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1 import os
2 import sys
3 import string
4 import commands
5 import platform
6 import logging
7 import logging.handlers
8 import ConfigParser
9 import optparse
10 import webbrowser
11 import subprocess
13 from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL,qVersion,QString,QVariant, Qt
14 from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication,QMenu,QPixmap,QAction,QFileDialog,QIcon,QMessageBox
16 from Vispa.Main.Directories import logDirectory,pluginDirectory,baseDirectory,homeDirectory,iniFileName,applicationName,docDirectory,websiteUrl
17 from Vispa.Main.MainWindow import MainWindow
18 from Vispa.Main.AbstractTab import AbstractTab
19 from Vispa.Main.Filetype import Filetype
20 from Vispa.Main.Exceptions import *
21 from Vispa.Main.AboutDialog import AboutDialog
22 from Vispa.Main.RotatingIcon import RotatingIcon
23 #from PreferencesEditor import PreferencesEditor
24 import Vispa.__init__
26 import Resources
28 class Application(QApplication):
33  FAILED_LOADING_PLUGINS_ERROR = "Errors while loading plugins. For details see error output or log file.\n\nThe following plugins won't work correctly:\n\n"
34  TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING = "Tab was closed before user request could be handled."
37  def __init__(self, argv):
38  QApplication.__init__(self, argv)
39  self._version = None
40  self._plugins = []
41  self._closeAllFlag = False
44  self._pluginMenus = []
45  self._pluginToolBars = []
46  self._recentFiles = []
47  self._ini = None
48  self._iniFileName = iniFileName
49  self._zoomToolBar = None
50  self._undoToolBar = None
51  self._messageId=0
52  self._loadablePlugins = {}
53  self._logFile = None
55  self._initLogging()
57  logging.debug('Running with Qt-Version ' + str(qVersion()))
61  self._loadIni()
63  self.setVersion(Vispa.__init__.__version__)
65  self._window = MainWindow(self, applicationName)
66  self._window.show()
68  self._loadPlugins()
70  self._fillFileMenu()
71  self._fillEditMenu()
72  self._fillHelpMenu()
74  self.createUndoToolBar()
75  self.createZoomToolBar()
76  self.hidePluginMenus()
77  self.hidePluginToolBars()
78  self.createStatusBar()
79  self.updateMenu()
82  self._connectSignals()
84  def commandLineParser(self):
85  return self._commandLineParser
87  def commandLineOptions(self):
88  return self._commandLineOptions
90  def setVersion(self, version):
91  self._version = version
93  def version(self):
94  """ Returns version string.
95  """
96  return self._version
98  def atLeastQtVersion(self, versionString):
99  """ Returns True if given versionString is newer than current used version of Qt.
100  """
101  [majorV, minorV, revisionV] = versionString.split(".")
102  [majorQ, minorQ, revisionQ] = str(qVersion()).split(".")
103  if majorV > majorQ:
104  return True
105  elif majorV < majorQ:
106  return False
107  elif majorV == majorQ:
108  if minorV > minorQ:
109  return True
110  elif minorV < minorQ:
111  return False
112  elif minorV == minorQ:
113  if revisionV > revisionQ:
114  return True
115  elif revisionV < revisionQ:
116  return False
117  elif revisionV == revisionQ:
118  return True
119  return False
122  """ Set the available command line options.
123  """
124  self._commandLineParser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", help="open a FILE", metavar="FILE")
125  self._commandLineParser.add_option("-l", "--loglevel", dest="loglevel", help="set LOGLEVEL to 10=DEBUG, 20=INFO, 30=WARNING, 40=ERROR, 50=CRITICAL", metavar="LOGLEVEL", type="int")
128  """ Initialize command line parser.
130  After calling this function, plugins may add options.
131  """
132  class QuiteOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser):
133  def __init__(self):
134  optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self,add_help_option=False)
135  def error(self,message=""):
136  pass
137  self._commandLineParser = QuiteOptionParser()
138  self._setCommandLineOptions()
139  (self._commandLineOptions, self._args) = self._commandLineParser.parse_args()
140  if self._commandLineOptions.loglevel:
141  logging.root.setLevel(self._commandLineOptions.loglevel)
142  self._commandLineParser = optparse.OptionParser()
143  self._setCommandLineOptions()
146  """ Analyzes the command line attributes and print usage summary if required.
147  """
148  (self._commandLineOptions, self._args) = self._commandLineParser.parse_args()
149  if self._commandLineOptions.filename:
150  self.mainWindow().setStartupScreenVisible(False)
151  self.openFile(self._commandLineOptions.filename)
152  if len(self._args) > 0:
153  self.mainWindow().setStartupScreenVisible(False)
154  self.openFile(self._args[0])
156  def _checkFile(self, filename):
157  """ Check if logfile is closed correctly
158  """
159  finished = True
160  file = open(filename, "r")
161  for line in file.readlines():
162  if "INFO Start logging" in line:
163  finished = False
164  if "INFO Stop logging" in line:
165  finished = True
166  return finished
168  def _initLogging(self):
169  """ Add logging handlers for a log file as well as stderr.
170  """
171  instance = 0
172  done = False
173  while not done:
174  # iterate name of log file for several instances of vispa
175  instance += 1
176  logfile = os.path.join(logDirectory, "log" + str(instance) + ".txt")
177  # do not create more than 10 files
178  if instance > 10:
179  instance = 1
180  logfile = os.path.join(logDirectory, "log" + str(instance) + ".txt")
181  done = True
182  break
183  if not os.path.exists(logfile):
184  done = True
185  break
186  done = self._checkFile(logfile)
188  # clean up old logs
189  nextlogfile = os.path.join(logDirectory, "log" + str(instance + 1) + ".txt")
190  if os.path.exists(nextlogfile):
191  if not self._checkFile(nextlogfile):
192  file = open(nextlogfile, "a")
193  file.write("Cleaning up logfile after abnormal termination: INFO Stop logging\n")
195  if os.path.exists(logDirectory):
196  handler1 = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logfile, maxBytes=100000, backupCount=1)
197  formatter1 = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
198  handler1.setFormatter(formatter1)
199  self._logFile = logfile
201  handler2 = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
202  formatter2 = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
203  handler2.setFormatter(formatter2)
205  logging.root.handlers = []
206  if os.path.exists(logDirectory):
207  logging.root.addHandler(handler1)
208  logging.root.addHandler(handler2)
209  #logging.root.setLevel(logging.INFO)
211  self._infologger = logging.getLogger("info")
212  self._infologger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
213  self._infologger.handlers = []
214  if self._logFile:
215  self._infologger.info("Start logging to " + self._logFile)
217  def run(self):
218  """ Show the MainWindow and run the application.
219  """
220  #logging.debug('Application: run()')
222  self.exec_()
223  if self._logFile:
224  self._infologger.info("Stop logging to " + self._logFile)
226  def _connectSignals(self):
227  """ Connect signal to observe the TabWidget in the MainWindow.
228  """
229  logging.debug('Application: _connectSignals()')
230  self.connect(self._window.tabWidget(), SIGNAL("currentChanged(int)"), self.tabChanged)
231  self.connect(self._window, SIGNAL("windowActivated()"), self.tabChanged)
232  self.connect(self._window.tabWidget(), SIGNAL("tabCloseRequested(int)"), self.tabCloseRequest)
234  def _loadPlugins(self):
235  """ Search all subfolders of the plugin directory for vispa plugins and registers them.
236  """
237  logging.debug('Application: _loadPlugins()')
238  dirs = ["Vispa.Plugins." + str(f) for f in os.listdir(pluginDirectory)
239  if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(pluginDirectory, f)) and not f.startswith(".") and not f.startswith("CVS")]
240  failedToLoad = []
241  for di in dirs:
242  try:
243  module = __import__(di, globals(), locals(), "Vispa.Plugins")
244  self._loadablePlugins[module.plugin.__name__] = module.plugin
245  except ImportError:
246  logging.warning('Application: cannot load plugin ' + di + ': ' + exception_traceback())
247  failedToLoad.append(di)
248  except PluginIgnoredException,e:
249  logging.info('Application: plugin ' + di + ' cannot be loaded and is ignored: ' + str(e))
250  except AttributeError,e:
251  logging.info('Application: plugin ' + di + ' is deactivated (define plugin in __init__.py to activate): ' + str(e))
253  for pluginName in self._loadablePlugins.keys():
254  # loop over all loadable plugins
255  # this mechanism enables plugins to call initializePlugin() for plugins they depend on
256  if not self.initializePlugin(pluginName):
257  failedToLoad.append(pluginName)
259  if len(failedToLoad) > 0:
260  self.errorMessage(self.FAILED_LOADING_PLUGINS_ERROR + "\n".join(failedToLoad))
264  def initializePlugin(self, name):
265  if name in [plugin.__class__.__name__ for plugin in self._plugins]:
266  logging.info("%s: initalizePlugin(): Plugin '%s' already loaded. Aborting..." % (self.__class__.__name__, name))
267  return True
268  if not name in self._loadablePlugins.keys():
269  logging.error("%s: initalizePlugin(): Unknown plugin '%s'. Aborting..." % (self.__class__.__name__, name))
270  return False
272  try:
273  pluginObject = self._loadablePlugins[name](self)
274  self._plugins.append(pluginObject)
275  logging.debug('Application: added plugin ' + name)
276  return True
277  except ValueError:
278  logging.warning('Application: ' + name + ' is not a plugin: ' + exception_traceback())
279  return False
282  def plugins(self):
283  return self._plugins
285  def plugin(self, name):
286  """ Returns plugin with given name or None if there is no such one.
287  """
288  if not name.endswith("Plugin"):
289  name += "Plugin"
291  for plugin in self._plugins:
292  if name == plugin.__class__.__name__:
293  return plugin
294  return None
296  def tabControllers(self):
297  controllers=[self._window.tabWidget().widget(i).controller() for i in range(0, self._window.tabWidget().count())]
298  controllers+=[tab.controller() for tab in self.mainWindow().tabWidgets()]
299  return controllers
301  def setCurrentTabController(self, controller):
302  if controller.tab().tabWidget():
303  self._window.activateWindow()
304  self._window.tabWidget().setCurrentIndex(self.tabControllers().index(controller))
305  else:
306  controller.tab().activateWindow()
309  """ Return the TabController that belongs to the tab selected in the MainWindow.
310  """
311  #logging.debug('Application: currentTabController()')
312  if isinstance(self.activeWindow(),AbstractTab):
313  return self.activeWindow().controller()
314  else:
315  currentWidget = self._window.tabWidget().currentWidget()
316  if isinstance(currentWidget, AbstractTab):
317  return currentWidget.controller()
318  raise NoCurrentTabControllerException
320  def mainWindow(self):
321  return self._window
323  #def editPreferences(self):
324  # self.preferencesEditor = PreferencesEditor()
325  # self.preferencesEditor.show()
327  def createAction(self, name, slot=None, shortcut=None, image=None, enabled=True):
328  """ create an action with name and icon and connect it to a slot.
329  """
330  #logging.debug('Application: createAction() - ' + name)
331  if image:
332  image0 = QPixmap()
333  image0.load(":/resources/" + image + ".svg")
334  action = QAction(QIcon(image0), name, self._window)
335  else:
336  action = QAction(name, self._window)
337  action.setEnabled(enabled)
338  if slot:
339  self.connect(action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), slot)
340  if shortcut:
341  if isinstance(shortcut, list):
342  action.setShortcuts(shortcut)
343  else:
344  action.setShortcut(shortcut)
345  return action
347  def _fillFileMenu(self):
348  """Called for the first time this function creates the file menu and fill it.
350  The function is written in a way that it recreates the whole menu, if it
351  is called again later during execution. So it is possible to aad new
352  plugins and use them (which means they appear in the menus) without
353  restarting the program.
354  """
355  logging.debug('Application: _fillFileMenu()')
356  self._fileMenuItems = {}
357  if not self._window.fileMenu().isEmpty():
358  self._window.fileMenu().clear()
360  # New
361  newFileActions = []
362  for plugin in self._plugins:
363  newFileActions += plugin.getNewFileActions()
365  if len(newFileActions) == 1:
366  newFileActions[0].setShortcut('Ctrl+N')
368  self._window.fileMenu().addActions(newFileActions)
370  # Open
371  openFileAction = self.createAction('&Open File', self.openFileDialog, 'Ctrl+O', "fileopen")
372  self._window.fileMenu().addAction(openFileAction)
373  self._window.fileToolBar().addAction(openFileAction)
375  # Reload
376  self._fileMenuItems['reloadFileAction'] = self.createAction('&Reload File', self.reloadFile, ['Ctrl+R', 'F5'], "reload")
377  self._window.fileMenu().addAction(self._fileMenuItems['reloadFileAction'])
378  #self._window.fileToolBar().addAction(self._fileMenuItems['reloadFileAction'])
380  # Recent files
381  if not hasattr(self, 'recentFilesMenu'):
382  self._recentFilesMenu = QMenu('&Recent Files', self._window)
384  for i in range(0, self.MAX_VISIBLE_RECENT_FILES):
385  action = self.createAction("recent file " + str(i), self.openRecentFileSlot)
386  action.setVisible(False)
387  self._recentFilesMenu.addAction(action)
388  self._recentFilesMenuActions.append(action)
389  self._recentFilesMenu.addSeparator()
390  self._fileMenuItems['clearMissingRecentFilesAction'] = self.createAction("Clear missing files", self.clearMissingRecentFiles)
391  self._recentFilesMenu.addAction(self._fileMenuItems['clearMissingRecentFilesAction'])
392  self._fileMenuItems['clearRecentFilesAction'] = self.createAction("Clear list", self.clearRecentFiles)
393  self._recentFilesMenu.addAction(self._fileMenuItems['clearRecentFilesAction'])
395  self._window.fileMenu().addMenu(self._recentFilesMenu)
397  self._window.fileMenu().addSeparator()
399  # Close
400  self._fileMenuItems['closeFileAction'] = self.createAction('&Close', self.closeFile, 'Ctrl+W', "closefile")
401  self._window.fileMenu().addAction(self._fileMenuItems['closeFileAction'])
403  # Close all
404  self._fileMenuItems['closeAllAction'] = self.createAction('Close All', self.closeAllFiles, 'Ctrl+Shift+W', "closefileall")
405  self._window.fileMenu().addAction(self._fileMenuItems['closeAllAction'])
407  self._window.fileMenu().addSeparator()
409  # Save
410  self._fileMenuItems['saveFileAction'] = self.createAction('&Save', self.saveFile, 'Ctrl+S', "filesave")
411  self._window.fileMenu().addAction(self._fileMenuItems['saveFileAction'])
412  self._window.fileToolBar().addAction(self._fileMenuItems['saveFileAction'])
414  # Save as
415  self._fileMenuItems['saveFileAsAction'] = self.createAction('Save As...', self.saveFileAsDialog, 'Ctrl+Shift+S', image="filesaveas")
416  self._window.fileMenu().addAction(self._fileMenuItems['saveFileAsAction'])
418  # Save all
419  self._fileMenuItems['saveAllFilesAction'] = self.createAction('Save &All', self.saveAllFiles, "Ctrl+Alt+S", "filesaveall")
420  self._window.fileMenu().addAction(self._fileMenuItems['saveAllFilesAction'])
422  self._window.fileMenu().addSeparator()
424  #editPreferencesAction = self.createAction('Preferences',self.editPreferences)
425  #self._window.fileMenu().addAction(editPreferencesAction)
426  # Exit
427  exit = self.createAction('&Exit', self.exit, "Ctrl+Q", "exit")
428  self._window.fileMenu().addAction(exit)
430  def _fillEditMenu(self):
431  """Called for the first time this function creates the edit menu and fills it.
433  The function is written in a way that it recreates the whole menu, if it
434  is called again later during execution. So it is possible to aad new
435  plugins and use them (which means they appear in the menus) without
436  restarting the program.
437  """
438  logging.debug('Application: _fillEditMenu()')
439  self._editMenuItems = {}
440  if not self._window.editMenu().isEmpty():
441  self._window.editMenu().clear()
443  # Undo / Redo
444  self._editMenuItems["undoAction"] = self.createAction("Undo", self.undoEvent, "Ctrl+Z", "edit-undo")
445  self._editMenuItems["redoAction"] = self.createAction("Redo", self.redoEvent, "Ctrl+Y", "edit-redo")
446  self._editMenuItems["undoAction"].setData(QVariant(1))
447  self._editMenuItems["redoAction"].setData(QVariant(1))
448  self._editMenuItems["undoAction"].setEnabled(False)
449  self._editMenuItems["redoAction"].setEnabled(False)
450  self._window.editMenu().addAction(self._editMenuItems["undoAction"])
451  self._window.editMenu().addAction(self._editMenuItems["redoAction"])
452  #self._editMenuItems["undoAction"].menu().addAction(self.createAction("test"))
453  #self._editMenuItems["undoAction"].menu().setEnabled(False)
454  #self._editMenuItems["undoAction"].menu().setVisible(False)
456  self._undoActionsMenu = QMenu(self._window)
458  for i in range(0, self.MAX_VISIBLE_UNDO_EVENTS):
459  action = self.createAction("undo " + str(i), self.undoEvent)
460  action.setVisible(False)
461  self._undoActionsMenu.addAction(action)
462  self._undoMenuActions.append(action)
464  self._redoActionsMenu = QMenu(self._window)
466  for i in range(0, self.MAX_VISIBLE_UNDO_EVENTS):
467  action = self.createAction("redo " + str(i), self.redoEvent)
468  action.setVisible(False)
469  self._redoActionsMenu.addAction(action)
470  self._redoMenuActions.append(action)
472  # Cut
473  self._editMenuItems['cutAction'] = self.createAction('&Cut', self.cutEvent, 'Ctrl+X', 'editcut')
474  self._window.editMenu().addAction(self._editMenuItems['cutAction'])
475  self._editMenuItems['cutAction'].setEnabled(False)
477  # Copy
478  self._editMenuItems['copyAction'] = self.createAction('C&opy', self.copyEvent, 'Ctrl+C', 'editcopy')
479  self._window.editMenu().addAction(self._editMenuItems['copyAction'])
480  self._editMenuItems['copyAction'].setEnabled(False)
482  # Paste
483  self._editMenuItems['pasteAction'] = self.createAction('&Paste', self.pasteEvent, 'Ctrl+V', 'editpaste')
484  self._window.editMenu().addAction(self._editMenuItems['pasteAction'])
485  self._editMenuItems['pasteAction'].setEnabled(False)
487  # Select all
488  self._editMenuItems['selectAllAction'] = self.createAction("Select &all", self.selectAllEvent, "Ctrl+A", "selectall")
489  self._window.editMenu().addAction(self._editMenuItems['selectAllAction'])
490  self._editMenuItems['selectAllAction'].setVisible(False)
492  self._window.editMenu().addSeparator()
494  # Find
495  self._editMenuItems['findAction'] = self.createAction('&Find', self.findEvent, 'Ctrl+F', "edit-find")
496  self._window.editMenu().addAction(self._editMenuItems['findAction'])
497  self._editMenuItems['findAction'].setEnabled(False)
499  def _fillHelpMenu(self):
500  logging.debug('Application: _fillHelpMenu()')
501  self._helpMenuItems = {}
503  # About
504  self._helpMenuItems['aboutAction'] = self.createAction('&About', self.aboutBoxSlot, 'F1')
505  self._window.helpMenu().addAction(self._helpMenuItems['aboutAction'])
507  # open log file
508  if self._logFile:
509  self._helpMenuItems['openLogFile'] = self.createAction("Open log file", self.openLogFileSlot)
510  self._window.helpMenu().addAction(self._helpMenuItems['openLogFile'])
512  # Offline Documentation
513  if os.path.exists(os.path.join(docDirectory,"index.html")):
514  self._window.helpMenu().addAction(self.createAction('Offline Documentation', self._openDocumentation, "CTRL+F1"))
516  # Vispa Website
517  self._window.helpMenu().addAction(self.createAction('Website', self._openWebsite, "Shift+F1"))
519  def updateMenu(self):
520  """ Update recent files and enable disable menu entries in file and edit menu.
521  """
522  #logging.debug('Application: updateMenu()')
523  if self.mainWindow().startupScreen():
524  self.updateStartupScreen()
525  # Recent files
526  num_recent_files = min(len(self._recentFiles), self.MAX_VISIBLE_RECENT_FILES)
527  for i in range(0, num_recent_files):
528  filename = self._recentFiles[i]
529  self._recentFilesMenuActions[i].setText(os.path.basename(filename))
530  self._recentFilesMenuActions[i].setToolTip(filename)
531  self._recentFilesMenuActions[i].setStatusTip(filename)
532  self._recentFilesMenuActions[i].setData(QVariant(filename))
533  self._recentFilesMenuActions[i].setVisible(True)
535  for i in range(num_recent_files, self.MAX_VISIBLE_RECENT_FILES):
536  self._recentFilesMenuActions[i].setVisible(False)
538  if num_recent_files == 0:
539  self._fileMenuItems['clearRecentFilesAction'].setEnabled(False)
540  self._fileMenuItems['clearMissingRecentFilesAction'].setEnabled(False)
541  else:
542  self._fileMenuItems['clearRecentFilesAction'].setEnabled(True)
543  self._fileMenuItems['clearMissingRecentFilesAction'].setEnabled(True)
545  # Enabled / disable menu entries depending on number of open files
546  at_least_one_flag = False
547  at_least_two_flag = False
548  if len(self.tabControllers()) > 1:
549  at_least_one_flag = True
550  at_least_two_flag = True
551  elif len(self.tabControllers()) > 0:
552  at_least_one_flag = True
554  self._fileMenuItems['saveFileAction'].setEnabled(at_least_one_flag)
555  self._fileMenuItems['saveFileAsAction'].setEnabled(at_least_one_flag)
556  self._fileMenuItems['reloadFileAction'].setEnabled(at_least_one_flag)
557  self._fileMenuItems['closeFileAction'].setEnabled(at_least_one_flag)
559  self._fileMenuItems['saveAllFilesAction'].setEnabled(at_least_two_flag)
560  self._fileMenuItems['closeAllAction'].setEnabled(at_least_two_flag)
562  try:
563  if at_least_one_flag:
564  if not self.currentTabController().isEditable():
565  self._fileMenuItems['saveFileAction'].setEnabled(False)
566  self._fileMenuItems['saveFileAsAction'].setEnabled(False)
567  if not self.currentTabController().isModified():
568  self._fileMenuItems['saveFileAction'].setEnabled(False)
570  # Copy / Cut / Paste
571  copy_paste_enabled_flag = at_least_one_flag and self.currentTabController().isCopyPasteEnabled()
572  self._editMenuItems['cutAction'].setEnabled(copy_paste_enabled_flag)
573  self._editMenuItems['copyAction'].setEnabled(copy_paste_enabled_flag)
574  self._editMenuItems['pasteAction'].setEnabled(copy_paste_enabled_flag)
576  self._editMenuItems['selectAllAction'].setVisible(self.currentTabController().allowSelectAll())
578  self._editMenuItems['findAction'].setEnabled(at_least_one_flag and self.currentTabController().isFindEnabled())
580  # Undo / Redo
581  undo_supported_flag = at_least_one_flag and self.currentTabController().supportsUndo()
582  self._editMenuItems["undoAction"].setEnabled(undo_supported_flag)
583  self._editMenuItems["undoAction"].setVisible(undo_supported_flag)
584  self._editMenuItems["redoAction"].setEnabled(undo_supported_flag)
585  self._editMenuItems["redoAction"].setVisible(undo_supported_flag)
586  self.showPluginToolBar(self._undoToolBar, undo_supported_flag)
588  if undo_supported_flag:
589  undo_events = self.currentTabController().undoEvents()
590  num_undo_events = min(len(undo_events), self.MAX_VISIBLE_UNDO_EVENTS)
591  self._editMenuItems["undoAction"].setEnabled(num_undo_events > 0)
592  if num_undo_events > 1:
593  self._editMenuItems["undoAction"].setMenu(self._undoActionsMenu)
594  else:
595  self._editMenuItems["undoAction"].setMenu(None)
596  for i in range(0, num_undo_events):
597  undo_event = undo_events[num_undo_events - i - 1] # iterate backwards
598  self._undoMenuActions[i].setText(undo_event.LABEL)
599  self._undoMenuActions[i].setToolTip(undo_event.description())
600  self._undoMenuActions[i].setStatusTip(undo_event.description())
601  self._undoMenuActions[i].setData(QVariant(i+1))
602  self._undoMenuActions[i].setVisible(True)
603  for i in range(num_undo_events, self.MAX_VISIBLE_UNDO_EVENTS):
604  self._undoMenuActions[i].setVisible(False)
606  redo_events = self.currentTabController().redoEvents()
607  num_redo_events = min(len(redo_events), self.MAX_VISIBLE_UNDO_EVENTS)
608  self._editMenuItems["redoAction"].setEnabled(num_redo_events > 0)
609  if num_redo_events > 1:
610  self._editMenuItems["redoAction"].setMenu(self._redoActionsMenu)
611  else:
612  self._editMenuItems["redoAction"].setMenu(None)
613  for i in range(0, num_redo_events):
614  redo_event = redo_events[num_redo_events - i - 1] # iterate backwards
615  self._redoMenuActions[i].setText(redo_event.LABEL)
616  self._redoMenuActions[i].setToolTip(redo_event.description())
617  self._redoMenuActions[i].setStatusTip(redo_event.description())
618  self._redoMenuActions[i].setData(QVariant(i+1))
619  self._redoMenuActions[i].setVisible(True)
620  for i in range(num_redo_events, self.MAX_VISIBLE_UNDO_EVENTS):
621  self._redoMenuActions[i].setVisible(False)
623  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
624  pass
627  """ Opens Vispa Offline Documentation
628  """
629  webbrowser.open(os.path.join(docDirectory,"index.html"), 2, True)
631  def _openWebsite(self):
632  """ Open new browser tab and opens Vispa Project Website.
633  """
634  webbrowser.open(websiteUrl, 2, True)
636  def createPluginMenu(self, name):
637  """ Creates menu in main window's menu bar before help menu and adds it to _pluginMenus list.
638  """
639  menu = QMenu(name)
640  self._window.menuBar().insertMenu(self._window.helpMenu().menuAction(), menu)
641  self._pluginMenus.append(menu)
642  return menu
644  def showPluginMenu(self, menuObject, show=True):
645  """ Shows given menu if it is in _pluginMenus list.
646  """
647  #logging.debug(self.__class__.__name__ +": showPluginMenu()")
648  if menuObject in self._pluginMenus:
649  # show all actions and activate their shortcuts
650  if show:
651  for action in menuObject.actions():
652  if hasattr(action,"_wasVisible") and action._wasVisible!=None:
653  action.setVisible(action._wasVisible)
654  action._wasVisible=None
655  else:
656  action.setVisible(True) # has to be after actions() loop to prevent permanant invisibility on Mac OS X
657  menuObject.menuAction().setVisible(show)
659  def hidePluginMenu(self, menuObject):
660  """ Hides given menu object if it it in _pluginMenus list.
661  """
662  self.showPluginMenu(menuObject, False)
664  def hidePluginMenus(self):
665  """ Hides all menus in _pluginMenus list.
666  """
667  for menuObject in self._pluginMenus:
668  # hide all actions and deactivate their shortcuts
669  menuObject.menuAction().setVisible(False)
670  for action in menuObject.actions():
671  if not hasattr(action,"_wasVisible") or action._wasVisible==None:
672  action._wasVisible=action.isVisible()
673  action.setVisible(False) # setVisible() here hides plugin menu forever on Mac OS X (10.5.7), Qt 4.5.
675  def createPluginToolBar(self, name):
676  """ Creates tool bar in main window and adds it to _pluginToolBars list.
677  """
678  toolBar = self._window.addToolBar(name)
679  self._pluginToolBars.append(toolBar)
680  return toolBar
682  def showPluginToolBar(self, toolBarObject, show=True):
683  """ Shows given toolbar if it is in _pluginToolBars list.
684  """
685  if toolBarObject in self._pluginToolBars:
686  toolBarObject.setVisible(show)
688  def hidePluginMenu(self, toolBarObject):
689  """ Hides given toolbar object if it it in _pluginToolBars list.
690  """
691  self.showPluginToolBar(toolBarObject, False)
692  #if toolBarObject in self._pluginToolBars:
693  # toolBarObject.menuAction().setVisible(False)
696  """ Hides all toolbars in _toolBarMenus list.
697  """
698  for toolBar in self._pluginToolBars:
699  toolBar.hide()
701  def createZoomToolBar(self):
702  """ Creates tool bar with three buttons "user", "100 %" and "all".
704  See TabController's documentation of zoomUser(), zoomHundred() and zoomAll() to find out more on the different zoom levels.
705  """
706  self._zoomToolBar = self.createPluginToolBar('Zoom ToolBar')
707  self._zoomToolBar.addAction(self.createAction('Revert Zoom', self.zoomUserEvent, image='zoomuser'))
708  self._zoomToolBar.addAction(self.createAction('Zoom to 100 %', self.zoomHundredEvent, image='zoom100'))
709  self._zoomToolBar.addAction(self.createAction('Zoom to all', self.zoomAllEvent, image='zoomall'))
711  def showZoomToolBar(self):
712  """ Makes zoom tool bar visible.
714  Should be called from TabController's selected() function, if the controller wants to use the tool bar.
715  """
718  def hideZoomToolBar(self):
719  """ Makes zoom tool bar invisible.
720  """
721  self._zoomToolBar.hide()
723  def createUndoToolBar(self):
724  """ Creates tool bar with buttons to invoke undo and redo events.
726  Needs to be called after _fillEditMenu() as actions are defined there.
727  """
728  self._undoToolBar = self.createPluginToolBar("Undo ToolBar")
729  self._undoToolBar.addAction(self._editMenuItems["undoAction"])
730  self._undoToolBar.addAction(self._editMenuItems["redoAction"])
732  def showUndoToolBar(self):
733  """ Makes undo tool bar visible.
734  """
737  def hideUndoToolBar(self):
738  """ Hides undo tool bar.
739  """
740  self._undoToolBar.hide()
742  def clearRecentFiles(self):
743  """ Empties list of recent files and updates main menu.
744  """
745  self._recentFiles = []
746  self._saveIni()
747  self.updateMenu()
750  """ Removes entries from recent files menu if file does no longer exist.
751  """
752  newList = []
753  for file in self._recentFiles:
754  if os.path.exists(file):
755  newList.append(file)
756  self._recentFiles = newList
757  self._saveIni()
758  self.updateMenu()
760  def addRecentFile(self, filename):
761  """ Adds given filename to list of recent files.
762  """
763  logging.debug('Application: addRecentFile() - ' + filename)
764  if isinstance(filename, QString):
765  filename = str(filename) # Make sure filename is a python string not a QString
766  leftCount = self.MAX_RECENT_FILES - 1
767  if filename in self._recentFiles:
768  del self._recentFiles[self._recentFiles.index(filename)]
769  self._recentFiles = [filename] + self._recentFiles[:leftCount]
770  self._saveIni()
772  def recentFiles(self):
773  """ Returns list of recently opened files.
774  """
775  return self._recentFiles
778  """ Returns directory name of first entry of recent files list.
779  """
780  # if current working dir is vispa directory use recentfile or home
781  if os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) in [os.path.abspath(baseDirectory),os.path.abspath(os.path.join(baseDirectory,"bin"))] or platform.system() == "Darwin":
782  if len(self._recentFiles) > 0:
783  return os.path.dirname(self._recentFiles[0])
784  elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
785  # Mac OS X
786  return homeDirectory + "/Documents"
787  else:
788  return homeDirectory
789  # if user navigated to another directory use this
790  else:
791  return os.getcwd()
793  def recentFilesFromPlugin(self,plugin):
794  files=[]
795  filetypes = plugin.filetypes()
796  extension=None
797  if len(filetypes) > 0:
798  extension=filetypes[0].extension().lower()
799  for file in self._recentFiles:
800  if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[1][1:].lower()==extension:
801  files+=[file]
802  return files
805  screen=self.mainWindow().startupScreen()
806  screen.analysisDesignerRecentFilesList().clear()
807  screen.analysisDesignerRecentFilesList().addItem("...")
808  screen.analysisDesignerRecentFilesList().setCurrentRow(0)
809  plugin=self.plugin("AnalysisDesignerPlugin")
810  if plugin:
811  files = self.recentFilesFromPlugin(plugin)
812  for file in files:
813  screen.analysisDesignerRecentFilesList().addItem(os.path.basename(file))
815  screen.pxlEditorRecentFilesList().clear()
816  screen.pxlEditorRecentFilesList().addItem("...")
817  screen.pxlEditorRecentFilesList().setCurrentRow(0)
818  plugin=self.plugin("PxlPlugin")
819  if plugin:
820  files = self.recentFilesFromPlugin(plugin)
821  for file in files:
822  screen.pxlEditorRecentFilesList().addItem(os.path.basename(file))
824  def exit(self):
825  self._window.close()
827  def shutdownPlugins(self):
828  logging.debug('Application: shutting down plugins' )
829  for plugin in self._plugins:
830  plugin.shutdown()
834  """ Loop over all plugins and remember their file extensions.
835  """
837  self._knownFiltersList = []
838  self._knownFiltersList.append('All files (*.*)')
839  for plugin in self.plugins():
840  for ft in plugin.filetypes():
841  self._knownExtensionsDictionary[ft.extension()] = plugin
842  self._knownFiltersList.append(ft.fileDialogFilter())
843  if len(self._knownFiltersList) > 0:
844  allKnownFilter = 'All known files (*.' + " *.".join(self._knownExtensionsDictionary.keys()) + ')'
845  self._knownFiltersList.insert(1, allKnownFilter)
846  logging.debug('Application: _collectFileExtensions() - ' + allKnownFilter)
847  else:
848  logging.debug('Application: _collectFileExtensions()')
851  def openFileDialog(self, defaultFileFilter=None):
852  """Displays a common open dialog for all known file types.
853  """
854  logging.debug('Application: openFileDialog()')
856  if not defaultFileFilter:
857  if len(self._knownFiltersList) > 1:
858  # Set defaultFileFilter to all known files
859  defaultFileFilter = self._knownFiltersList[1]
860  else:
861  # Set dfaultFileFilter to any file type
862  defaultFileFilter = self._knownFiltersList[0]
864  # Dialog
865  filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
866  self._window,
867  'Select a file',
868  self.getLastOpenLocation(),
869  ";;".join(self._knownFiltersList),
870  defaultFileFilter)
871  if not filename.isEmpty():
872  self.openFile(filename)
874  def openFile(self, filename):
875  """ Decides which plugin should handle opening of the given file name.
876  """
877  logging.debug('Application: openFile()')
878  statusMessage = self.startWorking("Opening file " + filename)
879  if isinstance(filename, QString):
880  filename = str(filename) # convert QString to Python String
882  # Check whether file is already opened
883  for controller in self.tabControllers():
884  if filename == controller.filename():
885  self.setCurrentTabController(controller)
886  self.stopWorking(statusMessage, "already open")
887  return
889  baseName = os.path.basename(filename)
890  ext = os.path.splitext(baseName)[1].lower().strip(".")
891  errormsg = None
893  if self._knownExtensionsDictionary == {}:
896  foundCorrectPlugin = False
897  if os.path.exists(filename):
898  if ext in self._knownExtensionsDictionary:
899  foundCorrectPlugin = True
900  try:
901  if self._knownExtensionsDictionary[ext].openFile(filename):
902  self.addRecentFile(filename)
903  else:
904  logging.error(self.__class__.__name__ + ": openFile() - Error while opening '" + str(filename) + "'.")
905  self.errorMessage("Failed to open file.")
906  except Exception:
907  logging.error(self.__class__.__name__ + ": openFile() - Error while opening '" + str(filename) + "' : " + exception_traceback())
908  self.errorMessage("Exception while opening file. See log for details.")
910  if not foundCorrectPlugin:
911  errormsg = 'Unknown file type (.' + ext + '). Aborting.'
912  else:
913  errormsg = 'File does not exist: ' + filename
915  self.updateMenu()
917  # Error messages
918  if not errormsg:
919  self.stopWorking(statusMessage)
920  else:
921  logging.error(errormsg)
922  self.stopWorking(statusMessage, "failed")
923  self.warningMessage(errormsg)
925  def reloadFile(self):
926  """ Tells current tab controller to refresh.
927  """
928  logging.debug('Application: reloadFile()')
929  try:
930  if self.currentTabController().filename() and self.currentTabController().allowClose():
931  self.currentTabController().refresh()
932  self.currentTabController().setModified(False)
933  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
934  pass
935  # call tabChanged instead of updateMenu to be qt 4.3 compatible
936  self.tabChanged()
938  def closeFile(self):
939  """ Tells current tab controller to close.
940  """
941  logging.debug('Application: closeCurrentFile()')
942  try:
943  self.currentTabController().close()
944  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
945  pass
946  # call tabChanged instead of updateMenu to be qt 4.3 compatible
947  self.tabChanged()
949  def closeAllFiles(self):
950  """ Closes all open tabs unless user aborts closing.
951  """
952  logging.debug('Application: closeAllFiles()')
953  # to prevent unneeded updates set flag
954  self._closeAllFlag = True
955  while len(self.tabControllers())>0:
956  controller=self.tabControllers()[0]
957  if controller.close() == False:
958  break
959  self._closeAllFlag = False
961  # call tabChanged instead of updateMenu to be qt 4.3 compatible
962  self.tabChanged()
964  def saveFile(self):
965  """ Tells current tab controller to save its file.
966  """
967  logging.debug('Application: saveFile()')
968  try:
969  self.currentTabController().save()
970  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
971  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
973  def saveFileAsDialog(self):
974  """This functions asks the user for a file name.
975  """
976  logging.debug('Application: saveFileAsDialog()')
977  try:
978  currentTabController = self.currentTabController()
979  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
980  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
981  return
983  if currentTabController.filename():
984  startDirectory = currentTabController.filename()
985  else:
986  startDirectory = self.getLastOpenLocation()
988  filetypesList = []
989  for filetype in currentTabController.supportedFileTypes():
990  filetypesList.append(Filetype(filetype[0], filetype[1]).fileDialogFilter())
991  filetypesList.append('Any (*.*)')
993  selectedFilter = QString("")
994  filename = str(QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
995  self._window,
996  'Select a file',
997  startDirectory,
998  ";;".join(filetypesList), selectedFilter))
999  if filename != "":
1000  # add extension if necessary
1001  if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].strip(".") == "" and str(selectedFilter) != 'Any (*.*)':
1002  ext = currentTabController.supportedFileTypes()[filetypesList.index(str(selectedFilter))][0]
1003  filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + "." + ext
1004  return currentTabController.save(filename)
1005  return False
1007  def saveAllFiles(self):
1008  """ Tells tab controllers of all tabs to save.
1009  """
1010  logging.debug('Application: saveAllFiles()')
1012  for controller in self.tabControllers():
1013  if controller.filename() or controller == self.currentTabController():
1014  controller.save()
1016  def cutEvent(self):
1017  """ Called when cut action is triggered (e.g. from menu entry) and forwards it to current tab controller.
1018  """
1019  try:
1020  self.currentTabController().cut()
1021  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1022  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
1024  def copyEvent(self):
1025  """ Called when copy action is triggered (e.g. from menu entry) and forwards it to current tab controller.
1026  """
1027  try:
1028  self.currentTabController().copy()
1029  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1030  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
1032  def pasteEvent(self):
1033  """ Called when paste action is triggered (e.g. from menu entry) and forwards it to current tab controller.
1034  """
1035  try:
1036  self.currentTabController().paste()
1037  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1038  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
1040  def selectAllEvent(self):
1041  """ Called when selectAll action is triggered (e.g. from menu entry) and forwards it to current tab controller.
1042  """
1043  try:
1044  self.currentTabController().selectAll()
1045  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1046  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
1048  def findEvent(self):
1049  """ Called when find action is triggered (e.g. from menu entry) and forwards it to current tab controller.
1050  """
1051  try:
1052  self.currentTabController().find()
1053  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1054  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
1056  def zoomUserEvent(self):
1057  """ Handles button pressed event from zoom tool bar and forwards it to current tab controller.
1058  """
1059  try:
1060  self.currentTabController().zoomUser()
1061  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1062  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
1064  def zoomHundredEvent(self):
1065  """ Handles button pressed event from zoom tool bar and forwards it to current tab controller.
1066  """
1067  try:
1068  self.currentTabController().zoomHundred()
1069  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1070  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
1072  def zoomAllEvent(self):
1073  """ Handles button pressed event from zoom tool bar and forwards it to current tab controller.
1074  """
1075  try:
1076  self.currentTabController().zoomAll()
1077  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1078  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
1080  def undoEvent(self):
1081  """ Handles undo action for buttons in undo tool bar and edit menu.
1082  """
1083  try:
1084  num = 1
1085  sender = self.sender()
1086  if sender:
1087  num = sender.data().toInt()
1088  if len(num) > 1:
1089  # strange: toInt returns tuple like (1, True), QT 4.6.0, Mac OS X 10.6.4, 2010-06-28
1090  num = num[0]
1091  self.currentTabController().undo(num)
1092  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1093  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": "+ self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
1095  def redoEvent(self):
1096  """ Handles redo action for buttons in undo tool bar and edit menu.
1097  """
1098  try:
1099  num = 1
1100  sender = self.sender()
1101  if sender:
1102  num = sender.data().toInt()
1103  if len(num) > 1:
1104  # strange: toInt returns tuple like (1, True), QT 4.6.0, Mac OS X 10.6.4, 2010-06-28
1105  num = num[0]
1106  self.currentTabController().redo(num)
1107  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1108  logging.warning(self.__class__.__name__ + ": "+ self.TAB_PREMATURELY_CLOSED_WARNING)
1110  def aboutBoxSlot(self):
1111  """ Displays about box.
1112  """
1113  logging.debug('Application: aboutBoxSlot()')
1114  about = AboutDialog(self)
1115  about.onScreen()
1117  def openLogFileSlot(self):
1118  if self._logFile:
1119  self.doubleClickOnFile(self._logFile)
1120  else:
1121  logging.warning("%s: openLogFileSlot(): _logFile not set. Aborting..." % self.__class__.__name__)
1124  """ Slot for opening recent file.
1126  Called from recent file menu action. Filename is set as data object (QVariant) of action.
1127  """
1128  filename = self.sender().data().toString()
1129  logging.debug('Application: openRecentFileSlot() - ' + filename)
1130  self.openFile(filename)
1132  def tabChanged(self, tab=None):
1133  """ when a different tab is activated update menu
1134  """
1135  logging.debug('Application: tabChanged()')
1136  # only update once when closing all files at once
1137  if not self._closeAllFlag:
1138  self.hidePluginMenus()
1139  self.hidePluginToolBars()
1140  self.updateWindowTitle()
1141  self.updateMenu()
1142  try:
1143  self.currentTabController().activated()
1144  self.currentTabController().checkModificationTimestamp()
1145  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1146  pass
1148  self.mainWindow().setStartupScreenVisible(self.mainWindow().tabWidget().count() == 0)
1151  """ Update menu and window title.
1152  """
1153  self.updateMenu()
1154  self.updateWindowTitle()
1156  def windowTitle(self):
1157  return str(self._window.windowTitle()).split("-")[0].strip()
1160  """ update window caption
1161  """
1162  #logging.debug('Application: updateWindowTitle()')
1163  name = self.windowTitle()
1165  try:
1166  filename = self.currentTabController().filename()
1167  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1168  filename = None
1170  if filename:
1171  dirName = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
1172  if os.path.abspath(dirName) in filename:
1173  filename = filename[len(os.path.abspath(dirName)) + 1:]
1174  name = name + " - " + filename
1175  self._window.setWindowTitle(name)
1177  def ini(self):
1178  if not self._ini:
1179  self._ini = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
1180  self._ini.read(self._iniFileName)
1181  return self._ini
1183  def writeIni(self):
1184  try:
1185  configfile = open(self._iniFileName, "w")
1186  self._ini.write(configfile)
1187  configfile.close()
1188  except IOError:
1189  pass
1190  self._ini = None
1192  def _loadIni(self):
1193  """ Save the list of recent files.
1194  """
1195  logging.debug('Application: _loadIni()')
1196  ini = self.ini()
1197  self._recentFiles = []
1198  if ini.has_section("history"):
1199  for i in range(0, self.MAX_RECENT_FILES):
1200  if ini.has_option("history", str(i)):
1201  self._recentFiles+=[ini.get("history", str(i))]
1203  def _saveIni(self):
1204  """ Load the list of recent files.
1205  """
1206  logging.debug('Application: _saveIni()')
1207  ini = self.ini()
1208  if ini.has_section("history"):
1209  ini.remove_section("history")
1210  ini.add_section("history")
1211  for i in range(len(self._recentFiles)):
1212  ini.set("history", str(i), self._recentFiles[i])
1214  self.writeIni()
1216  def errorMessage(self, message):
1217  """ Displays error message.
1218  """
1219  QMessageBox.critical(self.mainWindow(), 'Error', message)
1221  def warningMessage(self, message):
1222  """ Displays warning message.
1223  """
1224  QMessageBox.warning(self.mainWindow(), 'Warning', message)
1226  def infoMessage(self, message):
1227  """ Displays info message.
1228  """
1229  QMessageBox.about(self.mainWindow(), 'Info', message)
1231  def showMessageBox(self, text, informativeText="", standardButtons=QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel | QMessageBox.Ignore, defaultButton=QMessageBox.Ok, extraButtons=None):
1232  """ Shows a standardized message box and returns the pressed button.
1234  See documentation on Qt's QMessageBox for a list of possible standard buttons.
1235  """
1237  msgBox = QMessageBox(self.mainWindow())
1238  msgBox.setParent(self.mainWindow(), Qt.Sheet) # Qt.Sheet: Indicates that the widget is a Macintosh sheet.
1239  msgBox.setText(text)
1240  msgBox.setInformativeText(informativeText)
1241  msgBox.setStandardButtons(standardButtons)
1242  if extraButtons!=None:
1243  for button,role in extraButtons:
1244  msgBox.addButton(button,role)
1245  msgBox.setDefaultButton(defaultButton)
1246  return msgBox.exec_()
1248  def doubleClickOnFile(self, filename):
1249  """ Opens file given as argument if possible in Vispa.
1251  If Vispa cannot handle the file type the file will be opened in it's default application.
1252  """
1253  logging.debug(self.__class__.__name__ + ": doubleClickOnFile() - " + str(filename))
1255  if filename == "":
1256  return
1258  baseName = os.path.basename(filename)
1259  ext = os.path.splitext(baseName)[1].lower().strip(".")
1260  if self._knownExtensionsDictionary == {}:
1261  self._collectFileExtensions()
1262  if os.path.exists(filename):
1263  if ext in self._knownExtensionsDictionary:
1264  return self.openFile(filename)
1266  # open file in default application
1267  try:
1268  if 'Windows' in platform.system():
1269  os.startfile(filename)
1270  elif 'Darwin' in platform.system():
1271  if os.access(filename, os.X_OK):
1272  logging.warning("It seems that executing the python program is the default action on this system, which is processed when double clicking a file. Please change that to open the file witrh your favourite editor, to use this feature.")
1273  else:
1274  subprocess.call(("open", filename))
1275  elif 'Linux' in platform.system():
1276  # Linux comes with many Desktop Enviroments
1277  if os.access(filename, os.X_OK):
1278  logging.warning("It seems that executing the python program is the default action on this system, which is processed when double clicking a file. Please change that to open the file witrh your favourite editor, to use this feature.")
1279  else:
1280  try:
1281  #Freedesktop Standard
1282  subprocess.call(("xdg-open", filename))
1283  except:
1284  try:
1285  subprocess.call(("gnome-open", filename))
1286  except:
1287  logging.error(self.__class__.__name__ + ": doubleClickOnFile() - Platform '" + platform.platform() + "'. Cannot open file. I Don't know how!")
1288  except:
1289  logging.error(self.__class__.__name__ + ": doubleClickOnFile() - Platform '" + platform.platform() + "'. Error while opening file: " + str(filename))
1291  def createStatusBar(self):
1294  self._progressWidget = RotatingIcon(":/resources/vispabutton.png")
1295  self._window.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(self._progressWidget)
1297  def startWorking(self, message=""):
1298  if len(self._workingMessages.keys()) == 0:
1299  self._progressWidget.start()
1300  self._window.statusBar().showMessage(message + "...")
1301  self._messageId+=1
1302  self._workingMessages[self._messageId] = message
1303  self._progressWidget.setToolTip(message)
1304  return self._messageId
1306  def stopWorking(self, id, end="done"):
1307  if not id in self._workingMessages.keys():
1308  logging.error(self.__class__.__name__ +": stopWorking() - Unknown id %s. Aborting..." % str(id))
1309  return
1310  if len(self._workingMessages.keys()) > 1:
1311  self._window.statusBar().showMessage(self._workingMessages[self._workingMessages.keys()[0]] + "...")
1312  self._progressWidget.setToolTip(self._workingMessages[self._workingMessages.keys()[0]])
1313  else:
1314  self._progressWidget.stop()
1315  self._progressWidget.setToolTip("")
1316  self._window.statusBar().showMessage(self._workingMessages[id] + "... " + end + ".")
1317  del self._workingMessages[id]
1319  def tabCloseRequest(self, i):
1320  self.mainWindow().tabWidget().setCurrentIndex(i)
1321  self.closeFile()
1323  def showStatusMessage(self, message, timeout=0):
1324  self._window.statusBar().showMessage(message, timeout)
1326  def cancel(self):
1327  """ Cancel operations in current tab.
1328  """
1329  logging.debug(__name__ + ": cancel")
1330  try:
1331  self.currentTabController().cancel()
1332  except NoCurrentTabControllerException:
1333  pass
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
Definition: FindCaloHit.cc:7
void clear(CLHEP::HepGenMatrix &m)
Helper function: Reset all elements of a matrix to 0.
Definition: matutil.cc:167
std::string toString(const char *format,...)
Definition: xdaq_compat.cc:4
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
static std::string join(char **cmd)
Definition: RemoteFile.cc:18
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
list save
Definition: cuy.py:1163
tuple filename
Definition: lut2db_cfg.py:20
double split
Definition: MVATrainer.cc:139