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3 //Framework stuff
13 //FEDRawData
17 //Digi stuff
67 #include <iostream>
68 #include <sstream>
69 #include <string>
70 #include <iomanip>
71 #include <cstdio>
74  numOfEvents(0)
75 {
77  // Tracked
78  i_token = consumes<FEDRawDataCollection>( pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("InputObjects") );
80  useExaminer = pset.getParameter<bool>("UseExaminer");
81  examinerMask = pset.getParameter<unsigned int>("ExaminerMask");
83  useSelectiveUnpacking = pset.getParameter<bool>("UseSelectiveUnpacking");
84  errorMask = pset.getParameter<unsigned int>("ErrorMask");
85  unpackStatusDigis = pset.getParameter<bool>("UnpackStatusDigis");
87  useFormatStatus = pset.getParameter<bool>("UseFormatStatus");
89  // Untracked
91  printEventNumber = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("PrintEventNumber", true);
92  debug = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("Debug", false);
93  instantiateDQM = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("runDQM", false);
96  visualFEDInspect = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("VisualFEDInspect", false);
97  visualFEDShort = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("VisualFEDShort", false);
98  formatedEventDump = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("FormatedEventDump", false);
101  SuppressZeroLCT = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SuppressZeroLCT", true);
105  if (instantiateDQM)
106  {
108  }
110  produces<CSCWireDigiCollection>("MuonCSCWireDigi");
111  produces<CSCStripDigiCollection>("MuonCSCStripDigi");
112  produces<CSCComparatorDigiCollection>("MuonCSCComparatorDigi");
113  produces<CSCALCTDigiCollection>("MuonCSCALCTDigi");
114  produces<CSCCLCTDigiCollection>("MuonCSCCLCTDigi");
115  produces<CSCRPCDigiCollection>("MuonCSCRPCDigi");
116  produces<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection>("MuonCSCCorrelatedLCTDigi");
118  if (unpackStatusDigis)
119  {
120  produces<CSCCFEBStatusDigiCollection>("MuonCSCCFEBStatusDigi");
121  produces<CSCTMBStatusDigiCollection>("MuonCSCTMBStatusDigi");
122  produces<CSCDMBStatusDigiCollection>("MuonCSCDMBStatusDigi");
123  produces<CSCALCTStatusDigiCollection>("MuonCSCALCTStatusDigi");
124  produces<CSCDDUStatusDigiCollection>("MuonCSCDDUStatusDigi");
125  produces<CSCDCCStatusDigiCollection>("MuonCSCDCCStatusDigi");
126  }
128  if (useFormatStatus)
129  {
130  produces<CSCDCCFormatStatusDigiCollection>("MuonCSCDCCFormatStatusDigi");
131  }
132  //CSCAnodeData::setDebug(debug);
134  CSCCLCTData::setDebug(debug);
135  CSCEventData::setDebug(debug);
136  CSCTMBData::setDebug(debug);
139  CSCTMBHeader::setDebug(debug);
140  CSCRPCData::setDebug(debug);
143 }
146 {
147  //fill destructor here
148 }
152  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("InputObjects",edm::InputTag("rawDataCollector"))->setComment("# Define input to the unpacker");
153  desc.add<bool>("UseExaminer",true)->setComment("# Use CSC examiner to check for corrupt or semi-corrupt data & avoid unpacker crashes");
154  desc.add<unsigned int>("ExaminerMask",535557110)->setComment("# This mask is needed by the examiner");
155  desc.add<bool>("UseSelectiveUnpacking",true)->setComment("# Use Examiner to unpack good chambers and skip only bad ones");
156  desc.add<unsigned int>("ErrorMask",0)->setComment("# This mask simply reduces error reporting");
157  desc.add<bool>("UnpackStatusDigis",false)->setComment("# Unpack general status digis?");
158  desc.add<bool>("UseFormatStatus",true)->setComment("# Unpack FormatStatus digi?");
159  desc.addUntracked<bool>("Debug",false)->setComment("# Turn on lots of output");
160  desc.addUntracked<bool>("PrintEventNumber",false);
161  desc.addUntracked<bool>("runDQM",false);
162  desc.addUntracked<bool>("VisualFEDInspect",false)->setComment("# Visualization of raw data in corrupted events");
163  desc.addUntracked<bool>("VisualFEDShort",false)->setComment("# Visualization of raw data in corrupted events");
164  desc.addUntracked<bool>("FormatedEventDump",false);
165  desc.addUntracked<bool>("SuppressZeroLCT",true);
166  descriptions.add("muonCSCDCCUnpacker",desc);
167  descriptions.setComment(" This is the generic cfi file for CSC unpacking");
168 }
171 {
174  // Do we really have to do this every event???
175  // ... Yes, because framework is more efficient than you are at caching :)
176  // (But if you want to actually DO something specific WHEN the mapping changes, check out ESWatcher)
178  c.get<CSCCrateMapRcd>().get(hcrate);
179  const CSCCrateMap* pcrate = hcrate.product();
186  e.getByToken( i_token, rawdata);
189  std::auto_ptr<CSCWireDigiCollection> wireProduct(new CSCWireDigiCollection);
190  std::auto_ptr<CSCStripDigiCollection> stripProduct(new CSCStripDigiCollection);
191  std::auto_ptr<CSCALCTDigiCollection> alctProduct(new CSCALCTDigiCollection);
192  std::auto_ptr<CSCCLCTDigiCollection> clctProduct(new CSCCLCTDigiCollection);
193  std::auto_ptr<CSCComparatorDigiCollection> comparatorProduct(new CSCComparatorDigiCollection);
194  std::auto_ptr<CSCRPCDigiCollection> rpcProduct(new CSCRPCDigiCollection);
195  std::auto_ptr<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection> corrlctProduct(new CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection);
196  std::auto_ptr<CSCCFEBStatusDigiCollection> cfebStatusProduct(new CSCCFEBStatusDigiCollection);
197  std::auto_ptr<CSCDMBStatusDigiCollection> dmbStatusProduct(new CSCDMBStatusDigiCollection);
198  std::auto_ptr<CSCTMBStatusDigiCollection> tmbStatusProduct(new CSCTMBStatusDigiCollection);
199  std::auto_ptr<CSCDDUStatusDigiCollection> dduStatusProduct(new CSCDDUStatusDigiCollection);
200  std::auto_ptr<CSCDCCStatusDigiCollection> dccStatusProduct(new CSCDCCStatusDigiCollection);
201  std::auto_ptr<CSCALCTStatusDigiCollection> alctStatusProduct(new CSCALCTStatusDigiCollection);
203  std::auto_ptr<CSCDCCFormatStatusDigiCollection> formatStatusProduct(new CSCDCCFormatStatusDigiCollection);
206  // If set selective unpacking mode
207  // hardcoded examiner mask below to check for DCC and DDU level errors will be used first
208  // then examinerMask for CSC level errors will be used during unpacking of each CSC block
209  unsigned long dccBinCheckMask = 0x06080016;
212  // For new CSC readout layout, which wont include DCCs need to loop over DDU FED IDs. DCC IDs are included for backward compatibility with old data
213  std::vector<unsigned int> cscFEDids;
215  for (unsigned int id=FEDNumbering::MINCSCFEDID;
216  id<=FEDNumbering::MAXCSCFEDID; ++id) // loop over DCCs
217  {
218  cscFEDids.push_back(id);
219  }
221  for (unsigned int id=FEDNumbering::MINCSCDDUFEDID;
222  id<=FEDNumbering::MAXCSCDDUFEDID; ++id) // loop over DDUs
223  {
224  cscFEDids.push_back(id);
225  }
227  for (unsigned int i=0; i<cscFEDids.size(); i++) // loop over all CSC FEDs (DCCs and DDUs)
228  {
229  unsigned int id = cscFEDids[i];
230  bool isDDU_FED = ((id >= FEDNumbering::MINCSCDDUFEDID) && (id <= FEDNumbering::MAXCSCDDUFEDID))?true:false;
237  const FEDRawData& fedData = rawdata->FEDData(id);
238  unsigned long length = fedData.size();
241  if (length>=32)
242  {
243  CSCDCCExaminer* examiner = NULL;
244  goodEvent = true;
245  if (useExaminer)
246  {
247  // CSCDCCExaminer examiner;
248  examiner = new CSCDCCExaminer();
249  if ( examinerMask&0x40000 ) examiner->crcCFEB(1);
250  if ( examinerMask&0x8000 ) examiner->crcTMB (1);
251  if ( examinerMask&0x0400 ) examiner->crcALCT(1);
252  examiner->setMask(examinerMask);
255  if ( isDDU_FED )
256  {
257  if (examiner != NULL) examiner->modeDDU(true);
258  }
260  const short unsigned int *data = (short unsigned int *)fedData.data();
262  LogTrace("badData") << "Length: "<< length/2;
263  // Event data hex dump
264  /*
265  short unsigned * buf = (short unsigned int *)fedData.data();
266  std::cout <<std::endl<<length/2<<" words of data:"<<std::endl;
267  for (short unsigned int i=0;i<length/2;i++) {
268  printf("%04x %04x %04x %04x\n",buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i]);
269  i+=3;
270  }
271  */
273  int res = examiner->check(data,long(fedData.size()/2));
274  if ( res < 0 )
275  {
276  goodEvent=false;
277  }
278  else
279  {
280  if (useSelectiveUnpacking) goodEvent=!(examiner->errors()&dccBinCheckMask);
281  else goodEvent=!(examiner->errors()&examinerMask);
282  }
284  /*
285  std::cout << "FED" << id << " " << fedData.size() << " " << goodEvent << " "
286  << std::hex << examiner->errors() << std::dec << " " << status << std::endl;
287  */
289  // Fill Format status digis per FED
290  // Remove examiner->errors() != 0 check if we need to put status digis for every event
291  if (useFormatStatus && (examiner->errors() !=0))
292  // formatStatusProduct->insertDigi(CSCDetId(1,1,1,1,1), CSCDCCFormatStatusDigi(id,examiner,dccBinCheckMask));
293  formatStatusProduct->insertDigi(CSCDetId(1,1,1,1,1),
294  CSCDCCFormatStatusDigi(id,dccBinCheckMask,
295  examiner->getMask(),
296  examiner->errors(),
297  examiner->errorsDetailedDDU(),
298  examiner->errorsDetailed(),
299  examiner->payloadDetailed(),
300  examiner->statusDetailed()));
301  }
305  {
307  {
308  short unsigned * buf = (short unsigned int *)fedData.data();
309  visual_raw(length/2, id,(int)e.id().run(),(int)e.id().event(),
311  }
312  }
314  if (goodEvent)
315  {
319  CSCDCCExaminer * ptrExaminer = examiner;
320  if (!useSelectiveUnpacking) ptrExaminer = NULL;
324  std::vector<CSCDDUEventData> fed_Data;
325  std::vector<CSCDDUEventData>* ptr_fedData = &fed_Data;
328  CSCDetId layer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
330  if (isDDU_FED) // Use new DDU FED readout mode
331  {
333  CSCDDUEventData single_dduData((short unsigned int *) fedData.data(), ptrExaminer);
334  fed_Data.push_back(single_dduData);
337  // if(instantiateDQM) monitor->process(examiner, &single_dduData);
340  }
341  else // Use old DCC FED readout mode
342  {
344  CSCDCCEventData dccData((short unsigned int *) fedData.data(), ptrExaminer);
346  //std::cout << " DCC Size [UNPK] " << dccData.sizeInWords() << std::endl;
348  if (instantiateDQM) monitor->process(examiner, &dccData);
351  // const std::vector<CSCDDUEventData> & dduData = dccData.dduData();
352  // ptr_fedData = &(dccData.dduData());
353  fed_Data = dccData.dduData();
356  if (unpackStatusDigis)
357  {
360  short unsigned * bufForDcc = (short unsigned int *)fedData.data();
362  //std::cout << "FED Length: " << std::dec << length/2 <<
363  //" Trailer 2: " << std::hex << bufForDcc[length/2-4] << std::endl;
365  dccStatusProduct->insertDigi(layer, CSCDCCStatusDigi(dccData.dccHeader().data(),
366  dccData.dccTrailer().data(),
367  examiner->errors(),
368  bufForDcc[length/2-4]));
370  }
371  }
373  const std::vector<CSCDDUEventData> & dduData = *ptr_fedData;
376  for (unsigned int iDDU=0; iDDU<dduData.size(); ++iDDU) // loop over DDUs
377  {
382  if (dduData[iDDU].trailer().errorstat()&errorMask)
383  {
384  LogTrace("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi") << "FED ID" << id << " DDU# " << iDDU << " has serious error - no digis unpacked! " <<
385  std::hex << dduData[iDDU].trailer().errorstat();
386  continue; // to next iteration of DDU loop
387  }
389  if (unpackStatusDigis) dduStatusProduct->
390  insertDigi(layer, CSCDDUStatusDigi(dduData[iDDU].header().data(),
391  dduData[iDDU].trailer().data(),
393  dduData[iDDU].trailer0()));
396  const std::vector<CSCEventData> & cscData = dduData[iDDU].cscData();
398  // if (cscData.size() != 0) std::cout << "FED" << id << " DDU Source ID: " << dduData[iDDU].header().source_id() << " firmware version: " << dduData[iDDU].header().format_version() << std::endl;
401  for (unsigned int iCSC=0; iCSC<cscData.size(); ++iCSC) // loop over CSCs
402  {
405  int vmecrate = cscData[iCSC].dmbHeader()->crateID();
406  int dmb = cscData[iCSC].dmbHeader()->dmbID();
408  int icfeb = 0;
409  int ilayer = 0;
411  if (debug)
412  LogTrace ("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi") << "crate = " << vmecrate << "; dmb = " << dmb;
416  if ((vmecrate>=1)&&(vmecrate<=60) && (dmb>=1)&&(dmb<=10)&&(dmb!=6))
417  {
418  layer = pcrate->detId(vmecrate, dmb,icfeb,ilayer );
419  }
420  else
421  {
422  LogTrace ("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi") << " detID input out of range!!! ";
423  LogTrace ("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi")
424  << " skipping chamber vme= " << vmecrate << " dmb= " << dmb;
425  continue; // to next iteration of iCSC loop
426  }
429  // std::cout << "crate = " << vmecrate << "; dmb = " << dmb << " format version = " << cscData[iCSC].getFormatVersion() << std::endl;
432  int nalct = cscData[iCSC].dmbHeader()->nalct();
433  bool goodALCT=false;
434  //if (nalct&&(cscData[iCSC].dataPresent>>6&0x1)==1) {
435  if (nalct&&cscData[iCSC].alctHeader())
436  {
437  if (cscData[iCSC].alctHeader()->check())
438  {
439  goodALCT=true;
440  }
441  else
442  {
443  LogTrace ("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi") <<
444  "not storing ALCT digis; alct is bad or not present";
445  }
446  }
447  else
448  {
449  if (debug) LogTrace ("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi") << "nALCT==0 !!!";
450  }
453  if (goodALCT)
454  {
455  std::vector <CSCALCTDigi> alctDigis =
456  cscData[iCSC].alctHeader()->ALCTDigis();
457  if (SuppressZeroLCT)
458  {
459  std::vector<CSCALCTDigi> alctDigis_0;
460  for (int unsigned i=0; i<alctDigis.size(); ++i)
461  {
462  if (alctDigis[i].isValid())
463  alctDigis_0.push_back(alctDigis[i]);
464  }
465  alctProduct->move(std::make_pair(alctDigis_0.begin(), alctDigis_0.end()),layer);
466  }
467  else
468  alctProduct->move(std::make_pair(alctDigis.begin(), alctDigis.end()),layer);
469  }
473  int nclct = cscData[iCSC].dmbHeader()->nclct();
474  bool goodTMB=false;
475  // if (nclct&&(cscData[iCSC].dataPresent>>5&0x1)==1) {
476  if (nclct&&cscData[iCSC].tmbData())
477  {
478  if (cscData[iCSC].tmbHeader()->check())
479  {
480  if (cscData[iCSC].clctData()->check()) goodTMB=true;
481  }
482  else
483  {
484  LogTrace ("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi") <<
485  "one of TMB checks failed! not storing TMB digis ";
486  }
487  }
488  else
489  {
490  if (debug) LogTrace ("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi") << "nCLCT==0 !!!";
491  }
494  if (goodTMB)
495  {
496  std::vector <CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi> correlatedlctDigis =
497  cscData[iCSC].tmbHeader()->CorrelatedLCTDigis(layer.rawId());
498  if (SuppressZeroLCT)
499  {
500  std::vector<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi> correlatedlctDigis_0;
501  for (int unsigned i=0; i<correlatedlctDigis.size(); ++i)
502  {
503  if (correlatedlctDigis[i].isValid())
504  correlatedlctDigis_0.push_back(correlatedlctDigis[i]);
505  }
506  corrlctProduct->move(std::make_pair(correlatedlctDigis_0.begin(),
507  correlatedlctDigis_0.end()),layer);
508  }
509  else
510  corrlctProduct->move(std::make_pair(correlatedlctDigis.begin(),
511  correlatedlctDigis.end()),layer);
513  std::vector <CSCCLCTDigi> clctDigis =
514  cscData[iCSC].tmbHeader()->CLCTDigis(layer.rawId());
515  if (SuppressZeroLCT)
516  {
517  std::vector<CSCCLCTDigi> clctDigis_0;
518  for (int unsigned i=0; i<clctDigis.size(); ++i)
519  {
520  if (clctDigis[i].isValid())
521  clctDigis_0.push_back(clctDigis[i]);
522  }
523  clctProduct->move(std::make_pair(clctDigis_0.begin(), clctDigis_0.end()),layer);
524  }
525  else
526  clctProduct->move(std::make_pair(clctDigis.begin(), clctDigis.end()),layer);
529  if (cscData[iCSC].tmbData()->checkSize())
530  {
531  if (cscData[iCSC].tmbData()->hasRPC())
532  {
533  std::vector <CSCRPCDigi> rpcDigis =
534  cscData[iCSC].tmbData()->rpcData()->digis();
535  rpcProduct->move(std::make_pair(rpcDigis.begin(), rpcDigis.end()),layer);
536  }
537  }
538  else LogTrace("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi") <<" TMBData check size failed!";
539  }
543  if (unpackStatusDigis)
544  {
545  for ( icfeb = 0; icfeb < 7; ++icfeb )
546  {
547  if ( cscData[iCSC].cfebData(icfeb) != NULL )
548  cfebStatusProduct->
549  insertDigi(layer, cscData[iCSC].cfebData(icfeb)->statusDigi());
550  }
552  dmbStatusProduct->insertDigi(layer, CSCDMBStatusDigi(cscData[iCSC].dmbHeader()->data(),
553  cscData[iCSC].dmbTrailer()->data()));
554  if (goodTMB) tmbStatusProduct->
555  insertDigi(layer, CSCTMBStatusDigi(cscData[iCSC].tmbHeader()->data(),
556  cscData[iCSC].tmbData()->tmbTrailer()->data()));
557  if (goodALCT) alctStatusProduct->
558  insertDigi(layer, CSCALCTStatusDigi(cscData[iCSC].alctHeader()->data(),
559  cscData[iCSC].alctTrailer()->data()));
560  }
564  for (int ilayer = 1; ilayer <= 6; ++ilayer)
565  {
567  // (You have to be kidding. Line 240 in whose universe?)
569  // Allocate all ME1/1 wire digis to ring 1
570  layer = pcrate->detId( vmecrate, dmb, 0, ilayer );
571  {
572  std::vector <CSCWireDigi> wireDigis = cscData[iCSC].wireDigis(ilayer);
573  wireProduct->move(std::make_pair(wireDigis.begin(), wireDigis.end()),layer);
574  }
576  for ( icfeb = 0; icfeb < 7; ++icfeb )
577  {
578  layer = pcrate->detId( vmecrate, dmb, icfeb,ilayer );
579  if (cscData[iCSC].cfebData(icfeb) && cscData[iCSC].cfebData(icfeb)->check())
580  {
581  std::vector<CSCStripDigi> stripDigis;
582  cscData[iCSC].cfebData(icfeb)->digis(layer.rawId(),stripDigis);
583  stripProduct->move(std::make_pair(stripDigis.begin(),
584  stripDigis.end()),layer);
585  }
586  }
589  if (goodTMB && (cscData[iCSC].tmbHeader() != NULL))
590  {
591  int nCFEBs = cscData[iCSC].tmbHeader()->NCFEBs();
592  for ( icfeb = 0; icfeb < nCFEBs; ++icfeb )
593  {
594  layer = pcrate->detId( vmecrate, dmb, icfeb,ilayer );
595  std::vector <CSCComparatorDigi> comparatorDigis =
596  cscData[iCSC].clctData()->comparatorDigis(layer.rawId(), icfeb);
597  // Set cfeb=0, so that ME1/a and ME1/b comparators go to
598  // ring 1.
599  layer = pcrate->detId( vmecrate, dmb, 0, ilayer );
600  comparatorProduct->move(std::make_pair(comparatorDigis.begin(),
601  comparatorDigis.end()),layer);
602  }
603  } // end of loop over cfebs
604  } // end of loop over layers
605  } // end of loop over chambers
606  } // endof loop over DDUs
607  } // end of good event
608  else
609  {
610  LogTrace("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi") <<
611  "ERROR! Examiner rejected FED #" << id;
612  if (examiner)
613  {
614  for (int i=0; i<examiner->nERRORS; ++i)
615  {
616  if (((examinerMask&examiner->errors())>>i)&0x1)
617  LogTrace("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi")<<examiner->errName(i);
618  }
619  if (debug)
620  {
621  LogTrace("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi")
622  << " Examiner errors:0x" << std::hex << examiner->errors()
623  << " & 0x" << examinerMask
624  << " = " << (examiner->errors()&examinerMask);
625  }
626  }
628  // dccStatusProduct->insertDigi(CSCDetId(1,1,1,1,1), CSCDCCStatusDigi(examiner->errors()));
629  // if(instantiateDQM) monitor->process(examiner, NULL);
630  }
631  if (examiner!=NULL) delete examiner;
632  } // end of if fed has data
633  } // end of loop over DCCs
634  // put into the event
635  e.put(wireProduct, "MuonCSCWireDigi");
636  e.put(stripProduct, "MuonCSCStripDigi");
637  e.put(alctProduct, "MuonCSCALCTDigi");
638  e.put(clctProduct, "MuonCSCCLCTDigi");
639  e.put(comparatorProduct, "MuonCSCComparatorDigi");
640  e.put(rpcProduct, "MuonCSCRPCDigi");
641  e.put(corrlctProduct, "MuonCSCCorrelatedLCTDigi");
643  if (useFormatStatus) e.put(formatStatusProduct, "MuonCSCDCCFormatStatusDigi");
645  if (unpackStatusDigis)
646  {
647  e.put(cfebStatusProduct, "MuonCSCCFEBStatusDigi");
648  e.put(dmbStatusProduct, "MuonCSCDMBStatusDigi");
649  e.put(tmbStatusProduct, "MuonCSCTMBStatusDigi");
650  e.put(dduStatusProduct, "MuonCSCDDUStatusDigi");
651  e.put(dccStatusProduct, "MuonCSCDCCStatusDigi");
652  e.put(alctStatusProduct, "MuonCSCALCTStatusDigi");
653  }
654  if (printEventNumber) LogTrace("CSCDCCUnpacker|CSCRawToDigi")
655  <<"[CSCDCCUnpacker]: " << numOfEvents << " events processed ";
656 }
661 void CSCDCCUnpacker::visual_raw(int hl,int id, int run, int event,bool fedshort,
662  bool fDump, short unsigned int *buf) const
663 {
665  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;
666  std::cout << "Run: "<< run << " Event: " << event << std::endl;
667  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
668  if (formatedEventDump)
669  std::cout << "FED-" << id << " " << "(scroll down to see summary)" << std::endl;
670  else
671  std::cout << "Problem seems in FED-" << id << " " << "(scroll down to see summary)" << std::endl;
672  std::cout <<"********************************************************************************" << std::endl;
673  std::cout << hl <<" words of data:" << std::endl;
675  //================================================
676  // FED codes in DCC
677  std::vector<int> dcc_id;
678  int dcc_h1_id=0;
679  // Current codes
680  for (int i=750; i<758; i++)
681  dcc_id.push_back(i);
682  // Codes for upgrade
683  for (int i=830; i<838; i++)
684  dcc_id.push_back(i);
686  char dcc_common[]="DCC-";
688  //================================================
689  // DDU codes per FED
690  std::vector<int> ddu_id;
691  int ddu_h1_12_13=0;
692  for (int i=1; i<37; i++)
693  ddu_id.push_back(i);
694  // For DDU Headers and tarailers
695  char ddu_common[]="DDU-";
696  char ddu_header1[]="Header 1";
697  char ddu_header2[]="Header 2";
698  char ddu_header3[]="Header 3";
699  char ddu_trail1[]="Trailer 1", ddu_trail2[]="Trailer 2", ddu_trail3[]="Trailer 3";
700  // For Header 2
701  char ddu_trailer1_bit[]= {'8','0','0','0','f','f','f','f','8','0','0','0','8','0','0','0'};
702  char ddu_trailer3_bit[]= {'a'};
703  // Corrupted Trailers
704  char ddu_tr1_err_common[]="Incomplet";
705  //====================================================
707  //DMB
708  char dmb_common[]="DMB", dmb_header1[]="Header 1", dmb_header2[]="Header 2";
709  char dmb_common_crate[]="crate:", dmb_common_slot[]="slot:";
710  char dmb_common_l1a[]="L1A:";
711  char dmb_header1_bit[]= {'9','9','9','9'};
712  char dmb_header2_bit[]= {'a','a','a','a'};
713  char dmb_tr1[]="Trailer 1", dmb_tr2[]="Trailer 2";
714  char dmb_tr1_bit[]= {'f','f','f','f'}, dmb_tr2_bit[]= {'e','e','e','e'};
717  //=====================================================
719  // ALCT
720  char alct_common[]="ALCT", alct_header1[]="Header 1", alct_header2[]="Header 2";
721  char alct_common_bxn[]="BXN:";
722  char alct_common_wcnt2[]="| Actual word count:";
723  char alct_common_wcnt1[]="Expected word count:";
724  char alct_header1_bit[]= {'d','d','d','d','b','0','a'};
725  char alct_header2_bit[]= {'0','0','0','0'};
726  char alct_tr1[]="Trailer 1";
728  //======================================================
730  //TMB
731  char tmb_common[]="TMB", tmb_header1[]="Header", tmb_tr1[]="Trailer";
732  char tmb_header1_bit[]= {'d','d','d','d','b','0','c'};
733  char tmb_tr1_bit[]= {'d','d','d','d','e','0','f'};
735  //======================================================
737  //CFEB
738  char cfeb_common[]="CFEB", cfeb_tr1[]="Trailer", cfeb_b[]="B-word";
739  char cfeb_common_sample[]="sample:";
741  //======================================================
743  //Auxiliary variables
745  // Bufers
746  int word_lines=hl/4;
747  char tempbuf[80];
748  char tempbuf1[80];
749  char tempbuf_short[17];
750  char sign1[]=" --->| ";
752  // Counters
753  int word_numbering=0;
754  int ddu_inst_i=0, ddu_inst_n=0, ddu_inst_l1a=0;
755  int ddu_inst_bxn=0;
756  int dmb_inst_crate=0, dmb_inst_slot=0, dmb_inst_l1a=0;
757  int cfeb_sample=0;
758  int alct_inst_l1a=0;
759  int alct_inst_bxn=0;
760  int alct_inst_wcnt1=0;
761  int alct_inst_wcnt2=0;
762  int alct_start=0;
763  int alct_stop=0;
764  int tmb_inst_l1a=0;
765  int tmb_inst_wcnt1=0;
766  int tmb_inst_wcnt2=0;
767  int tmb_start=0;
768  int tmb_stop=0;
769  int dcc_h1_check=0;
771  //Flags
772  int ddu_h2_found=0; //DDU Header 2 found
773  int w=0;
775  //Logic variables
776  const int sz1=5;
777  bool dcc_check=false;
778  bool ddu_h2_check[sz1]= {false};
779  bool ddu_h1_check=false;
780  bool dmb_h1_check[sz1]= {false};
781  bool dmb_h2_check[sz1]= {false};
782  bool ddu_h2_h1=false;
783  bool ddu_tr1_check[sz1]= {false};
784  bool alct_h1_check[sz1]= {false};
785  bool alct_h2_check[sz1]= {false};
786  bool alct_tr1_check[sz1]= {false};
787  bool dmb_tr1_check[sz1]= {false};
788  bool dmb_tr2_check[sz1]= {false};
789  bool tmb_h1_check[sz1]= {false};
790  bool tmb_tr1_check[sz1]= {false};
791  bool cfeb_tr1_check[sz1]= {false};
792  bool cfeb_b_check[sz1]= {false};
793  bool ddu_tr1_bad_check[sz1]= {false};
794  bool extraction=fedshort;
796  //Summary vectors
797  //DDU
798  std::vector<int> ddu_h1_coll;
799  std::vector<int> ddu_h1_n_coll;
800  std::vector<int> ddu_h2_coll;
801  std::vector<int> ddu_h3_coll;
802  std::vector<int> ddu_t1_coll;
803  std::vector<int> ddu_t2_coll;
804  std::vector<int> ddu_t3_coll;
805  std::vector<int> ddu_l1a_coll;
806  std::vector<int> ddu_bxn_coll;
807  //DMB
808  std::vector<int> dmb_h1_coll;
809  std::vector<int> dmb_h2_coll;
810  std::vector<int> dmb_t1_coll;
811  std::vector<int> dmb_t2_coll;
812  std::vector<int> dmb_crate_coll;
813  std::vector<int> dmb_slot_coll;
814  std::vector<int> dmb_l1a_coll;
815  //ALCT
816  std::vector<int> alct_h1_coll;
817  std::vector<int> alct_h2_coll;
818  std::vector<int> alct_t1_coll;
819  std::vector<int> alct_l1a_coll;
820  std::vector<int> alct_bxn_coll;
821  std::vector<int> alct_wcnt1_coll;
822  std::vector<int> alct_wcnt2_coll;
823  std::vector<int> alct_wcnt2_id_coll;
824  //TMB
825  std::vector<int> tmb_h1_coll;
826  std::vector<int> tmb_t1_coll;
827  std::vector<int> tmb_l1a_coll;
828  std::vector<int> tmb_wcnt1_coll;
829  std::vector<int> tmb_wcnt2_coll;
830  //CFEB
831  std::vector<int> cfeb_t1_coll;
833  //========================================================
835  // DCC Header and Ttrailer information
836  char dcc_header1[]="DCC Header 1";
837  char dcc_header2[]="DCC Header 2";
838  char dcc_trail1[]="DCC Trailer 1", dcc_trail1_bit[]= {'e'};
839  char dcc_trail2[]="DCC Trailer 2", dcc_trail2_bit[]= {'a'};
840  //=========================================================
842  for (int i=0; i < hl; i++)
843  {
844  ++word_numbering;
845  for (int j=-1; j<4; j++)
846  {
848  sprintf(tempbuf_short,"%04x%04x%04x%04x",buf[i+4*(j-1)+3],buf[i+4*(j-1)+2],buf[i+4*(j-1)+1],buf[i+4*(j-1)]);
850  // WARNING in 5_0_X for time being
851  ddu_h2_found++;
852  ddu_h2_found--;
854  ddu_h2_check[j]=((buf[i+4*(j-1)+1]==0x8000)&&
855  (buf[i+4*(j-1)+2]==0x0001)&&(buf[i+4*(j-1)+3]==0x8000));
857  ddu_tr1_check[j]=((tempbuf_short[0]==ddu_trailer1_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[1]==ddu_trailer1_bit[1])&&
858  (tempbuf_short[2]==ddu_trailer1_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[3]==ddu_trailer1_bit[3])&&
859  (tempbuf_short[4]==ddu_trailer1_bit[4])&&(tempbuf_short[5]==ddu_trailer1_bit[5])&&
860  (tempbuf_short[6]==ddu_trailer1_bit[6])&&(tempbuf_short[7]==ddu_trailer1_bit[7])&&
861  (tempbuf_short[8]==ddu_trailer1_bit[8])&&(tempbuf_short[9]==ddu_trailer1_bit[9])&&
862  (tempbuf_short[10]==ddu_trailer1_bit[10])&&(tempbuf_short[11]==ddu_trailer1_bit[11])&&
863  (tempbuf_short[12]==ddu_trailer1_bit[12])&&(tempbuf_short[13]==ddu_trailer1_bit[13])&&
864  (tempbuf_short[14]==ddu_trailer1_bit[14])&&(tempbuf_short[15]==ddu_trailer1_bit[15]));
866  dmb_h1_check[j]=((tempbuf_short[0]==dmb_header1_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[4]==dmb_header1_bit[1])&&
867  (tempbuf_short[8]==dmb_header1_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[12]==dmb_header1_bit[3]));
869  dmb_h2_check[j]=((tempbuf_short[0]==dmb_header2_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[4]==dmb_header2_bit[1])&&
870  (tempbuf_short[8]==dmb_header2_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[12]==dmb_header2_bit[3]));
871  alct_h1_check[j]=((tempbuf_short[0]==alct_header1_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[4]==alct_header1_bit[1])&&
872  (tempbuf_short[8]==alct_header1_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[12]==alct_header1_bit[3])&&
873  (tempbuf_short[13]==alct_header1_bit[4])&&(tempbuf_short[14]==alct_header1_bit[5])&&
874  (tempbuf_short[15]==alct_header1_bit[6]));
875  alct_h2_check[j]=(((tempbuf_short[0]==alct_header2_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[1]==alct_header2_bit[1])&&
876  (tempbuf_short[2]==alct_header2_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[3]==alct_header2_bit[3]))||
877  ((tempbuf_short[4]==alct_header2_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[5]==alct_header2_bit[1])&&
878  (tempbuf_short[6]==alct_header2_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[7]==alct_header2_bit[3]))||
879  ((tempbuf_short[8]==alct_header2_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[9]==alct_header2_bit[1])&&
880  (tempbuf_short[10]==alct_header2_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[11]==alct_header2_bit[3]))||
881  ((tempbuf_short[12]==alct_header2_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[13]==alct_header2_bit[1])&&
882  (tempbuf_short[14]==alct_header2_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[15]==alct_header2_bit[3]))
883  //(tempbuf_short[4]==alct_header2_bit[4])&&(tempbuf_short[5]==alct_header2_bit[5])
884  );
885  // ALCT Trailers
886  alct_tr1_check[j]=(((buf[i+4*(j-1)]&0xFFFF)==0xDE0D)&&((buf[i+4*(j-1)+1]&0xF800)==0xD000)&&
887  ((buf[i+4*(j-1)+2]&0xF800)==0xD000)&&((buf[i+4*(j-1)+3]&0xF000)==0xD000));
888  // DMB Trailers
889  dmb_tr1_check[j]=((tempbuf_short[0]==dmb_tr1_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[4]==dmb_tr1_bit[1])&&
890  (tempbuf_short[8]==dmb_tr1_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[12]==dmb_tr1_bit[3]));
891  dmb_tr2_check[j]=((tempbuf_short[0]==dmb_tr2_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[4]==dmb_tr2_bit[1])&&
892  (tempbuf_short[8]==dmb_tr2_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[12]==dmb_tr2_bit[3]));
893  // TMB
894  tmb_h1_check[j]=((tempbuf_short[0]==tmb_header1_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[4]==tmb_header1_bit[1])&&
895  (tempbuf_short[8]==tmb_header1_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[12]==tmb_header1_bit[3])&&
896  (tempbuf_short[13]==tmb_header1_bit[4])&&(tempbuf_short[14]==tmb_header1_bit[5])&&
897  (tempbuf_short[15]==tmb_header1_bit[6]));
898  tmb_tr1_check[j]=((tempbuf_short[0]==tmb_tr1_bit[0])&&(tempbuf_short[4]==tmb_tr1_bit[1])&&
899  (tempbuf_short[8]==tmb_tr1_bit[2])&&(tempbuf_short[12]==tmb_tr1_bit[3])&&
900  (tempbuf_short[13]==tmb_tr1_bit[4])&&(tempbuf_short[14]==tmb_tr1_bit[5])&&
901  (tempbuf_short[15]==tmb_tr1_bit[6]));
902  // CFEB
903  cfeb_tr1_check[j]=(((buf[i+4*(j-1)+1]&0xF000)==0x7000) &&
904  ((buf[i+4*(j-1)+2]&0xF000)==0x7000) &&
905  (( buf[i+4*(j-1)+1]!= 0x7FFF) || (buf[i+4*(j-1)+2] != 0x7FFF)) &&
906  ((buf[i+4*(j-1)+3] == 0x7FFF) ||
907  ((buf[i+4*(j-1)+3]&buf[i+4*(j-1)]) == 0x0&&(buf[i+4*(j-1)+3] + buf[i+4*(j-1)] == 0x7FFF ))) );
908  cfeb_b_check[j]=(((buf[i+4*(j-1)+3]&0xF000)==0xB000)&&((buf[i+4*(j-1)+2]&0xF000)==0xB000) &&
909  ((buf[i+4*(j-1)+1]&0xF000)==0xB000)&&((buf[i+4*(j-1)]=3&0xF000)==0xB000) );
910  // DDU Trailers with errors
911  ddu_tr1_bad_check[j]=((tempbuf_short[0]!=ddu_trailer1_bit[0])&&
912  //(tempbuf_short[1]!=ddu_trailer1_bit[1])&&(tempbuf_short[2]!=ddu_trailer1_bit[2])&&
913  //(tempbuf_short[3]==ddu_trailer1_bit[3])&&
914  (tempbuf_short[4]!=ddu_trailer1_bit[4])&&
915  //(tempbuf_short[5]==ddu_trailer1_bit[5])&&
916  //(tempbuf_short[6]==ddu_trailer1_bit[6])&&(tempbuf_short[7]==ddu_trailer1_bit[7])&&
917  (tempbuf_short[8]==ddu_trailer1_bit[8])&&(tempbuf_short[9]==ddu_trailer1_bit[9])&&
918  (tempbuf_short[10]==ddu_trailer1_bit[10])&&(tempbuf_short[11]==ddu_trailer1_bit[11])&&
919  (tempbuf_short[12]==ddu_trailer1_bit[12])&&(tempbuf_short[13]==ddu_trailer1_bit[13])&&
920  (tempbuf_short[14]==ddu_trailer1_bit[14])&&(tempbuf_short[15]==ddu_trailer1_bit[15]));
921  }
923  // DDU Header 2 next to Header 1
924  ddu_h2_h1=ddu_h2_check[2];
926  sprintf(tempbuf_short,"%04x%04x%04x%04x",buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i]);
928  // Looking for DDU Header 1
929  ddu_h1_12_13=(buf[i]>>8);
930  for (int kk=0; kk<36; kk++)
931  {
932  if (((buf[i+3]&0xF000)==0x5000)&&(ddu_h1_12_13==ddu_id[kk])&&ddu_h2_h1)
933  {
934  ddu_h1_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
935  ddu_h1_n_coll.push_back(ddu_id[kk]);
936  ddu_inst_l1a=((buf[i+2]&0xFFFF)+((buf[i+3]&0x00FF)<<16));
937  ddu_l1a_coll.push_back(ddu_inst_l1a);
938  ddu_inst_bxn=(buf[i+1]&0xFFF0)>>4;
939  ddu_bxn_coll.push_back(ddu_inst_bxn);
940  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s%i %s%s %s %i %s %i",
941  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
942  sign1,ddu_common,ddu_id[kk],ddu_header1,sign1,dmb_common_l1a,ddu_inst_l1a,alct_common_bxn,ddu_inst_bxn);
943  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
944  w=0;
945  ddu_h1_check=true;
946  ddu_inst_l1a=0;
947  cfeb_sample=0;
948  }
949  }
953  // Looking for DCC Header 1
954  dcc_h1_id=(((buf[i+1]<<12)&0xF000)>>4)+(buf[i]>>8);
955  for (int dcci=0; dcci<16; dcci++)
956  {
957  if ((dcc_id[dcci]==dcc_h1_id)&&(((buf[i+3]&0xF000)==0x5000)&&(!ddu_h1_check)))
958  {
959  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s%i %s",word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
960  sign1,dcc_common,dcc_h1_id,dcc_header1);
961  dcc_h1_check=word_numbering;
962  w=0;
963  dcc_check=true;
964  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
965  }
966  }
968  // Looking for DCC Header 2 and trailers
969  if (((word_numbering-1)==dcc_h1_check)&&((buf[i+3]&0xFF00)==0xD900))
970  {
971  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s",word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
972  sign1,dcc_header2);
973  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
974  w=0;
975  }
976  else if ((word_numbering==word_lines-1)&&(tempbuf_short[0]==dcc_trail1_bit[0]))
977  {
978  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s",word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
979  sign1,dcc_trail1);
980  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
981  w=0;
982  }
983  else if ((word_numbering==word_lines)&&(tempbuf_short[0]==dcc_trail2_bit[0]))
984  {
985  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s",word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
986  sign1,dcc_trail2);
987  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
988  w=0;
989  }
991  // DDU Header 2
992  else if (ddu_h2_check[1])
993  {
994  ddu_inst_i = ddu_h1_n_coll.size(); //ddu_inst_n=ddu_h1_n_coll[0];
995  if (ddu_inst_i>0)
996  {
997  ddu_inst_n=ddu_h1_n_coll[ddu_inst_i-1];
998  }
999  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s%i %s",
1000  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],sign1,ddu_common,
1001  ddu_inst_n, ddu_header2);
1002  ddu_h2_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1003  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1004  w=0;
1005  ddu_h2_found=1;
1006  }
1008  // DDU Header 3 (either between DDU Header 2 DMB Header or DDU Header 2 DDU Trailer1)
1009  else if ((ddu_h2_check[0]&&dmb_h1_check[2])||(ddu_h2_check[0]&&ddu_tr1_check[2]))
1010  {
1011  ddu_inst_i = ddu_h1_n_coll.size();
1012  if (ddu_inst_i>0)
1013  {
1014  ddu_inst_n=ddu_h1_n_coll[ddu_inst_i-1];
1015  }
1016  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s%i %s",word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
1017  sign1,ddu_common,ddu_inst_n,ddu_header3);
1018  ddu_h3_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1019  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1020  w=0;
1021  ddu_h2_found=0;
1022  }
1024  // DMB Header 1,2
1026  else if (dmb_h1_check[1])
1027  {
1028  dmb_inst_crate=0;
1029  dmb_inst_slot=0;
1030  dmb_inst_l1a=0;
1031  dmb_inst_l1a=((buf[i]&0x0FFF)+((buf[i+1]&0xFFF)<<12));
1032  dmb_l1a_coll.push_back(dmb_inst_l1a);
1033  if (dmb_h2_check[2])
1034  {
1035  dmb_inst_crate=((buf[i+4+1]>>4)&0xFF);
1036  dmb_inst_slot=(buf[i+4+1]&0xF);
1037  dmb_crate_coll.push_back(dmb_inst_crate);
1038  dmb_slot_coll.push_back(dmb_inst_slot);
1039  }
1040  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s%s%s %i %s %i %s %i",
1041  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
1042  sign1,dmb_common,dmb_header1,sign1,dmb_common_crate,dmb_inst_crate,
1043  dmb_common_slot,dmb_inst_slot,dmb_common_l1a,dmb_inst_l1a);
1044  dmb_h1_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1045  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1046  w=0;
1047  ddu_h2_found=1;
1048  }
1050  else if (dmb_h2_check[1])
1051  {
1052  dmb_inst_crate=((buf[i+1]>>4)&0xFF);
1053  dmb_inst_slot=(buf[i+1]&0xF);
1054  dmb_h2_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1055  if (dmb_h1_check[0])
1056  dmb_inst_l1a=((buf[i-4]&0x0FFF)+((buf[i-4+1]&0xFFF)<<12));
1057  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s%s%s %i %s %i %s %i",
1058  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
1059  sign1,dmb_common,dmb_header2,sign1,dmb_common_crate,dmb_inst_crate,
1060  dmb_common_slot,dmb_inst_slot,dmb_common_l1a,dmb_inst_l1a);
1061  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1062  w=0;
1063  ddu_h2_found=1;
1064  }
1066  //DDU Trailer 1
1068  else if (ddu_tr1_check[1])
1069  {
1070  ddu_inst_i = ddu_h1_n_coll.size();
1071  if (ddu_inst_i>0)
1072  {
1073  ddu_inst_n=ddu_h1_n_coll[ddu_inst_i-1];
1074  }
1075  //ddu_inst_n=ddu_h1_n_coll[ddu_inst_i-1];
1076  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s%i %s",
1077  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],sign1,ddu_common,ddu_inst_n,ddu_trail1);
1078  ddu_t1_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1079  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1080  w=0;
1081  }
1084  else if (alct_h1_check[1])
1085  {
1086  alct_start=word_numbering;
1087  alct_inst_l1a=(buf[i+2]&0x0FFF);
1088  alct_l1a_coll.push_back(alct_inst_l1a);
1089  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s%s %s %i",
1090  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
1091  sign1,alct_common,alct_header1,sign1,dmb_common_l1a,alct_inst_l1a);
1092  alct_h1_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1093  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1094  w=0;
1095  alct_inst_l1a=0;
1096  }
1098  else if ((alct_h1_check[0])&&(alct_h2_check[2]))
1099  {
1100  alct_inst_bxn=(buf[i]&0x0FFF);
1101  alct_bxn_coll.push_back(alct_inst_bxn);
1102  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s%s%s %i",
1103  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
1104  sign1,alct_common,alct_header2,sign1,alct_common_bxn,alct_inst_bxn);
1105  alct_h2_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1106  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1107  w=0;
1108  alct_inst_bxn=0;
1109  }
1111  //ALCT Trailer 1
1112  else if (alct_tr1_check[1])
1113  {
1114  alct_stop=word_numbering;
1115  if ((alct_start!=0)&&(alct_stop!=0)&&(alct_stop>alct_start))
1116  {
1117  alct_inst_wcnt2=4*(alct_stop-alct_start+1);
1118  alct_wcnt2_coll.push_back(alct_inst_wcnt2);
1119  alct_wcnt2_id_coll.push_back(alct_start);
1120  }
1121  alct_inst_wcnt1=(buf[i+3]&0x7FF);
1122  alct_wcnt1_coll.push_back(alct_inst_wcnt1);
1123  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s%s%s %i %s %i",
1124  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
1125  sign1,alct_common,alct_tr1,sign1,alct_common_wcnt1,alct_inst_wcnt1,
1126  alct_common_wcnt2,alct_inst_wcnt2);
1127  alct_t1_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1128  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1129  w=0;
1130  alct_inst_wcnt1=0;
1131  alct_inst_wcnt2=0;
1132  }
1134  //DDU Trailer 3
1136 // else if ((ddu_tr1_check[-1])&&(tempbuf_short[0]==ddu_trailer3_bit[0])) { // !!! TO FIX: negative index
1137  else if((ddu_h2_h1)&&(tempbuf_short[0]==ddu_trailer3_bit[0])){
1138  //&&(tempbuf_short[0]==ddu_trailer3_bit[0])){
1139  ddu_inst_i = ddu_h1_n_coll.size();
1140  if (ddu_inst_i>0)
1141  {
1142  ddu_inst_n=ddu_h1_n_coll[ddu_inst_i-1];
1143  }
1144  //ddu_inst_n=ddu_h1_n_coll[ddu_inst_i-1];
1145  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s%i %s",
1146  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],sign1,ddu_common,ddu_inst_n,ddu_trail3);
1147  ddu_t3_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1148  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1149  w=0;
1150  }
1151  //DDU Trailer 2
1152  else if ((ddu_tr1_check[0])&&(tempbuf_short[0]!=ddu_trailer3_bit[0]))
1153  {
1154  //&&(tempbuf_short[0]==ddu_trailer3_bit[0])){
1155  ddu_inst_i = ddu_h1_n_coll.size();
1156  if (ddu_inst_i>0)
1157  {
1158  ddu_inst_n=ddu_h1_n_coll[ddu_inst_i-1];
1159  }
1160  //ddu_inst_n=ddu_h1_n_coll[ddu_inst_i-1];
1161  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s%i %s",
1162  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],sign1,ddu_common,ddu_inst_n,ddu_trail2);
1163  ddu_t2_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1164  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1165  w=0;
1166  }
1168  //DMB Trailer 1,2
1169  else if (dmb_tr1_check[1])
1170  {
1171  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s",
1172  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],sign1,dmb_common,dmb_tr1);
1173  dmb_t1_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1174  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1175  w=0;
1176  cfeb_sample=0;
1177  }
1179  else if (dmb_tr2_check[1])
1180  {
1181  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s",
1182  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],sign1,dmb_common,dmb_tr2);
1183  dmb_t2_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1184  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1185  w=0;
1186  }
1187  // TMB
1188  else if (tmb_h1_check[1])
1189  {
1190  tmb_start=word_numbering;
1191  tmb_inst_l1a=(buf[i+2]&0x000F);
1192  tmb_l1a_coll.push_back(tmb_inst_l1a);
1193  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s%s%s %i",
1194  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],sign1,tmb_common,tmb_header1,
1195  sign1,dmb_common_l1a,tmb_inst_l1a);
1196  tmb_h1_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1197  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1198  w=0;
1199  tmb_inst_l1a=0;
1200  }
1201  else if (tmb_tr1_check[1])
1202  {
1203  tmb_stop=word_numbering;
1204  if ((tmb_start!=0)&&(tmb_stop!=0)&&(tmb_stop>tmb_start))
1205  {
1206  tmb_inst_wcnt2=4*(tmb_stop-tmb_start+1);
1207  tmb_wcnt2_coll.push_back(tmb_inst_wcnt2);
1208  }
1209  tmb_inst_wcnt1=(buf[i+3]&0x7FF);
1210  tmb_wcnt1_coll.push_back(tmb_inst_wcnt1);
1211  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s%s%s %i %s %i",
1212  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
1213  sign1,tmb_common,tmb_tr1,sign1,alct_common_wcnt1,tmb_inst_wcnt1,
1214  alct_common_wcnt2,tmb_inst_wcnt2);
1215  tmb_t1_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1216  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1217  w=0;
1218  tmb_inst_wcnt2=0;
1219  }
1220  // CFEB
1221  else if (cfeb_tr1_check[1])
1222  {
1223  ++cfeb_sample;
1224  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s%s %s %i",
1225  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],
1226  sign1,cfeb_common,cfeb_tr1,sign1,cfeb_common_sample,cfeb_sample);
1227  cfeb_t1_coll.push_back(word_numbering);
1228  w=0;
1229  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1230  w=0;
1231  }
1232  else if (cfeb_b_check[1])
1233  {
1234  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s %s",
1235  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],sign1,cfeb_common,cfeb_b);
1236  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1237  w=0;
1238  }
1240  //ERRORS ddu_tr1_bad_check
1242  else if (ddu_tr1_bad_check[1])
1243  {
1244  ddu_inst_i = ddu_h1_n_coll.size();
1245  ddu_inst_n=ddu_h1_n_coll[ddu_inst_i-1];
1246  sprintf(tempbuf1,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x%s%s%i %s %s",
1247  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i],sign1,ddu_common,ddu_inst_n,
1248  ddu_trail1,ddu_tr1_err_common);
1249  std::cout << tempbuf1 << std::endl;
1250  w=0;
1251  }
1253  else if (extraction&&(!ddu_h1_check)&&(!dcc_check))
1254  {
1255  if (w<3)
1256  {
1257  sprintf(tempbuf,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x",
1258  word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i]);
1259  std::cout << tempbuf << std::endl;
1260  w++;
1261  }
1262  if (w==3)
1263  {
1264  std::cout << "..................................................." << std::endl;
1265  w++;
1266  }
1267  }
1269  else if ((!ddu_h1_check)&&(!dcc_check))
1270  {
1271  sprintf(tempbuf,"%6i %04x %04x %04x %04x",word_numbering,buf[i+3],buf[i+2],buf[i+1],buf[i]);
1272  std::cout << tempbuf << std::endl;
1273  }
1275  i+=3;
1276  ddu_h1_check=false;
1277  dcc_check=false;
1278  }
1279  //char sign[30]; //WARNING 5_0_X
1280  std::cout <<"********************************************************************************" <<
1281  std::endl << std::endl;
1282  if (fedshort)
1283  std::cout << "For complete output turn off VisualFEDShort in muonCSCDigis configuration file." << std::endl;
1284  std::cout <<"********************************************************************************" <<
1285  std::endl << std::endl;
1286  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1287  std::cout <<" Summary " << std::endl;
1288  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1289  std::cout << ddu_h1_coll.size() <<" "<< ddu_common << " "<<ddu_header1 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1290  /*
1291  std::cout << ddu_h1_coll.size() << " " << ddu_h1_n_coll.size() << " " << ddu_l1a_coll.size() <<
1292  " " << ddu_bxn_coll.size() << std::endl;
1293  */
1294  for (unsigned int k=0; k<ddu_h1_coll.size(); ++k)
1295  {
1296  /*
1297  sprintf(sign,"%s%6i%5s %s%i %s %i %s %i","Line: ",
1298  ddu_h1_coll[k],sign1,ddu_common,ddu_h1_n_coll[k],dmb_common_l1a,ddu_l1a_coll[k],
1299  alct_common_bxn,ddu_bxn_coll[k]);
1300  */
1301  std::cout << "Line: " << " " << ddu_h1_coll[k] << " " << sign1 << " " <<
1302  ddu_common << " " << ddu_h1_n_coll[k] << " " << dmb_common_l1a << " " << ddu_l1a_coll[k] << " " <<
1303  alct_common_bxn << " " << ddu_bxn_coll[k] << std::endl;
1304  }
1307  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1308  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1309  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1310  std::cout << ddu_h2_coll.size() <<" "<< ddu_common << " "<<ddu_header2 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1311  for (unsigned int k=0; k<ddu_h2_coll.size(); ++k)
1312  std::cout << "Line: " << ddu_h2_coll[k] << std::endl;
1313  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1314  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1315  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1316  std::cout << ddu_h3_coll.size() <<" "<< ddu_common << " "<<ddu_header3 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1317  for (unsigned int k=0; k<ddu_h3_coll.size(); ++k)
1318  std::cout << "Line: " << ddu_h3_coll[k] << std::endl;
1319  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1320  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1321  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1322  std::cout << ddu_t1_coll.size() <<" "<< ddu_common << " "<<ddu_trail1 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1323  for (unsigned int k=0; k<ddu_t1_coll.size(); ++k)
1324  std::cout << "Line: " << ddu_t1_coll[k] << std::endl;
1325  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1326  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1327  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1328  std::cout << ddu_t2_coll.size() <<" "<< ddu_common << " "<<ddu_trail2 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1329  for (unsigned int k=0; k<ddu_t2_coll.size(); ++k)
1330  std::cout << "Line: " << ddu_t2_coll[k] << std::endl;
1331  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1332  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1333  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1334  std::cout << ddu_t3_coll.size() <<" "<< ddu_common << " "<<ddu_trail3 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1335  for (unsigned int k=0; k<ddu_t3_coll.size(); ++k)
1336  std::cout << "Line: " << ddu_t3_coll[k] << std::endl;
1337  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1338  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1339  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1340  std::cout << dmb_h1_coll.size() <<" "<< dmb_common << " "<<dmb_header1 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1342  for (unsigned int k=0; k<dmb_h1_coll.size(); ++k)
1343  {
1344  /*
1345  sprintf(sign,"%s%6i%5s %s %s %i %s %i %s %i","Line: ",
1346  dmb_h1_coll[k],sign1,dmb_common,dmb_common_crate,dmb_crate_coll[k],dmb_common_slot,
1347  dmb_slot_coll[k],dmb_common_l1a,dmb_l1a_coll[k]);
1348  */
1349  std::cout << "Line: " << " " << dmb_h1_coll[k] << " " << sign1 << dmb_common
1350  << " " << dmb_common_crate << " " << dmb_crate_coll[k] << " " << dmb_common_slot << " " <<
1351  dmb_slot_coll[k] << " " << dmb_common_l1a << " " << dmb_l1a_coll[k] << std::endl;
1352  }
1353  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1354  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1355  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1356  std::cout << dmb_h2_coll.size() <<" "<< dmb_common << " "<<dmb_header2 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1357  for (unsigned int k=0; k<dmb_h2_coll.size(); ++k)
1358  std::cout << "Line: " << dmb_h2_coll[k] << std::endl;
1359  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1360  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1361  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1362  std::cout << dmb_t1_coll.size() <<" "<< dmb_common << " "<<dmb_tr1 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1363  for (unsigned int k=0; k<dmb_t1_coll.size(); ++k)
1364  std::cout << "Line: " << dmb_t1_coll[k] << std::endl;
1365  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1366  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1367  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1368  std::cout << dmb_t2_coll.size() <<" "<< dmb_common << " "<<dmb_tr2 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1369  for (unsigned int k=0; k<dmb_t2_coll.size(); ++k)
1370  std::cout << "Line: " << dmb_t2_coll[k] << std::endl;
1371  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1372  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1373  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1374  std::cout << alct_h1_coll.size() <<" "<< alct_common << " "<<alct_header1 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1375  for (unsigned int k=0; k<alct_h1_coll.size(); ++k)
1376  {
1377  /*
1378  sprintf(sign,"%s%6i%5s %s %s %i","Line: ",
1379  alct_h1_coll[k],sign1,alct_common,
1380  dmb_common_l1a,alct_l1a_coll[k]);
1381  std::cout << sign << std::endl;
1382  */
1383  std::cout << "Line: " << " " <<
1384  alct_h1_coll[k] << " " << sign1 << " " << alct_common << " " <<
1385  dmb_common_l1a << " " << alct_l1a_coll[k] << std::endl;
1386  }
1388  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1389  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1390  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1391  std::cout << alct_h2_coll.size() <<" "<< alct_common << " "<<alct_header2 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1392  for (unsigned int k=0; k<alct_h2_coll.size(); ++k)
1393  {
1394  /*
1395  sprintf(sign,"%s%6i%5s %s %s %i","Line: ",
1396  alct_h1_coll[k],sign1,alct_common,
1397  alct_common_bxn,alct_bxn_coll[k]);
1398  std::cout << sign << std::endl;
1399  */
1400  std::cout << "Line: " << " " <<
1401  alct_h1_coll[k] << " " << sign1 << " " << alct_common << " " <<
1402  alct_common_bxn << " " << alct_bxn_coll[k] << std::endl;
1403  }
1405  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1406  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1407  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1408  std::cout << alct_t1_coll.size() <<" "<< alct_common << " "<<alct_tr1 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1409  for (unsigned int k=0; k<alct_t1_coll.size(); ++k)
1410  {
1411  /*
1412  sprintf(sign,"%s%6i%5s %s %s %i %s %i","Line: ",
1413  alct_t1_coll[k],sign1,alct_common,
1414  alct_common_wcnt1,alct_wcnt1_coll[k],alct_common_wcnt2,alct_wcnt2_coll[k]);
1415  std::cout << sign << std::endl;
1416  */
1417  std::cout << "Line: " << " " << alct_t1_coll[k] << " " << sign1 << " " << alct_common << " " <<
1418  alct_common_wcnt1 << " " << alct_wcnt1_coll[k] << " " << alct_common_wcnt2 << " ";
1419  if (alct_wcnt2_coll.size()>0)
1420  {
1421  std::cout << alct_wcnt2_coll[k] << std::endl;
1422  }
1423  else
1424  {
1425  std::cout << "Undefined (ALCT Header is not found) " << std::endl;
1426  }
1427  }
1429  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1430  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1431  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1432  std::cout << tmb_h1_coll.size() <<" "<< tmb_common << " "<<tmb_header1 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1433  for (unsigned int k=0; k<tmb_h1_coll.size(); ++k)
1434  {
1435  /*
1436  sprintf(sign,"%s%6i%5s %s %s %i","Line: ",
1437  tmb_h1_coll[k],sign1,tmb_common,
1438  dmb_common_l1a,tmb_l1a_coll[k]);
1439  std::cout << sign << std::endl;
1440  */
1441  std::cout << "Line: " << " " << tmb_h1_coll[k] << " " << sign1 << " " << tmb_common << " " <<
1442  dmb_common_l1a << " " << tmb_l1a_coll[k] << std::endl;
1443  }
1445  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1446  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1447  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1448  std::cout << tmb_t1_coll.size() <<" "<< tmb_common << " "<<tmb_tr1 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1449  for (unsigned int k=0; k<tmb_t1_coll.size(); ++k)
1450  {
1451  /*
1452  sprintf(sign,"%s%6i%5s %s %s %i %s %i","Line: ",
1453  tmb_t1_coll[k],sign1,tmb_common,
1454  alct_common_wcnt1,tmb_wcnt1_coll[k],alct_common_wcnt2,tmb_wcnt2_coll[k]);
1455  std::cout << sign << std::endl;
1456  */
1457  std::cout << "Line: " << " " << tmb_t1_coll[k] << " " << sign1 << " " << tmb_common << " " <<
1458  alct_common_wcnt1 << " " << tmb_wcnt1_coll[k] << " " << alct_common_wcnt2 << " " << tmb_wcnt2_coll[k]
1459  << std::endl;
1460  }
1463  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1464  std::cout << "||||||||||||||||||||" << std::endl;
1465  std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
1466  std::cout << cfeb_t1_coll.size() <<" "<< cfeb_common << " "<<cfeb_tr1 << " "<< "found" << std::endl;
1467  for (unsigned int k=0; k<cfeb_t1_coll.size(); ++k)
1468  std::cout << "Line: " << cfeb_t1_coll[k] << std::endl;
1469  std::cout <<"********************************************************************************" << std::endl;
1471 }
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:39
01/20/05 A.Tumanov
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
EventNumber_t event() const
Definition: EventID.h:41
void crcCFEB(bool enable)
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
bool SuppressZeroLCT
Suppress zeros LCTs.
ParameterDescriptionBase * addUntracked(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
const double w
Definition: UKUtility.cc:23
static void setDebug(bool value)
void modeDDU(bool enable)
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:464
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
CSCDetId detId(int vme, int dmb, int cfeb, int layer=0) const
Definition: CSCCrateMap.cc:11
const uint16_t nERRORS
CSCMonitorInterface * monitor
#define NULL
Definition: scimark2.h:8
ExaminerStatusType errors(void) const
void crcALCT(bool enable)
const char * errName(int num) const
bool visualFEDInspect
Visualization of raw data.
size_t size() const
Lenght of the data buffer in bytes.
Definition: FEDRawData.h:47
void produce(edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c)
Produce digis out of raw data.
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual void process(CSCDCCExaminer *examiner, CSCDCCEventData *dccData)=0
static void setDebug(const bool value)
Definition: CSCTMBHeader.h:114
static void setDebug(const bool value)
Definition: CSCTMBData.h:37
void visual_raw(int hl, int id, int run, int event, bool fedshort, bool fDump, short unsigned int *buf) const
Visualization of raw data in FED-less events (Robert Harr and Alexander Sakharov) ...
std::map< CSCIdType, ExaminerStatusType > errorsDetailed(void) const
bool check(const std::string &)
static void setErrorMask(unsigned int value)
OrphanHandle< PROD > put(std::auto_ptr< PROD > product)
Put a new product.
Definition: Event.h:120
static void setDebug(bool value)
void crcTMB(bool enable)
int j
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
ParameterDescriptionBase * add(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
std::map< CSCIdType, ExaminerStatusType > statusDetailed(void) const
#define LogTrace(id)
static void setDebug(const bool value)
Definition: CSCCLCTData.h:35
ExaminerMaskType getMask() const
void setComment(std::string const &value)
edm::EDGetTokenT< FEDRawDataCollection > i_token
Token for consumes interface &amp; access to data.
unsigned int errorMask
unsigned int examinerMask
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:56
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
static void setDebug(bool value)
to access data by via status digis
Definition: CSCALCTHeader.h:30
bool useSelectiveUnpacking
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
int32_t check(const uint16_t *&buffer, int32_t length)
std::map< CSCIdType, ExaminerStatusType > payloadDetailed(void) const
edm::EventID id() const
Definition: EventBase.h:60
CSC Format Status Object.
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
const unsigned char * data() const
Return a const pointer to the beginning of the data buffer.
Definition: FEDRawData.cc:28
CSCDCCUnpacker(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
tuple cout
Definition: gather_cfg.py:121
std::map< DDUIdType, ExaminerStatusType > errorsDetailedDDU(void) const
dictionary rawdata
Definition: lumiPlot.py:393
virtual ~CSCDCCUnpacker()
void setMask(ExaminerMaskType mask)
static void setDebug(const bool value)
Definition: CSCEventData.h:58
static void setDebug(bool debugValue)
Definition: CSCRPCData.h:27