None)
ytitlesize   -- Float for y axis title size (default None)
ytitleoffset -- Float for y axis title offset (default None)
ztitle       -- String for z axis title (default None)
ztitleoffset -- Float for z axis title offset (default None)
xmin         -- Float for x axis minimum (default None, i.e. automatic)
xmax         -- Float for x axis maximum (default None, i.e. automatic)
ymin         -- Float for y axis minimum (default 0)
ymax         -- Float for y axis maximum (default None, i.e. automatic)
xlog         -- Bool for x axis log status (default False)
ylog         -- Bool for y axis log status (default False)
xgrid        -- Bool for x axis grid status (default True)
ygrid        -- Bool for y axis grid status (default True)
stat         -- Draw stat box? (default False)
fit          -- Do gaussian fit? (default False)
statx        -- Stat box x coordinate (default 0.65)
staty        -- Stat box y coordinate (default 0.8)
statyadjust  -- List of floats for stat box y coordinate adjustments (default None)
normalizeToUnitArea -- Normalize histograms to unit area? (default False)
profileX     -- Take histograms via ProfileX()? (default False)
fitSlicesY   -- Take histograms via FitSlicesY() (default False)
rebinX       -- rebin x axis (default None)
scale        -- Scale histograms by a number (default None)
xbinlabels   -- List of x axis bin labels (if given, default None)
xbinlabelsize -- Size of x axis bin labels (default None)
xbinlabeloption -- Option string for x axis bin labels (default None)
drawStyle    -- If "hist", draw as line instead of points (default None)
drawCommand  -- Deliver this to Draw() (default: None for same as drawStyle)
lineWidth    -- If drawStyle=="hist", the width of line (default 2)
legendDx     -- Float for moving TLegend in x direction for separate=True (default None)
legendDy     -- Float for moving TLegend in y direction for separate=True (default None)
legendDw     -- Float for changing TLegend width for separate=True (default None)
legendDh     -- Float for changing TLegend height for separate=True (default None)
adjustMarginRight  -- Float for adjusting right margin (default None)
ratioYmin    -- Float for y axis minimum in ratio pad (default 0.9)
ratioYmax    -- Float for y axis maximum in ratio pad (default 1.1)
ratioUncertainty -- Plot uncertainties on ratio? (default True)
histogramModifier -- Function to be called in create() to modify the histograms (default None)

Definition at line 784 of file plotting.py.

Referenced by plotting.Plot._calculateRatios().

785  def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
786  """ Constructor.
788  Arguments:
789  name -- String for name of the plot, or Efficiency object
791  Keyword arguments:
792  title -- String for a title of the plot (default None)
793  xtitle -- String for x axis title (default None)
794  xtitlesize -- Float for x axis title size (default None)
795  xtitleoffset -- Float for x axis title offset (default None)
796  xlabelsize -- Float for x axis label size (default None)
797  ytitle -- String for y axis title (default None)
798  ytitlesize -- Float for y axis title size (default None)
799  ytitleoffset -- Float for y axis title offset (default None)
800  ztitle -- String for z axis title (default None)
801  ztitleoffset -- Float for z axis title offset (default None)
802  xmin -- Float for x axis minimum (default None, i.e. automatic)
803  xmax -- Float for x axis maximum (default None, i.e. automatic)
804  ymin -- Float for y axis minimum (default 0)
805  ymax -- Float for y axis maximum (default None, i.e. automatic)
806  xlog -- Bool for x axis log status (default False)
807  ylog -- Bool for y axis log status (default False)
808  xgrid -- Bool for x axis grid status (default True)
809  ygrid -- Bool for y axis grid status (default True)
810  stat -- Draw stat box? (default False)
811  fit -- Do gaussian fit? (default False)
812  statx -- Stat box x coordinate (default 0.65)
813  staty -- Stat box y coordinate (default 0.8)
814  statyadjust -- List of floats for stat box y coordinate adjustments (default None)
815  normalizeToUnitArea -- Normalize histograms to unit area? (default False)
816  profileX -- Take histograms via ProfileX()? (default False)
817  fitSlicesY -- Take histograms via FitSlicesY() (default False)
818  rebinX -- rebin x axis (default None)
819  scale -- Scale histograms by a number (default None)
820  xbinlabels -- List of x axis bin labels (if given, default None)
821  xbinlabelsize -- Size of x axis bin labels (default None)
822  xbinlabeloption -- Option string for x axis bin labels (default None)
823  drawStyle -- If "hist", draw as line instead of points (default None)
824  drawCommand -- Deliver this to Draw() (default: None for same as drawStyle)
825  lineWidth -- If drawStyle=="hist", the width of line (default 2)
826  legendDx -- Float for moving TLegend in x direction for separate=True (default None)
827  legendDy -- Float for moving TLegend in y direction for separate=True (default None)
828  legendDw -- Float for changing TLegend width for separate=True (default None)
829  legendDh -- Float for changing TLegend height for separate=True (default None)
830  adjustMarginRight -- Float for adjusting right margin (default None)
831  ratioYmin -- Float for y axis minimum in ratio pad (default 0.9)
832  ratioYmax -- Float for y axis maximum in ratio pad (default 1.1)
833  ratioUncertainty -- Plot uncertainties on ratio? (default True)
834  histogramModifier -- Function to be called in create() to modify the histograms (default None)
835  """
836  self._name = name
838  def _set(attr, default):
839  setattr(self, "_"+attr, kwargs.get(attr, default))
841  _set("title", None)
842  _set("xtitle", None)
843  _set("xtitlesize", None)
844  _set("xtitleoffset", None)
845  _set("xlabelsize", None)
846  _set("ytitle", None)
847  _set("ytitlesize", None)
848  _set("ytitleoffset", None)
849  _set("ztitle", None)
850  _set("ztitleoffset", None)
852  _set("xmin", None)
853  _set("xmax", None)
854  _set("ymin", 0.)
855  _set("ymax", None)
857  _set("xlog", False)
858  _set("ylog", False)
859  _set("xgrid", True)
860  _set("ygrid", True)
862  _set("stat", False)
863  _set("fit", False)
865  _set("statx", 0.65)
866  _set("staty", 0.8)
867  _set("statyadjust", None)
869  _set("normalizeToUnitArea", False)
870  _set("profileX", False)
871  _set("fitSlicesY", False)
872  _set("rebinX", None)
874  _set("scale", None)
875  _set("xbinlabels", None)
876  _set("xbinlabelsize", None)
877  _set("xbinlabeloption", None)
879  _set("drawStyle", None)
880  _set("drawCommand", None)
881  _set("lineWidth", 2)
883  _set("legendDx", None)
884  _set("legendDy", None)
885  _set("legendDw", None)
886  _set("legendDh", None)
888  _set("adjustMarginRight", None)
890  _set("ratioYmin", 0.9)
891  _set("ratioYmax", 1.1)
892  _set("ratioUncertainty", True)
894  _set("histogramModifier", None)
896  self._histograms = []

Member Function Documentation

def plotting.Plot._calculateRatios (   self,
Calculate the ratios for a list of histograms

Definition at line 1196 of file plotting.py.

References plotting.Plot.__init__().

1197  def _calculateRatios(self, histos):
1198  """Calculate the ratios for a list of histograms"""
1200  def _divideOrZero(numerator, denominator):
1201  if denominator == 0:
1202  return 0
1203  return numerator/denominator
1205  # Define wrappers for TH1/TGraph/TGraph2D to have uniform interface
1206  # TODO: having more global wrappers would make some things simpler also elsewhere in the code
1207  class WrapTH1:
1208  def __init__(self, th1, uncertainty):
1209  self._th1 = th1
1210  self._uncertainty = uncertainty
1212  xaxis = th1.GetXaxis()
1213  xaxis_arr = xaxis.GetXbins()
1214  if xaxis_arr.GetSize() > 0: # unequal binning
1215  lst = [xaxis_arr[i] for i in xrange(0, xaxis_arr.GetSize())]
1216  arr = array.array("d", lst)
1217  self._ratio = ROOT.TH1F("foo", "foo", xaxis.GetNbins(), arr)
1218  else:
1219  self._ratio = ROOT.TH1F("foo", "foo", xaxis.GetNbins(), xaxis.GetXmin(), xaxis.GetXmax())
1220  _copyStyle(th1, self._ratio)
1221  self._ratio.SetStats(0)
1222  self._ratio.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack)
1223  self._ratio.SetLineWidth(1)
1224  def draw(self, style=None):
1225  st = style
1226  if st is None:
1227  if self._uncertainty:
1228  st = "EP"
1229  else:
1230  st = "HIST P"
1231  self._ratio.Draw("same "+st)
1232  def begin(self):
1233  return 1
1234  def end(self):
1235  return self._th1.GetNbinsX()+1
1236  def xvalues(self, bin):
1237  xval = self._th1.GetBinCenter(bin)
1238  xlow = xval-self._th1.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(bin)
1239  xhigh = self._th1.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(bin)-xval
1240  return (xval, xlow, xhigh)
1241  def yvalues(self, bin):
1242  yval = self._th1.GetBinContent(bin)
1243  yerr = self._th1.GetBinError(bin)
1244  return (yval, yerr, yerr)
1245  def y(self, bin):
1246  return self._th1.GetBinContent(bin)
1247  def divide(self, bin, scale, xcenter):
1248  self._ratio.SetBinContent(bin, _divideOrZero(self._th1.GetBinContent(bin), scale))
1249  self._ratio.SetBinError(bin, _divideOrZero(self._th1.GetBinError(bin), scale))
1250  def makeRatio(self):
1251  pass
1253  class WrapTGraph:
1254  def __init__(self, gr, uncertainty):
1255  self._gr = gr
1256  self._uncertainty = uncertainty
1257  self._xvalues = []
1258  self._xerrslow = []
1259  self._xerrshigh = []
1260  self._yvalues = []
1261  self._yerrshigh = []
1262  self._yerrslow = []
1263  self._binOffset = 0
1264  def draw(self, style=None):
1265  if self._ratio is None:
1266  return
1267  st = style
1268  if st is None:
1269  if self._uncertainty:
1270  st = "PZ"
1271  else:
1272  st = "PX"
1273  self._ratio.Draw("same "+st)
1274  def begin(self):
1275  return 0
1276  def end(self):
1277  return self._gr.GetN()
1278  def xvalues(self, bin):
1279  return (self._gr.GetX()[bin], self._gr.GetErrorXlow(bin), self._gr.GetErrorXhigh(bin))
1280  def yvalues(self, bin):
1281  return (self._gr.GetY()[bin], self._gr.GetErrorYlow(bin), self._gr.GetErrorYhigh(bin))
1282  def y(self, bin):
1283  return self._gr.GetY()[bin]
1284  def divide(self, bin, scale, xcenter):
1285  # Ignore bin if denominator is zero
1286  if scale == 0:
1287  return
1288  # No more items in the numerator
1289  if bin >= self._gr.GetN():
1290  return
1291  # denominator is missing an item
1292  trueBin = bin + self._binOffset
1293  xvals = self.xvalues(trueBin)
1294  xval = xvals[0]
1295  epsilon = 1e-3 * xval # to allow floating-point difference between TGraph and TH1
1296  if xval+epsilon < xcenter:
1297  self._binOffset += 1
1298  return
1299  # numerator is missing an item
1300  elif xval-epsilon > xcenter:
1301  self._binOffset -= 1
1302  return
1304  self._xvalues.append(xval)
1305  self._xerrslow.append(xvals[1])
1306  self._xerrshigh.append(xvals[2])
1307  yvals = self.yvalues(trueBin)
1308  self._yvalues.append(yvals[0] / scale)
1309  if self._uncertainty:
1310  self._yerrslow.append(yvals[1] / scale)
1311  self._yerrshigh.append(yvals[2] / scale)
1312  else:
1313  self._yerrslow.append(0)
1314  self._yerrshigh.append(0)
1315  def makeRatio(self):
1316  if len(self._xvalues) == 0:
1317  self._ratio = None
1318  return
1319  self._ratio = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(len(self._xvalues), array.array("d", self._xvalues), array.array("d", self._yvalues),
1320  array.array("d", self._xerrslow), array.array("d", self._xerrshigh),
1321  array.array("d", self._yerrslow), array.array("d", self._yerrshigh))
1322  _copyStyle(self._gr, self._ratio)
1323  class WrapTGraph2D(WrapTGraph):
1324  def __init__(self, gr, uncertainty):
1325  WrapTGraph.__init__(self, gr, uncertainty)
1326  def xvalues(self, bin):
1327  return (self._gr.GetX()[bin], self._gr.GetErrorX(bin), self._gr.GetErrorX(bin))
1328  def yvalues(self, bin):
1329  return (self._gr.GetY()[bin], self._gr.GetErrorY(bin), self._gr.GetErrorY(bin))
1331  def wrap(o):
1332  if isinstance(o, ROOT.TH1):
1333  return WrapTH1(o, self._ratioUncertainty)
1334  elif isinstance(o, ROOT.TGraph):
1335  return WrapTGraph(o, self._ratioUncertainty)
1336  elif isinstance(o, ROOT.TGraph2D):
1337  return WrapTGraph2D(o, self._ratioUncertainty)
1339  wrappers = [wrap(h) for h in histos]
1340  ref = wrappers[0]
1342  for bin in xrange(ref.begin(), ref.end()):
1343  (scale, ylow, yhigh) = ref.yvalues(bin)
1344  (xval, xlow, xhigh) = ref.xvalues(bin)
1345  for w in wrappers:
1346  w.divide(bin, scale, xval)
1348  for w in wrappers:
1349  w.makeRatio()
1351  return wrappers
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:37
def _copyStyle
Definition: plotting.py:770
#define begin
Definition: vmac.h:30
def _calculateRatios
Definition: plotting.py:1196
auto wrap(F iFunc) -> decltype(iFunc())
def plotting.Plot._createOne (   self,
Create one histogram from a TDirectory.

Definition at line 921 of file plotting.py.

References plotting._getOrCreateObject(), TrackerHitsObject._name, FP420HitsObject._name, PGeometricDet::Item._name, LikelihoodSpecies._name, LikelihoodPdfProduct._name, LikelihoodPdf._name, citk::IsolationConeDefinitionBase._name, DrellYanValidation._name, WValidation._name, HistoParams< T >._name, CutApplicatorBase._name, ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Phys14NonTrig._name, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15NonTrig._name, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Phys14NonTrig._name, GeometricDetExtra._name, ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15Trig._name, ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15NonTrig._name, HistoParams< TH2F >._name, plotting.Subtract._name, HistoParams< TProfile2D >._name, plotting.FakeDuplicate._name, plotting.AggregateBins._name, plotting.AggregateHistos._name, plotting.ROC._name, Vispa.Views.PropertyView.Property._name, SequenceTypes.SequencePlaceholder._name, and plotting.Plot._name.

Referenced by plotting.Plot.create().

922  def _createOne(self, index, tdir):
923  """Create one histogram from a TDirectory."""
924  if tdir == None:
925  return None
927  # If name is a list, pick the name by the index
928  if isinstance(self._name, list):
929  name = self._name[index]
930  else:
931  name = self._name
933  return _getOrCreateObject(tdir, name)
def _createOne
Definition: plotting.py:921
def _getOrCreateObject
Definition: plotting.py:16
def plotting.Plot._normalize (   self)
Normalise histograms to unit area

Definition at line 1015 of file plotting.py.

References RunHistogramManager._histograms, and plotting.Plot._histograms.

Referenced by plotting.Plot.draw().

1016  def _normalize(self):
1017  """Normalise histograms to unit area"""
1019  for h in self._histograms:
1020  if h is None:
1021  continue
1022  i = h.Integral()
1023  if i == 0:
1024  continue
1025  h.Sumw2()
1026  h.Scale(1.0/i)
def plotting.Plot._setStats (   self,
Set stats box.

Definition at line 974 of file plotting.py.

References RunHistogramManager._histograms, plotting.Plot._histograms, DTSC._stat, and DTTrigGeom._stat.

Referenced by plotting.Plot.draw().

975  def _setStats(self, startingX, startingY):
976  """Set stats box."""
977  if not self._stat:
978  for h in self._histograms:
979  if h is not None and hasattr(h, "SetStats"):
980  h.SetStats(0)
981  return
983  def _doStats(h, col, dy):
984  if h is None:
985  return
986  h.SetStats(True)
988  if self._fit:
989  h.Fit("gaus", "Q")
990  f = h.GetListOfFunctions().FindObject("gaus")
991  if f == None:
992  h.SetStats(0)
993  return
994  f.SetLineColor(col)
995  f.SetLineWidth(1)
996  h.Draw()
997  ROOT.gPad.Update()
998  st = h.GetListOfFunctions().FindObject("stats")
999  if self._fit:
1000  st.SetOptFit(0010)
1001  st.SetOptStat(1001)
1002  st.SetX1NDC(startingX)
1003  st.SetX2NDC(startingX+0.3)
1004  st.SetY1NDC(startingY+dy)
1005  st.SetY2NDC(startingY+dy+0.15)
1006  st.SetTextColor(col)
1008  dy = 0.0
1009  for i, h in enumerate(self._histograms):
1010  if self._statyadjust is not None and i < len(self._statyadjust):
1011  dy += self._statyadjust[i]
1013  _doStats(h, _plotStylesColor[i], dy)
1014  dy -= 0.19
def plotting.Plot.addToLegend (   self,
Add histograms to a legend.

legend       -- TLegend
legendLabels -- List of strings for the legend labels

Definition at line 1175 of file plotting.py.

References RunHistogramManager._histograms, and plotting.Plot._histograms.

1176  def addToLegend(self, legend, legendLabels, denomUncertainty):
1177  """Add histograms to a legend.
1179  Arguments:
1180  legend -- TLegend
1181  legendLabels -- List of strings for the legend labels
1182  """
1183  first = denomUncertainty
1184  for h, label in zip(self._histograms, legendLabels):
1185  if h is None:
1186  first = False
1187  continue
1188  if first:
1189  self._forLegend = h.Clone()
1190  self._forLegend.SetFillStyle(1001)
1191  self._forLegend.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray)
1192  entry = legend.AddEntry(self._forLegend, label, "lpf")
1193  first = False
1194  else:
1195  legend.AddEntry(h, label, "LP")
def plotting.Plot.create (   self,
  requireAllHistograms = False 
Create histograms from list of TDirectories

Definition at line 934 of file plotting.py.

References plotting.Plot._createOne(), RunHistogramManager._histograms, plotting.Plot._histograms, plotting.AggregateBins._scale, Vispa.Gui.VispaWidget.VispaWidget._scale, HistoParams< T >._title, HistoParams< TH1F >._title, HistoParams< TProfile >._title, HistoParams< TH2F >._title, plotting.Subtract._title, HistoParams< TProfile2D >._title, plotting.FakeDuplicate._title, html.PageSet._title, html.HtmlReport._title, and python.multivaluedict.map().

935  def create(self, tdirs, requireAllHistograms=False):
936  """Create histograms from list of TDirectories"""
937  self._histograms = [self._createOne(i, tdir) for i, tdir in enumerate(tdirs)]
939  if self._histogramModifier is not None:
940  self._histograms = self._histogramModifier(self._histograms)
942  if len(self._histograms) > len(_plotStylesColor):
943  raise Exception("More histograms (%d) than there are plot styles (%d) defined. Please define more plot styles in this file" % (len(self._histograms), len(_plotStylesColor)))
945  # Modify histograms here in case self._name returns numbers
946  # and self._histogramModifier creates the histograms from
947  # these numbers
948  def _modifyHisto(th1):
949  if th1 is None:
950  return None
952  if self._profileX:
953  th1 = th1.ProfileX()
955  if self._fitSlicesY:
956  ROOT.TH1.AddDirectory(True)
957  th1.FitSlicesY()
958  th1 = ROOT.gDirectory.Get(th1.GetName()+"_2")
959  th1.SetDirectory(None)
960  #th1.SetName(th1.GetName()+"_ref")
961  ROOT.TH1.AddDirectory(False)
963  if self._title is not None:
964  th1.SetTitle(self._title)
966  if self._scale is not None:
967  th1.Scale(self._scale)
969  return th1
971  self._histograms = map(_modifyHisto, self._histograms)
972  if requireAllHistograms and None in self._histograms:
973  self._histograms = [None]*len(self._histograms)
def _createOne
Definition: plotting.py:921
def plotting.Plot.draw (   self,
Draw the histograms using values for a given algorithm.

Definition at line 1027 of file plotting.py.

References plotting._findBounds(), RunHistogramManager._histograms, plotting.Plot._histograms, plotting.Plot._normalize(), plotting.Plot._setStats(), plotting.FrameTGraph2D._xlabelsize, MEGeom._xmax, HistoParams< TProfile >._xmax, HistoParams< TH1F >._xmax, HistoParams< T >._xmax, HistoParams< TH2F >._xmax, HistoParams< TProfile2D >._xmax, MEGeom._xmin, HistoParams< T >._xmin, HistoParams< TProfile >._xmin, HistoParams< TH1F >._xmin, HistoParams< TH2F >._xmin, HistoParams< TProfile2D >._xmin, plotting.FrameTGraph2D._xtitle, plotting.FrameTGraph2D._xtitleoffset, plotting.FrameTGraph2D._xtitlesize, MEGeom._ymax, HistoParams< T >._ymax, HistoParams< TProfile >._ymax, HistoParams< TH1F >._ymax, HistoParams< TH2F >._ymax, HistoParams< TProfile2D >._ymax, MEGeom._ymin, HistoParams< T >._ymin, HistoParams< TH1F >._ymin, HistoParams< TProfile >._ymin, HistoParams< TH2F >._ymin, HistoParams< TProfile2D >._ymin, plotting.FrameTGraph2D._ytitle, plotting.FrameTGraph2D._ytitleoffset, plotting.FrameTGraph2D._ytitlesize, HistoData.getName(), PhysicsTools::Source.getName(), LikelihoodSpecies.getName(), ecaldqm::DBReaderWorker.getName(), CocoaMaterialElementary.getName(), PCaloHit.getName(), EcalLogicID.getName(), pftools::SpaceManager.getName(), ecaldqm::DBWriterWorker.getName(), LikelihoodPdf.getName(), TkOfflineVariables.getName(), FieldHandlerBase< TOutput >.getName(), AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base.getName(), FittedEntry.getName(), HPDNoiseDataCatalog.getName(), jsoncollector::JsonMonitorable.getName(), CSGAction.getName(), DTTPGLutFile.getName(), PhysicsTools::MVATrainer.getName(), L1TriggerLutFile.getName(), QCriterion.getName(), SeedMergerPixelLayer.getName(), pos::PixelPortcardMap.getName(), L1MuGMTReg.getName(), GenericMVAComputer::TaggingVariableIterator< Iter_t >::Value.getName(), GEMStation.getName(), PhysicsTools::Variable::Value.getName(), pftools::SpaceVoxel.getName(), ecaldqm::DQWorker.getName(), PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Phys14NonTrig.getName(), PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15NonTrig.getName(), ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Phys14NonTrig.getName(), edm::ELslProxy< ELgen >.getName(), L1MuGMTRegMMConfig.getName(), PhysicsTools::MVAModuleHelper< Record, Object, Filler >::Value.getName(), ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15Trig.getName(), ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15NonTrig.getName(), cscdqm::HistoDef.getName(), FourVectorHLT::PathInfo.getName(), jsoncollector::DataPoint.getName(), MonitorElement.getName(), edm::ELseverityLevel.getName(), PhysicsTools::Variable.getName(), PhysicsTools::TrainerMonitoring::Object.getName(), L1MuGMTRegSortRankOffset.getName(), L1MuGMTRegCDLConfig.getName(), cscdqm::CSCHistoDef.getName(), plotting.Plot.getName(), and plotting.Plot.isTGraph2D().

1028  def draw(self, pad, ratio, ratioFactor, nrows):
1029  """Draw the histograms using values for a given algorithm."""
1030 # if len(self._histograms) == 0:
1031 # print "No histograms for plot {name}".format(name=self._name)
1032 # return
1034  isTGraph2D = self.isTGraph2D()
1035  if isTGraph2D:
1036  # Ratios for the TGraph2Ds is not that interesting
1037  ratioOrig = ratio
1038  ratio = False
1040  if self._normalizeToUnitArea:
1041  self._normalize()
1043  if self._rebinX is not None:
1044  for h in self._histograms:
1045  h.Rebin(self._rebinX)
1047  def _styleMarker(h, msty, col):
1048  h.SetMarkerStyle(msty)
1049  h.SetMarkerColor(col)
1050  h.SetMarkerSize(0.7)
1051  h.SetLineColor(1)
1052  h.SetLineWidth(1)
1054  def _styleHist(h, msty, col):
1055  _styleMarker(h, msty, col)
1056  h.SetLineColor(col)
1057  h.SetLineWidth(self._lineWidth)
1059  # Use marker or hist style
1060  style = _styleMarker
1061  if self._drawStyle is not None:
1062  if "hist" in self._drawStyle.lower():
1063  style = _styleHist
1064  if len(self._histograms) > 0 and isinstance(self._histograms[0], ROOT.TGraph):
1065  if "l" in self._drawStyle.lower():
1066  style = _styleHist
1068  # Apply style to histograms, filter out Nones
1069  histos = []
1070  for i, h in enumerate(self._histograms):
1071  if h is None:
1072  continue
1073  style(h, _plotStylesMarker[i], _plotStylesColor[i])
1074  histos.append(h)
1075  if len(histos) == 0:
1076  print "No histograms for plot {name}".format(name=self.getName())
1077  return
1079  bounds = _findBounds(histos, self._ylog,
1080  xmin=self._xmin, xmax=self._xmax,
1081  ymin=self._ymin, ymax=self._ymax)
1083  # Create bounds before stats in order to have the
1084  # SetRangeUser() calls made before the fit
1085  #
1086  # stats is better to be called before frame, otherwise get
1087  # mess in the plot (that frame creation cleans up)
1088  if ratio:
1089  pad.cd(1)
1090  self._setStats(self._statx, self._staty)
1092  xbinlabels = self._xbinlabels
1093  if xbinlabels is None:
1094  if len(histos[0].GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(1)) > 0:
1095  xbinlabels = []
1096  for i in xrange(1, histos[0].GetNbinsX()+1):
1097  xbinlabels.append(histos[0].GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(i))
1099  # Create frame
1100  if isTGraph2D:
1101  frame = FrameTGraph2D(pad, bounds, histos, ratioOrig, ratioFactor)
1102  else:
1103  if ratio:
1104  ratioBounds = (bounds[0], self._ratioYmin, bounds[2], self._ratioYmax)
1105  frame = FrameRatio(pad, bounds, ratioBounds, ratioFactor, nrows, xbinlabels, self._xbinlabelsize, self._xbinlabeloption)
1106  else:
1107  frame = Frame(pad, bounds, nrows, xbinlabels, self._xbinlabelsize, self._xbinlabeloption)
1109  # Set log and grid
1110  frame.setLogx(self._xlog)
1111  frame.setLogy(self._ylog)
1112  frame.setGridx(self._xgrid)
1113  frame.setGridy(self._ygrid)
1115  # Construct draw option string
1116  opt = "sames" # s for statbox or something?
1117  ds = ""
1118  if self._drawStyle is not None:
1119  ds = self._drawStyle
1120  if self._drawCommand is not None:
1121  ds = self._drawCommand
1122  if len(ds) > 0:
1123  opt += " "+ds
1125  # Set properties of frame
1126  frame.setTitle(histos[0].GetTitle())
1127  if self._xtitle is not None:
1128  frame.setXTitle(self._xtitle)
1129  if self._xtitlesize is not None:
1130  frame.setXTitleSize(self._xtitlesize)
1131  if self._xtitleoffset is not None:
1132  frame.setXTitleOffset(self._xtitleoffset)
1133  if self._xlabelsize is not None:
1134  frame.setXLabelSize(self._xlabelsize)
1135  if self._ytitle is not None:
1136  frame.setYTitle(self._ytitle)
1137  if self._ytitlesize is not None:
1138  frame.setYTitleSize(self._ytitlesize)
1139  if self._ytitleoffset is not None:
1140  frame.setYTitleOffset(self._ytitleoffset)
1141  if self._ztitle is not None:
1142  frame.setZTitle(self._ztitle)
1143  if self._ztitleoffset is not None:
1144  frame.setZTitleOffset(self._ztitleoffset)
1145  if self._adjustMarginRight is not None:
1146  frame.adjustMarginRight(self._adjustMarginRight)
1147  elif "z" in opt:
1148  frame.adjustMarginLeft(0.03)
1149  frame.adjustMarginRight(0.08)
1151  # Draw histograms
1152  if ratio:
1153  frame._pad.cd()
1155  for h in histos:
1156  h.Draw(opt)
1158  # Draw ratios
1159  if ratio and len(histos) > 0:
1160  frame._padRatio.cd()
1161  self._ratios = self._calculateRatios(histos) # need to keep these in memory too ...
1162  if self._ratioUncertainty and self._ratios[0]._ratio is not None:
1163  self._ratios[0]._ratio.SetFillStyle(1001)
1164  self._ratios[0]._ratio.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray)
1165  self._ratios[0]._ratio.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGray)
1166  self._ratios[0]._ratio.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGray)
1167  self._ratios[0]._ratio.SetMarkerSize(0)
1168  self._ratios[0].draw("E2")
1169  frame._padRatio.RedrawAxis("G") # redraw grid on top of the uncertainty of denominator
1170  for r in self._ratios[1:]:
1171  r.draw()
1173  frame.redrawAxis()
1174  self._frame = frame # keep the frame in memory for sure
def isTGraph2D
Definition: plotting.py:905
def _findBounds
Definition: plotting.py:71
def _calculateRatios
Definition: plotting.py:1196
def plotting.Plot.drawRatioUncertainty (   self)
Return true if the ratio uncertainty should be drawn

Definition at line 917 of file plotting.py.

918  def drawRatioUncertainty(self):
919  """Return true if the ratio uncertainty should be drawn"""
920  return self._ratioUncertainty
def drawRatioUncertainty
Definition: plotting.py:917
def plotting.Plot.getName (   self)

Definition at line 911 of file plotting.py.

References FP420HitsObject._name, TrackerHitsObject._name, PGeometricDet::Item._name, LikelihoodSpecies._name, LikelihoodPdfProduct._name, LikelihoodPdf._name, citk::IsolationConeDefinitionBase._name, DrellYanValidation._name, WValidation._name, HistoParams< T >._name, CutApplicatorBase._name, ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Phys14NonTrig._name, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15NonTrig._name, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Phys14NonTrig._name, GeometricDetExtra._name, ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15Trig._name, ElectronMVAEstimatorRun2Spring15NonTrig._name, HistoParams< TH2F >._name, plotting.Subtract._name, HistoParams< TProfile2D >._name, plotting.FakeDuplicate._name, plotting.AggregateBins._name, plotting.AggregateHistos._name, plotting.ROC._name, Vispa.Views.PropertyView.Property._name, SequenceTypes.SequencePlaceholder._name, and plotting.Plot._name.

Referenced by plotting.Plot.draw().

912  def getName(self):
913  if isinstance(self._name, list):
914  return str(self._name[0])
915  else:
916  return str(self._name)
def plotting.Plot.getNumberOfHistograms (   self)
Return number of existing histograms.

Definition at line 897 of file plotting.py.

References RunHistogramManager._histograms, plotting.Plot._histograms, and alcazmumu_cfi.filter.

Referenced by plotting.Plot.isEmpty().

898  def getNumberOfHistograms(self):
899  """Return number of existing histograms."""
900  return len(filter(lambda h: h is not None, self._histograms))
def getNumberOfHistograms
Definition: plotting.py:897
def plotting.Plot.isEmpty (   self)
Return true if there are no histograms created for the plot

Definition at line 901 of file plotting.py.

References plotting.Plot.getNumberOfHistograms().

902  def isEmpty(self):
903  """Return true if there are no histograms created for the plot"""
904  return self.getNumberOfHistograms() == 0
def getNumberOfHistograms
Definition: plotting.py:897
def plotting.Plot.isTGraph2D (   self)

Definition at line 905 of file plotting.py.

References RunHistogramManager._histograms, and plotting.Plot._histograms.

Referenced by plotting.Plot.draw().

906  def isTGraph2D(self):
907  for h in self._histograms:
908  if isinstance(h, ROOT.TGraph2D):
909  return True
910  return False
def isTGraph2D
Definition: plotting.py:905

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 1262 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1188 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1173 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1254 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 895 of file plotting.py.

Referenced by plotting.Plot._normalize(), plotting.Plot._setStats(), plotting.Plot.addToLegend(), plotting.Plot.create(), plotting.Plot.draw(), plotting.Plot.getNumberOfHistograms(), and plotting.Plot.isTGraph2D().


Definition at line 835 of file plotting.py.

Referenced by plotting.Plot._createOne(), plotting.PlotGroup._drawSeparate(), plotting.PlotGroup._save(), plotting.PlotGroup.draw(), plotting.Plot.getName(), plotting.PlotterFolder.getName(), plotting.PlotterFolder.getSelectionNameIterator(), validation.SimpleSample.name(), and plotting.PlotterItem.readDirs().


Definition at line 1216 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1160 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1208 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1209 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1258 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1257 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1256 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1260 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1261 of file plotting.py.


Definition at line 1259 of file plotting.py.