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11 #include "PedeSteerer.h"
19 #include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
29 // for 'type identification' as Alignable
33 // GF doubts the need of these includes from include checker campaign:
39 // end of doubt
43 #include <fstream>
44 #include <sstream>
45 #include <algorithm>
47 // from ROOT
48 #include <TSystem.h>
49 #include <TMath.h>
51 #include <iostream>
53 //_________________________________________________________________________
56  const edm::ParameterSet &config, const std::string &defaultDir,
57  bool noSteerFiles) :
58  myParameterStore(store), myLabels(labels), myConfig(config),
59  myDirectory(myConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("fileDir")),
60  myNoSteerFiles(noSteerFiles),
61  myIsSteerFileDebug(myConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("steerFileDebug")),
62  myParameterSign(myConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("parameterSign")),
63  theMinHieraConstrCoeff(myConfig.getParameter<double>("minHieraConstrCoeff")),
64  theMinHieraParPerConstr(myConfig.getParameter<unsigned int>("minHieraParPerConstr")),
65  theConstrPrecision(myConfig.getParameter<unsigned int>("constrPrecision")),
66  theCoordMaster(0)
67 {
68  if (myParameterSign != 1 && myParameterSign != -1) {
69  cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Expect PedeSteerer.parameterSign = +/-1, "
70  << "found " << myParameterSign << ".";
71  }
73  // Correct directory, needed before asking for fileName(..):
74  if (myDirectory.empty()) myDirectory = defaultDir;
75  if (!myDirectory.empty() && myDirectory.find_last_of('/') != myDirectory.size() - 1) {
76  myDirectory += '/'; // directory may need '/'
77  }
79  const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis = myParameterStore->alignables();
80  if (!this->checkParameterChoices(alis)) {} // anyway thrown exception
82  // Coordinate system selection and correction before everything
84  if (!theCoordDefiners.empty()) { // Create steering with constraints to define coordinate system:
85  // OK, some hacks:
86  // - we want a composite with global coordinates where tracker and muon are components
87  // (to call RigidBodyAl.Param.->globalParameters() in correctToReferenceSystem(..))
88  // - so we create a AlignableComposite and add tracker and muon
89  // - but the addComponent(..) method is so cute that it calculates position from
90  // daughters' deepComponents()
91  // - so we want to move it back to (0,0,0), but ali->move(..) would move daughters as well
92  // => cheat with a const_cast and move only the surface back
93  // - this hacked master object does not have a label for its parameters
94  // => some warnings if debug output selected in pedeSteer files
95  // - we must not delete our new master (little mem. leak...) since that would delete
96  // the daughters as well!
97  if (aliTracker) {
98  theCoordMaster = new AlignableComposite(aliTracker->id(), align::invalid);
99  theCoordMaster->addComponent(aliTracker);
100  } else if (aliMuon) {
102  } else {
103  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
104  << "[PedeSteerer]" << "Cannot define global coordinate system "
105  << "with neither tracker nor muon!";
106  }
107  if (aliMuon) theCoordMaster->addComponent(aliMuon); // tracker is already added if existing
108  if (aliExtras) { // tracker and/or muon are already added if existing
109  align::Alignables allExtras = aliExtras->components();
110  for ( std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator it = allExtras.begin(); it != allExtras.end(); ++it ) {
112  }
113  }
116  AlignableSurface & masterSurf = const_cast<AlignableSurface&>(theCoordMaster->surface());
117  masterSurf.move(align::GlobalVector(-tmpPos.x(),-tmpPos.y(),-tmpPos.z()));
119  if (this->isCorrectToRefSystem(theCoordDefiners)) { // defined by 's' (MC): 'correct' misalignment
120  this->correctToReferenceSystem(); // really before 'defineCoordinates'?
121  }
122  }
124 }
126 //___________________________________________________________________________
128 {
129  // delete theCoordMaster; NO, see above
130 }
132 //_________________________________________________________________________
133 bool PedeSteerer::isNoHiera(const Alignable* ali) const
134 {
135  return (myNoHieraCollection.find(ali) != myNoHieraCollection.end());
136 }
138 //_________________________________________________________________________
139 double PedeSteerer::cmsToPedeFactor(unsigned int parNum) const
140 {
141  return 1.; // mmh, otherwise would need to FIXME hierarchyConstraint...
143  switch (parNum) {
146  return 1000.; // cm to mum *1/10 to get smaller values
148  return 2500.; // cm to mum *1/4
151  return 1000.; // rad to mrad (no first guess for sensitivity yet)
153  return 10000.; // rad to mrad *10 to get larger values
154  default:
155  return 1.;
156  }
157 }
159 //_________________________________________________________________________
160 unsigned int PedeSteerer::buildNoHierarchyCollection(const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis)
161 {
162  myNoHieraCollection.clear(); // just in case of re-use...
164  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iAli = alis.begin() ; iAli != alis.end(); ++iAli) {
165  AlignmentParameters *params = (*iAli)->alignmentParameters();
166  SelectionUserVariables *selVar = dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>(params->userVariables());
167  if (!selVar) continue;
168  // Now check whether taking out of hierarchy is selected - must be consistent!
169  unsigned int numNoHieraPar = 0;
170  unsigned int numHieraPar = 0;
171  for (unsigned int iParam = 0; static_cast<int>(iParam) < params->size(); ++iParam) {
172  const char selector = selVar->fullSelection()[iParam];
173  if (selector == 'C' || selector == 'F' || selector == 'H') {
174  ++numNoHieraPar;
175  } else if (selector == 'c' || selector == 'f' || selector == '1' || selector == 'r'
176  || selector == 's') {
177  ++numHieraPar;
178  } // else ... accept '0' as undetermined
179  }
180  if (numNoHieraPar) { // Selected to be taken out.
181  if (numHieraPar) { // Inconsistent: Some parameters still in hierarchy ==> exception!
182  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
183  << "[PedeSteerer::buildNoHierarchyCollection] All active parameters of alignables to be "
184  << " taken out of the hierarchy must be marked with capital letters 'C', 'F' or 'H'!";
185  }
186  bool isInHiera = false; // Check whether Alignable is really part of hierarchy:
187  Alignable *mother = *iAli;
188  while ((mother = mother->mother())) {
189  if (mother->alignmentParameters()) isInHiera = true; // could 'break;', but loop is short
190  }
191  // Complain, but keep collection short if not in hierarchy:
192  if (isInHiera) myNoHieraCollection.insert(*iAli);
193  else edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildNoHierarchyCollection"
194  << "Alignable not in hierarchy, no need to remove it!";
195  }
196  } // end loop on alignables
198  return myNoHieraCollection.size();
199 }
201 //_________________________________________________________________________
202 bool PedeSteerer::checkParameterChoices(const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis) const
203 {
204  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iAli = alis.begin() ; iAli != alis.end(); ++iAli) {
205  AlignmentParameters *paras = (*iAli)->alignmentParameters();
206  SelectionUserVariables *selVar = dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>(paras->userVariables());
207  if (!selVar) continue;
208  for (unsigned int iParam = 0; static_cast<int>(iParam) < paras->size(); ++iParam) {
209  const char sel = selVar->fullSelection()[iParam];
210  if (sel != 'f' && sel != 'F' && sel != 'c' && sel != 'C' &&
211  sel != '0' && sel != '1' && sel != 'H' && sel != 'r' && sel != 's') {
212  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
213  << "[PedeSteerer::unknownParameterChoices] "
214  << "Unexpected parameter selector '" << sel
215  << "', use \n'f/F' (fix),\n'c/C' (fix at correct pos.),\n'1/H' (free),\n"
216  << "'r/s' (free, but defining reference system, trying to correct misalignment if 's')"
217  << " or \n'0' (ignore).\n"
218  << "Capital letters mean that the Alignable is taken out of a possible hierarchy,\n"
219  << "but must be used consistently for all its parameters.";
220  return false; // unreached
221  }
222  }
223  }
225  return true;
226 }
228 //_________________________________________________________________________
229 std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>
230 PedeSteerer::fixParameters(const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis, const std::string &fileName)
231 {
232  // return number of parameters fixed at 0. and fixed at original position
233  std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> numFixNumFixCor(0, 0);
235  std::ofstream *filePtr = 0;
237  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iAli = alis.begin() ; iAli != alis.end(); ++iAli) {
239  AlignmentParameters *params = (*iAli)->alignmentParameters();
240  SelectionUserVariables *selVar = dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>(params->userVariables());
241  if (!selVar) continue;
243  for (unsigned int iParam = 0; static_cast<int>(iParam) < params->size(); ++iParam) {
244  const unsigned int nInstances = myLabels->numberOfParameterInstances(*iAli, iParam);
245  for (unsigned int iInstance=0;iInstance<nInstances;++iInstance) {
246  int whichFix = this->fixParameter(*iAli, iInstance, iParam,
247  selVar->fullSelection()[iParam], filePtr,
248  fileName);
249  if (whichFix == 1) {
250  ++(numFixNumFixCor.first);
251  } else if (whichFix == -1) {
252  ++(numFixNumFixCor.second);
253  }
254  }
255  }
256  }
258  delete filePtr; // automatically flushes, no problem if NULL ptr.
260  return numFixNumFixCor;
261 }
263 //_________________________________________________________________________
264 int PedeSteerer::fixParameter(Alignable *ali, unsigned int iInstance,
265  unsigned int iParam, char selector,
266  std::ofstream* &filePtr, const std::string &fileName)
267 {
268  int result = 0;
269  float fixAt = 0.;
270  if (selector == 'c' || selector == 'C') {
272  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
273  << "PedeSteerer::fixParameter: correction (c/C) possible only for RigidBodyParameters";
274  }
275  fixAt = -this->parameterSign() * RigidBodyAlignmentParameters(ali, true).parameters()[iParam];
276  result = -1;
277  } else if (selector == 'f' || selector == 'F') {
278  result = 1;
279  }
281  if (result) {
282  if (!filePtr) {
283  filePtr = this->createSteerFile(fileName, true);
284  (*filePtr) << "Parameter\n";
285  }
286  std::ofstream &file = *filePtr;
288  const unsigned int aliLabel = myLabels->alignableLabelFromParamAndInstance(ali, iParam, iInstance);
289  file << myLabels->parameterLabel(aliLabel, iParam) << " "
290  << fixAt * this->cmsToPedeFactor(iParam) << " -1.0";
291  if (myIsSteerFileDebug) { // debug
292  const GlobalPoint position(ali->globalPosition());
293  file << " * id " << ali->id() << ", eta " << position.eta() << ", z " << position.z()
294  << ", r " << position.perp() << ", phi " << position.phi();
295  }
296  file << "\n";
297  }
299  return result;
300 }
302 //_________________________________________________________________________
303 std::vector<Alignable*> PedeSteerer::selectCoordinateAlis(const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis) const
304 {
305  std::vector<Alignable*> coordAlis;
307  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iAli = alis.begin() ; iAli != alis.end(); ++iAli) {
308  AlignmentParameters *params = (*iAli)->alignmentParameters();
309  SelectionUserVariables *selVar = dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>(params->userVariables());
310  if (!selVar) continue;
311  unsigned int refParam = 0;
312  unsigned int nonRefParam = 0;
313  for (unsigned int iParam = 0; static_cast<int>(iParam) < params->size(); ++iParam) {
314  const char selector = selVar->fullSelection()[iParam];
315  if (selector == 'r' || selector == 's') {
316  ++refParam;
317  } else if (selector != '0' && selector != 'f') { // allow also 'c'?
318  ++nonRefParam;
319  }
320  }
321  // Check whether some 'r/s' selection string. If yes and selection makes sense, add to result:
322  if (refParam) {
323  if (nonRefParam) {
324  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
325  << "[PedeSteerer::selectCoordinateAlis] All active parameters of alignables defining "
326  << "the coordinate system must be marked with 'r/s' (or fixed, 'f')!";
327  } else {
328  Alignable *mother = *iAli;
329  while ((mother = mother->mother())) {
330  if (mother->alignmentParameters()) {
331  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "[PedeSteerer::selectCoordinateAlis] "
332  << "Alignables defining the coordinate system must "
333  << "be highest level!";
334  }
335  }
336  coordAlis.push_back(*iAli);
337  }
338  }
339  } // end loop on alignables
341  return coordAlis;
342 }
345 //_________________________________________________________________________
346 void PedeSteerer::defineCoordinates(const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis, Alignable *aliMaster,
347  const std::string &fileName)
348 {
349  std::ofstream *filePtr = this->createSteerFile(fileName, true);
350  (*filePtr) << "* Constraints to define coordinate system:\n";
351  if (!aliMaster || aliMaster->alignmentParameters()) {
352  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
353  << "[PedeSteerer::defineCoordinates] " << "No master alignable or it has parameters!";
354  }
355  if (myIsSteerFileDebug) { // See constructor comments about hack:
356  edm::LogError("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::defineCoordinates"
357  << "Ignore following LogicErrors from PedeLabeler.";
358  }
359  AlignmentParameters *par = new RigidBodyAlignmentParameters(aliMaster, false);
360  aliMaster->setAlignmentParameters(par); // hierarchyConstraint needs parameters
361  this->hierarchyConstraint(aliMaster, alis, *filePtr);
362  aliMaster->setAlignmentParameters(0); // erase dummy parameters
364  delete filePtr; // automatically flushes, no problem if NULL ptr.
365 }
367 //_________________________________________________________________________
368 bool PedeSteerer::isCorrectToRefSystem(const std::vector<Alignable*> &coordDefiners) const
369 {
370  bool doCorrect = false;
371  bool doNotCorrect = false;
372  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator it = coordDefiners.begin(), iE=coordDefiners.end();
373  it != iE; ++it) {
374  SelectionUserVariables *selVar =
375  ((*it)->alignmentParameters() ?
376  dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>((*it)->alignmentParameters()->userVariables()) : 0);
377  if (!selVar) continue; // is an error!?
379  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < selVar->fullSelection().size(); ++i) {
380  if (selVar->fullSelection()[i] == 'r') doNotCorrect = true;
381  else if (selVar->fullSelection()[i] == 's') doCorrect = true;
382  }
383  }
385  if (doCorrect && doNotCorrect) {
386  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
387  << "[PedeSteerer::doCorrectToRefSystem]: Parameter selection 's' and 'r' must not coexist!";
388  }
390  return doCorrect;
391 }
393 //_________________________________________________________________________
395 {
396  typedef RigidBodyAlignmentParameters RbPars;
397  if (!theCoordMaster || theCoordDefiners.empty()) return; // nothing was defined
399  std::vector<Alignable*> definerDets; // or ...DetUnits
400  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator it = theCoordDefiners.begin(), iE = theCoordDefiners.end();
401  it != iE; ++it) {// find lowest level objects of alignables that define the coordinate system
402  const std::vector<Alignable*> &comp = (*it)->deepComponents();
403  definerDets.insert(definerDets.end(), comp.begin(), comp.end());
404  }
406  for (unsigned int iLoop = 0; ; ++iLoop) { // iterate: shifts and rotations are not independent
407  AlgebraicVector meanPars(RbPars::N_PARAM);
408  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator it = definerDets.begin(), iE = definerDets.end();
409  it != iE; ++it) { // sum up mean displacements/misrotations:
410  meanPars += RbPars(*it, true).globalParameters();// requires theCoordMaster has global frame
411  }
412  meanPars /= definerDets.size();
413  const align::Scalar squareSum = meanPars.normsq();
415  if (squareSum < 1.e-20) break; // sqrt(1.e-20)=1.e-10: close enough to stop iterating
416  if (iLoop == 0) {
417  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::correctToReferenceSystem"
418  << "Loop " << iLoop << " "
419  << "Mean misalignment of dets of defined coordinate system"
420  << (squareSum < 1.e-20 ? ":" :
421  " (will be iteratively corrected to < 1.e-10):") << meanPars;
422  }
423  if (iLoop >=5) { // 3 iterations should be safe, use 5 for 'more' safety...
424  edm::LogError("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::correctToReferenceSystem"
425  << "No convergence in " << iLoop << " iterations, "
426  << "remaining misalignment: " << meanPars;
427  break;
428  }
430  const GlobalVector globalShift(meanPars[RbPars::dx],meanPars[RbPars::dy],meanPars[RbPars::dz]);
431  theCoordMaster->move(-globalShift); // sign to revert
432  align::EulerAngles globalAngles(3);
433  globalAngles[0] = meanPars[RbPars::dalpha];
434  globalAngles[1] = meanPars[RbPars::dbeta];
435  globalAngles[2] = meanPars[RbPars::dgamma];
436  theCoordMaster->rotateInGlobalFrame(align::toMatrix(-globalAngles)); // sign to revert
437  }
439 }
441 //_________________________________________________________________________
442 unsigned int PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraints(const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis,
443  const std::string &fileName)
444 {
445  std::ofstream *filePtr = 0;
447  unsigned int nConstraints = 0;
448  std::vector<Alignable*> aliDaughts;
449  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iA = alis.begin(), iEnd = alis.end();
450  iA != iEnd; ++iA) {
451  aliDaughts.clear();
452  if (!(*iA)->firstCompsWithParams(aliDaughts)) {
453  edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraints"
454  << "Some but not all daughters of "
455  << AlignableObjectId::idToString((*iA)->alignableObjectId())
456  << " with params!";
457  }
458  // edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraints"
459  // << aliDaughts.size() << " ali param components";
460  if (aliDaughts.empty()) continue;
461  // edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraints"
462  // << aliDaughts.size() << " alignable components ("
463  // << (*iA)->size() << " in total) for "
464  // << aliId.alignableTypeName(*iA)
465  // << ", layer " << aliId.typeAndLayerFromAlignable(*iA).second
466  // << ", position " << (*iA)->globalPosition()
467  // << ", r = " << (*iA)->globalPosition().perp();
468  if (!filePtr) filePtr = this->createSteerFile(fileName, true);
469  ++nConstraints;
470  this->hierarchyConstraint(*iA, aliDaughts, *filePtr);
471  }
473  delete filePtr; // automatically flushes, no problem if NULL ptr.
475  return nConstraints;
476 }
477 //_________________________________________________________________________
479  const std::vector<Alignable*> &components,
480  std::ofstream &file) const
481 {
482  typedef AlignmentParameterStore::ParameterId ParameterId;
484  std::vector<std::vector<ParameterId> > paramIdsVec;
485  std::vector<std::vector<double> > factorsVec;
486  const bool allConstr = false; // true; // make configurable?
487  static bool first = true;
488  if (allConstr && first) {
489  edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraint"
490  << "changed to use all 6 constraints";
491  first = false;
492  }
493  if (!myParameterStore->hierarchyConstraints(ali, components, paramIdsVec, factorsVec, allConstr,
495  edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraint"
496  << "Problems from store.";
497  }
499  for (unsigned int iConstr = 0; iConstr < paramIdsVec.size(); ++iConstr) {
500  std::ostringstream aConstr;
502  const std::vector<ParameterId> &parIds = paramIdsVec[iConstr];
503  const std::vector<double> &factors = factorsVec[iConstr];
504  unsigned int nParPerConstr = 0; // keep track of used factor/parId pair
505  // parIds.size() == factors.size() granted by myParameterStore->hierarchyConstraints
506  for (unsigned int iParam = 0; iParam < parIds.size(); ++iParam) {
507  Alignable *aliSubComp = parIds[iParam].first;
508  const unsigned int compParNum = parIds[iParam].second;
509  if (this->isNoHiera(aliSubComp)) {
510  if (myIsSteerFileDebug) aConstr << "* Taken out of hierarchy: ";
511  continue;
512  }
513  const unsigned int aliLabel = myLabels->alignableLabel(aliSubComp);
514  const unsigned int paramLabel = myLabels->parameterLabel(aliLabel, compParNum);
515  // FIXME: multiply by cmsToPedeFactor(subcomponent)/cmsToPedeFactor(mother) (or vice a versa?)
516  if (theConstrPrecision > 0)
517  aConstr << paramLabel << " " << std::setprecision(theConstrPrecision) << factors[iParam];
518  else
519  aConstr << paramLabel << " " << factors[iParam];
520  if (myIsSteerFileDebug) { // debug
521  aConstr << " ! for param " << compParNum << " of a "
522  << AlignableObjectId::idToString(aliSubComp->alignableObjectId()) << " at "
523  << aliSubComp->globalPosition() << ", r=" << aliSubComp->globalPosition().perp();
524  }
525  aConstr << "\n";
526  ++nParPerConstr; // OK, we used one.
527  } // end loop on params
529  //
530  if (nParPerConstr && nParPerConstr >= theMinHieraParPerConstr) { // Enough to make sense?
531  if (myIsSteerFileDebug) { //debug
532  file << "\n* Nr. " << iConstr << " of a '"
533  << AlignableObjectId::idToString(ali->alignableObjectId()) << "' (label "
534  << myLabels->alignableLabel(const_cast<Alignable*>(ali)) // ugly cast: FIXME!
535  << "), position " << ali->globalPosition()
536  << ", r = " << ali->globalPosition().perp();
537  }
538  file << "\nConstraint 0.\n" << aConstr.str(); // in future 'Wconstraint'?
539  } else if (nParPerConstr > 0) { // no warning for trivial case...
540  edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraint"
541  << "Skip constraint on " << nParPerConstr
542  << " parameter(s):\n" << aConstr.str();
543  }
544  } // end loop on constraints
545 }
547 //_________________________________________________________________________
548 unsigned int PedeSteerer::presigmas(const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> &cffPresi,
549  const std::string &fileName,
550  const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis,
551  AlignableTracker *aliTracker, AlignableMuon *aliMuon, AlignableExtras *aliExtras)
552 {
553  // We loop on given PSet's, each containing a parameter selection and the presigma value
554  // The resulting presigmas are stored in a map with Alignable* as key.
555  // This map, 'fileName' and 'alis' are passed further to create the steering file.
557  AlignmentParameterSelector selector(aliTracker, aliMuon, aliExtras);
558  AlignablePresigmasMap aliPresiMap; // map to store alis with presigmas of their parameters
559  for (std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>::const_iterator iSet = cffPresi.begin(), iE = cffPresi.end();
560  iSet != iE; ++iSet) { // loop on individual PSets defining ali-params with their presigma
561  selector.clear();
562  selector.addSelections((*iSet).getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("Selector"));
563  const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis = selector.selectedAlignables();
564  const std::vector<std::vector<char> > &sels = selector.selectedParameters();
565  const float presigma = (*iSet).getParameter<double>("presigma");
566  if (presigma <= 0.) { // given presigma > 0., 0. later used if not (yet) chosen for parameter
567  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
568  << "[PedeSteerer::presigmas]: Pre-sigma must be > 0., but is " << presigma << ".";
569  }
570  // now loop on alis of present selection
571  for (unsigned int iAli = 0; iAli < alis.size(); ++iAli) {
572  std::vector<float> &presigmas = aliPresiMap[alis[iAli]]; // existing or empty, so ensure length:
573  if (presigmas.size() < sels[iAli].size()) presigmas.resize(sels[iAli].size(), 0.);
574  for (unsigned int iParam = 0; iParam < sels[iAli].size(); ++iParam) { // loop on parameters
575  if (sels[iAli][iParam] != '0') { // all but '0' means to apply the chosen presigma
576  if (presigmas[iParam] != 0.) { // reset forbidden (would make it order dependent!)
577  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
578  << "[PedeSteerer::presigmas]: Try to set pre-sigma " << presigma << ", but already "
579  << "set " << presigmas[iParam] << " (for a "
580  << AlignableObjectId::idToString(alis[iAli]->alignableObjectId()) << ").";
581  }
582  presigmas[iParam] = presigma;
583  } // end if selected for presigma
584  } // end loop on params
585  } // end loop on alignables for given selection and presigma
586  } // end loop on PSets
588  if (aliPresiMap.empty()) return 0;
589  else return this->presigmasFile(fileName, alis, aliPresiMap);
590 }
592 //_________________________________________________________________________
594  const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis,
595  const AlignablePresigmasMap &aliPresiMap)
596 {
597  // Check if 'alis' are in aliPresiMap,
598  // if yes apply presigma - but NOT if parameter is fixed!
599  std::ofstream *filePtr = 0;
601  unsigned int nPresiParam = 0;
602  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iAli = alis.begin(), iAliE = alis.end();
603  iAli != iAliE; ++iAli) {
604  // Any presigma chosen for alignable?
605  AlignablePresigmasMap::const_iterator presigmasIt = aliPresiMap.find(*iAli);
606  if (presigmasIt == aliPresiMap.end()) continue; // no presigma chosen for alignable
608  // Why does the following not work? It does with CMSSW_1_3_X on SLC3...
609  // const AlignablePresigmasMap::data_type &presigmas = presigmasIt->second;
610  const std::vector<float> &presigmas = presigmasIt->second; // I want to hide float or double...
611  for (unsigned int iParam = 0; iParam < presigmas.size(); ++iParam) {
612  // Now check whether a presigma value > 0. chosen:
613  if (presigmas[iParam] <= 0.) continue; // must be positive, '<' checked above
614  // Do not apply presigma to inactive or fixed values.
615  if (!(*iAli)->alignmentParameters()->selector()[iParam]) continue;
616  SelectionUserVariables *selVar
617  = dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>((*iAli)->alignmentParameters()->userVariables());
618  const char selChar = (selVar ? selVar->fullSelection()[iParam] : '1');
619  if (selChar == 'f' || selChar == 'F' || selChar == 'c' || selChar == 'C') continue;
620  // Finally create and write steering file:
621  if (!filePtr) {
622  filePtr = this->createSteerFile(fileName, true);
623  (*filePtr) << "* Presigma values for active parameters: \nParameter\n";
624  }
625  const unsigned int aliLabel = myLabels->alignableLabel(*iAli);
626  (*filePtr) << myLabels->parameterLabel(aliLabel, iParam) << " 0. "
627  << presigmas[iParam] * fabs(this->cmsToPedeFactor(iParam));
628  if (myIsSteerFileDebug) {
629  (*filePtr) << " ! for a " << AlignableObjectId::idToString((*iAli)->alignableObjectId());
630  }
631  (*filePtr) << '\n';
633  ++nPresiParam;
634  } // end loop on parameters for alignables with chosen presigmas
635  } // end loop on alignables
637  delete filePtr; // close properly file
638  return nPresiParam;
639 }
641 //_________________________________________________________________________
642 std::ofstream* PedeSteerer::createSteerFile(const std::string &name, bool addToList)
643 {
644  const std::string realName(myNoSteerFiles ? "/dev/null" : name.c_str());
646  std::ofstream *result = new std::ofstream(realName.c_str(), std::ios::out);
647  if (!result || !result->is_open()) {
648  delete result; // needed before exception in case just open failed
649  throw cms::Exception("FileOpenProblem") << "[PedeSteerer::createSteerFile]"
650  << "Could not open " << realName
651  << " as output file.";
652  } else if (addToList) {
653  mySteeringFiles.push_back(realName); // keep track
654  }
656  return result;
657 }
660 //_________________________________________________________________________
662 {
665  name += myConfig.getParameter<std::string>("steerFile");
666  name += addendum;
667  name += ".txt";
669  return name;
670 }
672 //___________________________________________________________________________
674 {
675  const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis = myParameterStore->alignables();
677  if (theCoordMaster && !theCoordDefiners.empty()) {
678  const std::string nameCoordFile(this->fileName("Coord"));
679  this->defineCoordinates(theCoordDefiners, theCoordMaster, nameCoordFile);
680  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer"
681  << theCoordDefiners.size() << " highest level objects define the "
682  << "coordinate system, steering file " << nameCoordFile << ".";
683  }
685  const std::string nameFixFile(this->fileName("FixPara"));
686  const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> nFixFixCor(this->fixParameters(alis, nameFixFile));
687  if (nFixFixCor.first != 0 || nFixFixCor.second != 0) {
688  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer"
689  << nFixFixCor.first << " parameters fixed at 0. and "
690  << nFixFixCor.second << " at 'original' position, "
691  << "steering file " << nameFixFile << ".";
692  }
694  if (this->buildNoHierarchyCollection(alis)) { // before hierarchyConstraints(..)
695  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer"
696  << myNoHieraCollection.size()<<" alignables taken out of hierarchy.";
697  }
699  const std::string nameHierarchyFile(this->fileName("Hierarchy"));
700  unsigned int nConstraint = this->hierarchyConstraints(alis, nameHierarchyFile);
701  if (nConstraint) {
702  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer"
703  << "Hierarchy constraints for " << nConstraint << " alignables, "
704  << "steering file " << nameHierarchyFile << ".";
705  }
707  //construct the systematic geometry deformations
708  if((myConfig.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("constraints")).size() > 0) {
709  PedeSteererWeakModeConstraints GeometryConstraints(aliTracker,
710  myLabels,
711  myConfig.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("constraints"),
712  myConfig.getParameter<std::string>("steerFile"));
714  //prepare the output files
715  //Get the data structure in which the configuration data are stored.
716  //The relation between the ostream* and the corresponding file name needs to be filled
717  auto& ConstraintsConfigContainer = GeometryConstraints.getConfigData();
719  //loop over all configured constraints
720  for(auto& it: ConstraintsConfigContainer) {
721  //each level has its own constraint which means the output is stored in a separate file
722  for(const auto& ilevelsFilename: it.levelsFilenames_) {
723  it.mapFileName_.insert(std::make_pair
724  (ilevelsFilename.second,this->createSteerFile(ilevelsFilename.second,true))
725  );
726  }
727  }
729  unsigned int nGeometryConstraint = GeometryConstraints.constructConstraints(alis);
730  if (nGeometryConstraint) {
731  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer"
732  << "Geometry constraints for " << nGeometryConstraint << " alignables.";
733  }
734  }
736  const std::string namePresigmaFile(this->fileName("Presigma"));
737  unsigned int nPresigma =
738  this->presigmas(myConfig.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("Presigmas"),
739  namePresigmaFile, alis, aliTracker, aliMuon, aliExtras);
740  if (nPresigma) {
741  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer"
742  << "Presigma values set for " << nPresigma << " parameters, "
743  << "steering file " << namePresigmaFile << ".";
744  }
746  // Delete all SelectionUserVariables now? They will anyway be overwritten by MillePedeVariables...
747 }
749 //_________________________________________________________________________
750 std::string PedeSteerer::buildMasterSteer(const std::vector<std::string> &binaryFiles)
751 {
752  const std::string nameMasterSteer(this->fileName("Master"));
753  std::ofstream *mainSteerPtr = this->createSteerFile(nameMasterSteer, false);
754  if (!mainSteerPtr) return "";
756  // add external steering files, if any
757  std::vector<std::string> addfiles = myConfig.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("additionalSteerFiles");
758  mySteeringFiles.insert(mySteeringFiles.end(),
759  addfiles.begin(),
760  addfiles.end());
762  // add steering files to master steering file
763  std::ofstream &mainSteerRef = *mainSteerPtr;
764  for (unsigned int iFile = 0; iFile < mySteeringFiles.size(); ++iFile) {
765  mainSteerRef << mySteeringFiles[iFile] << "\n";
766  }
768  // add binary files to master steering file
769  mainSteerRef << "\nCfiles\n";
770  for (unsigned int iFile = 0; iFile < binaryFiles.size(); ++iFile) {
771  mainSteerRef << binaryFiles[iFile] << "\n";
772  }
774  // add method
775  mainSteerRef << "\nmethod " << myConfig.getParameter<std::string>("method") << "\n";
777  // add further options
778  const std::vector<std::string> opt(myConfig.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("options"));
779  mainSteerRef << "\n* Outlier treatment and other options \n";
780  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < opt.size(); ++i) {
781  mainSteerRef << opt[i] << "\n";
782  }
784  delete mainSteerPtr; // close (and flush) again
786  return nameMasterSteer;
787 }
789 //_________________________________________________________________________
790 int PedeSteerer::runPede(const std::string &masterSteer) const
791 {
792  if (masterSteer.empty()) {
793  edm::LogError("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::runPede" << "Empty master steer file, stop";
794  return 0; //false;
795  }
798  (command += " ") += masterSteer;
800  if (!dump.empty()) {
801  command += " > ";
802  (command += myDirectory) += dump;
803  }
805  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::runPede" << "Start running " << command;
806  // FIXME: Recommended interface to system commands?
807  int shellReturn = gSystem->Exec(command.c_str());
808  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::runPede" << "Command returns " << shellReturn;
810  return shellReturn;
811 }
void correctToReferenceSystem()
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:394
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
align::ID id() const
Return the ID of Alignable, i.e. DetId of &#39;first&#39; component GeomDet(Unit).
Definition: Alignable.h:185
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
bool checkParameterChoices(const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis) const
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:202
T perp() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:72
std::vector< Alignable * > theCoordDefiners
master coordinates, must (?) be global frame
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:131
double Scalar
Definition: Definitions.h:27
std::pair< Alignable *, unsigned int > ParameterId
a single alignable parameter of an Alignable
PedeSteerer(AlignableTracker *aliTracker, AlignableMuon *aliMuon, AlignableExtras *aliExtras, AlignmentParameterStore *store, const PedeLabelerBase *labels, const edm::ParameterSet &config, const std::string &defaultDir, bool noSteerFiles)
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:54
Alignable * theCoordMaster
Alignables deselected for hierarchy constr.
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:130
std::map< const Alignable *, std::vector< float > > AlignablePresigmasMap
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:69
virtual unsigned int alignableLabel(Alignable *alignable) const =0
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
void move(const GlobalVector &displacement)
unsigned int presigmasFile(const std::string &fileName, const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis, const AlignablePresigmasMap &aliPresisMap)
look for active &#39;alis&#39; in map of presigma values and create steering file
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:593
std::string myDirectory
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:119
std::list< GeometryConstraintConfigData > & getConfigData()
virtual void move(const GlobalVector &displacement)=0
Movement with respect to the global reference frame.
std::set< const Alignable * > myNoHieraCollection
keeps track of created &#39;secondary&#39; steering files
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:129
edm::ParameterSet myConfig
pointer to labeler (not the owner)
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:118
bool isCorrectToRefSystem(const std::vector< Alignable * > &coordDefiners) const
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:368
unsigned int hierarchyConstraints(const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis, const std::string &file)
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:442
unsigned int constructConstraints(const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis)
AlignmentParameters * alignmentParameters() const
Get the AlignmentParameters.
Definition: Alignable.h:57
unsigned int theMinHieraParPerConstr
min absolute value of coefficients in hierarchy constraints
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:124
virtual unsigned int parameterLabel(unsigned int aliLabel, unsigned int parNum) const =0
returns the label for a given alignable parameter number combination
int fixParameter(Alignable *ali, unsigned int iRunRange, unsigned int iParam, char selector, std::ofstream *&filePtr, const std::string &fileName)
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:264
const AlgebraicVector & parameters(void) const
Get alignment parameters.
std::ofstream * createSteerFile(const std::string &name, bool addToList)
create and open file with name, if (addToList) append to mySteeringFiles
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:642
AlignmentUserVariables * userVariables(void) const
Get pointer to user variables.
void clear()
remove all selected Alignables and geometrical restrictions
const std::vector< char > & fullSelection() const
void setAlignmentParameters(AlignmentParameters *dap)
Set the AlignmentParameters.
Definition: Alignable.cc:110
bool hierarchyConstraints(const Alignable *aliMaster, const align::Alignables &aliComps, std::vector< std::vector< ParameterId > > &paramIdsVecOut, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &factorsVecOut, bool all, double epsilon) const
const PedeLabelerBase * myLabels
not the owner!
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:116
int runPede(const std::string &masterSteer) const
run pede, masterSteer should be as returned from buildMasterSteer(...)
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:790
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:64
unsigned int presigmas(const std::vector< edm::ParameterSet > &cffPresi, const std::string &fileName, const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis, AlignableTracker *aliTracker, AlignableMuon *aliMuon, AlignableExtras *aliExtras)
interprete content of presigma VPSet &#39;cffPresi&#39; and call presigmasFile
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:548
tuple result
Definition: query.py:137
virtual StructureType alignableObjectId() const =0
Return the alignable type identifier.
virtual void addComponent(Alignable *)=0
std::string buildMasterSteer(const std::vector< std::string > &binaryFiles)
construct (and return name of) master steering file from config, binaryFiles etc. ...
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:750
virtual unsigned int alignableLabelFromParamAndInstance(Alignable *alignable, unsigned int param, unsigned int instance) const =0
int myParameterSign
whether or not to fill pede steering files with debug info
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:122
const AlignableSurface & surface() const
Return the Surface (global position and orientation) of the object.
Definition: Alignable.h:131
tuple out
Definition: dbtoconf.py:99
Alignables components() const
const align::Alignables & selectedAlignables() const
vector of alignables selected so far
double theMinHieraConstrCoeff
old pede versions (before May &#39;07) need a sign flip...
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:123
unsigned int theConstrPrecision
hierarchy constraints with less params are ignored
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:125
const AlignmentParameterStore * myParameterStore
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:115
CLHEP::HepVector AlgebraicVector
AlgebraicVector EulerAngles
Definition: Definitions.h:36
virtual int type() const =0
tell type (AlignmentParametersFactory::ParametersType - but no circular dependency) ...
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > fixParameters(const std::vector< Alignable * > &alignables, const std::string &file)
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:230
bool myNoSteerFiles
directory of all files
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:120
void hierarchyConstraint(const Alignable *ali, const std::vector< Alignable * > &components, std::ofstream &file) const
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:478
int size(void) const
Get number of parameters.
virtual void rotateInGlobalFrame(const RotationType &rotation)=0
void buildSubSteer(AlignableTracker *aliTracker, AlignableMuon *aliMuon, AlignableExtras *aliExtras)
construct steering files about hierarchy, fixing etc. an keep track of their names ...
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:673
std::vector< std::string > mySteeringFiles
precision for writing constraints to text file
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:127
double cmsToPedeFactor(unsigned int parNum) const
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:139
std::string fileName(const std::string &addendum) const
full name with directory and &#39;idenitfier&#39;
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:661
bool isNoHiera(const Alignable *ali) const
True if &#39;ali&#39; was deselected from hierarchy and any ancestor (e.g. mother) has parameters.
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:133
std::vector< Alignable * > Alignables
Definition: Utilities.h:28
unsigned int buildNoHierarchyCollection(const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis)
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:160
bool myIsSteerFileDebug
flag to write steering files to /dev/null
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:121
static int position[264][3]
Definition: ReadPGInfo.cc:509
RotationType toMatrix(const EulerAngles &)
Convert rotation angles about x-, y-, z-axes to matrix.
Definition: Utilities.cc:40
unsigned int addSelections(const edm::ParameterSet &pSet)
std::vector< Alignable * > selectCoordinateAlis(const std::vector< Alignable * > &alignables) const
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:303
const PositionType & globalPosition() const
Return the global position of the object.
Definition: Alignable.h:134
const std::vector< std::vector< char > > & selectedParameters() const
vector of selection &#39;strings&#39; for alignables, parallel to selectedAlignables()
static const char * idToString(align::StructureType type)
Constructor of the full muon geometry.
Definition: AlignableMuon.h:36
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
Alignable * mother() const
Return pointer to container alignable (if any)
Definition: Alignable.h:90
const align::Alignables & alignables(void) const
get all alignables
virtual unsigned int numberOfParameterInstances(Alignable *alignable, int param=-1) const =0
returns the number of instances for a given parameter
void defineCoordinates(const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis, Alignable *aliMaster, const std::string &fileName)
Definition: PedeSteerer.cc:346
int parameterSign() const
results from pede (and start values for pede) might need a sign flip
Definition: PedeSteerer.h:64