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EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg Namespace Reference


tuple debugModules = cms.untracked.vstring('*')
tuple destinations = cms.untracked.vstring('cout')
tuple firstValue = cms.uint64(1)
tuple interval = cms.uint64(1)
tuple lastValue = cms.uint64(1)
tuple logconnect = cms.untracked.string('sqlite_file:DBLog.db')
tuple loggingOn = cms.untracked.bool(True)
tuple process = cms.Process("ProcessOne")
tuple record = cms.string('EcalChannelStatusRcd')
tuple SinceAppendMode = cms.bool(True)
tuple Source
tuple timetype = cms.string('runnumber')
tuple toGet
tuple toPut

Variable Documentation

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.debugModules = cms.untracked.vstring('*')

Definition at line 13 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.destinations = cms.untracked.vstring('cout')

Definition at line 14 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.firstValue = cms.uint64(1)

Definition at line 18 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.interval = cms.uint64(1)

Definition at line 21 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.lastValue = cms.uint64(1)

Definition at line 19 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.logconnect = cms.untracked.string('sqlite_file:DBLog.db')

Definition at line 37 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.loggingOn = cms.untracked.bool(True)

Definition at line 48 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.process = cms.Process("ProcessOne")

Definition at line 3 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.record = cms.string('EcalChannelStatusRcd')

Definition at line 47 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.SinceAppendMode = cms.bool(True)

Definition at line 46 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.Source
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  GenTag = cms.string('GLOBAL'), # LOCAL or GLOBAL
3  RunType = cms.string('COSMIC'), # PEDESTAL, LASER or COSMIC
4  firstRun = cms.string('112639'),
5  lastRun = cms.string('112639'),
6  LocationSource = cms.string('P5'),
7  OnlineDBUser = cms.string('cms_ecal_r'),
8  debug = cms.bool(True),
9  Location = cms.string('P5_Co'),
10  OnlineDBPassword = cms.string('******'),
11  OnlineDBSID = cms.string('cms_testbeam'),
12  )

Definition at line 49 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.timetype = cms.string('runnumber')

Definition at line 20 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.toGet
Initial value:
1 = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(
2  record = cms.string('EcalChannelStatusRcd'),
3  tag = cms.string('EcalChannelStatus_online')
4  ))

Definition at line 27 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.

tuple EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.toPut
Initial value:
1 = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(
2  record = cms.string('EcalChannelStatusRcd'),
3  tag = cms.string('EcalChannelStatus_online')
4  ))

Definition at line 39 of file EcalO2O_channelStatus_cfg.py.